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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1959, p. 11

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TT{URSDAY. MAV 141h. 1959 TUE CANADIA2( STATESMAN, EOWMANVULE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVE~~ 1khe iveac"w:o4/.9#4dd Cordon Àgnew. £dkor pbiuI30 e commence at dusk on Monday evening anid the local Fire De- Big ire orks Dis laypartment will be standing by B.g ire orks Dis layin case of emergency. If last Planned for Monday Eve.a dsp worth seengs more mone ha gon ino " year's NEWCASTLE - Plans are, zations. been contacted are requested; display. tnearing completion for the big, Lion Keith Aiken chairman to deposit their donations in1 The Lionettes Club is again comniunity fireworks dispiay of the fireworks committee in- the bottles t.hat have been plac- i co-operating by operating a re- in the Newcastle Communit--j forms us that the fireworks ed for that purpose at Carvethi freshment booth with bot dogs, Park on Monday. May- 18, Vie-;($225 worth) have arrived and Motors, Enwrights Variety'hot and cold drinks, chocolate toria Day, spon.soredI by 'the the collectors are busy calling Store. Johnsons Drug Store,! bars etc., which will be on sale Lions Club in co-operation wvith oil cîtizens for their contribu- or the 'Bank of Commerce. ý during the two hour fireworks the citizens and other organi-itions. Persons who have not. The fireworks display wil programn. 7 lewcas(/le cSocal ana1 £Persona/ Delegations Request Coun cil Open Sf reets For Housina Puri, oses Miss Audrey Gogerty, who an enjoyabie holiday trip on SALEM has ompete he fist earin he as t out trveling Two delegations were present.' Marlow Hancock as membersý trasininpetedhrfrtrilhee t.t coast'travelling t the May meeting of the vil-; of the Comnrnunity Hall Board 1 trinngetth S. osphs os through the Maritimes and the e cruncil on Monday even-; for a two year terni. There was a good attendance pital Sohool o! Nursing in Pe north eatr nte tts a1 ,g equsigteo at our "Faniily Day" service on terborough, was awardied the r e stern nited Sa tes Blue 1 greues tin h openingoi The village solicitor, E. R. Sunday. Miss Gerda Craig fav-z Proficiency Medal for ber class. Mournins.hogh te Blesret oseli lots for hosngIvek'in was asked t contact oured itha very appropiate1 MrLs. Paul Shetler and girls, ontis.iurposes. Messrs. J. I1. Toms Hrl oc eadn h oa oo il edn a of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Clif-' Dr. J. A. Butler. Mr. George and H. C. Bonathan President: OIsl.Bberain a ford Flintnoff and famnily, Mr. Butler, Mrs. Stella Andersoni and Secretary-Treasurer res - supplying and maintaining of a given by John Twist. Rev. F.a and Mrs. Edward Bueli and and Miss H. A. Mason visite dIpectively of the newly formed i dumii for the village- The soli- Jackson gave a special mes- Mrs. W.H. H.okin wer Sun- n Oshaa on Suday wih Mr. Coc-stcitorelwasntalr-ocinstructedo itt sagedt foratheor parents.ts.Garfiiedd Mrs.W. H Hokin ere un-in Ohai oni Sudyst r ecsl ceomnend final notices to taxpayers! onsno r.edMr.J day guests witb Mr. and Mrs. 1and Mrs. Dick Anderson. poration requested council t;inarer oJaxsohom n , Brgson af prseantd forsbJp- Stanley Powell and family. isW many friends wil open Robent street west troxý t tiem that legal proceedings Bues %vby Rev F. Jacko. There Nirs H.R. eare wuin oý leaed t lern hate Gbej Churcb street to allow their would be taken against pensons wet wby eauiFu bacskTe of Mrs H.R.Peacewasin o-j peaed 0 ]ar tht n. eo.copan acer tothir ewwhose arrear., of taxes werep flowes placed in the church ironto for the weekend visiting i Walton bas returned hom( n subdivision. Mr. McLaren, pro- not pi vteJn etn with ber daughter. Miss Peggy ls prognressing favourably fol-; prieton of the Fine Gas Station pibyteJemein'in memory, of Mrs. Jacob 1 Pearce. . lowing bis recent operetion in on King street reciuested the