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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1959, p. 18

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- *"'# PAGE EIGWTEM? Mr. and Mrs. Celebrate Ai The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp, Burketon. xvas thel scene of the 4th wedding ann-.,q versary of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp on Saturday evening, May 2nd. Donald and Michael Gregg of Glen Burnie, Marvland, prescr.- ted ter randparents with a ! 8V'DILLWKSTW MA 338833 WMAN VILE THE CANADIAN ESTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO . Ross Sharp nniversary corsage and boutonniere. A turkey drnner was served to the children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters. The table was tastefully decorated with a 1 three-tier weddinx cake, ruby candies and daffodils. Following dmnner the bride and groom opened numerous gifts and cards. Words of congratulations were spoken by Rev. M. R. Saner- son and Mr. W. M. Henry of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp expressed their appreciation to aIl present and the remaînder of the evening was spent in re- miniscirig. Demonstrates Social Study Methods The South Darlington teach- ers met on April 16 at Maple Grove School. Visiting with the group were teachers from North Darlington. A brief business period was conducted by the president. Mrs. Margaret Kil- Lzec,. followed by a few words1 from the inspector, MVr. T. R.' McEwen, and from the super- vising principal, MT.M. . Hobbs. The guest speaker was Mr. David Cîce, M.Sc., B.A. and Fellow of the Royal Geographi- NEW FOR TOBACCO GROWERS!l KILL SOIL INSECTS with H EPTACHLORI ~ Cutworms and other soit r Iinsects can seriously ~jinjure your týbacco, j ausing heavy stand J losses and unthrifty growth. They eat moots . ... ... ....and underground parts of growing plants. This i ~ year, proteet your crop with Ileptachior. Broad. cast Heptachior on the 'soil, ànd disk it in, before transplanting. It costs only a few idollars per acre, and pays for itself inany times over. EASY TO APPLY1 SAFE 1 VERSATILE 1 ECONOMICAL y LAsTING RESIDUAL ACTION 1 ONE APPLICATION 31 40 OFFENSIVE ODORI EliIs wireworms, cutworms, white fringed beetle Iarvae, Japanese beetie Jarvae, mole crickets, seed corn maggots, billbugs, tobacco webworms. green 4une bçetles, and many other soil insects, SEE YOUR DEALER TODAY rOft PT AC H LO0R GRANULES 1 LIQUID SPRAYS 1 HEPTACHLOR-FERTILIZER MIXTURES Formulated in Canada by ail Ieading agricultural chemical manufactureas Write Velsicol Chemical Corporation, 330 East Grand, Ave. Chiçago 11, 111. for free soit insect brochure! Chatanooga Chou (Chou Group in Legion Show There was plenty of rousing music and loads of bers. Left to right: Comrades Audrey Bate, Gwen Gibson. action when this group went into their rollickirtg Chatan- Gýwen Belsey, Ruth Osborne, Frances Bruce and Nancy ooga Chou Chou number on Tuesday when the Legion Colmer. Ladies' Auxiliary entertained neighboring branch mem- Comment on the Royal Tour Viewer! From Sîdew By Christina E. M. ('aswell Crowns: jewel.s; robes:-to- day's child is lau fariliar withi royalty's lule and public ap- pearances ta expeet the cere- monial vestures as everyday dress. Il was different fifty or s0 years ago. In the early 1900's we lived in a small village in Staffordsbire. England. My idea of royalty was woven around Prince C h a rm in g, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and the many. many other enthral- ling characters from the pen of such as the Brothers Grimm or Charles Perrault. In this year, around 1906 or 7, we waited on the high gar- den bank which overlooked the road King Edward VII should travel. Il was a raw. duli Nov- ember day, but excitement kept us at fever pitch. At length the car drove tbrough, slowly enough that the sturdy beard- ed monarch could be pointed out . . . no crown . . . no ve!- vet robes . . . no jewels... only the sombre-hued overcoat and black "bowler" bat of any business man. A sbocked wail of disbelief broke int the cheering: "That isn't the King -where is bis crown?" Five years have past: the scene changes to Edinburgh, Scotland's beautiful capital; a dense crush is waiting to sec the State Tour which has fol- lowed the Ceronation. Here again is a surprise, a quite dif- cal Society. Born and educated in Wales, Mr. Clee has taught in elementary schools in bis homeland and in Canada. He has done programming for CBC Televis' on and at present is a master at the Toronto Teachers' College. Mr. Clee demonstrated Meth- ods in teaching Social Studies, with special attention on the in- troduction and application parts of a