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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1959, p. 6

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TIE CANIADL414 IETATEMSJ. EWAÇTLONTARTO - - T1!T~RSDAT. APR1L 2Srd. 1~8I ar entsea ocorne aout. . 7-year -old Anne Walker ht Civil ervic GrIWe ask yoir to take a fee Civi Serice Grouomrents:toce abu:. Tafi ccu iVctmci Webelieve the welfare of you;ir afic Acd n 'Litm pulic servants ila worth Yuu Makes A ppeal ta Publi c cosideration. ty sBre i aevlefi ofe Cv nltSrie o cito. The Mackey Cliapel, Llndsay, Mon Walker, two sisters and For Better Treatment T oefCviltSriaoctlncge1O Civi Ser ice sso iati n is ue o ou mag zme. The ril (Signed) H arold Bow cr, was filled to overlowing for the,. five brothe r, na mcely, o o h Civl Srvce ssoiaionisue f or againe Te TiJ Executive SecretarY. funerai service of Anne Bever1y 1 (Mrs. Garmet Reynard) ohsa. of Ontario. hum. TeSaeetffos WaUker on Monday afternoon, wa; Betty (Mrs. George Hughes) IN Port Hope Branch,' i Thet thadirectt .t<)lo* a April eth.. Friencis came fromi of Lindsay and Eari, Murray, w 7,15 Wad eau hs e wtblievethat i .hr a ou, it. and Mn. Onmany districts, lncludlng Llnd- Ronnle, John and Roger, ail of lb To heEdto, prl . 95 Sadsbeaue e elev tattion ta oM.nd rsO.isay mnd Janetvlule, home of the Janetville. Tote dtothe p2ople of our Province are tario, are a poor employer. We 17-year-old victlm of Frldayi Rev. R. R.- Bonsteel officiated ar ]Dear Sir: large ly ignorant of the condi-i met wîth your representatives. night's traffic fatality on Higli- at the services hcld in the Chap- sl On behaif oe the civil servants tions pre'vai]ing in their Pub-! the Prime Minister of Ontario way 35, gguth of Llndsky. Sin- ci at .:30 p.m. and at the grave-t of Ontario - numbering aboutj lic Service. Being without any! and the Cabinet, recently and cere and heartfelt sympathy was aide in JanetvlUe Cemretcry. 40,OO-we are enclosing a mes-j bargaining rights under law,1 presented oui 1959 Menioran- 1 expressed to the atricken par- Palibearers werc: Messrs. JohnM sage fromn our president direct-1 the civil servants of Ontarýo! dum to the Government. Mr.,'cnts and the seven b1rothers and Thémpson, Jot Walken, Owen ed to the -people of Ontario. It ms eteo a rs n;t, Orieatnta tI làstesbravdn nxetel.WleV il epbihdin the next, public undrst pirescrixs rieaedta tIshu itesbravd5 nxcel.t Wlkr, ,V lnaMcGill, Gilbert lfbepublicshedtadngad w inemtion--and thus youri'&--to The deceased leaves beside lier MagilU and R. Porter.-Watch- bi - mon moMNUUMUMUUUU u e - %comunU niake the Ontario Public Ser- sorrowing parents, Mvr. 'and Mrs..'man-Warder. bt vice a well-Paid, weil-protect- ed field of empîcymeit wlth - Clearasil Nivea Listerine Aika bettel' oppoi'turiity for promo- i for l'impies Creme Antiseptie Seitzer tan so fr orth. cndiios rg es G rea fer S tudy 69e - 1.19 69c-1.25-3.30 33c-65t-98e 34c-68o The objectives are coommend- _______________________________________ able: the action in deplorable. vour employers is: do you, Mr. R t r a q , e SPECIALSSPECIALSand Mrs. Ontario, agrec wlth A depr inslkh± Into the' principles ot. Rotary for the i 89cCOLATEGLEM he ac o!acton n he iiaiyfunctions of, thc magazine anu membens %and brlng ý at- er 89c COLGATE GLEEN ~~~~major questions placeci beforepulcifraon om t o TOOTH PASTE Push Button PASTE your representatives? Or do wc ulcIfrato omtc tention t the vast fund of in- 1 CN OENE NLONNAI SCUB suffer by de! ault; by your jack of thc club would stimulate the formation contained In The Ra- of interest in your own affairs; tainbe. ogis bimn~ by yur filue toapprciae PulicServce wth ts mnyof thc cominittee, told the Bow-b thatyou ailre te blggctemPublanieS oervoye s. th It Znnymanville Rotary' Club in an ad. a B oth o r 8 9 B ot f o r .19 hat y u ar th e igge t e m - thou ands f edreyee . at*15iceslunctheeonc