?ffUUUDAT, APRIL 801h, lUS - a. x. MC £4~~N~ .kli V ~M TESm ÇAAUAAN Tl UATnAN. EOWMANVILL.ONTAMZ 7/go PewcJal ,flewcastle Social Mrs. P. Ir. LeGresley left on TuSday for Montreal wh'ere the plans to visit with her niece, Xrs. J. Mlckie. à .Mm. James Stone of Oshawa *as a Sunday visitor with Mrs. George Smith. Saine 25 contestants froni the lqewcastle and district Public r Ce Cash To-day Fror Ol0d Appliances through STATESMAN C L ASSI1FI1E DS Phone MArket 3-3303 and1 9ÇJersonal Schools are expected ta coin- pete in thc Public Speaking contest being spoosored by tihe W.C.T.U. in the United Church Sunday School Auditorium ta-1 morrow cventing. Musical nuni- bers will be intcrspersed among the speeches. Mr. and Mis. Robert Penny and daughter Janice o! Toronto were Sunday visitais with Mr. and Mii. John Voutt and fani- ily. Dr. and Mrs. W. H-. MacDon- ald o! Toronto and Mis. J. D. Cunninghanm o! Bowman,'ille, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mis. H. S. Britton. MI&s. Kathleen Byam and son Bill o! Concord were weekend visitons with Mr. and Mis. John -Voutt and family. WORKPANTS and ,.WORtK SHItRTS THE WORK CLOTHES THAT LAUGH AT lIARD WEAR 0 Extra Strength- Exta Comfort 0 Rainforced Critch Wan't Rip *Eta Hev Poot Doop Pockets 0 Exclusive I-eavy Sanforized DrIII Walet Band 10 Vat Oyed -Coior WiiI Not Fade 10 Satisfaction and QuulIly Guaranteed mi'-RE for CASUAL and UTILITY WASH fAND WEAR REASGNADLY PRIICED Toms ,Ready-to-Wear Newcaut le, Ont. '4e u Cash ibank Books Furiture- Investinents Library Finaincial Statement m it »ecember 81, 19U8 Assola -$ 407.10 - 300.00 .. 800.00 $6,598.20 Liabtilties sud Surplus Surplus Balance January 1. 19588$4,904.52 Add; Increase ln value ot books 1,791.10 $6,695.62 Deduct: Excess o! expenditure aven revenue Revenue Goverrment grant Municipal grant Fines and fees Bond interest ____________ Expenditure Rent Newspapers Magazines Books- Fiction ~$254.08 Non-fiction ________ 147.95 Juvenile 137.72 97.42 $6,598.201 $8i05.87 832.30 70.27 22.75 $360.00 21.50 81.15 $539.75 Salaries 540.00 Postage and express 11.36 Office aund book suplies 15.85 Insurance ..______________ 5.00 Membcrship focs ____________ 9.00 Gifts 35.00 Sundry 10.00 Excess o! Expenditure over Revenue $1,531.191 $1,628-61 $ 97.42 E nough Land for 80 Lots Bought by Committee For Housing Pro ject NEWCASTLE-The Newcas- tle Industrial and Development Committce appoAnted by the village counciea oe two years ago have taken their tinit con- crete stcp An developinent of the village by purchasing' a thirty acre tract of land freinthie De- partment, o! Highways for a housing sub-division. The property, bclng part o! the old- Ç. Dudley farm lu ait- uated just north a!fJîighway 401, imnediately west o! Church street, and Itlisa expected will xnake more than 80 Iiouaing lots. Piesent plans cafl- for Uic hlning o! a developer to survey and plan the sub-division. The cornnittee has tnied on variaus occasions ta purchase SPECI AL.S Meut Features Blade Roasts Short Rib Roasts BMade Banc Removed IL 49c IL .53c Grocery' Features Save 32c on Save 17c DELSEY JEWEL Toile t Tissue Shortening 8 rails $100. 2 lbs. 49c Let- large *headu Produce Features -tuce Cantaloupes 123c 25C each 5% of the value of your Grocery Cash Register Slips will he deducted from any $5 purchase made in our Readyto- Wear Stores - plus a 5% reduction in the price of the Iem* TOMS"'1IGA. Newcastle farin land for *liAs purpose withln he village, but thoir efforts have been thwarted by Uic high price asked for Uic land. It is believcd that, alter Uic costs o! sub-dividing and road-building and other services these lots wlll b. sold for build- ing purposes et a cost far be- low present pnices ta atiniu- late home building ini the vil- lage. According ta the cornmitte chaîrman H. J. Toms h. coni- itA.. plans ta have low coat building lots on the market I the very iear future due ta thus non-profit venture by h.coin- mittee. Teach Safety In Hunting NEWCASTLE - The.Newcas- tle Sportsmes' Club will carry on courses in the Hunter Safety Training Prograin o! the De- partment o! Lands and Forcats. Mr. S. C. Smons o! the Lind. say office will show films and speak about this program. ttus cvening An Uic basement o! Uie Town Hall at 8 p.m. It is hoped that the citizens o! Newcastle and district will turn out en masse for thla even- Ing. Hunters, farmers, parents and students, this evcning la for your benefit. Corne and sec how proper and safe gun handling will erisure a safer hunting sea- son In the future. Meeting Plans For TB Survey In Community NEWCASTLE-.