of te village counci]. Baj h Mn. and Mrs. M. E. Swan of!; usii Toronto. opnng o! a street at the west Coundcil approved the issuing SYmpathy is extended to thes Rexdale were Sunday visitors' ide of his property running of debentures- by the Durham fantilY of Mrs. Jacob Branchc witb Mr. and Mrs. Gordon nntit from King street where District High School Board for -wlo passed away l'est week.t Loca Briade e plans .to seil lots for bousin g.I new high schools in Danliitgton Mrs. Branch badi been a eir Mn. andLocasl BercadHar Council laid botit requests over and Milbrook providing te dent of th is crmnt o hravnend orn erolowin until tbey had a chance to ce: proposed site of the scitool eust m.any years, athugh st a have _________home followin what was reciuired. o!f te Clarke-Darlington towfl- been residing in Oshawa for Called to i ~~~Coundil appointed J. C. Por- ship line wvas settled by arbi- 1th atculofyrs f Ca ter, John Rickard and ..Mrs.1 tration. Symed" lsototeàn 1 G rass Fires o m .J emu ij U NWATE- The New- aMd.fandily wreSundb oa vsi AUTONATIC 1catle Volunteer Fire Depant- L ontors i on ndfmywit r a nds.Catters- HOEmAIG rent was ::lled out on two Lionss EflLMr. an, MSons attr HOM BETIG gis twleat ek s irChas. M egit New Pres. BMto.NAeyIaptin ich iom.uto cn NEWCASTLE - The Lions 1 sibilitv of a Bentam an opeat.ion for apediis1. It's By Club entertained their sons at 'baseball team and left the mat- ~N. andi ivrs. W. Shaman t 1!The first cail came on Wed- their regular dinner meeting ter in abeyance until officiais Mr. A. Sharman, Mr. and M7s C ANA D 1AN nesday evening to the Allison held in the dining-room o! the were found to operate the team. E. Sitarman - and family, Mrs. property on Miinro street which Queen% Hiotel on Thursday Balloting on officens for the A. Gray and daughier, Toron- FAIRBANKS-MORSE had gained considerable head- evening with President Chas.'year comntencing July first re- to, and Mr.adM.D.e- way and was threetening Gllkes presiding. sulted in te following officers derson, Ton, a tnde.D te Ibuildings when the firemnen Twatn h Cali colleet brouglit the blaze under con- Following e deliciaus dinner being elected: President, Char- church servireo Sundlây and t r o . F i d y e e n i g it e f i r t h e t w e n t y - t h r e le b o y s p r e s e n t l s M e g i t ; l s t V i c e P r e s i d e n t , w e e g e f to n a d o n Imen were called to the homewith ther hers enjoyed a Frank Hoar; 2nd Vice Presi- and Mrs. j. Burgess. o! Frncis ose o liteisplay o! sleight-of-itend and dent, Harry Jose -and 3r Vice M. d Mi. F Bakbi~ une wher a smallchicken'other feats of magie perform- ,President Carl Gould. Otheratedd heGoearoic f l coop had been destroyed and ed by Mr. Lowes, wbich kept officers wlll be chosen later by unw banquet, in toWh on Saf- 4 Il L othen light amage dnc be-the. boyrs on te edge of their the Directorate. udyeeig A J N Iehairs througbout. fore firemen. aftcn some bard aMr. Walter Blackburn, Don -' Newcastle 4331 work, brought the blaze undet- During a brie! business per- M ills, was a Sunday visitor control. 'iod the Lions discussed the Ma- any Enioy vitA bis motter, Mns. M. Bla- I I ckburn and Mr. and Mis. Ger- ;ýCouDle's 'Club ad hakW-tn HampGo on, M.and Mrs. W. Craig at- Family INight "n hrktn tendced churcit service at Wy-t NEWCASTLE - The regu- rone Sunday morning when i ler meeting o!fte Merry Mer- their granddaughter. Margaret1 ied Couples' Club held in the Lenore, daugitter of Mn. and United Church. Sunday School Mr-. David' Cnaig was balytized. ball en Wrednesdey evenlng,!Mr. and Mrs. S. Buttery, last took the form o! family f M\iss Marion Buttery attended nigitt with te members bring- chunch at Seagrave on Sunday ing them children to the meet- when MWayne Kevin Buttery, ing, which opencd with the, son of Mnf. and Mrs. Ken But-i singing of a hymn and prayer Ici-y was baptized. They were led by Mrs. M. C. Fishter. dinner guests afternards