- M.IA1qnALA. lpr[ -lAj Vè, PAGE 1 EGHEEN THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA4NVILLE. ONTARIO Births BELL-.Alfred and Marie (nee Becker) are happy to announce the arrivai of a baby girl, Faith Elizabeth, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, an April 29th, 1959. 18-1 COLES-To Captain and M1ýrs. Normnan Coles, the gift of a daughter, Brenda Faith, born April 25 at the Grace Hospital, Toronto. A sister for Brian. 18-1 McQUADE-Stewart and Vertia are pleased ta announce the1 arrivai of their son, Michael Stewart on Wednesday, April 15, 1959. at Community Me- maoriai Hospital, Port Penny. A brother for Dale. 18-1 WARD-Fred and Phyllis (nec Cannons) are happy ta annaunce the birth of their daughter Cyn- thia Anne at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, 1Monday, April 26, 1959.18* WOODWARD - Raymond and Ruby (nee Callett) Woodward, 34 Rexway Dr., Georgetown, are pnoud to announce the arrivai of their son, Douglas Raymond, 9 lbs., 10 ozs., April l3th, 1959,. at Peel Memoniai Hospital, Hospital, Brampton. 18-1 YELLOWLEES - Harvey and Lais wish ta announce the arriv- ai of a son Dennis Harvey, on Sunday, Apnil l9th, 1959, at the Oshawa Generai Hospital. A brother for Karen, Brenda and Janice. 18-1l Engagements Mn. and Mrs. Russell Wright, Tyrone, announce the engage- ment o! their youngen daughier Marion Loretta, ta James Gardon Wagg, son of Mrs. Wagg and the, late Mr. Gardon Wagg of Belle-, ville. The wedding will take place in May. 18-1* Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb of Enniskillen, Ontario, wish taI announce the engagement of thein daughter Ruth Marie ta Mr. Robert Alla n Wray, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wray, Bowmanville, Ontario. The man- riage will take place on Friday,I May lSth, 1959 at 7:30 p.m. in Enniskilien United Church. Deaths PERCY, Lillian--On Monday ev- enxng, April 27, 1959, at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, Lilian ltchinson, loved wife of the late-Thomas A. Percy (formerly «>f Bowmanville), beloved moth- er a! Harley W. Percy o! Port. Credit; dear sister o! Mrs. J. J. Hamilton (Susie), Bethany; Mrs. R. M. Brown (Ida), Toronto, and Mrs. H. L. Leadman (Franc- es> o! Ottawa. Resting at the Yorke Chapel of Turner and Porter, 2357 Bloor St. W., Toron- to. Funeral service at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery. 18-1 PLAIN-At Memorial Hospital, Éowmianville, on Saturday. April 25th, 1959, Mildred I. Delahey,1 aged 55 years. Beloved wife of La.nce Plain and dean mother of Don. Service was held in the new Morris Funenal Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tuesday, Apnil 28th at 2:30 p.m. IntermentJ Orono Cemetery. 18-1il STRUTT, Edgan-Suddenly ati- General Hospital, Oshawa, oni Sunday, Apnîl 26, 1959, Edgarl, Strutt in his 77th year. Restedi at Northcutt & Smith Funerall, Home, 53 Division St., wý%here service was held on Tuesdavl. Articles for FENCE posts, order 3-2126. Sale now. MA 18-2* ISPY apples and sweet cider, de- livered. MA 3-2927. 18-1 JNo. 1 GRADE hardwood. Tele- Jphorne MA 3-5542. 18-1 JOLLY Juniper; Sunbeamn elec- trie razor. Both good condition. MA 3-7147. 18-1 TWO ladies' bicycles. 45 Con- cession St. East. Phone MArket 3-3352 evenings. 18-1 BOY'S sport jacket, size 10, also girl's wine blazer, size 16. Tele- phone MA 3-5147. 18-1 BOX Plants for sale. N. W. Groot, Phone Clarke 1640, R.R. 1, Orono, 4th Line. 18-4* LARGE quantity of water pipes, 2"to 4", also conduit electric pipes. Phone Clarke 3902. 