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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1959, p. 13

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?N U RS D A Y, M A Y 7'Imth, 1M PLN T9I SI& ., B U I? A LN Vffl L, V I A U _ _ _ _ _ A E T I T Visitors !<Jn2alMoi-ors Holds "Ope At11 fi New Plan t May 12 The residents of Bownianville! E. H. Walker, president oi and distr.c! b:xe been invîted General Motors, said the "Open to visit the t; General -Motor.s House" is planned to give many of Canada pliir,,t n Ohaane.d- thousand:; of Oshawva district week to sece for thernsclves how peoplewo have nex'er been ln- cars are buit. side the plant an opportunity t Next Tuesday and Werlnes. get a tirst-hand idea o! how GIday, May 12 and 1:3, General builds cars. Motors will hold "Op,.n House"ý Mr. Walkcr said, "We at Gen- at its South Plant on Prrk Road. oral Motors feel that our opera- General Mlotors people expect tions are of interest to ail o! the It to be one of the linrgest '"Open citizens o! Oshawa and Bow- House') programes ever to be held manville and that it is only fit- in Canada. ting that those who do not worl The public is invited to visit at, GM be given an opportunity the plant any tim-e between to \'isit the plant. 1 and 2:30 p.m. eand betwoen Mr. Walker promised a warn 6:30 p.m. and 10 reception and an interesting Visitors will be guided to stra-j time. tegic operations in the body and; It will be the first large-scale chassis buildings so they can "Open House" held since the observe the varicus "kev stag- plant opened in 1954. More thari es of automobile assemblv from:50,000 visitors have toured the the !irst welding operation to the 65-acre South Plant in small final inspection of completed groups since then, but many of cars. these were from out of toxvn and A special "Family Day" will GMW officiais feel Ihiere are be held Monday. May' 11, for. thousands of Oshawa area resi- familles of GM's 12,500 em- 'dents who have flot yet had an ployees. opportunity ta be included in bOU (AU PACK 1H10 A DAY IN Fun and fresh air.. historical sites ... smart cities.. "you'1l find them ail in Eastern Ontario. Here French Canada and Ontario meet and the resuit is an area where no two miles arc the same. Discover it for yourself this year.. pIONTARIO I RAVEL ý> 185 Parliamnent Bldgs. Toronto, Ontario $end f.Iree a5roabout Eastern Ontario end ,oid ma Na*............... Nm......... ~~l ~Addrst ............. PotOfc ...... ............ Onbr.6 tepa,»ent o.T1 T.t&Pubiciy.Ho,,. Bf«Lw 5. oufeai.Mntitr. KNOW ONTAJUltO BETTER 166 Ring Si. E. c>t the tours. ,n Production et passenger cars ýy will be maintained at the nor- t mal rate o! about 850 a day sc ithat visitors will have a true ýo picture of the fascinating opera- VI tion of mass production. Partly assembled cars wilJ -pass by them at the rate o! about -one a minute and as they moye Salong the assembly hînes, vis- -itors will see automobiles lit. -erally "«corne to life". k Guides will be stationed at y strategic points to explain var- îous operations and signs and n~ loudspeakers will spel out in gdetail what's going on. Huge parking areas have been eset aside around the South Plant eto accommodate visitors' cars. ri Signs will be posted along the eroute, from the Park Road South Irailroad bridge on, directing ELIZABETH VILLE 1 On Monday at Il o'clock, fun- 1oral services were held for the late Mrs. Eliza Culpack in the church. The Rev. G. Wright of- ficiateci. Interment was made in the cemetery at Elizabeth- ville. Some of the baskets of flowers were saved for church service on Sunday and were also taken to Garden Hill for the Sunday Sehool Anniversary in the afternoon. Mis. H. Thickson served lunch to the relatives, cousins o! the late Mis. Cuipack, Mon- day after the funerai. Amang them were Mr. and Mrs. Hann, Mrs. Verril, Mr. and Mrs. Ver- rfi, Toronto. On Monday afternoon we held aur Institute short course on "Something ta Wear". Sev- eral ladies fram the Gardon Hill branch attended. Miss Birks, Taranto, iv'as ur speak- er. Lunch was served after- ward. Mrs. Knox and Mis. Thickson attended the euchres at Ca- bourg this week and brought home several prizes between the" On Friday evening the 4-H Club girls held their meeting at Mis. McAlister's in the tormi o! a late stipper. The topic was the vegetable plate. The girls cooked tour vegetabies for sup- per, and prepared and garnish- ed eight plates for supper. Mis. Thickson supplied