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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1959, p. 16

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSUA'?. MA'? 7th, 195S t,125 at Durham Assoc. Dinner !t'LberaIs Say Frost fo Quit 'Rap Ontario Debt Increase. Woodyard Readies Campaign E.R. Ted Woodyard, Liberal 'Candidate for Durham in thej %>,Iorthcoming Provincial Election. was, acclaimed enthuýsiastical1y at the dinner held by the Dur- 4~hamn Liberal Association at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel Son Wednesday evening, April 2t.Speakers castigated the Sfiriancial policies of the Frost government as the cause of On- tario's increasing debt. Elmore Scott, Hope Township, the president of the Durhara te Liberal Association. welcomed ,the large gathering. There were mK7ore than 125 people. present from very section of the coun- ty. Gien Fry, president of the Bowmanville Liberal Associa- tion, and chairman of the corn- xnittee in ch-arge of arrange- ý1 ments for the event, extended! &a welcome to Bowxnanville. .Those at the head table were: E. R. (Ted) Woodvard, Mi. and Mrs. Elmore Scott. MNr. and Mý -Glen Fry, Mr. and MJrs. Russell Honey. Mr. and Mrs. George *Walton, Kenneth Thornpson of *Weston, the principal speaker, MORTGAGE LOANS We loan on first mortgages. on residential property. good improved farms and well located business property. 'Victoria and Grey TRUST COMPANY 437 GEORGE ST. PETERBOROUGH L iberals ToId How b Orcanize for Eleciion the funeral of his unele Mr. Edga Stlle urkeon' i BEclganvStruton uety .vr. and -Mrs. Ed. Har'i*ris and Mr. ana Mlrs. NI. Grahamer ac- cornpanied 'Mr. J. J. Flettw manville. to Fenelon Fýa* W,,o Thursche\ and attended the~j eral of their uncle Mr.W. .. Flctt. \rs. John Scott %vent, to Toi% onlo Saturdav for a m-eek. Shle experts tb attend the AnnuU An;l1ican W.A. Convention. ot this Dioces;e Monday th.rough Wednesday. '.Isds. Mildred Col. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lovekmn.1 and d-2benttrinog which is flot hamT.MSeltJ.AM- Robert Kent, who said th,- shovn in th? revenue account, ha'i.M..hl, .A e Grace. and MUr. and Mrs. Fradk the publie does flot receive a A *:,Ii~tilringM ndEay)tPar et Rickard. comnplete picture of the firtaïi- ï:ten thi oir one d y o Neyer Defeated cial situatioi.Iten d aor empe uri In introducing the gucst j Other provinces are paving t,%e MiseItatheinee nd ithhe speaker, Mr. Lovekin told of their debts. Ontaril) is a rich crieset thes. J. A. Mc th r he his caree.r in municipal politiic.s poic.vtisdb shg Doctor and Ardis. and his interest in provincial and incieasing, Mr. Thompson MiesJseadBtyMc and federal polities. Mr. Thomp- said. He aLso asserted that the Mse esen et c son became a member of the financial situation of the pres- Arthur spent the w-eekend with Weston Municipal Council in cnt Conservative federal gov- ratie n Mrit. J.A.ohs 1939, and in the 10 years he errnent is siflar, and drew reMr. nd hMe roniJ.A. llill held municipal offices Mr. attention to Canada's 300 mil- e-rdhoefinBlvle Thompson was neyer defeated. lion dollar deficit.