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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1959, p. 12

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PAG TELV ____________________ .TUB. nmijAULi mTATNZIuAN, .5UWNAN YLe, ONTARIO THfWA.PEL!r lU - A A - ---- Trophies, Crests Presenfed As 3 00 Vest m Pocket Rockets Hang Up Skates for Year A fitting climax ta the 1958- 59 niinor hockey season was the eighth annual Minor Hockey Trophy Night held at the Lions Centre with close ta 300 hockey playors joining in the festivi- lies. Ail enjoyed the fast-movingc program of award presenta- tions, entertainment and re- freshments. Master of Cere- unonies for the evening was Walter Goode. Head table guests were Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers, *Bob Watt, chairman of the Arena Management Committee, Jack Lander, chairman ai the BRecreation Department, Don Gilhooly, convenor for the Little N.H.L. Hontor Goalle A highl*Ight of the everilng was the presentation of the Bartlett Trophy, emblematic of the most outstanding ability, teaml plày and sportsmanship from the minor leagues up to the Intermediates, to Grant Wright, goaltender for the Bow- inanville Midgets, Ontario Champions. It was presented by Howard Jeffery on behaif of the Lions Club. "Town Council is not inter- ested ini who wiris or looses, but is interested that minor hockey is available toalal the young- sters in Bowmanvile," Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers stated. Manager Retire. The Mayor went on to COfll? gratulate the Bowmanviuile Mid- get and Juvenile teams who mnade such a splendid showing for Bowmianviile in winning the Midget Championship and be- Ing runners Up in the Juvenile division. He miade special note cf the fact that Mr. Watt will be retiring this year as Arenaj BROWNIE MOVIE CAmERA,Twut(23 Lowest price ever for a complete turret camera tiow, you con have a superLv 8mm movie camera, competeiy équipped for reguior, telephoto, end wide-ongie movie-making-. at c new, unbeiievabiy iow price! it's as easy ta use as a snopshot camera, yet gives yau a 3-lens change cf viowpoint at a tum of the Smaoth-action tu>. rot. No extra lenses ta buy. $69.50 Manager after many years of wonderful service. Mr. Jack Lander, prescntcd Mr. Watt with a gift as a takon of thc appreciation for the ser- vice he has rcndercd ta the Recreation Department durlng his long service as Arena Man- ager. Another gift was presented to Mr. Samis by Don Gilhooly, on behaîf of the Bowmanvilce Little N.H.L. Association. Mr. Watt thankcd the Re- creation Dcpartment and the Little N.H.L. for their thought- fui gifts. Mir. Watt congratulat- cd the boys as wcil as the adults responsible for the outstanding minor hockey season ini Bow- manville. Retains Interest Mr. Watt also, stated that hE 1would still bo interested in thE Minor Hockey teams in Bow. manville and would do his ut. omositat sec that there was ai. Lways a tcam for the boys tc play on. Aiter thc presentations a film "Bowmanvile Centennial" wa, shown and this was foilowed by refreshmenta of hot dogs, ice cream and pop. The Hockey Mothers' Auxiliary under the leadership o! Mrs. L. Nichoa wore in charge af Uic refresh- ments. Following ia the llst of the variaus presentations: Trophies Teen Town Trophy-ta Atamn Champions-Prescnted by Lin- da Braoking ta, Raina Captain, Dan Nowlan. Reg. Harding-Tora Gatcheil Trophy - ta Pee Wee Cham- pions-Presented by Tom Gat- chel-to Rangers Captain, Ron Hooper. Miller Trophy - ta Banitain Champions - Presented by Dr. C. Cattran-to Huskies Captaln, David Woolner. Lions Club Trophy - to Mid- giet Chanipions-Presented by H. Jeffery-to Orphans Captain, Bruce Ogden. Ab Mavin-Bob Stevens Mug -ta Atom Consolation