18-1 BOX plants. all kinds. Mrs. Williamns, corner Base Line and Hunt St. Phone MA 3-7'167. 1 17-51 SAVE on lumber, direct from mil ta yau. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ontario. Phonei 17 r 11. 13t1 KEYS cut automaticafly, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman-, ville. 46-tf. WATER, hard and soft. deliven- cd. Prompt service. Robent H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf CEDAR trees for sale, 35e each, 3' ta 4'. or hedges planted. Guar- anteed ta grow. Telephone MA 3-3073. 18-2* ONE Viking W.B. 77 cream separaton, one 16 K Renfrew. OA1l machines guaranteed. Tele- phone Blackstock 96 r 13. 18-l* EIGHT-foot Univensal display cooler. 51à' x 61/2' walk-in cool- er, Toledo meat scale, cash reg- ister. Phone MA 3-5327. 17-2* ELECTRICAL Repairs-PramptI service ta electrical appliances, I large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf INSULATION, blowing rnethod, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke .2420. 39-tf SEWING machines, new and used. Guaranteed and serviced from Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King St., W, Bowmanville. MA 3-7231. 17-tf ONE h.p. Viking hammer mili, sow farrowmng crate, 13-tooth tractor hitch cultivator, set han- raws. Phone Orono 36 r 4 after 6 p.m. 18-1* CAMPER'S ice chest, capacity 50 lbs. a! ice plus foo>d; weli insulated; excellent condition, $25.00. 119 Elgin St. Phone MA 3-3576. 18-1* USED washer parts, 1/ h.p. matons $5.00 up. Repairs toa ah wringer type washers. Guan- anteed recanditioned washers. Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3-2055. 15-10* DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) frain Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bawmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf ALLIS - CHALMERS tractor, Model CA. 2-plow, hydraulic equipped, with row crop culti- vaton, almost new. Palmer Motor Sales, 20 King St. E. Tele- pihone MA 3-5487. 18-1 Apnil 28th at 2 p.m. Intemmen t BOWMANVILLE Home in- Bethesda Cemetcry. 18-1I proveme nts features aluminuin ______________________doors, windows, awnings and In Me oriamrailings. We offer a variety of _________-____---- Iestirnates Phone MA 3-2753 or KING-In fond and lox ing me-- cail at 22 Division St. 6-tf mary of oui- dezir niother. EmmaI_______ S. C. King, vl-w pasr;ed iIWiiy jGREENIIUSE î)lants. raspberry Apnil 201h, 1P49. Oui' fathf-r. canes. strawbeirv plaids, tomato, Chartes Hl. Kin, . who passc-d cauliilc-r ai-d cahhage plants. away May 5th, 19541, and aur Il Mlixed varety of treated gladioli brother Pte. A. F. Kin,,; Re,,.; bulbs: lar-ge, 60c doz. or $4.00 No. 745409, ki]ied at VVîy Ridige, pc-r 100; indium, 40e doz., or April 12th, 191-d. i 33.0<) per 100. C. deMooy. Tele- The yezirs go by ai-d lite nmoves!phoîie Oronlo 18 r 8. 17-4* BTin woi'ld is changîng ever,IL W R Diinoui' hearts our i-aonsTL W R Vpu feciou'. A1T thoughts ITîled Floars of ail description 0f many happy dysVinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe, For in aur heurts you'i-e still aur Marboîcum. Flexichrome, Mastic A nd eerfrRev.d Quarry - Ceramia Supplied and Laid Sulent thouglîts. mnemoîles dean. G Treauredmore ecch passin-g~ H. G. H A er.flA -Ever remembereci by their R.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-2902 family. 