-A meeting o! representatîves o! thc village o! Newcastle and commrunities ln h. Township o! Clark. ga- Uiered An the Sunday School auditorium o! the New'castle United Church on Tuesday everaîng o! last week ta discusi plans for the appnoachlng u. bereulosis survey ta be made ln these coninities. Mrn. G. Stackley o! Uic On- tario Department o! Healtli, Mrs. M.L E. Pewtress, chairman of the Northumberland and Durham Tubeiculosis Associa- tion and Mis. Dick, chairnian of Uic Christmias Seal Campaign wcre aUl present ta outlile plans o! thc survey and ta an- swer questions o! Uic local group. Tue film, "Are You Positive", was shown ta Uic group. This film which depicts Uic value o! the survey la most informative and la available ta lntcrcstcd groupe and organîzations for showing. Initial plans for h. survey ln Newcastle and Clarke, whîch it la hoped will b. a 100 percent survey, were laid at this meet- ing and interested persoasor groupe wishing further informa- tion shiould contact Messrs. John Soott or Arnold Wadc who arc chairnuen of the Newcastle aud Clarke Survey. jp Lionettes R aise $250 For Community Service ýt&rdon Agnswo Edilor 1 Brownie. Sale Big Success At Newcastle NEWCASTLE-The Tea and Sae held by the Newcastle Brownie Pack was opened by the District Comqùissioner. Mrs. WVI. Rudeil, with a few words of welcome. The Brownies had a table containing aprons, baby outfill, pot-holders, etc., for sale while another group of Brownies eonducted a baked gooda table at whlch homnemade cakes, xieh. bread, buns mu!- finiandassrted candies were Offered ta the large number o! people attending. At tablas beautifully decorat- ed wlth yellow 'murns and ferns. other Brow'nles served afternoon tea ta their patrons, asasted by the Ladies of the lôoca association. The B&OWnies and their leaders are moat grateful ta theWf Commihsioner, Mis. Ru- delI, the ladies'o! th. local as- sociation and toa ai the ladies f the village who carne ta pa- tronize their sale and help ta inake It the outatanding sue. ccii, that t was. Badminton Club Elects Officers N<EWCASTLE - The New- castié Badminton Club wôuftd ul> Its seasonVs .actlvities in the communlty hall ôn Saturday evenmng with a round-robin ser- les of gaines and though flot as well attended as the last such affair, everyone present had a most enjoyable evening. Bud Wagar and David Gib. son defeated Helen iianoock and Gary McCullough to win the chanipionship match while Susan Gray and Tracy Embley were defeated by Mrs. Kay Powell and Harper Kelscy in thc consolation match. During the serving of refresh- menti election of officers for next year was conducted re- sulting as follows: President, H-arper Kelsey: Secretary, Mary Dewdney; Treasureir, Mns. Kay Powell and Directors. Tracy Enibley, Bud Wagar. Sha.ron HAncock and Charles Crowther. This crecutive will b. iof- fice when the club resumea its activities In September. the meeting cloaed wIth a se" halt hour. Mesars, Floyd Beckett, Lorne Lamb. Fred Toms, Alma Yel- lowlees, Eiarl Trewin and UÔyd Ashton attended the W.A. Pros. bYterY at Tyrone on Thureday. Mr. and Mns. red Trewin% Lloyd and Earle, Blackstock;, Mr. Roy Trewln, Mina DcVaa Trewin, Mimico; Mr. and MM. C. E. Horn, Oshxawa, were Sua. dey visitons with Mr. and mmn Earl Tr6wIn. Mr. and Mrs. Prank D«ann were Suriday visitors with UNs. MurraY MustardSandford. Mrs. John Griffin, accomwa- led Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Begley, v/ho vislted with her sister Mn.à C. Sniith. Toronto. Mn. and Mms. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Tononta, were wi Mr. and Mis. S. R. Pethick. Sympathy to relatives of tbe late Eédgar Strutt who pued awaY froni a car accident oq Saturdîy in Oshawa. NEWCASTLE - The annual report of the year's work of the Newcastle Lionettes Club un- der President, Mrs. Oreria Me- gît, given at a recent meeting of the club showed a most ac- tive year in service ta the coin- munity by the 17-memnber club. A goodl.y sum of money was raised by the organization through the booth at the annual Lions Carnival, conducting of draws and contributions ta the "fine box". In the way o! community service the club made dona- tions of $15 ta the Girl Guides and $10 ta the annual Minor Hockey father and son banquet. Donations amountin.g ta $75 were made toward the purchase of a lounge and wheelchair. A grant of $15 was made ta he Bownmnville Hospital. Sehool and Fair prizes o! $10 were Special China Commemorates New Seaway NEWCASTLE - A Wedge- wood China display was held in the St. George's Parish Hall on Wednesday, April 22ftd Un- der the auspices of the Evenirig Branch o! the Woman'a Auxil- iary. The display consisted of two films describing the history and processing of this china. M.r. Eccles of the Wedgewood Company gave a brie! talk at the beginnîng of the evening and later answered most cap- ably the questions asked by the audience. Mr. Harding of Bow- manvile, was in charge of the film projector. Among the examples o! Wedgewood in the dlsplay were two plates commemorat- ing the opening of the St. Law- rence Seaway, which wil be on sale during and imniediate- ly after the Queen's visit this sununer. Three door vnizes were pre- sented during the evening to Mrs. De Vos, Miss Shirley Fer- guson and Miss Jean Clarke. Followlng th. showing o! the film, cake and coffee were1 served ta those present, Ini the basement of the hall by merm- bers of the Branch. TGNIGHT, APRIL 30 - Sp.m. Commuait y Hall, Newcastle HUNTER SAFETY FILMS AND LECTURE Hunters, Fariner., Parents and Studuits FREE ADMISSION t-irst ru lowLoost luxuryl News' haw yen eau have dis luxtury 7011 vaut ini your uew car without paying a. penalty in price.. Ford has the dean, elegant Iook of classie design, with a rich ex- terior finish that never needa wax- iug. Inside, there's thick foant. cushiouing in the. front seat, or bead and leg veau for passengen aud f uterior fabnicis ad tnini that say luxury' at a glance. Yet model for mode), Fords are the lowest- priced full.sized car in Canada Nor is this Ford policy of giving you «extra value' limitedl to the purchase price. For example, Ford'& rowerfut, modem Mileffe Maker Sixtakea 7011as far as 24 miles on every gallon of oegul4r ga. Viuit your Ford Dealer toclay sud fid out why thie mev Ford are first ini Iow.coat luxury. FORD SIocrV-f _______________(Cmna~a figue RSamWaug n ufluneS M. ~dwd - arn ~. Oihd o~m <oit on «h,,.> FOR àAffma RBUT m A USUD CAR OR TRUCEuMSUm TO SEl -OUR 4ýg OR OTHER SLECTiOS For Oshawa & Whitby Districts Seaway Motors LIMITED 200 Dundas St. W., Whitby ENNISKILLEN made and $25 donation was miade to the Bobby Falls Fund. A donation o! $10 was made to thc Dawson chidren injured An an accident and $15 was given ta a burned-out famnily. Hockey socks were purchased for Uic Lions Midget Hockey teain at $52.50 and sixty stack- Ing chairs werc purchaaed for the Lions roorn in the commun- ity hall. In addition ta Uic above the club canvassed thc village on behaif o! the Salvation Arny Red Shield Drive, had a Moth- er and Daughter banquet and entertained their husbands at the club's annual Christmnas Party. This Is a truly remarkable report o! services ta the corn- munlty by a sèveriteen memnber club and should be remember- ed br Ah.e ommninty when the club has a project whlch needs public support,' said NErs. be. gît, VILLAÛE 0F NEWCASTLE NEWCASTE MEMORIAL LIBRARY STATEMEN'r 0P REVENUE AN» EXPENDITURE for the yemr ended December 31, 1958 2 For Newcastle & Bowmanville Districts Carveth A&torc NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO The W.A. met at the. home o! Mrs. W. Begley, on Tuesday evening, April 21st. Minutes were read and approved. Rol call was answered with a "FIa- wer witih your Initial". Mis. R. Ormiston was An charge of Uic Devotional and read the leaflet-on "LovLe Thy Neigh- bour". Mis. F. Beckett gave the, Bible îeadîng taken tram Luke, 10 25:37 followed by a hymn and prayer. Mrs. 0. C. Ashton spoke briefly on Citi- zens'hip and Mrs. W. Logan showed a film depicting coin- mn=ity life. Mis. W. Howells gave United Nations report and 4,500,000 Motorisa Choose StateFcsm Why? rA¶ey enjoy te>i notch protection and rock-bottomn rates an auto insurance. Do you? Cal mne. DIEK BarNKMAIN MMIl1StN. I~U ¶relephons$871 Newcastle CamF ui imh~ Cnadian Head Office: Toronto mmm »th, lm umà&gzm off.leviEm LI FORD on m