* ~ ~ r ,THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 19c9 Tm! <!ATIITAT>TAM fl'rA'PWA?.IAW UP~WEIA'PJ'~7W1iU P~Mq'Au?,~ -- - p~* -~ n ~ PAGE ~ ing Events Notices T ay 23rd at Lions L. C. Mason's Law Office clos- Cenjte, 3 to 6 p.m. Sponsored ed until May 26 next. 19-3* .sion 50c. 19-3 Dr. Storey's office will be -'l'_ closed May l3th to about the ýyiIrtered bus to Buffalo Vic- 27th. 19-2* toria Holiday weekend, May 16- 18. For information telephone Chiropractor - Magnetiseuse. MMIr. H. T. Colmer, MA 3-3265. Mrs. A. Borgerink. Main Street, 19,1 Orono, Ont. Phone 1732. 18_4 1 MaY 8th and 9th. The Orono To whom it may concern: PloYer. are presenting the 3-act 1 wilI flot be responsible for any CoMedy "Yu Can't Take It debts of Lawrence Carnochan WlhYU" In the Township Hall, fo hsdt n Oronc t 8:15 p.m. 19-1 E. Carnochan. 19-1* Olde Tyme Dancing Dates: Persons missed in the Cancer JiM Fisher's Orchestra. Satur- Blitz on Thursday, April 30, who day, MaY 9, Coldsprings. Fr., wish to donate can have their May 15-Coldsprlngs. Saturday, contribution plcked up by call- MAi' lG--Greenfleld (near Mont- ing MA 3-7086 after 5 p.mn. 19.1 ).a Clip out.191 Statlng Saturday, Apnil 25, <:: dance& wilU be held every two week. i the Orange Hall, 'POntypool, with Clora Nesbitt's Musc Makens ln attendance. Gente 75c, Couple $1.25. 19- 1 Woodview Community Centre Local Improvemeni -Mongtor Bingo. Twenty gamnes Ntc -tWenty dollars; five gomnes- thirty dollars; $150 Jackpot, and N tc twa Jackpot$ at $250. Door Tk Prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Tk Notice Thaif Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf 1. The Couneil of the Corpora- Dutch Players Group of Osha- tion of the Town of Bowmanvileg Wa presents a 3-act play "Amor lntends to construct as a Local1 Speel Ver Stoppertje" -in the Improvement a water main 'on To~ Hall, Bowmanville, on the followlng streets between7 Satrdays May 9 at 8 o'clock. the Points mentioned: Dlalect ln Dutch. Admission SCUGOG ST.e $1.00 at the door. Door pnize. from Jaekinan Road to Mlli Lanep Ail welcome. 19-1 * MILL LANE Enniskillen Suriday School fromn Seugog St. te Seugrog St.T AnlerayServices will be and intends to speciaily assess a e held Sunday, May 17 at 2 and part of the cost of the land abut- t- 7:30 p.m. Rev. Ted Kersey, ting directly on the work. P Wilmer Heights Church, Scan- 2. The estimated cost of the boregh, wl be guest speaker work is $22,900.00 of whichE for ge dy A supper' and S3,437.54 is to be paid by the r 18.ièy concert on Monday, May Corporation. The estimated O w eek.p a ti u ar n x ow n ers cost p er foot fron tage is gi _______________ 9-1___ $2.58. The special assessinent Is tc to be paid in twenty (20) equai B owmanvilîe and annuai Instaliments and the estlmated owners' rate per footT District Red Cross Sinae a2.3e -- MONTHLY MEETING Wednesday, May 13 8 o'eiock BOWMAN VILLE * COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mlembers, representatlves and public are urged to attend Marriage 'TRAIN - CHAMBERS -. The inarriage ef Mrs. Marion Eleanor Chambers and Frank Elvet Train, both of Oshawa, was so1çnIzed ln the pason g e of Ring Street UniterdChurch on Saturclay, April 25th. 1959, with the Reverend Mervin A. Bury. officiating. 19-1 VOUND A use for ait your old elothlnt. rugs, blankets. rags, etc. <Any material acceptable) Please donate tb the "Guide Rag Drag' MAY l6th 3. Aipplication wil De made Dy the Corporation te the Ontario Municipal Board for its apprev- ai of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may wlthin twenty-one days after the first Publication of this notice, file with the Board his objections te the sald work being undertaken. 4. The said Board may approve of the said work belng under- taken but. before doing so, It niay appoint a time and place when any objection to the said work wiii be consldered. Dated at Bcwmanviiie this 30th day cf April, 1959. R. B. REYNOLDS, Town Cierk. 18-2 Engagements For Rent PASTURE for 15 head of cattie. Phone 14 r 17, Orono. 19-1 PASTURE for 10 head of cattle. Phone Clarke 5 r 03. 