PAGE EIGHTEEN ____________________________________________________________J ~.&ALL, . WNLI.IV IJ~ . I~.~. HU SD Y ABI 3!WM AP' VNA .1.T qt,' A5ONTARIO 5emTU~~ : . il". ouiefoe.Teminue f this showed varous means of (SALEMMs E ws atne Harn Operators Enjoy Annual Outinq Here Othe s etn eeiailkn fe is adopted. Glen Larmer, our club leai- J 1< nee Shirley Cryderman> at *'.;~~ v 'y' '~~s ~ '~'~ ~ . A committee to, arrange the er, gave an interesting t.alk onieù~a oeo r.w g j menu and other details of the care of pigs trom the tim' t.r niMs .Wlhad 5Oth Anniversary Dinner of the, birth until they were froin i xCa~ h rsdnMs er aivwr udyvst Wonie's Intitue to e hed to ightweeksold.alQ Shackleton opened the wt \r n r.L aey IoesIsiuet ehi't i'tweekio1d meeting with the theme hyn-ii.Osa. early in dune in the Sunday It was an.rounced that Mr. Program was in charge of Mrs. MradMi. .CagMs -eol .as apoitd ot ed Burnside wil again be K. Shackleton. Bible reading b e riwr udyv~t whic xii lsosere a a om-b.ack as parttre assistant tu> Mrs. F. Blackburn, devotionalor ih rsEaCrste whc il alo nevealsraw-O Mi. Dairymple this summer. and prayer by Mrs. K. Shack-'rrr: isMide Piig mitteefoou Me bers of this yearýs swine Jeton. Mss. Gordon Shackleton t'e oewt hmf berry Social whieh will proo- club are: Jantes Rowan, Eriu' gave humourous reading. Miss fwdy'vst 'ablv be held on Juiy ist, morei Van De Velde, Alfred Van De Gerda Craig favoured with two - ________ about this later. Thank you Veide. Grant Yeo, Dale Stin- vocal solos aceompanied by! GlY u rc letters wcre read, bis presen- son, Grant Giaspeil, Allen S,-~ Miss Marion Butterv. Mrs. Les tdand a motion passed that er, John David Allin, Kenneth Coombes was guest speaker thpy bc paid. Murphy, Don Welsh, James an'd told ul manv things about The i2xt meeting xiii be he IdfBvers, Harold Yellowlees, Don-tesoo area and the prob- o ou ieîc W at the ome of -s. Harold Os- aid Bradburn, David Wotteii, lm he are cofrtdwth M bone t 230 pm.,My 3. John Huis, Ted Char-les Hiuis,i Members brought articles for'trog burne reti30n. , Maybe Ir -dJim Da3 es, Donald McLaugh- babies' lav ettes and these wiî llATES at 8p... dring tiie suimm2r lin, Bruce Bowman, Rani e be senttito UNICEF. A social CLASSIFIED '~ I mn~h Fed nsBaker. Cari-onMal eradtm was enjoy ed after the PoeMrkt330 I \4C11 ~~MacLean, Murray Brown. meeting._______________ i\lrs. Fe ielgaveLi a -'ey -4;re-ti gaccoant- of - thicir recont trip to Tampa, - Fiorida. inic!ud:nig alinost day by cday dle:', Âýs fromn the start- ing poWnt by plane on Tthuri- dXy Mýa-ch 26, tnrrough un,Àl T.. lome xxas reach2d on Thursday Anril 9th. Picture posteards. e th o s a folCieir- and curios coliected xxere also showti. A vote of thanks was accorded the speak- i-r for pleasure given in hcariing firsi hand about this lovely va-__ cat;on spot we ail would like ta v sit.u bqi An o' Ji-!ý-àioncd coits ~'~-~i e 1"T w hneyt noon Trip" was %e~C iuc d by '1Ms. Harold Os- ½'~hne, ai x crs -son e obice! Kx&'~ 'i 1 7 F, in ba kitchen of ' t c" .- ;" stied were I L1wci ýai vin and t.__ /1,1 1 ne iThe imeeting0 -1 n'Ji pi-avet by the pie- Unie xa i-lf-hot.î xxitii a1à t. usluî'~si:x'Vecl bv tne j i 1 o ses s,îMis. Daw'ýoa iBeobe a.,d lVi s.Ceoi:'e 1-ai ~..luncn commil te, a vote of thanks to lUembers of the N orth Shore RadcioL Club. and th1cirî hem Lt(-Iîevîsion and deait with other techunical mattersA rsthce.lades andvas rpoed by ladies, numberim- about 1,)5, held theil- ann1ual dinnteriPhioto shows, front r-owv, Ift to right, Mr. and Mrs. Dickîusu:. Ber ndcrre a meeting, at The Fvn Du:chmn i\lotor Restatiranit herei Roberts: back row: President Farncombe LeGresley. INeW- Tiiï <e !o2r-kv starlings are trr- on atrdv eenn~ cucs- soeaker Dick Roberts. Ontarocse:S rlayJk Av, it; Treasurer IVike ing to Po3ssoss our mail-box ~c, repesetaiveof heAinerican Radio Rela\ L, gue. out- Shiei'bî, shaxx'a; and Vice-PesdttWn Al ,Potai.Wehptoavfud rersnaie(fa solution given by our mai.' l lined wavs of oeco:gdîfîieulties due tci interferencelHp.