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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1959, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAI STATESMAN. EOWMANv!LLE. ONTAWTfl WZIUU~1JAY, APiUL IOtb. iia £k(P i for A Veekly Ta) By Rev. RM R. Nil Many people today are longr- Ing for a full and abundant life. We remember Voltaire's caustie comment that "most mien die wlthout having lived". We do not wish to live a vain and futile lite. We want to live to the utmost and to make our life worthwhile. We long for complete self-realization. We would employ ta the utmost every faculty that God has I iven us; we would taste every awful and spiritual pleasure, and enjoy every possible thrill. This longing for life, a full and abundant life, is indeed a worthy and noble desire. Jesus recognized It when he said: du carne that thev may have life and have It abundantly." Life ih man's most valuable possession and he clings ta it with the utmost tenacxty. Though a mnan may be il] and. lweak, and sutfering, he clings to life with ah bhis power. The oidcl ing ta life as much as the young; in fact the shorter the &pan of life becomes, the more doea it aeem ta be prized. It is recorded in the Book of Job that Satan said ta the Lord: "Skin for skin. Al that a man bas he will give for his life." Seek Nohilfty But, whilie men dling ta phy- sical life, mere physical exist- ence doeg flot satisfy. They yearn for something higher and nobler. An aimless existence znay b. fit for the beast of the connected, well-.ducated, clever land only 35 years old. He hacd 1 sguxt to find «The only true life" by selflsh pleasure, ~ j ta discover that h.olied hast hi lite and moul. Jesus said: '"For f hatdoes it profit a man, ta 1i he who'le world and for- jfeit his lite?" 70daclye[ w aremay th persans Ik panded lite in the, seifish ac- icholson cumulation of wealth and mia- terial possessions. Their orie passion is ta make money. To field, but not for a mari. He this cnd they bend every et- must have a reason for living, tort. They sacrifice to this sor- a d he yearns for "the lIfe; did ambition aU noble and gen- whlich is lite indeed" or, "The 1 crous feelings. The love of only truc if e". as it is translat- mnygrows upon them;, their ed i Th Twetieh. entuy lvesbecome 1"cabined, cribbed, Newi Tetentei Cnurrconfined". and otten they be- Tody mlttuds ae eekngcorne mean and wretched mi- Toda mutitdes re eekn.gsers, like Silas Marner and aid "the oniy truc lite", but, alas, Serooge. ini many mistaken and futile' ways. Some are trying ta flnd Not long ago an educated man it by self-indulgence and the lof high, good morais, and satisfaction of the appetites of noble ambitions, and longings the flesh. Like the Epicureans for a higiier and more abundn they cry: "Let us eat, drinkc and life, askednme how h. culd be merry!" Sa they pamper the find this «'Lite, which is life lusts of the fiesh and they gra- indeed", and "«The only true tlfy every appetite. life". I thinlc there are many i'vliny persons are trying ta persans like hlm today. They tlnd the full, abundant lite in are baffied by t.he appallig the pursuit of pleasure. Thcy problems of the* worid. They follw te curs ofthe worid are disappointcd it fe and teed Inoll the cours oft vovf rustrated and heipless. They vanity and foily, forgetting odJ yearn for deeper knowledge and their eternal well-being. and greater power and effec- But, sooner or later they dis- tivenesa. cover that the pursuit ot picas- Eternal Lite ure brings only nauseous satie. What, then, Is "The. only truc Loges Soul ini bis First Letter ta Timothy? Wben I lived ln Toronto, a It is eternal lite. Paul also Young mani cormitted suicide1Iwrites in the sarneechapter: in beautiful Higli Park, by "Fight the gaod flght of taith; shooting hiniscîf through the lay hold on eternal lite."1 Andi heart. Beside bis body was What is etd~nal lite? Jesus bas found a halt-drained whiskey told us. In His great Prayer of bottie, and in his stitfened fin. Intercession be says: "This is gers there was a cigarette. In1 lite eternai, that they might bis pocket was found a brief know the. the only true God, note, which said: "I have drain- and Jesus Christ whom thou ed the cup. I have had my f jfl hast sent." and iost my soul." He was wefl Eternal lite fs ta know God and Ris Son Jesus Christ. No man Ca» live the full, abun- dant lite uniess he bas personal flVftIUAf feIlowship with God and i Son Jesus Christ. He must have COLGATE PASTE and ;he lite of Christ flowing HAIR BRUSH I through his il!.. 1Iow are we ta reccîve this Boih For 89C Ibnn n true lite? We re. Woodbury Shampoo- 69o that !neans full surrender to Ador wit Com - 175 1God, acceptance of Jesus Christ AdornwithComb - 1.5 as oui' Redeemer, Lord and Sa- 10 oz. Noxzema_ _ 1.25 viaur, and obedience ta His teachlngs. It means for us a lite of sacrifice, love and service, of Molhi Chase'u which brings peace, satisfaction Nerv Fod i"Jesus, Thou joy of lavIng 1.0, 169 89e - 2.283 hearts, Bomb- 1.98 M______ Tou Fount of hife, Thou Fo.Ligbt of men, Killer ---- 59e 'Clearasil ro the best bliss that earth imparts Prooter 1.39 Cream We tui' unfiiled ta Tbee ,yA. .- aagain."1 SPECIALS 98e Rolit Deodorant - 89e M8 Lustre Creme - 79e 1.50 Odo-ro-no Spray - 98e a Day Rol-on _____89e 1.10 Lustre Creme- 89e Boware i Larvex Spray. New Larvex M Dee Tee Moth Fly-Tox Math Dichloricide Math Dlockettt Fb' Tox Demi KanKiI ___ Moth RaIls The League unreservedly 1 gested to, a rate U of 3.5 biion. in the lash quarter, and by the j closing mariths af the curreni 1fiscal year ini early 1960 could 7be running wcl ver $36 bil. Elion." the review saya. "In such circumnstances, and assuing no significanit change in expendihures, revenues coule conceivabiy be tiawing ah a rate caufficient ta close nîost of the 9budgetary gap by the time the ?govcrnment entera a new fiscal 3perlod a year from. now." In summarizing the fiscal de- velopments covcred in Mr'. Fleni. 1ing's speech, the B of M recalls sthat hast year's "sharp reversa] t TYRONE It la hoped that ail, aur church and village, teed pride t in the honour bestowed upon us hast Thursday when the an- nual meeting, Oshawa Presby- 1 hcry W.A. was hcid here. The î number attending rose ta 244 lu the'atternoon, when Mrs. R. R. Rase, President of Domin- ion Counci.l W.A. gave ber ad- dresa, "To God Be the Glory". There were around 190 faor dinner and words fail to ex- press the marvellous effort aur W. A. members and neighbours made ta meet this need. Mira. E. Cornish, Oshawa, was in the chair, and the theme for t.he day was "Love MY Neighbour," Mis. C. Ives in- stalled the new otticers for 1959-60. Mirs. F. L. Richardson, Wliitby, becoming President of Oshawa Presbytery W.A., aur mnister. Rev. F. J. Jackson, and the eIders, Messrs. F. Wer- ry, F. Smiîth, A. miLls, W. Van- eyk and H. Brent, attcndcd the Holy Communion. Sunday morning Tyran. was again bonoured at the W.M.S. iTh-ankoffering service ta, bave Mirs. P. Rorneril of Blackstock, as aur guest speaker. The Mis- sion Band, Tyros, and Explor. crs attended with. their leaders. Patty Partrier and Robert FIanrý ilton, received tie otfering and 1&i. Gordyn Brent sang "Jesus Lover af My Soul". Rev. F. Jackson thanked Mis. Rorneril for ber inoat inspiring message. Tyros are holding a paper drive May 2. Congratulations ta Mr. Si- mon McCoy on bis 86th birtli. day Sunday. Sorry ta hear Mr, iMcCoy isn't wcii, he is staying Witb MIr. and Mns. Lorne Me- Coy. Brooklln. ?