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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1959, p. 20

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What Makes A Woman Buy What She Does? Sellers not only have to study eonsumers preferences but the degree of such preferences in order to press* for more busi- ness, Dr..L.,E. Drayton of the Economies. Division, Canada DePartnft of Agriculture, told un audience at the National Dairy Council annual conven- tion. held recently in Montreal. Preferences vary considerably lai ntensity at different times, lie saad. A housewife buying milk in is store where two brands are »Ml may have tried both and f ou n d -no recognizable differ- ences between them. Neyer- tlieless she buys one of the two and thereby makes a choioe. The most trivial thing may LONG SÀULT Mr. and MIrs. Charlie Pen. Warden and family were Sun. day evenng visitors with Mr. and Mns. G. Fletcher, Ponty- pool. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk were Sunday supper guests of P4r. and Mrs. George Van Dam, Pontypool. Mn&. and Mrs. James Shipley, 'Toronto, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. McLaggan's. Mrs. McLaggan and Mrs. Goble, Tyrone, were Friday af- ternioon visitons at Mint. and Mns Bert Johnson's. Mr. and Mms. Murray Tabi and boys, Bowmnanvile, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron. Mr. and Mns. J. R. Parkin. son and family, Cobourg, spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. R. Gtbson's. Mir. and I4frs. A. Webb and lamilY', Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and rfrs. R. Gibson. Mr. F'rank Peterson and Brian, Oshawa, were Saturday eveining visitors at Mjn. and 3&s. R. Gibson's. Mr. and Mirs. Clayton Brown and Lainda, were Saturday even. lng visithrs at Mr. and Mrs. Zarl Penwarden's. ?&. and Mrs. R. Cameron and RCaymond. were Friday evenjng visiters at Mn. and ira. Thorn- ley Barnett's. Mr. and Ma-s. R. Cameron were Wednesday evenin.g visit- ors at Mn. and ýrs. W. Vivian's, Tyrone. Allen and Carl Barnett were Sunday afternoon visitons with Raymond Cameron. U»h& @t"osiyov h.m My b. hnssod,; leut whutaboutY ', InWaamrn!Iit? l.bokSer of your mort. Page it sue Lo have his in- vessuct insiarcd But what about the part of your home yoiu've aready paid for? Are ,you protected? Make mmr yon arc properly insured. CU us for a complete prope STUARTIl. JAMES INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Ofie MA 3-5081 Kinmg &L .E Residence MA 3-5493 Howmanvmle DI rs re t S. d have determined hen decision, such as a desire for variety. Many so-calleti 'impulse". pur- chases are se motivateti, show- ing that low intensity prefer- ences are prevalent ini shopping practîces. The saine housewife choosing between butter and margarine. may 'have strorig convictions that butter is better for her andi her family in choosing that commotiity. She wilU probebly continue te buy it instead cf margarine even if It costa 10 times as much as the substitute because hen intensity cf prefer- ence is high, said Uic ecenomist. The..feroes leading te changea i buying habits are several, includirig merchandiainig prec- ticea, advertisements and social pressures. Becoming accustômed te specific foeds is another pow- enfui factor which indicetes that the present strorig pneferenoes for butter over ita substitute will weaken- as time gees cri, said Dr. Drayton. He thought At possible that housewifes in- ducedti t use margarine for a few weeks would continue te buy it. He described taste paels, sales tests andi raridom sampl- ing used as mearis cf finding the characteristics cf consumer preferences. Pyschologist.s have necently cntcred this fieldi claiming that the housewife dees net kriow why she buys what she does buy se that direct questi oning such as used in seme surveys are useless. They advecate questienirig in depth in a kinti cf motivation- ai reseach using toola berrowed from the psychiatnist and the clinical pathelogiat. Such a method. would be dan- gereus in unakilleti handa thought Dr. Drayton, but meti- vational and gerieral survey methotis do have their uses, depending on how fan a plan- ned campaign is te go. MAPLE GROVE 9 Th~e "U and I'! Group helt their April meeting et the hom of Mis. Miel Edwards with I' mehibers and two visitera pre sen. Mira. M. Edwerds groui conductcd tihe prognani, whidI was opened with Uic ain-ging o etwo hynins. Carole and Lindg Edwardts favoured with soles Scripture reading was given bi Mina. Miorley Fiintoff