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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1959, p. 20

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PAGE TWENTY TF.SDAY, MAY 7th, Iode TECANADIAN RTATESMAN. BI~OMANMVT.ONTARIO Costs Big Money To Make Cheaper "Wonder" Drugs Ini 1942, world production of penicillin was just enough tc treat about 400 patients and the costs, needfiess to say, was ai- inost prohibitive. But withmn 10 years North Arnerican drug mianufacturers alone were turn- ing out enough penicillin each year to treat more than 550,- 000,000 persons and the cost of an average dose had dropped some 99 per cent. But to bring the cost down the pharmaceuti- cal industry had to spend an estimated $20,000,000 - a like amount was spent to make Salk vaccine available.-to find ways to mass produce penicillin so that it would be within the reach of millions of people at a reasonable price. Fantastic? Not to the phar- mnaceutical industry which takes in its stride the fact that millions of dollars and many years of research must be spent before a new drug is ready. And, contrary to a popularly held belief, today's "wonder drugs" have actually drastical- lW reduced the cost of being sick. Pneumonia is a classic ex- ample. A few years ago a serious case of pneumonia meant weeks in the hospital with, at the out- set, constant nursing attendance, and further weeks of convales- cence at home. The mortality 'rate was also extremely high. flefore the victim, if he surviv- ed, was back on his feet, the total cost, including medical iand hospital bis and loss of income, could easily have been at least $1,000. Cost Reduced Today, through the use of one of the many new wonder drugs, the pneumonia victim is back on bis feet within days and has returned to work within a cou- ple of weeks. The cost: no more, on the average, than $50 for the drugs and perhaps an- other couple of hundred for loss of wages, medical charges and other out-of-pocket expen- ses. More important, the vic- HE ARP DR. M. B. DYMONIP Speak to ONTARIO COUNTY Salurday MAY 9th 6:30 p.m. IR ADIO CFGR, GEILLIA CKLDI OSHAWA A&P RED CIRCLE COFFE57 INSTANTf COFFEE One pound bag 5,0 oz. jar SUPER-RIGHT QUAlITYMIEA TS Beef Roast Sale BLADE BONE REMOVED BLADE ROAST LEAN MEATY Short or Cross Rib FULL CUT Slb Bofng Cuts LEAN BRISKET PLATE 'b2.3c Sficed BEEF BOLOGNA 1-lb pcg 3 9c Wheatley Brand, Headiesa and Dressed LAKE ERIE SMELTS 2lb39e Se& Seald OCEAN PERCH FILLETS ib29c fgovernment health agencies. Hundrodis o! others require fur'- ther study and investigation, or are set aside to await the time when new sciontific discovor- ies and advances wiIl enabie resoarchers to complete their mnvestigatory studies and add stiil another rlew pharmaceu- tical ta the growing number that are helping to prolong lifo, disease and illness and alleviate suffering. ftinx's chances of surviving are 3 far greater today; largely due ta the wonder drugs, the moi'- MAPLE GROnu tality rate for pneumonia bas i drpped61 er cnt.Rev. Mr. Murphy and a stu- lI a way, the naine "wonder" dent from Emmanuel College, drug is a misnomer. It connotes Toronto, assistant ta Rev. H. *sonething springing suddeniy Stainton, welcomed the Maple from nothing out of nowhere. Grovo Girl Guides, Brownjes Nothing could bo funthor fram and Boy Scouts who attended *the truth. church services at the church > vr ocled"odr on Sunday morning in a body. Ever socaled «woder orThey looked smart in uniform. i«miracle" drug i existence o- They formed ranks at the day is the resuit of many yearssholad aredaosan o! patient research and experi- into church at 11:30 a.m, Mr. mentation and the expenditure Murphy paid tribute to Lord o! many millions of dollars. In Baden Powell. The Guides re- *one instance, 55 scientists pet peated the Guide Promise and nearly three years and $400.- Brownies said their prayer. 