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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1959, p. 14

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-t PAGE FOUTRTEEN' ou1 nog mng the pec Ratepayers Plan 2nd Mei onWU 9strength. Da' the largesta Hope to Interest Other Wardsi"èd 'ei payeds nsthe Be foetForing Oire Befre ormngOrganizaf ion OB A pulic reeîng or iic~r tht i, urupoused aýz a ilcg ratepaveis asocIatiolns else- MS.EI ratep.îyers of ail paris of Baw- future dumping arr.a. The nme- rwhiere had be-eli obtaied oy maux uic wiiii1.>e held on Sun-' thod to b e de there wxocîd be Mr. Fry anîd Dan Ducne>' at the VLs. Elizat 'CayuninChaye2atth intheî the lan~d till metiiod- This is a 'request of riitepaiyers at a pre- neer resideî:l 'haunlla eiht Towna, dail. operation of roverage ofi vious meeting. Mr~. Frv toid of ville, district, al rbage neües:uatiug the, the Pelio Par atepayers'Ma 6tu decided at the îatepayers' mýeet use ofu btllîtozer aind operator. Associatioa;o nz to south,Oha ing beld on. SondJa:' eveniug, 'rhUr argîltmelitt beîng that this promolte the hu zlth llîess.! ~ Ba May luth ai Memoürial Park wol ldrêc!ajîi zîýi<,; for' a pusý- and welia:'e of 'the' resî dents uofc:a Clu uhouse. sibte iii al s.te at a later that arecý: lu work toîx'..rds the viers 0!! alc -Mr. Mstursn thechairnan dlf-. reservatiorl andd iiifluiverlient vJl' le\vBcanc' Mfter. Matieigson tedchat ira te-.cbBrný of he nethi stte tht h "'t~uasîoct.occ- uîcc-r 1'.iaofutLte xvalue (iforou)ertiers Ilie lier ini 1949. believed that the formation oi itia ii ln;tored tî x'-' icanadZhie lxgc onditions of re- a Buxiîanville Ratecayers' As- brou-jt toi1îcd bv ruI Iîcc. î dents. zurd lu art lt rvui hriou socatiri îh e'ryxard re- wa.s ssted liat tris niethmnidioriî'cuto b 511eltIe.A presect2d xvoud be best. Trie be uis<'d t<îr a period of tiînie ~oo'rn î. ror bodN! Braîîeh of OD objectives of (lie organîzatiori a :?Iai basis ;tri sec iiow favoLir- uf' peî'saîcs api~ansi4 the interestsr Mis. Branc are the betterment of the towii f able this wvoîld be. Counicillor tterimijxo u eu outhat as a wiîole. He- stressed (bat it i van Hobos then niux'ed theredesjhsta ti wilafford the taxpavers an- be rio garbagE-cîcîmped in the Ail resrden-its aridi pruperty W, Wednc'sýday a opportuîîitv of preseilting coua- Sou tri i ur' andi ait rttemrpt be, nrsare'nI 1bi'foi'Plienr- ii goud heali structive ideâs and suggestions,,încclure-ioc-att- lia'dîîp aî bershirp ;r th 's ~o'aiîThe ing the carix flot jrîst comiplaints. to the r p3resuît. in thie Northi Ward, and Reeve utl North York, the Cucîni- SIte xasb Townî Cunîcîcil. Hoxvever, lt was,; that possible It-catiolis I iich cillor for Ward 8, and the local Nov. 9, 1862 emphasized if the people of the cotiîltrvý for a dri'p le investi- sitting iiemlbers uf the fedîteral! -Mu-. and Mrs. other wards should flot lie ln gated, a tac-mer mîight like e parlianient and Provincial Le- i ways preaeh terested in the formation of' have a ravine fiiied in., r'gsitr reIuArnymm' b xo such an organîzation, the people amenciment propused liv Dupa- bers ex ufico. T!ie Pelmio Park i kilied anyon in the Souita Wiàcd '.ili go aheacd itv-H--fexe Biougli wta.-.adici- Aso'~lOc, o"n'il v a as a meinî a'nd lorni a ru'in w e asocra- 'id to thiýi iiioti turc that hifore crtcl(Ofp- o nc 1 icîVc>Clîrrcli foi'ni tioîî of their owi. any place in ilie courlîr'. was cillors tr11-0M"-cil - î'et uf 25 The body Norir Hannaii acieù as cdecided on the coinni'Lt.tee xould; ' s(ý- or iiore. aiid one [roui Morris. Fuite ,ecî'etsi.