THKJESDAY, MAY 7th,1i 9 *1. TUE...Uvv.--. . . --.N Beach "A Dis gracel Lottagers Complal The wrath of several West ,"My husband and I have ýjuat Beach cttagers over emval returned from a week-eda of gravel from the lakýefrront was our cottage, 113 The Cave, West voiced in a letter from Mrs. Beach, and are simply furious- Betty Hurson, read to Bow- (tpt it mildly) at the way manville council Manday. Mr-s.jthe Beach is again being ruin- ]Rurson's letter follows: ed by gravel trucks and bull PE NeIL for any worthwhile purpose for one ta three years at TH-E CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE more than 800 branches providing specialized personcil lan service since 1936. BOWMANVILLE BRANCH - A. L. HOOEY, Manager REWCASTLE BRANCH - J. C. PORTER, Manager ýuI Mess" n Bitterly dozers. It resembles nothing more than an ugly gravel Pit naw. -"We are paying $84 taxes on a summer cottage and working very hard ta improve the lmnd and cottage with paint, flow- ers etc., whilc the tawn la bent on depreciating not only Our praperty but all those around us by its utter disregard for thc natural beauty afitis lakefront 1I have been going ta BOW- manville since I was a child but never have I seen such a dis- graceful mess as the Beach is now! Since I bought the cottage there asat year and pay tawn taxes I feel that we have every right ta complain. '*The actions of the Town af IBowrnanville are a flagrant via- lation ai the written agreement between the Foxds and the town, in which it was stiPulat- ed that the road would be sold ta the Town upon condition that gravel trucks wauld nat use it. ,,Mr. and hivrs. W. Mcçartney and Mr. and Mrs. J. Fox who fhavp seen the lake front this sprîng are as angry as we are. The Ormsby's. HarraPs, Vau- ghans ai-d Simpson's ai course, havent seen the Beach this year, but felt the same way last vear about the condition ai the beach. "«Surely comnian sense would indicate that when gravel is continually taken from the same location causing a deep batik ta forrn, erosion will take place should the lake ever rise. The Provincial Inspectar who inves- 'tigated the beach last year even mentioned this in bis repart. Last suinmer the gougîng of the bull dozer leit a deep de- pression behind the shore line iwhich iilld with water and be- came green and slimy with a profusion of ugly weeds. This is certainly not a very pleasant outlook for those people who take a pride in their cottages- as well as paying town, taxes! I believe there were ane or two people who f elt that the beach would "f il in again ai its awn accord aiter the winter" but this is flot the case. When the snow melted this Spring the deep depression was st-ill there just as it was during the suin- mer. "The section Ilu front of aur cottage was more deeply bull- dazed than some others-almast ta the lawn simply because the -tree line f alîs somewhat far- ther back in this section, whlle farther ta the east roots ai manY oi the treez have been leit ex- posed. *'If the town arbitrarily e fuses ta do anythlng about the' diagraceful condition of the beach, it would seem the only recourse left to the cottage owners is legai action ta help pscserve sonme semblance ai beauty i a niow almost-ruined lake front." Cancer mm FRIDAY 12 NOON TrO 9,P.M... SATURDAY 9 AM. TO 6 P.M. Bitz Big Success The "'Bowmianville BUita' by the local branch of the Cana- dian Cancer society netted over $2,000 and officiais are confi- dtnt that delayed or "special category" donations will put the town "«well ver the top" ini the drive to oollect a miniumn of $2,300. A statement from campaign chalrman M. R. Ste- phens foilows: ('In the door-to-door blitz the Bowmanville bran-ch reoeiv- cd sorne $1,933.37 and donations received since have raised this~ total to $2,021.37 We are confident that with the dona- tions yet ta be received from people who were not at horne during the blitz and fram spe- cial donations during the year we will surpass aur objective in town of $2,300. "In the rural areas we have heard from only three of the 30 areas organized. We hope ta have a more complete report sornetime in the next two weeks when we will be calling around ta pick up the receipts. "We of the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Cancer S.ociety would like to thank the people of Bowrnanville for their very generaus support and won- derful