enougli tresh smelts ta go with the plate. Mis. McAllister made a fruit salad with whipped cream and coak- ies. Ail members attended. Church and Sunday School was held as usual. Several at- tended the Garden Hill anni- versary services in the atter- noon. Their S. S. supplied the music with the Juniors singing once and the Seniors singing.1 Rev. Walmsley, Port Hope, was guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. H. White and girls visited with her mother, Mis. Perrin, Port Hope, on Sunday. Mi. and Mrs. V. Peacock spent a Sunday recently with her mother and sister and her tam- ily, Mis. Jackson, Mr. and Mis. Honey and Mary at Markhiau.. Misa Noreen Prouse and her girl triend, Toronto, spent the Bowmanville MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 [Invite__District Hoîme. nt- ment Bthesda Cemetery. Mr. Oliver Beckett and Miss Arvila Beckett visited Mr. and Mis. D. Beckett, Maple Grave, and Mi. and Mrs. Gordon Bock- ett, Oshawa. Mis. R. Burgess spent a week with Mr. and Mis. Donald Real, Greenbank. Mis. Donald Real and boys spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Mi. and Mrs. L. Phillips and Steven, Bowmanville, were Sunday vis- itors. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thiessen and chiidren, Bowmanville, visited Mi. and Mrs. H. Hall. Mrs. S. Gable and Bruce vis- ited Mrs. Alex McLaggan. Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Mis. H. Philp, Mis. Keith Davey Ms R. Glaspell, attended the 5th Anniversary Dinner at Teach- er 's College, Peterborough, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm visit- ed Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Beech, Burketon. MiU. and Mrs. S. Gable and Bruce, visited Mi. and Mis. Garnet Symons, Bowmanville. Mi. and Mis. Frank Wismer and children, Mount Albert, visited Mr. and Mis. K. Colbary. Mr. and Mis. Kemp Smith, Oshawa, were dinner guests o! Mi. and Mis. E. A. Virtue. Mis. Elva Beckett, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mis. D. Miller and Debbie. Mr. and Mrs. Cliaton English and Paul, Peterborough, speat the weekend with IUs. W. Mil. 1er. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mis. H. Philp and Jean were iý. Bob Duvail and son Dale, Belleville; Mr. and Mis. Jim Bird and family, Codrington; Mrs. Bob Babcack and children, Campbellford; Mi. and Mis. R. Philp and children, Nestieten. Mi. and Mrs. A. Samefl and children, Bowmaavile, with Mr. and Mis. J. Mitchell. Mis. John Broome, Mis. Ar- thur Hamilton, Mrs. Lamne Phare, Mrs. Edith Murphy, Mis. Walter Rahm, attended the Bay o! Quinte Cenference, Wom- an's Association, at Brighton, on Manday. Mother's Day and Baptismal Service will be observed this Sunday. Tvros held a very success!ul paper drive last Saturday. Pro-' ceeds $30.j Screec/h (9w/ By Earb. Brown The Bible reading has been done by A. Groen, A. Spicer, D. Maguire, E. Bennett, B. Savery, D. Bragg, A. Huggins, A. Cox, and K. Mackie. The Grade 12 debates have been completed with 12B win- ning over 12A. The debates tram 12D are Beverly Sm.ith, Harold Yellowlees and Dan Cat- tran, Phyllis Howeils, Garth Taylor and Howard Rundie re- presented 12A. This Friday night, a Cadet Dance will be given for ail the cadets. It wiIl commence at 8:30 p.m. There will be no charge te, the cadets. Grade 13 finished their con- fidentials on Tuesday. Now they can start studying for their departmentals i June. Most students are taking part i the badminton tournaments at noon-hours. These will con- tinue for a few weeks. XeJt tters 7 J 83 Earl Grey Ave., IlToronto, 6, Otro n~~~ Mayue ei J~ 2, 1959. lthis week's Issue there Is something about an Indianapolis Speedway near Bowmanville. and 13 1 hsI eYu odbut o 'visitors to the parking ara.iti. eil the next Urne you sThe main doorway of the South are having your evenlng consti- - Body Assembly building will b tutional and ponderlng on the Ddecorated and lighted to, dis. vagaries of lite, ankle out Scu- e tinguish it as the officiai vWstora' gog St. to the Forks. Then stop entranceand watch the world go by. This entrsanc eoei itos 'Swhere the local Ralph De- Gudidies wheloe thePalnmas and Gaston Chevrolets ant niae hr h tour do their stuff. starts. At the tour's end, visitors wil be directed to the plant Even the police patrol car ex- cafeteria for refreshments. ceeds the speed limit on a routine In he aftera illbecolr-inspection. No one minds them In he afeeri wil b coor.shoving the accelerator down to tfui displays