e m eetingn 10 oz. Noxzema__ 1.25 2.50 Lustre Creine 19 ployer In thc Province, and that not possible for this job to be held at the Flying Dutchman ni unrest and that unrest and dis- donc intcrnaly-but an organ- Motor Hotel on Fniday. at satisfaction among your em-, ization experienced and recog- Mployees seriously affect the al- nizeci as competent by reslts A special welcome wa4 given & Rubber F hi n Fatht fairs of the Province? achieved around Uic world is to George Hacking, a 'former 01 Glovesot Damage PwdrYeu were not always a POOr available and cari be emplayed. Bowmanville Rotarlan, who G9cl8-198 De Te MthKilee5 employer. In 1939 Ontario Pub- Its up ta you, Mr. andi Mns. a rnfre oCligod 69c-8c-.98 DeeTeeMot Kiler___59e 45c-6'7c-1.13 lic Service salaries were ap- Ontario. Arc you interesteci? Ont., to bectnie manager of the _________Moth Blocks 15c, 25ce ______ proximately 28 per cent above Wm. C. Harper, President, brniah Baereola Comea rceo LavxLqi .9 .9the industrial average. Publicbac hr ls er o Larex iqud -.- .09 1.9 123 iz Service could draw andcihd Civil Service Association Morris maved a vote of thanks Resan New Larvex Bomb 1.98 1.3se the cream o! the crop, and top- of Ont4rig. ta Mr. Hacking for leading the Liquid Safelex Bomb---- 1.69 Bufferin 'flight employees were attracted sing-song. ta the Service. But as far back O Biess )i ily Other gueits were: W. B. 1.50 FIy Tox Math Proofer 1.39 Now 98e 'as 1950 Ontario Public Service urir Bennett, A. L. Evans, Ed Star- ______________________________________ salaries bad lost their favour- - e, and Lance Beath, ail of Osh- able position and ini tact had £ awia ,C a, L. H. Harrison, Torontd, OEADYBADdropped slightly behind the in- IC Onniancj Bert Johnston, Bowmanville, Groldustrial average of thc day. Art Crawford, Whitby, and, M lipl îtm The effect of tisi on the Ser- RAY 3. DILLING Stewart McTavish, Bowman- The Ideal Tonic vice was soon apparent. Cancer Certified Public Accountant ville. lAf 9fl ~ ivil servants drifted ta more 93 Church Street There are several ways in 1.5 -3.29 -5.49 140,230,i e~195,1mn95eenelnerUc ca' Akt336 whieh Rotarians as a group, or1 ment wee noloner te ceam ndiidualymaykeep the pub- Wampole's Extract 1.50, 2.75 Phosphoplex -2.50, 4.95 c f the crap. In short, as an cm- WM. . B . COGGINS lic informed regarding Rotary, ____________________________ ployer youn rating hiad dropped Chartened Accountant ishsoy betadsoe - Ishprply. When we cansider the' Second Floor ?&ts his sIpeuge great upswing in fringe bene. New Libnany Building the .coubgins stated1exurgeds 2 Hinds Honey and Almond Cream fits suchthas pensions and insun- Cor. King and Tempenance sts. Rotrc c lub embr ters ance In fieldi, your Phone MArket 3-3612oay acidns wt therou thei presentratîng as an employer YALE, FRIEDLANDE1I, taisy cons th bf the rwa 65c size for 98c is reacuîy understandable. HUNTER & CO. Aise ta be ready i an unas- In aur brief on salaries. r- Accauntants and Auditors suming, mannen o prevent mis- sented ta your representatives Licenscd Trustee in Bankruptcy understandings in the abjectsl OntJarinuy e weroie oalatiet 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 and activities of Rotary. Mr., OntriaPubic ervce alaiesOshawa, Ontario Cobbins aise advised ail Rotar- have reached an ail-time l0w B. L. Yale, C.A. !ans who bave, or niay acquire, C OL N' inc scrp risd iti othen Cpub, IF.1iedlander, B. Corn., C.P.A. the gift o uli-paknt PHNEW FT ada. (The gap between our sal. MONTEXTH - MONTEITHJ other organizations, not neces- HON3-E9WDRUFTOR aries and the industnial aver- RI1ERL & CO. sarily on Rotary as a tapic, but MA359 R G ST R TRUSSES age has grown to the -point Charténed Accauntants as a Rotarian. twhere we don't lilce te think 135 Simcoc St, N., Oshawa 'Plannd readling i this age UUUMEUMUEMUMMUUMUUMUUMMUUUU.Mu.....,about it; aur wivcs brlng this