with r Vite president conducted a Mn. and Mrs. Ken Buttery. mu MMwiih a chairmen and four cap-: %TBlackburn attended a fani- ~tains were chosen for the T.B.; iY gatherire at tlite home of c village eak:y in June. iman in hoor !te nwy p E Marlow Hancock acted asz wed,% Mn. and Mns. Charles master f ceremonies for the Dun______ AAEApnognam introducing the numn- MEAT FEATURES bersperfrn bv h hide wnc ncluded piano slsand Naple Leaf Tender. Juicy 8 per pkg. NuEWToalduNsVatroquE- Letanid recitation. Ail nurnbers "- Mrs vnnie McHolmt o! EU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ weethonoughly enjoyed by ail Mnihi pnm e as H-ot D- - - s 2 9w re e n ch was be:ng s s-nd igafwdy: peetWiLh Mi-S. nî Ug1low.i Boneles -Os en-rcady with Dressing pax ed' by the coramittee hli î&il hav~e mox ed to 10 l' char-e the chiidren enjoyed a Grove.i Lean Pork Shouli er R o asc lb. 3 9 C ,vhich ail joined in conmniity a tonsil operation et Memorial1 Boneless - Oven-ready with Dressing singing-. Hospital, Bowieflaviile on Set- I __________________Mr._ and Mrs. Harold Beatty i LeanPorkBut Roa ts b-4 9 1,o! Pont Hope spent Sunday with _______________________ ~Mx. and Mrs. Wm. Wade. ac Mr. Jack Huggins has pur- Let Loo Bac 1 chasled lte village property ne- GROCERY FEATURES J i centiv owned by the aeEns fnroductory Offer - Al Flavours anrMr. G oeoa Pt.1 C hursday, May 12, 1949 'Hampton were Sunday visitonsi ! Te annual spnin.g dance of with Mr. and Mns. Paul Van- ýtheMerr MariedCoupe's Miss Alice Nesbitt o! Toronto' Save 8 cents. - 12 oz. jar Save 10 cents - 1 z Club wvas held in the Newton- was home for te weekend. Aylmer ~~~~ville coni.munity hall. taking MadMs a.Aasad te torm o! a basket social and M.andMrsBoJas.oAdanysofndo HEINZ RELISHESAlne dance. A dent gamne, carda and rndoseSn, bGofy o! To- Hemnburg or Hot Dog CHO ICE PEACHES dance were enjoyed with dance parntspeM. nt Mm.unda wit e Imusic supplied by Johnny Scott peiaret. adM.Ad 29c ___ ____ forandl his Royal Canadians. After Mrs. Sadie Moffat of Bow- 2 9 or4 cthe dancing the baskets were 1mianville was with Mmn. Ralpit judged by Mrs. Wm. Patterson1 Boughen on Sunday. On Mon- and Mrs. Frank McMullen and! dav Mns. Boughen left for Pe- PK ~ IPJ~ IthTI ni~ue prize was awanded t r.te'oog for the second eye California r Tl0~ * * Mr. and Mms. Josepht Wright L EIIU C4 E The Young People'à Union of of Tyrone visited Mn. and Mis. the United Churet presented a Cecil Hendenson on Sunday. STRA BER IES3-act conîedy entitled "Laugh- iMr. end Mrs. D. F. Cameron STRAV BERR.,ES1 Large Heads 23cie ing Irisht Eyes" in teeon-of Belleville witit Mis. G. W. WESLEY VILLE 1> STOP PAVINS THE "RASS TAI',P e SPRAY IWITH DOWPON How much 'grass tax' per acre do you pay because of coucit grass (quack or Iwitcb) in your fields? Chances are it's a lot more than you migitt imagine. You put cash on lte barrel- head every lime you let these grasses stunt your crops. And you pay even more when they tax your lime and machinery for costly cultivation. Now you cen "exempt" yourseif from titis drain on fanm profits. Just spray with rn-owpON* .u he modern ehenical way t1. control coucit grass and other annual and perennial problemn grasses. Absorbed by the leaves, DowPoeN works down inside lihe grass plant itself, killing even the deepest rmots. Applied as an eerly spring pre- planting trealment, or in lte fali, DcOwpoN can be depended upoiî ho keep grain and other crops free of couch grass aIl season. Don't let grasses "tax" your fields. Conte in soon and !et us show you how DOOWPON can hcip brighten your profit picture titis year. Evening W.A. Hears Report 0f W.A. Annual NEWCASTLE- The Evening Branch o!f te Women'à Auxil- iary of St. George's Church met inthtie Pariait hall on May1 6th for a negular meeting. Af-, ter lte Opening Pravers, the minutes incre read and the of- ficers' reports were given. Business arising frnm »itere' cent Wedgewood demoInstra- lion was discussed