v ; su& M -, WU~ I'!AVAVWAV CfP A*UStlA W' UE%~DA ~i U ~a ue~ -- ~ ~ 4 U~4~~55.&U~ W W 5~6~ W Jd~I~ ~ ~ i-j~uu~ a w * Pretty Girl, Pretty Flowers Bïeland Mbotter meetingp lnthe futur# wore forcut ai teAnnif lmeeting of thE Wameu's Canadien Club oJ 13owma:Ïwje Ini St. JOxWS Par. ish }iaU l lst Mmday. The pup U aImoualy e» darUd rorZinatIan a a new Can. adiaan Club oi West Durham foi both men and Women. ýIt wl] be' afijllated wlth the nationî: Canadian Club which has braw chel from coaut 'ta coat. Thi ?&n'asCCanadian Club oi Bow. mnVw.lle wMretainl4 Dreserl indepencdent statut- but- anm fl*nbers -.are -expected te -Joli the ifew Crou~p && weU., .The new ciu wiU méat even, =«gs rather u n artSterpoons, »)ates wiU staiter the Chiarter liés beeen * -" tawa. Gatheringgi-wil be ap. poxitmately once a =ntb. 1 - "SqI UHJEVROLET SEDAN Deluxe - 4-Dr. Real Bargain -----$35 1,19 ' 'ONTIAC COACHI, Rebuit motor 57 ý ^ Si gnal lights, etc., A-i shape _$57 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN, Deluxe One owner. Exceptionaliy dean car $ 1952 CHEV. 4-DR. SEDAN Mechanicaily 100%. Goad cdean car------- - $695 1955 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION Sport Coupe, low mileage, fully equipped; with overdrive . '$8 1495 1948 MERCURY 1-ton Stake: Good condition _$_______ 1952 STUDEBAKER %-ton TRUCK Motor compieteiy overhauled, paint Job _____ _ $ 495~i SUDEBAKER SALES- AND SERVICE HAYDON MA 3-2730I (2 moiles east or Ennillen) The Siaiesman Sold .Al -FollQw-Ing Stores: Ee.Ednund's Stare, Bethany J0onr's Dru gStore, Newcastle T. Etiwright, Newcastle S. Brown Newtanville Porter'. Gen. Mtore, Newtonvifle C. Pethick, Enniskiflen T. M. Siemon, Enniakfllen IF. L. Byam, Tyrane G. A. Barran, Hamptan Trull's Store, Caurtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Gen.. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pantypoot C. B. Tyrreil, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal Henderson's Baok Store, Oshawa Bouse That Jack Bufit R.R. 4, Oshawa - Bowmanvifle- Rickaby's Ltd. - "Blg 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smake Shop Rite's Smoke Shap Goheen's Handy Star. Jury & Lovell Oke's Smake Shop The Flying Dutchman The Statesman Office Your: Advertising Message .ln This Newspaper Has a Lasting Appeal a 0 a Qrbe~anamn jumr an outstanding hit. Members of 'the Oshawa and Whitby Ladies' Auxiliaries to the Canadiari Legion wer'e guests of the Bow- manville Auxitiar5r --for, -the event. Nearly 200 enjoyed the excellent program. Comrade Millie Bates was the director and producer. rA short business meeting was held prior to the enterta-in- ment. Comrade Florence Knlght, the preuident. preslded, and welcç>med the guests from Whitby and Oshawa. She an- nounced, that Branch 178 of the Canadian Legion had given per- mission to the AuxUîlary ta hold a tag day for the Navy League in, June provided auth- ority is given by Bowmanville Town Council. ,Past president A.nn Piper was honoured when she receiv- ed ber past president's pin. President Florence Knight mrade the presentation. She paid tribute ta Comrade Piper's fine work when she was presi- dent, ând added that she is tops as a past president and is ai great assistance to the execuà tive this year. A large and beautiful, silver knîfe for wedding cakes was donýated to the Auxiliary by Comrade Minnie Wisemnan. il bears the inscription "Bowman- ville Ladies' Auxiliary ta the Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. Comnrade Millie Bates colour- fully costumed for her part, 1weicomed t!he audience at the start of "Dark Town Capers."I 1The show was then started with zest when the entire cast dress- ed as darkfaced ladies and dan- dies marched around the hall and up onto the stage singing "When the Saints Corne Mjarch- ing In." Other sangs sung by the opening chorus