TIM CANA15IAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVLLE ONTAR[O - ---- ives for Taking 'ibis Club," "Soirne Rules te Reinember When Handling Fo4," "Dlahwa.vhing Procedu-re," 'Trhe Foodi That We Eat," "Body Requirenients To Main-tain Healtb," "Maintenance o! Health," "Vegetables For The Fan-IIY Health" and Il Vegetab-- Parade, Sports Day ln B et han y May 1.8 lsAvailable in Maziy Forms." The Beth.any Athletie Asso- A demonstration on the mea- cainhl t 1tana 'e iun eciiro r m .,Àxkpiessurmng of dry and wet lngred- meeting Wednesday night elect- ing officers and making plans been pored that ut o! prposais)Cryderman, t'hen some Of the for theanalVcoaDy Defiiteplas hve nw ben ortd tat ot o prffllsogirls tried measuring. The next celebration May 18th. laidfor an advertising and pro- submitted by three agencies,A Apus:meig ilbeedonWddtemapriet.os nýOtOn camp~aign for C.A. ap- one, from Presentation of Can- I YflInesdtay,ApriJi 29th at 7:30 p.m Vene ulgnbgn i pIeàs. At a preliminary meeting ada Ltd., appeared the most 1C . .fp l es G *t ii om fBitr 'ey aiso a letdfirtvc held on February 6th the C.A. suitable. The group decided to ILunct hehome othenrbarve bydavice p , letd istvc storage operatôrs and owaers hire Presentation to proced Lnhwste evd ye eretaid en MrsHar inooui, leaders and enjoyed by al Rle ecearG'nW0t cents per bushel. They estab- C.A. apples. The program c a1- esley, asurradBrc lished two committees, one to ed for extensive use of radio for r hd Fî *h F uileait. $et up tentative plans for a direct advertismg as well as an 7tain __ £o oeyer;Rbet y promotion and advertising cam- approach to the wholesakle and Thisilemeon Siajion Tfrustes elec weeoBruce pagithe other to consult with retail trade with information SThis i im e ui îth Mr. ' Rymity for oeyear; RThert Ry governmental authorities on the on C.A. apples. Sudyvstrs with Mr. and lyfrto yar; Gog possibility of establishing rul 1 Te committee were also The program takes the ap- pervised than the air condition- Mrs. Ehi Mai P ee:M. a rk S mith tee ye ars The tt, iand eltingforCtA. mr-i proach that C.A. apples fi a ing in the finest of hotels. As a MVr.s George Sel!ers., Gail. Judyrobr Ryley, Bruce Wright iand relinonsforCth apples planning on arranging for a tn p e o res i eult of this hard-hitting ad- and Sherry, Bowmaniile. yRoprtomte s oadSot tekep hm epraeand di - b edn odeiorcln-erosnedfrf. ri verti.sing and promotion pro- and M~is. Ted Mairs, Susan a.- d and George Scott. tinet from cold storage apples. nkists, radio and T.V. commen- during April,* May, and Jurie gram, coupled with the excel- Mardi, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. sports field day May 18 and tators and othiers te an opening because of their firmnness, juci- lence of the fruit itself, a strong Iv-tn Aairs and J*tmmie, Erin-cmite r apnedo The group met again in the o! a C.A. room at the Dixie ness crispness, and 1just-pick- nation-wide demand has been dale; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mairs cmmte arem eeatoste. office of the Ontario Fruit and Growcrs Cold Storage. e make.I adtin tearrangements.otole a-an r.ad r. rhu ais Ve table Growers' Associationed lorInadtotepo tnutdfo cotoeda- ndM.ad rsArur ars A fancy cress parade wil be- oei ebruarv 2th. At this time In addition the committee de- motion program drives home mosphere apples. Bowmanville. gin the afternoon events, with the various operators and own- cided to provide small card ini- the message to retailers that the These orchard fresh apples 11Mr. ~;c Mrs. Jas. Harris are in Vincent Jackson and Bruce ers turned over a total o! $17 - serts with information on C.A. controlled atmosphere appie will be availabie at local food -t¶adoc visiting hîs sisters Mrs. Wrright to arrange the details; 281.00 with indications of a fui- apples to every repacker with has a much longer sheif-life as outiets during