&. and Mms. Loriie Phare, anid Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner visited the Mr- Coy borne on Sunday. Mr'. and Mirs. Roy McLaugh- in and Iariuiy. Mirs. P. Rom- cr11, Blackshock, were Sunday dinner gucats af Mrs. Edith Murphy. Supper guestis were Mir. and Mis. A. Tompkins, To- .renta, and Mra. J. Tompkins, Ram pton. Mi. and Mirs. F. L. Byarn visited Mr'. and Mis. George Wiliis Ca-nnington. Mi'. and Mirs. Harold Trivett, Westan, Mr. and Mis. Herb Carneron, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webb, Newcastle, Sun- day. Mrs. Herbert Atkins, Osb- awa, Mirs. Donald Tackett anid boys, St. Louis, Missouri, and tormer]y of Indiaiî Head, Sask- atchewan, Mr'. and Mrs. Wrn. Jackson and son, Cayuga, were recent guests of Mi. and Mirs. A. E. Harnilton. Mr'. and Mrs. John Broomie and tamihy, were Sunday visit- ors of Mr. and Mira. Howard Brooine. Concord. Mr. and Mirs. A. Marshal and Jimmry, Humber Bay, were Sundav guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott. Mr'. and A. Youngman and bo.vs visited Mr. and Mirs. N. Leach, Taunton. Mr. and Mis. George Dennis, Columbus, were Sunday cahiers et Mr. and Mis. George Al- dread. Mr'. and Mirs. M. Hanultori, Ann and Peter. and cousin Margaret, werc dinner guests Sunday of Mir. and Mirs. Lyle Na ttress, Millbrook. Mr. and NI4rs. John Badour, Oshawa, were recent tea guesta of Mi. anid Mis. Gordyn Brent. Mir. and Mira. H. Wonnaiott, Toron ta, is. C.rS -wA n cails. e In non-budgetary transactions, t$300 million will be needed for [d housing loans, $200 million more for the C.N.R., and $150 million more for the Seaway and ether dCrown corporations. "Against e these," the review continues, dI "sanie $250 million of revenues ýand credits couid be foreseen, eleavlng net non-budgetary dis- ebursements of sanie $400 mil- LI lion." In ail, cash requirements this year will be about $850 million, Lor sanie $400 million lesa than ,lait year, the B of M rcview Lpoints eut. and Mirs. Herbert Atkina and family, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors ot Mr'. and Mrs. A. E. r Hamilton. e Giad ta know little Beth Kniowlton. who bas been very ill in Oshawa Hlospital, return- cd home Monday. Mr'. and Mrs. Merle Siute and Ailan, Bowmanville, Mr. and M. S. Rahrn and family, Biackstock, visited Mit. and Mirs. A. Rahin, Sunday. Two student teachers tram f Toronto are spcnding titis week ah Bethesda Sehool and arce boardlng with Edith Mur-i phy. Mr'. John Cooke, Saskatoon,' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tribbien, and Linda, Toronto, wcre Sa&- urday guests o! Miss Aivilla. and Mr'. O. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Achesori, Scarborough. visltcd Mr'. and rMrs. J. liils, Sunday. ENFIELD Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Sarnsvis-VS ited at Mr'. Perey Peter's, Tor' onto, sud calleci on Mr&. Wili Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ornis- ton, Mrs- Ivan Ormaiston, Bon - nie and BrIan, called on, Mr. ared Mrs. Irvsin, Puekrîn, Whitby, and saw their ncw dau1ghter. 1 Mrs. Godlrey Bowmian spent the weekcnd with Mirs. Wili Gray in Toronto. Mr'. and Mrs. Ray Smithi and £arnuhy, Newcastle, werc Sun. day teat guests with the. D. and E. Prescott's. Mr. and Mirs. Clarence Yae and chiîldren . Hampton; Mi'. andi Mrs. Harrmy McKcowni and eldren, Oshawa; Mr'. Ivan Cochrane, Nestleton, visited at L. Cochrane's. Ther. was a Taylor farnily gathering, Saturday, att1he Taylor home with menibers from Oshawa, Scarborough, and nearby places. This was a fare- wcll get-together for Mrs.Reg Titcombc and Cyrithia who arce returning ta Vancouver tis week. Mir. and Mira. Fred Sernis et-i tended th. funeral of Mra. Ray' Webster in Toronto hast week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, Tor- onto, were