î Sunday morninig. Mr. Lovekini pointed out. He Taxes Inereased Mr. Gr-ant Jackson lias pur- became Mayor of Xeston ;n He ment ioned the federal echased a home in Lindsay and 1939, and ha.s also been Warden j îCoiervative's pre-election pro- .. oedTusa. r.adMs of York County. Mr. Lovekin iset nracsrie n Art Deani and family. Shirley, said. He also spoke of Mr. Thoi- rdc aeadpitdt moved Saturdav into the Jack. pson s activities as larinoteiceisi taxes in the feLt-so mehrwihteyav the Wcston Red Cross canipaî,gn1, eral ý,wvermnenIs budget. He rented. and as a rnember of the York- declared that "Diefenbaker and j.. Mr. Orr Venning's sale on Humber Conservation Author- Donald Duck Fleming are as Thursday was considered quite itv f or many years. Mr. Thomnp- phç.nv ,-as ithree dollar bills." succesul. The Venniings mvo- Son xvas urcsident of the -7d00t ':su w d to fheir 1nexvhome-rieiBow- ton Busýiness 11Ments Assuiltt !oi;mi)lî :ni ncire thaii the\ took in.nanville on Saturday and the for two termàs. and is a niemiber j Eicto is \vron .g because. ., Topo Buna 's into the farm vacated of the Masoic Order. i loîdntb. oddo h At a pre-campaign dinner Wednesdfay, April 29 at right. Glen Fry, Bowmanville President; Mrbx te Venings Canada and this provinve nmunîcipalities. t should be the Flying Dutchmnan Mivotor Restaurant, over 100 Durham Provincial Candidate E. R. "Ted" Woodyard; Secretary- An Arm « pal çwhlom he had have both made the greatcsî taken care or at another level. Countv Liberals turned out to hear an address on election Treasurer Russell C. Honey of Port Hope, and County not seen for several years, Mr-. advnce uderLiera gver- Qces Prk now rus te organizing. In this picture, guest speaker Ken Thompson Pi-esident E]more Scott, Campbellcroft Charles Cartr oono pn ments, Mr-. Thoxnpson slated. xvhole show, but does not payofWsnpitsutorefth tal.F mlf o Saturdey afternoon and even- He emphasized the fact that the t,,aehirs' salaries or school of estn pint outsom oHthedltals.Fro Iet t Liberal party bas always bein buildjing cosis," Mr-. Thompson ----___________Mg ih rsrl Martynnndbos in the forefront of social wel- remarked. sse that the Conseî-vative in Ncwtonville. Wediiesday. Wotton, H. Graharn and R. "Choosing and Using Fabrics' r.Mr"- n os fare and has instituted greît "Ontario is growving and much atedesyestem jsleonTusdy Mr. and Mrs. Ruissel Henry, servics. monv inus be spnt on duca-provincial governiment lias useel Msds. S. VanCamp, L. By- Bradburn attebondehd the Wo-r. E The Lberalpartyis ntiona. flo. Th iii eepin twosets f boos, Iel-s, M. Graham, E. Lai-mer H. men's Institutes' short cus r aodMry teddDry rdy Th LbealPatyisnaioal ton Tefart-ners and small hoodwinking the people b_______ not sectional. It works for the homne owneî-s should not have, proclaiming a surplus we benefit of ail Canadians. Ail to bmrx this burdeni. The farm- there has been none for yea sY.t classes and ail parts o the er is 'the miost independent mari not a real surplus, only one 0 ~ V L AY S' .Iî-. ~ . countrv have been assisteditervneacut h t»' jin the woî-ld. but our farmers thLeeneacWn.TedeY45/f~f " / the Liberals. Mr. Tbompsoni now are caugýht lu the squeeze bentures in the capital accourt ' f'-/» said. of hifhation. The parts' in p0w- will hiave to be paid by ouri- PeopleDistubedel- ]las built up a great deal Of children", Mr. Honey ad The people of Ontario. boot ectmn.Yt h reh1- As bis second point Mr. Hori- rura an urbn. re nw istlyîxw that Frost cain somehow pull e itd"h ervlb e disturbed at the problents fac theni througlh. However I ar fnbealitd er eraygiifal by e- in-, the province as a cons.'