the next few T. VM. Nîcol and Mrs. F. Pollard, Thomas Currie, Bruce Wright, ther $800.00 to cornetihe request that a card be plac- a result o! its long hibernation weeks. Local residents should- Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers Mrs. Ross Carr, Mr. and Mrs. ed in every basket and poly during the winter in its spe- take advantage of these Dur- visited lier sister Mrs. Wilbert Verne Mulligan to look after Prevent Blending bag o! C.A. apples. cially controlled storage at- ham grown "just-picked" ap- Drinkie in a Newcastle Nurs- prizes fer parade entries and Mr. Jack Mitchell, chairman Traffie "evmenosphere is more carefully su- pies. ing home on Sunday. races for the children; the Rev. of the grades and marketing re- Th~e mnyi x so 1, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gist v:-i- R. R. Bonsteel and the Rev. G.' ,gulations committee, reportedmoeinxcso!$5-C TTT Mrs. Frank Westiake, Sr. ted Port Hope friends on Su- that thse committee falt that 000.00 was earmarked by the SOjJLNA Mr. and Mi's. Jack Oveilden aafeoo.asnwstiesseectlr thee ws deinte ee fo' rou fo atrafi sevie tatand children, Oshawa, visited Mr,.and Mrs. Carl Elliot and to, be purchased. Donations o! regulations to cover the mar- would provide weekly informa- The Three, M's met in the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, David were Sunday guests of remnants were on hand, priced keting o! C.A. apples. The big tion on movemnent o! C.A. ap- church basement with Ewart Jr. and family. Carl's parents Mr. and Mrs. Har- and some sold and the secretary probiem said Mr. Mitchell is to lsoto trgaswlasLak rsdnith chi. M.adMs ev Bm ldElt esdl. enueta ncuuosr-pies ouTho! so e a wel as Leaskthesidninssheichasir. M.adMsoMni eisodElo, esdlinstructed tb wrhte a note o! ensur thatunscrpuaoutre res Tiofwstde happyex-D ngtebsiesdscsinand children, Brookijai, visited Mr. andi Mrs. Rupert Byers, thanks for same. icue ed perience that Michigoanotappen period plans were made for fu- Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires. Powmanville, visited Mr. and wih heae olighsorged A.e growers have had with stîch î turc meetings and also finan- Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires an-d Mi-s. Bruce Heasîip. ings, "Do you Just Belong"- appigs« Such blending will ul- program. The Ontario group cial assistance for campers o! Sharon visited at Percy Bent's, M\,rs. George Forder spent aMisRPout Feds- r. timately lead to a discrediting fl hthvn ata ao-teH ru fwihM5 Oshawa. a nProog. Marvin Nesbitt and a poemn pre- o! controlled atmosphere fruit. mation on movement would be, Burney Hooey is the leader. It Mr. J., Dyer andi Elizabeth, Mrs. J. McCalden was a te senteti by Mrs. W. Campbell, Th oiiîefi httesufficiently helpful te justi!y was decided that a nun-ber ofOsa , e Stryvito cnvstrinTot. Th omitefettattethe expenditure o! a portion o! hynmnaries be purchased for bthe a ae satuda viitrs ens irilTson st a e "Do Not Juige Too Hard." Mrs. Department should be asked the funtis in this manner. church:' The next meeting wiîîalalPso'. .CcUisnspn e Gist favoured with hymns on for three things: eo Ma25wnmmbr Mr. and Mrs. Gien GlaspeIl days ini Toronte with ber dau-tbb harmonica and Mrs. Thomp- 1. o etabisha ega deini Te traffic service will be bre ron May 25 whci nmer and sons, Taunton. visited on ghiters Misses Gwen and Eunice son passed around the Christmas 1.o Tor e.A.abhshale and e ili antiled hog h...