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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1959, p. 15

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,uu TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAUXO PAGE T1~TEEN TRE SDAY, APRflà Sth, Il M%". W. Day and daughter M.wjale, Woodtiiidge, spent Saturdaey with Mr. and Mrs. H(arvey Ginni. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McQuarrie and fenyily , Boimanvilie, were supper guests of Mr. and Mis. Len Paars and faxilY On Sun- dey. Mr. and Ivrg. Lawrence Beal, Mr. Hirold Barwell, Miss Donna Barwell, Mr. and Mrs. CyTil Fzench. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie prench andl Jean, Mr. and Mis. D)onald Graharn Bonnie and Normna, ail of Oshawia, Mis. Herb. Murray viere guests of Wn. and Mis. F. B. White on Sunday when they surprised Mr. White who was oelebrating bis 78th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Bowimarville, visited Mr. and 34rs. Chas. Wood on Saturday. Congratulations to Mi. and Mrs. Ted Hooey, the former Miss Carole Todd, on their mar- riage at Orono United Church on Saturday, Rev. Basil E. Long off iciated. Congratulations t0 Mr. and Mis. WI. J. Martin, who quiet]y celebrated their 5th wedding- anniversary, Tuesday, April 28. Mr. and Mis. Harold Awde, Toronto; Mi. Arthur Zavitz, Peterboroughn; Mr. and Mis. A. BiUlett, Mis. R. J. Hodgson, nIampton; Mi. and Mis. Dean IIodgson, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woodly, Tyrone, vislted Mi. and Mis. D. G. mis HeenHancock and Miss Janice Streefkirk spent the vgfekend with the Iaters par- eltts at Lynedock- near Slm- Voe. Mr. and Mis. Archie Watson, Eetty Anad Larry, Water- MONUMENTS AND) MIE QUALMT 1 MARNERS STAFFORD BUOS. 1 Stafflord Bras. Nonumental Works $18 Dundu St. E., WbltbY Phone Wltby MObawk 8-3552 CONVE will b. hel TOWN HAL TUESDAYPo 1959, ai 8:00 for the purpose of transaci .,electing a Candidate for Speal Hon. Dr. M. B. I Minister of Hea' Dr. R. P. V John W. Footi and o: EVERYONE ALEX CARRUTHERS President GOD SAVE T Free!1 BLACK D STAI witht purchasE ai Vigoi SERVICE 111 CORNER OF MW .A» Ri TU( Phoine NU Double Siamp Day -Corne Out and Se. C Complet. Lubrication a SK AIBOUT OUR SPi- ITOVE OIL AVAILABIL AT THE 5 OPEN EVNINGS and Mis. Frccd. Dickinson, North Dakota. tMi. Donald Mills and Mr. Leonard Neimen, students of Teacher's College, Toronto, have been at Enterprise School this week and are staying with Mr. and Mis. Wm. Miller. Mis. C. M. Mathews, Mi. and Mrs. WHrt .hfferv aind fanillv. Souvenirs, Trophies Presented to Players At Hockey Banquet down spnt lst IWIrisYWI. Toronito, visited Mis.Wr. Sey--Tetid Mi. and Mis. Alex Watson. 1 mour.NECSL -Th ir Mi. and Mis. Walter Vcrhoe- 1 The memiiers of the Orono annual banquet e! the Newcas- yen and faniily, Oshawa, visi- Lodge No. 436, I.O.O.F. will tl Miner Hockey League play- ted Mi. and Mis. Milton J. Tam- mark thc î40th An <esay fcrs was held in thc Lions Roomn blyn on Sunday. thc founding of thceider on of the Newcastle Comnmunity Miss Eleanor Gibson, Peter- this Continent by attendling thi Hall on April 21st vihen the borugh viitc Mu mdMis reula sevic o! ~ e mothers of the boys prepared Wm.ugh M ite r dMs er. uay mrinegfMay 3îd atnand scrved a delicieus meal ta Wm. illr. unda monin, Ma 3r atthe boys, their fatheis and Monday evening, April 27, at Orono United Churcli and in fthc guets. Trophies were presentcd Orono United Church, C.G.I.T. evening. and the boys weîe ahown films Re-affiliation with W.M.S. Mus. A special service of C.G.I.T. o! thc 1958 Stanley Cup play- M. C. Fisher, Presbyterial Pie- graduation will ibe held on Sun- offs. ident conducted thc devotional. day, May 3id, al; 7.30 p,mn, Mii. The singing of the National We were most fortunate to se- John Kitchen o! Niagara Falls, Anthern vias followed by the cure Miss Vera Boyd, R.N., frcmi formerly of Oroflo, will be Uic Toast te the Queen and the Central