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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1959, p. 1

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,Vote on, The vote taken Iast November on a dining lounge license and a cocktail lounge lioense for Bowmville hian set aside and declared invalic. Judge John DeN. Kennedy hmnded down his judg- m'ent foilowing a hearing in County Court in Cobourg several weeks ago. The three other questions involved in the votmng at the saine election, the liquor store which was approved and the men's and wamen's beverage rooms which were not approved, will stand without change. It is understood that a new election wiil be ordered on the two invalidated questions. The decision on thc £ate will carne .iram provincial authorities. It in aiso, underatood that the Liquor Contrai Board may now proceed with the construction and operation o! a liquor store here. No announcernent has been forthcoming on whcn this will take place. No vote can be hcld for three years froin the date of thc November vating on the beverage roorn questions. Judge Kennedy ruled- that "There were so many irregulari- tics and failures te observe the provisions af The Election Act that in rny opinion the motion af Glenholme Hughes the Relator should be granted." The motion by Mr. Hughes was for an order setting aside and declaring i-. vaiid the vote on Questions 4 and 5 (dining lounge and cock- tail lounge license). Counsel for the Relator was Kenncth G. M. RLoss of Belle- ville. The Respondent, Alick J. Lyle, Returning Officer, was flot represcnted by counsel. Alan H. Strike was counsel for Captain Norman, Cales, Manager ai Uic Negative Votera. In his findinga, Judge Ken- nedy stated: "I have read with interest the argument af counsel for the Manager of the Negative Voters ta the effect that if I hold that the vote is invalid as re- gards Questions 4 and 5, I1rmust hold the vote ta be invalld as regards aIl questions. This ar-_ methad a fotundation of logic my Jriaicton and my owera are Iimited by the Liquar Lcense Act and by The Muni- cipal Act and since the Manager of the Negative Votera has not taken thc procedure specified byl The Municipal Act and in par- ticular Section 172 thereof, i my opinion, I have no jurisdic- tion to deal with such a dlaim in these proceedings." Other than the large number of irregularities and failures ta observe the provisions of The Election Act, Juage Kennedy conmcented on one advertise- ment which was published in The Canadian Statesman by the Negative Votera committee dur- ing the campalgn. «'The advcr- tisernent contains a purperted statement by Cardinal Eeger, Roman Catholic Arclibishop of Montreal, directed against thc opcning oi further cabarets and refera ta "«gaming dens" and "celubs where debauchery pre- vails". Iii' Judgc Kennedy's opinion, this advertisernent cons- tituted an infringement cf Sec- tion 171 of The Election Act which deals with the use cf un- due influence on the votera. "Vote No" Group Issues Stafement on Judgment Given by Judge Kennedy The following statement has1 been released for publication' by the Bowmanville ,Citizens "Vote No" Commnittee. It con- ,4erns te recent judgment given .UÇý Judge J. DeN. Kennedy on "e liquor vote last November, detai]s of which will be found i another colurnn. The state- mient reads: The judgment rcgarding the recent appeal against two ques- tiens of the vote on Liquor Outiets, held iBowmanville on Nov. l9th last, has new been made public. Judge Ken- niedy hia& ruled the vote inval- Id on Questions 4 and 5. naine- ly the Dining Room Lounge Li- cense and thc Cocktail Lounge License.% The Bowmanvilc Citizens uVôte No" Committec would like t. present the foilowing points for the consideration of the Citizens of aur Town:- . 1. If the vote was invalid on Questions 4 and 5 it was invalid on all fîve questions. The re- sults of the entire vote should have been. thrown out. This Was aur argument i Court and As sound logic. 2. On Nov. l9th last you de- ieated Questions 4 and à by substantial margins. Why ask orane;ther vote within a ycar? Dour citizqna change their4 minids that quickly'? Accordingý to law another vote can be tak- en i three years. Isn't that time enough? 