which explain in the floor but when they put it detail some of the operations in downt h aeeti ot the plant, as well as those which 1 he tonthoeypvet epir scuff- tell of interesting tacts about 1te roawa oys. epi su GM. This will continue until some k There wiIi also be a displayt kiddie is killed by these speed Lof GM automobiles in the staff fiends and then there will be a garage, near the cafeteria and'ipublic uproar. There is a store GM's science show "Previews Of, just beyond the Forks which LProgress" wiII be staged several. caters to thç wants of the smal Urnies each evening. fry who have to walk on the road to get to it. weekend with the formier's mo- I have seen 10-ton trucks roll- teMrs. Prouse. ing along this road at 50 or more thr an hour and with absolutely no Mrs L. Muldrew and Mari- regard to the tact that a small lyn, Mr. and Mrs. W. Muldrew, child might datt in front of day.j When I lived at 272 Scugog St. Mis. Geo. Fowler has gone I counted 56 cars and trucks go to spend a few days with Mr. by i a short period of Urne and, J. Strong and Beatrice Row- Mr. James, 54 of them were ex-1 cliffe at Oak Hill. ceecling the speed lmit. Smelt fishing has been at its I suggested to Mayor Osborne best the hast few nights. that he should name it the Mr. and Mis. Paul Woolcott Indianapolis Speedway, but hie entertained many friends over admitted hie sometimes went justt the weekend. over the limit; just a teeny-t Mr. and Mis. Harris and fam- weeney bit. So lhe wouhdn'tf ily, Toronto, Mr. and Mi1s. Min- 'buy. ni.a and Murray, Whitby, with 1.I pick up the paper each even- Mr. and Clarence Mercer,' ing and expect to see the maim-r Sunday. ing or killing or some young ile 1] Mr. and Mis. 0. Mercer and. through this crazy urge forc famiiy with Mr. and Mrs. E. speed.a Elliott, Oshawa, Sunday. A Taranto florist han a goodG Miss Donna Mercer and Alan sign on the back of his truck. Mercer, Toronto. were home Below his name and business itIL for the weekend. reads: "Drive carefully, the next d Mis. Sam Moore, Toronto, load may be yours." I daughter of Mr. and Mis. H. Sincerely yours, I Thickson, entered Toronto Gen- . Harry Spencer. eral Hospital on Friday where she wiIl undergo a ga]istone April 28, 1959 operation. Town Council, y Sorry to hear that Mrs. S. J. Bowmanville, Ont.a Gray is ini the hospital for an Gentlemen:p operation. It has been brought to oure attention hat there is a pas- f sibiity of establishmng a Dump, TY uiNEIsouth of 401, and on the Lake Arthur Harvey, Msses' It would appear that full eý Margaret and He1len, and Mr.I consideration has flot been James Coombes, visited Mr. given to this subject; if such a 'w and Mirs. Harold Bell and Mrs. decision has been made. Annie Henderson, Peterborough. In the first place, 401 High- on Sunday. way is the front door to Bow- 01 .AudreY Sowers, Fredericton, present an appearance as at. a] attended The Home League tractive and a.s inviting as pos- fE Congress. They spent a tew sible. di days with her daughter, Mrs. The Publie Utflities have for C. H. McQuinn and Mr. Mc the past two years been trying ti Quinn and family, aiso Mis. Ru- to camouflage the Disposali h pert MacLean, King, and *Mri Plant. When their Phantings in A. Milîs, Toronto. have matured, Mr. VanBridger rE West Group of W.A. met at and his Committee wll have ht the home of Mrs. H. Hall wit done a good job towards the ai a good attendance. turther beautitication of this w This coming Saturday, May Public Utiity. We understand- 9, the Explorers will hold an that they have turther plans for afternoon tea ini the Sunday the land immediately surround- School room from 3 te 5. Every. lng the Disposai Plant, in con- body welcome. Dnl nection with the beautification Mr. and Mrs. Dnl Davey of the samne. visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood- In-so-far as the old Woollen cock, Oshawa. Mill is concerned, it in onily a Mr. L. Bradley. Enniskillen, matter of time until this Build. was supper guest Monday with ing should disappear. I under- Mr. O. Beckett and Arvilla. stand that both the Department Mr. and Mis. A. Hoar visît- O! Hilghways 'and the Public ed Mi&. and Mis. J. W. MeMa. Utilities are anxious for the lon. Toronto. renuoval of the same and need- Sympathy in extended to Mr. less ta, say, the "Flying Dutch- and Mis. Russell Wright, iss mnan" Motel, and Brookdale- Mtay Wright on the passing Of Kingsway are equally keen. Vrs. William Wright. The fun.I An Eyesore eral