by lte mem- bers and a hank you card, ne-' ceived bY the Bnanch from Mrs. Ross BoYd as red. Il ines an- nounced ltaIlite T.B. Associa- lion is sending a speaker to the next meeting on May 201h in connection with a T.B. Clinic ta be beld inthei village fromn June 16t.h Vo lDtb. While te members quilted, Mnr. Dewdney gave a report on te W.A. annual meeting which inas hcid carlier in lte wcek in Toronto. Il bed been "dll et- tended and proved la be a mont intenesting meeting for titase in. attendance. The- meeting was adjounned following lte serving of re- fresbments. and son Michael and MT3. Ken1 Wane o! Toronto, spent tbe weekend with lte latter's motit- er, MIrs. Geo. Ovens. Miss Lynda Teengs is lnt Memorial Hospital, Bownîan- ville for an appendix operation. AU. and MIrs. Walter Witit- Vaker, Kennetit, Carol and Lynne o! Toronto, were Sun- day visitons with her mother, MIra. J. T. Peance. Mmr. Don Vinkie and ber mother, MrNs. Cecil Burley, vis- ited Mn. and M.'ns. Keitit Burley o! Cobourg on Sunday. Mnr. and Mis. Ronald Cox, Joan and David, o! Pickering, were Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mis. Wilfred Cox. "Un. and NIrs. Bud Jones and Douglas o! Bunlingon and Mn. and M:rs. Carman Cornislh, Cheryl and John of Orono, were Mother's Day visitais witit MIr. and Mis. Willis Jones. MLss Cerol Reichnatlî and Mn. Robent MeMurcity o! Port Hope spent Sundey wîit her grand- parents, Mn. and Mrs. Andrekv Reicitnath. A well filled chunch was onl band for lte Fanîily Day ser-j vice et Newtonville United Citunch on Sunday. One o! the highlighs o!fbte service wvas a lange number o! parents pre- senting tei citildren for bap- tism. The following received infant beptism: Rodney Eugene, son o! James and Marjorie Cas- well: Gregory Paul. son o! IVil- liani and Marglaret Wade: Ter- rence Josephi, son o! Cecil aiîd Verne Henderson: Leonerdi Peter Hendrick, son o! Leon- ard and Toos Týeengs; Phyllis Kathex-ine, daugitter of Clive end Virgiiai Cox: Blair Walter end Blain George. sons o! Paul and Elizabe*li Vaneyk. lame I Allen. son o! Richard and Eli- zabeth Vaxîeyk; Karen Faye and William Byron Bruce. chl dren of Keni and Shirley Bickell. A duet. "Mothen's Prayer", was effectively reridered byj iýss Gloria Lane and Laurie Stepleton. Tite childnen's cho;r' sang a îîunbeî- and Mn. S. Lan- casIer. the superintendent o! lte Sunday Scitool, assisted lte minîsten with the service. The stony was given by Mn. R. C.. A quiet wedding %vas pen- formed at the Newtonville Un- ited Churcli on Wednesday lthe 61h of May. w-hen Robent Geo. ýEley and Mrs. Gertrude Hoad were united lin menniage. Rex-. R. C. Whtite was called Vo Oak Heigitts on Saturdey bo officiate et the wvedding o! Lamne Haydon Elde and Eleenor Bennice MciVfN£,do. Bath Mr.j and MIna. White wex-e guests ati te neception held in thte town' hall et Burnley. W. A. Meeting T'he regiîler meeting of te W.A' was held inilte Sunday' Scbool noomn with 29 ladies present, on Wednesdey even - ing, Apnil 29th. Mrs. W. Woodl Vook the chair and opened thel meeting with te gnoup sing-l ing lte theme itynn followed by lte Lord's Prayer in un isba. Ttc April gnoup in charge o! Mirs. C. Farrow, gave the de-- votional prognem with Mrs. Mc-1 Cullougli. Mns. M. Kimbail and' Mis. Cox eci taking part. Inar. J. Caswell sang ean-ucit enjoy- i cd solo accompani-ed by MrIs.; Gilnîer at te piano. MIrs. Pon- ter read a poemn, "Do You JusI Belong?" The meeting svas then con- ducted bx' President Mirs. E. W-ade, Ttc ongatization had' FRIDAY., MAY 22 8 P.m. CASH PRIZES EVERY GAME Special Jackpot - $25.00 Congratulations to ail the1 Young PeOPle who took part ini the Musicale at Port Hope higb school on F'riday evening. Lo- cal studertts were Bonnie, Mariei and Pearl Austin, Donne Ough-j tred, Bill Barrowcvlougb and. Hon Dinner played and sang in1 bie various bands, orchestrasi and glee club and Ron Ashby was responsible for the special ligltts used during the