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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1959, p. 15

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TURSDAY. MAY 141h. 1959 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE~ ONTABJO PAGE FWTEEN *Cla rke Join, 1 /ants to 14 Ft7pm Schoc C!arkte township counicil on Monday, May 4th. in their reg- ular session for the month, pass- ed -a resolution petitioning the Whylaoke Chances With Your Clothes? EVELEIGH'S San itone Dry Cleaning Costs No More!1 than other quality dry cloaning e Flushes sut deep.down dirt, revives colors *Restores original '«finish" and texture " Btter press retains drape- lasts longer " No tell-tale dry cleaning odor -Cot Us Todoy EVELEIGH'S CLEANERS & LAUNDERERS Miil St. - Oshawa Cali Zenith 13000 CONFI4é DENILYIl From HFC, of cour understand your and like to help 64 King Street East. .. .. . . Oshawa Shopping Centre... OSHi Free! B LAC K 1 STAJ with purchast Vigo SERVICE CORNER 0F Ni AND FIFTII Phone N b)ouh1o Slamp Da, -Corne Out and See1 Complete Lubrication AT THE 0PEN EVENINGS Carke Township. This he said. held at Norwood. Further plans l' ra dewas foelish for what better; were made for the garden pr board could you have than the ty te be held next month. On 18 en hatmake Up the Hih May 15, Bethany W.A. will e SchOOiBeerd.hosts te a district ruily, when Councillors Savery, Stone andi Miss Muriel Stephenson, mis- centres were te secede fromn the! memnbers of Janetville W.A. in present district. hget the worship service. .I re Clr1 A meeting with the depart. 1I Drxng the devot.xonal period COUnties council te set Cak ment of education is being led by Mrs. Malcolmson. two township up as a high school planned at whieh both courcne mnutes silence wvas observed areca, if the area was te be dis. members and the Clarke repre.' in memory of the late Miss solved or if the County looked sentatives are to be present. 1Maude Rodwell who had been with faveur on the petition It was pointed out that apr- a faithful member of the soc- f rom Bowmanville and Darling- proval te withdraw must be re-, iety for many years. Following t on. ceived prier te July lst if the the closing henediction. lunch IThe Council at this meetinq township were to start on its wa served by the hostess as- met wîth their two high schooi own in 1960. With this in mind sisted by Mrs. Clarence Neals, representatives, Messrs. R. R. the resolution was passed unan-. Mrs. Jos. Whiteslde, Mrs. R. R. Waddell arnd Carlos Tamblyn. imously. Mr-. Tamblyn suggest-i Bonsteel, Mrs. T. Malcolmson Mr. Waddell gave a resume of c fCak eet ul hi and Mss. Preston Neals. the past year and a hait. In own school that Il weuld likelyf Mrs. Clarence Rowan expres.. speaking on the first chic et.f be a 300 pupil school wit.h pro- sed -the thenks of the members the central achool in the Town-!vso1i for shop and home te Mss. Wright for the use of ship of Clarke, Mr. Waddell stat- ________ er home and te those who hed ed that it had been a sensible -assistcd with the program. choice from ail aspects andB~T1 v There were 30 ladies present furthered bis remarks by say- LLI1HANY~ at this meeting and Mrs. Char- ing that everyone knew thati les Reynolds wes welcomed as teewould be less transporta- Mr.i- and Mrs. Ralph Mulli- a new member te group five. tien ef pupils te a school in thel gan and daughter Penny ef Y.P.U. Meeting centre of a circle rather than onl Çhippewa spent several deays TeYugPol' no the circumference. tWhs week with his parents, Mr. mT i he un te ChsU nionbse The three schools were offered' andi Mrs. 