were "Swing Low Sweet Chariot," and "No- body Knows the Trouble I've Seen." -The solo !pa-rt of the lat- tfer was sung by Cornrade Du- Nerves in a dot? Regain youv feffle With a dol.y diet. Marg Lawrie, Rase Overy, LUl King, Trudy Sellows, Darothy F air, Edythe Rundia, Ruth Os- borne, Jean Linton, Gladys.pt-; cher, Mal McNuity, G. Beisey, jGwen Gibson, Grace Downey, IArny Tait, Ann Piper, Mary Westover and Elda Brown. The second number was a 1dashing tap dance "Me and My Shadow" by Comrade Jean Firth and Comrade Audrey Fletcher. This was foliowed by 1"Little Eva on Her Death Bed," a akit fromn "Uncie Tom's Ca- bin. The talented cast wei-e Comrade Derothy Fair, Gledys >Etcher, Jean Linton and Fier- ence Knight. A Native Dance wax perfcn-m- ed with rythmie abandon by Cornrade Ruth Osborne and Comrade Mel McNulty. Corn- rade Margaret Laurie sang "Beautiful Dreemer" by Ste- phen Foster. She was accom- panied an the piano by Com- rade Audrey Bate. Five black Manunys, Comn- rades Rase Overy, Grace Dow- nay, Gwen Gibson, Lii King, G. Belsay and Elda Browin sang "Sleep Kentucky Baba" as they rocked their tiny pickaninnias. The Lazy River Boys, Com- radas Edythe Rundle, Ruthi Os- borne, Audrey Fletcher, Amy Tait, Jean Firth and Trudy Sallows, presented e claver "Minstrel Show" witii sangs, music and dancing. A soit ahoe number danoed by Comrede Mai McNulty was enjoyed. It was followed by an amnusing skit in an ertist's stu- dio with Cornrade Elda Brown and Corurade Mary Westaver taking part. "My GWn's a High Barn La- dy," sung and danced by Corn- rade Ann Piper and Camnade Ruth Osborne was delightfui. This was foilowed by "Old Folks At Homne" sung by Com- rade M. Lawria in her lovely sopran.o voice. "Chatanooga Choo-Choo"l was sung in the Pennsylvania Sta- tion skit by Comirada Nancy Calmer, Audrey Bate, Frances Bruce. and Elda Brown, Corn- rade Florenca Knight and Com- rada Dot Fair, as two Dark Town dandies were hilanjous singing "The Indian- Love Cail" and "Chia., I Hear You Caîl- ing ie," and "I Gotta Go Wlhene Yeu Are." Comrade Grace Downay provided a sur- prise ending to this act. The Lazy River Boys, again piaased the audience. A smart step dance by Comrade Ruth Osborne, a fine banjo solo by Comnade Edythe Rundle, and a rnoving recitation by Comnade' Audrey Fletcher added ta the sangs and jokas ai ail f ive min- strels made enjoyabla enter- tainment. The Finale had the. entine caut on stage slnging several appropriate aelections with Carnrade Jean Firth et the piano. Comrade Miule Bates tbanked the cast for their suc. cessful effort. She also thankad Comrade Helen Caven.augh, who had been in charge ai the -curtain,, and Comrade Ann Dil- Ion and Comnrade Susie Graham who were ini charge oi make-up. Comrade Grace Murdoch, as sisted by Comrade Rena Bath. gate, was the convener for the delielous lunch which was aerved by maembers ai the Bow- ducted by Com-rade Georgina Carter and Comrade HelenI Wallis, the lItvica-president wera: Comrade I. H-umphrey, Whitb¶r, Comrade Jacklin, Osh- awa, Comnrade Martha Goudy, Comrade M. Cook, Oshawa, Comrade Thelma Uàttle and Comnrade D. Nash, Oshav/1a. Some 900,000 tCanadians de- pend on the fisheries for their livelihood. More than 3,000 Canadians died in the last decacle as a resmit ai accidentai poisoning, exceeded only by falls an d fixes as thue mast fatal type of home accident. PurhamCanadia.n Club Fr:Both Men & Women WiII Host Top Speakers WHAT OTHEES SAY Pion TO SWEDEN Charlottetown Guardian Prince Edwazd Island pigs travefld in style by air ta Sweden. They were selected Xlong wlth some of the best Ontario smine to strengthen the Swediuh breed, and we have no doubt that thdy wilU live up ta their high réputation. 