19-1* MODERN 2-bedroom apartmnent, 4-piece bath. Phone Newcastle 3366. 19-2* APARTMENTS for rent, 3 and 5 rooms. Heated. Phone MA 3-5578. 16-tf IN Newtonville three rooms and bath. AdLIts preferred. Phone Clarke 5 r 03. 19-2* HAVE pasture for 10 heifers of accredited and listed herd. Tele- phone Blackstock 82 r 1-1. 19.1* FOUR-room apartrnent, central. Immediate possession; heated. Apply Jack Randail, 12 Division st. 19-1 LARGE room, gentleman. Tele- phone privileges. Board If de- sired. 205 King St. East. MA 3-3186. 19-1* FOUR-room cottage for rent or sale, also 5-room upstalrs apart- ment for rent. Phone 8 r 10, Orono. 19-11 STORE, heated, Division St., suitable for real estate, dry goods, etc. Apply Jack Randaîl, 12 Division St. 19-1 THREE-roomed heated apant- ment, heavy wired, separate entrance and bath. Immediate possession. Phone MA 3-2436. 17-tf rHREE-room heated apartment, mne bedroom, living-room, kitch- en, bath. Built-in cupiboards, ;ile floors, central No children. Phone MA 3-7201. 19-1* DOWNSTAIRS duplex, four rooms, 3-piece bath, sun-room, oil heated, private entrance. ganden. Highway No. 2, close to school and church. MA 3-2158. 19-1 rHREE-roomed heated opart- nent. Available immediately. Sepanate entrance. Ail conven- iences. Adults only. Rent $60 nonthly includes light and wat- er. Phone MA 3-3408. 19-1 ie r ei Repairs _ RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED televis ion and radio service, te ail makes. Same day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned, ta ail makes of electnie motons. Higgon Elec- tric, 38 King East, Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf Mr. nd rs.IvanL. ochREPAIRS te ail makes o! sew- Mr.an Ms.Iva L Cch ing machines. Free pickupgand nane, Courtice, wish te an-dlvr. aetl nounce the engagement ef their. Centrey5 Laengty.sPBng A second daughter Marlene Leona Cetre723 Kin.W.Phoo M te Mr. Creighton Ziba Gray, son _______________ et Mr. and Mns. Harold Gray et REPAIRS le aIl makes etfne- Bownianville, Ont. The mar- figerators, domestie and cern- niage will take place on Satur- merdiai: mlking ceolens. Hig- day, June 6th, at 2:30 o'clockat gon Electrîc Limited, 38 King Courtice United Chunch. 19.1* St. E. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tf Mr. and Mns. Winton W. Bag- Tenders Wa'-'t'- neil, Bowmanville, wish te an- neunce the engagement et thein daughter Gail Heather, te Mr. S.S. No. 18 DARLINGTON William Ray Preston, son et Mn.l Cleaning and decorating the and Mrs. Robert D. Preston of Senior Roemn and the woodwork Maple Grove. The wedding in the anteraom. Work to be will take place on Saturday, demie between July 1 and July June 6th, 1959, ai 3 p.m., inTn- 31. Tenders te be In bonds a!1 Ity United Church, Bawan F. L. Bynni, Tyrone, by May 15, ville.191199182 Wounded During Inspection The cadet inspection at Bowmanville High School, Tuesday aftennoon, was m&ed by an accidentai shooting. Cadet Sgt. James Riekard suffered painful injuries toWis lef t hand when a rifle discharged a blank cartridgle follow~ing te display. Ho is a son of Counities Warden anid Mrs. Gariet Riekard, Shiaw's. The wounded cadet wvas rushed to ?lernorial Hospital where lie received meclical attention. John Brid- son and Bill Allison, fellow cadets, visit their comrade following the inspection. hIMemoriam GREENWOOD-In levig me' mory o! Marshall James Green- wood, who died i Orano or May 3rd, 1958. We rnoet every dayin the garden e! menionies I still hear you say "Don'l leave me". Now ai the end et this first sad year-I arn alone Wlth my memenies o! past happy day. together Then some day I'il go the home- warcl way To meet my life's comlpealon of the paît. -Ever remembered b y hit wife and family i ScotlAnd. 10-1* JONES-In loving memory of Alice Moud Jones who paased Rway May 5, 1955. Four years have paused @Ince that sad day When ane ws loved wam called away. God teck hor homie, It was Hi. wViil, But in oui' heanis, she llveth still. --Sadly missed and ever remcm.