RA 5-3527 fsedadfnatcsînîî point sbarply home ta us when Bowmanvile - Caîl ZEnith 45750 ofeed npmttc entii they return from a visit with Parnrs: elomn is a must", Mn. aur ndustrial neighbours.) At Han. J. W. Monteith, F. C.A. Coggins pointed out. He stated BO MAVILN prescrit wc are trailing aur fel- A. B. Monteith, B. Comn., C.A. that The Ratarian In compiled low employecs ini othen provin- G. W. Riehi, C. A., R.I.A. each month with thc samne high R 1 L B m A .5,589, 1 cial civil services by an aven- (Liccnsed Trustee) ideals that are entrusted to club age of mare than 16 per cent, G. E. Trcthcwcy, C.A. members. He said out.standing ran.ging fromn eight percent "i R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. articles by Norman Vincent thc clerical groupa to some 24 Peale, Henry Cabot Lodge, Peul T11 H R .T A .,A I.2 5 pretin Uic technicai, and Hoffman, and othens have ap- sub-professional classes. Trades Ch r pr.ctiC peare in tis magazine. aome Nalinee Saturday 2 p.m. men are tnailing by about 22 -ar thought-weovoking hl percent. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. others are written ini a lighter Is it any wandcr that your Chiropractor vein, Mr. Coggins rcmarked. Tho. bcroeft liNv aes i status as an employer bas slip- Office: H eiddhsadec ped? That your reputation, 15 Elgin St., con, o! H.orsey St. that The Rotarian is the off i- N '~<built on commendable objec- Phoné MA 3-5509 cial publication of Rotary In-, iK eYo ieft A1"kCI 1 ee tives expressed by your repres- Office Heurs: By Appointment ternational and that It cornes in - ~~~entatives in recent years, lias toeiinTeRtna seniausly deteriorated? English and Revista Rotania in We do not dare ask that you D e nifai Spanish. Ail the copies printed ntiumn employer you wenc in DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. average boxcars. The magazine the ycars fnom 1939 ta 1950. We Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. goes inta 123 countries, Mr. ask only the expressed policy 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Coggins said, and added it can of your representatives be cri- Office Heurs: be faund on the desks of prem- acc;that Ontario beooe 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally iers, kings, and diplomate, as of the -betten employers. Titis Closed Saturday and Sunday wcii as oni the desks of thous- cannot be achieved unIess yau Office Phone - MA 3-5790 aXids of other men. agree, and unless yau take some House Phone- - Newcastle 3551 From ite inception la 1911 by1 action ta sec that Ontario Pub-DRE .SSNL.SDDS Paul.Hamris it went aven weil -~ lic.Service salares are equal Officewith its readers, Uic speaker lievc aaisaeeul Ofc in his home statcd. It was, and is, the voice to those paid for comparable 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvillc o! Rotary. 'As the magazine QK 0 fllIIIAQTflY URV -E Nnnm 8 C !NAiiT EG work in other civil service jur- Office Heurs: ge it developed ini signifi- UUIUIdII~'iitri e o s n y g in us -ov 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily cance ta the Rotary movement rI alc e mpe s i t i r Phone M A 3-5604 and t e its readers, e assert d. m l m b l M jitlhP11fh ltl-%ii mcc.ln Closed Wednesdays and Sundays It lias invited men o! authority -itisement programme, 'and a sel- E. RICHARD LOVEKIN ection board ta eliminate the U.E., B.A., LLB ELIZABETH VILLE evils o! political patronage, and Box 9, Newcastlet assure menit promotion and de. Phene Newcastle 2248 The Wemen's Association held vclopment o! cancer civil sen- Consultation bY appointaient teir meeting at Mrs. erno vat.only. Peacock's homne vwen about f if- IWc bave heard much talk ~ A YET teen attendeci. Mrsý. Ken Trew about security, protection and meig benefits. What is needcd in the Barrister and Seicitor anr e sntped the m o eeting In Uic offices o!fn euc Aeodro evc Public Service is opportunity, R .Wdeî . sent. Mrs. Peacock prepared the fair treatment and sound com- Pa. SRedetOrn, Ont.C chapters and Mrs. 71hickson gave * pnsaio. Oporunty etffiday, 7 p.m. te 10 pm a paper on thc classesatie tingcd with patronage, either Saturday: 9 am a O5, ais t aMach. Te political or persenal; fair treat.