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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1959, p. 17

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?HURSDAY, APRIL 23rd~ 1959 THE CANADIMI BTATMAN. BOWMANVfl~LE. Or~TARio A f±I~ ,Village Tax Rate- Up 3- Milis' Council Refuses Debentures The Orono News j Tel"eh M12 NEWCA.STLE - At a special sehool rates are al] increased1 for enlarging his home and to 1 ,Meeting of the village council this year. M.r. Mace for an addition te his r n r.Pr.Mra ,ý don Monday evening ta At the regular April meeting rest home, h .areund mr efr.orgasit "7'lke the budget for the year of counicil held last week a mo-I ing relatives in Smith Falls and it was found the tax rate would tion was passed authorizing the ~. Perth. have te be raised by 3 miîîs to sending of notices Wo delùi- Loca j Jad Mr. Melvin Bowins, Mr. and meet the expenses for the year. qetrestatc owaerfaied *> Mrs. Lloyd Argue and Lynn of The residential rate will be set dlrenet. heirhlien iend the Bethany visited Mr. and Mrs. at 55 milîs and the commercial renlic eimiteesasndtrute a lied to Sam Brown on S'unday. rat wllbe62. mlî. d tW take action if they were Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper mains about stationary except~ A motion was passed uhr Grass Bl z and Mrs. Chas. Cooper on Sun- frthe gen oral viera te e urhrdae.thr B aze*adarnlOhw, iie.r forthecos ofrepirsto he the reeve to proclaimn NEWCASTLE - The New- comunzy nllg day.e comunity a ulc nhi he aylight Saving Time in the castie Volunteer Fire Depart-. Mr. William E. Armstrong and couty at, pbli ad hghvillage commnencing on Suinday, ment had their first cail toecx. sens Charles and William Jr. Aprîl 26th. Another resolution tinguish a grass f ire out et con- spent the weekend in Mentreal. appointed Counicillors Couch trol on Sunday afternoon. open- Mrs. G. Simpson has accepted N eN4Ca nadi a ns andi Riekard a committcc ta ing the -usual season for such the Bake Stiop position. lighting system in the councii About 2:30 on Sunday after- away suddenly while .working i Pass AllTess cad erhave the woerk'sdonfc. noon the firemen answered a his gardeno Monday mo',ning. and o hve te wrk dne. caîl from Mrs. Farncomb at the1 Funeral ranod Interment. took ,..A motion was passed auther- lake te extinguish a1 blaze that place in Hamilton. W ith Honouizing the reeve Wo notify the had got out cf control andi Congratulations Wo Mr. O. M. NEWASTE Theecf heDurham District High School threatened an evergreen hcdge.1 J. Fagan who has beeni appointed NEWCSTL - hreeof heBoard, the Village of Newcas- Quick work by members ofi manager of the Canadian Bank f ive students who wrote exam- tle would not O.K. the issuing the Department soon had the o f Commerce, Yonge and Adel- inations on Basic Englishi and of any high school debentures fire under contrai before any aide streets, Toronto, and wil Citizenship in the class for new until the School Trustees Coun- damage had been caused. leave shortly Wo take ever. bis Canadians conducted at the cil or some other neutral bodyI new dulies. Newcastle Public School pass- be asked ta arbitrate the site Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell ed the exams with first class ef the high school site east of an abrIicel iie honours (over 801" ). Thev, were the Cla-1ke - Darlington Town- ti C tJ Ee s an Baar Miclvstd W ..C..U. leý.-.ts Brenda and Tony Mitchell and Mrs. Alice DeGoo\ er, Mrs. Eli- ship line. 1Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and zabeth Fenyo and Mr. Alex A motion was passed author- daughter, at Keene on Sunday. E mnyo. izing Reeve Cunningham ta 'New O ff icers r.FemnEdisvitg The class has been hield in contact the Counties Health Ms rca ua svstn the evenings at the Newcastle Unit and ask that the sanitaryj NEWCASTLE - Plans were; her daughter in Toronto. Public School for the past two inspcctor inspect certain places discussed for the children's pub-. Mr.'and Mrs. R. J. Pears, Or- years with Mrs. Audr2y Wal- in the. village, in response tao lic speaking Medal Contest a1t illia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lei, lon as teacher. There xere complaints received. th1 euarmeigofteWJPe2ranfaiy thirteen members in the class Building Inspector George1 men's Christian Temp2rance l Mrs. Mynli-a McCullough re- this year with five men-bers Meadows reported permits had Union held in the Board room 1 turnis home to-day by 'plane writing the examinations. been granted ta Dr. L. S. Mikios'of the United Church on Thurs- from spending six months in day afternoon. The