- bered by her husband Arthur, daugliter Olive and familly McFARLANE--4n bovlng me- mary of Mary McFarlane who passed away May 7th, 1951. Oh happy heurs we once enjeyed How sweel thoir memory stlb But deal has le! t a bonelinea The world can nover f111. -Ever romembered by dauglit. ens Wanda and Lorraine and tamilies. 19-1 McKEE-In loving memory et a dear son and brother, Orma Me- Kee, who passed away May 8th, 1946. In memory, a daily thoughl, In hean, a sulent sorrow. -Ever nemembered by methor, brothers and sisters. 19-1 SIM-.In loving memory of my dear wife, Graco, who passed away May 5th, 1055. Laeking bock with merleai Upon the path y ou trod, I bless the hours I had wlth you And leave the rest with God. -Lovn¶,Iy rememnbered by hus. WOTTrEN-In lovlng memory of a dear mather Ina Wotten who passed away May lfth, 1940. Wo who loved you, sadly miss yeu Ais it dawns another year, In our lonely heurs cf thlnking Thoughtà ef y*u are ever near. -Sadly mlssed by the lamlily. 19-1 Auction Sales Plan te attend the large furni- ture sale ai the Durham County Sale Arena, Orano, Friday even- ing, May 8th. Sale ta commence promptly ai 8 pa..Terme cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 18-2* 25 Shorthorn caille, pigs, im- plements,, prfflrty o! Oscar Grahanm, Lot 12, Con. 2, Cari- wright, 1 mile north and %~ mile eass o! Bunketon, on Satunday, May 9th. Torms cash. Sale ai 1:30 o'clock. Ralph Strong, clerk; Ted Jackson, auctioneen. 19-1* IMn. John McMuflen, Lot 6,1 Concession 5, Clarke Township, hait mnile east and haîf mile north of Starkviile, wiIl seli by public auction on Monday, May llth ai 1:30 p.m., ail his farm stock, Implements and some funniture. For pantieulars, see bills. Terms cash, ne reserve. Farm sold. Jack Reid, auction- eor; Lawrence Harris, clark. 19-1* Mr. T. C.' Strikwenda, Lot 1, Concession 2, Hope Township, twa miles east and oe mile1 nonth of Newtonville ha.sasld his farm and will seli by public auction on Saturday, May 9th at 1 p.m., all his farm stock, feed, Fenguson 35 tractor (used veny little); full line ef nearly new iractor machinery. Sec bis. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. Lawrence Honnis, clerk. 19-1* 60 Catile, 50 Hogs, 2 Herses, Gea. White Thresher, John Deere Model A R Tracton, M-H 22 Tracton, 2-ton Truck wlth Buck Rake, Forage Harvester, full line of Implements, Hay and Grain, the property of Allan Rich, Lot 23, Con. 8, Marîposa, on No. 7 Hlghway, 3 miles West of Lindsay or 2 miles east of Oakwood, on Tuesday, May 12. Ternis Cash. Sale at 12:30 sharp. Wm. Weldon and Geo. Greenawvay, clerks; Ted Jackson, auctioneen. 19-1* Cards of Thanks 4th Bawmanville Cub Pack wish te say thanks a million ta ahl those who contributed bailles during aur recent pop bottie drive, lb was a grea i success. 19-1 I would ike to thank nurses and staff o! Memorial Hospital, Dr. Sylvester, fnienda, relatives and neighbours fon their gifla, cards and acts of kindness dur- ing my recent stay in hospitaL. Doreen Quinney. 19-1 I wlsh te thank friends and noighbaurs for the lovely cards and flowers. nurses and staff et Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville during mny tay thora. Special thanks ta Dr. McKenzie. Mrs. Alice Rawe. 19-1 I would like te sincenely lhank ail my good friends, relatives and neighbours who so kindly remembered me with visits, carda, gifla, tbowers and in- quinies duning mny utay ai Pnîvate Patients' Pavilion and St. John's Convalescent Hespitl, Toronto. I especially appreciat- ed the visits, cards, flowers and gifts I neceived tram tniends et my daught.crs and sons. Jean V. Luxton. (Mrs. N. Luxrton). 