'AGE SIXTE~q THURSDAV~ APWTT. ~M TM UVMAIAAM UATI'QAtN.GFlANVUTT.L ONTAUXO SocwIa andi .Congratulations are in order today to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Allen who are quietly celebrat- ing their 4th wedding anni- versary at their home on North street. 1%1. and Mrs. Allen were mnarried on April 23rd, 1919. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tomkin- son and famidly of Richmond HUI were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barchard and famlly. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jose and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gra- haine Crawford of Brampton :C were Sur4day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose andi fam- iiy. fPersonal Dinner guests wlth Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allun on Wednes-ý day af last week were Mr. anti Mxrs. Joe McKnýiight ai Omemee and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Allin. *Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMeri- emy and son Wayne, ai Glen Williams, visiteti with Mr. and Mrs.. Gardon Agnew on Sunday. Mx. anti Mxs. Robert Chris- tie oi Toronto, were weekend visitors with Mr. andi Mxs. Gar- don Garrod Jr. Mrs. John Voutt and son Neil spent a couple of days visiting with relatives in Concord. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allin, Mrs. H. R. Peance, Mr. and Mrs. ICANCER LITZi The Newcastle Lionette Club is conducting a Blitz Canvass on behaif of the Canadian Cancer Society on NONDAT, APRIL 271h Atternoon and Evening Please be generous when the canvasser calis at your door. PROCLAMATION By resoii4ion of the Village Council DAYLIGHT SAVING TINE wiii be observed in the Village of Newcastle from SUNDAY, APRIL 26 until Saturday, October 24th inclusive. Citizens are requested to put their clocks and watches One Hour AHEAD before retiring on Saturday evening, April 25th. D. J. CUNNINGHAM, Reeve. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN N EWCASTLE DRY CLEANERS Phone Newcastle 3831 SHIRT SPECIALISTS - DRAPES a RUGS Satisfaction Guaranteed FREE PICKTJP AND DELIVERY IN: Orono, Kendal, Kirby, Enterprlse, Wesleyvllle, Port Granby, Newtonville, Welcome, Elizabethvllle, Port Britain, Newcastle and Bowmanville. AGENCIES AT: PAULINE'S, NEWCASTLE PORTER'S STORE, NEWTONVILLE TRULL'S STORE, COURTICE BOWMANVELLE - PHONE MA 3-3168 Odoriess Cleaning - Garments returned iplastic bags Agent for Acadi.an Cleaners & Pressers Ltd. EXTRA SPECIALe Lean Minced B Hamburg B uns- Pork Liver - - BLUE BRAND BEEF Prime R oas'ts Rib SHORT CUT lb. 69c Produce Feature Oranges Big Fireworks Display Planned by Lions Club Victoria Day, May 18 NEWCASTLE - Due ta the outstanding succesa ai the Com- munity Fireworks Displav held ini the community Park last Victoria Day, the Newcas- tle Lions Club at the regular meeting helti last week. decid- eti to sponsor the event again this year ôn the same basis it was operateti last year. Lion Keith Aiken, chairnian ai the commuttee informs us a canvass wifl be matie ta par- ents whio will be spending money for fineworks for thein children anyway and the iunds will ail be pooled ta punchase a wonthwhile lot ai tireworks. Bottîca wil alsa be placeti in Johnson's Drug Store, Toms' I.G.A. Store, Goode's Hardware', *The Bank of Commerce and other places where contribu- tions wlll be accepted ta swel the fund. ?&. Aiken bas al- ready been ini tauch with the fireworks salesman and it is hopedti t be able ta order a $200 display. Last year the tire department were on hand in case ai emen- gency andi it is expected this will be the case this year also. Thus, with pooling the funds af ail who would purchase smali quantities of fireworks it is possible ta have a large display lasting approximately two hours that everyone can enjay without addeti expensse. Victoria Day talîs this year on May l8th, so, those wishing ta participate in this safe and sane celebeation are asked to make thein donations as early as possible ta assure the success of the venture. Human FoIIy Not Funny Fires, Accidents Prove NEWCASTLE - Mr., Ralph