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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1959, p. 5

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?HURSDAY, APRIL 3oth, 1959 THt ~ANADTAN MTATE~MAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO I-r1~zA. z iv ~à A W UWVTg, Open Door for Canvasser Alext Calter May Be Cancer During the current year can- cer will strike in 43,000 homes across Canada. One of the atricken homes may be yours, warns the Canadian Cancer Society. But you can help elim- mnate these deadly visits by giv- ing generously during the socie- ty'a annual campaign for funds this month. "Be happy to open your door anid help when your cancer campaign collector cornes cail- ing," urges Maurice Stephens, chairman of the Bowmanville Co4 ua4d rÀF DRAP ERIES BROADLOOM DRAPERIES By The YARD VENETIAN AND CLOTHBLINDS CUJSTOM MADE DRAPES DRAPERY RODS AND TRACKS INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE Howard Vice Proprietor TELEPHONE OSHAWA RA 5-3144 926 Slmcoe ýt. N. Oshawa cemmittee. "Your contribution is your best assurance that your next visiter won't be the di- sease itself. "Our only ho~ is ta support the Canadian Cancer Society's Annual Campaign for funds, that they can continue to carry on their work te alert these 43, 000 people se they will contact their doctors at the first sîgn cf cancer and thereby stand a good chance cf being cured. Through the Cancer Society we wiil also help te further the work cf the Women's Service Committee and Wo give our scientists the tools Wo find a cure for this disease." In Darlington and Clarke the following groups are going forth in this appeal se that Canada can continue te de her part in the world's fight against can- cer: CLARKE-Antioch: Mn. A. Mkinneke, Mr. aud Mrs. Don Evans; Crooked Creek: Mr. L. Perrault; Cowanville: Mrs. Les Reid; Newtonville: volunteers headed by Mrs. Wm. Milligan; Leskard: Mrs. Clarence Martin; Clarke - Union: M.r. Sheldon Moffat; Kirby: Volunteers head- ed by Mr. Evan Quantrill; Ken- dal: Mrs. L. Glass, Mrs. H. Fos- ter, Mrs. G. Cathcart; Stark- ville: Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow; Port Granby and Dis- trict: Miss Doreen Powell; Brown School District: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson; Newcastle: Newcastle Lionettes; Orono: volunteers headed by Mrs. Sid Rutherford, No. 9 School Dis- trict: Home & School Club. DARLINGTON - Providence: Mrs. H. Gibson; Shaw's School District: Home & School Club; Burketon: Women's Association; 1 H-aydon: Women's Association; Enfield: Young People 's Union; Hampton: Wozuen's Service Club; Courtice: Volunteers headed by Mrs. C. Penfound; Ebenezer: The Women's Class; Maple Grove: Women's Insti.. ture; Salem. The Canadian Or-. der cf Foresters. Solina; Wom- en's Institute; Tyrone: Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association; Zion: Women's Association; Bowmanville: the Sunshine Group and the Canadian Order cf Foresters. The executive for Bowman- ville Branch cf the Canadien Cancer Society is:-President, Bert Syer; Vice-President, W. G. Pescoe; Secretary, Mrs. Peg- gy Frank; Treasurer, Clarence Bell, Women's Service Commit- tee-.-Chairman, Mrs. Bert Syer; Vice Chairman, Mrs. Stan Mc- Murter; Secretery, Mrs. Harry Saunders; Members, MErs. Sid Rutherford, Orono, Mns. Bruce Heavysege, Mrs. Ossie Williams, Mrs. Hugh Murphy, Mrs. Or- land Plummer, Mrs. Earl Thompson, Mrs. Alan, Steel, Miss Jean Rundie, Mrs. Cuth- bert McDonald, Mrs. Stan Dunn and Mrs. Roy McMuilen; Pub- licity and Education Commit- tee, Mrs. H. Saunders and Mns. O. Williams; Campeign Cern- mittee, M. R. Stephens, Chair- man; Medical Advisors, Dr. H. Ferguson, Dr. E. D. Hubbard, Dr. AUlan B. Sylvester, Dr. V. H. Storey and Dr. K. W. SIe- mon, Board cf Directens, F. L. Smale, L. W. Dippeil, H. Free- man, S. McMurter