19-1* I.ct Teacher j(Conbinued from page ont) P. Vivian, ?em. of Parbiarnent for Durhani, and Hon. Dr. h. B. Dymond, provincial miniLster of 1 Surprise Entertalnment A "surprise ententaier"l was 1John James, publisher o! the Canadian Statesman and former tLuberal Member of Parliainent for the riding, whe arrived with 1is caera ta cover the con- ventle tA the insistence of Major Foote, Mr. James junxpod te the platform, exehangoaa fêw gead-natuned quips and led the crowd in a sing-song whlle bàllots wene being counted. "l'il ner live this down", chuckled 1fr. James. Following9 the final eountig 1o! votes, the election cf IMn. Car- ruthers was madle unanimeus at the request o! Mn. Rlckard and the other candidates. While lhe hem neyer hold Public office, the new party standard-bear- er h«a beexi active within the Progressive Conoervative Asso- clation. Ho served 10 years os vice president and has been president for bhe laI six years. He reslgned the prcsidency i order te stand fer the candida- ture. Twcrmiy-six year. a teachen. Mr. Carruthens Is principal o! Dr. Hawkins senior public school in Pari Hope. He lias ar- ranged for necossary beave et absence with lis board of cdu- caion to take on his new res- Ponsibilities. Ho lives at Gar- don Hill with his pnetY wife, YVOnne, and their three daugh- tensi Marion, 16; Karen, 15 and Catherine, six. A Mason and Orangeman, le is aiso Recton's Wanden and Sunday School Su. penindent ai St. paul's Anglican Sisson President The now president o! the Durham Progressive Conserva- Ltive Association, aisoeleecied ai the convention, is Robent Sis- son ef! Cavan Township. 0111cr officers are: vice presiderM: Jack Nesbitt of BI.ackstock, Mrs. Art Bailey of Bbackstock, Tomi Wallace o! Newcastle, Mn.. Dr. J. W. Wright of Millbrook and Mrn. Ruthi Clark.eto Port Hope; decretary breasurer, R. R. Wad- deil, Q.C., of Orone; auditors, l'orbes Hleyland o! Darlingten TownshlIP and Lyle Lowery et Orono. Tuhe convention unanimous1y endorIed the new alote of et. ficers on the recommendation of tho foflowig nomlnating cammitblo: Jack Haniy1ton of Cartwright, Carl Smiith of Pont Hope Forbes Hèyland of Dan- lington, BIll Reid of Clarke and Russell Larl of Cavmn. Followlng nominations, the four candidates were allowed limne for short speech.,. Ail ald. glcwing tribute te Major Fote, whom they asplred, te aucceed. Mr. Carruthera aa.ld, ho soughl election with a spirit of humil- ity and the goneral knewiedge o! hi. own limitatons. Hm ob- joct was te serve aIl residenis of th. ridlng, rega-dlesof pol. itical leaninga. "The Momber must 'le lb. spokesman for all the people and refleci ail their Views., he declarod. Maiden Speech Mr'. Hoaton made lis maiden speech frorm the township hall plattenni, though ho lias been attending meetings ini the build- ing oven the p-ast 25 years. Ho warned that any government is only as stnong as the ni.ii the votera elect t te le giobature. He bold delegafies tbat, regard. leau of the outcome of th. vot- Ing for a candidate he boped ail present would continue te bo red ad work together for the good o f1th. purby. Mvr. Wladyka told th. con- vention thai his main Intercala lay with minorlty groupe. I amn net se muaI, concerned about legislation'thaIt ispassed affecting tht majoity o! peo- pie," ho said. 'II amn more con- cerned about the fcw on the fringes who might be negîci- ed.-people whe live in aparicly populated ancas, people aven 60 but net quite 65, peeple who are unable te make a decent lving. These are the klnd of ~pe I want to, help-the lest sheep." Mr. Wladyka's support- ers fonnied the nolsiesi group ai the gathening though they were net the largesi, as the voting showed. Mr. Rickand tbld delegates: d'if I can serve you in any way 1 shahlie only tee willing ta do se. I make ne great promises but I offer you slncerity, hon- esty and the best that's ini me." Ho said lie knew ail three of bis oppenents as gond tnlends and gond men. He pledged full support te whoever w.as elect- ed. Mr. Rickard said ho lad been atiracted ta tho Conserva- tive party "several years ago" Cards of Thctnls I woiuld like te thank Dr. Syl- v~eser, Dr. Austin, nurses and staff ef Memonial Hospital for their kindnesses, and mnany friends for their cards and gifts sent me durlng my stay In the hospital. Earl Luka. We wish te thank the friendo and neighbors for the farewell party and the gift et a beautiful chrome set and electrilc dock, olso te thank aUl those who heip- ed us get ready for the sale and move. Orr and Edna Venning.