&VSudya'ePsc'.Wion tion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ o fot..apehedrg-GA fieo rilbssti gru. Murray and Faye udya aePso'.Rnt vlite *wth Mr. and Crlpampet and readofte lein ovrigte s fGA fieonatilbai h fVc rsndtewr the group Mrs. Rae Pascoe andi children . outdoors candie lighting service tbi tem.It-assugestd hatycr Ass oatolhaFrueent fiviceMrs. Harvey Yellowlees visited Mrs. C. Beevor. Mrs. Grant Thompson were Mr. hl nSuhArmTegop tbe ern C.. orlik teni es' ssoiatin hvie- sen ft vceLaura Lee Smales, Oshawa; an-d Mrs. Jas. Naylor, Peffer- Mrs C. Gist and Mrs. E. Herron, abold e rn i .A.o hiketexfrmt make the services o! ,Mr gave a reatiing anti a vocal solo Miss Helen Baker, Mr. and Mrs. law anti Mr. and Mrs. Arthur servcdth usual dainty lunch sholt b apled nl bfritKeith Collver avaîlable for the by Faye Vice was enjoyeti B. aslPgyatyon Brown, Oshawa.th Toronto; Sgt. A.atioR.wBaker, R.Car.Mr. Ernest Herron finishedaniej'dasoalhfhur Wt.a haimunmsofd na oom jo o!vsttin up te Og- alA.l R.atBokwasled b MaMrs G. Wolfe will be hostess wit amaimm ! % xyention program.. Milison andi lunch was scrved AOrano r. ae at hld bis first year at Knox College 2fo o setsup a 9sys f1- Thr a trn feigby the group ini charge. A .endSt. uBeraQu dbc ereandi is at home at the manse be- at the May meeting with Mrs. Thor net aessrthanf90ldags. ren t uet ubewr .j aok n r.M ebt 2. Ts or&eC.A. atoragemofners aio h ..gop¶ uh Te Gooti Neighbors Club bas isiters during the weekend with fore bcginning his surm-er cm: .-aokad r.M ebt and operators. The licensing a program this year could serve pant oil vnn fcrsMr.andi Mrs. Tom Baker antid omn.tegopi hre regulations woulti require that as a trial run for a larger pro- at heseoolo ri24.uht amilyat raJraer h e pitngo!theise onrefathe the oxygen content o! the roomn grami for the entire apple cropApi24 Mrs. N.. C. Wotten wasa guestarpitngheas eto!h shoulti be lowered te 501 with- another year if a' waY cm be Mr. andi Mrs. Orval Jackson, of miss Apha Hlodgins, Bowman- Presbyterian Church. B A K T C In 20 days o! sealing the room. found te raise nccessary funtis. Robert and Paul, Lindsay, were ville. Ricky Mappin returned hoLmeSTOi That tbe oxygen content be The most heartening aspect guests o! Mr. andi Mrs. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalfe, fromn Port Perry Hospital last Public School Recital kept below 5% for at least 90 of the whole business la the ap- Tink and f amily. . Dr. George Werry, Donald' anti week and is recovering nicely days andi that each storage kieep parent and ready willingncss Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- James. Oshawa, were visibors from a mastoiti operation. A very pleasing evening's a record o! weekly movement o! the major repackers to <>. man andi chiltiren were Sunday with the Werry's at Roselanti- Suntiay visiters with Mr. andi entertainment was helti in the o! apples out o! storage. operate witb the growers in tea guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Char- vale. Mrs. B. R. Knight were Mr. and Central Public School Thursday 3. To compel rcpackers to working out a program that can les Langnaid and famiiy. The !irst meeting o! "Dress- Mrs. Cecil Elliot anti Rantiy, when. the pupils rentiereti ah ~iee a ecod o aU .A.pur bebenficil bbot. Sme Mi- an Mr. BuceHaLrsongin UpHomeGronthgetbmuosgcralh. isemuscal uiners rvaiou chases andi sales &0 that a gov- growers feed this co-operativc Lois andi Ralph, Oshawa, were les" was Mdlt at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Langfeid choruses, a vocal solo,tw pin ernment audit would reveal attitude is temTporary and as Sunday tea guests of Mr. anti our assisttleader Ms. R. alrvi he o froru rawîer n sl o, at trieyduean at blentiing anti sales o! colti sbor-1 the result o! the squeezé from Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees anti Cryderman, witli our leader Mrs.Foid naudyateno hpe trio.wat thFetiliv enea- age apples as C.A. apples, this year's crop. others feel the daughters. M. Vice present also, on April Ladies Aid toohe wanshesatii P asr repackers are esn the desir- Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mr. anti Mrs. f6tii at 8:00 p.m There were Nestleten Ladies Aid met "bOn roukehandthe aiovriu w as Minister In Favor ability o! grower-repacker Bruce Tink, Diannc, Neil anti fiftcen girls present but sixteen Tuesday afternoon at the homne chass rooms listening te the mr. Mitchell reporteti that teamwork. Herbie wcre Sunday tea guests are cxpectcd to balte the course. o! Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mrs.1 hockey playof!. the committe bati met with the o! Mr. anti Mrs. Bryce Brown Election o! Officers was helti E. Herron coiucted the De- Mr. McGregor, Presltieit o! Bo.W A odeloMis ET andtiilrr saa and the results are as follows: votional perioti. A completeti Peterborough Kiwanis Club,, ter- o! Agriculture te make the FOMz'.ISS andi Mrs. Kyle Squair, sPresid.nt-. -Pet Knox; Vice Pre- quilt was displayed -for. which lanti three other members, Mr. above requiests. The Minister For childrcn's rooms and. Bowmanville; Mr. Lawrence sitient-- DMine Tink; Secretary the ladies recéivedpatf forquilt- Darvin, Mr. Rai ani Mr-Gem- lied agrecti to the apparent neeti halls, recesseti baseboart i f- Squair, Salem: Miss Florence - Treasurer andi Press Reporter-- ing andi two more tops matie imed, were present anti afler for such regulations and turneti turcs are availabie whieh carl Wcr.ry, Hampton, werc Sunday IPat Davis. The namne of the club by Mrs. J. Fortier wli be com- each first prize number was the matter over to senior off î- a sof t glow at night without guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy is bo be ohosen et oui- next meet- pléted soon. Plans wer'e matie to given one o! them presenteti a Cials in the Department for fui-- getting in anyone's way, the. Lengmaid. ing bave thse basement redecorabeti trophy. Ail other than !irst ther abudy. Electric Service League report- Mr. andi Mis. Frank Moore, The s'ubject matter given to -anti new curtains matie. The an- plaeings receiveti oertificates. The promotion commttec re- - d Bowmanville,. visiteti Mr. and1 us by our leaders was "Objeet- nual May supper was discussed, There werc eight firsts, three 1 E. Meaties to be Jutigea for the parade. Bebhany corrnniunity bandi will be asked te head the parade which. will move off fi-cm St. Paul'a Chureh to the Athletic Park. It was decid ticot holti a dance in the Town Hall May 16 anti on the evening o! the holiday a miscellaneous program will be helti, wibh Ross Davidson, Rev. R. R. Bonsteel, Murray Wilson anti Verne Mulligan the commibtee to make the arrange- ments. Donald Scott, Bruce Wright, Robert Rylcy, Mrs. Verne Mul- ligan. anti Roy Ferren were ap- pointedti 1 arrange for a wom- en's softbaîl game andti wo basebahl games. Mis. Harry Ry- lcy anti Ross D-avitison are in charge o! ativcrbising. Glen Wcntworth anti Addison Scott wcre appointeti gabtemen. There was a discussion on the skating rink in the park, which bail fot been useti during bhc winter. The diressing rooms have fallen inb disrepair. Ib was deciic t tedemolisb bhc rink andtihbecwork o! bcaring down the building andtihbb fence surrountiing il was lefItet the Park commiùttee. seconds, one third anti one foui-lb prize won.. At bbc finish o! bbe program Patricia Adams -cati a nicely wordeti atdress o! appreciabion o! the pupils for ber services as pianist anti Betty Bradburn pre- senteti Mrs. Lorne Thompson wîtb a lovcly bouquet. Chair- man Wallace Marlow expresseti appreciation te Mr. Gay, music director, anti the teachers for their great work andi congratu- lateti the pupils on their suc- cess. Fritiay evening about one hundreti anti fifby patrons, frientis anti chiltiren enjoyeti an evening's entertainmcnt pro- vitiet by the generosity o! bbe Texaco 011 Company anti their genial representative, MT. Bruce Harrison. Th*rce gooti films were shown, "Spifls and Th!rUls", "Buckshob Goes te the Stabe Fair" anti "Becs fer Hire". Music for dancing followed with Brian Hamilton caliin-g for the square danýces anti the Young folk (.chiefly girls) en- joyeti a real frolie wibh many o! bhe oltier ones joining the fun. Lunch