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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1959, p. 15

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~4-~q-* ~4-~-'é.. -~t - w -~ - ~ -'< - - 'w'~-* * TffURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1959 TECANAD!AM STATICSMAN, DOWMAJ<VILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FINTEEN W,.orks'Depf. Head i*sues Garbage Ui ..or Cases Couli Ana "absolutely final" ultin-a- turn-to be followed by prosc- CUtiOns wherever necessarv - has been issued by Bowrnan- Ville Works Superintendent. Lloyd Quinton in an effort ta enforce regulations of the town's garbage by-law. Persans who persist in using dmpro,,per trash containers or Who inadequatelyý wrap their :garbage will be hailed into court where they wiIl face ;ines of $25 and costs, M.Ir. Quin- MIONUMENTS AND --FINE QIJALITV 0 FSTAFFORD Stafford Brus. Monumental Works 418 Dundaà St. E.-. iVbtby Phone ihitby SfOhawk 8-3552 Free! ton warncd. On top o! ttins. vic latous may be prosecuteti unde health laws, if it la decided health menace has been crea i cehave been several in stances where maggots hav been found swarming aveu con tainers fillcd with unwrappe garbage. 11- la feereti that, wit the caming o! wauni weathec such cases could become eve mare danqerous with flil spueading germs froni such "pC tentiai hotbeds o! disease." It was also suggested tha the extra work caused by usii improper containers might re suit in higher taxes or an in crease in the present garbag pick-up charge o! 94 cents m-onth. Best Service «'Ou" aim is ta give the bee garbage removai service poç sible," the Department o! Wonl Superîntendent, tolti the State.I man esterdey. "Bowmenvill hes a good systern if ail th people would only co-operate othcrwise they will spoil it fo t1ietselvtes azÏd ror others. 4,while the înajority o! bouse hoiders and tenants obey th regulations, stibi a large num ber of people, hy ignoringth rities of thec Garbage By-laý make it verv difficult for th Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION CORNER OF MANVERS RUAI> AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Siamp Day Every Tueiday - Corne Out and See Our Display of Gifts - Coraplete Lubrication et a Reasonable Price XSK ABOUT.- OUR SP-ECàIAL P RI1C E ON -TI RES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTIT- AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS $2.995.00 Here is i Buys you a1957 Monarch Lucerne .Convertible Turquoise anid white, black and wvhite interior, power brakes, power steer- aîîg, push-hutton drive, town and country radio, and imany other extras. Very low mnileage. Low down pey- nment andi easy ternis if required. 19591 Blue Meta Windshielc 1,100 mile, OUR PRI( Cash - Tu. w Cabin Cruiser foi 1612 FT. LONG - 6' 2" WIDE - 3 FT. DEEP MOLDED PLYWVOOD HULL SLIGHTLY USED 10 HORSE JOHNSON MOTOR INCLUDED FulliPrice. Low down payment and easy terinsi on the part of many People con 1 1 cerning their garbage lbas meant1S l a i- ' r y r v i n te T e p 'ta them. I er 1. TiaTm che a newllb ickduA ims ai $4,150 he essofl on the regular weekly collec- i h w Itimatum ~ tiena. After this d"te gardenOsaaCu refue lcarded tàzhose- Thé Salvation Army's annual dwservedly earned th iak hold items, and other thin-ga appeal for funds la now uziulr- of-ail people. The institutions' For their May meeting the People discard wilf l >]y be way. Ina every citY. town anad asred for the benefit of the Bowmanvile Lionettes combin- plke U b tetw ~ vilaeacross the Dominion, '3-' ed business and pleasure wvhen free collections e..h month. Canadians wil once ega!