India as gi' st speaker, guest speaker. Special music lias Rev. M. C. Fishert nid Gi&ce and her colourec. lides vicie been airanged. Every one is in- before the boys and their fath- excellent. Ail W.M.S. women vited to attend. e rs sat down te nicely decorat- (Afteinoon and Evcning), C.G. ed tables and really did justice I.T. Mothers and leaders of Mis- te a veiy fine dinner served sion Band and Baby Band were BLACKSTOCK by the motheis. Miniature hoc- specially invited, aise Newicas- key sticks, suitably iiiscribed tic C.G.I.T. W .Bza "Newcastle Miner Hockey 1958- Mi. and Mis. Chas. Taylor Ba3a 9" donatcd by Woodland Pro- visited Mi. and Mis. Percy The Bazaar held by the Worn- ducti. Newcastle, viere placed Begg, Pontypool. en's Institute in the Recrea- by thc plate o! ech boy. Mrs.H. mit ofNiaaration Centre Friday cvening was Af ter Uic dinner, Sam Bic- Mils. wH wsmitosigaMra well attended and very suc- reton, chairman. o! the Newcas- Fre alîs- who as vtingMiws. cessful. President Mrs. Loine tle Recreation Conixittee, act- Fre Tably lt wck asThomsn was M.C. and called cd as master e! ceremonies ex- rushed to Memnorial Hospital, on Mrs. Gilbert Marlow, who tending a welcome to ail and Bowmanville, late Wednesday gave a brie! resumie of the making special mention ol the night. sewingy department of the Home Newcastle Lions Midg-ets and Mr. and Mis. Wm. Mitchell Econonîics classes li school their fathers who had joined visited Mi. and Mrs. George with. Mrs. Blake Gunter teacher. the gathering. He asked the Mitchell and family, Oshiawa,j The girls then put on a fa.3hion fathers to try to corne out t on Sunday. show displaying the dresses, the hockey ganies next winter Mr. and Mis. Hartman BakerI jumpers, blouses, skiîts and to encourage the efforts of their and family, Noiwood, spent pyjamnas they had nmade. The boys as well as that ef the Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Gar- latter part was presented as a coaches whe spend niany hours don Power and James. slumber scene wîth lghts eut at the arena. Mis Majore Hidg, Tron Iand grade 8 girls in pyjamas Head table gueats introduced Mis Majoie oideTorn-and carrying candies. Nicole te the gathcring were: Bill te, spent the weekcnd wlth Mr. Forrest was comnientator. Mis. Brunt. and David McCullough, and Mis. Chas. Wood. Thempson played appropîlate the referees, Reeve Douglas Mr. and Mis. E. Syer, Mr. and music on the piano durlng this Cunningham, Irv. McCullough, Mis. Arthiur Saunders, Bow- part. To the playing et the Tracy Embiey, Gordon Gray manville, called on Mis. CecillEaster Parade, the youngcr and Douglas Walton, teamn Powers last week. girls 2 - 10 years, displayed coaches, Chas. Gilkes, Lions Mis. E. H. Samuel and Lina, 1 their Sunday School outfits Club President, Bill Storks, Mrs. H. Barlow and Bonney, 1 which their mothers had made. coach of Uic Lions Mvidgets; Mis. Donald Staples and Sally, At this point Mis. Jno Ballin- Murray Paterson, Couples Club Valerie Mercer, Elaine Foires- gal read a brief account of the Piesident; Wyn Collier, secre- ter and Janice Rutherford., at- work of the Cancer Society and tary o! the Newcastle Sports- tended The Canadian National appealed for donations. The men'.s Club; Brenton Rickard, afternoon. "A Day in Camp LUfe o! Guides" Recreation Conittee and Jack Mr. and Mns. James Canning, a! 1er which Mrs. Thompson de- Eilbeck, District representative Oshawa, vislted lier father Mr. clared the bazaaî opened. o! the Communlty Programmes Fred Truil on Saturday. There vies an excellent dis- Branch of the Onttario Depaît- Mr. Sam Berry is a patient play o! ail sorts of merchandise *ment o! Education. In Memorlal Hospital, Boviman- and after ail had viewed and A vote of thanks to flic roth- ville. purchased to their heaits' con- crs was moved by Tracy Embly, Mr. and Mis. Russell Van tent or Uic lining of their poc~- seccnded wlth a well-deserved Homne, Whitby, visited Mrs. kct-books, a