18-1" 25-t! YELLOWLEES-In loving me- ___________ mary o! Walter Neil Yellow- lees who passed w-ay MVay 2'nd, 1952. Lovingly remen-bered by QUIET aduit famiily requires two bedroom furnished apart- ment or house, immediately. Appiy Adventiser 936, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 18-1* Wanted PASTURE wanted for 15 heifers. MA 3-5157. 18-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. on Monday, May 4th for painting the exterior woodwork of the Counties Jail. Tender forms may be obtained froin the Cierk's Office. Lowest on any tender not necessarily accepted. United Counties Northumber- land and Durham. Ken Symons, Clerk. 17ý2 Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) maied postpaid in plain jSaled envelope with pice list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $NWO. iMail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Ham-] litoit aut 1.&2 AN.STUDOSONSBUTM WA3I51 O XI64RWM»St Articles for Sale GOOD quality mixed hay. Tel phone MA 3-2403. 8. WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Clif Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf POTATOES and Gerrard Heintz- man piano. Phone MA 3-2151. 18-1 * PIANO in good condition, also baby carniage. Phone MArket 3-3524. 18-1 GREY baby carrnage, converts to stroller. Telephone MArket 3-5319. 18-1 RED aUl-weather coat, size 14. Worn once, $12.00. Telephone MArket 3-2458. 18-1 WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, good condition. Phone MArket 3-3621, after 5:30. 18-l* SEED potatoes, Irish Cobblers and Sebagos. Neil Malcolm, Blackstock 66 r 4. 17-2* JOHNSON Outboard m o t o r (1954), 51'ý h.p. Good condition. Phone MA 3-3167. 18-1*I QUANTITY of mixed baled hay, also 13-hoe Massey seed drill. Phone MA 3-2373. 18-1 ONE insulated boat house with electricity. Apply 76 Scugag St. or Phone MA 3-3817. 18-1 GIRL'S C.C.M. bicycle, 18" frame, gaod condition. Frances Rickard, Newcastle 3436. 18-1 PEAT mass, $1.00 per bushel, $6.00 per cubic yard, delivered. Sec Baker, MA 3-2180. 17-tf STRAWBERRY plants, Catskill and Dunlop, 2c each. Apply 125 Scugog St. Phone MA 3-3248. 17-4* TWO Axminster rugs, one green with rubber pad, 7' x 9'; one beige 6' x 9'. 59 Wellington St. FOUR-cylinder Wisconsin eng- mne, air cooled, maximum rating 22 h.p. C. E. Allin, MA 3-5074. 18-1 CHOREMASTER tractor as, new with three attachments. $100. Phone MA 3-3621 after 5:30. 18-1* COMBINATION gas and coal stove with water front. Also No. 30 tank with strap-on heater. Telephone MfA 3-5863. 18-1 GARDEN tractor with plow and cultivator, in good condition; reasonable. Caîl at 10 Washing- tan Place after four *'clock. 18-1 McCORMICK - Deering 15-disc tractor grain and fertilizer drill. Like new. Phone Orono 5 r 18. 18-1*, INTERNATIONAL patato plant- er, fertilizer attachinent, first class condition, priced ta seil. M. Thexton, Millbrook. Phone 217 r 32. 17-3 PROPANE gas stove in excellent condition, two avens, broiler and timer, aiso a lawn mower. Tele- phone Mrs. G. Symons, Bow- manville. 18-1 * MERRCURY Outboards, uscd, Mark 25, Mark 20H, bath tuned up and ready ta go, A-i con- dition. Lander Hardware, King St. E. Phone MA 3-5774. 18-1 GARDENERS: For the best value in Lawn Seed, Bulk Garden Seeds, Gladioli Bulbs, Potatoes, Fertilizers, etc., visit Stewart's Seeds, Bowmanville, Ont. 18-tf LARGE or small quantitiesý of turkey manure; 300 egg incu- baton. Phone MA 3-5058. 18-2* 400 BALES No. 1 hay. R. W. Pascoe. Phone MA 3-2881. 