-- aoinin o! Wc.MThe MARK ROBSON ment regardless o! race, crced, an W.A. thes deiscsedMved OEKfl&Ysex, personai likes and dis-. aA sb nsW. Pcacoek andsec ovd ISBLLNATlikes, sound compensation bas- orfg ages by rL eta ba we ad ev. G. ed on the prevailing rates in the SADIE HAMILTON . ORONO Wnightatr hurc ebsy evr a. Province; payment fer overtime Phone 1 r 16 band book edition that wcre sent Sas ~~ait least at standard rates. lrst Martgagc Funds ta u ogeain uc a Wc are asking you, Mr. and Residences - Farms s cd Tnextetiong tenh b ThedrmaofGlad' s .Ay w.rd, who rou'lh rs.Ontak ie, loas outeployr-Business Prperties the Missienary Meeting. miracles. wvih le'. e ot chiire~n . , ,ho walked ing conditions and salaries o!f o n edyeein h on with faith throughi mountains of e-vil! your empîoyees. 0 p o m-e f r y atd School whidi was te be held We are prepareci ta )e an e!. _______________ Osaca had ta be poatponed Evein shwsat7 ad :30p.. ficiently organized, cfficiently KEITH A. BILLSTT due te unfonseen circumnstances. Evesingshos a 7 ad 930 .m.disciplined, economically staff- Optometlt The meeting is ta be Tuesday Aduits 75e Students 50e Cliildren 25e cd and economically opcrated 141KngSE- wm vileeiigMyl2h To pay ereJun andJul: (Girl9.Public Service. AUl we ask in Office Hours: By appointml SeveinI motiiers and thcin To layher Jue îîdJuI: "igi, retârn is epportunity, fair treat- Telephone MArket 3-3252 daugliters were invited to at- "I antToLiv" nd AunieMane"ment and seund compensation. Monday ta Saturday tend the mother anddaugliten "I an T Lve ad Auti M meBold measiures must be tak- 9 a=m. to à pan. suppen held at Canton by the en. We bave long asked for a Wednesdays: 9 te 12 Explaners andi C.G.I.T. gnoups. thorough survey o! thie Ontario Thursday evening Miss Lawrence, Part Hape, was- th guest speaker and atout one haedhad supper. On Thui-iday evening ithe 4-H Club heMd their first meeting. There are five membets ia this ut The following offices were. fiied, President- Lind&a. MA- ister; Vice prea!dent- Sharon Frew; Sccretary- G1end» Mer ci'. The girls demonstrated Measurlng techniques and made pancakes 'which wene ,served with Maple syrup. Mrs. MeAI- ister had the meeting. On Friday evcning Mns. Knox and Mns. Thickson attend e lide Showing o! a trip te Non- thern Quebec given by Mr. and Mrs. Sad-ier. Mr. and. Mrs. T. Faillas andi children, Mrs. M. Fallis, Mill- bnaak, with Mr. and Mi',. Wil- 'un Beatty, Sunday. Mrs. Knox and Mns. Thick- son attendeci the ecre pairty In Cobourg Saturday evenlng. iPONTYPOOL We are glad te report that Mr. Bll Hackwood is niaking fa- vourable progness in St. Jos- Lph's Hospital, Peterborough. Mr'. Alf Mitchell is now able io resume bis barbcrinýg after >eing confined to bis home with b eant condition. For the first time in many nontbs Mn. Chas. McNeii was abIc to go for a drive on Satur- *ay wîth bis son Arnold a! Ton- )nto at the wheel. Mr. Charles Rusk is again SAVE 16e- 10e off pack Red Rose Pkg. of 60 bags TEABACS .- .- Dominion Stores Cqshiier Wins Canadiaýn Award ý Mrs.* Constance Burrldge, 4. Llngarde Drive, Scarborough, Ontario, today reigned as queen of Canada's super market cash- iers. Mru. Burridge, a Dominion confined to bis bcd after an- other setback recently. Mrs. Fred Yolngman and Mr.. R. J. Payne represented Ponty- Pool L.O.B.A. at the Grand Or- ange Lodge held at Napa.e.e last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Waite antI Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Waite of Ccé- bourg were Sunday visitors witti Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Payne. ,Glad to welcome the "Toi White" family back to our vil- lage after the wintci' months in Toronto. SSorry to learn of the passing of Mr. Jon Moffat of Enter. prise. This highly respected cîît- izen was well known here. To the family we extend oui' sym- pathy.1 1We did not know until Sat.