Medal Con- Florida. test wilh be held in the Sunday Congratulations t0 Mr. and Schoal Auditorium of the Mrs. Alex Watson on their 40th * Ihurihon the evcningc of May weddingc annivcrsary. * M st. Miss Ruth Gardon is returning F re Fe.Wth the president, Mrs. T.I next week ta Orono T elephone F re e 10 F e e l, G.Sowden in the chair, the, Office ta work. meeting opened with the sing- Mr. John M. Moffatt age 80, Lw Iffîng of three verses of the hymn husband et Edîth Allen-pas- BLA C D IAO N D here is a Green H11l Far sed away at Memorial Hospital, B A K D A M I I way. Followed by the Lord's Bowmaniville, on pi15hIn Prayer and the Pledge repeat- terment was in Orono Cemetery STA M PS ~ed in unîsen. dsusddr on Saturday. STAMPS 1 ~~A request was dsusddr Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hancock, ing the business part of the Warkworth, visited Mr. Egerton wit evrymeetingr for the Newcastle Un- Hancock. with veryion ta reply Wo the various Miss Carolyn Jones, Oshawa, greetings at noon at the W.C. spent -the weekend ant her home. p ur has of as.U. County Convention and it Mrs. Harvey Ginn visited Mr. p urch se of gas as decided the President, Mrs.1 and Ivrs. Glen Tennant and tam- 1Sowden should respond ta the ily, B-lackstock. at greetings. The Convention is Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, Tor- being held in the Northminster enta. spent the weekend with Ujnited Chureli in Oshawa on Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton April 29th when the National and Cafol. V igor 011 President, Mrs. Perigoe of To: Mr. andMrs. Perc. Cooper, r. fwllb h getse-Mandy s. ackCopr. nd s SERVICE STATION xMsM.CFihrreie.fmlOhw;r.adr. Mrs.M. . FiherpresdedRex Thompsen, Toronto, visited CORER F MNVES RADfor the annual clection of offi- Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Cowan. CONER FTMCNESSION cers et the Union which resuit- Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Essery and AND FFTH ONCESION d as follows: President, Mrs. Marion, Ceurtice, visîted Mr. sud Phone MA 3-29)9 T. G. Sowden: lst vice presi- Mrs. Luther Barrabail. dent, Mrs. E. C. Hoar: 2nd vice Miss Joan Allin has, accepted Double Slamp Day Every Tuesday poreisdet, Mrs. a position iu the Orono Branch cordng scretry, rs.of the Canadian Bank cf Corn- - CrneOutandSeeOurDislayof ilt - Carveth, correspondi ng secre- merce. Corn Ou an SeeOurDislay f Gftstary, Mrs. L. Milîson; treasur- Miss Kate Poster, Oshawa, Complete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price er, Mrs. J. Awde: Listening was a weekend guest of Mrs. ASKABO T O R PECAL RIE O TIES Post, Miss T. Ferguson-, Medal Thornton Wilson and Mrs. Earl ____ABOUT_ OUR________________ONTIRES superintendent, Mrs. P. Hare; Grady. ~g TOEOL VIABEI AY QANIY pia.nist, Mrs. E. C. Hoar, assist- Ms oga le a e SOEOL ATAITHBE INTANYQA T ant pianist, Mrs. C. R. Carveth. Ms oga le a e AT TE STTqONThe meeting was brought to turned home from Memorial aclose with the singing ef a Hospital, Bowmanville. O1PEN EVENINGS ili SUNDAYS hy*nmn followed by the repeat- Mr. andi Mrs. Alan Hancock- ig of the Mizpah Benediction Port Hope, visitedi Mr. and MIrs. iunisan. Robt. Hanceck -and family. Mr. and frr. Chas. Wood vis- i ted Miss Marjorie Hoidge, Tor- o nte, on Sunday. Mrs. Theresa MceKaruey, tele- plhone operator bas accepted a position at Frost's Store. The Clarke Township Public Sehool Teachers held their meet- ing at Antioch School on Mon- day afterneon. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Porter, Sherbrook, Québec, visited ber father Mr. W. E. Davey and Mr. and Mrs. Dane Pound and Mary. Mrs. Harvey Curtis is a pat- lent in Memeorial Hospital, Bow.. manville, and ber sister Mrs. R. ~ ->~*A. Delve has returned W bher home in Hamilton. ~~Mr. W. C. Crossley returned S'~'~...hexhe Monday after six weeks at Lintonhurst Rest Homne. Mrs. David Phasey, Wayne and Kathy, Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood on Sunday. Mbrs. Hazel Robinson, telephone operator has accepted a position in Cornish's store. C'Fiue ... .'11 serai thein righit hoirte" Welcome words at meal-time! Usualy a phone cail or twe among the neighbours rounds tlimup. 