18-1 HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords, at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-3305. 7-tf LORNE ALLIN Your Representative for A LSCO0 Aiumlnum Windows - Doors Awnings Siding and Railings invites you ta visit their display at the Oshawa Home Show OSHAWA ARMOURIES SIMCOE STREET NORTH TONIGHT Apr. 30 Io Sat., May 2 18-1* Wanted to Rent Work Wanted le- FOR prompt pick up and dcliv- -t! lery call MA 3-3842. 18-1* CONCRETE and masonry work. Box 1083. L. Turner. Phone 3-5820. 9-tf PLASTERING repairs, basement parget; reasonable rates. Cal MA 3-5368. 18-tf HIGH School boy willing ta cut or tidy lawns. Phone MArket 3-3050 after school hours. 18-1 FRAME and trimming, additions, alterations, kitchen cupboard and general repairs. Phone Oshawa RAndolph 8-0310. 15-4* PlUMBING, heating, eaves-1 troughîng; free estimatus. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-1240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf For kRent PASTURE farm with rurming streami. Phone MA 3-2581. 18-l* HOME for sale or rent. Apply 88 Queen St., Bowmanville. APARTMENTS for rent, 3 .and 5 roox»s. Heated. Phone MA 3-5578. 16-tf IN Newtonvile, three rooms and 'bath. Aduits preferred. Phone Clarke 5 r 03. 18-1* FOUR rooms and bath upstains, heated, separate entrance. Avail- able now. 175 Liberty St. N. 1 17-2* FIFTY acres o! land, east o! Newtonvilie, mostly plowed. Telephane RA 8-0194, Oshawa. M-Q1 WHITEWASHING and disinfeet- ing stables, etc. Free estimates, APARTMENT fan twa aduits. ail work guaranteed. Telephone Phone MA 3-5692 or apply 82 Clarke 1321. Bert Tampkins, Scugog St., between 6 and 7 p.m. R.R. 3, Port Hope. 16-27 18-1* SEPTIC tanks completely in-, MODERN three-roam apartment, stalled: 500 gai, tank, 250 feet of 4-piece bath, built in cupbaards tile, $300; government inspected. in kitchen, separate entrance. 600 gal. tank, $350. John Bar- Phone MA 3-5067. 18-1 rett, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Tele- phone MA 3-5255. 15-41I THREE-raomed heated apant- ment,' heavy w-Ired, separate Plsirnn R S entrance and bath. meit Plaserin Reairs possession. Phone MA 3-2436. QUICK SERVICE 17-tf STUCCO AND NEW WORK THREE-roorn heated apartment, R. L. TAFT one bedroam, living-room, kitch- 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030; tie floars; central. No children. 16-tf Phone MA 3-7201. 18-1* Anger Construct ion Co. vialimeaty.Spre LTD. entrance, all conveniences. ults COMPLETEj Aduits only. Rent $60 monthly includes light and water. Tele- BUILDING SERVICE __phone MA 3-3408. 18-1 BIKhWORK BLOCK CHIMNEYS -CONCRETE AND CARPENTRY DOUG- MArket 3-3375 ROY- MArket 3-2273 27-tf OIL BURNEP SERVICE also PLUMBING and HEATING STOKERS and WATER PUMPS Norman Boihwell 95 Ontario St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5070 14-tf Harry Lee Laundry 19 TEMPERANCE ST. Phone MA 3-7021 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Also do Wet Wash - Dry, Etc. Pick Up and Dehivery MONDAY TO SATURDAY QUICK SERVICE 16-tf Livestock for Sale SEVEN Yorkshire pigs, 9 weeks aid. Three 45-gai. drums with, taps. Phone MA 3-2062. 18-1* YOUNG registered Landrace boars. Vagels and Venvoort, Newtonville. Telephone Clarke 28 r 14. 18-2* WE have for sale: 150 DeKalb Pullets, No. 101; hatched Apnil gth. 150 DeKalb Pullets, No. 309; hatched Apnîl 9th. 40 White Leghorn Puliets, hatched March 27th, and about 500 N.H. cross- ed Barred Rock cockerels ta hatch May lSth. For prices o! above write ta or Phone H. J. Brooks, Bowmanville. MAnket 3-3961. 