PAGE FOURTEEN THtTRSDAV. MAY ?>eh. t9~g T~ CANADIAR STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO D ivide Counfy into Districts For Pur pose of Mass TB Surveyl 2NetiiocFr ro per.,iîad'- dl oic-1. titizen's in Durharn (7oîînx, :i lake tubeîculiîn 1t-t. i forth rom ing Dii rhiai-ii Qî Mas- Sturvex \. w-ri' dc' i..-c Iast night at an '-xeuL jvc î'i'i ing of the Nnrthitirnbp-i.:mci Dii- ham Tubrcas's 3A-soi'at:o.i. Dr. T. W. lakeciia:î,-n j. the .Asi.ociation. . * -f-ed CU i cî sirabilitv of*eîoîa n i 4k - qV ~ v .'~Of : ae gioip f r.'oRn- of th Colti\ a.hi' 'seci R"- l,.Ctd'eIha 1h' t;'nmsioo 'iiii it' e; groîîp. t-uio-,lrE.Mi. MNaI r- xx~~~~o i.nîama flicc trc kor lit-sni P it % . . 'lKi' OUR -i Automnatic CAR WASH 'he car wash thal iv~es :Fou B 'I'RhICAIO SERVICE STATION, ~4,4.t'à au La1flKrNGsi1 F R.EE!l we îccommerid Pli toiescompan.oi colof Tone-Gb. ùuiable. luxtu. 006. Leo kshe -enarnei desîgîed ta acc ent of hofmnine vvitil Ph-Tores fiai ieautv iuîîsli. fiish whether you brush, ro11 or spray! THE MRCEPAINT 0F LASTINO BEAUTY aDYÇ&oe-C4e WASHUP TOO! 0O-diiiarv dries qi<k and i water cIle».tîls hrîushel sm'ooth Nv itIo tt od(r. 1 and rolles in at jiffy . ~~- - -------------- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- TO APPLY cli hc hrtushed, ~, rolie(I or sprayed. needs no special prinier or ti nderco-at. BEST 0F ALL IT'S REALLY! SWASHABLE cîube ~h w'ashed anid remwasihed Nvithoiit daiage. VISIT TOUR DEALER FOR FREE COLOR GUIDE SERVICE PAINT a VAEntoiS -CO. LTD. k- PRESTON DECORATING SUPPLIES 19 Boz.d Si. OSHAWA RA 3-4922 Coi i t tEcE. îîds e.'furd ea mien Cor eac'h cii t. 'rrî"5el (-. ai tin pi x xxcre urgeci 10Io !ùe nxo tiaipne n.e1ectn.- et'tre îom ij1( t'loi-ai orgai'/alioits -0 irr 'vexin mlxvbe lctl td Me'ib. oi' thie Asc-ia1i oi Eeei xeprriî .eitai Uic niee,- îîr'lu-Itdeci. NNs 'l. E. Pew- Tn"~ ~irie. 1.S.La ure bnciný. irieF Chiairinan: M. A. ~ivna Lahotv' Clairiîîan: M.-.C. NM. I s. .1. A. Fiexioidjz..Stipvj:-- ptiblieity: N-rs. A. Kr'-,, -ntý poll: alilci Mi. B. fIL R. Ma1ck.' e~iie M'Nal rwn.Chairmn Ji~ -tt ohn Biirn Nx'î' fer NESTLETON N i .aliid V-s inetienroc vie n Haniltin ac] xisited M i ýs Marx Ciipbeil. Dominion Pn-sicnt orf lise C a n adian Chrisfiân Eiîceevotkr- Union, ai- .,i Aji'.ac]M Roe-i Mn and Pa;îi l f 'rox' \-i'i. XVi "x NhI-Keowxi) anîd s t ~~~~~~lirsciie'lesî ic aouoli- i pai;ied hiîi'io o ie ospîWtol , e(, Brwiîî-e islip. N-Ilt. atiind ~\liiiie Bîu bilîxarci Bi-enda M\lr. and VIs.Eh i sperit a lxx c avr \vxx- in t-lieir i eailxv Mr. alic M .Bill F.o. Pa1tyý and Wn[ riofVillovBeacHivi'- ilec ie i-Granit Thioipsons