1-Io% many cold meals and frayed tempers and moments of utieasiniess have vea been spared because your telephone ivas liandy ?. . . Ho% nany <iîan-hunitb" wlhen sniall eues have wandcered off ? he elephone helps make a neighbourly community-helps us ai] te live more securely, te get more things donc, more easily. Yes, your telephone is a wonderfully Iow-cost, woxîderfully efficient servant. t THE DRU TELEPHOE COMPANY 0F CANADA a SPORTS BRIEFS According to, Fred Couch, Park Superintendent, ail signs point Wo a busier than ever season of basebal i the local park this suxmer and teams not making reservations for Park time are going Wo find the Park occupied when they want to play. It locks like an over- abundance of teams are being formed this year and time is goirrg te have W hae allotted on a "f irst corne, first served ba- sis". The Recreation Committee has applied Wo the Public Schoel Board to have the dia- mond there put into shpe and this la expected to, alleviate the crowding Wo some extent if the Board co-operates, but, i an.y case, those responsible for bal teams are asked te contact Mr. Couch immediately. and attend the next meeting cf the Recrea- tien Committee on May 12th when Park time will hae aliot. ted. Decide what day or eveil- ing your team wishes Wo play (with an alternative time) and pass this information along ta the Park superintendent. At a meeting of the Newcas- tle Merchants' Basebali Club held on Mond.ay evenig, the club decided to sponsor a Jun- ior Basebail Team i the Lake- shore Minor League. There were no representa- tives Present of last se&sen's Intermediate tearn so the status of this club is still an unknown factor for this suimer. 1j sed away April 15th. Funeral was on Saturday. Interment in Orono Cemetery. The Orono Horticulture So- ciety held. their meeting Tues- day evening at the I.O.O.F. Hall. Gary Alan Wllbur- age sev- en son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wîltbur, Taunton, the former Lois Wood of Orono, passed away at Oshawa Hospital. Fun- eral was on Tuesday. Interment i Orono Cemetery. ENNISKILLEUI At the evening Service lest Sunday the Sacrament of Infant Baptism, was admînistered. Two baby girls were received. One was Jodl Douglassa Pickering, the ten month old daughter of M1r. and Mrs. Douglas Pickering and the other was. Susan Ruth Tilley, the three month oldi dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. John Tilley. Mr. and Mrs. D. Pickering and family have moved to Ham-. 'ilton vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Doreen and Donald, Mrs. Fred Toms, Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cox, Islington, and tea guests of Mr. and Mrn. Roy Trewin, Mimico. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Begley, attended the 35th Anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Willis, Cold Springs, last Thurs- day evening. Mr. ai-d Mrs. Stewart Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, Miss Ruth Lamb, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. P. EUis and fam- ily, spent the weekend at their cottage, Cordova Mines. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, and diaughter Marguerite of St. Catherines, have returned home from a wonderf tri holiday with their diaughter, Mrs. Bradford, husband and son Bruce at Tuc- son, Arizona. They wertitby plane, and came home by plane. Mrs. Frank Spry, and son Harold, Rochester, N.Y. were with Mr. and Mrs. -E. Wright and familyr. Mr. and Mrsm. Fred Ferguson, Bowmanville: Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Sandercock, and tamily, Or- ono;- Miss Irene Fergusoir,- Tor-- enite, Ken Heirngton, Ostbawa; Bill Conlin, Miss Annette Lav- iolette, Port Perry, were visitora at Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguso's. Mr. and Mm .Ailan Werry, Sandra and Sharon, were. Sun- day diner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee and Brian, Ked- ron. Mr. and Mmra Walter Oke, were with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Purple Hill. Mr. and Mrs., E. W. Begley, were with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs, Maple Grove. Mrs. Fred Toms, accompanied Mm. William Reid, Orono, te Caesarea to visit relatives. Miss Mary Griffin, spent the weekend with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Walker, and, tam- lly, Tillsonburg. Mr. and r. Leonard Stain- ton, Gail and Doris, were visi- tors at C. Mils, Mr. and Mirs. R. Hope, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cox and family were visiters with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leadbeater. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. WerrY, SOI- Ina; Dr. Geo. Werry and James, Oshawa, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werrys. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Rey- nard, Oshawa, were recent visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Toronto, were Saturdiay visitars at Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werx-ys. Miss Lirda Stainton spent Sunday with Roy Mercer and Mrs. McKay, Kendal. Very sorry to report Mrs. Geo. Irwin is in Bowmanville hosp- ital. We wish her a speedy re- covery. Mrs. S. R. Pethick spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and other relatives, Toronto. Mr. Oswald Pethick, Barrie, was a recent visiter with his parents. AtVariety Concert AtEnniskillen, Friday night, April l7th, an outstanding var- iety concert was presented te a capacity filled Community Hall under the auspices ef the Par- sanage Board of the Enniskillen Pastoral charge of Burxçeten, En- field and Enniskiilen. The comn- mittee in charge had gleaned talent from neighbouring cern- munities and two local numbers and it must be said that Garry Moore or Ernie Ford of TV fame might have gene over the whole of the U.S.A. and would not have produced auy better pro- gram. Mr. Frank Dorland was M.C. and announced the followxng Program: A beautiful coloured mevie filin of Nassau was shown by Mr. W. H. Brown of Maple Grove,-WitT Mrs. Brown giving a most interesting adcount of the hli lights of their trip to Nas- sau augmented by some concrete souvenirs in the form or straw articles, sea shelis etc. Rev. F. Jackson of Tyrone, kept his aud- ience speil bound with his in- triguing acts of magic. Miss Pat Davis of Solina, a very talented Young musician rendered several dielightful accordian solos. A la- dies barber shop quartette in fancY costume from Oshawa. Who are Marley-Page Four of the Sweet Adelines with Pat Knight (tenor), Shirley Luke (lead), Marj. Moffat (baritone), Jean McKenna <bass), gave a pleasant performance in har- monY singing several nunibers conclruding with an appropiate selection., "Now the Day is Over." An instrumental trio of Mr. Roy Ashton (violin), Blackstock; Mr. Bill Mantel (guitar), Mr. Cliff Dayes (guitar) also singing the lyrics of some popular song bIts.. The two local numbers were an enjoyable piano duet y Medae L. Lamb and M. Stainton and a clever skit by six ladies from Burketon, Mes- dames, Bone, Ribey, Turnbull, Argue, Larmer and Miss Pat Turnbull. nhe guests were served lunch by the Parsonage grateful to al who assisted ini their fund rai- sing projeet. Retail grocery market on Canada'.s prairies la f igured as worth $500,000,000 a year ini turnover. WOOL Any Government Deflciency Payment wlll apply only on properly graded wools. Secure the utmost by patronis Ing the organization thist made this possible. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouue No. Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine wlthout charge front John Thompson KENDAL or by writing te CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LWMD 217 Bay St., Toronto, Canada Here', the amootheat, oavhngeot, most modern Six on the road- tho Ford Mileage Maker Six. And what a pleasure it is to drive. On hilas or on the straight. away, winter or. sumnier, thia economy-minded Six delivers the utrnost in performance at an amazinigly low cost. Yeu get up te 24 carefree miles te tthe galnon regular gasoline . and up te 4000 miles between oit changes with a standard oit filter that cleans ail the oùl al of the tume. You get famous Ford power sa weil. Cruislng on the highway or in tedieus city traffic, therel. get up and go to suit the mast demanding of driver&. The Mileage Makor Six ia only ene of many money-saving fea- tures that you'll find la Ford'é beautiful Cuetoni 300 sedan. FPORD You save even more with such standard Ford features as: a 66- plate heavy-duty battery for essier starting; extra body insu- latien te protect you from heat., cold and bothersomeroadnoimes and an aluniinized muffler that lests up to twice as long as or- dinsry mufflers. Inside sud eut, Ford'a superior quality and workmanship will stand up te the closest inspection. Make it a point to drop In at your nearest Ford Dealer's sud test drive the Mileage Maker Six -it's available la every Ford model exoept the retratable roof Skyliner. FOR A BER.BUY mu A USED CAR OR TRUC& uBEsuRI TO SUE OUR 4-3' oit OTHER SILECISONS For Oshawa & Wbitby Districts For Newcastle & Bowmanville Districti Seaway Motors Carveth Motors LIMITED 200 Dundas St. W., Whitby NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO 1 .nay garnbol g a But 1 never, neyer take a chance on ginger ale. I atw ays play safe with Wilson's Ginger Ale. How about you? l'il bot you're a Iamb and always play It safe, too. l'il bet you always serve the smooth, sparkling ginger aie . WllsonOnS 4, THUPMAY, APRIL 23rd, 1959 PAGE SEVINTEM TEM CANADIAN 8TATIUL«. BOWNANvalir" oriTAMC)

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