1PLEASE REMIT Saint John Telegraph.J'ournal -Légul experts in Britain have been pondering the relative ci. fectiveness of their own oft- verbase dunning commxunica- tionis and that of thé iollowing letter wrltten by a lawyer in India, In achieving the desired resuits: "Dear Sir, Unless you psy the . 0 rupees that you owe me OSHAWA WOOD PRODUOTS i Now Is The Time To Put An End To Your Dusty Basement Floors 7"Mflou psekers ta j ead the o nw *p ing wouanog Milaton witii thé nationi-al al terfiesa nelghbors. Sbady wlfl enable the loal #=p *' talk it up," she:declared. ~ t praezt"#takri of outstand- <'ith courage and enthuslasm -ing abiity. TMO, &long with the we cari tae ful sdvautageofa inclusion et nmn"cwidening tlis O#reat oppOrtunity to make *fý th* t*rrltôrv served, te ex. aur club bigguèr and bettor."1 -Pect$d to greatly increase the New Offilcers S Preient mnembership ai just un- The. newly.elected club oufi- Ider >100. cors arq s Ollos, president, A schedule of meetings te be MM~s Werry;11031t vice president, held from noxt Septemnber to MrS. L. Mison: 2nd vice presi- *the 10ol0wing April wrn b a. dent, MJs. F. Stevens. cornes- nouUid< by club Officiais next pofldI:na ecretary. Mrs. L. AI. merInOth, aiter final detailà have ln assistant carrespanding se- -% beert aPPlroved byr headciuarters cret.ary, MrS. W. B. Reynolds; ln Ottawa. recoordlng aecretary, 1&s. N. E. * ~ ee pansin IOsborne; treasuner, Mr. W. Formtio ~tthe ew lubTeeple; executive aornittee. TOrzatIn ofthenew lubMrs. M. Staples. Mrs. L. God.j K2 t!culmnation Of exhaus- dard, Mr&. 1; Mhnday, Mn. C.I W iv neritn by the OxOCUe AlUn, Mrs. R. 8. Cowie and Mrs. tiv denr direction Of Presi- M.L Roenigk. The ptsnist is Mns. dn rE. G. Witherspoon,. CH. -Dudey.J *whose term ai office en4ed Monday's meeting heard Mr Monday. It also marks, the be- 3 .John I. RpmpIe af Danfort gmrPnng ai an ers ai expansion Tech. follow the developnent for newly-elected President of architecture through its five Mrt-. Kenneth Werry and ber major stages or periods. The officers. first buildings follawed the The declisin toa afilliate with classlc#1 deign of the Romans the network of national Cana-Inex came-Gothie architecture dian clubs was reached lest aroundtie l2th century, th,.S January when a questionnaire was foIlowed by a rebirth af was clrculated arnong mnembers the ej1auslcs.lta*te. The faijrtla oi the BowmanvilUe group. On- arcb:tqctural period was des- ly il, were. ogairiat the propo. Icibed au a "hiodge-podge" by sal. At, the same thne the great Mr, Reniple. He saîd construc- majority aise lndioated they tiori in this period was based favored evening meetings. mainiy on old Greek and Re- Evenlng Meetings M Uan, designe. Finally the cur- "Tu afilitio wul eabl Irent Modern architecture was .. «'T-e ffiiaton 111enaleborn at the turn of this cen- us ta brin« to Bcwmanvilae the tury. highest calibre ai speakers tMadern Architecture whom we could reyier affordi "It waS 0o11 with the turn :*, otherwise," sa.14 Iras. Wither- dl thje century that architecture41 spoon. "It wUll be a great boon began toi look ahead for the ta the whola community as 'first tirne," said Mr. Remple. It's been asserted that Canada's Capital City has a million pretty Civil Service cul l ub And temeenin mert. This nmeant that homes and girls, but it just isn't true. But Ottawa does have a million of the country's most ju#r.A. thgs ill alcw muc- ier buildings were planned for beautiful springtime flowers when the tulips bloom cluring the Canadian Tulip attendsiice especially by math. than soîeîy for the style oftei. Festival from May l5th ta 301h. This pretty civil servant poses in front of one of ers who had diiiiculty getting outward appearance. thirOttawa's smallar tulip beds. -Photo by Malak baby-sitters in the afttamnoons."lMW. Remple emphasized thati Mrs. Werry, in her Presiden- architecture is strongly influ- ' tiai address, urged ail members icnccd by