an Mass TB Survey Ex ecutive Abov'e is- shown sonwnfithie xnemhei's of thse Mass Tubenculini and X-Ra ' Scrvev Executiv'e. taken at a recent meeting held iii Port 1-oIx'. Froin lefi bt righit in front î'ow: Mr. M. A. Mcllvena, Layout Chairman: i\Irs. A. Key. census poil: NI\îs. .1. A. Reynolds. supply; Mrs. B. H. R. Mack. clinie; Mirs. Maî'gerN Pewtn-ess. Executive Secretary: Miss Leslie Ward. publicit.y. Back row: Mr. John Burn. \veekIN news- letter; Mi'. J. S. Laurie. Chairman. industries:, Mrs. C. MN. Harrison. publicity Chair- man; Doctor T. W. Hawke, general ehairman:, Mr. MeNali lrwinî. districts' chairman: M/i. A. E. Rafuse. Treasurer; other merrbers of the executix-e rot included are: Doctor Charlolte Horner, M.O.H.: Dr. B. Hi. R. M\ack. Chain'maîî of' Professions: Colonel A. S. Giles. Public Relations:.Mr, Alex Carruthers. recrnuiters chairman and MrL. Carroll Nichols. ScIiool Chairmaii. Phot-)o Iicix'arhli Mrs. Jine5zKEDRON Mis.BOncdi ý layiig agaiti wixil -M 1sr, John icî 5ke vR it af i incdx' s h t-ie !acijes keep we]l. Tînî-se i.x' e ci fil K UcIloi i Unilc Mi . anci \ Churc.h- Rex'. R. Loxe gxîi SOu~~~~~~~~ x'~idtr niM'.~ .aspecial mnirssLc-. g. edî'o;îMil. N-onigiîe~'aiVliî~ ~ t uattt11Mî xi iMon.R Mr. cat i î- BuceF e- The ongre.gatîoiî xas askeci love. Pî'tpî boî-miîgh. arci Vr lo note thne eomhiinecserci-ec aîîdNlîc . ert HîLlîcLrI. Tor- of Siii-da ' School anci C1iuri ont. xi ld M . it~ ~Jul'for 'Ch)ri.stiian Fanflix Sovvice." tIi. iicofit jspte.sefllt v xxoi- king al CuîîîxsBord cii i or his f or-ner Cotîsti'îîction ('Oh t'acto;'.j 'rXPatI. hoping oui local cil j- sesMes. '&.. 1.-aniic andf mus. WmF ~Capi-1bell i ii Pot Pert'*v Hospital a)udM r. Brie fleaslip iiin taua I Icspn lai xxilI hie hoie vx'en' ->Oll 10 eio ai-tort con rsit "Cliioo-sing anc s îng F'brî's vas lelci in ivtu chi\AID.Xoîll 281h. N-is, Kiéii a.; OeD6p'Iiie' 'uetr'and 1 xi.' lits IfrotPl'i.. c'lnk in dj Sliiirle\, i1 n S ii l es brax'ed i tie wt.xei. xxiid.N vPRx cier 'n otîîi egoti ip ror the interest -j ing -2 k i i.R. Dax-"ýoI. Presidell 1' vvcai:r o t!r -et-1lue gI'owth1 of !eric.s cx'-er the x-vnar!5. Af- îpr ie a,,, of hiolinesptîn tere tin. lk alidti wool. Ii1 1918. fax \oll \vas: t<ii~daiici xxa. trpvi d 111>0 b-11 ciixxa ns. [il IP i pa<'lites xeIe tniad or hkilt lin 1i i945 iîi0o-n v. r'Feé foi, x,:191.pIt'poses. Nexx fini , i'hs a cci hioxrthe a -e niace 10 loo)K Ilie 1the 1.o01i hat ibr xct *oiîtienalici l*g (. tiog 011ii 1i'l o a Iklel w ile. btiga ;d1 Ioî'ead t'it- label pi'iîi as a ixart, i"eai~ An exnolpe of ,.Iîc-lî xx as a pan *~ ~ ~ " lae -w].'AlXooI' andid ' pa-tiro."One'oc-k vas ralic il usi ;ocia Ici reu-IlovP h xvooi. aic] a viîoief .oik oft'a- Ot allôd ('n11011 uitsin F.