18-1 Teachers Wanted SOLINA Public School (2 roams) requires a teacher of Protestant, faith, ta teach Grades 1. 2, 3 and 4. Apply ta Harry Knox, R.R. 1, Hampton, Ont., Sec'y- Treas. 18-1 'Piano Tunîng ARTHUR Collison. Telephone M.tArket 3-3900. 36-tf Cars for Sale PARTS available for '49 Hill- man. Phone MA 3-3688. 18-1 '57 CHEV. sedan, one owner, like new. Ray Preston. Phone MA 3-5135. 18-1 '51 CHEV. hardtop, radio, white wall tires. In .good condition. Phone MA 3-5035. 18-1' THREE-tan truck, good tires, new platform 12 x 8. High solid rack. D.P. Axle, running good. Cheap. Clarke 2430. 18-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six xnonths ta pay. For personal service at your home cal Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf FOR NEW FORDS and Guaranteed Used Cars Cali JOHN STUTT SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. RA 3-4683 Oshawa Residence MArket 3-3174 9-tf BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Just East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-tf IUsed Car Specials 1956 FORD CUSTOM LINE Low mileage, sharp 1956 PONTIAC DELUXE 4-Dr. with custom radio 1956 MONARCH 2-Dr. Hardtop Low mileage, vemy sharp 1955 DODGE 4-Dr. 1954 DODGE CONVERTIBLE Recently overhauled 1952 FORD 2-Dr. Cheap transportation 1950 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. 1956 INTERNATIONAL 3-ton 1955 FARGO 1/2-ton Use Our Finance Plan LOW DOWN PAYMENT with Small Monthiy Payments Cowan Equipment Co. 134 King St. E. MA 3-5689 18-1 Articles for Sale SPECIAL OFFER 50' structure including 4 10' sections self-supporting tower wiih 10'9 of masiing. Wiih Double B213 All-Wave Channels designed and time-iested for ihis area. Compleiely insfalled and guaranteed for 1 year $1 19.50 PASTURE for 10 heifers. Te - egla pice i 1ugt eprae* 1 54.50l ir phone 64 r 2 Blackstock. 1721ngîrp i og1 sprAî DEAD and crippled farm stock, picked up promptly. Phone MA 3-2679. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. 13-tf1 PASTUREfor about 20 head of accredited and listed heifers, would rent farm. Apply Ken- neth Giibank, R.R. 3, Burketon. Phone Blackstock 82 r 1-1. 18-1* The Salvation Armny can now store used furniture, beds, bed- ding, etc., for distribution ta fine victims and other needy people i this district. Phono MArket 2.376L 18-1 Double B213 50' structure - $55.00 - $99.50 TOWNE TV MA 3-5522 BILL LEASK 17-2' H-eIp Wanted SINGLE man to work on dairy farm. Phone Brooklin 624 r 5. 18-1* SINGLE man for modern dairy farm. Phone Newcastle 38051. 18-1 MEN to work i nursery. Ap- ply Brookdale-Kingsway Nurs- ery, 16-3 PART-TIME weekend work. Apply in persan. Cream of Barley. 18-1, IWOMEN ta wonk in packing and shipping room. Apply Brook- dale-Kingsway Nursery. i8-1 RELIABLE man for service sta- tion work. Apply Busy Bec Service Station, Highway 115 (north o! Orono). 18-1 WOMAN ta take charge of home for about two weeks, (daytime);- light housework. Phone MA 3-3138, 6:30 or 9 p.m. 18-1* WO MAN ta h elp in g reenhouse, transplanting, pot-ting and ship- ping for spring seuion. Apply Brookdale-Kingsway Nurserv. GIRL wanted, book-keepinc, payroll expenience, some typing,,., Phone for appoiniment. New- castle 3106. Weynich Wood Specialties. 18-2 MEN-Turn your spare turne inta earning $30.00 ta $40.00 w2ek-j ly. No experience necesszary. Write Rawieigh's, Dept. D-140-, CC, 4005 Richelieu, Montrea].81 Rteal tstate for Sale FIVE-roon house and garage, must be moved. Phone MArket 3-5123. 