o!ftiougzhnuts, eof!ee ,anti chocolabe milk, provideti by the entertainers was serveti by ladies o! the Women's In- stitute. A barn anti fifteen or twen- ty acres o! Chr-istmas t-ces were tiestroyeti by fire on e farm owneti by Swartz Brothers o! U.S.A. threc miles soubb anti two miles wcst o! Blackstock Wednestiay afternoon. Both Cartwright anti Port Perry f ire brigade answercd tbc cail but werc unable te gel through a bati washout on the rond. ]i-. F. Ward, who lives in the homes, anti neigbbours organizcd a bueket brigade, removed thr'ee trucks from. the bei-n anti kept bbc fire from. the bouse. 1Mi-. anti Mis. J. A. Johnsten THURSDAY, APRIL23md, 1950 are spending aome lime with Mi. anti Mrs. Keitbb Johnston andi !arily, Belleville. 0 Mrs. Antirew Devltt and Miss Helen Devifl, Bowmanville, vis. Iteti Mrs. John MkKee, Sunday a! bernoon.A Mis. Creighton DevIJît, manville, spent a coullo! laut week with ber deughW Mis. Cecil Hamlton while Mfr.- Devltt was abtending Grand Lotige. Mr. and Mis. Ray Perwillc. gar anti Mrs. John Lindsay, Oshawa, visibeti Mis. E. Davey, Sunday. Mr. anti Mrs. Orr Venning have sold their farm te Mr. anti Mis. Jake Burns anti farn- ily anti purchaseti a home in Bowm.anville. Mr. anti Mm. Chas. Vennlng accompanieti by Mir. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery, Solina, vii. ibeti Mi.r anti Mrs. Everard San- derson, Galt, on Suiay. Mr. anti Mrs. Isaac Lucas, To- ronto, spent the weekend with Mr. anti Mis. Orr Venning. Mr. anti Mrs. Walter Wrlght, Lorna, Lois, Eleanor and Vaine were Sunday dinner guests o! Mr-. anti Mrs. Garnet Wright Port Perry. Mr-. anti Mis. Neil Malcolmn anti chîltiren, andi Mrs. Herb Taylor, visiteti Mis, Cook, Brookila, Sunday afternoon. Mms. M. Mzllon and Mr-.AX Prentice, Port Perry, were Sun- day supper guests of ! ,r. and Mis. Haroldi Martyn and boys, Brian Mountjoy anti Ken Rohi-er, bock thc "goiug up" ceremony from Cubs te Scouts. Mi. anti Mrs. Blake Gunter and family spent Sunday with frientis in Coc Hill. St. John's W.A. The W.A. o! St. John's An. glican church met in the Par- ish Hall Frîday evening with thc W.M.S. o! the United Church as guests. After the opening exercises,> considerable business wa deait ith. The presitient, Mrs. McArthur, i-cati a note o! thanks for the bale wbich hati been sent. Mis. Scott is dele- gate tb bhe Annual Diocesan convention o! the Womien's Auxiliary in Toronto, May 4-8 anti several others hope te at- tend for one day, May 4th. Mis. Langfclt i la tlegate te the Deanery ini Cobourg, April 21st. A varicty supper followcd bY a carti party was plan.neti; atjo a bake sale te be held Mon. A quilting was held on April 21st. The devobional period was conducteti by Mrs. John Scot wbho reati part o! Mark 12. and gave a fine commentai-y and led tbe prayers. The president welcometheb visitors. Mrs. Cha- perlin introduceti Mis. (Rcv.) E. W. Fuller o! Port Perry, who showed beautiful colored slides anti gave a most interestlngt and informative talk on thse work o! lbe Anglican Womnen's Training College in Toronto. Anmiversary c on g r a tulations werc sung for Canon and Mrs. Ghaperlin, as this was their wcdtiing anniversarY. Mrs. mcArt.hur thanked~ W.A. fr the $Ùvitation tp a M U such a fine time. Mtrg~ oloing exercises a bunt;iL lunch was serveti and a very pleasant ihall hour spent la tvis- iting. DURHAM COUNTY -----j FROM DURHAM (O - OPERATIVE Available at ail Local COLD Food STORAG E CONTROLLED' A TMOSPHERE (With that "Just m Pickced" Flavor and Condition), Big Advertising Prograrn m I IAMJAt. amilm A A..àm mý Il M This label is packed in each container you purchase &1eeprning Ç/eau ies These apples have been kept orchard fresh by a new scientific process. They have slept ail feu land winter. Outiets This label is placed in each container you purchase &ieelng J3eauties You can be sure of fresh apples by buying CA (Controlled Atmosphere) apples. j