Suriday viaitors o! Mir. andi Mrs. G. Bowers. M.r. and Mrs. A. Gray and Bobbie, Mrs. W. Gray, Toron- to, visited at"-G. Bowman's. BURKETON W. extcnd a warm weicomef ta Mr. and Mrs. Waddington Who have moved into the house forrncrly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Eric SimnPson and family. A tire on fthc tarin aI Mr. Dave Archer, on Monday of hast; week, destroyed almost three acres et Ch-ristmas trees. The community was sadden - ed iby the suddcn passing of Mr Edgar Strutt on Sund.ay in Osh. awa General Hospital folhowing an accident an Saturday, wtieni the car in which Mr'. Strutt was1 riding, was in collision with another car in Oshjawa ah on. of tlhe Intersections. 'Me sym- pathy of the comrnunîty goes ouh t<> bis brother Mr'. Everctt Struht, (flac) and sisher MI. Pearl Avery, and other mem- bers o! his tamily. Mr. and Mis. Roy McLaug-- lin. Nestleton; Mir. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Haydon,. were Tender.- m a Swift's Small Links - Pure Breakfast SAUSAGE Swift's - Sllced or picce Produce Cuba's Finest - Large size PINEAPPLES 4 for 9 5 Sliced Lb. 49C Lb. 39c Lb. 29c Golden YelIow BANANAS Tender liome-grown - CREEAlI ONIONS u 2 Lbs. 25c PoIy bag 4 B(.1.25c Famiily Favourite - 8 oz. pkg. COLE SLAW 2Fer 29c Wax Protected - No. 1 Grade Libby's Frozen Foods Whole Kernel Corn, 2 lb. poly bag 49c Green Peas, 2 lb. poly bag - 55c Strawberries, 15 oz. pkg. --____39c FEATURE King's Plate - Solid Light - 7 oz. tin TUNA FISH - 4 For 69C 1. c Sunbeam Feaures Sunny LeonaiRal Orange Colles Cake £ a. 39C -Ea. 35C 1/> ;es5e,25e b 89c, 1.39 -89c, 1.39 23e Jergen's Lotion with One-A-Day Multiple Dispenser------- 65e Vitamins 1.40, 2.50. 3.95, 7.95 Bind'a Cream - 2 for 98eci Geritol-- 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 PHOSPHO-PLEX for tired nerves 2.50 - 4.25 COWLING'S PHON'E ~ a 3-5896 DRUG STORE RU FSE S ROYAL____-58 1GW PLAYING - ENDS SAT., MAY 2 Nalinse Sigt. 2 p.m. ele 26 Ingrid Curt Robeit BERGMAN JURGENS DONATý 9:30 p.m. - Children 25e MON. TO THURS. - MAY 4 7 Fanied Tennessfee Williams' Play Is On The Screent Magge1 (u thea pu w LgRc~ AN AVON pnSetiiuàoe i. Shows At Aduit Entertainment 1 and 916 INext-week a special Mohher's I Day Message. "The. Christiani i -ome." COURTICE Common Family Problems was thc subject for discusslion at Courtice Home anid School Association reccntly. A panel of local people, Mis. Lloyd Down, Mir. Alan Down, Mr. Stan Coverley, Ebenezer and Mr. Eddie Warbrurtom a! Cour- tice as Moderahor very abhy deaIt with msuah probletns as Television in the home, its con- traI and discipline as ta pro. grams, hours etc.; ailowanccs for childuen of different age groups; dating; dancing; healh problenus. Na one bas answers ta ail the.. problems but the panel oftered worthwbile ans- Iwers and gave cveryone pre- -sent many things to think about andtalk over. Mis. Ahex Muir In welI chos- en words thanloed those who * had taken part for aur "Par- I cnt Educatien Night." Mrs. Har- ry Gay as convenor introduced the rnembers of the panel. Ah tic close of thc program Mr. 'Coverly suggested a very fine film available tram the Na- tional Filma Board in cannechionc with safety prograrns, "In Par-I adise Valley." Mira. Jack Gay pî-esided for thec apcniu'g and conducted thc business. Next meeting wiil be Installation of Officers and aise "Talent Night" wlth niembera trom each grade. May 19th is the date. Baby Clinic will tic IMay 4th at 1:30 te 2:30 ah Cour- tice Church. i Mra. Greer asked al children 'et school age ta register as ýooîî as possible. fRoom count was won by Mis. Campbell and Misa Noble. IConvention reports were gi- vnby Mira. Gordon Vinson and 1 r.Jack Gay. Higbhghts et teday wr elgvnand the report of the evefling