PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO ?TTTTR~qnAv APWYT. ~flfh 1o~B New Vauxhali Victor Us Restyled for 1959 .A new Vauxhail Victor for 1959, restyled to give a wider and lower appearance, was an- nounced recently by General Motors of Canada. The Victor - top seller ln Canada among British-built cars - has a new, clean-iooking front end treatment that makes it look wider and lower. New side and bumper styiing gives. the .ppearance of extra length. ighlighting the announce- Inent of the 1959 "Series 2"1 Vauxhalîs is the introduction of a campietely new and mare luxurlous model - the Victor De Luxe. It features luxuriaus Interior styling with individual front seats. There are pile carpets on the floor. Upholstery is of soft durable leather and vynide. The front and rear seats have foamn ~'ubber _padding and the floor carpets h ave thick underlays of feit and foam rubber. Wheels are covered with distnctive embellishers, and a continucus -lne of chrome from front ta rear on the side of the De Luxe pro- vides a natural separation for optional attractive two-tane col- or treatmen ts. Mechanical specifications of the De Luxe are the sarne as the Victor and the Victor Super mnodela. The Series 2 Victor ls 168 Inches long. with a wheelbase cf 98 inches, and has the same out- standing manoeuvrabillty as eariier models. It has a four- cylinder overhead valve engine with a compression ratiô cf 7.8 tà one and develapa 55 B.H.P. Owners can expect up ta 40 miles ta the gallon under normal driving conditions. The radiator and fan have KENDAL Mrs. Graham, Hamilton, spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Yendrick. Mrs. Carl Langstaff, Linda and Debbie visited Mrs. Jack Neai, Orono, Saturday evening. .Mr. and Mrs. George Mac- Donald and fanily spent Sun- day with her mother, Mrs. Sel- leck, at Omemee. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer for the week- end were Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rusk, MViss Peggy Enever and Frankie Middleton of Toronto. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watters and Mrs. Larry Watters, Whit- by, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and Gloria visited Mrs. Luxon and John Thempson. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Gar- Ibutt and Keith Swarbrick, Tor- enta, were down ta their sum- ýmer camp, Ken-gar-hills. Mrs. Hatcher Foster left lest Sunday ta spend a couple of weeks with her mother in Vir- - ginia. Mrs. Alva Swarbrick is stayirig with the family while she is away. Miss Patsy Foster has com- pleted her hairdressing course in Toronto and started last week with Vincents' Hair Sty- ling in Oshawa. *The measies are still runn'Ùing their course through the corn- munity. Mrs. John Bird spent Tues- day with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Buriey. Cecil Burley was te see them Sunday. Mrs. Thomp- son and Arthur, Mrs. G. Cath- cart and Mrs. W. Mercer called Sunday. Miss Joyce Efliôtt spent Sun- day with R. Little's daughters. Mrs. Gordon Langstarf enter- .ed Bowmanville Memorial Hos- ,pital Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stevens and friend, Mrs. Marsh, Tor- onto, spent the weekend at the farm here. *The W.I. meeting was held Wed. evening April 15, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mercer with Mrs. Manders presiding. It was decided ta recompense Mrs. Couroux for expenses incurred when holding euchre parties these past two winters. Mr$. Foster reported the District An- nual was being held at Maple Grove, May 21, when the W.I's mere ta give a new suggestion -for a progzram.I th e »Can ce r -fund -i n -Kend i.--- The roll cail was "Pay your fee" and the motto, "Health is 1,Weath, so let us care for it wisely". nhe conveners gavel their reports on the vear's m-ork. Mrs. Wm. Mercer read a newspaper clipping regarding the new stanip being issued May 13 ini honour of the Feder- ated W.I.s' cf Canada, the na- tional oranization, which was formed i Winnipeg in 1919 and which now has a membership of 95,000 rural women. Ite penny collection was taken up and hMrs. G. Cathcart praved the able auctioneer for* the nuniber cf articles donated ta the basket. A pleasant social haif heur - was enjoyed over the tasty lunch served by Mrs. Stapleton and Mrs. W. Mercer. A vote ot thanks was extended Mn. Mer- cen for her hospitqlitv,. We were pleased ta have a numnber of visitors present. been enlarged ta improve cool- ing and the spare tire of the Victor Estate Wagon- has been1 rrioved dloser ta the right side to give an extra 51,/ inches; usable width at the rear. Most striking styling changel is in the front. Double hood lines on the aid series have given way ta a singe lne which runs from the air intake vent below the windshield ta a new crest between the headlights. Front parking and turn indicat- or lights are aval shaped and tne buprtndes idesothe T.C. A. - C.N.R. the bump extend s n so fenders. Rear bumpers are ,-IW liIS e Elimination of a sculptured curve on the rear door anda ridge or "eyebrow' over thelCredit Lards front m7indshieid give the new models a clean front-to-rear MONTREAL -Canadian NE- swveep. tional Rallways and Trans-Can- The Victor is avallable in a ada Air Lines have announeed total of seven soiid and eight1 thev will issue a joint credit two-tone color combinations, de- card in the early future to co- pending on model. v'er the wide range of facilities The Vctor is built ln England offered by the two companies. bv Vauxhali Motors Limited, a In addition to being vaiid for subsidiary of General Motors. It on-line passenger transporta- is distributed in Canada by Gen- tion and services over ail routes eral Motors of Canada. ioperated by both companies in 1 FA OU * AL I IE 1 g8 g i DEN TÏ I6 Canada. the U.S.A. and Over- seas, it will be available for Bank cOf Montreal Ofners hotel services, telegraph -ser- vices, and rail express ship- ments. Rig hts to 6 7 5,000 Sha res the card for interline rail tra- 1Rights ta 675,000 additianal crease in total assets of the bank vel and for sleeping and par-; shares af Bankc af Montreal cap- since th-e last Issue twa years lor car charges and dining car ital stock are ta be affered ta meals, excluding beverages. saeodr t£2prsaeaga, and because of the forma- For T.C.A. the new card is on the basis of ane new 'hr tion of the new Bank of Lo- tailored to meet the needs of ifor each eight held, G. Arnold donadMnalLmtd ev individua.l and smaller coin-1 Hart, presîdent, has announced. !ng Latin America and the Car- panies who do not require the;Tenwise I nraeibbean,. he added. more extensive world wide and, h e su ilices intrlie ar ravl srviesthe bank's paid-up capital to the Mr. Hart said the bank last inter ndr thel evcs highest figure in Canadian bank. month transferred $3,000,000 Avi alelPnd r edUi Crsl ing history, he said. from tax-paid inner reserves ta Air ravl Pan Cedi Cadsits rest account, which now %whieh have been issued by the1 The issue is being undertaken stands at $123,000,000, in rela-1 airline over the past 17 y ears. 'in view of the substantial in- tion ta paid-up capital of $54,. -SE 000,000. On completion of the new issue, the B of M. capl4 account wîll be increased by $6,750,000, on the basis of $10 par-value shares, bringing pald- up capital ta $60,750,000. At ~ same time, the rest account. be increased $14,850,000 tô a total of $137,850,000. The announcemnent was made April 7. The offer was made to sharehoiders of record at dlose of business April 17. Warrants evýidencing the right to subscribe will be mailed about May 1, and, although transferable, subscrip. tion rights must be exercised by July 10, the elcpiry date. Vi ESI IMN ADIENE I TC SAIONERY' IN 1 CO S NDBRS i MEICIECETBY 1 FR OURBAYi 'j PAGE TWO TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BONMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. APRM SM. 1938 SUMMER ITEMS