- quite suie that Frost wilî not , e a eaîdngiltin.,-- quec fteacin ft remaifi ative aft 2r the electior n egv sa xml h uenc ofthe ctins o ticalled opportunity to couvert Frost Conservative Govern-< He is goondsto e put outptr.'.a t ment, the speaker pointedo atl wti er i JulVicto B bonds,en pr. ai Hie deplored the exceedingly hipo rdcc. ' jJl'it e odwiha- now worth onlly $94, flot _n high and increasing debt of the Must Organize Mnbon he, hta îd provnce hichlie aid s nx Ô n isthe ecre ofsax' is Frosts' home some iiii so are tatit max have to be su essi politics. Elections:*ec pîsoe notenrh.$- paid bxy our children and our are wo b\ organlization, and it et-n sections of Durham. Peop('! grandchidren. He criticized te 1 1,t niportant at the sub- teeso-db einded cm - i Frost budget and saîd t iveisitonseae phatically that Mr. Frost will 1j was not an honest one, because avo c.Hespoke of effectiv3 etrinhe ea ur.. by capitalizing public works, organ zaio n iethods. ai-d urg- e-i oiepresnt t do heir John James, the former mcmi- ,. 4 part.ML Thon)mpson paid parti- '-eàfpalaetfo uhm.. Y 4 ulrtbueto the party's can- when cailed on said that be ha-I*~ ~ 4 had a visit that afternoon frotii da ein îrhm, ed Wod-Bill Henderson, Kingston, pre- ,- ydand sated that he will dtoéhît. L laýOM N O ' ake fie rei-eentaivelaAssociation. Mý'r. Hendierson wz;s e ~ the people of this county. reung om a omfti* Is the friendliness, the warm smncenity of the people, T.~~metn EAidecnt eebrthteey" ..mofil vr enycut t co ref0 'T.LESI Mr. Tliompson urged the au-,meigi ido.adbc always eager Io hotp in any way. And o 1/ senle votren ibe tal evmp rt. ither been uc werf l 'theres the money I save. When you're leedina a grow. l He said thai in the federal L1beral nomintion 'ieeti.M election of June luth. 1957, lie throughout the province. i etaln rudfe n tr enoîe.Al my / hai r ghdbe ecae lcwne as there been so miv yout- j d geewt m botDMIIN îi' ruîy in York n dcle thde ,bu sanin enaertobeea-wonderful place te shop. If yeu'reflet already shop,t tannmn g er oban- on the recouint. ungToLbrl Russell Hones', Port Hope,l Mr. Woodyard, the Libeî ai ins R oiriugh k d rehmson e for his i candidate in this riding, in a ~ F o o t i D m no insirhg ddrss.Hesaid hie rousing speech impressed the u o d C st t D m no ,was mnost intcrested in the. audience witb the importancelPg A e.Sz REwt A 3-7061 ~ oha thepatyworkers. He an-'~Pg A e. ieFE vt friends and neiglîbours regard- 10 days he would forrn a camn- 2~ tkes made by the Frost gov- would represent ail parts of the1 ermn.county. 1 Just heat anid serve! DE IV RYTwo Sets of Books Anyone desiring information! Lihby eS - Deep Browned in T.S. - 15 oz. tin C FE IM.HoneY' emphasized three could contact the campaîgn >-U R MQARE rppoints wbiehl] ai es hul.committee members. There! *arK rf*Y c warded omlinion3rs fihest . .E cosier Fist fi £+ popr would be one mailing address, I - --- -- - - - -- -and one place. to telephorie.Mr. peialOfr aiga ieo uca IWoodyard piedged that lie SecaloOmirioanin at tnie f purhase would do his utrnost for thte Liquid 24 oz. tin and l"; c. .e ew ICHMELLO people of Durhîam, and ask c'Dmnin d ofe ot teadience to do Lherxbet i ergent 65C 77 for hlm. u L oiio ake!11b k The evening closed witb tihe J.. singing of "0 Canada". M r.s. [DEAL FOR MOTHER'S DAY GIFT George Stapleton, Newtonville. MNoir's- Town Talk 1 lb. boxlb N&as the pianisi. The members