__________________________ carrier-leave the door of vouri - box open ail the season. We are IlR doiscareci-ows and ex-en shoglgoos.; tryîng hsot Ildest Ra i O perator i Canada We caoi also plant special fruit Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne. Nidswith other members of the fam- -~'- .. wxillpeeri he-renadiily, acoompanied their mother. --"' " ivill give Lis hours Of Pleasuru Mrs. Browvn of Canton, to share "" "" e. .. . watchingr them eat. For the in the 25th xxedding anniver- rabbifs, somo people surrounci sarx' of Mr. and Mirs. Bowen, 1 .y~ the x'egetable garden xith a nec fiiro\wn, at K-iimounit, on roxv of glass bottles. with no'Saturdiay, Api l8th. an inch or so of soil. The wiind setSida HhM. n rAVE HOT W ATE ~ \\~ Ibioiogacrss he pentops' E. Dunk of Cobourg. makes a noise that alarms the j'lwshl a A A E cabis.Fo goudSunday School Ea hl E raod dc. Frgfi-cihos. eler- 1 a.rni. with an average attend-- addesoietirn'es w HEn eu wwav u r i f exvi h ~~s arace. The;sessioni was conduet- WE E YUW andit iilals kep oI t~~ed by Mr. George Harness, su- rabbits, Io some cýases, as wiîîî I perintenclent. Sunday School as coons, however the feice may 'isa.nx una olwn chureh service at 10 a.m. ~'~ have to inelude a foot or two Ivrs Fe Crns c Pr jof pot!Iîry xiîe.Ms rdCnihofPt Hope, spent Saturdav eveniiiîg with Mrs. Wm. McHolin. Mes. MORIS I ad MssM.Natural Gas Thereglarrnothly et Jack-o-Iantern lights are bobbing about along the creeks ing f te W X w~ hîdonand streams at Port Britaîn and 5' rp.m.ines pi 5 t23,Wesleyville indicating sme1tz p.m inthehomne of Mrs. HarrY are ther-e for the taking. Indee'd ..Beckett. Thore vvcre 19 mein- wxe were given a "pretty kettie WTR HAE bers. two visitors and three chi]- otf ih" this mornîng. dren prosent. The ch ait was ___________ taken by the president, Mirs Helen McHoin'. bxsi Gu tmo hy The meeting opened vsn G e t S e k rnlmo hl >ing a hyrn. and pcayeî- by teI president. The scî'ipture ve àe s were read by Mrs. H-arold Os- I- borne; Lesson Thoughts and 'r111 w n C u prayer by Mrs. Vera Ander son. sn .îIASieCu 10W C0ST OPERATION "Il meeting of the Durharn the Garden". This was the firsîl outy 4-H Swine Club was Vour Gas company does flot employ door-to-door salesmen nor telephone time we hiad heard Doreon as held on Monday night, April canrvassers. For information about dealers lîcensed by the Ontario Fuel Board a soloist and she was înuch ap- 2t) ir the Agricuitural Office. to selI and install natural gas equipment cail or write the Sales Department of preciated. She was accompani- The receiving of pigs for dif- ied on piano by Mis. Helen Me- ferent members was discussed. Holm. A short reading, "My Two films were shown by One of the most enthusiastie visitors at the North Shore Radio Club's annual Morning Prayer", was given by our agriculture representative, dinner on Saturday, was Wally Hainge of Weston, 79 years old. He is believed to be Mrs. Minnie E. McHoln. ÀA: Mr. Daîrympie. The first show- W 20numr s.55IIa oneof he ldet hm rdioopeatos i Caada Heis how atlef beng on-hymn concludeci the dex-otional j ed the main parts and differ- oneof he ldst am ado oeraor inCanda Heis hon a le tbeig cn-part of the program . ent breeds of pigs. He briefly gratulated on passing another milestone by Ken Hooper of Bowmanville who was The roll was called by the instructed on what to look for '"You'iI always b. glcd you chose Naturel Gs 97 in charge of local arrangements for the meeting. I secretary, Mrs. Anne Hainessjin judging swine. The other "I and answered by naming a fav- was a film on "Hog Sense" and