was held Tuesday framn According to present High- ~arhcut nd mit Fnerl'way Law, no Other Business move. Tewno! Bowmanvllle lhable tor' We are just wondering what danacls, in that they would be your new Industry, Johnson &i creatingc a situation which need Jahnson, wil think when they1 not be created, but which wa& know that a Dump is being es- of their own making. tablished at their front door?i Give it another look,. Gentle* At least, it wifl be a pretty, men, and we are SURE that yoii smelly welcome. are capable o! coming up withi We wish to go on record ta a better solution than that the effect that should damage which is presently proposed. resuit to aur crops, either in Yours very truiy, our fields or in our Storace Norman J. Scott,- Celiars, from such a possible General Manager rat infestation, we would have Brookdale - Kingsway no other caurse but to hold theI Nursery. CE/le &Idor could b. establlshed ini that particular location, and there- fore its present use!uhness la limited. It Je.i oui' opinion, an eye aore. We, at the Nursery, try ta keep our trontage and lands, as attractive as possible, and have received many fine comments regarding the sanie. We understand that the Town Works' Department would like to turn the hower flats on the South side o! 401 Highway into a Department o! Warks area, which should add ta the appear- ance of this area if properly kept, which I'm. sure it would, be, but te think o! establishing a Dump on 401 Highway la like putting brown shoes on a pail bearer. Would you dump your garbage at your front door, and what do you thing that Matai,- ists wilh say as they hold their nases whiie passing Bowman- ville, as many o! us do on aur way to Toronto, when we pass a certain Public Utility? Write Us Off We, at the Nursery, wish te go on record that if a Dump is estabiished here in this area, it la aur firm opinion that you might as well write the Nur- sery off in-so-far as an Indus- try in Bowmanville la concern- ed, in its present location. We have had experience with rat infestation before and be- lieve me, it is most dam*aging to Our crops, and now, ta think thase in. charge o! our Town, have decided te hand us this Probhem ail over again! Rats in our Sterage Cellar can do veryV considerable damage and that dlamage will not be noticed un- tl Spring when we are about to shiu our Stock. Then, we find te aur diamay and coin- plete tinancial loss, that the Shrubs have been girdled by rats which enter into the Build- ing and remain unnoticed be- cause they become active only at night when the place is not occupied. Our experiencé has shown :luat rats aise do considerable damage durin-g the Winter nonths in the fields, especially to Evergreens. Dead Industry In brie!, we wish ta advise you that we are certain that if aDump la established at the proposed location, as mention- ed above, and if it becomes in- festied with rats, which it is bound te do regardless of how well it is policed, aur Industry will be another that ceases te exist I this Town. Frankhy, I can symipathize with those Folks who live near u'here the presenit Dump la la- cated, and as a former Member Df Council, 1 always advocated Lhat the Dump be removed to an area where it wouldn't af- fct either Householders or In- ustry. Such la possible. I do believe very sincerely that you should take another [ok at this Subj oct and give nore consideration ta thase di- rectly concerned, both House- iolders and Industry in this area, before making this un- (19" Whirlwind - OnIy $10.00 down) Ask about the <X test ait &ELECTRIC 110. Complèe. with bag, chute Ordinary mowers <lump, skip-geave messy cllppiiigt. New Toro <uts ev.nly, cleans up other <lippings as well. Pmroved B est in the,"X"test Wind- Tunnel Whirlwin7d out mows them al! ]Daring "4XP Test proves new Whirlwind rotary wl outcut any other. Wind-tunnel under the housing creates powerful vacuum ta freeze every blade of grass, upright for a sharper, crisper eut. See this revolutionary new Whirlwind today. " Ends cdumping *0 Easy terme» " Bugs clippings 0 No extras " No scalping * Trims close TAKE THE WORD 0FRA BUICK MAN B ETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BEINO BOUIT ANO BUICK 1$ BUILDING THEMI kcobson Motors Limited Make mine.. A "big league" d~rink for amy 'Iitefleaie yr Mode and Bottled by.. BOWMANVI LLE ~arranted and unnecessary 1 TMPMAT, MAY 7th, 19A TM EAVAnTAW dmAqqpe»àqw r $99,19*5

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