bountiful buffet round o! aDplause fîom the ga- Fred Tamblyn. luncheon and social time was theirnx and Mis. Wm. Rudel Miss Mabel Davy lu vsiting enjoyed. Mrs. Russel Mount- replled on belial! o! thc ladies. Mr. and Mis. Ken Frallick, iJoy and Mus. Romeril poured Ail present soundiy .applaud- Prince Albert. tea and coffee. ed Uic coaches of tic varlous Mis. John E. Ar'roget Special mention is duc tic teanis for the time and efforts Maltn by'plne lst Turs Girl Guides and their leaders spent on thc boys at the arena Malon y 'lan lu Thrs-for the vionderful display in during the past winter. Doug 1her bothsena tormants Frced their. booth. The proceeds from Walton replied on behaîf of the -he brthr Snaor mo Fredtheir booth will go towards coaches saying lic wanted ta their camp fwid. Tihe Guides thank Bill Brunt and David Mc- are most grateful te the Insti- Cullough. for thcu- fine reterce- tute ladies for the privilege o! ing job and Lairy Pearce for U N 1 having a booth and also te the being timekeeper for the sea- business men of Port Periy who son. He aise urgcd greater fa-, 'ONSERVATIVE recentîy gave a fine donation te their camp fund. N ATO .FsrewmIi Presentation N ed Public LTONA good crowd spent anen 24th in Devitt's Hall when fredsgthrdte honour Mr. Vtgeabe INTiONMus. Venning sold their faim NEWCASTLE-A large gath- id in the to Mi. and Mis. J. Buma and ering assembled at Newcastle, ar rovngteBowmanvillc. Commnunity Hall on Friday fMr. Geo. Black was M. C. for evening, April 17, for the an- 1, O RO NOthc programme which consisted nual banquct o! the Durham .L WK%.N~. of music provided by thc A, B, County Vgtbe Goes C, Ochetra aueading by Mrs. Newcastle Wq.. seived a boun- Gco. Presser: piano solo, Mrs. f iful dinner after viliich Dick A Vth Laine Thompson and a musical Lovekin conducted a llvely M A Y 5th nuniber by Don Prosser and slng-song, accompanled by Mis. Roy Ashiton. Hiartwell Loweiy. p.t. .ST.addrcss and Mr.and Mrs. Ven. comed those piesent which in. ing general business and I kitchen set and an electric dlock bouring counte n ebr the Provincial Election. feru vih.i tiicy expiessed e! the provincial board from thanks. Lennox and Prince Edward cors: Music for, dancing vas fuir. Counties. Head table guests nislcd byth A. B, Ç, Orclies- vieelntuoduoed by Tzrmani fia,'Roy Ashton, Don Presser Austin, Percy Van Vlack. chair- )ymond, M.D. and Lewis Stinson. Ivan Cech- maxi e! the Ontario Vegetable raeand Ed Hars called for Groviers' Marketing Board, dth of Ontario the square dances. A bounti- sboke bricfly on activities li fui lunch vias served. 1959. ivin M P.We ail viLsh Mi. and Mus. Tic speaker o! the evening, ivian M .PeVenning improvedi health and Pull Flagler, o! radio station niuch happiness li their new CJBQ, Belleville, vas dntro- ome. duced by Edwin Ruthven, Di- V.C.M -LA 1 horecter, Zone 6. Mi. Flagler e, ~ ~ ~ ~ odn VaCfeMd L.A. cmeiolstepsto-!Fr t estion again thus year. Ti iehlstepsto fFr therson Gary and Rodney oats and Progiam Director. He held the invite entries from districtratteninoth audience WELOMEfaim crs. as lic spoke on Public Relations, WELCOMETic A.Y.P.A. held a dance In <lcfining it as "getting people R. R WADELL ~ he ommuityHallSat-da te ike us and understand us." Redations arowers Told j$5,00 ?Merchandise 'Voucher, donated by Bowmanville Auto Parts, wion by Aif. Hoar. One Gallon Anti Freeze, don- Sated by Lawirence and Brown Port Hope. won by Earl Bately, Coiborne. Carvmng Set, donated by Sid Lancaster, won by Pearl Austin, Port Hope. Electiic Kettie donated by McGregor Hardware, won by Leîoy Short. One Case Pea and One Case Corn, donated by Stokely Van Camp. Wihitby, won by Mis. Clifford Swallow, Bowman- ville and Joe Eagan, Port Hope. $5 Merchandise Voucher, don- ated by A. H. Stuîrock, won by Nell Metcalf, Bowmanville. Two Cases of Fruit Juice don. ated by Canadian Canners, Port Hope, won by Mia. Hooey, Bowmanvllc, and Bruce