'Gervin Muligan. met n then iod eveningasit as pakag del, e sidin Mr. and Mrs. Bei-t Freeman Bruce Wright presiding. Thie the hope that enough municipal- and family ot Burlington visi- rga wslebyJhJck ities would support lt. Four ted wltii her parents Ms. and pon andDoald bycon ack have given their approyal of this Mrs. Walter Rowland on Sun-soadDnld ct. scheme--however this i5fnot Rad&Y. Rev. R. R. Bonsteel led a jmajority te carry. Two counicils, Robert Poster, formerly of Biblical discussion and gave a he said, have given support te aeckbgnMnyastl talk on "Growing Up"'. Marilyn the Dirlington and Millbreok Mitchell, Dianne Lethongue schools but have wlthheld on the1rinteTrnoomin and Jean Gilbanks led the de- sensible one in Clarke Township. Bank brandi bere. oi nlsrie Mr Wddllsugete tat Mrs. Gordon Snituh and dau v'etinaslaervce. ete Mhe Council seek e seu their ghter Vivian of Coborne spent It aspned eetra th own i area fr, e sie oulde several deys tbis week with her fleat in the Victoria Day par- esabi n area for thi, e Town- parents, Mi-. and Mr&. George ade sponsoed by the Athîctic ship te give a wholesomne educa- WaddellmAssociati. attndmberYountg tien. He pinted out that it i Poe hiic sa~ embles wll attebaroug would net ba big sehool but h. ient in Oshawa General Hos- onPe ropesRy in Pesteborouth maintained there was a lot te pital. contSituday. itwa ekl ietg say for the smaller schools where Reeve Essi Argue, Mrs. Ar- chotinue tei-selvmeetng a dloser tie exista bctween the gue, Mrs. Hugh Degeer, Mrs.thcuhttesum. students and the teachers. This Douglas Smelt anid Mrs. Ross Ladies' Guild he said was worth quite a bit., Cen attended a meeting in The Ladies Guiid ef St. Paul's Mr. Waddell dld net support al Bowmnanviile on Wednesday Anglican Church were enter- scheme te form an area with 1 nidht, planning for the T.B. tained at the home of Mrs. Mer- Newcastle who have been work- isurvey and clinics te be held vin Smith fer their meetingi ing against Clar-ke al &long. in Belihany on June 18, folow- Clarke, he said, has the qualifi- ed iby X-rays on June 22. It is calions te set up their own hoped that everyone will ce- school area, he stated. operate by attending these ci- Mr. Carles Tamblyn ase sup-, îcs. verted the establishment of a. Mr. and Mrs. Murray WiI- Clarke Township area. 1snhv de eteatat Reeve J. T. Brown read a let-i son haveoadded testhre atra ter fromn W. B. Reynolds, secre- iness of tihelfrostored withRa High School Board asklng if painting counceil would approve the issu- Mrs. Percy Stewart Peter- ing ef debenlures for a high borough has spent the past school in Darlington and Mill-. week with Mr. and Mrs. Don- brook. Ms. Tamblyn pointed out aid Lowes. that ne autherization had beeni Dr. Stuart Speller and Mrs. given for Ibis letter by the' Speller spenft Sundtay wth ber beard. He stated that the board, parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Flnd- C H l at their last meeting, had passed lay in Toronte. a motion te stand "pat" on their Mr. and Mrs. Harold, Sander- decision for building the three son were in Toroente for theu scheols. Deputy-Reeve Walkey weekend visiting with Mi-. and % and Counillor Stone moved that Ms ,Snesn a theleterbefied ndno cton Dr. G. M. Longfield. Mrs. taken. The deputy-reeve then Longfield, and their ehildi-en stated that Clar-ke had apprev-; Randy and Rutlh of Flint. Mich. ed the three schools and thati were weekend guests with Mr-. their decision had net changed. and Mrs. Mansel Wright. Reeve Brown stated he strong- C.W Jtae rsdn ly felt that the education etCo.fet 1,Pesdn Clar-ke students was being jeep- Another native of Bethany ardized by other municipalities. hsreached the top ef his ohos-, He aise feit that if Darlingten, en profession. TMis week an- and Bowmanville were allowed nouincement was made that C. te withdraw that Port Hope and îWîliai-d Westlake ef Toroente Hope would aise go out eft hei has been elected President et area. We shouici aise withdraw; the National Cash Register Ce. and set up oui- own area. This J ef Canada Ltd. He hbas headed ýý: ~r}'~n~i~ pprovl et the thcompany's sales operations R. R. Waddeil stated thatJ Willa.rd, now 58 years ot age certain counicils were suggesting that a board et arbitration be' was bearn in Bethany, the youn- set up te place the school in' gest son of the late Mr. and and Mrs. William Westlake. Af- t 'er graduation from the local............ FCyuawygtft, Ipublic school he attended High........ At HF I la é at Schô1% in Lindsay andi Peter- courteous service, and a wide boroughi, then entered the Un- variety of repaymnent plansJ iversity of Toroento. He joired te choose frein. You may the National Cash Register Ce. borrow for any purpose you -n192 a-a clleter thin isworhwhle.During his 37 years with the thnki wrtwil.National Cash Register Ce. he Saine-day Ieans-without moved up hrough t4e ranks as '"< bankable security or en«- salermnysenor shesmnia dorser-are aspecioty ieman, jnior ash regimae dessrs-re aspeialt ai nager of the company's Hamil- HF. ero wt cnt~ ton branch (1936-46), cash reg« .. dence at HFC. ister instructor fer the cern- Jpany, and manager of aiCn- 'se!Whee pepleadRan sales operations eft1he dence. The Unýited Chut-ch-has estabiýished Mission Stations in. U~ M ps Angola and Northern Rhodesiaj pictred he iffeentcolonies ý every and states in the continent, dis- cussing their products, experts, foi-m et gevernment, etc. rla- e of gaSting something of the trouble tral Atrîca Fecieration centred in Nyasaland. where 29 Afri n cans were kiiled and troops and r O iriot police imposed a cre r O ilarresed 14 lea eto the At' rican National Congress andi exiled Dr. Hastings Bande.mIn STA TIO N conclusion, Mi-s. Bonsteel urged LANVRS RAI>the information contained in CONCESSION newspapers. te study the siti- lA 3-91 ation in Atrica. fer we will be 'hearng muh oftIis Continent AYU y Every Tuesday i Preston Neals and Mi HE RO E Our Display of Gifts - Bonsteel sang a duet "Sun o H V O E ai aReasnabl Pri. iMy Soul" and Mrs. Neals con- ___aR ________ jic ducted a centest on «Tabrie PiAL PM-C-Ë ON TIRES Naines " which wa" won by IHrCrenceley. Theandcritary, urtioe LE IN ANY QUANTITY M r Clec 'e owan and M STATION jMrs. T. Jennings rend a letter ~ .. ps freiMrs. F. R. Samis, presi- Lau SUNUAX Ident of the Peterborough Pi-es- bytery enclosing information as te the Presbytery meeting te be Mm --Wq Cla rke Ratepayers Again Vote for Schools The ratepayers ln the Clar-ke Tewnship Scbool Area last Wed- nesday supported the isauing et debentures for the twe new scheols, a lwe-reom a chool nt No. 9 and a two-roemn schL"l in Newtonville. The debenture issue is for $75,000.00. The over- aht majority in the vote faveur- ed the "Yes" by 56. This is the second time thal the vote has been held and the second lime that the "Yes" fac- tor received the majorily. The greatest support for ilssu- ing the debentures came fr Newtonville section. Sections giving the majority le the "'Ne questIon were Antloch, Slxthi Line and Lockbarts, the lattes being the section .where one et the new schools la le be built. Clar-ke Townsbip Counoil will hold a special meeting et couricil on Tuesday, May 1Mt at 3 p.m. tt take what action they deem necessary. The foilowing is a record et the vote held on Wednesday, May 6tb. this week, wilt Mrs. Morgan Bigelow presiding and Mrs. G. E. Meades iieaddng the devo- tional period. The treasurer's report noted the tinancial successaoethlIe ie- cent Pot Luck Supper and pro- gressive euchre party. Mss. Meadesereported lteI new AI- tai- hangings had been ordered for lte Church. An invitation was rcceived te à Sprlng Tes in lte Pariait Hall of St. John's Churçh, Idia on May 13 and membesagreeci le attend. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Char- les Smith and Mrs. Hugh De- Geer. 'nie next meeting will take the torm of a social even- ing ai the home et Miss Fier- ence Smith. Poil Yes No 1 Port Granby - 22 22 2 Newtonville -___ 97 10 3 Antiech .