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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1959, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN Pfl"U! PA MATITA~.T ~'PA'I~W~TiIAM UCIWIA ?..TUTT T W (NM'PA ~Tr~ - c.... w..... t.. ...aat..wa~ ..~, £a., Tv ~VtL~tI.~ v ..a..aa, . = CbS~. *ÂTi U1~~IJA Y, ft.1'1<èLL* 3UT.fl, ~ Lions Elect Lander President for Year Glen Lander was elected pre- sident of the Bowmanville Lions Club for 1959-60 at the dinner mueeting of the club held at the Lions Community Centre on ionday eveuing. Walter Rundie vvas elected lst vice-pc-esicnit, Joe Cooper 2nd vice-president, and Howard Gibson, 3rd vice- president. The secretary and treasurer will be elected at a CASTLES IN THE AIR . eSaren't subject, ta foreclosurve, but biouses on the grouind nav be rtost through sud<Ien iadversit. An inexpensive nortgage policy othe Sun Life Assurance Com- pany of Canada wiII free vour home froru any debt remnaining at your death. Protect your loved ones' home ..eall me today. ]Banner Passant Representative MA 3-3258 53 Brown St. Bowmanville inter meeting, and the new ex- ecutives will take office later in the year. Twa new members, Harold (Bud) Moses and Maurice (Mo) Preston were initiated an Mon- day evening. Bob Mutton, the membership chairman, was in charge and the initiation team was composed of Bill Oliver, Wally Braden and Stuart James. The Zone Chairmnan of 10 South, Brentan Rickard, New- castle, paid bis officiai visit to the Bowmanville Lions and was present at the dinner meeting. The birthdays of Dr. E. W. Sis- son, Jack Dunn, Orville Os- borne, Lawrence Goddard, er- bert Goddard, Alex McGreg and Russell Oke were celebra- ted. Leonard Lucas was program cliairman for the evening. nhe president, Ralph McIntyre, i- troduced Dudley Hume, head- master of the Ontario Training School for Boys, Bowmauville., He spoke of Mr. Hume's dis-1 tinguished schohastic career in South America and in England. Mr. Hume tohd of the Ora- torical Contest for the boys at the Training Sehool. and ex- pressed appreciatian of the Lions interest in the event and their sponsorship of the finals. Mr. Hume introduced the three finalists. The judges were Leon- ard Lucas, Roy Turner and Wal- ter Rundle. The participants iu the finals îrnpressed the members of the club with 'the thoroughness of their preparation, and excellent delivery. They were EdWinJ Hoyte. who spoke on "Boys", John Leonard, who select- ed "Sir Winston Church.ill" as bis subject; and Les Emary, who spoke ou l'Albert Einstein." M h ATTENTION FARMERS ! USED EQU IPMENT aind TrRACTORS Farinall "A" with Row Crop Scuffler (Overhauled completely) Farmail "Super A", one owner, top condition. Farmali "Super C", one owner, good condition International B-250) Diesel Demonstrator Excellent Buy Sedora Loader Massey "22", very good condition, one owner Massey "3M", recently overhauled, one owner Massey "44", needs a littie work 2 International 200 Tractor Spreaders Fleury 8-ft. Disc 15-Marker Double Disc Seed Drill International Seed Drill Trail Cultivator International Mower, tractor mounteu International 3-furrow PIow, on rubber, like new International 3-f urrow Plow, on steel International 2-furrow PIow, on steel International 6-ft. Binder International 3-bar Side Rake Co-op,4-bar Side Rake, on rubber George White Mill, 24 x 42, good condition New Holland 77 Baler with Motor Make an offer International Power Take-off Baler Completely overhauled Cowan Equipment Company 134 King St. E. MA 3-5689 Reoently Renovated Home Hit by Fire .