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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1959, p. 7

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TM M~5Ay. MAY 7th, 1950 cS0coca/ & EPrsonal h Phone MA 3-3303] Mr. Harry Akey is in Niag- end in Toronto with Mr. and ara Falls taking a two-week Mrs. Fred Martin. course with the 0ntario Hyrdo. Mr. Fred Vanstone la with Mrs. E. J. Fajirey and Mrs. his parents Mr. and Mis. Mor- Terry Masters attended a wed- ley Vanstone after completing ding in Newmagrket last Sat- hi frs year at Queen's Uni- urday. versity, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith Miss Madlyn Wilcox attended were weekend 4guests of Mr. the District Conference of the and Mrs. Frank Harvey, Tor- Business and Professional Wo-'s Clubs in Trenton last Mr. and Mms~ Rex Wynn, Saturday. ]Brantford, were recent visitors Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Osborne wîth Miss F. M. G'albraith, King and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Osborne Street East. were in Newmarket last week.. Mis. Norman Smith, Jack- end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray man Rd., spertt the weekend Jellie and Mr. and Mrs. George with Mr. and YIrs. Jack Good- Osborne. iellow, 'Bellevil3e. Mr. and Mis. Jack Scott and Mr .and Mrs. Charles Harris- two children, Toronto, were in on, Niagara F'ills, N.Y., we're town last weekend visiting weekend guests., with Mr. and friends. Mr. Scott was at one Mrs. James Poilýer. time a teacher at Bowmanvifle Miss Mary Wgallace, Oshawa, High School. spent the wee kend wil2h her Mr~. Harvey Webber, Ryer- sister and bro-ther-in-law, Mr. son Institute. Toronto, has fin- and Mrs. Forrest Dilling. ished writîng his second year Mrs. W. A. Edger and Mrs. architect's exams and is home Mabel L. Bagrieli were visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mis. laet weekend with Mi. and Mrs. Roy Webber. Gordon Finlay Sr., Wicklow. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mr. and l4[frs. Raipli Ames Mrs. G. Badiger were Mr. and and JIi and Mrs. D. M. Pal- Mis. A. S. Badger and Barby, mner, Oshawa, spent the week- Woodstock, Mi. and Mis. Frank Bell, Barrie and Mr. and Mrs. A. Badger, Orillia. Mi. Gary Nesbitt lies îesign- r~I' cd as manager of the local St. Pau;'s Domininon Store and is enjoy- ing tw<> week's holidays with ocJ his paients, before beginning United, Chur h his new dte nTrno Club 15 meinbers enjoyed a Minister, Rer. H. A. Turner, delightful outing recently when B.A., B.D. they had dinner at the Guild lOrganist, ?irs. R. Dudley, of AUl Arts and afterwards at- A.T.C.M.. L.C.C.M. tended "Spring Thaw" at Ra- dio City Theatre, Toronto. The names of three more - - old timers" of the Dominiýon Organ & Piano Company have been forwaided to T9ýe States- They are Messrs. Walter SUNDA Y ICHOOL Oke, Bowmianjville; Jack Lyle1 and Wes Kerr, both of Toronto. Mr. and Mis. E. V. Hoar at- ia.m. - tended a family gathering in1 honour of Mr. and Mrs. Charles SACRA MENT 0F Newby, Sardis, B.C., held at BAPTI10M the home of Mi. and Mrs. Will Mountjoy, Kedron. Mis. Newby is a cousin of Mis. E. V. Hoar. P. M. Two local girls are recent XVENYNG WORSHIP recruits of RCAF. Miss Elea- nor Maguire joined a few weeks ag0 and Miss Linda Mil- A hearty welcomc to al ler lef t for basic training last Monday. Both girls are at St. _____________________ John's RCAF Station, St. Jean, Que. - . A remainder- cion't forget the Girl Guide "Rag Drag" on Saturdiay, May l6th. If you are - among the lucky ones Who will STe OHNS be away the long weekend of May 16-18, be sure ta place C/H MR C Hyour bundiies outside before <Aglican> Mr. and Mis. Bruce Stevenes have moved to, Orillia where Mi1. Stevens is employed by Ascension Day The Telegram as ddstrict man-r ager. Mrs. Stevens. the forme r h Trudy Ba-ais, was a memý»er of the staff of The Canadian Ban k HOILYCOMMNION of Commerce here. SI$NDAY AFTER Mr. and Mis. A. C. Burgess,t A94D"ENSI0N DAY il Orchardview Blvd., have re- turned from the l'Honour Club" 8-trip to Chicago. Mr. Burgess,1 local agent with the Metropoli-a 11(1LY COMMUNION tan Life, was one 01 those Wlo received this trip as a reward 10 and 11 - for production in 1958.e CJBiURCH SCHOOL Dr. Howard Rundle rolled a 923 rtiple bowling in George il-Elliott's Spring Tournament M3RNING PRAYER with gaines of 340, 355 and 228. The trout are also respond- ing to tIe doctor's touch- the -/- ruimour being that le landed L'iWENING *PRAYER a real beauty hIls week. -Sunday callers at Miss F. M.'. REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowînanville 31ORNING SERVICE 10:00 English EVENING SERVICE- 7:30 p.11. -Dtitch SIJNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Houslander, B.A., B.D. 'Organist-Mr. Artihur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 11:00 ar. SUNDAY, MAY 10. 1959 -MORNING WORSHIP FANILY SERVICE "God Bless Our Homes" SACRAMENT 0F BAPTISM 2-.10 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP ""À Commanding View" A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLIE, ONTARIO Galbraith's, King St. East, were Mi. and Mis. Willison Nelles. Grinmsby, Mi. and Mrs. Nelles, Toronto, Mis. Bernard Mitchell, Town and Dr. John B. Staiker, Mis. Staiker and baby Cather- ine of Toronto and Willowdale. BIRTH- T0 Mr. and Mis. Liama (Jim Dandy and Blos- som) an adorable little girl Llama on Monday, May 14th, at Cream of Barley Park, Bow- mianville. MIr. Keith Conneil re- ports thlat mother Liama and baby Liania are fine and visit- ors are welcome. Mi. R. Padden, Peterbor- oughi, Field Secretary of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, attended a meeting of West Durhiam Advisory Bo- ard here last week. He sub- mitted lis report on general conditions of tIe district regis- tered blind persons. Miss M. Goheen las returned home after completing lier first year of language studies at Mc- Master University, Hamilton, and las as her guest Miss San- dia McKenzie, Ottawa. Sandra, who is also a student at Mck- Master, is studying for 1er Ba- clielor of Nursing Science de- : grec. Miss Dora Pundon and Mi1. Doug Rigg, Recreation Direct- or, represented Bowmanville at tIe Ontario Recreation Associa- tion meeting in Kitchener last weekend. Both Miss Purdon and Mr. Rigg weîc nominated as diiectors with Mr. Rigg be- ing one of the newly elected directors. Mr. and Mis. R. Shupak, Gary and Karen, Mi. and Ms. Frank Beatty, David, John and Paul, Toranto; Miss E. M. Hol- mes, Mis. T. C. Worden, Osh- awa; Mis. Charlie Alidred, and Betty Jean, Bobby Holmes and Mr. and Mis. William Lake, Newcastle, visited MmI. and Ms. Wallace Holmes, Simpson Ave. Mis. T. Buttery, Mrs. Earl Osborne, Mrs. W. B. Reynolds, Ms. Ray Hutclinson, Ms. Walter Woolley, Mis. Arnold Lobb, Mis. E. Bradiley, Mis. S. Leggett and Mrs. W. C. Ives attended VIe annual meeting of the Bay of Quinte Conference Womian's Association on Mon- day, May 4th, held in the Uni- ted Ohurci, Brighton. Mr. Elford B. Cox. a former Bowmanville boy, las lad a sînaîl sculpture exiition on view in the Roberts gallery, Toronto. For waillieces use is made, of enamel. on copper. Mr. Cox uses, for head pieces and torsos, a variety of rock or stone sudh as alabaster, mar- bic, limestone etc, and, le also, docs abstract sculpturing. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Cox, Duke Street. Miss Anne SoucI, Winnipeg, diaugliter of Mi. and Mis. Wre- ford Souch, wns diosen Vo re- present thle Province of Mani- Vola at the international Phy- sio-Therapists' convention ini Hamilton last Apnil. Affer Vie convention Anne spent two days in Bowmanville visiting lier uncle and; aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mor-ris, and 1er gra- ndmnotîer, Mrs. F. F. Morris. Delegates. from the local Li- ons Club attending the clect- ion of tIe Deputy District Gov- ernor held at tIe Geniosha Ho- tel, Os'hawa. Tucsday eveninig April 28 were Messrs. Nelson Osborne, Fred Cale, J. Marr, Ralpyh McIntrye, D. Williams and Bymon Vanstone. Mrs. Os- borne and Mis. Cale accompan- ied their husbands. TIe newly elected Deputy District Gover- nom is Mi. Brenton Rickard,. Newcastle. Mi. Harry Taylor who lias, been manager of tIe