Nor- ris., Vase, donatcd by K. Coates, Chipman Chemicais, won by Don White. One Gallon paint, donated by Durham Co-op, won by Louise Burnham, Port Hope. CADMUS W.A. and W.M.8. Meeting The AprUl meeting of Cadanus W.A. ai-d W.M.S. met at the parsonage in Blackstock with 19 rnembers present and presi- dent Mis. T. Samells' in the chair. nhe meeting opened with the theme song and the hymn, "The Old, Rugged Cross". Rcv. Romeril effered prayer follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer. Ivrs. Passant convened the de- votional, the topic ibeing "Love your neiglibour". The roli cal vi« answercd by an item on The Statesman Sold At Following Stores: Reg. Edxnund's Store, Bcthany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle 3. Brown, Newtonville Porter's Gen. Store, Nevitonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Slernon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Bariron, Hamnpton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreli, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal 'Hendeîson's Book Store, Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawia -Bovimanville -- Rickaby's Ltd. - "Big 20"1 W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rl1te's Smokc Shop Gohcen's Handy Store Jury & Loveil Oke's Smoke Shop The: Flying Dutchman TeStateanian Office well, Margaret and Miss Helen and Don Rickard. Van Camp called on !riends li Tvo gallons Sheil Aldrin, STA 131O N te Milae nVyaenapo- onatdby HauvWyod, Bowan UiMilsMlae Vndamio wonatdby HauvWyo Frrowan A.N VERS ROA.D roto scn te eekend at ville and Ira Bcbee, Port Hope. CONCESSION home. One halt ton Fertilzer, don- A 3-29)9 Mus. E. IvUcDougald, St. ated by C.I.L., wen by Truman Marys, la spcnding a !ev days Austin, Port Hope, Wilfrcd r Evey Tusdaywlth Mi. and Mns. Glenn Lai- Wood, Newtonvillc and Jeani mer and Douglas Glenn. Alldread, Newcastle. EvryaubmyMi. and Mis. Arthur Leigli- Wrench donated by Sur lui Display of Gîfts t on, Mr. and Mis. Fuank Balley Mouton, Bovimanvîlle. won by at a Reasonable Pries joincd other friends at Uic Si Leckhart, Port Hope. home o!. M&. and Mrs. Fred 25 1bs. Grease, donated by UIAL PRICE ON TIRES Hodgson li Port Perry Satur- Ken Ashby, won by Mix. Eyman. ,E IN ANY QUANTITY diay evening in honour o! Mr. 25 lbs. Grease, donated by Hodgsen's 70th bh-tliday. Deug Baby, von by Mis. Lou STATION Rev. C. H. Ferguson, London. Wood. called on Mn&. and Mis. Cecil Smali Wrenches, donated by AND SUN ATS Hiil, Sunday, enroute te a Con-1 Western Auto Supply, Bow- ference Camp executive meet- manville, won by Mis. Hugi ing at Stony Lake- Simnpson, Brighton. The Orono News Telephone 1M missions, this belng our mission, ary meeting. Mrs. M~ McKeé gave the treasurer's report ln the absence of Mis. Mackay. Mrs. SaneIls read the cors- pondence, aniong which wau an invitation to the W. A. Conven- tion being held in Tyrone on APril 23. Thne inerbers are to get in touch with their group leaders if they want to go to Tyrone. Businiess lncluded plans for a Garden Party whlch la to be held ini June. Tbe program cern- mittee for the Garden Party named was Mis. Sweet, Mis. McFayden an~d Mns. H. McMul- len. Th~e next meeting will be in charge of Group 1. and willl be held at the home of Mns. Les. Johnston on the second Tuesday in May. The meeting was closed with the hyinn, "'The Little Brown Church in the Vale" foilowed by the Mizpah Benediction. Miss Mary RomerIl and her girl frlend' then showed us tmre very enlightening pictures of the Indians taken at Lansdowne Nursing Station where the girls have spent the past 2 years car- ing for the Indians. They aiso had some of their hanàwork for the ladies to see, auch as mocassins, beajdwork etc. A vote of tihanka vies given to the girls, also to Mrs. Rorneril for the use of her home. A delicioué lunch was served by Group 4 andi a social hour spent. tihex participation et tic arena during the hockey games. Bll Storks, coach