W. Harris ai Toronto, public relations representative oi the -AUl-Canada Insurance Federa- tion, was the guest speaker at the regular meeting af the New- castle Lions Club helti in the dining-room ai the Queen's Ho- tel on Thurstiay evening. Stanley Powell and Mrs. Nor- man Rudman were in Belle- ville on Tuesday where they attendeti the funeral ai the late Mx. A. H. Fisher. Mn. anti Mxs. Sidney Buckles, Dorotby anti Bobby ai Camp- beliford were Sunday visitons with Mi. anti Mis. John Vautt and fiamily. Mr. and Mis. Percy Hare spent a few days last week visiting with their son, Dr. Jack Hare and famlly i St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were hasts recently for a gath- erîng ai relatives celebrating the occasion of the 4th wed- ding anniversary ai his parents, -Mn. andi Mrs. Edward Powell who wejre presenteti with a platiorin rocker. The evening was spent in playing euchre, dancing anti [just visiting, andi comning toaa conclusion with the serving ai Ideliciaus reineshinents and wed- ding cake. Relatives were present tram Taranto, Whitby, Oshawa anti Newcastle. The Merry M.arnied Couple's Club ai Newcastle United' Church meet in Oshawa iast week ta be taken on a tour ai the, sauth plant ai the Genenal Mators Campany, which praveti most interesting andi education- ai. They wene told it. takes 5,- 000 men five minutes ta assem- ble a car andi 231/2 hours for the ywT.-taa tiehesdr eekolt5 wti-e 1 complete job ai makinig a car. Aiter the taur the members were taken ta the cafeteria where they were serveti re- Jtreshnients. e - .1b. 39c - - ~pkg. 19c -~ -2lbs. 35c Save 20c 6 OZ. JAR CHASE & SANBORN Instant Coffee 89C Size 3 doe Introducet by Mr. Arnoldi Wade ai Newtonville, Mr. Har- ris spoke on the Follies ai Hu- man Behaviaur and the cost that results from. such folly. He saiti the latest figures on fire insurance show Canada to have a fine loss ai 450 million dollars ini anc year anti that go percent ai this bas been causeti by humnan iolly. The speaker saiti we are ail looking forward ta lowen prernium rates on aur fixe insurance but as long as there is so much unnecessany loss we cannot expect the pre- miums ta drop. He said an in- surance company wbich us showing a 2 percent profit is consideredti t be doing real weil. Turning ta automobile insur- ance, Mr. Harris saiti the record showed. 68,000 casualties in Can- ada i.n one year, and that in On- tario in 1956 there had been 71,- 399 reportable accidents which bnci caused 1,180 deaths with a very large majority ai these being causeti by human foily. He said tbat this was continu- ing ta graw and the figures for 1957 showed an increase ai 8 percent. In closing he saiti that it is flot a very pretty picture but it will not improve until the peo- pie realize that driving la a pri- vilege and nat a right anti lean ta drive their cars accardin-gly. He said there la an urgent need for every citizen ta restrain reckless drivers. The appreciation ai the club was expressed ta Mr. Harris for bis timely address by Lion Keith Aiken. Lion President Chas. Giikes conducted a short business ses- sion duning which it was tieciti- ed ta again sponsor a commûn- ity firewonkg display similar ta tint helti last year ta celebrate Victoria Day with Lion Keith Aiken leit in charge ai details. In reporting as chairman of the Carnival cammaittee, Lion Irwin Colwill saidthte commit- tee bati decidet ta holti the an- nual carnival on Fniday, June 26th in tbe Mémorial Anena. He said it bati been found the Park was too damp andi cool even when it diti fot ram so the committee had decidedti t try it on the inside. The annual election oi Dinec- tars for the club was conduct- ed resulting as toilows: Lions, 1Harold Gibson, Carl Gould, Fran'k Hoar, Harry Jase, Harper Kelsey, Charles Kniox, John Koropatwa, Richard Lovekin, Charles Megit, Murray Pater- son, William Stonks and Philip 1Williams. The officers of the club for the 1959-60 club Year commenc- ing in JulY will be elected from this directorate at the next- re- gular meeting ai the -club. Owen Fagan Is Manager 0f New 