- showneed n nepîieeadthey entertained their husbands o- garage dtail, he sîd. Anone wntlng anythng thir appreciationk for the work; the service se unselfishly per- at theLinCet.Prsdt eo rbg H e tpain, e ha ueaidpîcke t, ting anythin of the Army by the geneirous1 formed by The Salvation Army' Mollie Kent was ina charge af a mer Hexpae benusng45ga- ie uit te b slephfe te Dle- giving to the Red Shield A)-! require generous contributions the meeting and the short busi- a ubrhv enuig4 a-to uttlpoeteD-peal.fa terflbw iies. ness session. a- lon metal drumns without lin.. partment of Works Office, f<o tis a privilege te commthedirctineonai dles, nd may othrs us Quit ket -3335theUndercuthet directionlee of oJirn È-aie, an o ther s usddee qitekt3335tepvis Friday. thie pin-poses and aims o! the Campaign Organization for Bell, with his wife Mildredi ably v- car few ucavredonThsdective l ai l f The salîtion'Bowmanvilbe and District is assisting at the piano, al join- ,a- pite the provisions et the Gar-DTl Army", stated Prime Minister 1 I pee en eddb r di ieysnrog or ed bage By-law which clearlyHA P O Diefenbaker a tew days ago.i John M. James as Chairman. whist, with an added twist, foi- th states ina paragraph 6 that all "Their spiritual and charitable Other miembers of the Red; lowed anid the ensuing compli- r, householders and tenants mnust Mr. ansd Mns. Jack Wills, activities and good works have IShield Con-uittee are as fol- cations created rnuch menu-: en "provide sufflcient metal cana Toronto. visted his sister Mus. r l--- - ows: Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers, 'ment. Lucky draws were macle les with suitable handie, or han- Wilftrid Smale, Mr., Sme an d L N Honorary Chairmian; A. L. Hoo- and the winners were Bob Mut- >o- des, not to exceed 4 cubic feet fanÀIy on Sundsy. L N SAULT y Trensurer; Captain Norman; ton and Fred Cole. at for each cati when it contains sey, Ronnie, Ricky and Rab- Mrs. G. Hamlin an Mu r . WibhedyScrttyhvle Ow Lionettes weeene t ng kitchen food, refuse or waste." bie, Ottawa, spent a couple Jack Kidd, OÔhawa; Mrs. Geor-. Last year's appeai ended with b h saaLoetsa e- Mat e Wappd Idlas wttihisparnts Ma. ad Igua Kid ad D'v-d, ngl- cmplete succes, and it feit their regular evening meeting in- Section 9 o! the by-law con- Mira. S. Kersey lest we'ek. wood, were Friday evening that again this year. the Armyv's ir îe Hl.Ates re ge tains regulations thet ail gar- Mr. and Mirs. Russell Gilber-tj guests of Mu. pnd Mirs. F. Smith objective of $4,150 will be reach- busines period pairs were a ~ed through the cheerful givin« drawn to compete in a hat de- abage and other refuse, with the and Mrs. Albert MeMehonBw and Grace.bytepolo! owave signing contest. Surprisingly exception of asjies and tin a cns. manvile; Mir. anci Ivixr.. hr Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- and surraunding area. beautiful were the end results shall be securely wrapped be- lie Garrard. HaYdI>n. were Sun- to, spent the weekend with his fashioned f rom paper. ribbons, cs or en. Alacodn tearandran fr utso ?&. Te- prns r ndMs .Fe- The local Corps of The Sal- bows. flowers, veils etc. s-or b ei cng pAcd n tega- a y s Muperguey. otMc.hprens. i. n u. .Fe-vation Arny lias earned a warm The out-of-town judges had ,- bae1 hr place ira the hearts of the folk cs cens cortaining ashes, garbage, Misa Gail Baker, Solina, vis. M.r. Allan Baker, Cookstown, cf tis district, and is looked j ýs- or other refuse are ta be kept l iedM. and Sarn Dewell visited his ibrother and famiuly, Ita with confidence and respect.