- urday that Mr. Charles Gibson of Peterborough had passed away i ast winter. Deceased I iv- ed here at one time and wias very active in ibasebail and foot- ball circles. No sounds of regret were heard when most of our sn<>w disappeaTed last week. Tree planting and grounci cultivatàm~ should start this week. 63cl SAVE 7c - Wagstaffe's Raspbcrry or Strawbcrry - 24 oz. jar J ANM 2For 89C SAVE 10e - Regular or Chubby KLEENEX TISSUES 3Fior 49C 15c Off Pack - Save 20e - Giant size JIN DANDY LIQUID CLEANE 69c Kingsdale Fancy Biscuifs Chocolate Mallows, Chocolate Cremes, Cocoaîîut Cremnes, Assorted 9 Delites - Your choice - 3 pkgs. 8 9C Thin-Skinned - Florida Seedless - Size 48's GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 49C No. 1 - Frcsh Pickcd NUSHEONS .Lb. 59c Crisp Ro'sebud - No. 1 RAU ISHI S - 8 oz. cello pack - 2 For 17c SAVE 14c FEATURE Maple Leaf - 12e off pack - 24 oz. tin Liquid Detergent --71c FEATURE - SAVE 6c "Free Jim Dandy Cleaner" ilawe's Paste Wax Lb. Tin 47c FEATURE - SAVE 6c Bose Margarine 2 LbIs. 47c FEATURE - Libby's - 48 oz. tin Pineapple and Grapefruit Juice - - 37c_ FEATURE - SAVE 18e - 12's lKotex Nfapkins - 2 For 79c SUNBEAM FEATURE "For Better Strawberry Shortcake" Shoricake Layer - Ea. 29c Stores' cashier, was nanicd by board of judges meeting liere, i'cview candidates, represen 2,500L super mankets . inthéi.4- cd States and Canada In thre International Checken o! thc Yeat Awards, spensened an. nually by Super Market, Insti- tute and The National Cash Reg- ister Company. Competition 18 based on custemer courtesy, a coiperative attitude toward f-el- low workcns, and cash-register accunacy. Mrs. Bunnidge's checkstand is ia the Dominion store at 86 Blake Street, Toronto. She has been a cashien for 10 ycars. The wife o! a fine fighten, Mrs. Bun. ridgc manages, in additien te work and cane e! ber home, te find time to enjey ceoking and trying eut new necipes. She was chosen te nepresent bér store thnough custorner balloting and management appraisai. 1 "This &iil as choseh- for*ber eutstanding cempetence, bler at- tiactive personality and appear- ance, and ber excellent manner in handling customens and deal- ing with ber fellow woikcrs." As ýCanadien Checker o! the Year. she now becomes eligible for selection as one . of ten regional winners who will go te Atlantic City May 25 fer the final judging te select the 1959 International Checker of the Year. These regionai winncrs :were te be anneunced'April 22. * Lb. 55C *Lb. 63c SWIFTr'S PREMIlUM (6 oz. pkg.) il to 12 links per pkg. Brown 'n Serve Sausage Pkg. 35c SWEE'T PICKLED IEy the piece - End portions Peam eaied Bacon - Lb. 55c LEAN! CENTRE SLICES --- . ý69e SWIF'If'S PREMIUM SLICED VACIUUM PACKAGED Mac Eroni & Cheese Loaf Dutch Loaf Pickvie & Pimento Loaf Veal, Park & Cliieken Loaf 25C pkg. New - California - Long White PO.TATOES - 5Lbs. 39c, Fresfi - California Pint box STRAWBERRIES 37c Birds Eye Frozen Foods rkIXED FRUIT, 15 oz. pkg. - 49e V7HOLE KERNEL CORN, 12 oz. pkg.- --- ----- 2 for 39c PERCH FILLETS, 12 oz. pkg. -- - 31c - -u SPR/fCT/ME BONUS BARGAIN!l COLORFUL PLASTIC ('lARBAGE CANS 10 GALLON SizE REGULAR $593 F77Trrf] - NLY r - PAGE six SWIFTS.PREMIUM BLUE 13RAND BEEF Blade, Roast - - Short, Bihb asf THERE'S A RED AND Wl-lTE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteriaq KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST O)F TOWN LINE ORONO - Cor nish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK -. Blyth's Market il mm ApRtL,2&dtll lin

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