'Bank The openig Of the new bnanch ai the Canadian Bank ai Cao?hnerce at Yenge anti Ade- laide Streets, Tarants, hast Monday, Apnil 2th. was af rnuch iterest ta a great many Bowmanviile residents due ta the tact that the managen's name was very famniliar ta, many in this district. The manager la none othen than Owen M. J. Fagan, a farmner Bowmanville boy. Mr. Fagan la a son ai Mr. anti Mis. Owen D. Fagan. Beeci Ave., anti was educateti in Bowmanville Public anti High Schools. Upon leaving school he entered the baçiking fieldi until World War II when lie joineti the C.9nadian Army. Mr. Fagan serveti as a Lieutenant in the Canadian Army anti on bis retunn ta Bawmlanville at the conclusion ai the wan, he joine theUicbranch ai the cana- dian Bank ai Commerce here. Mr. Fagan's ativancement bas been continuous, anti priai' ta his appointment as manager, he had been an Inspectai' for the bank. working out ai Toronto. 1&- anti Mrs. Fagan (the for- mer Marion Cooper) with their two chiltiren, Michael anti Ka- ren, reside i Orono but plan ta move ta Toronto. Gardon Agnow, Editor ~Phosmi NE WTON VILLE Miss Audrey Monk ai To- ronto, spent the weekenýd with ber sister, Mis. Jin Caswell. Mss. Ruth Hampshire ai Port Hope, spent a few days with Mn. anti Mrs. Sid Lancaster. Mn. anti Mrs. Gea. Stapletan spent Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs Milton Cornish ai Bailiebora. Mn. and Mrs. Cliaton Brown~ moved this weekita thein new home, which. they purchaseti inam Mr. Dave Den-auit. Mr. and Mrs. Clelanti Lane were weekend visitons with Mn. anti Mrs. J. C. Moore ai Hamil- tan. Mr. andi Mrs. Wilbert Han- cock ai Peterborough, spent the weekenti with the John- stans. Mn. anti Mis. Gea. Stapletan anti Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Mar- tin attendeti the annuai d-inner anti dance ai the Eastern On- tario Hereford Club at Brook- side Pavilion, Peterborough. Mi. Dave Denault has renteti Mn. Roy Smith's apantment anti maveti in this week. Quite a numben tram here attended the Vegetable Grow-1 ers' supper helti in Newcastle! Hall Fniday evening. The flowers i the church! on Sunday wene in loving mcmr- ory of Mr. Everett Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown spent the weekend with ber parents, Mr. anti Mis. Harvey Taylor ai Bruceiield. Congratulations ta Mr. anti Mxs. Gea. Henderson ai Port Hope who were 49 years man- nieti an April 2Oth. The fam- lly, eleven in numben, enter- taincti them at the Flying Dutchman, Bowmanville, aiter- wands concludmng the family~ party at thc home af Mr. and Mlis. Beverley Hentiersonâ. WESLEY VILLE Spring has anrivcd at last. Work bas begun on the lighten,! higiier fields and many smclt fishermen are swarmnmg ta the creek mouths. Work on the Church la pro-' gressing. Seats for the congre. gation hati been replaceti faon Sunday so Church service was' beld once again in the Churcb. Rev. Gardiner was preacher owing ta the absence ai Rev. Harding who was confinedti t beti with the flu. Allan Clarke sang thc solo i ur choir an- themn which was "In the quiet. ai tbis place"i Mirs. Barroweiough returneti home tram Vancouver the past week where sic visiteti with ber son Howard anti iamily. Sic travelleti on ta Ottawa im- mediately ta ber sick mather's betiside. The annual Vegetable Gnow- I ers' banouet was helti i Ne- castle Hall Friday 4v en ingw, April l7th. Mn. anti Mrs. H. Austin and iamily, Mr. and Mis. i T. Austin and family, AI. andi MIEra. R. Lazier anti Marie Aus- tin attendei. MIs. H. Austin, Mn. T. Austin and Pearl Aus-. tin won prizes. Mr. H. Austin, Marie, Pearl! anti Bannie Austin and Donna Ougbtneti attendeti the public speaking contcst in. Part Hope High School Wcdnesday even- ing, April lSth. Truman Austin, assistant su- penintendent, conducteti Sun- d-ay School an Sunday in the absence ai Murray Payne. Bon-i nie Austin reati the scripture reading. Mn. and Mirs. Eti. Karývonen visited with Mr. anti Mss. E.' Barrowclougb Sunday. Doncen M.illson anti Jean El- liatt visiteti witb Muriel Aus- tin d uri ng the weekend. Ls Enjoy Supper I Out Cancer Blitz ha ffrÊtl LesLooïk Back1 Plan Ail 10 «YearuA» lu Newcautl SApril 21. 