a1' of tlhe cornmittee in charge of' ~AL~b ~.. no oly illth ~ s~arrangements for the du neri C O Colia ies jwere chairman Glen Fi-Y, Bow- 3c1.u appeal of the '59 Buick manville; Gordon Trick, Mll-~Tne adSet ,gn last or a longtirne, "brook; Mrs. A. Clears', Port IYork Br and- Fancy 20 oz. tin RcmloPg f1 I predict that it will oe ik oeh, Newcrl Ted Too>dsard, Orono; El 2 ooîeS o e o l set a trodthars wiii seolden Corn 2o3 aeR is25c en manyScott, Hope Township, and Rus try to follow." oePrHp. Specil Offer! Saving at timle of Purchase! Cut Bread Costs! Carry it home and save! Beekist No. 1. - White â2 oz. jar Sliced WVhite 24 oz. BLACKSTOCK LqudHny4<Rcrel ra a Eighteen Boy Scouts and o e 4 c Rch el ra 8 threé leaders attended sevc 1 t Econoîny Size - Toilet Tissue Add Variety to Your Table! li the United Church Suniav f Coronation L.P. 12 oz. jar mori-ng. The Pastot Re\,. P. 4 Rails4 9a Romeril de livered a fine a.!,- VVile S w nilPfo ilgÉrO» à BEHE AUTOMOBILES ARE BEINO BUILI AND BUICK 1$ BUILDING THEMI1 M-I 559C Robson Motors -Lumited 166 King Si. Eo Dowmanville MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 spent thie weekend wth the« Gordon strongs. Miss Catherine Bale.Wlit- by, spcn-t the weekexîd ai. lionie. The ladies of the Aniglican W.A. kept up the customnarx' record for serving an excellent meal at the Variety Supper im the Parish Hall Wednesday. This was followed by an even- ing of progressive euchre with prize winners- High lady,! Mrs.W. Archer; second. Mrs. P. VanCamp; higli Gent, Roy', Taylor, second Osmond Wright. The Couples Club met at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Ix'ai Thontpson Wednesd'ay ngt with 27 present. For recreation thes' played progressive Beetie. Discussion was "Should Protes- tants marry Cathoiics." Decid- ed to name the club "The Town and Country Doubles Clubl." Final plans were mnade for the May dance. Lunch was served anxd closing devotions were ta- ken by Rev. P. Romneril. Mrs. H. Bailey anxd Mrs. M. Fisher returned to MUonti-cal and spent a few days with Mer- lin Balles' last week. Mrs. Fred Balley was home for the weekend after spend- ing the winter with her dau-I gi-ters in Janet-ville and osh- awa. She returned to Oshawa mith Mr. and MNrs. Dawsoi,l Sutnday evening. Rex'. P. Rormeil an c r. Har- aid Kyte attended Presbytery M&L 50 lb. 159 ê#%flot toesbag Crisp and Jtîicy - witb that Fresh Picked Flavour CON LROLI FD ATMOSPHERE C.A. à E3 lb. >. mclntoshbag 2 9 6 qt79 Apples 79ck* Juicy - Size 13 .Su nkisi Iinported - Siz Cabbai 9s Sa lad Dressing For Cooking or Salads! St.Lawrence* Farîner's Wife iý 16 oz. jar 35c 15 oz. tin 35c 16 oz. tin,ý 3-5 lb. bagI t Oranges 63C Evaporaled MiI 2for37c te 0' Serve Florida Swveetened Citrus Juices Often! :e30s I Horsey Brand 20 oz. tin 48 oz. tin ge 2 heads 29Orng Juice 2 for 41 47 Or n e21 oz. tin 48 oz.ti ,,Blended Juice 2for37 43 20 oz. tin 48 oz. ýti» AU erhadie sldotyor ,rapefruit Juice Zfor3U 3.5 guaronteed to grve yo Values effective in Bownianville until closing tisile Saturday, May 9tlh. 1959 100% SATISFACTION DOMINION STORES LIMITED OMINIOI 0OMIfflom .TQOb IFAUitt y, Cliffcrest 71 KING SI BOWMAN' Dry CIE - Shi, Siorage PHONE M, PICK-UP AND LORNI THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1959 THIC CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SECTEM l'-

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