program- me. Proud parents. grandpar- ents, and just about as proud friends, were present te enjoy the music and encourage the young people. A special order for worshipi was followed at Sunday School for Mothers Day with the sup- erintendent, Murray Payne lea- ding. The responsive reading was We by Bill Barro-wclouigh, previouslv agreed te rater to the teachersý banquet on' Mvav 19th. A committes vas appoint- ed to make arrangements; Mrs. C. M. Jones. Mrs. Gilmer, Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. Porter. Bey. White xvas present and1 on behaif of the church board asked for financial help from- the ladies, the treasuirer being in need of money teo meet tir- gent needs. Mrs. A. Wade mox 0\- ed and seconded by Mrs. Pearce that S200 be donated to the church board. Carried. A date wa:s set for the anniial May stippci. This was a mon- tion, Mrs. Porter and Mi%,. Bourgerie. Furthcr motion by- Mrs. Earl Walkey and Mrs. C, M. Jones. the exerutive. be aI committee to mnake arrange- ments for the suipper. Carried. Five dollars was donatcd te the Cancer Fund. Final arrangemnents for otir1 W. A. Anniversarv service, Ma 'V 24 were taken care of. Rcv. Long of Orono and flhc Orono Choir wili be guests* for t.he service. 7:30 pan. The treasurier reported approximatelv $70 wasî cleared from the Band Concert. Many thanks to ihose who made the evening such a suc- The meeting closed with Benedîction. followed by lunch and a social haif hour. SPECIAL DRAW - $500.00 CASH wilI also be drawn at this event Sponsored by Newcastle Lions Club Dependable Dow Weed Killers We also carry a complete lime of Dow Weed Killers to help you solve GI BSON alniost any weed or brush problem on the farm. Just drop in and let us know what your particular O C A D weed problemn is. We can recommend the best Dow Weed Killer for the job. Bowmanville Ontario scripture by Joan Ashby afld te littile folk Joan and Ruth Nichols, Cheryl Clarke, John- ny Tufford, James Nicholîs, Mi- chaael White, Larry Dinner, Les- lie Ford, Lewis Thonndyke and Sendra Payne sang '"Tell-me te tories of Jesus". Two pVtn readiîîg of by Bonn> Austin and Hon Dinner , and lte stort- "The Little Colt"' toicd ibY Maie Austin complcted titis part o! the serice and th~e speciel offening w-as teken by Pat Eyden and Roy Austin. There were 56 at Sunday Schdol wvith a new boy in te begin-. ner's class. Wesley, Best, wto %vas present last Suinday for the f irst. The tnibute to a good ina- mtan in te lest citapter of Pro- verbs was the basis o! Rev. Mn. Harding's Motiter's Day sermon. The choir sang two anthems and a lovely bouquet of daffo- dils and tulips bnought. thein bright nmessage for luis specibl day. Glen Clarke and Paul AustIn spent thie weekend witli the neat of te scouts trees in lte G'anaraska foret- e lovely place at aîîv lime but especr- jau-v now witl itis wealit of wild flowers, Muriel Austin and Doreen Millsoii of Oslîax a Spetît thîis \veekeuid in Moutreal, Visilors foi- the special clay 'vert'l-sIcla Plii 0<ofTor- onlto and Art Meýîkay of Stark- ville wl Il. Barriow.ýcloîxgli*s: Mu-s. Johin Flfoiir of Toronto xvith fheu cal.ier IVrs. Alii Clarke and faîiily: IMr. and Mrs. F.Kaoic îî E. Bar- nowc loti \Vr. . T. Nichi- ois of Poil Hope with Carrol anîd family; Mr. and INu-s. Reg Bee and Don of Port, Hope cal- led on fiieîids hiere anid ini Port Britain on Ilicir way home fromi Roclie'.s Poinît where tlliey lied been visiting Mr. aiid Mrs. E. Bunn fornmer resideuits o! Wes- Icyvil le: IIM nMiMrs. AI'ýaYî Ilanrork anîd'baby from Port H-ope and Mrs. A. Osiiiga front Mr, and Mrs. Rilev o! Tornuto withi Mr. and l Mr-, H. Danke, Noie Holdaway of Toronto witti lier ntotiter and Mn. and Mr&. Dolig Jarvis of Cobourg witý Mn. nd rs.A. Ford. BINOE! 1959 TRURSDAV. MAY 14th. PAGE ELEVM NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL HALL THE CANADIAN-STATISIUS, 130WILANVUIJ& ONTARM

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