lesson. An informail ime of questions, answers, and lunch followed. ferent one at that. As the! shouts of the distant crowds kept pace with the n earing pro- cession. pageantry of seund and colour burst ori us. Gaily caparisoned chargexs proudly curvetted in sensitive response ta mnaster bands, yet aware of the admiring throngs; their scarlet and gald accoutred ri- ders, resplendent, statuesque, disciplined; the plumes, flashing swords, jangiling spurs -these were to make an indeli- ble memory. The word is passed along, "Here they comne". and the shouts gather in volume until, when the _glittening carniage is at ils closest, the f.ull-lbroated rear becomes deifening as those around take 'up the wel- corne. For many miles King George and Queen - Mary wilh the Prince cf Wales and Prin- cess Mary have been bowing and smiling to the applauding crowds. A small incident here shows that boys wil1 be boys. wbalever their rank. On the other side of the 27oad from where we were standing was a smaîl general store its win- dow a clutter cf boys and flags. What caught the Ptrince's at- tention was a large scale model cf a yacht prominently dis- played lowards the front. The carriage rolled crn, but the Prince stili gazed at the sbip until bis bead was .quite twist- ed about. Horrifiedl, Princess Mary gave him a sistenly, if undignified, prod witlh her para- sol; startled and fhîshed wibh embarrassment he --,hyly smil- ed and dubifully continuied Io bow and raise bis cap ta the openly amused throng. There is a vague memory of naval uniforms for the King and bis eldest son: tiA the fem- mine eye, even at that early age, the toilettes cf the Queen and Princess Mary held more appeal. Bath wcre alike in paie pink silk, with matching bats that showed ta perîfection the elaborately-waved coiffure af Queen Mary and the long gold- en ringlels cf ber daughter. On Oclober 12th 1918 we were fortunate enaughtb t be in Norwich, England, wben the frail, dignified Queen Alexan- dra, widow cf Kinjg Edward VII, unveilcd a bron-ze bust as a men-orial ta the marbyred Edilh Cayell. The scene shifts ta Canada.j By 1939, wben King George VI 1 and Queen Elizabeth made their tour cf the Domninion, we followed by radio tihe tumuit- uous reception as the couple moved frorn place ta place. A new dimension was added asi we beard their voices in reply te speeches of welcome and farewell messages to Ibeir peo- ple. 1939 was e big 5tiep forward publicily-wise;, newspaaper cav- erage was so ample that those of us wba tried ta keep scrap- books of the tour were lost at an early stage. The on-the-spot reports by radie brougbit the whole picture ta the "mind's eye", lhen the laler film cdi- tion belped us to re-creaite thec scenes and share thceneýthu- asm cf milling crowds. Quite the nearest approach to "live" participation bas been the vivid televisien presenta- tion, with the added advantage cf re-runs. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Pbilip bave been brul- liant stars in stately but vigor- eus performances. This third dimension cf sigbt added bo sound and the written word, is revealing facets cf personality as no past royalty could have dreamed cf. Who can forget the magnificence yet superb' dignity of the Corcrnatien! Here was proof that the camera can penetrate where il is not feas- ible for the general public 10 follow. Ini July Her Majesty Queen' alk to Sîtting - Room I Elizabeth and Prince Philpare coin t BatewodH se HA DO Canton, near Port Hope, s telbY O guets f Hs Ecelenc' , t u Mr. W. M. Frecker, Toronto, Governor-General of Canada. spent a few days with Mr. and If we cannot manage a good Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. view '"live". it is certain that Mrad rsD.Fniead we shall have a good substituteý Neil, ootwr udy in our television sereen, with itoswhMr.AMeil close-ups and shots from tle Mr. and Mrs. Colin Brown, Les- many anglqs a rnultiplicity o ard called on Mr. Henry Ash- cameras cati "see" so much ton, Sunday. better than the actual specLa- Mrs. M. Blackburn, Saletn, -tor.was Sunday tea guest with Mr. In a mere f ifty years the con- and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn cept cf a sovereign bas ehantg-1 and family. ed from an aloof personage. Sufiday visitors witb Mrs. visible only ta the imrnc ciate Richard McNeil were Mr. and crowds, to the warn rn , i Mrs. Ralph Vanstone and Gar- we cani enloy bN' the tmL-3t ofa rv, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Colin dial in the intimacy of our ownÊ B.rown, Leskard. sitting-room. There are no iii eadMr.Br. stn itations of age or physique, nor Mxad TsBetAhon barriers of place or achiev e-I and fa mily, Toronto, at Mr. and ment; the invitation is openi ta Mrs . Arthur Read's on Sunda.y. all. Glad to hear Mrs. W. Thom- Fencing tirne is here and we respectfully suggest you drop in' and sec us for your requirernents of Cattie Fence, Hog Fente, Poultry Fence, Gates, Posts, Barb Wire, etc. A long lasting fence mnust have a superior coat- ing of zinc and wve know that the DOSCO Fence which we carry in stock will serve you for mnany years to corne. 