TIIURDAY, MAT 7th, 1959 E AIDA rTS NOWAVLOTROPAET NY-N BIG MEDICAL BILL $1 7,540,44 ý*Paid Out bis totalling S17,540,- were paid in 1958 on behaîf Of subscribers of Physicians' Services Incorporated. This isi an increase of S2,312,792 over 1957 and represents 95 percent Of the total income received fromn subsciptions last year. Administration costs were $1,- 545,658 or 8.4 percent of income. This was reported by Dr. R. M. Anderson, of Oakville. Prtt- sidtent of P.S.I. at the annual meeting of the Corporation's HRouse of Delegates at the Roy- al York Hotel. Dr. Anderson said P.S.I. pro- eessed 1,986,878 medical dlaims, in 1958, an increase of 202.862, over 1957. He said a large por-1 tion of this increase was duie to Public demand for preventive innoculations against polio and Ifluenza. There was an increase of both subscribers and participat- ing physicians during the year. Subscribers increased by 105,- 731 to 861, 243. Participating Physicians totalled 4,964; 3,176 general practitioners and 1,788 apecialists. Despite the record-breaking Volume of business in 1958, Dr. ,Anderson reported that P.S.I. lbst $704,3 14. He said this loss, combined with an increase in 'benefits ta subscribers, made It necessary for P.S.I. ta increase its rates for both the Compre- hensive and In-hospital medi- cal plans on March 1 of titis year. The toast to C.G.I.T. wVas given by Mrs. K. Smith and re- plied to by Audrey Smale who pres-ented the leader, Mrs. A. Blanchard, with a corsage. F4 A sing-song was led by Pl- 56 in1958J( anne Macnab after which ahe întroduced the guest speaker Mis. Wolfe of Blackstock, Mn b f~S I presented her with a cors"e by P S She chose as her subject Kie Road Ahead". Extnsin& o PS.I plns hi INra. Reed, President of W.1 Extnsinsto .SI. las tisM.S., brought greetinga and year include; raising the age best wishea from the W.M.S. limit for dependents fmomn 18 to 19 years; reducing the ob- A very enjoyable programý stetica watingperod romfollowed with skits by Darlene stetica watingperod momHall and Louise Terrill, Janet 10 to 8 months; increasing x-ray and Sheila MacNeil, vocal dueta benfit frm $5 t $a. Sandra MacNab and Darlene A new medical plan was Fowler, Katherine Hall anrad st . y P.S.I. during the past Sheila MacNeil; urttb year. It is an invididual, in-hos- Jov Hoskin, Lînda Smnale. Julie1 pital, plan for self-emnployed 1 Payne and Suzanne Gray. persons or those employed in a Eva Yeo thanked the speaker company of four or less. More 1 and the Service Club ladies who than 6,000 joined the plan infi ,eried. A ver3- enjoyable even- 1958. ing was bronight to a close by' The advent of the govern- all singing Taps. ment sponsored hospital insur-11 ance plan, and the withdrawal of Blue Cross from the field of providing medicai services, resulted in P.S.I. taking over the administration of the Blue Cross S.O.M. plan for the first haîf of 1959. This affected near- ly 500,000 people in Ontario who have the opportunity of tansferring ta a P.S.I. plani either before or after July lst. To date many groups have switched ta the P.S.I. In-hospi- taI plan.1 P.S.I. is a non-profit, prov- ince-wide service sponsored by j the physicians of Ontario as aij method of bringing medical, surgical and obstetrical services to the people of'the Province on a pepaid basis. Participat- ing physicians agree to accept 90 percent of the 1955 Ontario Medical Association schedule of fees. Mothers and Daughters Enjoy C.G.I.T. Banquet NAMVPTON - The Hampton Club ladies served. C.G.I.T. Mother and Daughter AnBlopeiet ce Banquet was held in the Com- a missof cremide and muniy Cntreon pril27. proposed the toast to the Queen Fifty-six mothers, daughters, and Miss Mary Ni.ddery played leaders and guests sat down to the Queen. Lorraine Cook pro- a bountiful repast which was posed the toast to mothers and prepared by the leaders andj1guests and the reply was given girls and foui of the Service' by Mirs. D. Hall. S-CLUB GOLF BAO - Waterproef. Indestructible b ot t e . ZlPPered bail pocket. Padded dling ..... -7.