PG KTMTME CANADIMI STATESAN, EOWMANVILLE.ONTAIOTHRDAAILOh !5 Dr. Vivian Reports On Mexico Meeting .Dr. It. P. Vivian, current Mlember of Parliament for Dur- ham, las sent The Statesman a report from Mexico City cover- img proceedings at the 27th ses- sion o!f the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Thougix Canada ne longer has a membership on the 18-country council, Dr. Vivian bias been delegated by Ottawa to attend as an officiai observer. His report foilows: The opening meeting of the 27th Session was addressed by the President of Mexico, Lic. Adolfo Lopez Mateos, who wel- comed te Mexico ail those pres- ent. Rie then emphasized the higix ideals and the important responsibilities of the Economnic and Social Council. The Secretary General, Mr. Dag Hammarskjold, replying on behalf o! the United Nations, re- ferred te the specific issues con- fronting the Council including problems created by economic recession, international commod- ity price fluctuations and the need for international financial stability. U.S. Recension In these three fields Mr. Ham- marskjold referred te important recent developments. In the United -States, he said, the re- cent economnic recession had been kept "within bounds". He not- ed that the international com- modity price situation had some- what impreved and referred to the recent worlc of the United Nations Commission on Inter- national Commodity Trade of which Canada Ls a member. This body has recently approved a worlc programn designed to assist In dealing with Interna- tional commodity trade prob- lems. Mr. Hanimarskjold also noted that the International Bank for Reconstruction and Develop- ment and the International Monetary Fund (in both o! which United Nations agencies Canada is a major participant) were being given increased fin- ancial resources. The Council then began the general debate on the economic development o! underdeveloped eountries. Under this item three main subjects wiil be considered: industrialization, land reform and sources o! energy. The Canadian observer is, o! course, particularlY interested In the first and third of these items concern7ng hic aainex-I he work o! the ntdNtons. endeavouning te ensure thaf even though Canada is net a member o! the Coundil uts views are taken into account through informal exchanges with other delegations. The 27th Session has a unique character by reason of its meeting in Mexico City Dr. R. P. Vivian and ls being closely followed by thc countries of Latin America with which Canada lias close, friendly relations. Sec Country In addition te the formai ses- sions of the Council, there has been a splendid opportunity for the Canadian observer te learn something of the country o! Mexico through the generous hospitality being extended by Uic Mexican Government and others. One o!f thc highlights of Uic conference se far was thc re- ception by the President of Mexico at which I was able te discuss with himn briefly Uic interest o! Canada in the de- velopment o! Mexico and to thank him for the gencrosity o! tlic reception. Another interesting occasion arranged for representatives te Uic Council meeting was the air- plane trip te Uic industrial centre of Monterrey. In flying over the mountainous territory, Canada's observer could net hclp but be aware of Uic great nat- ural obstacles Mexico lias had te face in ifs developinent. Monterrey is a city o! some j Support the RED SHIELD APPEAL RESTAU RANT M hal! million people lnx the north-i et-n part o! Mexico, about 200 miles from the United States border and about the saine distance te the west o! the Gulf o! Mexico. Near it ln the great orange grewing ares. from which Canada obtainasine of Its oranges, Monterrey has a number of industries, ini whlch theprdc tien o! steel la o! great il portance. Many o! these i-' dustries were visited and thxe Canadian observer was lmpress- ed by fthe wayineic in - dustrializafion has been develop- ed and is effect on lnxproving thc living conditions o! the people 50 eIflployed. The Session o! the Economic and Social Council contlnued untir April 24. MÂPLE GROVE st meeting of the Girls' wonth his tr.oops a epp m was held at the home ýihhstop tDep n mn Brooks with lifteen ing rescue was neyer forge mtt Mary Budai was who had experienced servic or President, Heather by civilians who respected 3ecretary and Frances vir ss Reporter. Leaders, aor red Snowden and mrs. Hie was first elected to t Oks were in charge. in 1948 with a majority ofc gtips and necss ubsque amins were discussed sbeq nt contests, his s Leeting as this year's creased with majorities in "Dressing Up Veget- of well over 2,000. During rext meeting wim be office, he held responsible [ay 4 at the homeo! eptliurcm sine Ired Snowden. ofdpt iurcm sine 1 frà. R. L. Westaway, years and mmxister of refor, spent the weekend xdaugliter, Mrs. Ce. vlsited Mrs. Aylmer Beecli, re- ell and Mr. Russell. cently. n MeLellan and mrs. Mrs. Hazel Welsh, Oshawa, ckford, Ajax, visited called- on Mr'. and Mrs. Bill An- Mrs. John Whalen on derson on Suxiday afterneen. The Maple Grove Girl Guides id Mr&. Samn Castie,, and Brownles wiil meet at the Roger. Peterborough, school at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday 's. L. C. Snowden and te parade te Church for the âturday. 