Winncrs -Presented by Doug Rigg-to Indians Captain, Wayne Barrett. Special Presentation ta Len Lucas for winning the Atam Mug three years in a row. Roy Neads Mug-to Bantam Consolation WIaxners - Present- cd by Roy Neads-ta Bruins Captain, John Kilpatrick, Harry Hughes Mug-to Ban- tamn Consolation Winner--Pre- sented by Harry Hughes ta Cubs Captain, Don Rickard. Art Hooper Mug-to Midget Consolation Winners-Present- ed by Art Hooper-to Generals Captain, David Werry. Robin Haod, Qata Trophy- IvLV.P. in Atam League-Pue. sented by Jed Wilson-ta Phil- ip Manduck of Uic Rama. Robin Hood Oats T.rophy - M.V.P. lIn Pee Wee League - Presented by Si Arnold-_tO Color Slides, iMpf. e id 1IYS KODAK Pom»]E CAMERA OUTFIT Everything needed forý color-slicle enloyment, Amazingiy iaw-cost color-slild outfit fcaturing the Kodak Pony ii-Kodak's ecsiest-to-use mini. ature camnera. Aiso includes unique new Kodak Pocket Flash. aider, flashbulbs, batteries, sid. viewer, and a 20-exposure ral of wanderfiI Kodachrome Film for cofor-side making. A tre*. inendovs voluel $47.25 Danny Wilkins oi the Red Wings. Robin Rond Oats Trophy- M.V.P. in Bantam League - Presented by Gea. Vice - to Donald Rlckard of the Cubs. The Bartlett Trophy - cm- bleniatic o! the nMost outstand- ing ability, team play and sportamanship by a player play- ing organized hockey in Bow- manville-Presented by H. Jef- fory-to Grant Wright - O.M. H.A. Midgcts. Crests Presented toalal Boys who played Minor Hockey-Mrs. L. Nlc4iols - President of Hockey Mothers. Atom League Winners-Pre- sented by Murray McKnight- ta Barons Coaches-Jack Hayes, Geo. Cawker.- Pee Wee League Wininers Presented by Harold Baison- ta Ranger Coach, Walter Goode. Bantam. League Winners - Presented by Frank Jamiesoný -ta Huskieà Coach, Bill Nich- olson. Midget League Winners - Presented by Mayor Carruthersa -ta Orphan Coaches, Dbn Oke, Howard Poilard. Atom. League Champions - Presented by Don Gilhooly - to Rama Coaches, Bob Marier- rison, Ted Fairey. Pee Wee League Champions -Presented by Bob Mari cru- son-to Rangers Coach, Wailter Goode. Bantam League Champions- Presented by Irwin Beauprie- ta Huskies Coach. Bill Nichol- SMn. Atom AUl Star Crests - Pre- sented by Joe Kcnnett-to Atom Coaches, Don Gilhaoly, Doug Walton. Midget League Champions - Presented by Bob Watt-to Or- phans Coaches, Don Oke, How- ard Pollard. Pee Wee Ail Star Creats - Presented by Bert Johnston- ta Pcc Wee Coaches, Ed Rundie, Morley Oke. Bantam Ail Star Crests - Presented by John Mason-to Bantam Coaches, Harold Bal- son, Paul Chant. Presentation to Coaches and Referees by Doug RIgg. PHONE MA 3-5778 Your.* w ww ý BOWVMANVILLE Ena Etchcr's tcam defeatedi Bernice Buday's bowlcrs 2-1, in a first place battle last Monday night ta capture the second schedule championship. The victors will meet Kay Boauprîe's team, winners o! the second sehedule for Uic Ladies' Major League title. Doris Joll's second place oufit downed Beauprie 2-1.1 The results o! the remaining games, which didn't mean any- thing wore: Lydia Bates 3 - One Etcher 0; Joyce Lyle .2 - Shirley Bickeil 1; Lorraine Martyn 2 - Lola Wright 1; and June Baker 2 - Norma Gay 1. June Baker wound up the regular season on a fine note, taking bath Uic high triple with a 712 and the higli single with a 292 game. Lorraine Martyn rolled 285 !oilowed by Donna Preston (271) and 0111e Pat- field (266). Other hlgh totals went ta Kay Stephen (683), Lorraine Martyn (672) and Ena Etchor (660). 