~ SOFIx sght -xxiii prov\-clua fie 'pl ii xav ma'icb the xx -fini oul.;And ith'eeexxa. x rx lth' '.xool iii il. * :vlis .KIicir-'iex' the smorv raiFi siade it'iix-tood offlni or tvx-se eoloii. snici a 'noile o v'iscose fi d xx as o0c11 upa tIai'tipz ontxxahii . noniî' 2 andcl vleanitcg fibiis xx-e-iV'- andicip ie nbeis -xxre arlxi * rc; to tIse o0i1 io-i11a1\if< - Sisulesofex'eîvl. fpe oî -fabrir- niatcrial xxsveP-Pa--,eclil- ong ae tlt-il' Siorn.x'as bold i -i t pr'w-e ta-- on eaeh. ineiudrn,t coinuai'atix'e prices i'or- ceai ancl o raoilii 'af1 xxas inostlii- te'sgaid lie spme4akr ail- -.'x'et'ul qiest' 'e i-en Rici inicerelv for liîer-inieî'csl- irg 1taik andci ci5tiibtedc rani- cci' Pam-phlet- r-e the Collection 4-eig nmacle foi- Catnîcee researrh - Io xx"iicls ccvlx ,ntsc le sasked tri c'oitrihjile. 'llieilsu-ca i iroln of .'îix'ihc. -ook les a lid teil wc prjo.Nd atid ail POt-',iî l-il il lutcÀf b(-en a miiixxoitl- %v-iai iinon 6PRIG T NIGf or your house? See about a Iow-cost Home Improvemen? bo8n *v BANK B,&N oyMONTREAL, 6""" 9I %( ta"4 Blowoeanvilic Branchi Os'hawa Brani' wopriNG WITM c AWA15AN1, IgNIEjY wALK op tige SNCI 81 -i flay l a zm. M Corn nihg ia 11sthur scil1in l a I l i i. . fU'vouitx'oLi k' like I ho'c yout ciiii<hn attend za Cî.iî 1 Vacttion Suiiortilai Keci oni 1 .Jîlv 2îJ b IUt. ptit.t'telr- plhore Xlîs. FI. Bi.'-iop. Tauîntoni R-i. E.. i(RA :1-9986)I bx Sun- cîijN. I;x I lh. -o itîi; the Il('(*- Thie Aiiîuul Bazaar and Tea xxilI lichelcliinbthe Loxxcer Ha il. heUîîitec Ljinks Class heli Il vt'giar mctig ailith home of Miss Bleanor Mount- wms present for Sunday serýP joy. Worship «%w-.s led by Grant wrhile visiting at the and Robert Spencer. Business 'Nr. ard \Irs. 1-Trr.\ Lind. %j was i charge of the presiden!. Eleanor Mou nijox', x\ .en plans berg anxd Earl o: Kapuswing were made to holi the next %who h"ave. been visitÙng î meetingat the horne of 'Miss itih's home. Ni'. and Mrs.' P. Gail Hitchens (outdoor Mce- Slioiý',t, also atleicnded. ing). Crokînl(-,, e.î~ci b\ Fî'icav dintici suests of Nir. M4 th~ reei.a rd i. A. Werry, were (Jiiess on S.itîirdiai a thie W. . an,,ci \îVs . Smiilie wlho tL. :Votinljoy 's v.ere Nfir. ad ha\ e be"n 1)at their homne in Tor. Mrs. Char les Newb'y'. Sa rdis, 0oIlo-,t0 e lailxox'es r B.C.. Mr. ai;d Mrs. E. V. Hoar, aîîd M . Sniile have pentMri Boxmaxille and *.