100% Canadian Content GAIRDEN FENCE Beautify your grounds witli painted green Dosco Fence Cornes in 100 f t. rolls but available cut by ft. Single Scroll Green - 36"1 S26.00 per 100 Green - 42" $--.28.00 per 100 Double Scroll or 28e per ft. or 30c per f t. Green - 36" $36.60 per 100 or 40c per f t. Green - 42" $39.75 per 100 or 43c per ft. Zbr"UtiRT B. JAMES LNSURANCE Office MA 3-56~81 King St. E. REAL ESTATE Residence MA 3-5493 Bowmanvllle At~C ~Ail Fruit and Vegelaile Growers! You arc invÎted to attend a denonstration of two entireb ly c% air-blast concentrate-sprayers. Their uç;st ik nly $1,150, but their performance is as good as tbat of niany other kinds of much 4igler-priced equipinent. We have reccnitly imiported a limited number of these machines for distribution to dealers across Canada, and have decided to show them locally before sefl(iflg thein out. The demion stration wilI take place at F. MVARTI NURSERY R.R. 4, Bowvnanville, on Fridaxy,7 I5ýh inst., ai 6 p.m. F. f~~INURSERY r PHONE MA 3-5012 i '.4IA.M i DOsco IC IN G CHAIN LINIIi FENCE Cornes in'1100 f t. rolis but also available cut by ft. diiiiiim - 13 gatige by 11½2rnesh 36" 42" - ----- - --------------- 48"> ------- POULTZY $14.75 per 100 $17.25 per 100 $19.45 per 100 FARM FEN4CING Avaiavin j20, 30 7 Une - " 8 Une - 42" 9 Ue - ROC LC 10 ine, - BARBED W Light - 50 Ihs-. Heavy - 75 Ilis. and 40 rod rolis - per rod -------per rod -- - per rod $1.20 $1.45 $1.65 2lî rod ralls 0o1lY - ------- per rod $1.45 80> rod spools - --- - - -per spool $ 7.45 - - ------- -- per spool $1è.95 Coniplete As'.ortmt .>nt of .. METAL u'AT'À.- - POSTS - STAPLES BRACE WIItE - ALL FENCING REQUIREMENTS McGREGOR HAR WARE ' I95 RING ST. W. LIMITED MArket 3-3386J For X 1?d S T A T Elt . C L A S S 1 Fi il 1) s Phionie NMrkcet :k-.3,03i il) rod roîls only Light Weighit - IS" - ----- per roll $11.55 Light Weight - (il>" - per roll $12.75 Mediinn 1Vei'v t - " per roll $14.95 Mediumi Weigl - 60t"----- - per roll $16.75 Extra Heavyv - 18" - ----- - per roll $23.75 DOSCO FARM FENCE WELL CANADA'S manufacturing industry began to growv significantly about 80 years ago wben the people decided that more of their needs should be provided f rom Canadian factories. Today manufacturing is the most important ele- nment in the Canadian economy. It provides nearly baif of ail employnment; it pays high taxes: and it is the greatest contributor to our national production. Manufacturing will continue to provide Canadians with the world's second highest standard of living if the people of Canada will Buy Canadian. THE STEEL COMPANY 0F CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE IIAILTON SBRANTFORD TORONTO THURDAT, MAT MUI,19U pson is recovering nicelv after er's Day service and BaptUsmal her recent operation in the Osh-I service. awa Hospital. Note the change in date U#d Mr. and Mrs. Fi ed As~hton. time of the May W.A. n-eeting Mr. and Mrs. Jiiii eo'. i. Wednesday, May 13th at 8:00 and Mrs. Gerald Grow.\deci. To- o'clock at the Manse.,~.e ronto, were at their coItage - Sunday. 'NU. and M~.ArtYîir Tr- Ron Morrison. Dmu ,ie eî,cl lli- thie, Oshawa, -.Ur. ~J\r.Geo. Bertrim, Georgie and hr. MVr.IMilton Slimuoii .tugi ** relatives at Toron'o. w Mr. and i r spent Saturdav e-nîî î r. -.s.. s vidlle. Clifford Re(:c. SIar-k- 'Nr. and Mrs. C. Gairrerci v;-..j1 ited Mrs. Theron .Iutly Hampton, ina Mrs. W. _Martin, Mi, TPeýtt., and Mary, x'iSit d -Ur. C.\Il, Orono, Sunda. Mrs.K. oý0ii-,v;ý:-adTired of the Mr.G . Cow!iîit v.kud \is. G . av]n . sa. ,,i iii I OId Juonlino Act? Allison xisitcd. \r,.aqi 1ix. Wyketrcofhreo Ted Miller, Bowinan y .I , S,111_ mor ee rcoft u day. mor nsurance policies when Mr. and Mrs. Le.lie, Graiarn onie wiIl do the job? Ougr accornpanied Vi r. H. -orne Protection Plan gives James Grahain a.ian i f you fire, theft and Iiability Bowmanville anci x:'Itie insurance on your home wtb Museumn at Toronlo . alu we one policy . .. one premniuMs supper guiestsor _Mir. zaid ?lî. James Grahamn. It may save youj money.. fMr. and I\Irs. T,1vc3 ion j or give you more protectios attended t1I'u "'i. thain separate policies, . or S 'reyice ut " v .._i bo(h. And it*s so convenient, day and at 7::1,0. A e - - . -

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