ï le covered et ail times durng the ora Sunday. IMr. and Mufs. G. Baker, Tues- "During the past year"', stated i intervals between Garbage Col- Rev. P. R. Ronmeril, Black- dey evening. Captain Coles, in charge of the eocr os stock, was a guest of Rev. F. Mr. and Mrs. C. Perswarden work in Bowmanvifle, ."people ) "There is oniv one athie J. and à1rs. Reed a tne parson. and familyv-eSnr1mlav ev- from ail parts of this area havc place ini the xvhole province of ai Mrn getso 1Ls. Kovacs anid corne ta us with their needès and Ontario that the -arbage nin Mrai v.s o eer, ar prob]erns. The unfortunate cmr- Sback for emptylng, and then re-, it 2,i. aaa AMrs. <(r. Mr.Td idRd range frorn dornestic probbemis 1epl t e." ntan\1.con- -'Y rs FredToms, En- ney arnd Melodie, Godwood, of the home, ta personal wrong- e) W iud Thsi ie xr .skfewee iiigMn n ee Sn'ygeis o!fv n dî~o the. individiual." P lie service, and we are glad toj iln er iiigàrad er udyges oM.a-ddO proid i, bt is mpotat vis. Mervhn Mountjoy on Sun- Alrs. F. Sinith andl Grzee. The two-fàd mission of the thpeopl e cot-oîsiper and I elieve ii or not, we are Army i5s sen time an*d tirne abide by the reizulations. j Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Eb- spo dt ehavinga race agein as material hielp is gîvrn "Ina Bowmanville when the; eenter analL .o. L. r_. L"'.',1track in our mlist. More par- alongside. of spiritual counsel. collection day for a certain part1 Solina, visited MiL-. and M"b ticulars later. Guidance ta the unmarried of the town falis on a holidav, Percy Deweil on Sunday.___________ mother-to-be, rehabilitation of the garbage crew pick up and 1 \rS î SnieOhawa, jteacohohic and the resultant remove the garbae af that dis-: wit-h Mr. al-id Mrs. J. Smales IInT TP necessary material assistance trict either before or after thp Sr. CUULLLLVJ for bis wife and farnily. the ton rerninded the Statesman. It: Ronnie spent the wveekend in Mrs. Russell DeCoe is a pa- large family-these are just is equally. true that rnost places Tor-anto. tient in Oshawa General Has- some o! the types o! cases whiclh do nlot have this clone. In even Miss Florence Werry lias been. piai. corne ta Captain Cales' desk. the hottest summer weather with relatives aý VWooso. 1 Tom Bowvler is also 111 in;The Bowmanville Corps of when a holiday falls on garbage the past week and attending Oshawa Hospital. The Salvation Army carrnes oni collection day for a part o! To- th1-e funetral of an elderly aunt. Mrs. Ha.rry Gay anid MMrs W. an effectivý& work for underpri- ronta, the garbage remnains un- Suniday callers at R-. J. Hod Brown visited their sister, Miss1 viliged children at their Fresh collected for anothecr week un- goswr v n r.Da Mary Wilkins, Oshawa, oni Air Camp at Roblin Lake, near tii the regubar collection day for, H-odgson ai-d grandson David Thursday evening.i Belleville. with assistance toT r that district cornes arouid' Hodgson of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. C. Eliott and f ire victims. andi with their again. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Keane and Lorraine with Mr. and Mrs. H.I Christmas Cheer baskets. "People want services, but Douglas, Mfvr. and Ivi.Aclam' Tinney, Port Hope. iTo assist ina the Red Shield ATutcI many abuse thera, yet they warLt Keane, M~r. jainison ïyu 1i Mr. and Mrs. Hl. Nugent, O8h-1 Campaign the fallowing district - rse taxes lowered", Mr. Quinton awa, %we4re with MVr. and Mrs.. awa, with Mn1. and Mis. John. Chairman have taken responsi- Principal and Inte: sad I aegvnwrinsi .Wa nS a.Norvis. i bility for the organization o! taid. sIhavediv uenrnins aT ayo Sxiayrry to hear Donna Thomp- cenvassers: District 1. Mufs. Lois Interest Paid Senii-ar thepas, ad i nueros cses Congratulations to Mr. and son is ira Sick Children's Has- Panard; District 2, Mirs. George- tbey have beera dlsregarded. Mvi. Len Player (nee Grace ptl osy