11:30 service at Maple Grove unily spent thxe week- Sympathy o! the comniunity home of her father, js extended to Mr. and Mrs. ie Fawcett, Meaford. George- Black and family lin the ed on her mother, Mrs. loss o! lis father, who died in who is a patient. in Toronto on Sunday. hospital, on Sunday. Mrs. Wilfred MeLean and visitera with Mr. and Mrs. lion Howeil visited the *Whelen and family funeral parleur where Mr&. piarents, Mr. and Airs. Black's father is resting, in To- llan and Don-na, Miss ronto, on Tuesday evening. 'rawford,, Mrs. Hazel Miss Mildred Snowden spent Mr. and Jack thxe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. and !amily, al Of Herbert Parker, Belleville. Mr.1iste Mand Mrs. Ja uresso >ples Club wil hl vsie Mr. and Mrs. Bukesst .xng Party at the new Hathaway, Courtice, on Sunday. ty Bowling Alley in Larry Flint has returned on Saturday, May 2. home alter a month's stay in ire asked te mneet at Toronto General Hospital. at 8 p.m. The Evening Auxiliary will guests of Mr. and entertain the A.fternoon Auxil- avtyand farnily! iary and Associated members and Mr Edgar Eley, to a pot luck supper and joint :d Edgar, Port Hoe, meeting in the Churcli basement Mrs. Tom Haa, Thursday, April 30, at 6.30 p.m. id Sheila, South Mn Mrs. Merrili Ferguson, Toronto, d Ift. and Mrs. Rob. will be the guest speaker. It às rager, Oshawa. who hoped a goodly number o!fixhe ent; et the Baptism, of ladies will lie present. he new arrivail in the M]r. and Mrn. Cecil Mills and Dine. . family, were Sunxday guests Ashton spent a few wxth Mfr. and Nrs. Gordon treek wlth her daugh. Shunk, Port Penny. They aise S. May and 1fr. May, called on Mr. Charles Mins. IBobby Dobbs, son o! Mr. and Mra. Eliner Herrlng, Mrs. Eugene Dolbba, is a patient Mrs. Richard Griff!n in Oshawa General Hospital Mr'. and Mrs. Walter where he wiil undergo minor skillen, 13&. and Mrs. aurgery later this week. rniston and PErs. Ivan Mx. and Mrs. Stuart Mortoni and chIIdrený Enfield,' were tea guests with their son and farnily. Mr. and Mirs. Jack Menton, on the occasion o!f Stuart's blnthday, on Tuesday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Robent Sheanen, Sr. Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Ifira. Bob Shear- er and family. Mr. Lou Hockin la a patient lIn Toronto Western Hospital. Hi l wished a speedy returx to health. Mr. and Mns. Jack Whitemax have moved frein our comimun. 1lty te their new home in Bow- manville. We wish themn ail the Ibest in their new surroundings. IMr. and Mrs. Douglas Carter, ~Mr. and ?&sa. Elwood Jolinsten, jOshawa, wiere recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill A.nder. s son. Sunday guests with Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Beech. were Mr. and PErs. Everett Beecli, Port Hiope, Mnf. and Mirs. S. May, Cocktail Toronto, and Mr'. and PErs, K. p okti Byers. Toronto. Mrs. E. Ashton vislted her daugliter, Stewart Raod- man, Port Perry, on Sunday. On Fniday, evening about 50 guests were present at a com- munity shower for Mirs. Char- -8 les Dunk, formerly Shirley Cry- derman. The tables were taste- fully decorated and alter the m-iscellan>eous gifta were op- ened, they were placed on the tables. Misses Fay HoltbySh a- ron Gimblett and Gail Snow- den assisted thxe bride in open- ing and passing the lovely presents. Mirs. Dun-k thanked ber friends and neighbours. A dainty lunch was served and a social heur followed. Mr. and Mrs. Dunk wil niake their home in Oshawa. JWJLS. Evenlng Auxiliary ish Sauce The Evening Auxiliary o! Maple Grove Wfor ther annua2 ith Discliarges 66 Majoroperations 13 Min roperations 21 Emnergency treatmenta - 6 Visiting heurs 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Li ~and 7 to 8:30 Harod rr BOWMANVLLE Situated at Highway 401 Cut-off .Weeý endi !Menu Fresh Lobster Cocktail Relish Tray Soup du Jour or Choice of Juice Tomato Pineapple Grapefruit Flying Dutchman's Salad of the Day Assorted Dressings. Roast Long Island Duckling, Orange Sauce Deep Fried Jumbo Shrimps, Cocktail Sauce Broiled Baby Lamb Chops, Mint Jelly Breaded Milk Fed Veal Cutiet, Tomato Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Red Brand Beef, Horseradie, Roast Young Tom Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Broiled Club Steak, French Fried Onions Southern Pried Hait Chicken, Corn Fritter Sliced CoId Virginia Ham Plate, Potato Salad Assorted Cold Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Heai Choice of Two Fresh Vegetables Oven Brown Relis Assorted Fruit Pie Mint Parfait Tea . Boiled - or Whipped Potatoes M uttins Fresh Fruit Jello, Whipped Cre Cheese Tray French Pastry Coffee A LA CARTE FROM OUR BROILER Porterhouse, T-Bone, Filet Mignon, Steaks, served wlt Mushroom Caps and French Fried Onions [ BRXWINC OZXnner