-ai thte meeting la St 'report at the next meeting uofi-ai. street of six tai -4 iouesnrianvîlle, xvi Sunay Te orthWad te Toxvîii ('otncil. Cotin ]lor streeîs of h iî six hanses lield Fridav, vrelt represerted by a goodiuîr Ken Nicks -eî'onni(l the aniendi- Zare uoînbh;-lýd x' na' \vith Rei ber f niîeîc'-td ~ ~ unnî andtsrili slrre T irrepî'es-. rTyroc:e offie; be o ý)tr,, ýe ciien, "n!-ýertatioci. The ofce'c i'pres .-î Palîbearers were ilirue Or four f17o111 the "lei( cnuiIob iist ut. --O dîîîrsr'ta 1omo, Nor'th Wa"' nci d xo froni tIe maicde hlis îmotioni hi- reeex'i-' deandtruasuier. honpar sî,on 'West Vaîd. Inu .er'oncder, Theci lie spoke aI -dj. sIer Farer anom GIn 'r x ~ clld n ~ s.îme lengc::n cîgecd ('obuurg Ratepaye.- J uî'qlan the chairmnîtu gîve a reporte would bs' wise foi- orîncil lu XMr. DunIie-'a. fîcito on t;12 orocc-edings wbeîî the; consider ;ecutrinug a duîîîp lun. uncetiin iii' cCobour'g Wi';: £lelegatioeî appeared beloi-e tht . o;-îtyx'a a sîoit distan;ce Enîd Ratepavers' .Associationî. MOI To'.viî Coriii;ît (lie nmeeti~î ng infrorfl ie nîuri cioait.v. H-e ulw o The orgî at ftiers ar'ea lite Counicil Charnbers on M11on- stated rhciu et the- public iîîeei- cha;rmmn, vice-rihuirinauu 4;--' Re2gular Wu dusv exenng My t Lug heid ini tue ai ihot-1cof utcri-tarv,. 'a1i-ranî xi ud <t 10 a.î- DlgtsReot the Towni 1-lac',e uw vears ago 1' c- iinibijrs. Onî enerl11.I a a eeaes eot authorities liad said that lutini. meeting antd onu exer'uti;vu Rev. A. W. Il l'lie re-port subnîilted b Mtvr. cipal garbage collection would m-eeting_ is lîrld eclnîonth. ; an extra g F ry deait une by uone wit.b the soîx'e aIl problemns ut the Jack- The xc':v- is co'iîpo;i f cilpieseiît and' six qriestiot-s xvhieh had buîr asCrec.,k du;u'i>.et. tlere ' ix'eu;eîbe' [rom eciiFanilv Day presutîledl lu 'oxx n COUIl b r ejjiîtcîied ro he cciiplaints, 'ecliGIn Ci tÏ!r' xvi' i.\\lîira had beeci uni the ec of v il hich Urs- somne ciîithin"e lastit ex\.' eeks d11celugatioîî "rie- to Town Colin- jganist, iVr'u.1 Net\Mo e.-îl pke--Courniioî- 1'obbs liien iepea+. îcil lIeure i, un11' une sPok)Iesniati, basket ut dai illcuîî. ed bis motion ti.dctîncilor> aithotiglithe more uuenibeî'a ,spring tlow~en "W'}îeîî t i peslun o! a . A. H. Strirrock seconded i, there' are ýi hile dleegation the beauty in frc ciiiî-iîp to bu located soutlî of 401i New Dog Pounîd better. ?u;r. Dodlev said. p!aced. tiereL at Lie, lx' Sticeet a;kod. , u~~qesri He roîlc 0111 illiât uui;LiMclloîni. the Council îreplied (bat t rnaud i of0 pîîd u boinic t teu:r' r e o cu] TI"-re uvas hit met on this qLiestio, but, t, oici xlarcl httIe- l h l) t11e buu ii tiat -t nVOuOJ baS been orîili 'n larecent . paxers '""crtn li-u uW toni -li' e' mnutrhs regarding lie rabiesi: Vut111-1ccînie to Boxvcîiunviile if sung by the they ol eo sitac. Imtigst - scare ~lias caused inirriediate ne- yheou1d e ut ussstauîe oehîg tion to be take;; iri the buýiIdiîîn h ;e't;r rî:gee'allfecti-g (lie c; of àdog cetl"d.a,,reriýieî iljthatman-.socia- ' fuir organist. ut a do pni;icd. ,lionî for thle rrlTi'Iow'.ni xoîîid juv\eniand app Nu or fvouiau- iiti~ibe tarit. one xvrucîac;por'iafacîie' f '~ oc the prouoseudno.g pou;Iq cou d lie found (baru cost shar- - c~~~ng xW.h aringo Townîship. * "cThe counicil reasoned that spend- 'i jmay be seen au tie Board uf -ing lune-, on a piece uf proper- r* tx n.ut oWI'îed lix'the teîxxn - - ,. i ni.ght cause tri(-itilut eh- tweerî the ow'ner, the dug .'un- - , tro! officer. rad couricuils. "Therefore tenders haxve beemu let "il he amutîcît ut' pproxi- i îituv 500 u winhDarling- tonaTnii is 10 share opera- i toa costs oui a rentai basis.A 'modxel of (le pcoposýed builfiing~ 'may ile se.î at the Buard of' '~Works offices. Sidewalks By %pecificutîon Tattes iedemc"ieak iTuîtendeïs When covered with Veie cailed three or four years a go riodeliiîite specifications Our swe, xx"re grx'en Ioo1the tennder. Iti was .