3. On the one question where the vote was close,-No. 1-The Liquor Store-won b.) aniargin of only 23 votes, our oninittec decided ta take our efeat in a sporting spirit insteau of askingc for a recount. A recount could have reversed the decision. 4. The Appeal was based en- tirely on tcchnicalities, minor infractions that might occur in any vote of this kind or i any municipal election. It is aur con- sidered opinion that not ane vote was changed by these tecli- nicalities. 5. AUl of the infractions men- tioned above were directed against A. J. Lyle, Returning Officer for thc Vote with the exception af one which charged undue influence in anc ai our advertisements whcre wc quot- cd carrectly a staternent made by Cardinal Leger of Montreal. 6. Finally, what about costs ta' the taxpayers oi Bowman- vill.4. The vote on Nov. 19th last cost th tonapProximately $2,OOO A new vote,- with aur increasing population would probably cost more. Do yau want to bear this addcd burden of taxation? &oote Decides Not to Run ick; Successor Tuesday Tepltical scene la dem- itzely , ah ing signa ofiincreased activity. Thds week. Major John W. Foote, M.P.P., annoumced that lie would not be a candidate for thec Conservative party in aorJ. W. Foote, V.C., M.P.P.1 thie ftorh'oing provincia l .- ection. He lias reprcsented Dur- ham Canstitucncy since 1948. No sooner lied his retirement been pulilicized tihen a further release stated tiiet the Durhiam Canservatives would hold their nomination meeting ln Orano ncxt Tuesdly, May 5thl. The first contestant t. Uirow -is het i the ring was Mical Wladykca of Port Hope, deputy reeve af tiiat municlpality.and. an active party worker for thc past several elections. Weil in- forrcd, sources indicate fliat thc nomination will sec a large nuin- ber of wauld-be candidàtes al- low'ig fliir naines t. go lie- fore Uic convention. Among those metioncd as possibles are Wardien Garnet B. Rickard, de- puty reeve of Darlington; Lloyd Hooton, reeve of Cavan town- ship and Alex Carruthers ai GardieniLIl, president ai Uic riding association. No prospect- ive candidates froin Bowmian- ville have been rnentioned. Forecasters suggest thet Pre- mir Frost wiil annaunce the election witihiii the ncxt few d'ays with Uic voting date,'June llth. IBuilding Boom On The construction season is opening with a boom in Bownianville. Building ac- tivîty this year is expected to, smash ail records. The first new record has already been set. Building permits issued 4~y the town this April autiforize work valued at over $155,000. This whopping figure repre- sents the most construction ever to be undertaken in the town in an Aprîl. "We are confident that this is an indication that we will have the biggest year ever," commented Works Superintendent Lloyd Quin- ton. 11R certainly looks most promising." Permits issued i the month just, ending totalled $155,425, five times the ligure fQr April of last year. It brought the total for this year to $175,860. This is al- xnost, ý1OO,OOO higher than. in the first four months QI 1958, despite the fact that January,,. and March both dropped f*rm the previous year and no building at ail was undertaken Iast February because of heavy snow. The increase occurred al I April, when total figures showed a jump of $124,104 over the same month, a year ago. "The hard wfnter held things up earlier," remark- ed Mr. Quinton, "but now we're really roUling and we expect activîty wiil continue to increase."l Hubby T-Man? Find Out Friday Ladies, have you ever wandered whether your husband was a T-Man? Ta- niorrow wilI bc your chance ta flnd out. The "T" ln this case stands for Trout and the open season on the spec- kled beauties atarts May 1. So if Hubby disappears on Friday you'Il know he's bc- coneanc ai the many T- Day casualties unable ta resist the lure ai the bub- bllng brooks and gurgllng waadland atreams. To Serve 12,,000 in 10 Yrs. Town Sewers and Water inadequate Says OWRC 160 "Invaders" "Blitz" Town Tonight For Cancer Dollars flowmanville will be"blltz- ed"I tofflght. Between seven and elght o'clock sume 160 volunteer *"troops" wilI '*in- vade" every home ln search of donations for the Cana- dian Cancer Soelety. Officiais of the local l-,,neh are hopeful that re- ai Uifcthetown wHil lairibute at least $2.300 ÎJdurtag the Whirlwlnd Camn- paign. They belleve ibis wilt put tbern over the top tn their drive te eoliect $5,- 100 throughout Darlingion Carke tewnablps. thie eve of thc ublitsu, pinehairman Mau- re le. Stephens issued the. ioilewtgmessage: "Let us be generous au W e maBMd ma" "i a banner year in cancer re- search, possibly ta furtber Our sceettat work ta sncb a deffree tbat by next year at tbis Urne Uiey will be on the threshold et! a cure. "'The people going forth on this bita have gener- ously donated tUiIr Urne, many have given up other worthwhile tasku to join tbis tight against cancer and we wauld ask that you bave you.r çontribution rea- dy and treat thern with the courtesy they deserve. "We ef the Eowrnanvllle Branch af the Canadian Caçer S*ctety would like t. tbak thegenerai public for the generostty tbcy have cbow ur ui se la the paBL!. A seemingly routine and even trivial item of business at the April meeting of Town Council was the official acknowledge- ment that a report on sewage works, storm sewer drainage and water warks for the Town of Bowrnanville had been received fromn the Ontario Water Re- sources Commission. Ini actual fact, the story be- hind this report is an intcresting one, while the report itself will have an important bearing on the town's future physical and economic growth. Here are the facts as gathcred by The States- man staff. Back in 1957 the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce was fortunate ln securing Mr. A. M. Smider, Chairman, and Dr. A. E. Berry, Gencral Manager, ai the Ontario Watcr Resources Commission to address a joint meeting of the Lions, Rotary and Kinsman Clubs o! Bowmanviile. Messrs. Snider and Berry in- formed the meeting that the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission (OWRC) had been cstab- llshed in 1956 by the Ontario Legislature as the supreme au- thority on ail matters pertaining t. wa=cr applyand sawe dis- posai houhut the provice. (Continued on Pm e ineteen) tXDPLMEITÂY GT ELL Copy FOR PATIENTS 0F MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Set Asîide 1* ~an4~lIan Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 105 20 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTfflO, THIURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1959 10e Per Copy NUMBER 18 Move to Break Up H.eS. Dist. Gains Support Coonties Council Colourful Cotms, Black Faces, Feature Legion Show These are the Lazy River Boys, a rhythmn band, who evenig. From 1left ta right: Comrades Jean Firth, Rita took part in the second presentation of the Legion Aux- Parkin, Edythe Rundle, Amy Tait and Audrey Fletcher. iliary's Minstrel Show "Dark Town Capers" on Tuesday ÇBtts anad £Aeces FEW TICKETS LEFT - Tonight is hockey night in Bowmanville when 200 supporters - at $5 apiece - will gather in the Legion Hall for dinner and a draw for $200. Also,. the draw for the Hi-Fi set will be held. The organizers of the show.teil us there are stili a few tickets left, s0 if you can make it at 6:30, corne to the Legion and have fun. Proceeds are to help the Com- bines overcome a substantial deficit. t. t i. t t ýTHREE WEEKS LEFT - The Cartoon Capers Contest which has been running in The Statesman on page nine for several months is drawing ta a close. There will be two more cartoons after this week and then the big final page when the winner of $100 will be announced. Mrs. Shirley Mason, R. R. 6, Bowman- ville, is this week's winner of ten $1 certif icates. If you should happen ta be a winner in the next two weeks, your entry could be chosen for the big prize. Agamn we repeat. Pick eut the words that are out of place in the advertisements. Put them together in a sentence that makes s *ense for a title. Then, dream up a new title for the cartoon and send it along. t t t t t WINS VAUXHALL -'Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers of Bowmanville was the special guest at Robson's on Saturday aiternoon when the 150 entry draw for a new Vauxhaîl