cliniatc, gcography dient Greeks used marble esoio a ie prn limastone is popular In homes Af and buildings in the Gaît andBi t In Msre ,S yl ~Guelph districts et Ontario.B g Hi In Mste S yl 6C R SMr. Rmple iilustrated hisj address with a number of beau- 'Dark Town Capers," ths an- mnt. Olihers taking part i n anvilie Auxiliary ta the Cen- r* SEDAN tiful color slides shawing dit- nual Spring Show, presented Ibis number ware C.omrades adian Legian. Sferent types cf construction by th Ladies' Auxilliary ta, the .Millie Bates, Florence Knight, The winners af the attractive ~ 1113 throughout Ontario. Canadian Legion at the LegionjAde Bate, Nancy Calmer, iiei h pca rwcn Vour Recrect ion Room Headquar fers O0shawa Wood Productu, Limited ]Downtown Offie and ShowrooM 84 flCOE ST. S., OSHAWA Phone RA 8-e611 9 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU Yard, Main Office and Shewroom ýCOUITXCE Phones: MAS-2130 RA 8-1411 Corporation of The Town of Bowmanville BYmLAW *No. 1711 L DEENA .DR. ITNY, Chief of Poile. j, .5 . . . wvithin seven days of ts date, we usU take màc" ifpo as wili catuse you the igtMowt damned astonlshment." This terse missive wts Pub. liahed in the Englieh Law So- clety'm gazette. ROW ADBOUT GOA"t Sudbury Star. Hors is a case.aof manpowev pricing itself off the Marketl In the United States the Pette gon has discovered that goat- power la cheaper thon Men-. power in cropplng the grus a-4c brush at military instailstiona., A bulletin publtshed by the' armed farces ln the UY.$. dis., clases that 25 kaats have béen taken on at 'the Fort Benping. infantry centre ta kepthée landscape neat and tidy, Thi work ta be donc by the obats, previously required th i1 aber Oshawa Wood Products recommend e0sy. to-,apply PIRMA- TREAD concrete f loor point . . . avoulable in lght and dlark g rsy, ond red. PERMA - TREAD is long - lasting, moisture - proof and f ire . proof, odorless and no n - fading. It mokes your basement floar- easy ta clean an-d attractive . . . seofs in the dust whicl- the children have been carrying through thie rest of the house. Yes, you coneven roller skate on PERMA-TREAD withowt marking the finish. PERMA-TREAD is a type of floor paint over which floar tule con be laid with satisfactory results. SPÈ CLA USE-D- 1952 STUDEBAKER 4-Dr. S8ignal lights, Jieater. Rei Bargain.... Seing a Dy-Law Io profec the inhabifants and animais of- The Town of Eawmanville against infection from Rabi& Sec. 2 Every owner of a dog shall register, on or before the ist day af January in each year, each dog which is owned, possessed or harboured by him and at that lime shahl pay to th. clark of the municipality 1h. license f.. described in Sec. 8 of this By-Law. Sec. 3 Every person who becoines the owner of a dog on or after the ist day of January in eacb year shall register 1he dog within 15 days after becoming ow ner of the said dog. Sec. 5 A tag shahl be supplied by the clerk for each dog which l registered hereunder and th. owner shall keep 1he tag secureiy fixed on the dog at aIl limes. Sec. 8 The amount of the license fee shall b. as iehlows: For a maie dog, on. only ---$200 For each additional maie dog--- $2.00 For a fenialedog, one only $5.00 For each additional female dog - -$500 Se c. 10 (1) No dog shall run at large wilhin the Town of Bolvmanvlhle and the owner of any animal running at large wilhin 1h. Town of Bowmanvile wi.i1 be guiity ai a breach of this By-Law. (2) For the purposes of this By-Law an animai shall b. deemed te, b. running at large when found in a highway or other public place and not under the contrai ai any persan. Sec. 21 Any persan who contravenes the provisions of this By..Law shall, upon conviction, b. liable ta a penalty af not mare than $50.00 plus Costs. 3. il '4 j: I il wpmqm--P-ý THE eANADIA» oloPA"MUAV- MqA*m ID à piv - - - f