18-1w INCOME house, $5,000 cash re- quired. Making 10 per cent. Phone MArket 3-2383. 18-2 200 ACRE farm, 850 lb. quota. Plenty of water. Verhoog, Cannington. milk John REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId, Rented Managed and Appraised L M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf Leask Real Est aie Recu Estate toi baie J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER 118 King E. MA 3-3230 Odeil Street, duplex, 9 moins of brick construction. Edsall Avenue, almost new modem brick bungalow. Trans. ferred. Anxious to seli. Beech Avenue, ta close estate, large 12 room brick. Business block on King St. E., of three stores, two apartments and 7 room adjoining house. No. 2 Highway, east of New- castle, six-room 2-storey, new a il furnace, pressure system and toilet, on one acre of land. Reas- onable. Cal i and talk it over. 18-1 Peter Fer1r1ima 6 roamn brick semi-detached & & U UU house, 3 bedroams, large living- RE.AL ESTATE BROKER raom, ail furnace. Central. $2,000 Genenal farm, 100 acres with cash. Balance easy terras. modern bungalow, fulli une of 6 raom brick and stone ranch machinery. Pnice $12,000.00 or bungalow wlth attached garage,I trade for- house. new. Thermopane picture \vin- Dairy farn, 200 acres, with dows. Lot 85 x 150. Extras. modemn homne, steol b - Immnediate possession. '-Ib lhq., bulk tank. Price 5 room bungalow, ail furnace. and terms arranged. 4-piece bath, 3 bedrooms, garage. i~ouse, large $10.000 wiih S2,000 cash, j barn, buildings in excellent re- Choîcrc building lot on 3rd St.. pair. Pnice only $9,500.00 Down 110 x 115; one on Liberty North. i$3 0000. 75 x 103, $1,500.00; 2 acre lot at 50 acres, mostiy bush, n Prestonvale on paved road. lat streain, low taxes. Price $2;e on Concession St. Terms. List w'th Leask. 2 acres xith 2 room cottage, M. E. M! A SK nice streain, hydra. Must be IP-ai Estate Bro'. er Isold. Give us an offer. 65 Oaýýaà- Si. 1 2 nnvl.e -ares Maple Grave, near MAkt3-5919 schoal. Price $2,000. Terins. Iq_1 3 bedroomn homne at liamanton. FEMALE cierk-typist for muni- _______________' fulIyrmode'rn, extra lot garage. cipal office; permanent position- Price $6.800.00. Low down pay- for the right persan. Apply i n M QImeed ( Unt. wrîling only, stating age, cx- cllvadxi '9suýgs.lnil penience if any. qualificatioris R. F.e.Le 11.N and salary expected, ta W. E. Members of Osf ,xva und District Rundie, Clerk, Township o! Real Estate Borerd Darlington, Hampton, Ont. 18-1 Here is a rare învestmnent on-Pea RECEPTIONIST fan professional portunity. 200 a cre- we: h Pr.LE;.TtBi)E office with some typing ability i streami and 6fl,0O Scotrch pi-,- 'i ýi.TEjîUE Please rep]y by letter, in writing, PI anted. S2vcrMý thcusand <'(N XX N,?iN to Averise 93, co Cnadaiifor m'ýrket tlis ve-r. Oi1sv ~ taAderisr 37 co andinmi.les from Bcwanenv.!e. $1 i.7. I Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow-'r. manville, and state informiation tuli pi"ce. c.Ï1 regarding previaus expenience, 12 5 acres witl i "occbi " hours would be able ta workPvd o. Miikcn'at whethcr part time or full time' Pric2'd ta seil. 181 120 acres only 6 îi- r- i I. c ' 181Bcwn'onvile. , 1.1. LARGE United States and con7venerices. Lr*17 , CI aï,c Car.adian manufacturing camn- ment silo. Small dý-vn p..ymnt dl .i..L - . pany requines field representa- will handie this ane. Ci tive in Clarke Township. Ex- 100 acre farîn, brick hiotu -e.