A & P store lere for the last t1iree montîs, lias returned Vo Nap- ance, wliere lie is opening lis own Red & White grocery store. WIile here lie enjoyed renew-: ing acquaintances with aid' friends and, customers le met wie womxmng nere unler thie laVe Mr. Percy Williams foi many yeaîs. Mn. Taylor is a son of Mi. and Mrs. Norman H. Taylor, Ohurcl St. Mr. Don Sha3, former Baw- manville Recreation Director is pianist for the Simncoe Little MisTna(odd Theatre Group who aie pre- IIs ay odr senting VIe "Boy Friend" in The Staff Committee oii tie Dominion Drama Festival Awards of the Ontario Colege j finals Vo be heid at thc Royal of Education has placed yourj Alexandra, Toronto, on Tues- flane on th-. Staff Honours ListI day, May l9th. They werc tIe for the Acnclemic Vear 1958-59,1 regional winners and it is thc To secure a pince onl this lisi onie first time a '*muitsical" las rea- nust show evidenice of scholar- ched tie drama finals. Thc ad- ly and professional ability as a judicator, Mr. Ainley of Eng- student teacher. YOLI lave bet-i land, bas given it grent praise, nomninated as a student of ot saying iV is onie of thc best pro- stanidhiin ent anid a teacher or ductians le has seen in Can- potenitial excellence by foit' ada. members of staff and havebn given a citation in Engiish. Mrs. Ross Stevens, Scugog At a Inter date you will re- St., ai-d hem daughtem Betty, ceive a suitaiiîe confirmation (Mis. Ted Hutton. R.R. No. 2), of this award. left thiis week for England via Pes cetnycnrtl~ Montreal sailing on the Iver- tions nnd best ishescoratua nia, Cunard Line. Thcy will fturehanpieswse oryu .inU at J. 5±Kury aocx LiULAUUI, and visit tîcir daughter and sister, Muriel, wîo is taking a nursing course in London this yeai. Tley will aiso visit Joan Longm-an Mason, wîo spent two yeais in the Stevens' home during the wam, and Joan Mun- day Matlews, daugîlter of Mm. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, wîo is spending thnec years in Eng- land while 1er lusband is in VIe RCAF stationed near NoV- tinghain. They wil eturn June 2nd by air via Glasgow, Gan- dem îand Toronto. Arenci Routes Up (Continued from page one) in equipment including VIerni- ostaticaliy controlled Ieating for the broadcast baoth Va pre- vent excessive moisture fromn dîamaging the sound equipment. The comnuttee is aiso investiga- ting thc cost of leating VIe main playing section of the buifding. Action may be taken to apply aitable skte-resus- B. C. Diltz. At the f inal assemnbly of the yenr tle students wiose names appeared on Vie Staff Honours List were called ta the platforsn-I where they met the Deputy Minister of Education who con- gratulated them on their achie- vement. Anlother very pleasant feature in connection with re- ceiving this award was the an- nounicement that sic would me- ceive 1cr Type A Secondary Selool Tencher's certificate wîthout the necessity of writing any exams. Miss Goddard entered Qucen's University on an Atkinson Foundation Scholarship and in hem seconçi ycar was awarded Vie Roberta McCullougl Scho- larship in Englisî. In 1956 she graduatcd fromn the Roy al Con- scrvatory of Music with ber A.R.C.T. in piano and in 1958 sIc graduated from Qucen'si University witl 1er Bachelor of Arts. In September Miss Goddard starts teacling in Kitchener wleme sic las joincd tIe staff of the Eastwood Collegiate In- stitute. At present she is at laine %itb ber parents. Mr' ai Idi Mis. Laurence Goddard, King Street. but i June sIe will Open New Delicatessen Af ter a complete renovation of the store f ormerly known as Miller's Record Bar - opposite The Statesman - these two brothers, Bob and Klaas Dykstra will open a delicatessen next week on the premises. The Dykstra family is well known in the district, having been connect- ed with groceries and bakery products for some years. They invite their many friends bo visit them during the tpening bo see their unusual and desirable products. tant ile Vo the lunch room and lobby floors. A spinkler sys- tcm Vo Iower Vie fîre hazard with resultant decrease in tIe $2,704 insurance premium each year was considered but no ac- tion is planned in tIc immedi- aVe future as it would require an outlay of between $5,500 a.nd $6,500. Present were Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers. C h a irman Watt, Dcputy Reeve John Brough, Walter Degeer. Nelson E. Os- borne, C. J. Samnis, Sec.