ca-aperation during aur blitz. Anoewho was missed or who was flot home duringz the 1 blitz may make their contribu- tion by calling Maurice Steph- ens, at MA à-7086 after 5 p.m. any evening and he will be only too glad ta drap around to vain- home tor your contribution. Hamipton, Ont, May 51 1959. Dear McI. James. I have been attending an- other public meeting re the Darlington Towm.hip Zonmng By-law and I, as a citizen af a free land, arn deeply apprehen- sive. 1 have attended thousands of meetings in my long life and neyer before have I been ub licly embarrassed. Whain. more I doubt if ever the resi- dents of the «townsh'ip have been m» dicredlted. It was thought necessary, by somne one, to have a policeman present and, inl my case ta de- niand* I take rny seat when I had reapectfully addressed the chair, and with no one else on bis feet at the saine time. I was tald if I had anything ta say ta have It said by 'counsel'. I was about ta ask for a ruling frein the chair, as ta the free- dom of the public ta have a part in this 'Public' meeting. I was not creating a nuisance in any way and, ta, my thinking, nat creating an occasion for po- lice order. Not since I was in Red-held territory has an arm- cd man feit it his duty ta sal act-though this policeman was acting under orders. Arn 1, in Canada, to be tald by a policeman, at a public meeting, flot ta speak? But the point is what are we coming ta? This is a case of autocracy, unjustified by any anarchy or disturbance. Had there been a request for order I should have been able ta assure the 'Chair', on my own appeal ta my friends, of decoruni. There is this question of when is a public meeting a public meeting, and who makes a pub- lic and what niakes public par- ticipation? Has an individual naw no right to speak on his own behaîf, or those who cali hixn friend, or m.ust he be a lawyer or kept in place by an armed man? I, too, have f aced guns and bayorietes and wounds, but flot by my own countrymen on orders from their superiors. Just how close ta a Gestapo have we com e? Now, 1 should like ta defend the petition which I frarned asking for a deferme nt of action adequately done, and that the calling af "all parties interest- cd li support af, or oppasing this application" at this time, and also on April 13th , was most inopportune and ùnipos- sible for many of the ratepayers of the township. This is one ai the reasons wtiy nearly anc thousand rate- payera, wlthout c»ercion, wlth. very few abstaining, sigcned the petition af protest and request' for a vote. Yourà, truly, Fred J. Reed w- * -~ - The manufacturers represenfative MR. RICHARD NORTON will be ai the Plurphy's Co., 47 Ring Si. West, Bowmanville, this Friday front 12 neen Io 9 p.m. and Saturday front 9 a.m. le 6 p.m. the 91h of May. Take advantage of terrific Savings. Free Under Cushion and Sweeper during this 18 Heur Sale. FREE With Every Rug 6' x 9' or larger j I I I i TWEED TWIST 6' x 91'-- $ 44.50 769x 9' -- $ 55.50 9' x9 - ---- $ 66.50 9' x 10'6"- $ 77.50 9' x 12' $ 89.00 9' x 13'6" - $101 .00 9' x 15'0" $112.50 12' x 15'0" $149.00 SQUARE YARD Reg. $8.95 sq. yd. ENGLISH TRIPLE TWIST 6' x 9' $ 65.70 9' x 9'--- $ 98.55 $10O.95 9' x 12'-- $131.40 12' x 15' -- $219.00 Re.$39sqyd Ail Colours and Widths I CAIR'VED 'WILTGN 6' x 9'- $ 59.70 9 x 91 $ 89.55 9' x 12'. $119.40 12' x 15' ---- $199.00 $9.95 Reg. $12.95 sq. yd. JColours: Grey, Green, Rose, Mushroom and Turquoise - 27" 9' and 12' widths DISC014TIN4UED SAMPLES- 27" x 48" MANY COLOURS TO CHOOSE FROM $#5.945 Reg. to $9.95 1. SPRINGY CUSHION to, add years of extra life. 2.Bissel Carpet Sweeper for quick, carefree cleaning. 3. BOOKLET "Care and Cleaning of Bugs and Carpets" -y 18 Heur Sale Special CARPET YOUR LIVING BOOM AND DINING OOM WALL TO WALL This offer Includes COMPLETE FOR ONLY nough Broàdloom, Cushion and tackless Cuving-romanr$1 99 Installations for 12'x5' 9' x 10' dining-room. "DBARLON#" 6' x 9'.$ 53.75 $8 9 9' x 9' $ 80.55 $0* 9' x 12'- $107:*40 12' x 15'- $179.00 Reg. $10.95 sq. yd. 'ADecorative Colours- 27" 9' and 12' widths SPECIAL PURCHRASE 9' x 12' RUGS TURQUOISE GREY CHARCOAL $ 90 CINNAMON GOLD Shop-at-Home Service CALL NOW MA 3m3781 TO SEE SAMPLES rI the comfort of your home without obligation MURPHY'S 47 KING ST. 00 WEST BOWMA NVILLE PAGE SZTMM nwv. r-AvAnrAm qTA71r-qUAW- ROWIRANVUýLE. ONTARIO o@»ý- . .. . . . - - . - .