o! the Midgcts, aise said a few words. The R. B. Rtickard Trophy, prcsented te Uic winning tearn ln the league was presented by thc donor te Bily Scott, cap- tain of tic winning Canadiens, viti caci member o! tic team standing. The Best Goaltender Trophy, awarded by tic Merry Marîied. Couples' Club was pie- sented te George Rickard 6n behaîf of the. club by its Piesi- dent, Murray Paterson. Tic two trophies prcsented by tic Newcastle Sportaman's Club vicie prescnted by Club Secre- tauy, Wyn Cellier. Tic meut iniproved player avard going te Jimmy Alldread and tic fie- phy for tic iighest scorer te Neil Vautt. Reeve Cunningham spoke briefly payin.g tribut. te tic work belng donce tthUicaena by the men viho are coaciing these boys and aise askcd fou co-ordination between thc tovinspeopie and tic Newcastle Recucation Committee, who arc dôirtg their best te supply or- ganized progranis to tic vil- lage. Tie guest speaker o! the even- lng Mu. Jack Eilbeck ef the Communlty Programs Branci, Department et Educatien, was introduced by Sam Brereten and spoke te tthe boys on Uic fundamentals et team play and urged thcm* te obcy tic reter- ces et ail tinies and te pay strict attention te their coach viho la doing is best te teaci them a great sport. Mr. Eilbeck also presented films o! tic 1958 Stanley Cup series between Montreal and Boston wiicli wcîe much cnjoyed by ail. A vote e!tianks te Mi, Eilbcck fou his fine films and interest- ing and instructive talk vas moved by Brenton Rickaid and heartily approved by all pies- ent., In closing, the chairman point- cd eut that Pee Wee Basebal registration vias undcrviay anîd registration vas coming up for a swiniming Instruction plan for fie clilîdien o! the village in Witi tic Bowmanvllle and District Red Cross and tic Newi- castle Recreation Committce. Mi. Brereton tlianked eveiy- onc for coxulng eut te Uic ban- quet and making It sucli a suc- ces& and aise announced that the date o! Recreation Commit- tee meeting& lied been changcd te tic third Tuesday of Uic month and that the ncxt meet- ing, et vihich tinie vill be al- lettcd te ball teanis using the park, will be on Mvlay i9th and net May 12th as prcviously an- nounced. POLLING PLACES Port Granby Sehool Rouie Newtonville School House Antloch Scheol House Lockharts School Houu Kendal Sehol House MIcLeans School House Sixth Lino Sohool lieuse DEPUTY RETtTRNING OFFICER Mr. Tupper Zohnston Mr. George StaPleton Mr. Donald Stapies Mr. Cecil Maller Mr. Herbent Holland Mr. Arthur Thompson Mrs. L. Greenwood POLL CLERK Mr. Ernest Webster, Jr. Miss Olive Johnston Mrs. Donald Evans Mms M. Pedwell Mrs. Hatcher Fostes' Mrs. Herbert Mercer Mrss Garland Cathcart And take notice that on Friday the First day of May, 1959, at the heur of Three o'clock of the aiternoon, Daylight Saving Time, at the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Orono the head of the said Council or a niember of it appointcd for that purpose by its reselution, will attend fer the purpose of appointing, If se requcsted, two persons te attend at the final sumnming Up af the votes on the said Question by the Cleîk and one persen te attend at each polling place on behaif of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting voting in the affirmative on the said Question and a like number on behaif of the peusons interested in and desirous of puometing vating ini the negative on the said Question. And take notice that on Wedncsday the Sixth day of May, 1959, at the heur of Nine o'clock of th-e aiternoon at the Council Chambers in the Town- ship Hall at Orono the Clerk of the municipality will attend and suni up the number of votes given li the affirmative and negative and declare the resuit of thc voting on the said Question. And take notice that a tenant who desires ta vote on this matter must deliver te the Clerk, H. E. Milîson, at thc Township Hall at Orono, net later than the Tenth day bef oie the day appointed for