1948 NEW'CASTL,- TIh Couneil b.ad just reoeived meeting of the Newc permission tram the Onftario ettes Club took the Department of Hiighways ta ereet traffic signais at the cor- 1 Pot luck supper tx ner of King and Mil streets.' home of Lionette Je The cost of installation, which on Monday evening i the village had to pay, was es- teen members in ati timated at $900 During the busine * * the meeting plans wi Building was booming in ed for the blita bein Newcastle with the addition ed on behal.f of tii' ta the J. Anderson Smith Com- Cancer Society or pany underway; a Lunch Bar Apnil 27th, atternoor nearing completian at Rod Car- ing. Letters of thanks veth's B.A. Service Station; tram shut-ins who hi Charlie Knox had his Honev flowers tramn the ci Hollow Restaurant under con- ter turne. struction and two bouses owii. It was decided ed by Harold Couch and James. should put up a La, Dyer on LIIi street were near- Chair andi a Dresse ing completion. prizes for the dri S* * # conjunction with It was announced that Geo. Carnival in the Me: Crawther had bis ladies' soft t. ena on June 26th.1 bail team working out in the also discussed for tl basement of the community booth and an access( hall until tbey were able ta get bats, jewellery, scar on ta the bail diamond at the addition ta the usual park. balloons. * * *Lionette Marion Sti sentences were handed: the îucky winner ai out in MIagistrates court ta two lar monthly draw b mien sumnmoned by Chief Wight1 the memesoth cbarged with engagîng in a meso h drunken brawl on Churchi The next regular Street. The men were given the. club will be h one year's suspended sentence, dining-room af the Ç each plus court costs of $39; tel on Monday, MVay and had ta post bond of $1,000j each and were forbidden ta en- ter a Newcastle beverage room1 for one year. * Little Cardy Storks bad ai close cail when a stray bullet I from a 22-calibre rifle went through the glass in the suni l' porch right above ber crib T wher shewassleeping. Chief Wight was looking for' the owner of the 22 rifle. TO THE ELECTORS Take notice thaitlhe Concil ai the Corporation of the Town. ship oi Clarke by ils By-law No. 1319 passed on the Tenth day ai April, 1959, has enacted 'that there be submitted to a vote ai the electors of the Township School Area ai Clarke a Question ai which the fallowing is a true capy;, "eAre you in favour of the application of the Board of Trustees of the Township School Area of Clarke for the issue of twenty year debentures in the amount of $75,000.00 for the construction of a iwo room school in former school section number 9 and a iwo room school in former school section number 4. And take notice thaitlhe said Council hy ils Dy-law No. 1320 passed on the Tenth day ai April, 1959, has appointed that the vote ai the said electors on 1h. said Question shall be taken on Wednesday the Sixth day ai May 1959, belween the hours ai. 10 o'clock ai the forenoon and 7 o'clock ai the aiternoon, Daylight Saving Time, ai the iollowing places and by the iollowing deputy returning ailicers and poli clerks. DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICER Me. Tupper .obnston Mr. George Stapleton Mr. Doalad Staples Mr. Cecil MalIey Mr. Herbert Holland Mr. Arthur Thompson Mes. L. Greenwood POLL CLERK Mr. Ernest Webster, Mr Miss Olive Johnston Mes. Donald Evans Mes. M. Pedwell Mrs. Hatcher Foster Mes. Herbert Mercer Mes. Garland Cathcart And take notice that an Friday the First day of May, 1959, at the hour of fThree o'clock of the afternoan, Daylight Saving Time, at the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Orono the head af the said Council or a member of it appointed for that purpose by its resolution, will attend for the purpose af appointing, if so requested, two pensons ta attend at the final summing up of the votes on the said Question by the Clerk and one person ta attend at each polling place on behaif of the persans interested in and desirous of pramoting vating in the affirmative on the said Question and a