000 screening 100,000 solsm r n Ms o cur pies in order to find just one M.adMs o eur broad-spectrum antibiotie. One and faxnlly visited Mr. and Mxs. company alone spent $500.000 Henry DeMille, Oshawa, last studying folie acid vîtamins, Saturday. which at that turne had no com- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, mercial value. Another manu- Oshawa, were weekend guests facturer screened 5,000 com- o! their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. pounds. before finally discov- James Colliss. ering isoniazid, used ta fight Mr. and Mrs. J. Hughies, Mr., tuberculosis. and Mrs. Joe Waldinspergor, Lengthy Research Port Perry, spent Saturday The eryfoudatin o phr vening with Mr'. and Mrs. Jack' The ery ounatio of ha.Ralston. maceutical manufacturing is this constant development and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Burton, research. It is not unusual for Oshawva, visited Mr. and Mrs. a company to spend years and! Cecil Burton and !amily o hundreds o! thousands o! dol- Sunday evening. lars only to find that the drug MTr. and Mrs. Dave Bothwell, is obsolete by, the time it is Sr. spent Sunday at the cottage ready for the medical market. on Twin Lakes. And even when a new drug is Mr'. and Mrs. Charles George, produced on a commercial ba- Mxs. Irene Patterson, Toronto' sis, further research is embark- Miss Blanche Taylor, Mrs. W. l ed upon to 50e what otiier im Woolloy, Bob and Roger, Osh- provements can ho made. qwa, visited Mi'. and Mxs. 13alsSnowden. It is estimated that Nor'th Mr. George Hall Islington, Ainerican pharmaceutical com- was a supper guest witl Mr'. panies last year spent more and Mi's. Tom McGuirk last than $140,000,000 on researchi Tuesday ovoning. and development. Nor' is this Mr. and Mrs. John Jager and out o! lino whon it is rememi- family, Mii'. and Mrs. John Bol- bered that it costs ground $75,- ahood< and Michael, ail o! Osh- 000 a year to pay and equip just awa, called on Mi'. and Mrs. one pharmacoutical sciontist. Jimi Lavei'ty on Sunday. In addition ta researceh and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mann, Mrs. developmont, one o! the major Wilf MeLean attended the Gen- pi'oblems is that o! finding a oral Motors Office League means o! producing a drug xi Bowling Banquet and4 dance, at order ta make it available ini the Legion Hall, Whitby, on quantity. The discovery of the Saturday evening. pharmaceutical li the Jabora- Mr. and Mxs. Clare Kidd, tory is only bal! the batie. Oshawa, called on Mr'. and Mrs. Equally important is the dis- Zdward David. covery of ways and means of Mîr. and Mrs. T. Bower, Oh producing rapidly and in quan- awa, Mr. and Mi's. Char'les Per- tlty s0 that it wîll ho available ry, Chathamn, Miss Anne Ken- ta every doctor in Canada just ne'dy and Mx. George Edwards, as fast as possible. Oshawa, were Sunday guests o! It is na exaggeration to, say Mr. and Mxs. William Anderson. that li the past twa decades, Miss Marion Snowden, To: more drugs anid other pharma- ronto, spent the weekend with ceutical preparations have been lier parents, Mr'. and Mxs. made available ta, the medical Charles Sxiowden. profession than were kxiown htr. and Mxs. Gardon Beech,i since the dawn o! history. If Janice and Bonnie, and Mrs. E. n this soems a]niost unbelievable, Ashton, were Sunday guests of t it is a matter of record that ap- Mr'. and Mrs. Steward Rodman, proximately 400 new pharma- Part Penny. ceutical preparations are offer- Mr. and Mns. S. R. Mann, ii ed commercially in Canada each Carolyn, David and Jimmy, yoar. And this represents only vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tay- a those preparations wbich have lor, in Barrie, on Sunday. ti passed the most exacting tests Miaple Grove Home and ii and have been appnoved by both Sehool Association will meet on P the medical professions and1 Wednesday, May 9, at 8 p.m. d 85C à &P MI"1' BIRTHDAY NEW LOW COFFE PRICES! 8 O'CLOCK 1-1b. ea 53C 3-lb. bag 1.53 AÀt/NI VER SA R Y SPECIAL S! A&P Rua. 2 btla 37-SAVE 4e KETCHUP 2 i1-oz btls 33c Bakeasy Reg. lb 26-BAVE go SHORTENING 2 1-lb pkgs 43C Rogular & Quart,. Reg. 2-Ibs 656.-BAVE lle MONARCH MARGARINE 4 1 -lb pkgs 99c Jane Park.r (8S, 3-a« pie) CHERRY PIE Jan@ Parker LARGE ANGEL CAKE Fan.y Quality ALP KERNEL CORN chose. Quaiity A&P PEAS Ioa& PEAUS Reg. 56.