ýýtated thact thi.s prucedure is iio longoer i existence, anîd that air'. concrete xvork whin-h tiad been dune inthie pasitua r>, x',ear.î. or ýs lu le dorie ini (le fututre, is b'. specfication orîl. "SU-eets' îîi asked wheri MA. .544 our st.reels wii' receive atten- tion the reply %vas (bat tenders' "IFIT GEN RE TSG**' for prime xxould lie out within ten dais oi (w-o '.eeks from --May 4th. Woi'k !o commncce ~L~a2tIvicled the recusar'. temupera- - -~ ~-.. -~turc of 70 degree.5 had been reaciied aI (iat lime. Calciu 4 uvas promised to "-ornraneuce on theIi- as folloxving tIr àCoucli meeting, * No Arrivai Date '.Junnîsoîi and J 1100 No( detiiiile proîîîise oi arrivai date A DURo PUMP lias been received bvCouniJ Mean BeterLivng ! as been foilowed uip on variotis Mean Beter ivin andv %I cftflLie to be QIUR fit P0 ý (teai gI i l: )J.. i ), pit; C " - waler when and wher e C Ilidustrial tk>annisioner need ît. .. adds to unr tow- "Industrial Coxnmissionier, his vifeno ndo.fcoldîl uties and salarv; His salary i lite.$4,500 a year. One mil, $7,286.1 DLJRO Purnp are avalt- r i set aside for his salar and abl w H ~ie.,to eet~, the expenses of tlie xork ýof thej ablein ail sneds. Scee n- Industriai Commission. Th e Piilube rDsJRO ealeor Mayor poirited out that ail] thel for ut frmo or UO eae amouint of nioney over the Coin- for fullFinfolrmton r ite m issioner's salary might flot ne- for.uFREE Folde" cessarilv be spent.- "I talked with Mr. Morris and i understand that his work cari-i nul b publicized beeause it i hihvcompetitive. Other town i San~d vnues are workcnga liard ýo1 S obtain r.exw md.istr" also. i '~would b{euî\'tic o pul1is î îîarnes , olr; Cctit,-z"s initeresten huePbeoacc -e îcud It'ofhei placus wold Li nake àterrit h j"In cmnchding 1 ~uuld ik", to draw' vour attention that the tax assezSsrent in B-uwnanvile È70 per cent residiential aud :30 per cent industrial. The ideal a --es-ouunt Î,; approxirnately .5 per cent resiciential and 45 per pUMpSSEF EME , icent iadustrial, No industrial ru r & 3 rLn I1site is ovied b ', the towr, L 1MI M D y nor has it sýervice.s suc-h as sew- LON DO N - C A N A D ~el and waltr available to out- __________________________1viincare. .. T; s orobabiva reason wn v- Bownmanville lias. JA C BRO GH been unable ta secure e in for sale in the imniediat-e area PLUMBING and HEATING 'are pltxe shouid cause Divtis3n Street Soutb great conoern to thie town rate- NA3-5615 BOWMAN VILLE O0ther Associations Info0-mâtion concerninR exist- _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ iI1UI~~~AY~ mAV lAu. ~. 0 OFNGER ALE Modeand Bo4d by. ., 6B0w mAÀN v1LL E YOU'q yYES, YOU CAN WI.N A"'"' '. 's 'i.- ix <z y or one Of the other 3,022, BIG I CASH PRIZES in the fabulous iS I, le.«::i-"n5 CONTEST GAME \~iEEV BROS. dfWormsd Stafford Bros. r Monumental Works 318 Dundas St. F.., Wbitby Phone Wbitby MObawk 8-35i2 SA rnization represent-1 Church in the Valley of tthe for Mother's h avpn h ek eople of the entire Wildwood". ELIZABETH VILLE Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, Osh- hoen wh orhantopeth ewe. uld have added The theme of Mother's Day axva. visited in the village Sun- Min Tolronto wit hoBr l. an Dudley remarkedi in the passage from, Proverbst Sorry to hear that Marcia El- day.1 tice for the juniors seve~- outh Ward has the 31 from. the lOth and following iiott has her leg and hip in a Severai attended the Pro- 1 turnes preparing for Singing nber of voters, and verses was clearly outlined by cast from an old ailment and;gesv Conserv-ative meeting! Mother's Day. amTouflt of taxes is! the flev. A. W. Harding andcis1 unabie to attend sehool. She igt rsîvewek r Ko' n South ward. A rate-; coîitained niuch thoughtful re- 15 the daughter o! Mr. and M.r tOrn hswe. Mrs. nxadrl-. Thick kation will benefit ference to parente, especially A. C. Elliott. Garden Hill. Church services were held son along with MrS. 