-.... mi - . Fiee aehda xreeybs ekwt an rs ie n n mao lz eadn hi atnin nMnaArl 0 tto hm vra hourto ringundr cotro a lashfir at he ome f M. ad Mr. Dn Rusel an gsFrmtefntvehdoan euttreely uy wkwastcnith many gras fire an on smjonr bae emndithebirdnattnonteMnd, ArilRussllttook te ovher an hou tobrigander cls s otola faush frthe az.Hoe ohMas pnd Mer DonRuseil an sleeyroing frmth ae seddcald ieme. hen teyaurrivue ad, mites atethe wee a n thelosaszto He wcaus fthe lae. HneOhaswpnae.rlmntscm The winner of the Oratorical or dresses-no jeans. Contest, Edwin Hoyte received If the opening night is a suc- a handsome trophy, and a smal] cess, the young people plan to I silver cup. He and the other two continue having dances everyI participants in the finals each two weeks. Committees were c received a useful and attractive appointed to arrange for music gift. etc. The president, Mr. McIntyre Th e Baby Band lMothers' Aux- thanked Mr. Hume for coming iliary held a delightful "Aprili to he eetng nd orbringing Showers" tea on Saturday af- tthe bym e rseting and forternoon in the United Church ato othe boys eresedappre Sunday School hall, which was p at intothe os af ortm attractively decorated for the plart inthemcon tei n puonrat-occasion with white umbrellas ulakate iemonther ubicand spring flowers. Each table speakng ablity.set for four haci miniature urn brellas- for centrepieces with flat sprays of lily-of-the-val-s BETHANY ley. The buffet table was cen- tred with a lovely floral ar-1 Mr. Harry Hannah, Mr. and rangement of yellow ' mums, Mrs. William Hannah, Mrs. flanked with silver candelabra Winnifred Fitzgerald, Mr. and and yellow candies, with silvera iMirs. Gardon Staples and Rich- tea services from which Mrs. ard Staples ahl motored ta Elm- George- Waddell, Mrs. Clarence vale on Saturday ta attend thue Rowan, Mrs. Thomas Jackson'1 celebration of Mr. and iVrs.1 and Mrs. Addison Scott poured t Frank Hannah's silver wedding tea. anniversary. Frank Hannah is Mi's. R. R. Bonsteel, Mrs. Wil- a well known here. beginning his liam Fritz and Mrs. Earl Wea-a career with the local branch therit were the, receptionist, of the Toronto-Dominion Bank welcoming the guests. Serving fand is now manager of the Elm- at the tea tables were Miss vale branch. Eleanor Rowan, Miss Dianneb TheBadinon lubwond vhulligan and Miss Lynda Da- C up the season on Thursday Asitn in the kitchen were night with a social evening, the Mrs. Harry Ryley, Mrs. Ernest club members serving lunch Youngman, Mirs. Earl McQuaid, following the regular games. Mrs. Harold White, Mrs. R. 1\1r'. and Mrs. Harold San- Burgess, Mrs. Ronald Pomeroy. derson wxith Mr. and Mrs. Leon- Mrs. Uervin Mulligan an d ard Driver, motored ta Ottawa, Mrs. 'Verne Mulligan were in on Sunday ta visit with Mr. charge of the fancy work sale and Mrs. Douglas Bruce. table; Mrs. Thomas Jennings Miss Laura Hlutchrnson, To- and Mirs. Leonard Driver selling routa, is visiting with Mr. and the home bakîug. The chlld- Mirs. Herb Kennedy. ren's fish pond was well pa-C Mrs. Mel McGee and daugh- trauized and in charge of Mrs. ters Debra and Catherine, Rag- Ralph Perry.- Guests were pre- 1lan, were with Mir. and Mrs. sent from Peterborough, B hlie- George Waddell for the week-bro Cavan, Lindsay, Mil-: At~ their meeting this week booka.vil n Yle- the Young People's Union elected Bruce Wright as their new president, following the re- signation of Thomas Currie who is moving to Gananoque. New social directors were also ap- N W M O pointed-Misses Dianne Mulli- --gan, Lynda Davidson and Joan ~ fGilbauks. Iustead of the usuai. 