200 Games June Baker 292, 249; Lor- raine Martyn 285, 265; Donna Preston 271, QUie Patfield 266; Peggy Haynes 253, 203; Kay Stepheris 246, 221, 216; Lydia Bates 243, 225; Doris Joil 241, 218; Norma Gay 239, Ena Et- cher 235, 220, 205; Moliy Hen- derson 235; Em Stringer 231, 219; Dot Brooks 229, 217; Grace Blackburn 229, Bernice Buday 227, 202; Mabel Williams 227;j Stella Brown 226, 222; Thelmaj Forrester 222; Bernice Terry1 221; Babe Brown 221; Joyce Major 217; M1iliie Armstrong 217; Lola Wright 217; Shirley Davis 214; Mabel Lewis 213; Mary Wilcox 212, 211; Dell Vin- son 210; Ivy Coverley 208; Joycec Lyle 208, 207; Millie White 207; Essie 'Cox 207; Jean Harness 207, 201; Ada Richards 204; Jean Musial 201; Dot Crombie .201. Team Standings Points IE. Etcher ID. JolI ____ B. Buday K. Beauprie IL. Bates___ S. Bickcl ___ L. Martyn O. Etcher ___ J. Baker ___ J. Lyle L. Wright N. Gay 9Pins 42460 41243 41977 43490 42115 41059 40816 40451 39772 40231 13 39951 O'Coninor Bowl Plans Tourney Men's Singles Detala were rek-msd taday of thc 3rd Annual O'Connor Bowl Open Men's Singles 5 pin tournament. This tournament ta be held at O'Connor Bowl, 1401 O'Con- nor Drive, Taranto, May 8-24 Inclusive, offers an unprece- dentcd 250 prizes, tota]ling $10,- 550.00, guarantecd, and lnclud- ing $2,000.00 first prize. Bowlers rail 10 games across 20 lanes under exacting tour- nament rulres and regulatians and with the finest procurable equipinent provided. A strictly enforced entry deadline of May 3rd has been set. Entry ie of $10.00 must accompany entry - lineage la Payable on registerjng. Special daily high single awards are included. A perfect game is worth $1,U00.00 Weekends arc rescrved for bowlers from outside Toronto. Followin.g the Men's tourna- ment, the ladies will tako over I from May 25-31, shooting for 80 prizes totalling $2,000.00-8 gamos across 16 lanca -. high single and perfect game awards additional. Ladies entry f02 la $5.00 plus lineage-entry deadlinc la May 20th. 'Home'& School Bowling Spring foyer must have hit a number o! aur bowlers. At- tendance was down consider- able--cither that or thc house- cleaning bug. The Canaries puiled iurther away from the Sparrows and now have a two paint lead. Bluebirds gained a point, as also did the Robins. Bluejays losf both their games but wonder o! wonders the lowly Wrens took the second place Sparrows for a point. Oniy four of thc crawd nfianag- ed 200 games with J. Lyle lead- ing the way wîth a high ai 261. M. King 239, S. Bucknell 227 and O. P'atfield 202. Averages O. Patfield 188 S. Davis ________187 J. Lyle 186 E. Etcher _________185 S. Bucknell _______174 M. King 174 A. Sleep 173 A. Hodgins 166 H. Rundie ____166 Winners at. Minor Hockey Trophy Night o The final event of the hockey season here took Wr*ght, David Werry, David Woolner and Don Rickard; place last Thursday evening at the Lions Centre when bottom photo: -Wayne Barrett, John Kilpatrick, Ron awards were presented. In the upper photo, those holding Hooper, Danny Wilkins and Danny Nowlan. trophies include, from left to right: Bruce Ogden, Granti -Photos by Rehder K EDRON Columbus United Church. M. teresting"Msin Night."1 day). oenih ussI h mittee, presided. Rev. Love gave pathy ta Mr. and Mrs. A. Wil- R. Lee home were Mr. Dlck Jael, The regular church service bur, Sharron and Douglas ini Netherlands and Mr. Paul Mey- was at 230 p.m. with ReM te&issG. e asaer an prfor the passing on Sunday o! their crs, West Indies. Bath classmates Love lcad'ing in worship. Mrs. th hMs . Wbc in o son, and brother, Gary, in thc of Brian's at O.A.C. and were an D. Love contributed a ibeautifu th hyn. E onjyarne Oshawa Hospital. their way to Montreal. solo, "Hold Thou My Hand" Mw vr E M ontes arrang Miss S. Murray R.N, St. Ca- Miss Lynn Farrow, Port Cred- accompanid by organist, Mrs two veory lfulooets, iving Us. aines, is visiting in thc, spcnt the weekend et Mr. and supLevrndencon acting Ther'~e filmn, "Eyes that Sec" was Ogle home for a f ew days. sR. Lee'S. supne Scho o Hu wî thes