itit3 isVva s o ec Now I av noalerntie, f-Kersey) whoýýe arria-ge took Mrs. Jack Gay, Mrs. E. Mor- Sadier;, District .4, M Fs~lorence fenclers will ho taken bIta place on Salurd)ay aîternoon alt rison, Mis. Bob Bryans, Mrs. H.Gdie;Dsic court. De do not like ta be hard Wilme.r Heigh'ts United Church, SweeamrdiMrs.JohniNorisct 5, Mrs. FredI a anyt one t iith lw Scarborougia, witVh ber brother Mrs. H. Gay, Mrs. G. Chartran ________ I* 1 a A f cd inhis. own church. Brown and MýUs. G. Chartran TI Canada the returra per Free Pick-ups jMr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy attended the Bowrnanvilie La- dollar invested' is higher on ComI At littie cast, onby 94 cents. were in Peterborough Saturday. dies' Major League Bowling sheep than any other farm ani-ArodW aeNwt a month for each househoider, A pleasant evening was spelt! Banquet helti et the Légion mal. Sheep are the only !arm rodWiWdNw or tenant, each receives a et the home of Mu. and Mvrs. H1all on Monday evening. i animais producing a prime pro--__________ weekiy garbage pick-up. Ina Keith Smtth on Saturdiay ev- Seevel of the members o!rcluct-waol-from grass alone. addition there are two free spe- ening ti honour of their dau- Courtice Couples' Club enjoyecl ciel pick-ups a month, which gtiter Sandra, when eigîhteen. of the bowling night Satu'rday et .mean 24 free spécial pick-ups h er girl friends gathered toge- the Matou City Bowling AUley, a year, andi an extra pick-up ther ta help celebrate bier I 2th Oshawa. Prize wlnners were: for Christmas treeg which iià iarthclay. Congratulations San- High lady, Mvs. Don Cowle; also free.I dra. low lady, Mirs. Austin Leavitt.I Mr. Quinton suggested that Mi- F. J. Reed ettendedtheUi High mran, AU. Lorne Penfound; the Statesman talk ta the men Be of Quinte Conirerence W.A. low man, Air. Sim Penfound. Mon-day in company with ,Mirs. chuuch. Naybor o! Zion.ý Home and Sebool ragon on Saturdiay to attend School Association helti their the funeral of a relative Mus. Apnil meeting vecently with TÀ l EP Harry Keswick. Mrs. Victor Cutting presiding. Mu.Ree wa praehng ralMrs. Wilson Neil read the min- Mr. RBlackstokCùpreant onutes and the treasurer's report theBlakstck ircit n un- was given by Mis. Don Thomp- dey afternoon. son. NO ONE Seni S ere w'aante o! Mis. Dora Snider, school prin- ferig Srvie ws qitewell cipal introduceti Mr. Ross Met- attended. Rev. P. Romeril o calfe, music teacher fou South. Blackstock was guest minister Darlington 5-chool Aiea. Miss and conduicted, the service. His lIrma Hoies' Grade 2 pupils e very fi-ne discourse on "'Me under Mr. Metcalfe's direction JStonies of Jesus as Told ina Par- demonstrated sorne o! the ables" was impressivcly Pce- methocis af teachinig. The chI- Insuri sented andi well received i-and ren a] sa sang some musical sel- will not soon be forgotten.. ections followe.d by a humor- The usicby te chir udérous umbe by r. MtTube. thébb leadership of Mrs. Caverly Mis Holmes' Grade 2, wo - theTue a Terrific Duy ~. .. consisted o! a pleaslng anthern attend ance award for mostnpar- 1elecior c"ren----re".etap- set $1,*09 s if required - BEFORE - YOU- BUY ANY CAR 0 a corne on ina and sec us first or lest, without any obligation te buy. To order a used car from us is an excellent idea; aise, we will do our utmost to buy you the best car money can buy, and you pey market value price, or less. Here is a good question. What do you or did you gain by going a distance eut of town te buy a car? The only reasen thet we sec is te have confidentiel dealing and financing. As far as we are concerned a local person wastes the trouble and effort in doing se. For real sharp man te man dealing on top-notch automobiles and