taking the vote, a declara- tien made in accordance with the provisions of subs*.ction 3 of section 276 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chap. 243 and Amendments thereto. And take notice that any Corporation wishing to appoint a nominee ta be added te the voting Iist must, according ta law, file with the Clerk at Orono an appointment ln writing not later tien the Tenth day before the date on which the said vote shall be taken. And take notice at any time net Jeter than Five days before the day appointed for taking tie vote, a judge, upon the application of any peuson whose name is enteîed on the list of voteis prepared by the Clerk or ef any peuson entitled te, be entered on that Iist, meay strike from the list the name of any persan viha iý dead or whose name hes been wrorxgfully entered on it, and rney add ta the list the namne o! any persan whose name has been wrongly oniitted froni the list or who, if a tenant, though he had net made the decleretion pîescribed by subsection 3 of section 276, estab- lishes thet he has the qualification prescribed by that section. And take notice that if the assent o! the electoîs is obtained tic Question set eut herein will be taken inta consideration in a speciel session of Council comniencing et Thîce o'clock ln the afternoon on Tuesday tie Nineteenth day o! May, 1959, te, be held in the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Orono, Ontario. And fuither take notice that I, the underslgned, hereby certify the above Question te, be a correct staternent of the Question submitted. Dated this 16th day of April, 1959. H. E.MILLSON CLIERK. Orono Group Presents Play On May 8& 9 The Orono Amateur Athletlc Association is sponsoring a play, "You Can't Take It With You", to b. presentèd in the Orono Town Hall on Fnlday and Sat- urday evenings, May 8th and 9th. Mns. Margot Samiuel la the. producer and director. Rehearsals are being hcid with enthusiasm. The play la excellent arnd with the original cast was a sucoesIn both New York and London, England. Those taking part in "You Can't Take 1 ,t With You" when It la presented in Orono wilie: DunI PROGRESSIVE-CI ASSOCL The Corporation of The Township of Clarke NOTICE TO THE ELECTORS Take notice thai the Couxcil of th. Corporation ai 1he Town. ship of Clarke by ls Dy-law No" 1319 passed on the Tenth day of April, 1959, bas snacted thai there ho submitted Io a vole of the electors of the Township School Area ai Clarke a Question of which th. following is a true copy; Trustees of the Township School Area of Clarke for the issue of twenty year debentures in the amount of $75,000.00 for the construction of a Iwo room school in former school section number 9 and a Iwo room school in former school section number 4". And take notice thalithe said Council by lils y-Iaw No. 1320 passed on the Tenth day ai April, 1959, has appointed that the vole ai the said electors on the said Question shall be taken on Wednesday tbe Sixth day ai May 1959, between the houri ai 10 o'clock aoflte forenoon and 7 o'clock ai the alternoon, Daylight Saving Tinte, aitheb folawing places and by the following depuly relurnlng ailicers and poli clerks. ST. GERTRUDE'S NEAILY NEW ýSHOP Thursday and Friday - 2 - 9 p.m. MAY DAY SALE COTTON SKIMT AND DRESSES 49c BLOUSES AND HIATS ____25c KJDDIES' SUN SUITS 2 for 25c Prices Lower Than Ever 690 -King St. E., Orhawa Parking THE CANADIAN STATEWIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE MMES site Mary Rutherford, Kaye Guster. Maureen Johnson, John Ford, Jlm Poflard, Jim Gamsby, Geo. Collins, Arnold Wallace, Roma Glanville, Peter Loucks, Nor- man Rickaby, Philip Long, Iso- bel Challis, Bob Taggart, Gia- dys Oslett, Merle Gilbert, Don- ald Staples, Anidy McGill, and John Tamblyn. Tickets may be obtained at the door. Get Cash To-day For Old Appiances through STATESMAN CL AS SI1FI1E DS L Phone MArket 3-3303

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