and e reati' ig by Mis. D. Chute. Prayei was offered by Mira. Miorle3 F'lintoff. Mhe gucat speaker wai is. IRosaStevens Who apoki on her trip te thc Five OakE Camp with, the BowmanvilkE Womens Association. Mira. Wil- son gave a rcading on Baby Sit- tinig. Mirs. Ediwartis con-diucted gamea which were enjoyed by all. A dainty lunch was ser- ved by the group ln charge. The Miaple Grove Women s Institute andi Home and School Association are conductlng a Cancer Drive i tieh commun- ity. P3ease give Uiem your sup- port. Mis Pat McKie! and friend frein Toronto, visited Mn. and Mina. Jack Eiliott lest Sunday. Mina. Thomas Biliott, Wood- stock, N.B. is visiting lier son, Mr. and Mis. Jack Elliott. Also his bMther endc family, Mr. andi Mis. Owen, Eiliott, Claudia andi Gordion of Woodisteck, N.B. Mr. and Mirs. Howard Hage- dorn, Bnian andi Vieki, Peters- burg, were wcekend. guests cf her parents, Mr. and Mira. Alan Snowden. ,Mr. and Mirs. Tom McGuirk and, famlly visiteti Mr. and Mira. George Hall, Islingten, on Sun- day. Mrs. John Wha]en attendeti a shower fer her sisten, Misa Don- na MicLellan, et Uic home cf Mira. Arthur MicLellan, Pickering, on, Friday eveninrg. Mir. antiMira. John Aitchison andi Billy, Blackstock, wcre Sun- day dinner guests cf Min. andi Mira. Ron Rogers and Mrs. Bill Davitison, Toronto, was a week- cend guest. Mis. Roy VanCamp, Mina. Sain Snowtien, Oshawa; Mrn. andi Mmr. John Aitchisori anti son, Mr. land Mra, S. Siowden andi chld- THE 0"KADIA~N STATESXA2N, EOWMANYILLP. ONTABTO New- Canadian Air Service TOKYO -- -.-- 1ONG KONG POLAR _________MONTREAR 3 hr.25mif. 17.1. 2 hrs. 55 i LI75min.N 9517mb. 334mi- A~4TIODES VANCOU VER WINNIPEG .1 ~TROT ___ - S.TORONTO One of Canadian Pacifie Airlines new 400 m.p.h. Britannia aircraft streaks across the above layout as it wil thirough the skies of Canada on May 4 wherý CPA's new daily cross-Canada service links Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Van Eouver. Cutting one hour, 25 minutes from existing commercial airline flying time bi!tween Vancouver and Montreal, CPA will become the f irst Canadian airline to jýrovide tourist aceommodation in a jet-prop 'plane. Upper left; Capt. Jim McGuire explains to passenger the "Eye in the Sky" radar unit installed to detect weather distux4,1ances ahead of the airliner so that rough air may be avoided.- Upper right, stewards and stewardesses from Germany, China, Holland, France and Japan who operakile on CPA's international routes fanning out from each end of the new cross-CJanada service. Lower left, meals on tables and continental cuisine will be features c«E both tourist and first class service when operations commence. Lower night, pilots learn how to fly the Britannia in a flight simulator, exact replica of the 'plane's 'flight deck. The operator, seated behind pilots, flicks switches to create every type iof in- flight situation which a pilot might encounter. At bottom, route map indUcates mileages and eastbound flying times between cities to be served by CPA, an(j also shows international connections at each end of new route. rên,. Blaokstcck; Mr. andi Mis. Harry Snowdtxn an-d <ildiren, Bo-wmannville, oalled on Mn. andi Mira. Alan- Snowdien on Sunday. Mn. and Mra. Bll Caecy, Su- sain andi Cathy, Oshawa, visited his brother-in-law end sister, Mn. an-d Mmne Charles Hester, Jr. on Sundlay. The Local Association cf Mia- ple Grove Girl Guides and Bro- wnies met et the home of Mrs. Howard Bradley on- Monday ev- ening. District Comniisaioner, Mira. William OnIeill took dia- rgLe of Uic meetinig which, open- cd with Uic Girl Guide Prayer. Waya andi means cf maidng me- n-ey were dilagcusseti and it was decided> te holài a dance i May. The next meeting wiil be helti on May 19 at the home of Mira. Tom McGuirk. Mirs. John Doyle, Sumnier- ville, Prince Ediward Islandi; Min. and Mis. Walter Doyle and family, Ridhvale; Miss Mary Bowley, Toron-to; Mr. and Mira. Albert Bryant, Oshawa, were Sunday visitera with Mr. anti Mira. Steve Doyle anti Mr. andi Mina. Cecil Jeffery. Mira. Earl Ireland, Nerwood, spcn-t Tuesday with hen sister,j Mis. J. Laverty. Mr. and Mira. George Windsor andi Billy, Ballaritrae; Mr. anti Mis. Charles Dickaon andi Bar- ry, Toron-to; Messrs. Eric andi Walter Adamis, Surnmerside, Prince Edward Islandi, were, la the. malter of Section 27 A of the Planning Act, 1955 and lu the malter of an application of the Corporation of the Township of Darlingfon for approval of ils Reslricied Area Iy-Law 2111, pausedi he 51h day of February, 1959. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints TUESDAY, the 5th day of May, 1959 ai the hour of haif-pasi ten in the forenoon, (Local Time) ai the Township of Darlingion Council Chambers, Hampton, Ontario# for the continuation of the Hearing of ail parties !nterested in support of, or opposing this application. Daied ai TORONTO this 161h day of April, 1959. O. R. CHAPMAN, Secretary. Sun-day guests of Mn. and) Mira. 11erny Windsor and family. 1 Mn. and Mira. Jack Ra]ston and' f--muy, Mrn. Bob. Raiston spcn-t the weekend with Mr. anti Mns. John Raliston, inMioore- fieldi. Mr. andi Mis. Waily BothIwell, Velenie an-d Shelley calleti on his parents, Mr. and Mira. Dave Bothwell, Sr. on Sunday atter- noon. The "IL.N.O." Group met at the home of Mira. Stephen Jef- fery on Thursckay evenin-g with ten- miembera and cric visiter prescrit. Presitient, Mis. Bert Snowden- waa icharge. The CubsaMat Scouts Fathens di-- n-en was discusacti. This will be heitiini May. Mis. George Black, Mns. Bert Snowdcn and Mis. Stephen- Jeffery were in charge of the devotional penioti A atory "Rich Man-'s Berns" was reati by Mira. George Black, anti Mra. S. Jeffery gave a neading. Mns. Stuart Menton Éhowed films cf her visit te Plorida, -which wene mucli enjoyeti. Lunch was sen- vevd. The May meeting will be helti et thc home cf Mira. Steve Doyle. THE LEDGER By Marion- Taylor Ford Life is but a Letiger A Chef Account Bock With ita debits andi ita credits Whereven you may look. Teday the cloutis may gethen But nevein, even, fear, shine, Anti the sky again be dlear. For cvery bit cf sorrow In- that column marked in red Juat wait until tonorrow Might bc "Paid In Full" insteati. The balance méans se littie, If elong this earthly way, A littie bit cf kindriess. Can lic shown frein day te day. REMUNISCENCE When I waa but a littie lad, 1 was not blesed with patience, It got me into mariy a fix, Olti trouble'a very essence. The talc which I do now relate Was on a wash-day milti, I heti just then come in from school A very hungny child. 1 headeti for thc dining-room Expecting there te ait, No family faces greetet me So te the kitohen I did fiee "A'int dinner neady yet? My wounded feelings I did air, Anti ploppeti upon a kitchen chair, Net seeing i my angny haste The panof stancli-just like a paste, I hastily my feet diti finti Great globs cf. starcli drippeti down behinti Anti tmny deep chagrib M.Y father9s heanty laugli chim- ed -14. The only coinfort which 1 got That pesky starch wes not'real hot. Musie -Festival held at Eak stocon Thursd.y evening of last week, heiping te bning suc- cess to Blackstock School in wmnmng several awards for singing. Sevenol friends and- neigh- bouma gathened at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erie Simipson on Saturdey evýening to honour them with a fanewell Party. They wene presented with two very lovely gif ta. Mr. and MiS. Simipson are leavmng. the coni- munity -this week, totake Up nes- idence in Willowdale. Althougl they have been here only a fem years hey have made many fni- ends and will be greatly missed. mir. and Mis. Roy Douglas and famiiIy, Buiffalo, N.Y., were Satui'diy visitons of .M%&. and Mrs. Howard Abbott. We welcome Mis. Edua Mc- Laughlin back te her home after speniding the winten moriths with relatives. Weekend guests cf Mir. and Mirs. Doug. Lane wene the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mirs. Lane of Port Hope. Mis. Mary Dean and Mira. J. A. Turnbull,' attended tihe staff meeting for Vacation Sechool instruction on Tuesday evening of lest week at Enniskilleri. The Ri Tryens C.G.I.T. group met at the home cf Mrs. J. A. Tumbull on Wednesday Apnil 15 witih nine membens and three leaders present. After repeatirig the purpose in unison the wor- ship service was tàken by Marie Irons andi Margaret A1gue. Dur- ing the business session, two more donations towards the recovery. moStoumOTL RESTAURANT MMdy Turit were recelved. 