1recreation period. the mem- bers adjourned ta the Sunday School Hall and had a wark ' bee, varnishing the floor. jThe Ladies' Good Luck Or- ange Lodge held a successful progressive euchre party in the Orange Hall on Friday night to ~ wind up the winter seaso:n's so- ; cial activities. Prizes forhg scores went ta Mrs. Charles Smith and Edwin Challice; consolation awards ta Mrs. Mor- gan Bigelow and Malcolm Smelt. Lunch was served bv the Lodge members, who also ex- pressed thanks ta everyone who had patronized the winter 1 parties. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Mulli- gan eutertained ou Saturdav y eveuiug lu honor of Thomas- c Currie, who is leaving at the end of the month for Ganan- oque. Thomas has been here for two years as an employee of the Toronto -Dominion Bauk cc~ and will be greatly missed bylc. the mauy frieuds he has made during that time. He has been . .c . particularly active in young people's activities. assistant Scout and Cub Master of the local pack, president of the c Young People's Union of thec 1United Church. or.ganizer of the IBethany Teen Club, also a c member of the United Church choir. The group presented hlm with a leather bill fold and 13 a sum of money. 13 With the idea in mind that KINGSTON RD. EAST ,mare organized -social funictions should be held at home,1I OSHAWA young people held an executive planning meeting on Sunday following church services.î Thomas Currie presided. The new organization will be known as the Bethany Teen Club. Tefirst planned event wvîll Duild witn STONE. beaMay Day dance in Bethany Town Hall. Friday, May 1, from 9 to 12:30 p. m. The age' limit for membership was set N lr Ifom age 13 ta 20. The dances I urlStone Venee will be strictly chaperoned and the rules drawn up include, no rowdyism, no alcoholic drinks allowed, the boys must wear, ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. in companv with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and, famnily, were visitars with Mr. andi Mrs. Cameron Oke, Oshawa. Mr. and MVrs. Ross Sharp aud Kathy were tea guests of Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Lake, Newoastle. Mr. and, Mrs. Walter Oke, were visîtors with Mrs. Stella Beech. Maple Grave. Misses Doreen Trewiu and Sheila Allun, B a w m anville. spent Saturday with their gra- ndparents Mr. and Mis. C. E. Horn, Oshawa. Mr. John Shackleton, Bow- manville, was a Sundav cahier at Mr. and- Mrs. H. Stevens'. i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler, Nestieton, were Saturdazy visi- tors at Mr. and MNrs. Fred Toms. Mr'. and Mrs. Keith McGili and Dale, were recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pipers, Maple .Grave. Mr. and Mis. O. C. A shton, Lois and Charles accompanied iby Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mapie Grove, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman's, Scugog Island. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston were Sundiay dinner guests of Mr'. and. Mxs. Lloyd A.shton, Elaydon. Mr'. and Mrs. Jol'n Griffin wvere recent cahiers at Mr. and VIrs. T. Hobbs, Oshawa. Mr. and MxIs. E. Clark, Bow- manvilIe; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Preston, Mapie Grove; Miss Clara Page, Toronto, were with Mfrs. E. Page. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt, ,vere recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffery, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. A. Herrin.g.. Oshawa; Mr. Allan Stainton, were Suday visitors itMr and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. K. Waversveld and family. Bowýmanvilhe, wvere Sunday calhers at Mr. andmrs R. J. Ormiston*s. Mrs. F. W. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry, Patti, wvere weekend visitars at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry*s. Hull, Que- bec. Mrs. F. W. Werry remained for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. A. Werry's. Mr. Carl Brunt and littie Miss Heather were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston and boys, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill's. Mr. James Bennett and Pat. Toronto, were Saturday visitors at John Griffin's. Miss Mary Griffin, spent the weekend with Miss Pat Hoskin. I A~L~ jConservation Authority, h a s Cons.Auth rity been appointed Field Offleer cVIM the Ganaraska and the Central To Id S rLakeI Ontario Conservatian Au- I ~assistance ta these Authorities9 VViii B iv~aae auy of their problems. 4. At a recent meeting ofth;ilembers were present repre. ofteýsenting the City af Oshawa, the Central Lake Ontario Conserva- Towns af Whitby and Boxvran- tion Autharity held in Osha\wa, ville; the Townships of Whitby, 'Mr. A. D. Laterneli was intro- Pickering, East Whitby, Darling- [duced ta the members. Mr- Lat-'tan and Reach. Cl.arke Tawn- erneli, formerly wîth the Metra ship was nat represented. Mr. E. R. James, member Blackstock. from Pickering Towniship, re- Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martin ported ou a meeting held ini and family, Bowm-ranviille. were Hampton, at wvhich time Mr. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Laternell spoke and showcd Mrs. Arthur Brunt. slides au the variaus aspects of Mr. nd rs.Keit McillConservation, including s oi I and Dale, were Sunday guests eoin ae oltoec of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haass, Mr. Laterneil confirmed the Bowmanville. report af a survey of the Central Mr. nd Ms. CarkLake Ontario Conservation Area Mr. nd Ms. CarkWerry. j ta begin some time in May. This Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Walter survey will be under the juris- Oke, were with Mr. and E. diction af the Department af A. Werry. I Planning and Development. Super-R ight Me uts!fMAN LA Bls SALE' LEGS Short (ut hn LOINS FRONTS Rlank On Full Cut lb 47 C lb 27C 16bl7c LAMB IN BASKET Raast, Chops, Stew lb 1 7c Extra Lean MINCED BEEF 'Grade "A", Ready ta Cook, 31/2 ta 5-lb Average BOILING FOWL lb 39< lb 33< BIRTHDAY Jans Parket- APPLE PIE (8", 24-o.- Pie) tach 3 9c Reg. 49-SAVE 10e A NNI VERSA RY SPEaIALS! ProuceSpecils Self Polithing Liquid Wax Reg. tin $1.1"AVE ffvE Solo Rg. 2-Ibs 55c-4AVE 4c No. 1 GradieOriginal Pint A RGA&RINE 1lpks9 BoesHap ng Fuît Van Kirk Reg. pkg 31o-SAVE te STRABERIESCHOC., CHIPITS 6oz plg29c Sltk B R ISA&P Sweetened Reg. tmn 31c-SAVE 3c 3 ~GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 28oz tins 5 9c mach 3 97 A&P Fancey Qualmty Reg. 2 tins 21o-SAVE Se CORN WHOLE KERNEL 3 8-oz fins 29c Freeh,, N-. 1 Grade, Vine Ripeflodv Choice Quality Rg is3c-AES junb pck SironFtshA&P PEAS 4 20o tins 5 9c C&?IT&LOUPE'S Henley Reg.ti 9SAEl FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 28-oz tins 75< lona Reg. tin 29*a-SAVE Oc «~Ch 3 ~ PEARS 2 28-oz tins 49c Ail Prices in This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, May 2nd, 1959 >RRIS CO. CHAPEL AND FUNERAL HOMEi PHONE RA 5-3189 OSHAWA The firsi impression is a lasiing impression. for DIGNITY and PERMANENNCE - Beautiful yet RUGGED. ECONONICAL Too! Window Sis . .. Precasi and Natural ,er, Ohio Sandsfone, Indiana Limesione, Tennessee Marbie, Rideau Hue Ledgerock Credit Valley Ledgerock FVEFORE YOU BUILD . VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 'I. B owmnanville SEE AND SAVE The one new car thial cosis Iess Io buyo far Ies I operale ... OU PICSON NEW LARK $1495 MODELS START AS LOW AS... STONE AND WINDOW SILLS SUPPLIED BY MARBO STONE LIMITED The firsi thing you see about any building is lhe Exierior PAGE IPOUIRTEEN THE CAMAinTAIV qTATF-I;mAlq- RnWMANVTTILr. ONTARM AIM'OTT OA4U li%&#à

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