took place. This is the second contest of this type which has been conducted. The winner was R. A. W. Ingram, 94 Cedar Drive, Scarboro. He bouglit a car from Robson's some months ago and was one of the 150 buyers who had an opportunity of winnig. t t t t f~ SAVES CLEANING - The Editor found a way of avoiding the work of cleaning storrn windows this spring. Yesterday morning, preparatory ta house cleaning, his wife asked him b remove onc upstairs stormn window for mop shaking,-.etc. It was stuck sa he tapped on the glass ta obtain help fram the inside. His wife came ta help and after several atternpts to dislodge it with her hands, she tried a foot. Out shot the window like a cork from a champagne bottle. Not expecting it sa soon, the Editor's reactions were too slow. The window crashed against the top of the ladder, breaking bath panes and the frame. The whoie family plan ta spend their summer holidays picking up bits of glass that spread far and wide. t t t t t NEW MACHINE FOR MAILING - If you notice sornething different about the address on your paper or on the wrapper arouhd it, you'll be interested in learning that The Statesman has another new. machine which we hope will improve mailing procedures. It is an Elliott Addressing Machine and uses incividual plastic stencils for each name arid address. The com- plete date is printed an the paper instead of being pasted on with a separate label. This equiprncnt should enable our office staff ta keep up-to-date with your subscriptions. You will note a f ive year sequence at the bottom of the address. If the last number is "", you are paid Up ta 1960. Next year, when your subscription i.s renewed, the "V" will be blocked out, leaving "1" as the last number, and sa on. There have been some complications as the system has been put into use, sa please let us know if your papers do flot arrive within a reasonable period of time. 6 111gh Ichool probleems whieh have caused controversy and some bitterness in this area for many weks, took a new twist on Tuesday at United Counties Council. Darlington Township and Bowmanville joined forces in a move to withdraw and set the two municipalities up as a separate high school district. This move had flot been given wide publicity - in fact the negotiations had been conducted under a veil of great secrecy, and in some quarters must have corne as a surprise. On Tuesday at Cobourg, the tWo municipalitled received back.. ing from W. R. D. Stewart, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education for the Province of Ontario. He out- lined the change of thlnking in the department which had re- sulted from experirnenting with large school districts ana sug- gested that the experirnent had flot worked out successfully; that saal districts were more work- able. à "Durham is a big district high school area and I sec no reason why Port Ho pe and Bowman- ville should be in the smre district," he stated. "«If you think the Durham High School District is too big, I agree with you. There is enough popula- tion, enough assessment to 4iake for three schools. If you want to break up the district, I think the departmnent would agree with you." On his advice, a consultative committee ta study the ramnifica- tions of such a break-up was proposed and adopted by the council. It is understood the members will include Reeve W. D. Higgon, Bewmanville; Reeve Reed Budge of Port Hope, Reeve Lloyd Hlooton of Cavan, plus a representative from the Depart- (Contlnuod op effl men)a Angry.Ratepayers tb Protest Rem-location of Town's Dump In'Soufh Ward Section( Morriso n ln Europe For Mont h Bowmanvlile's "big-leaguer"ý i the world of hockey. W. M. "Mil" Morrison, MIHLL. lines- man, is in Europe to officiate during the flve-week exhibition series between Boston Bruins and New York Rangera. W. M. "BiIP" Morrison The tour will take hlm through at lcast six ceuntries, with thc possibility that Uic itin- erary may be further enlarged. turne ai departure callcd for games in London, Geneva, Par- is, Antwcrp, Zurich, Dortmund., Essen, Berlin, and Vienna. Bill flew fain Boston lust Manday niglit and Mrs. Marri- son received a cable frein him on Tucsday froin Prestwick, Scotland, saying it had been a good trip wli a saie landing. Though her husband travelo more than 50,000 miles during echiseasoniamN.H.L. activities, ?