-BSAVE Oe each 49c Re.. o-4AVE te eaci, 45c R*9. 2 t'ne 21.-BAVE 3. 3 8-oz tins 29e Reg. 2 tins 310-BSAVE 3o 4 20-oz tins 59c Reg. tin 290-BAVE te 2 28-oz tins 49e Ail Prime. î,, Ad *uaranteed Through taturday. May ffl, 1959. Red Shield Appeal Now Underway For Captain and Mms Norman Coles of The Salvation Army, the local Red Shield Appeal which bas just commenced, was flot launched with a great fanfare of trumpets or the marching of a band, but rather with the first cries of a littie baby girl who bas corne along to gladden their home. Twenty-month old Brian seems assured that with the help of bis new sister, Brenda, and ail the good people of Bow- manville and district, the campaign objective of $4,150.00 will again be reached this year to assist the Army in its ever-widening work of mercy. Hope Township Ratepayers Protes f Subdivision By -Law Requesf Repeal by Conci More than 100 citizens of Hope Township at a ratepayers' neeting April. 23rd in Can- ton Community Hall voted to request the Township Council in the school. Mxi. and Mrs. Ron Howell and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leslie at- tended the Mixed League Bowl- ing Banquet in St. Gregory's Auditoriom, Oshawa, on Satur- Iay evening. * Congratulations ta Arthlur Hesten, son of Mi'. an*d Mrs. Charles Heston, who was chos- en the best all-round Cadet at the High School Exorcises on Tuesday in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell and family were weekend guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Eric Freeborn, Lindsay. Mr. and Urs. Charles Caber, 'Breslau, Mi'. Don Wilhelm, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rabe, and Dennis, Preston, vis- ited Mi'. and Mrs. Tom Mc- Guirk. Mr. and Mrs. Rober't Bubar, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Spar.row last Tues- day evoning. Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Miss Mildred Snowden attended the Golden Weddung Annîvorsary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wragg, Oshawa, on Saturday evoning. Mrs. John Whalen, Bob and Jack attended the wedding o! Miss Donna McLellan to Mr'. Ronald Hicks in Pickering on Saturday, Mn. and Mis. Manford Good- murphy and famîly, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hindman, attend- ed a party at the homo o! Mr'. and Mrs. Orville Hindman, Hampton, on Saturday evening in honour o! littie Dorothy Hindman's birthday, Mr. and Mis. Robert Shearer, Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shearer, Oshawa, were Sunday evoning guosts o! Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shearer. Miss Normna Ashby and Mr'. George Larocq ue, Oshawa, vis- ited Mr'. and Mrs. Cocil Burton, an Saturday. Mr.' and Mns. Bort Snowden enjoyod a motor trip through Western Ontario last week and cailed on Mr. and Mis. Whit- ney Grass and Mis. Albert Spencer, formonly o! Maple Grove, in Win.gham. Mrs. E. Ashton spent the weekend with hon daughter, Mis. Ira Travail, Oshawa. Many from Maple Grove at- tended the Couples' Club bowl- ing party at the now Motor City Aileys Oshawa, on Saturday eveig. Mr. Donald MeLellan, Ajax, visited his daughter Mirs. John Whalen on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mis. Alber't Both- well and family Hampton, vis- ited Mr. and Mis. John Mac- Lean, on Wednesday evening. Mrs. E. S. Wiloughby Cal- gary, Alberta, is visiting hon sister Mrs. Cocil Jeffery and family. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dewell, Mr. and Mis. Murray Cain and Mrs. William Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sloep, ail o! Bow- manville, Mi'. and Mrs. Wos Down, Oshawa, attended a par- ty ini honour o! Mn. Bort Snow- den's birthday on Saturday evening at the homeofa!Mr. and Mrs. Bort Snowden. .