speak- Ier Bille Davis author of "I was fa Hobo Kid" was very nest ing. At the close of the meet- ing. Lunch was served by Mis. Adair and lier conaittee. jSeverai couples troni Cour- tice Couples Club enjoyéd bcing gucats ot Newcastle Merry Mar-. ridFriday evening when thc Anual Square Diance Compet- ition was held. Kedron won tii-st prize but a close 2nd was Ceurtice with Millie and Hem- ac Vehzal, Betty and Jim Mac. Gregor, Jean and Munray Os- borne, Marjorie sud Walter Tink representin.g Courtice. Co.ngratulations ta these coup- jA large numrbei' of friends and relatives gathered ah the home of Mis. Roy Eidrige re- cently ta honoulr Miss Marlene jCoch-ane, bride-ta-be, ah a mis- Icellaneous show'er. M.and Mira. W. Brown, Bar- bara alnd Wendy spent the weekend ah Niagara Falls. jMr. and MUs. H. Gay, Ricky snd Jayne, with Min. E. Rose and tarniiy, Oshawa. Wcicome thc canvasser ln iyor area wmluh a genereus don- ation to the. Cancer Fund. q Bank's Review Predicts Ccanadian Business Boom Mont af the federai gover». of fiscal position" was caused ment's budgetary deticit may largely by the recession and by weil have been eliminated by t he govermnent's deliberate tuis ie next *year, according ta polcy ho combat Ih. the Bank o! Montreal's Business Larger budget account ex. Review for April, juat issued. penditures for famuly allowances, This now- scerns possible be- paynmenha ta the provinces and cause revenues are likely ta the speclal acreage paymenhta maunt steadily as the year pro- western wheat praducers were gresnen, reflecting not only the lncurred; while on the revenue full effectivenesa af the tax in- side, tax cuts announced i De- creases announced lu the April cemben 1957 and the slow-down 7 budget, but asmo the expecta- of business cut down recelp ta tien that the rate of Canadian Ironi aiment ah tax sources, thel business actlvihy wlll continue revîew says. te rise during the year, the bank But, it adds, during 1958, believea. Canada's economy began ta re- "Whule net commenhing spe- caver froni the recension, with citically on the trend o! revenues . the rate o! national production during the y ar, the mnister rising tram $3 1.5 billion in the implied b y bi ecoîîomic fore-I first quarter ho $32.7 billion lu cash that they wlll rise stcadihy the hast tree nionths. and perhaps substaritially. If it' In total, the. hax changes an- is te average is estirnated $3 4.5 nounced by the minister add up billion in 1959 an a whole, na- ho previde an. additional $156 tional production would increase million on budgetary account in froni the firat-quarter annual a full ycar, or $102 million more rate of $33.5 billion that h. sug- in the current year, the bank r.- Meats SWIFT'S PXEMIUM SMOKED Cooke d t.ea 4 Picnics, Lb45 Swift's Fresh Boneless - Ideal for Dressing POUK BUTT ROAST lb'. 49C Swift's Lean Sliced FRESH SIDE PORK b.- 43c Swlft's Sliced - Rindless Eversweet *-i1lb. sealed pkg. BACON - - - Lb.59C Swif t's Delicious-' BEEF LIVER the adfroe.d Union meeting Ii Norwood on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone, ac- compainied Mr. M. Schacter, Montreal, to Markhaxn Satur- day evenlng, where they visited wlth Mr. an dbmr. George Wal- len, and Mr,. and Mrs. George Lawson. Mr. Leslie Argue, Margaret and Marian, spent Sunday In Bethany visiting relatives. Suday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Banc were, MT. and Mrs. George WaIien, Nancy and Bili of Markham. Several from the village at- tended the Official Board meet- ing, held at tihe United Church, Ennisklllen, on Wedi evening of last w'eek. The demonstration of pro- ducts under the direction of Mrs. Fleury, Oshawa, held at Hubbards Store on Mon., even- lng of last week, was a fair success. About 20 ladies attend- cd and tlhe resulting orders, netted a fair suni, the proceeds of which w'illie used for church expenses. .Chairs for the church hall, have been purchased from St. Paul's United Church, Bowman- ville, with the proceeds of the Social everiings which were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bane, during the win- ter months. Don't forget ta attend the rumma-ge sale, sponsored* by the C.G.I.T. on Saturday, May 2. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rlbey visited his sister Miss Florence Ribcy, Baltimore, on Sunday, Aiprfl 19. Best Buy?" IBEST BUY - Treesweet - 48 oz. tin GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3. For 89C BEST BUY - Heinz JR. oR BABY FOGDS 5 Tins 49C BEST BUY Shirriff's Good Morning- - 24 oz. jar MARMBlqA LA DE 47c BEST BUY - d'New Size" - Nabisco - 18's SH1REDDED WNEAT - 29c BEST BUY - Coloured or White White Swan TOILET TISSUE - 81tRIs 89C BEST BUY - Libby's - 15 oz. tin CREANq STYLE CORN 4 For 59C FEATURE - Culverbous e 20 oz. tin CHOICE PEAS - 4 For 59c FEATURE - Majestic 28 oz. tin GOLDEN PEACHES - 2 For 59c, FEATURE - Hickory Hill - 3 lbs., 4 oz. tin WHOLE CHICKEN - $ 1.09 FEATURE - King's Choice - 28 oz. tin TOMATOES - - 3sror 69C FEATURE - Libby'% Fancy - 48 oz. tin TOMATO JUICE - 3 For 85c FEATURE - Aylmer Choice - 15 oz. tin PEAS & CARROTS - 2 For 37c FEATURE King's Chioie. Columbia - 15 oz. tin RASPBERRIES 2For53c FEATURE Fisherman - 1/'s t in FANCY SOCKEYAE -21For,89c FEATURE - Libby's - 20 oz tin DEEP BROWN BEANS 5 For $ 1.00 FEATURE - Red & White- 16 oz. tin EVAPORATED -MILK 7 F4r $1.00 THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN MUNE ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth'fs Market Silvikrin shampea 750 - 1.29 Vacuum Dottles Deodorant 69e - 1.19 1.23 size Bufferin Evening shows at 7 and Aduits 75c - Students 50e SUoking 7Oc -Aduit 65e *Students 50e Seat Beits Cut Injuries In Accidents Seat belts ini cars cost meney . . . which is an. super!iciahly good reason why peupl do net go for theni. Beltas o take a second or two ta buckle into E:osition . h. . an& many people belevethir Urne taa precious ta squander ln this waY. So, by and large, seat beits are not put ln very many cars; and those that are installed, are otten left unused. However, the Ontario Safety League would like the public ho look a little beyond these two objections to beits, to - se. if saie af thie benefits might flot outwcagh the dlsadvantages. Here la the outstandirig ad- vantage. Seat belts offer about 60% reduction ln the risk of injury arising tram a car acci- dent. Yes, as high as 6b,%,! In a study mnade by Cornell Uni- versitY, It was found that in cars without seat beits invoived in an accident, 75.5% o! the oc- cupants were Injured. Ini cars where beits were in use at the hime of the accident, 29.9% were injured. Applying these per- centages ta Ontario traffic acci- dent figures suggests that, if seat belts were in universal use, tens of thousands of persori Injuries a year would be avoid- ed in the province. That's a lot of Injuries- and the subjech deserves a lot a! consideration. recommends the use of seat bQ6 in cars. They could save any person who reads (or hem)s these words fromn death, or pain. fül and disfigurlng injuries. But seat belts are ne antidote carelesaneas, nor cm» their ahane prevent trattilc traec$ Behts and other cornparable safety devices hehp tremnendous. lY to redutce the severity of ac- cidents, but it is doubtful if they help much - If at aU - to pre- vent accidents. The finest safety device will alwaYs b. ... a gaod driver. PAGE six TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNtAýý, ()IqTAM WMVMOMIA" Aq%ýý --.- ---- ILilSERVICEc.

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