&s. Morrison admits she feels slightly more concerned over this trip. "It eems différent1 when hc's flying over the'j ocean," shh. nid, *'and smrehow It mecins uch a ion& long way frOM home."- *Squa-rc-jawed with determin- ation, a deputation ai angry ratepayers will iiyvade next Monday's Bowmanvillc council meeting ta dcniand assurance tihat thie tow duinp will net be moved te the south ward. "We'vc been getting a run-a- round f rom lthe tawn heal but we don't iiitend ta ta-ke it any longer," declared a spakesman. Wc're going ta ask straight questions and we're going ta insist on a straiglit answcr." If cauncil refuses such assur- ance, thc group Is prepared to forin a ratepayers' association, circulate petitions of prote# "until wc get thousands ai nain- es" and hire "an impartial law- yer frein eut of tawn to lead aur fight" ta proteet thc inter- cats ai district residents. These decisions were made at a vcrbally violent preliminary gathering in Memorial Park clubhouse Monday niglit. A se- cond meeting will be held there Sunday aiternoon ta prepare thc bnifta be presented ta coun- Cil. Other Questions Whilc thc major coniplaint will be thc runiaured. relocation ai Uic dump, councillors muay al- Police "Check" Beach Net Smelt Fishemen As a result of rnany com- plaints by property owners and BOWMANVILLE H. & S. residents of the 1Newca-stle HOLD FINAL MEETING Beach axea, the Ontario Prov- The final meeting of the cur- Incial Police made a close check rent season will be held by the of he isric lst riay ndBowmanville Home and School of he istictIas FrdayandAssociation next Wednesday ev- Saturday, it was announced ening, May 6, in Ontario Street yesterday by the Bowmanvi.ile School. 0f special interest to Detachinent headquarters. parent s of Grade 8 students, the Polie hve hared 1 fsh-meeting will hear a discussion Polie hve cargd 21f~~ on the difficulties of changing ermen under the Ontario Li-fro public to high school sys- quor Control Act. Theye wil j teins of teaching and learning. appear in Magistrate's court ifl Trhe association will caîl no Bowmanville durlng May. Po- furtiher meetings until next Sep- lice said the arrests were madetebr cerning the proposcd dog pound, failure of promised industry to settle in the south end, and even why the town council spent $162,50 on drapes for the Board of Works office. AUl these mat- ters wcre raised d)uring Mon- day's heatcd discussion.. 'Tve got plenty of questions I want to ask," shoutcd one wo- man, wavin$ a threatening fist. "This councfl has got plenty to answer for and I wiant to h>ear those answers." nhe meeting was eallèd by a group of neighiboring hciuse- wives and, though it wasn't ad- vertised in any way, about 30 persons showed up dturing thie cvening. "Màd, there would have been many, many more If go may of our men wcren't on ahi- ft-work," declared one speaker. Proceedings got underway ini rather disjointed fashion with the gathering aplit up in indig- nant littie knots, each listening attentively and undierstandingly to some loudly expounded Pro- test. With the late arrival of saine men, tihings settled int0 a more orderly procedure and speakers wcre heard onc et a turne. following receipt of complaints regarding vandalisin, damage to property and discarding o! empty bettles on Newcastle Beach. BTJRKETON MAN TRAFFIC VICTIM Edgar Strutt, 77, ai Burketon Pest Office, died in Oshawa' General Hospital Sunday morn- ing frein injuries suffered in a two-car crash at Athol and Al- bert Streets in Oshawa less than 24 houri. previoaly. CADET INSPECTION TAKES PLACE MAY 5 The colorful, fuil-dres Inspection of the Bowman- ville High School cadets will take place on Uic High School parade grounds next Tuesday, May 5, at 1:30 p. Highlights ai the alter- moon wîll include precisian niarching, exhibitions of weapans handling and mass performances oi calisthcnlcs Girls as well as boys wil participate in Uic coloriul drill&. Two Ziquor Quesin

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