- Mr'. and Mis. Cecil Jeffei'y wore Sunday tea guests with Mn. and Mrs. Herbent Osborne, Ebenezer.1 ta repeal tho sub-division con- trol by-law passed several months ago. Stuart Gray and Elmore Scott, former reeves of the township, as well as George Finnie, Ed Ruthven and Noray Goheen were appoînted a dele- gation ta take the request to the council at its next meeting on May 1. The vote on the resolutioxi to request repeal was passed 111 to 0, with a few abstentions. Restrictive By-law Mr. Goheen read the by-law to the meeting, and Mr. Ruth- ven read a letter from a soli- citoi' explaining the effect of the by-law, which requires a registered plan o! sub-division or the consent o! the planning board before any parcel o! land under ton acres in size can be sold, givon away or leased for 21 years or more. Deputy-Reeve George Staplo- ton, pointed out that he could only speak for himsell and not1 for the council, said ho had voted for the by-law because it was the only planning legisia- tion available to the township1 ,at the time, and ho felt somei sort o! control over undosirable development was necessary. Has No Choice Mr. Stapleton said thero were features o! the by-law he did flot particularly like, but ho felt the township had no choice but to enact it. Mr. Finnie said the provisions of thc by-law were dictatorial and constituted an infringement o! the basic rights o! the indi- vidual. Ho questioned whether certain provisions could bo on- forced if a pipeline or hydro wires wero being installed. Cites Resuits, Bad Planning The Rev. G. W. Wright, o! Canton United Church, told the meeting o! the results o! bad planning ho had seen in many parts of Ontario, and urged the people to take a broad view o! the matter. Mr. Stapleton pointed out that a multiplication of small holdings in the township would be costly to the farmer in in- creased taxes for schools and services. Mr'. Scott suggested that re- presentatives of the meeting meet with the council and plan- MOTHER'S -INUPý- - M R OTELS RESTAU RANT FRUIT COCKTAIL CUP Roasi Young Tom Turkey - New England Cranberry Sauce flaked "Chef's Own" Virginia Ham - Pineapple Sauce Broiled Loin Cul Pork Chops - Green Applesauce Roasi Haif Spring Chicken - Crabapple Jelly Pan Fried Individual Rainbow Troul - Lemon Butter Assoried Cheese Tray ning board and try to draw up Mrs. Adam Sharp, were Sun,. the type of legisiation needed day tea guests of Mr'. and Mm', in the township, so that it could Iyva Sharp. be presented to the provincial Mi si- Sylvia Ryan, Mi' Jon governent for approval. Thor i pson, Toronto, spee~Sun. As first presented to the day i;vith Mr. and Mrs. E. Me. meeting the resolution request- Nair. ing repeal contained a clause Mr. . and Mrs. im toes: statin.g that no planning or zon- ter. i Monica and R~ o ing were necessary li the town- ronto, vere Sunday v 0 ship at Ulis time. At M.r. Scott's Mr'. a nd Mrs. A. L. Wear suggestion this clause was dele- Mr.* and Mrs. Leonard ted with the general support of!ton nd family were withl Mr. those present. and .lVirs. R. Hope and Mr. C. Goverament at Fault Mllls. Port Perry. It was stated by several rate- Y&. ,and Mrs. L. Fawns, Port payers that they bore no ani- Perry,, were Saturday evening mosity toward the council or visitoi'.-Sof Mr. and Mrs. E. Mc. the planning board, but t.hat Nair. the provincial government was Mrq. N. Çollacutt, Bowman. at fault for flot having more ville, spent the weekend witli suitable legislation available for Mýr. ai -,d Mrs. Wallace Griffin. a rural township. Ver: r pleased to report Mrs. The members of the planning E. Sti.N itt is iinproving each day. board were flot present until U' ungl People's Union the end of the meeting because The regular meeting o! the of a regularly scheduled meet- Young People's Union was held ing of the board.-Guide. at tho p1-arsonage on May 4th at 8:00 çi .in. The meeting opened with C arrol Wright in charge ENNISKILLE the worship based on Mis. ENNIS ILLEN sions ai id World Outreach. The ]irogram was thon turn. See COMing Events regard- ed ovei- to Glenn Larmer and ing Anniversary Services. Helen ~'Y an Camp of the Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson Presbyti ?ry Executive. Theyr and famnily, Mr. and Mrs. Ray gave a very interesting talk on Swan, Roger and Koith, Bow- home mi issionis. It was given in manvillo, Mr'. and Mrs. Donald the fon ,n of a day at school. Lee and fainily, Oshawa, were They lh id where the United with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fer- Church Missions were located guson. and how they need much help. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters, Nancyv Wood was'in charge of Gail, Darlene and Cindy, Bow- the recre iation. Lunch was serv- manville, Miss Ruby Virtue, ed by ) Laura Feilder, Louise Toronto, were Sunday visitors Hartman and Mrs. Logan. Meet- of Mr. andMxs. Ralph Virtue. ing close cl, with Taps. Mr'. and Mrs. Ed. Cox and family, were with Mr'. and Mrs. Joe McFarland, Uxbridge. NestTorono, Mss Maguer Mr. and Mrs. Edward Van ite Wright, St. Catharines, Mr'. > and Mrs. Pat Tresise and Girls, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and MIrs. N. E. Wright's. ~ Y- Miss Marjorie Bruder, Bow- manville, visited Miss Doris Wright and assisted oui' Junior Choir with a solo "My Task". Messrs Gordon Stevens, John Griffin and Arthur Brunt, were Sunday visitors with How- ard Pye at Whitby Hospital. (' Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Gettins and Patti, Caesarea, were with1 Mr. and Mrs. P. Ells. Mr. and Kenneth Lamb, Port Credit, Mirs. Cocil Wilson, Miss Gwen Wilson, Mrs. Her- mnSamelis, Nestl.eton, Mr. and A D'1JRO PUMP'- Mrs. Ralph Lamb, Enniskiiilen, Ni'. Allan Wray. Bowmanville. Means Better Living1! were with Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb and Miss Ruth Lamb. U'R DURO Water Sys- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Williams ..tem gives us fresh, pure and familY, Wallace Aber- water iie hon and where we nethy, Tottenham,4 were Sun- need it ... adds to our con- day visitors at Mxr. and Mrg. venience and comfort of daily Russell Griffin's. lUfe. Mirs. Lorne Lamb spent Mon- day with Mirs. Roy Dickey and DUR<'1' Pumps are avO.l Miss Rota Dickey, Hampton able in aUI sizes to meet in- Mr. 're Tmswere dividual needs. Sec your with hE'. and Mr. levi Pluxnber or DURO dealer Mountjoy, Hampton. for ful l î formation or write Mr. and Mrs. M.. C. Brown, fo FREI folder, 68Ruzinin jBowmanvîlle, were visitors Watuý thi,, Pri.N.oe.e. with. 1&. and Mns. A. Ledet or. Captain and Mns. H. W. Gregg, Don and Michael, Glenburnio, Maryland, were weekond guests with her parents, Mi'. and mxs. Adain Sharp. Mr. Edwin Ormniston, Cour- tice, was a Sunday tea guest o! Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Martin] Bowmianville, Mn&. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp were recont visitors of Mi'. and Mrs. R. Virtue. -r. and Mrs. D. J. Napier, Miss Nancy Mitchell, Toronto. were visitors of Mr. and Mxs. O. C. Ashton. Miss Lorna Wearn, Grace P M S UIiLt Hospital, Toronto, spenlt Mon- PR O T N R day with her parents, MT. andLI TE , Mrs. A. L. Wearn. La11E F -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Colla- LONDON - CANADI cutt and Joanne, McMul- Ion, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs..a , m ueu D. Yoo and Lorna, Oshawa, JACK 18ROUbK were with Mr. and 3M. Gordon Yeo. Captain and Mxi. H. W. PLUMBING and H[EATING Gregg, Donald and Michael, Division .9 treet South Glexiburnie, Maryland; Mr. Bull A -51 DO M WIL Kay, Toronto, Mr'. and Mrs.MA -51 BW NF]L Ross Sharp and Kathy, Mr. and______ _____ DA'Y .m ~IJ ~È~CNd 'N Oven Brown ctir Whipped Pola Loes Carroi Fingers: Butiered BroccvoI! RoIls and Bufiàr Muffins Tea, Coffee, Mill A LA CARTE FROM OUR BROILER: PORTERHOUSE, T-BONE, FILET MIGNON, STEAKS, served wiih Mushroom~ Caps and French Fried Onions THE LOWEST COFFEE PRICES SINCE 1949 BOXAR CGFFEE & One Pound bag 61___ ic Vacuum Pack CGFFEE 6à5 3 pound bag $1.77 One Pound tin _______ ij A LA CARTE APPETIZERS:- COCKTAILS: Jumbo Shrimp $1.35, Lobster -1.25 Relish Tray - 65c Cream of Chicken Soup, Consomme au Sherry, OR Tomalo Juice, Apple Jiiice PRODUCE SPECIALS' New Spring Crop, No. 1 Grade, Fresh, Tender Green ASPARAGUS n29c Freh, No. 1 Grade, Vine Ripened, Salmon Flesh CANTALOUPE JUMBO PACK «29c__ Assoried Frui Pies - Individual Sirawberry Shoricake - Creamy Rice - Pudditig Vanilla Ice Cream "J"rj. %-Pàl J. £. 3ý-%j TEr

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