-Treas. Clarence Oke and Frank Hoop- er. A furtler meeting in June is planncd Vo select a successor te My. Watt, who advised Vie committee tînat le would le willing Vo do everything in lis power ta assist at any time. Tanya Goddard leave for Banff National Park where sIc lias accepted a Posi- tion as Postmistress at Chatenu Lake Louise for thc sum.meri montîs. No Dump (Continued from Page onel Town councillors strongly sup- port formation of a Ratepayers' association. TIe present dump in the North Ward is just about full and, while another site must be found, attempts will be made Vo locate it outside tIc town lim- its. Town councillors oppose the "isectionai. attitude" that splits Bowmanville into the South IWard and tIc North Ward, but I refer to regard tIe town as "one whole municipality." Picnic Grounds Plans are afoot to eventuaiiy landscape a picnic aiea wlere the town dump is now located at Jackman's Creek. The Works Dcpartment willi start this week on a dust-con- trol prograin by laying calcium on ronds but hs can't be donc on streets tlat are ta le primed. Priming. will be startcd about May 15. Priming costs about $400 a mile while asphaît surfac- ing costs in thc neighborlood of $16,000 a mile. Cost of a modern garbage dis- posai plant wouid prove pro-! hibitive for tIe town in thc opinion of VIe mayor. Whilc some of thc town's side- waiks are clipping and crumb- ling because of larsh clemicals used against winter snow and ice, new construction contains a countemacting additive that will protect the surfaces. Residents of thc South Ward definitely, absolutely and posi- tiveiy do flot want to give a test by trial ta the proposai that a properly conducted dump-and- f111 program could be conducted without causing a rat infesta- tion. Not Much Spent While anc mili of VIe ax rate, about $7,000, is set aside for operations of the Industrial Com- mission cach yeam "noV mucl of iV" is actualiy spent. Wlatever is left is retumned Vo VIe town treasury. Efforts Va induce îndustmy Vo Bowmanville are severcly landi- cnpped because the own owns no suitable land or buildings. More townsfolk work out of town Vlan in Goodyear and the Foundiy combined, wlich las resulted in Bowmanville being Etiquet - Reg. 98c Stick Deodorant NORTH-RITE "'GoId Cap" NT PEN 1 75c, labelled at "dormltory town" for Oshawa. I fficials are still optimistic that a new industry will soon locate on property already pur- chased along Hîghway 401. Despite statements that council lad neyer even discussed plac- ing Vhe dump in the south-end, Itemn 13 in the minuates of a regular meeting of the Board of Works on April 29 states: "'A short discussion took place re- garding the proposed new dump South of 401 H-ighway." Councillors are unanImous in urgig ratepayers to attend counc1 meetings more often. Lettter From Scott Regardless of. the many side issues, the main sore-spot of Monday's meeting concerned tIc ftown dun-p. Before the large deputation was leard, council was read a letter from former Councillor Norman Scott, Gen- cmal Manager of tIc Brookdale- Kingsway Nursery. He dharged the proposed relocation of tIc 'dump would ruin the appearance of the entrance into town and added the fear that a rat plague might wippe out lis business and result in a iawsuit against the town. The delegation was then wei- comed by Mayor Carrutlers, ,wlo announced: " We are giad ta welcome any deputation of ratepayers with problems. It is best ta bring tlem out in thc open rîgît here on our door- step." Deputy-Reeve John Brough said le lad been on council for six years and this was only the second time, le lad seen the council clamber fiiied. The other occasion was also a dis- cussion tînt deait with garbage problems. He delivered a lengtly explanation conccrnîng long- range planning, a gravel short- age, the