«5 10-CLUBD1400DDBAO - Mater- bait pocket. Worth $15 109 14-CLUS MEN'S BAO - ZlPPered sweater and bal pocketse129 Wort h up to $20. 129 SP-CLUB LADIES' DAO $ mort rebd plaid. Zlppered bil 12.95 Pocket. S1. velue. alup.rDeLuxe 14-CLUB BAO - "'Bmdie" plaid, tan vînyl trîi. P.dded sling. .9 as value. aprefStfal' "18-CLUB BAO - Brown vinyl, fu eongth sweater pocket, boot PoCket, ball 2S.95 Pockat. 6tu value. *::&.. R FIGHTand ROLL 'TC. I. Open* or cssmi 3 seconds - wheels drop Inte place automatlcally. Adluatable te carry aH i ie bas. Rigid, rust-reslatant Iightweight ai- umlnum tublng end re-Inforced alumlnum die cuit parts; chromne plated steel shaft. 319 10" wheels with seml.pneumaticttires. _ PUATURE VALUE 19.93 *OLF H4EAD COVIRS - C@OI«ed mYle wlth e.ntreattng idetlficatte "M"m 1 fi I,4. sUae.--. 79 GOLIF BALLS SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis, Miss Pat Davis, and Mi. Ross Kossatz, were Saturday evening tea guests of MUr. and Mrs. Jlm Hall, Oshawa. Mrs. Harold Pascoe was hot-' es,ý for a miscellaneous shower honoring her niece, Mary Cry- derman, bride of this week, on Friday night. Guests included friends and close relatives. Mother's Day services will be held on Sunday, May 10). This will le a combined ser- vice at 2:45 o'clock, when Rev. Reed will also conduct a bap- tismal service. The Women's Institute will meet Thursday evening, May 14 at 8:15 o'clock. Mis. E. Cryderman and is. Wes Yeflowlees attended the 50th anniversary reunion at the Peterborough Teachers' Col- lege on Saturday. Mrs. H. E. Tink attended an- niversary servJice at Hamptni and visited at Mr. and MS Perey Dewel's. Mrs. J. Yellowlees recentlyl visited her sister, Miss Ida Rey- nolds, who is now a patient in Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, Toronto. Mi. and Mis. Chas. Langmaid and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ashton and child- ren, Bradley's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid 100 Church Si. BOWMANVI LLEI 4-H Club The second meeting of <'Dressing Up Home GroI# Vegetables" was held at th home of Barbara Hooey on April 29 at 7:30 p.m. There were eleven girls present. We opened the meeting by repeating the 4-H Pledge in un.ison, after whichite min- utes of the last meeting were read and approved. We decided th.e name for oui club will be "Solina's Garden Gais". The roll caU "Bing one good sant- ple of a vegetable available at home", was answemed by the, girls. Our leader, Mrs. Vice, gave us the following subject mat- ter: "Advantages of a Garden", "Quality in Vegetables," "Veg- etables For AUl Occasions," "Preparation and Service of Vegetables", and "Vegetable Cookery". Our assistant leader. Mis. Cryderman, instructed us on the rnaking of "Ceamed Carrots". "Stuffed Baked n ions," and also the cooking of spinach. The girls divided ito groups and each prepamed one of the three mentioned above. The next meeting wil be held on May lSth at the home of Pat i Davis. Lunch was served and as a part of it we tasted what we had prepared. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mxs. Van Bcek, Pori- typooi, were Surnday visitors at Mrs. MeLag.gaii's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Penwarden and Anne and Mrs L. Penwam- cen .: Swiday evenîng cal ers at ilàaNlrs. vlorey Kel- lett's, Janetville. and also call- ers at Mm. and Mrs. Harold Murphy's. Mr. Paul Van D. Brink and Nellie Schiper, Whitby, were Sunday supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk'a. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk were Sunday evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Van Dam's. Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk were Satuiday evening visitars at Mi. and Mrs. Harold DeMille's, Bowmanville. Msr. and Mrs. Herb Cameron, Tyrone, were Sunday visitors at Mi. and Mis. R. Cameron's. Mr. and Mms. Charlie Pen- warden and famnily, weme Sat- urday evening visitors at Mmi. Govac's and Gabriel. Mr. and Mis. E. Penwarden and Anne, Mrs. L. Penwarden ahd Raymond Camemon weme Satumday evenlng visitors at Mi. and Mis. Ed. Fowlem's, Bow- manville. WHAT OTERS SAY EVERY KNOCK A BOOST. 0111e M. James in the Cincinnati Enquirer. A fellow on the bus noticed that a passenger acroui the asle was looklng at hlmn and mnaking a sketch on a pad. Cur- Iosity overcame hlm and he said: "Are vou an artist?" "WeU, not exactly", eplied the straia- Ser. "I design doorlcnockmr." Plan Agricultural Program for the Summer i visited on Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. WiUl Moffatt, Orono. > Mr. and Mrs. M. McCarreil and Marilyn, Omemee, were Sunday visitors with M.r. anid Mrs. Wes His and ahildren. Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice. Taun- ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook Su- san and Francie, Bowmanville, John and Kenny Ovenden, Oshawa, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiestlake Jr's. Mr. and MIrs. E. Spires visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Spires, Toronto. jMrs. Ernest Hockaday and Mrs. Sid Hockaday visited on Sunday at Mr. Wilfrid Sander- son's at Columbus. Mis. Elmer Wilbur, Hampton, visited at Tom Baker's. Mr. Jack Baker visited at Mr. and Mrs. Roy , Philp's, Port Hope. jGail Baker visited at Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell's, Hamp- ton. jMr. and Mrs. I. Hardy and Stanley, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Sid Carnish's, Hampton. Mrs. George Skinner, Stephen and Michael, Peter and Ross Grooms, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Werry and Mrs. M. Mof- fatt, Oshawa, were guests of the Werry's at Roselandvale. Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer, Blackstock, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and child- ren. Mrs. Don Taylor and William, Miss Elsie Samis, Enfield, visit- ed at Mr. and Mrs. F. Aberne- thy's, Oakwood. Mr. and Mis. E. Cryderman were Sundayguests of Mr. and Mis. R. Van Horne at Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow and Ross, Starkville, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and f amTiy. M.r. and Mrs. Wni. Knox, Mis. Ken Pascoe, Donna, Debbie and Denise, Brougham, were Sun- day guests of Mi. and Mrs. Har- ry Knox and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson, 1Toronto, visited on Saturday at Mi. J. Klvell's. Mr. J. K.ivell an*d Miss Pearl Leach visited on Sunday wîth Mr. and Mis. N. Leach, Taun- ton. Wedding beUls are ringing! Soccer Officers A well-attended meeting was held Monday night, April 27, in the school when the Solina Soc- cer team had their election of officers for 1959. They are as follows: President, Wes Yellow- lees; Vice-president, Joe Snow- den, Seeretary-treasurer. Arnot Wotten; Finance Committee, L. Kellett, Wea Werry, Ewart Leask; Field Committee, D. Flett, Ronnie Broome, Ken Spires; Collection Comniittee, D. Flett, R. Davis, H. Knox, M. Vice, H. Yellowlees; Manager, R.alph Davis; Coach, to be ap.. pointed. Coach for Junior team, Tom Baker; banager, Lloyd Broome. Teamn Representatives, Rae Pascoe, Francis Wotten, Russell MeQuaid; Referees for Junior Games, Don Taylor, Bruce Taylor. Keith Cryder- Man. BROWN'S Brown's Home and School Club held their annual card par- ty and draw at the school on Friday evening, May lst. There were eight tables of euchre. Mrs. James Curson won the la- dies' high prize and also the prize for the most lone hands. Mrs. Hilda Simpson held the ladies' second high score. The top two men's prizes were won by