and Rev. A. G. Scott-, Special Representa- tives, Mrs. G. Delaney, L.O.B.A., Tyrone, G. Qiraham, Legion, Bert Syer, Kinsmen. Red Cross Organize Blood Donor Clinic began plans for Bowmanville's first Blood Donor Clinie atTh oa edCosB a meeting held Friday evening at the Legion Hall. A niost infor- imative film, "Prescription for Lif e" was shown which gave a vivid picture of the vital need for blood donors. Your local Branch hopes to procure this film for showing te local groups. Jack Bishop, chairman of the Red Cross Blood Donor Corn- mittee, introduoed the gueist, Harry S. Black, clinic orgagizer for the Toronto Depot. He brief- ly outlined the history of the Blood Transfusion Service. By next month there will be four depots operating in Ontario, in Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa, and London. These depots must be supplied with 4,000 bottles of blood per week throughout the year to ensure an adequate sup- ply for the whole of Ontario. Bowmanville's quota wil±l be 500 bottles per year to be ob- talned at two clin.ics, the first of these to be held Wednesday, November 4th. Wlaole blood can be stored and used up te three. weeks. This however is by no means the end of its usefulness. Alter this time it is converted Juto blood by-products which are also supplied when needed free of charge. Two of these pro- ducts, serum aibumin and fi- brinogen are used in the treat- mient cf shock and severe hae. Storage j29 King - Shirts St. E. - Repairs MA 3-5747 morrhage. Gamma globulin is used for the prevention cf nieasles and other infectious diseases. Nothin.g can take the place of bleod. Someone lu Bowman- 'Ville and District, perhaps your- self or your neighbour, is in need of whole blood or its by- products every week of the year. It is the duty cf each and every one cf us Wo see that ade- quate supplies cf this life-saver are always available. Your local ]Branch cf the Red Cross Socie- ty 18 proud Wo have a part in this great service aud là confi- dent that the people of Bow- mauville and district wifl do their utmost Wo make these clinies a success. If you have had past experi- ence in blood donàor work, or are au luterested nurse, or an interested citizen, your Red Cross Blcod Donor Committee needs you and will welcome your assistance. Please contact Mr. J. Bishop, MA3-5131 or M&. D. Marsden, MA3-3882. SOLINA Mother's Day service will be held on Sunday, May i10. Ail parents wishing their children baptized are asked ta contact Rev. Reed before Vhiat time. Ohurdi service next Sunday, iMay 3, wiil be at 10 o'clock .and, Sunday Sohool. at il o'clcck .D.S.T. Mrs. C. Hamer is a patient in »Oshawa Hospital. Her friends "trust she may soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grills and Carolyn, Valen-tia, were Sun- day guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and sens. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilibert, Bowmanville, were Thursday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees and Glad.ys. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood and Chiarles, Mrs. Ted Wilson aud baby of Bowmsuville, visited, et Messrs. S. E. and Wes Werry's. The uisny friends cf Alan and Ileen Taylor (nee Belson) cf Ducan, B.C. are ha!ppy to kuow their son Michiel has the cast removed fraim his leg and is graduelly regaining strength in it. So we trust he may soon be around in his usual lively manner. A speedy recevery, Michael, is our wish for yeu. Mn. Charles Shortridge has retunned tW his home and, 18 aible Wo be around. .PAr. and Mrs. E. Larmer, Bl1ackstock and grandi-deughter, Janice Yellowlees, and Mrs. A. J. Balson visited Mr. aud Mrs. Ray Langrnaid. Mrs. T. Anderson, Joanne, Janet and Brenda, Zephyer; Mn. aud Mrs. Win. Knox, Brougham, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Knox aud family. Mr. and Mns. Fred Ammann and daughters, South Monagihan, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hilla sud chilclren. Mr. aud Mrs. Bruce Taylor and sens, were Saturday tea guests cf Mr. aind Mre. Bruce MontgSnier. Bey, aud Mrs. Robert Sherwin, Belleville-, Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmaniville; Mrs. Don Taylor and William were visitons dur- Ing the weekend at E. R. Tay- lor's. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Taylor were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor sud william. Mrs. J. Dyer, Mrs. A. Beevor and sons, Oshiawa; Mrs. G. GlaspeIl and sons, Taunton, at- tended a birthday perty for Beverley Pascoe on hier founth birthday, April 25. The Solina Good Neighbors Club had an enjoyable evening cf cardË et tihe school on Frid(ay. Prizes were awarded as fellows: high lady- Mns. R. Davis; high gentleman- Russell Best; low lady- Mrs. W. Parrmnder; low man- A. Potter; high girl- Joan Westlake; high iboy- Ron- nue Baker; low girl- Diaune Tink; low boy- Ronnie Bro- orne. hU. sud Mrs. Hehuier Fneitag and sons, Miss Jean. Cryderman sud George Bittner visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Mitchell, Bewmanville; Miss Vivien Smnith, Lindsay, and Miss Violet Smith, Fleetwood, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake's, Jr. Mr. sud Mrs. Glen Bottreil and family, Zion, visited at Ar- not Wotten's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake Jr. and family, visited at Nelson Fice's, Zion. Mr. Francis Werry, Enniskil- len; Dr. and Mrs. George Werry, Donald aud James, Oshiawa, visited at the Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Relph Davis were Sundey tea guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Osh- awa. Brenda sud Jairice Yellowlees visited relatives at Blackstock for a week. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rowley and Jon, Mr. and Stewart Rowley and Roger, Palgrave, were Saturday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson's. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and family, were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrm. John Wctten, Burketon. MAr. and Mrs. Harvey Strong, Salem, were Suuday eveuing visitors at Mr. aud Mrs. Bill John son's. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middletoa, Orono, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner. ?&i. and Mi. Bd Fowler, Bowrnanville, were Sunday evening visitors at Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron's. Mr. and Charlie Pen- warden and family, were Sua- day afternoon callers at Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk's. Donna and Dennis MeLaugh- lin and Garry Murphy were Sunday visitons at Mr. and Mrs. Harold hMurphy's. COATS $29.95 $1 - 00 ON SALE SUITS Coats, Suits 99you'Il at Greatly REG. $39.95 S$125000 SUITS REG. $29.95 ON SALE w$1000 I\REG. $39.9,5 $ ON SALE 2 0 REG. $ 69.9.5 $00 ON SALE RAINWEAR REG. $299,500 ON SALE,100 REG. $39.9,5 $ E 0 ON SALE 2 0 No Exchanges or Refu nds BOWMANVI LLE - Ail Sales Final WHITBY RAINWEAR Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE D ry Cleaning PHONE MA 3-7061I PICK-UP AND DELIVERY LORNE McQUARRIEe Prop. l IL PLESEHR Complete Sets -'N from $2.50 upFor gilUs you wil give with pride UJI . l et Hooper's be your guide. I Jewellevy & OO)POW S Gift Shop 1 BRESLINS LADIES" WEAR Here's what the' ladies have been waiting for. . . and Rainwear . . . especially- styled to fit and flatter you love the Iatest styles, vibrant colors and fine fabrics. Ail Reduced Prices! Corne in and look around. 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1959 THE CANADLALN STATESMAN, BOMUNVILLE. ONTAIR.10 IpAr-V. VTVP. COTiS REG. ('l %#u SALE li 1.1-f ýwl

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