* We wish to extend oui' thanka and appreclation for the klnd- ness, messages of syrnpathy and the beautiful flowers received from relatives, fniends and neighbours, also Dr. Rundle. nurses of the Memorial Hospital, the Memorial Park Association, Rev. Turner, Morris Funeral Home in the loss o! a loving wifo and mother. L!ance and Donald Plain. ened by them. And for ail the ACT NOW An unsurpassable FREE HOME PLANNING and ESTIMATING* SERVICE. At your convenience ...TWO MODERN SHOWROOMS TOO *MORTGAGES ARRANGEDe Tour Homo honming Hsadquatrlor OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD, D.wnto a ffice Shwr.om Tar'd, Main Office and Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. 5-RA 3-1617 9 Telephones t. Serve You COURTJCE--RA 8-1611 BOWMANVILLE-MA 3-2130 AJAX-ZENITH Z-9"0 *DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY 'TML 9 P.M. because Of its capable leader. aMip. Marnes Of Moenr M&. Carruthens was nonmin.a. ted by Reeve Vicior Wilson ai Hope Township and seconded by M!rs. John Hamilton ai Blackstock. Mr. Hooton waý nominated by Clare Winslow c1 Cavan and seconded by David Fowler of Milbrook.*1f&. Wlad- yka was nominated by Council- loir T. A. Brandon of Port Hope and seconded by Alex Wooads ci Millbrook. Mr. Rickard ýwas ncminated by Reove Da've lHik- gan cf Bowinanville and sec- onded, by Lavergne Fallis of Millbrook. A lump-in-the-throat lare- well message frcm Major Feote was brighýtened a bit by hlm an- nouncement that ccnsiderab1p work wIll be done this year to improve Ilighway 7A. 'Il know this is flot an integral part ot the province's highways sys- teni," ho said "but I told the gavernment that this streteh ot rcad belongs te, sone znighty fine people.9Y Highway Werk His announcement, cornobor- ated by Dr. Dymond, siated that now construction wili be started shortly on Highway 7A freni Pont Ferry ta . Caesanea and from Bethany ta the j unction with flighway 35. A new' sbretchoh f Highway 401 ton 10 miles east trom N.ewcastle, to Intlude five structures such as overpasses, will also be under. taken immediately. The convention marked moreý than just his fareweil ta politics for Major Foote. It was also hir, 55th birthday and the I 4th an- niversary of the day ho return- ed from Germany to England in the last war. And it was during the sanie week il years ago tihat lie taced bis first nomin- ation meeting in the same hall. Delegaies heard the Major noter ta themn as "ane big, happy Eamilly.>' Ho said his associations with ail had been mosi pleas- ant. "The members et this as- sociation always met me as friends of ability, integniiy and goodwill," ho said. "My menm- ories wîll be cf the fondesi and happiesi nature. M/y sincenest thanks te ycu ail."1 Outstandlnt Contribution Dr. Dymond, the momber for Ontario riding and Ontario min- isien cf Health, Pralsed Major F'oote's outstanding contribu- ion te the Province durlng his term, as iuniston of reforn I-. stitutiens. 'Il took ever thât portfolio after him," said Dr. Dymond, "and belleve mni knaw the tremendous amaunt of work ho Put into lb and thbe tremendous amiount of good ho di." He said Major Foote's deci- sion ta retire was greeted with a feeling of regret throughout the OntioLe glalature. 'Il can say for your colleagues In the Assemb1y," h. told thé hMajor, Liai you wiUl long bo remem- Avallable at mil fîmes, QUALITY MATERIALS AT REASONABLE PRICES. HOME CONSTRUCTION DIVISION. Complote home re- modelling, additions, and repaira OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS THERE'S... Gracious living ahead! Yes .. . graciaus living in fthe farm af indoar and auldoar fun awails anyane wishing faof ake advantage of il. Let Oshawa Wood Products ... ... Help You Reach YOUR Goal Scgn Petiton *(Ceniinued froni page one) Sdivisions, was the question fasked by Mr. Jones. Mr. Green- 1Wodof the Municipal Board stated Iliat fr. Jonts apparent- ly wanted te have the ltownship Provide land for sub-dividers. tMr. Fraser asked questions per- tainlng te restrictions under mleveral sectioné of the. by-law. Alanined At Growth Morley Wynian, chainman of the Darlington planning board, was asked by Mr'. Strike te give the back.ground of the zoning by-law. Mr. Wyman saîd that tho Planning board was formed ini July, 1955. The township