\Ir. and NMrs. mnis. iii iie 'nSae spn i CanliinSuhenStts.n C,.L. Gibs;on, Tor'onto. NMisssofte Dols erlMoLnttioxe as horne Éo:'o ie-obe thexx-rkcci.Club- cnjoy cd an icvening of NIir. John Lukes. Tor'onto. vis- bowling joa, the ' Shoppinjg Cell- iteci recentiy witii Ron Werry tre iot, their re.gular meeting before leax'îng on NlaY 5 ýor ans andi retuien"d îo the Sunlda>7 extendied trip 10 Europe w'hScI'îool roor foi- the minutes a friend. The bo * s plan 10 Ve- rcac] bv ee car vI'. and rt 111-1 Seplemiber I filli. 'V,. PFb uýk. Buisixess- was ini Mrs. I. Il. Car--. PI-, charg.e of Preýsident ,. \Ir. and ,ter Rock. Newç Brîî'1 xick.are s. W. Sî'oxcieni. Mr. and NMrs. xisiting with their son. NIr. Ha- E. Park.,. Nr.ard Mrs. B. Hit- rolci Carr. Mis. Cari and Brian chiens and]Mixand Mrs. L. Tre- of R R. 1 Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs gunna miacle th'e arrangemente John Giber-so. SaRnia. tîgert t\'O and scîx cd t-e lLinch. daxs ist cc vI.h 4i Cai' a 16 iq the date for theî Ovînigh ueiofBia e Get-Together in the form of a Mr.ernit KnelofBiaîeLp, datire a-t the Commiunity Cen- was M.Gr Icte ý re. Kitchener, a roons mate froni__________ O.A.C. Mr. aid NMrs. Rari BaU-s- viS Getting an idea should be like itedi recentIv with àMrs. F. W'ýe:- sitting down on a pin: it should rv and i \ima. make you jump up and de Mr. D, Webb. Bond Head. s;omething.---E. L. Simpson. lYou mean to say - just 3-au-day may send backoche owayl" Sounds good! Logical, too! You sec Uic normal job of the kidneys is te remoye excets wastcs anid acids * -30olthen the cause of backache-from ti system. Dodds Kidney Pillsa timulat h Kidncys n this function and se ma you e tbat welcosnc relief from bachache ble ave manr euers. Try juat 3-a-day. Yeun ndpend @on Dodd'-ins the bine box wfith the red band. 64 9xl2 PLASTIC DROP SHEET WITH EACH ORDER 0F TONE-CRAFT PAINT PAINT AND ENTERTAIN THE SAME DAY Why be tied to a clothesline? A clothesline fies ' ou down to weather-watching. But an automat-je elect-ric elothes dryci- has its own -ildoor suri- shine." ilt rees you from the drudgery of lugging beavy baskets of' wet wash to the line-it dries your clotheq the way you want, themn-damp-dry for ironing, or completely dry for folding away-and it does ail this autom.aticall-4y~e 4 for less than five cents! There's a treat in store for you the first time, and every imle, you use an automatic electric e~~4t elothes dryer. Put amail items, such as handkerchiefs and gloves, in a Mesh drawstring bag for washing and drying, to preyent lss HYDRO Is y@urs LIVE SETTER ELECTRICALLV JAMMS ML. bManaer IAMPS MifANSH, manaxnu -1 PAGE rouRTZIM THO SDAY. NfAy 'pý ton TIR CA.-ýqADLI%,N BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 4 - ai