~ rc -7-1 'on Xceptianally high eannings. Guan- gaad barns, traut stre.9:-n,, pvQ kept lot. 1 r,'.-- (- î anteed repeat business. Auto- road. close ta v!!J:'gaY. Offlcx r mobile essential. Agricuiturai $15,300 with teim,. I. e or farming background most im- 10 acres w Lii po"d site o portant. Sales training given. gravel deDosi'. $2,750). Tcrirs.i _ t' 1 te i Reply ta Box 84,- London, Ont.2 Brick 5-rooni storcey and haitlf7, ju Vri.~iii 16-3' nice re-:id,-iLil ar-22. i2' 1 ~ic Brick 8-raoni inccrre hor n. 1in. 1-:(-icl:. O.;.7.0 CL- Nti I block from sopn. $14,Z00 pruce. N tcswith low down ;ayment. 10(0 acre,ý -' h ful i ue of 3 bedroom home, 3 years aid. 1 buildii,-,ý. Hydro. 2 wells, furi' - Chînopractor - Magnetiseuse. $11.500. Terms. . ace. \ lsicllwt low doxwn Mrs. A. Borgerink, Main Street, Several good buildI*ng sites in paync :t c-r acept trade. Orono, Ont. Phone 1732. 18-4* town. 'List "' vurprpety ___-WALTIER FRANIK iis.,v'.h us for prompt, honest I. Clhar~ rle Bnahan. Ne 1... - - ý _!service. castl, wiil nat be responsible for any debts contracted ;n my naine on or after January lst, 1959, without my writtcn con- sent. 16-3* Local Improvement Notice Take Notice That: 1. The Council of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Bowmanvilie intends ta construet as a Local Improvement a water main on the follawing streets between the points mentioned: SCUGOG ST. from Jackman Rond ta Mill Lane MILL LANE fram Scugag St. ta Scugog St. and intends ta speclaliy assess a part of the cast of the land abut- ting directly an the work. 2. The estimated cost of the work is $22,900.00 of which $3,437.54 is ta be paid by the Corporation. The estlmated owners' cost per foot frontage is $2.58. The speciai assessment is ta bo paid ln twenty (20) equal annuai instailments and the estimated owners' rate per foot frontage lu 22.53c. 3. Application wiIl be made by the Corporation ta the Ontaria Municipal Board for its approv- ai of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may wlthin twenty-one days after the first publication of tht. notice, file with the Board his objections ta the said work belng undertaken. 4. The sald Board may apprave of the said work boing under- taken but, beo re doing sa. it may appoint a time and Place when any objection ta the said work wiil be considered. Dated at Bowmanville thîs 3th day of April, 1959. B. B. REYNOLDS, Town Clerk. 18-2 Wanted to Buy ALL kinds o! live poultry wanted. Highest prices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phono 7 r 13 collect. 9-tf HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture, appliances, television, sewig machies, etc. 'Also sel and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phono MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, fea ther ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phono RA 3-2043 OshaaCOllect. 48-tf 177 Cixurch St. MA 3-3986' Bowmanvilie 18-1 De With Real Estate 200 Acre fanin, 140 acres work- able, 50 acres wood, creek, goad barn, wined, water an tap, run-; ning water in hen house and pig pens. silo, garage; 8 roomed home with ail modern con- veniences. Asking price $20,000. Tenins. 100 Acre fanin hcar Orono with 95 acres workable, large U-shaped bank barn, drive hd etc.; 8 roomed brick home, heavy duty wired. Pnice and tcrms an- rangcd. 