dog pound, lack of in- dustrial property and numerous other matters. A rumble of dissent gîeeted lis observation that a garbage dump covered every day with f111 migît event- ually resuit in valuable property at the presently worthless site. Best Method Sanitary Inspector Herb Wat- ers explained that tIe land-filI metlod was generaily regarded as the best method of garbage control. He said tîcre was no need for a rat menace witl tIc chemicals now available. Works Superintendent LloydI Quinton told the delegationtn le was likély responsible frte - - - - 79c1 Both For-. Liquid or Lotion LUSTRE-CREME SHAMPOO 79e size plus 45e size 7c --- - - - --- - Faînily size1 - - - 89c1 Alex. McGregor, Ne Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug Store A P!W! roriginal suggestion that the dump might be located in Vhe south end. 11 investigated and thought it was a practical scheme," he said. "I didn't know it would cause ao much Itrouble.'" Mr. Quinton said. the town cuirently has ta haul earth to cover the garbage dump but at the suggested southlern loca- tion there would be ample fill for a year. He said earth would be available thîough excava- ting and dragging the rnarsh Larea. This would also serve to reclaîm useless land. Rats A Problem In moving that "no action be 1taken to dump garbage in the South ward," Councillor Ivan Hobbs said he didn't doubt a 1rat menace xvould be created "because the rat problem lias been ibad at the present site in the north ward". He said he lias received criticism over the present dump as recent]y as a few weeks ago. He sug- gested coundil try to find a dUmp location outsîde of town. Perhaps on some farm wlere there is a ravine to be filled. Councillor H-obbs cautiond agaînst creating a hazard tînt might force elosure of the nur- sery but he hastened to add t lle %,vas iot speakinig for former counc i lor, Norman Scott "because le is quite capable of speakîng for hîmself." His motion ,vas carried un- animously thougli deputy reeve Brough voiced the opinion that no section of town should be specifically named and urged tînat "people should have a lit- tle faith that council will han- dle these things properly." Also approved was an amnendment that the matter be given fur- ther study by the bioard of works and the public property committee and that they report t0 counicil. Turn OId Furniture io Cash with1 STATESMAN CL A SSI1FI1E DS Phone MArket 3-3303 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I I IJ UGIjTti OtJL! SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR TRIS WEEK, I me ~ baby powder iiiat BALL PO] Reg. Free Botie Opener with Colgate Dental Cream Remember Mom on Her Day jMother's Day, May 10 Cadbury's MiIk Tray Chocolates ---85c, 1.60 Compacts - ----------------1.50 up Guerlain Perfume- 3.00 Cologne . 3.00, 5.00 Hair Brushes------------- --.59c, 98e up Hazel Bishop White Frosting Lipstick 79c Max Factor Hi-Society Lipstick 1.95 Friendsbip Garden Bath Saits 1.75 Friendship Garden Toilet Water_ _ 1.25, 2.00 Desert Flower Spray Cologne 3.00 Desert Flower Toilet Water ___ 2.00 Tweed Cologne - ---- - 1.50, 2.00 Tweed Perfume----------- 2.50, 3.25 Boxed Stationery--------75c, 1.00, 1.50 up Ladies' Billfolds 98c, 2.50 up I.D.A. Brand - Reg. 1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine «. a 79c1 STRONGER TOO WHEN WET OR DRY SECAUS§ iTs MELOBONDED! REGULAR PMAN-SIZE PHOSPHI- ylh. "kEvewy Dew" Way 10 RT1mm mvi Ilecie poece geluLAt you down ? fIs go ej a ed'*I .Iust lake PHOSPHO-0-LU34~ Relicve that ,umpy 'tired ait thse tiD~ feeling. Enj<ey lUp Sm ite ai petty onnnyanc-es It's tre N W relieve tnovus tenasion WAMPOLE 00PUOSPIOPEX TABLETS WU augi»MMW I#M«* 14 25 50 TAU&ITS $2.30 16 £FWlE $2.50 la a W c B uc1 -pu& 0.0* Drugs Phone MA 3-57921 I.DA. Brand - Reg. 49e Shaving Cream - - - - - 39c Easi-Gloss - 1 lb. tin- Reg. 59c Floor Wax --- 45c, 2F.11 8S9C LUSTRE-CREME Richard Hudnut SHAAMPOO EGG CREME 1-Reg Reg.SHAMPOO 1. 89C R75c ----------- - - .59C PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY1 ýj 1 1PAMIF C& ffl

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