like number on behaif af the pensons interested in and desiraus of promoting voting in the negative on the said Question. And take notice that on Wednesday the Sixth day of May, 1959, at the liour of Nine a'clack of the afternoon at the Council Çhambers in the Town- ship Hall at Orona the Clerk of the municîpality will attend and suni up the number of votes given in the affirmative and negative and declare the resuit of the voting on the said Question. And take notice that a tenant who desires to vote on this matter must deliver ta the Clerk, H. E. Milîsan, at the Township Hall at Orono, not later than the Tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote, a declara- tion madie in accordance with the provisions of subsection 3 of section 276 af The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chap. 243 and Amendments thereto. Anti take notice that any Corporation wishing ta appoint a nominee to be adtied ta the voting list must, accarding ta law, file with the Clerk at Orono an appointmerft in writing flot inter than the Tenth day before the date on which the saiti vote shaîl be taken. And take notice at any tume nat inter than Five days before the day appainteti for taking the vote, a judge, upon the application ai any persan whase name is entered on the list of voters prepared by the Clerk or of any persan entitled ta be entered an that list, may stnike froni the list the name of any persan who is dead or whose name has been wrongfully entered on it, and may add ta the list the name of any person whose name has been wrongly omitteti froni the list or who, if a tenant, though he had flot matie the declaration prescribeti by subsection 3 af section 276, estab- lishes that he has the qualification prescnibeti by that section. Anti take notice that if the assent of the electors is obtaineti the Question iset out herein will be taken into consideration in a special session ai Cou ncil cammencing at Three o'clock in the afternoon an Tuestiay the Nineteenth day of May, 1959, ta be held in the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Orono, Ontario. And further take notice that 1, the undersigned, heneby certify the above Question ta be a correct statement ôf the Question submitted. Dated this l6th day of April, 1959. H. E. MILLSON CLERK. Severe Leaves Winter Walks ln Bad Shape NEWCASTLE - Many com- plaints are being9 heard these days in regard ta the bad con- dition ot the village sidewalks, but it la flot too many weeks since there were campi aints of lack ai îsand on the icy side- walka. The ice bas disappeareti and left "the exceptlonally heavy coat of Sand on the side'waIk causing a hazardous aduý sightly condition on most aide- walks. A littie co-operation on the part of householders with frontages on these 8idewalà, COUld aileviate these condcltlo In m'est cases a lew ma~ with a broom would Ire this unsightly condition, in other cases a shovel w*l~ requ.ired to dean Up the de. bris. The couni have been do- ing a good job keeping the roadis and sidewalks i shape during the extreme winter weather, surely a littie co-op. eration from the citizens ini cleaning up the sidewalks nowe is not too much ta ask. Aklavik ln Canadas North. west Territories is the centre of one ai the world's largest tur trade areas. The Corporation of . e Township of Clarke NOTICE 1flewcasdie Ail citizens are invited to attend a free lecture ani showing of films on the HUNTER SAFETY COURSE] in the NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Thursday, April 301h, e p.. ~\ I K Ir POLLING PLACES Port Granby School Hous Newtonville School Hous Antioch School House Lockharts Sehool House lýendal School House McLeans School House Slxth Line School House F% of. th. value of your Grocery Cash logister Slips will ho doducted from any purchase madee w our Ready-to-Wear Stores - plus 5% reduction in the priceofaith. item. TOMS" I.GA. Newcastle NONET AVAILABLE FOR NGRTGAGES RALPE S. JONES BarrWser sud Soilcitor 85simeoe st. 8. Oshas RA 5-3525 -- Imw - - , - nobl*woblrbà -41b 1 1 , IIAGE SIKTEM THURSDAY. APRIIL 23rcL 120 v