- 8 38 4 Lockhart's -____ 18 38 5 Kendal 23 9 6 McLane's----- 19 4 7 Sixth Line -- 7 15 Totals -------~ 194 136 Tbe total vote was 330 out ef a possible approximale 500.- Times. BLACKSTOCK Mission Band met in the Sunday School room, Tuesclay aller scbeol with twelve child- i-en and two leaders present. Mrs. Stuart Dorreil who was in charge efthlIe meeting took as her Theme for Worship, "ýGod is Love". She aise read the stery "More than Violets for Mother". The childi-en an- swered the roll with 'What 1 would like te give Mother for Mother's Day", and, each child finighed and, paintesi the artic- les they had been modeiing as gîfts for their mothers. Aller lte cleslng tbey playedi games on thie lwn. Twerity-five ladies and five kiddies attended the Women's Institute meeting at the home ef Mss. Oscar Graham Wedlnes- day afternoon. The new Pi-es- Mdent Mrs. Ernest Larmer pt-e- sided foi- the opening exercîses andi conducted the business per- led which Included the announ- cernent efthlIe Port Perry Hos- pitli tea and the District An- nual at Maple Gi-ove. Ladies were urgesi te attend both et these. Some plans were nvadc for ttue Ratepayers banquet and for lte care of and erdering flowers for the park. Ms. Las- mer reported on the business meeting-et the executivp held obiIe Cars at hei- home lte evening betore. Mrs. J. Rahm was appointd as aiternat,. te Mrs. M. Byers as District Director. The roll cali was answered by- The two Most important vegetables in mny garden- Mrs. W. Archer grOup leader, presented the foi- lowing programme:- Mrs. S. Dorreil reed the Scripture pas- sage, Psalm 24, Mrs. Murray Byers gave the replv te the me(tt- "«We are proud ot Can- ada, what cen we do te make Canada proud et us?" reading part Of Mss. ]Bonsteel's Prize Winninig Essay. Very înterest- ing Current Events werp given by Mss. John Rahm. Mrs. W. Archér gave a splendid paper on "The Settiement and Grow- lh ef Canada" and Mrs. A. Bai- ley i-ead "Jacques Cartier". Mrs. Larmer cxpressed thanks Io the retiring president and et- ficers and asked for similar ce- operation for the new officers. Afler the singin.g et the Queen. lunoh was served and a social lime spent. Rev. and Mrs. P. Romneril. Mrs. Carl Wright and Mrs. Ce- cil HilI attended the Luncheon meeting et Trinity atternoon auxiliary in Bowmanvilie, Tue- sd'ay. Mr. Remet-il was guest speaker. Mr-. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Mrs. Albert Wright, Mrs. Os- mond Wright and Mrs. Pcrcv- VanCamp, atlended tihe fu ner:il et an aunt, Mrs. Wiii Wýright in Bowrnanville Tuesday at- terneen. A large number from thiese parts attended the polilical meeting at Orono Tuesday night, at w'hich Mr. Alex Car- ruthers, Port Hope, xvas ciected as Conservative Candiciate for Dur4hamn riding te contest ini the coming election June IL. The mothers et Guides, Bt-o- wnies, Scouts and Cubs heid their second meeting AIpril 201t1 in the Recreation Centre with twenty-three molhers present. MIrs. Florence Collins xvas ap- pointed President and Mrs. Hil- da Mappen S.cretary-Troeaur. er. The next meeting wi.U b. held May 20th in the Recre.. tion Centre. We would like to see more lnterst a m o fg8 the inothers and a larger aI- tendance at the next meeting. Whon you want heip right oway..e Cail us. We have a repu- talion for giving Our policyholders ail the heIp they need when they need it! Cail us ... rain or ShiW. STUART B. JANE! [NS URANCE ILEALIBTAIS Office MA 3-5681 King St, E. Eedmeo MA 3-5491 BOWMSB*llb ,EATED BY POPULAR DEMANDI RO-Y Wi Chevrolet - Oldsm< Bowmanville - Chevrolet Trucks NICHOLS . .." -... ý I... 1 MW 1 1 1 s i : Il p li 1, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMIX, ONTARM THURSDAY. MAY 14th, t959 PAGE TnMM

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