No Hurry should be used with roasonable Don't worry if * ou haven't care. Most fortilizers if they got' vour gardon stai-ted* vet. Jo cornein direct contact wit.h most parts of Caniada ihere is plants or rîoots xiii buirî theni. still lots of lime. As a matter Jo the very small gcardon the ci fact people usuallv star la,- fertilizer is best dtssolved n too soon and stop ton soon. xxatcr and applmed in iquid It is a seiious mistake +o plant foîm. Or il cao ho caîefulY seeds xvhon the soi, is sýtill darnp spi'inkled along the roxvs close and cool. Therc are a few thin'g r b but not actuaily touching the that should Io in eaîlv and ie seed or plants. to coxvinit cool wcather, but Mos frtilizeis are a mixture Mnost annual floweîs and veg-et- nf thrue main chemnicals. nitro- ables cao bo planted right up gen. phosPhoî'ic acid and potash, to the nmiddle of Jonc andl latter expressed on the package in in man v parts of Canada and throe nunibers, like 10-8-4. This will do well. ThL long hotîrs of would mean ton parts nitrogenl sunilighlt Plus the xel-warmb'l eîght of phosphorie acid and solbigthese along at xxliat JorOf potash. For g-toco i is an amnazing rate 10 those who jgroxxth we xvant lots of nitrog-en have neyer before soon Canla- and that is why iawn fertilizer dian sommer growth. and mixtures for salad veget- And e ýhoLldnt sop oolable.; have the highest count of soon. Il is an excellent iclea tlteu rs ubr continue ,oxiiin, carrots, beans, Ex' mn in gond sou., gaî'denei- b-ets;. lettuco and other quick tise sorne chemioal fertilizer foi groxving veetables at fort- pushin- growth, especiallv fo righltly intervaîs up to cari'- th in gs like lettuce, cabbage, Jul.In. Jo is xva' xe spr-ead spinacli, carrots and beets. Thev cut. the hiaixest and haxu t10 do so b9cause thoy know that hîghest quaiitY. With amioual jthle speedicu- the gioxvth thel floxxers ton. xve cao aiso sprcad morei tender and higÏher the- out the lune of bioornbv ce- I ualitv. Qîmcklv growvn voget-1 peated sowingýs. In ton manv I- ables do not have fibr~es, cocos cases, the floxver and vegetable or stringlinoss. gardon is compietelv planted as, Protection Froin Pests earIxv as possible ai-d thon there Busaddiaeaenoth iss ,tge of bloom and fr0, 'i veýtabes t te oherendof jonly enemies the gardener mav theae ogar gint o season. No nmatter what thîl1w e ,reaon.if he grdo Isnotlimes there are fiocks of bird~s reasn. if tthe grdon sis ln- and conoentrated attacks bx- plaoftiedyt hrei tlipo-rabbits, ground hogs, 000oî' o deer. But the smart gardener These WI1I Push Growth can easilv outwit ail of these For the gardener with aver- las well as nxost bugs and di- age or poor soul, chemnical fer seases. Treatment for the last tilizers xiii push growth along narned Will be left for a later in really amnazing fasýhion. They article. are also a boon to the northern To scare birds there are ail gardener who must grow things sorts of fiuttering things that quickiy as the frost-free season shine in the sun and spin On Jâ short. But chemaical fertilizers wires or strin-gs. There are also was a policewoman Receiving a traffic ticket is neyer a pleasant experience ... cxcept, perhaps, when it's presented by an officer as attractive as Pauline Aikins. Yes, believc it or not, before coniing to Canada and The Toronto-Dominion Bank in London, Ont. Pauline was a policewoman with the London, England constabulary. Pauline Aikins likes meeting and assisting customers of 'The Bankî7-an attitudte you'Il find rcflected in the friendly, efficient people at any nearby branch of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. Drop in soon and se why.. people make the différence ai TRONTO -DOMINION TuE BANK TIIAT LQOOKS AbNEADb-co B.-L BURK, Manage, BowmanviU. Branch TTW. rAriAnTAW -CzIrAmp-QMAW nt-IWMAMM-T-v nwmAotn