PAGE TW TEE CAADIAN ~ATE~MA1 EOWMAIVILLE LN A RTa&O rl~~VMV'G~1 WE HAYE THE LARGEST SELECTION 0F DRESSES IN WE CARRY SUCH FAMOUS NAMES deAS TEENA PAIGE JONATHAN LOGAN MISS SUN VALLEY DURHAM & ONTARIO COUNTIES %%TROI KA"f summer applauds The Jersey fabrlo with a difference. in fashion. . the pretty lok . .the feminîne 100>. . . the look you'11 love for Spring-lnto- Summer . . . Here now in w omen's sizes 14%/ to 24%. * JACKET DRESSES pSMART CLA8SICS * PUESH NEW COLORS * BEAUTIFUL PRINTS # FAVORITE BASICS $2500 YES INDEED WAITING 141'~ to 241,', XINCRUSHABLE EASY TO WASII QUIC'K TO DRY Jonathan SUIT FASH ION Rtight for Spring and Sum. Smet~ la thîs suit, well shaped ln cotton tweed; lined Jacket han a new neckline. $19.9 CAN BE FUN! For the active Mother-to-be ls thbis faahlon combluation 2-piee maternlty dresa of washable drtp-dry cotton. BIZES le te 20 Logan The shlrtwaist . . . n*WIY printed lulndrIP-dry oottob with cluster pleated sklrt The freshest floral stripes &round brlghten your 911 time favorite. . . stays fresh and crlsp without Iron- sizes 5 te 19 miss SUN VALLEY (lotIon Kait . . . te wear again, &Il through the warm weather month . .. textured cotton knit sheath, llghtly bloued. six«. 8 to 18 9,9 ~jj Gay, Flpttering/ FASHIONS . New, pretty dresses sure to strike Mom's feminine fancy - ail fui! sklrted to point up a little walst. All easy to slip Into, for bruneh, housework, shopping. Choice of posy printa or gay plaids. To please ber choose several. Sizes 141,/ -24V/2 12 - 20 si.9 by TEENA PAIGE Peftly d r a p e dl cumber- bund walst, beauttfuily em- broidered top with cool neckline. fui! fiared sklrt. Sîzes 5 to 15 $10,953 by TEENA PAIGE Deligtttl Drtp 'a' Dr7. Wear Mloue or cover au this uata leevoeu. shirtdrels wlth tise beaded and trtu. med to mateh sweater. Colorful set. 50 WMAN VILLE Thanke 'te ARNEL Ibis garment requires less care . . . is iess coutly for upkeep . . . la good looking and wili stay tood looking. By Junior Mademoiselle Important fashiôn organza sheer for late-da3r or evening. Here is just a sampling of the pretty new styles. We've more. Sizes 5 - 15. WHITBY' Floral Print wlth full flare skirt Versatile Ensembles.. Readi' te help Yen make the mont of sunimer .* . our versatile ensembles that go everywhere, bave wardrobe- muliplylfli ways, because yen ean wear the dresa and coat. the dress alone, and the coat wlth other dresses. $2.500 TMM-qlA'T. AY it. .--. sises 5 te 15 $19'9 -J. F- - - - - - -- mwmq.mý 1 PAGE TWO TE£ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWIKANVILLIL ONTAIUO 1& 0; 1 ýfw-vkti,%j sj ý eýj $16,095