Mr. Archie Brown and Mi's. May Sinclair. Lunch was served and then Mis. Curson, president of the Club, had Master Ray Brown pull from the tin the lucky ticket. holder of which would receive the electric pop-up toaster. Mr-. Jack Crago, Newcastle, was the lucky win- ner. Second prize, a box of gro- ceries, was won by Mrs. Ai-ville Partridge, Orono. Miss Georgie Simpson was ill ail last week and unable to go to school. Miss Gloria Smith, Bowman- ville, with Miss Peggv Simp- son. Mrs. Caîl spent last weeken.J with hem daughter, Mrs. R. Simpson, and took in the card Party at the school. Several fromn the neighbor- hood attended the Cadet Inspec- tion at Bowmanville High School on Tuesday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Cafl included Mr. and Mrs. F. Warren, Mr. C. War- ren, his daughter Joyce and granddaughter Janet, Mis. Wm. Parkinson and daughtem, Violet. Mi. and Ms. W. Cail and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Simp- son and family attended a fam- ily shower for a relative in To- ronto who is to be married on Saturday. Plan to attend Open House at Brown's Sehool on Thurs- day eveni.ng, May 14th from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The children's work will be on display and the teachers extend an invitation to parents and other interested adulta of the section. Tea will be served. Air, Rail or Steamsbip TI1C KET S TO EVERYWHERE Consult J UR Y & LO0V EL L 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowmanville VAN I. ______________________ If you are in the market for a good used car . .. here is your chance to buy at clearance prices. 1957 OIds. Super "88" 4-Dr. Sedan Hydramatic transmission. Custom radio. One owner car. 2-tone in corai and ivory. In Iovely shape. 1957 Chev. Coach Dark green, very dlean. One owner car. 1956 Dodge Coach V-8 with Power Flite trans- mission, custom radio. One owner car. Reconditioned and very clean car. 1955 Chev. Sedan Black with white top ALL RECONDITIONED Ail Privately Owned Cars w. ROY 1954 Plymouth Sedan Dark blue, in A-1 shape 1956 Deluxe 2-Dr. Chev. Station Wagon Two-tone, 6-cyl. with Power Flite. Radio. One owner car in good shape. 1952 Pontiac Sedan Nice clean car in good shape. 1953 Olds. "88" 4-Dr. Sedan 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1950 International Truck 4-ton, complete with hoist and dump. - READY FOR THE ROAD -Mostly One Owner NUCHOLS Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Cars BOWMANVILLE Chevrolel Trucks Phone MA 3-3353 BELLE NOW COURTICE Phono NA 3-3922 DARDENS OPEN (Just East-p of Solina Rd. on Hwy. No. 2) PHONE MArket 3-m5757 We Carry a Complete Line of the Finest Garden Supplies FRUIT AND SHADE TREES - ROSES ASPECIALTY OutstandingValue!! -19 58 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN Two-tone green, 6-cyl. with standard transmission, radio, rear seat speaker, windshield washers, back-up lights. One owner, sold by us. Low mileage. GOLF BAGS1 "Nadco" GOLF CART,/ DistnceSuit omresiom»70Practstlson lfalis 05 0 P o d efftOtF.&urbaaMe. M CAWAMUN STATESUM, BOWMANV=M, ONTARM PAGE TWE=-ON.E The Department of Agriculture office here was a Ag. Rep. here in 1950. He is also Sec.-Treas. of Ontario busy place on Monday when these four gentlemen met to Jr. Farmers. E. B. "Ted" Burnside was welcomed to Bow- plan proposed summer activities for both Northumber- manville following bis recent fuli-time appoîntment as land and Durham counties. Included in the group, from special assistant in the Northumberland and Durham left to right, Durham's Agricultural Representative A. 0. districts. He was here last year as summer assistant. On Daîrymple, Arthur G. Bennett who is Assistant Director the extreme right is Ralph Banbury, well-known Agricul- of Extension with the Department and a former assistantitural Representative from Northumberland.