100 Acre farm, north Bow- manville, 98 acres workable, pond, springs, L-shaped bank barn, nev.' garage, hen house; 10 roomed brick house with ail furnace, 4-piece bath, modemn kitchen, running hot and cold waten. Price and terins arrang- cd. 100 Acre farin, east Newcastle, 95 acres workable, L-shaped bank barn, drive shed, etc.; 10 noomcd house, heavy wired. Pnice and tenms arrangcd. 125 Acre farin, located 3/ mile froin highway, 85 acres wonk- able, 18 acres hardwoad bush, 3 springs, 94' x 45' bank barn, water on tap, steel stanchions, drive shed, etc.; 9 roomed brick hause with funnace, nunning water. Pnice $14,500. Tex-ms. 4 Roomed house on highway, I heavy duty wired. Pnîce $3,700. Down $500. 9 Roomed brick income home on main street, Bowmanville, with ahl modem conveniences, 2 kitchens. Down $2,000. Price arranged. 6 Roomed, almost new, brick veneer home with ail modemn conveniences, on 10 acres good garden land. Price arranged or trade for home in town. 7 Roomed home on a high- way with double garage and 5 acres land. Has all modemn con- veniences and is close ta village. Pnice $8.000. Terins arranged. GENERAL STORE in country with a net profit of $3,500 or more yeariy. Askin.g price $8,500. Terins. 8 Roomed home in Pontypool with new garage and ail modemn conveniences, gas furnace. Very modern, in excellent condition. Price $8,500 with $3,500 down. 8 Roomed brick house at Janetville with garage. Pnice $2,000. Contact: John F. De With Realtor and Generai Insurance Newcastle Phono 3341 Salesmen: Donald MountJoy, Bowmanvillo MA 3-3950 Rosm Davidson, Bethany Phone 21 r 6 Beatty Foc. Ida Phone Millbrook 224 r 2 18-1 Pedwell Real Estate 140 acres ail seeded, flowing weIl, well fenced, brick house, bank barn needing saine re- pairs, $9,100 for quick sale. Terms. 100 acre farmn near Millbrook, good buildings, 18 acres ~~ wheat, land rolling. $12,9WO Haîf down. 10 acres pears and appies, ful beaning; iast yean's crop 2,000 bus. pears, 1,500 bus. appies. School close. No buildings. $6,000. Haîf cash. 7 acres close to Newcastle, 7 room solid brick house, barn, chicken house, good garden land, ail kinds smnall fruit. $12,000 or best offer. Terras. 13/4 acres, 6 roam house, at- tached garage, large chicken houses, on No. 2 Highway be- tween Oshawa and Bowmanvili. Money to lban. Salesmen : Maurice H. PedweII Phone Newcastle 3851 Wm. A. Heron Phone 12, Brook"l E. Jeffery Phono 23S, Coiborne B. C. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcastle Phone 3850 18-1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALIS LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT . NELP WAX=E CARS FOR SALES LOST * FOUND ETC. Cash Rate - -. 4. p Muta minimum of SO0 Me epoid b>' date ot lnsertio If charged. an additlonal 25e wilI b. add.d. A chargeo f 25c wli hob made for ail replies dix.ctad te tbf. office. NOTICES . CONMNG SES AND CARDS OF TISANES ta word with a minimum W $1.00 for 25 words or le». SIRTHS - ENGAGZEMI MAREIAGES - DEATES $1.00 pw Insertio lu MEMORIAM& $1.00 plus iDa a lino for ve«» Dlaplay Clasfl.d at $1.50 o inch with a minimum of ono incý. ' Additional insertions ut the mu» rate.. AIl Clauaifiod Ad. muet bhol this office. fot lator thon 12 o'clock naon, Wednosday. Send cash, stamps or mony ord and save mona.'. Clip thLe out for handy reforeace OFFICE HOURS Monday through Fridey 8:30 a.mi. ta 5 p.m. I SCatuzday 0:30 a.m. ta 1 o The Canadian Stateumau Dial MArket 3-3303 tor CIasaUlied Ad Service i - - - - - - - . % 9m 1 TT-I-- ivr- . 1 à V% 1 vn . . 0 E ý 1 -. e