'Woodley own, e sad. nothes oftoday Mrs Care Betty nd ~ celebrating Christian Farnily Garden Hill, andMr.Hrio tonhesad. niThers of e osed th MandDonarerertoran onsDay. During the services thé Port Hope. atiended the c0 The urvce losd ,itha an Dona ercr. orotofollowing parents had their bourg Eurhre Wýcdnesday even. r T ARY - hmi- and the Benediction. with Mx. and Mrs. 0. Mercer children. baptized: Mr. and Mrs. _________ IT A YSunday School xvas held ut - Ross Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Iaa.with 35 present. Mr. (Ge.i. GIrHsitlvstdb ri nM. .and.i swJam...Rob-a ZABETH BRAN('H Hanesu pari iitendent. cn erea osia IIth rw in, Mr. and Mrs. KJame Rob- Ol unt duerted the Sess-ion. Next Suil parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jan Egas DuruautesarenHil er beili) Brancih.'a3 p31- uvicie prugî'am arranged by on lM>other's Day. !Durces the loig-ardenHler-h I Cs nof the Bowiý'nan- the. United Cinirch for Failv r We are pleased to see Mr-. E. church, Linida MeAllister anidi t,dii Wednesdlay. Day wl eue thie regu- Symons at Church on Sundav Sharon Trew. Nvith 1327 Central Park jar hour I lanu. after being practically a 'shut- Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson vis-1 sa. 1w W~ ~ rs. inutie E. Mr'Holiiî sperit in" rost of otîr long xvinter. ied w;ith their daughter. . S T A T E S ýMAN ceh livcd tuor nîaiw j l os0tsstl ek %viî Mrs. Mac Ir. Syrnons is now eble to Lise M-oore wh ssiii rivale C L A S S I1 F 1 E D1s fariii i(li Boiiai- Ulow nîd Mrs. Nelly NMcHoIlm- theý broken wrist quite nieelv Pati-ent*s Pavillon. Toronto, on Phn MA et333 i,.r iushuacI,thie Ila C Nexvtonvliîlec. aga"n Sundax'. Thev brorîgcht Darieiîe a, aoprdera-ed Mixý. Vera Andcerson arid; g1rauîd-dallter Elaine were !Vîved bx oîly 0112 xVeekend guests of MVr. and Mrs.1 cira \a1te1r R. Clbff Andersonî and family. shx'.a son. Bowlînanville. Thev were pres- i chel aiways uîîjoyed cnt at the christening of the in- "IVfi n V hirt th anud was juever a fant-adopted sonl of Mr. and lnt. She arose eariy Mrs. C. Anderson on Sunday. ai-d appeared to h.Ž We are very pleased to note ohfradlcu, kth and spirits dulr- the uiisýical abilitigs of High ot of emnLm partof he ay. School studcent Lorerizo Bebee, born in Newcastle,: at the May Musicale of P.H.H.S. ..m aoiedik 2,the dagte ;l on Friday May 8. Lorenzo isAd i s.J. Belger, and al- grandson of the late Mr. and - oasm~ .ed and practiccd Mrs. Lorenzo Bebee. He was ijrt's o "liad w~~kneyer boin in Morrish and receivedi ne. The dr'e:snd is î't >chooling at oui, pub- Sfidrn. 1eu- of Stileuî tlcîitvd iirsuhool.W \vu atcli bis pro-, rested aut ilt ie nw Vith irîterc.esl ai-d wislihihlm erail Chpl B uvurey siiccess i; 11w choseneu- lere services u"'ruer. May S. 1959 at 3:30 LttcMs;SroiWi v. . J .iuksu < ihad the cast reinoved on Satur ~'ee daji mi, as-9tIî from a badly II VL. e tiesAr Buu spliîîtrd leit leg. The accideiît Ilr*urtqunhn L. eettiii Bf ")currud xv en sleigli riding erM rt un in iJ Paku. Rvituaryin xx'inter and crutchesi d .J. Braîî1h. w!] cli ave to bc uîsýed until - SITeigth returrîs to 'tIs in.jured )RRISH Mviss Agathýla Egas oý Cobourg GR P eORANGE 0r'ship .SeiviVe xVzîs MO)NUMNENTS ANU In. on Sîdv d Ii j~y jC E M SD i ncarîe 0u1 t.. IEQi[IVC M SD Hardincg. TIherc was ¶R Hf* ROOT BEER THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO OrMT0421rA" lk&AeP .- -- ýûcà fRULK-ý of P* .."C*. OF ST AFFORD BROS. "ýý ýýÀl

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