confidentiel dealing - you sec us today - or very soon. '~ RTS CAR MARKET YOUR LOCAL USED CAR DEALER 194 and 196 Church Si. Bowmauville MA 3-5064 Toronto, visited at He nury Dart's. Mrs. Morris Sleep-, Linda andi June, Coldwateu, have been visitin-g heu farents Mu. andi Mvs. Frank Pascoe. Mr. andi Mrs. Bruno Bissi, Susie and Peter, Belleville, visiteti et Hens Gelsébeuger'. Johnny, Brende andi Diane 'Camneron, Miflbrook, were oveu- night guests et Wes Camer- on 's on Saturdîa3. Mr. andi Mus. Kelth Stainton brought their littie son Scott home frein the Oshawa Gener- ai Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mss. Wilfred T'rexk Iandi Davidi, Toronto, visiteti et Robert Killen's. Mr. andi Mus. Sain Lee, Tor- onto. visiteti at Robert Killen's. (Intended for lest week) Mr. andi Mus. Fred Werd andi famiîly, Burketon, vlited et Wes Cameron's. Mr. andi Mua. Clifford Swal- lowi andi Mus. Swallow Su., Ma- pie Grave, were ceileus at Rus- sell Perkin's. Mu. and Mis. Robert Kiilen visitiet et Wilfued Frank's, Tor- onto. 'Mre. Emierson Salter and Da- vicl.O0-1aw'a visîteti et R. C. Stiton's. M.andi Mo. Lorenzo Trull, Hama-pton, visited at Russell Peukins. Several ladies attende thebb Presbytery W.A. meeting at Tyrone. Mu. andi Mus. Wes Cemerm visiteti at Stanley Covcrly's Ebenezer. Mu. and Mus. Percy Da'vidson ertertaineti Mr. andi Miza. lMer Down and fanùby, Mu..' . and Mrs. Chuck Terry anti Lurlý Mu. andi Mus. George Davidson andi Patfi at auppertIn hbof o Mu. and Murs. George David- sora'a second weding anniver- sary. Mus. Wes Cameron attendeti a showeu et NMua. Roy Eldrid- ge's, Courtice, forn Miss Mar- lene Cochrane. Mu. andi Mus. William Sitih, Whitby, Mr. Geo. Sonley, Tar- onto, were Sunday visitors at Fred Camneron's Mu. anti Mr&. Frank West- lake Jr. anad !amily, Solina, vis- itet et NelIson Fice's. 1 Mu. and Mua. Henry Deut visited et William Davis, Wo- otiville. Mr. and Mus. Keith Stainton visiteti Scott anti Susan et the Oshawa General Ho,ýpital. '. and Mrs. VIes CznIeron visiteti et Jack Canierora's, Muibrooi. - plus t] a* difficuit task chewoing -1h. winners, Fat Burk, Hizel Samis and Thelma Leslie, ail of 30w. manville. The contest was fol- lowed by a delicious buffet lunch and Pat Burk on behalf of the Bowmanvllle Lionettes graciously thanked the hostess club for its warm hospitality. PONTYPOOL Mrs. Charlotte White a nd MLIrs. T. Malley have returned to our village after spendimZ the winter months ina Oshawa. Sorry to learn that Mrs. White is in poor health. Mr. Robt. Hallbran bas also, returned to our village from Toronto. Mrs. Gordon Britton Is ini hospital in Peterboroughrecov. ering from an operation. Potential Conservative -cane~- dates have been niaking visita- tions in our township. Tuesday' niglit will decide t.he one wlio is ta carry the Conservative banner. Special Mlother'a Day services will be held on Sundgy morn- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hackwood were recent visitors in our vil- lage. Bill is making speedy re- 1covery from a recent operationt. wnestment erest Guaranteed ,nually by Cheque riptive folder Trust pany tonville, Clarke 26R11 LLER 'ICTS *for "Living rculosis with a TEST qD X -RAY race is the key to ry. ! TB deeth rate Is . . . as the resuit of au Tests and X-Rays the resuit of improved treetment. You cennot afford te m*ths the Free Tuberculin Test and X-Rey which will be in your community during the rnonth of June. Let X-Ray say.. ...You'ro O.K. Mass Survey is Sponsored by the. Northumberland-Durham Tuberculosis Association with the assistance of the Ontario Deparimeni of Health -THROUGH YOUR PURCHASE 0F CHRISTMAS SEALS 1 -P,

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