TXUES~~DAT j AP "I r , 1 5 - ý=4J t~L~ , .'J~ 5j~ ..Lod JIL~ ~ -. - - -" - PA<IU WIVP ~~JJ4f~'~4.- t ~$¼*~ j~ .- - 0 0 0 invite cordi ally on Organ Recital 7:30 p.m. Dedication Service 8:00 PO.ma Morris Funeral Home Combines Dignif y with Modern Trends The n<ew Morris Funeral Chapel being officially opened this week conforms throughout with the latest developments in the profession. On entering the impressive main enttnce one finds oneseif in a spacious and attractive entrcmce hall or lobby with stained glass windows and wide doors opening on the centre and side aisies of the main chapel. To the lef t is the office and reception room, where a f amily can discuss funeral arrangements in the privacy of a luxurious living-room. To the right is the main slumber room and also access to the private family room. The larger room (over 32' long) is tastefully furnished in French Provindial, gold ormolu mirror and accessories. Here one whole wall is drapery covered in a most pleasing blend of sohid color tones. The chape-,!tseIf is a thing 'of, beauty, demanding in a quiet subtle way, one's admirationA----h -ar-chçd ceil naber cathedral glass window and stained side windows, with spedtà . 4 ned amber lantemhs and side brackets provide ail the dignity of a fine church interior. The* front of the' chapel is tastefully draped in a Roman striped damask, providin g a beautiful background for casket and flowers. Qffhie zïiiirý. hall are twin carpeted stairways leading to the smoking lounges, wash--rOOMS -U'ancskebt display rooms. Here attractive caskets which reflect artistic craf tsm,'anship are displayed, off ering a wide range of prices for a complete f uneral service.' The. room is beautif ully finished,' well lighted and spacious. The rest ai -the basement is completely utilized, with wash room, storage area and mnecianiedi roo0M- for heating and air conditioning units. COMPLIMENTS of J. BROUGH -Tt Was bur- pleasure to do the plumbing DIVISION ST. MA 3-5615 COMPLIMENTS of' McGregor Hardware Limited It was our pleasùre to supply - ?4phs-Ma»vilJe roofing materials 95 KING ST. W. MA 3-3386 BOWMANVILLE Recreation Rooni Adjoining Family Boom Furnished in French Provincial Family Réception Boom Furnished i Danish Modern View of ChaPel Imom Front Looking Toward Main Entrance COMPLIMENTS of FRY &BLACKHALL LIMITED Inventoiu and Manufacturers Living-room Furniture of quality and distinction WINGHAM, ONTARIO CANADA COMPLIMENTS of Chesterfield & Furniture Mfg. Co. Limited "Du Barry Upholâtered Furniture" Exclusive Feature - Genuine MARSHALL Cushions 46-52 NOBLE STREET TORONTO, ONTARIO If has been a pleasure Io insf ai a.. LE/INOX Year-round Heating and Air Conditiorkg System .A. E COLE 55 KING ST. W. MA 3-3348 COMPLIMENTS of Howaârd S. Brooking DECOEATING 45 Prince St MA 3-3931 Bowmanvme to visit their new Itheir frien-ds chapel at 'the Do,,ors Open 7:00 p.em. Compliments of Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Lt d. It was our pleasure and privilege to supp'Iy lumber and building inaterials 96 KING ST. L. MA 3-5715 BOWVMANVILLE TEC MAT, AP& "r& IM TM LQANAMAW q'FAMV-qVAW mmmAievw% - -