'The- girls were remninded te be o n the alent for~ donations for theiir Ruima;ge Sale which wifl be held on May 2 in the church hall. At the close cf the business session thene waa a peried cf. discussion on the Mission Study and a neniinden from Mina. Ar- gue negarding the Affiliation Service which takes place on Wednesday, May 6 in the ch'unch hall. An invitation~ te attend dhis service will be extended to aIl the mothens and membens & lte W.A. The meeting closed, with singing of "Tapa." There was a fire last week at the farm cof the Schiwartz Brothiers, when the barri was. coanpletely destnoyed. Mr. Ward, tenant on the property, was aible to save the machinery in the barn before it iburned dowri. Mir. and Mis. Sam Adamns and family, Bowmanville, were Sun- day visitons with his parents, Mr. and Mis. E. M. Adanms. Sunday visitera with Mr. and Mira. B. Hubband were Miss Lin- da Slingerland and frien'd, Osh- awa, and Mir. and Mira. H. De- Mille. Mira. Miurr.ay Anchibald sperit Mondey i Tononto visiting re- latives. Ladies! Remember te save ail your cast-off articles for the C.G.I.T. Runuge Sale, being held on Sat.,,May 2 in thc church hall. Thiere was, no school on Mon- da y, due te Mir. Vickery the teacher being 111' with swollen glands. Ail wish him a speedy BOWMANVILI Situated at Highway 401 Cut-off ee/eýendc Me A LA CARTE APPETIZERS Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail Soup du jour Grapefruit Juice Rolîs BURKETON" Mra. Leslie Argue, Mrs. J. A. Turnbull andi Mirs. R. BoQe, at- tended the Spring Traininu% Con- fenence for C.G.I.T. ladIes at Oshawla on Mondiay evenlng, April 6. Mrs. John Carter spent Tues- day of last week in Toron to. Mr. AIl Reid, representatAve of the G. R. Kirk Co., Ta oma, Wash., is back in town rw %king plans to atart planting seed tings. MnI. J. Tompkins, a fo rmer resident of Burketon, p, Lsed away at his home in Han- îton last week. Ile sympathy o!f theë village is extended to Mira. ' Vom- Pkins in her loss. Quite a numnber £rom the vil- lage atten>ded tihe ?arso- ýage Board Concert in Ennisk illeil hall on Fridcay evening. NtAany and varied were the number k on the program, whicht indlu ided, magie by Rev. F. Jackson, Ty- rone; a ladies banbershop q ur- tet, from Oshawa; Films c d a Bermuda holiday by Mr. and Mirs. Brown of Bowmeanv ýlUe; aecordian selectiois; Vocal di i'ets and solos; guitar andl violin i- semble; andl a skit by somet of ou.r local W.A. menibers. 'rhe concert was well attended- by patrons from Maple Grove, ~l ina, Blackstock, Bowmanvi Ile, Burketon and other points.* Congratulations are in on t er for Misses P. Turnbull and' Ali ce q Taylor who participated in 1 lhe This was a test betwi 'wn two groups of students. Group e'W' students were given portable i ýypewriters to do their classwork; Grouýp'B used regular pens an pencils. In addition to tIlteoe great educational values, - it must be reniembered that in tlearning to type, these students k iarned one of the inost practical Ask Wa of all-a "kJ. that is neye forgc itten. lau -Relish Tray onstommie Pineapple Island Pan Fried Imported Rainbow Trout, Lemon Butter Baked Virginia Ham, Pineapple Sauce Deep Fried Jumbo Shrimps, Cocktail Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of - Beef, au jus Roast Stuffed Loin of Pork, Dressing Broiled Club Steak, French Fried Onions* Southern Fried Haîf Chicken, Corn Fritter Breaded. MiIk-Fed Veal Cutiet, Tomato Sauce Broiled.Center-Cut Pork Chops, Apple Sauce Sliced Cold Roast Turkey Salad Plate, Cranberry Sauce Assorted Cold Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Heart Choice of Two Fresh Vegetables. Oven Brown or Creamy Whipped- Potatoes Assorted Pies (a la carte) Fresh Fruit Jello with Whipped Cream Creamy Peach Pudding Tea Steaks a la carte: Cheese Tray Coffee Porterhouse Butter Strawberry Parfait M ilk T-Bone Filet Mignon New York Sirloin (Served with Mushroom Caps) This test was continued for two In Composition, too, Group 11A» years. Complete records were kept studente did botter. They wrote of he ualty nd uanityof orkmore, 1they wrote more clearly land of he ualty nd uanityof orkconciaely. One student said, "'IV* done in each gubject by each group. eWser to-think- on a typewriter."1 Avail5Mli at youîr Remington. Rand Headquarters. P0Mi«nbm tte#l"an I.- 'g), 1" t, I i I j 'j 'I t t, 'i ~ I i t Il -l iM~ i -j Oinner m 1 PAGIC BIMAYUlm -"; They pas before me, as thu. Like littie soldiens ina r w Smanyof them, ike ad4 They fade se fast as screen.1j But crie or'two t'Il net forget, They're ever ini my, nxemory, yet, t The- disappointrnent a thimble bringa. We were se sure that they were! rings. A set of furs, a sleeping doîl, A 'frilly white silk parosol, That wasn't meant for neiny days1 But. kept you from the subVs bright rays. I've birthdays still, but yet 1Ile sigh li For long gene birthdays, now ~ gone by. M. Cunningham i Get Cash, To-day ' For Old Appliances through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS PhonieMArket 3-3303 LE 1 Consommé

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