coundil becarne elanmed at the scattered gnowth and develôp- ment spnead ail aven the town- ship. The planning board took an inventery of the township, the chainman said. Me said ihat the population et Darlington has incneased 74 percent in the lasi seven years. The increase in the Courtice area in the sanie pc'niod was 124 percent. More than 200 new houses had been buit there. Ib was found in the study made by the planning board that while the population of Danlingion is only 30 percent agniculturai and 70 percent ne- sidential, that the fanniers were carnying 41.5 percent of the taxes. Mr. Wyman stated. The intent cf the by-law is te con- trol grewth, and arrange that the nesidential sectian ot the population carry a tain ahane ef the taxation, he continued. While Mn. Wymian was on the platfonm and was being ques- tioned by the lawy.ers on var- îous provisions of the by-law, the Rev. MT. Reid, Hampton, stood up and started te talk. The chairman called eut te Mn. Reid "One persan ai a trne, please sit down". Mr. Reid ne- people ot Ontario I say we do and will continue te necognizel your great contribution." Dr. Vivian joined in the tri- bute ta Mn. Foote and said le hoped le, continue lis long and close associatian with hlm for many years te corne. Ho said ho lad neyer before seen the township hall se enthusiastic- ally packed. A-1 three speakers predicted lIaI Premier Leslie Prost will once again lead his panty to vlctory ai the polis in Ontario. But lley cauiioned delegates net te, become complacent but te, get out and work to make sure o! victery hIthein niding, Candidate Cannuthers sum- mcd things up wlth a few well. chosen last words about 1.30 a.m. wlhen lie declarêd: "lLet's leave liere deternmned te make this vlctory sure. But first ici'. go home and lave soma break- fast."9 mained standing. Constable H. R. Cornel, O.P.P., went te th. end ot the row where ho W*as and told hlm te ait down. Mnr. Reid then sat. A littie laten a woman called out "That's a lie" when it was istaieci that a public meeting was held. lasi autunin in the town- ship hall on the zoning by,.law and the official plan. Wlhtn it was isaid thai the zoning by- law was passed by townshî. p couneil at ils February meeting, mue again called out "Thats a lie-" Constable Corneil requesi. ed hen ta stop her interruptions. Derek Little of Municipal Consultants, Ltd told the hear. ing ihat hîs firm had acbed as consultants to the Darlinga planning board on the prepara- tien o! the cf ficiai plan for the township, and for the zoning by-law. Considerable study had boen mode of the history of Darlington and the present sit- uation in the township, he said. Ho Pointed out ihat with a 70 Percent residential Populatian the township was becaming one cf suburban dwellers. It was deemed wise te have the ire- mnendous development takdng place, controlled. net stapped. The restrictions under this by- law are designed for the future bettenment of the township, he said. Local Men in Naval Escort Queen'1s Visit Word has been received this week that twe young Bowlnan- ville men, A-Bi Leonard Kni- g114 RON, and Petty Officer No. 1 Herbert Overy, RCN, are te b. in the Naval Escort for Her Mal esty Queen Eliabeth 1 1 when she visita Canada to open the St. Lajwnence Seaway. A-Bi Leonard Knighi is in Escort Boat No. 1 et H.M.S. Cayugla, and Petty Officen No. 1 Herbert Overy is in Escort Boat No. 2 of the Cayuga. They wiil be part et the Naval Es. cari Which will accompany the Queen te the officiai epening of the Seaway and also an her trip through. the laites. They will have an ovennight stop at Port Hope where the Queen is to visit Governon General Mas- sey's home, and will have stops at Hamilton and Toronto. They will also le In Toronto for Warrior's Day ait the Canadian National Exhibition. ABi Knigib is a non of Mr. and Mns. Jack lCnlght, 32 Pros- pect Street. Petty Officer 0v. ery is a son of Mr'. and Mrs. James Overy, 9 Nelson Street end bis beenhIn the Royal Canadian Navy fer six years. A~B iKnigbit la ihi bs simLli year of naval service. TEE CANADL4N STATISMAx nmmAwvrriLir- mmor,&*,rn c