introduced by Mu. W. Werry Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyck, Bonnie The annual spring convention Sunda Sch ol H ur wi h Mi saif O shaw a Presbytcry Y .P.U . Eleanor Mountjoy, pianist. Glor- and ho called on Mr. Grant Web- and Susan, had Sunday supper wiîî ho held this weekend ini ia Mountjoy, John Ogle received ber who kindIy was in charge. with Mr. and Mrs. J. York, Tor- St Andrew's United Church, the offering. Those present were impressed onto. Kenneth, Jack and Lois Osha.A odruoprtn Missions Night with thc stary. Later, Mu. Pow- visited their aunt in Belleville, îty faa.A oundeoppe oru. ell losd ths prt f evnin Sunay.nwforil Younsg mPeplew ta.- The social evening arranged welh oimedlthisarkof veand g Sunay, Stephen Barnett has ends aninspirnmaesfi bhe M.M committee ofih preciation toa ai, including the. beeri in hospital for a few days The Boy Scouts have arranged charge was held Sunday ýevoning "ILive Wire Class" -who served for ininor surgery. Friends hope a paper drive for Saturday af. in theh Sunday Shool room of refreshients ta close a very in- he will be home to-day (Mon- ternoon, May 23. ROBSON DOES MOTORS ilT LTD. AGAIN!il FOR THE PAST FEW MONTHS WE FREE - HAVE ADVERTISED THE VAUXHALL THE 150 UNITS HAVE BEEN SOLD THE DRAW WILL BE MADE IN OUR' SHOWROOM BY MAYOR WILFRID D. CARRUTHERS Saturd.ay, April 25 at 2 p.m. We invite ail participants and their friends to join with us on this 166 King St. E. very special occasion. ROBSON MOTORS - LIMITED- >ontiac - Buick - Vauxhali Cars j GMC Truck. HJgh Scores Hligh Single - June Baker ______292 >High Triple - June Baker -_______712 High Average- Doris Joil ~212 A'verages Name Ave. Doris Joll _______2121 Bernice Buday 208ý Lydia Bates ________2041 Ena Etcher ______203 Orne Etcher ________2021j Lorraine Martyn. 2021 Kay Beauprie 201 Joyce Lyle 200 Ollie Patfield _______196 Donna Preston _____1961 Mary Wilcox _____1961 Peggy Hay.nes 193 June Baker _______1911 Em Stringer 1901 Norma Norris ______1891j Shirley BickeH ______1861j Kay Stephens 1821 Sadie Bucknell ______182 Shirley Davis ______182 Helen *Dunu _______182 Wilma Bates -______182 Dot Brooks 181 Lola Wright 181 Lil Hooper 179 Dore Mutton 179 Norma Gay- 1781I Ada Richards _____-178 Dell Vinson -.177 Lou Lyle -----------177 Betty Wes'tlakc 176 Joyce Tennant ______176 Eva Whit*ehead _____176 Jean Musial _____1761 Molly Henderson 176' Dot Crombie 174 Essie Cox _____-.172 Joyce Major -____1721 Vel Miler ____ 1711 Audrey Bickell- 170 Audrey Osmond _____170 Eleanor Larmer 170 Helen Vivian _______169 Marg Perris ________169 Myra Cooper 168 Thelma Forrester 167 Grace Bl'ackburn ____167 Helen Piper 167 Jean Harness - 167 Eileen Holroyd 166 Bernice Partner _____164 Hilda Siiuk ____ 163 Evelyn Large 163 Babe Brown 162 Berniece Terry 162 Nancy Bryans ~162 Mary Harrison 462 MZuriel Holroyd 161 Jean Sellers _______161 Joan Engley 160 Mabel Lewis ________158 Duaine Palmer 157 Stella Brown 157 Barb Bathgatc 157 Dot Fair --_______155 Mvillie Armnstrong - 152 Dolly Brooks _____151 Bvelyn Embly 149, Doris Holroyd, 148 Meg. Gibbs _______ 1 Gin Ells ______1461 Nyle Sheehan,______145 'elen Parks -~ 144 !.velyn Woolner _____144 Dot Virtue _______144 3eth Chartran 143 Glad Rahin _______142 Ivy Coverley 140 JS Mutton ______140 Ann White ______139 Müie White 137 Mabe1 Williams _____128 Iuby Woodward ____127 Velma Myles -______123 ivelyâ Morrison _in__ 1 L MA 3-332 1 x .) ""WHERE CUSTOMERS SEND THEIR FRIENDS" -v~-~-~-------------------------- - -~ - -.- - 1Ladies' Major Bowling Jury and Love!! 'CODODIAD TIRE IN BOWMANVILLE ,,,,-OPENUNG SOON! 1 oz? 1 ao 39951 -- U PAGLF TWELVE qqm OWAIOAVWAW «MARRowmaale eeý C-fý-c mum- DRAW F Bowmanville

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