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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1959, p. 16

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PA~~ ~rrF~EN' TEE CANADIAY STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF.. ONTAJUO TEURSDAY, MAT l4th, 1911 HoId Service School For Legion 0f ficers Ross McKnight-. service off i- and members representing 18 cer of Branch 178 of the Cane. of the branches of District F. dian Legion, and Glenhoînie Lou Knack, District Command- Hughes, a member of the ýer. who arranged the sehool. branch executive, attended the 'addressed the meeting. ,District F school for Canadian The schools for Canadian Le- Legion Service officers held in gion service officers have been Peterborough on Sunday. The carried on succcssfully for six school was conducted bv Robert years. Thev deal with the pro- R~eid, Secretarv of the Ontario cessing, and servicing of dlaims Command Canadian L2eion b.-,v,-teranis and dependents re- Service Bureau, assisted bv garding pensions. war veterans Frank Hurley, Service Officer, allowances, mot-bers' allowance, Department of Veterans' Af- educrîtiona1 assistance. and sim- fairs. unr roilatters. The latest amend- George Gimilett, president of inenIs to the Canadian Pension Branch 52, Peterborough, xvel- Act were also discussed on Sun- comed the 35 service office-.: day in Peterborough. KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mercer. Maryl and Paul Jr. spent a îew days last- week witii ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred M'ar- ren. Kondal friends were sadcli- ed t-e learn of t-he passing on Mon., May 4 in Lockwood Clin- le. Toronto, of one of their bkgh- ly esteemed pastors, the Re%,. Thomas Wallace in bis 80thi year. The funeral services were held at Greenbank U n i t ed Church on Tburslay with ini- terment- in Newtonville cemet- ery. Heart foit- sympathy is ex- tended the bereaved family. A number from here regret not learning of it soon enough t-o be present at- Newtonville. Guest-s with Mrs. Alva Swar- brick on Mothor's Day were, Mrs. Edith Ferguson, Mrs. Gor'- don Prico, Mn. arid Mrs. Wil- fred Roughloy, David and Don, and Ross Roughley. Mrs. G. Price (Doris) is recuperating from a serious beart operation and her friends here are pleas- ed t-o ]earn she is coming along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Langstaff, Linda and De'bbie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore and sons, Toc- onto, spent- Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes, Gordon and Joan vîsited friends in the village and Mn. and Mrs. Ross Patton, Sunday. Mri. Lorne Mantineli and PA SRICER Eettyv and Mrs. Dick Martinel x-isitedi Sundav xith Mrs. Mary Luxon and Mrs. Hattie Martin- cil. Mr. anci Mrs. Gordon Mar- tineil were also mith Mrs. H. Martinell. Mrs. Ted Coatham and fain- il v and Mrs. Vance Allen and Terry suent Sunday xith Mns. Wm. Mercer. 1c and Mcs. Cccil Tebble. Orono. called on Wes Tebble and Mi,. and Mns. Muit Robin- son Sunday aftecnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Len Venning, Toronto, were down t-o their summer home for t-be weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George Mac- Donald and family spent t-be weekend wit-h ber mother at- Ome mec. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neal and familx' and Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Langstaff and family visited Sundav with Mn. and Mrs. Gor- don Langst-aff. Mr. and Mrs. Albent- Mavin and family, Bowmmanville, spent- Sunday with Dick Wilson, Miss Helen Boyd and Fred. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thertell, Toronto, spent- Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Thenteli. Mr. Harol'd Thert-eU and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gra'nt- Thent-eli and family aIs0 called for a- wbile. Mr. and Mrs. Cy Elsey, Mar- ilvn and Carol, and ber fat-ber, Mr. Martin visit-ed Mr. and Mrs. George Mercen. Blake Alexander was taken by ambulance t-o Memoial Hos- pital Saturd-ay morning. Mrs. George Clarke is staying wit-b Mns. B. Alexander. We hope Blake will soon be betten again. Miss Marion Thertoîl is ne- gaining ber healtb aft-on undonr- going an operation in Memnorial Hospital t-wo weeks ago. Miss Marjony Brueder, Bow-' manville, was t-be guest of Miss Jane Fosten. Mr and Mrs. Aylward Lit-tle and ±?amily, Markbam, and Alec Lit-tle, Tononto, spent- Sunclay with Mrs. Nova Lit-tle. A present-ation was held in t-ho Orange Hall Fiday even- ing for 14n. and Mrs. Argus Curtis. Miss Kathleen Geach read t-be addcess and Argus and Jean wore prosentod wit-b a lovoly fluor lamp and china cabinet-. An enjoyable ovening was spent- in dancing and a hountiful lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Hatchen Fostor, 1Miss Patsy Foster and Bob Car- I ruthens netunned Thursd'ay fo a trip t-o Virginia, whene Mrs. Off icers Praise Cadets for "Good Show' The May meeting of the W i M.S. was held at-t-be Marise.1 President Grace Smith condue- ted t-be business. Thene was a discussion on C.G.I.T. work ai- so a affiliation service for Ex- - piorer's, 13 visits were report- ed, used dlot-bing t-o be left at Mns. Hilîs. June Tea t-o be beld at- t-he homo of Mrs. Russel Wright, June 3. Guest speaker will be Mns. C. W. Slemon and Miss Sadlor as soloist, Bowmnan- ville. Salem, Haydon and Long Sault ladies are invitod to at- tend. Gnoup leader Mrs. C. J McQuinn called on Mrs. Davià Cnaig for Devotional. Piano so- lo by Mns. F. J. Jackson, a pa-! pen on Christian Stewardship by Mrs. A. Hills, St-udy Book by Mrs. John Broomo. A social time was spent enjoying a cup of t-ca. The Explorons held a venva successful afternoon tee and sale on Saturday in the Sun- Members of the Inspectir day School room at 3 p.m. the was taken and the B.H.S. G Explorers opened the tea and praise f or their efforts. Thc sale with their own opening officer-; L. A. Parker, nepresi conemonies followed by a few DSO, VD; Col. M. C. Fin1ey wonds by Grace Smith. -Sale table, home made candy, art* -, Oshawa. Sehool Principal les made of plastic sponge by ing part-y on the stand. t-ho Explorons and t-hein coin- sellons Mrs. H. Stainton and Mns. W. MurphY. Proceeds $25.1 The beautiful floral tribut-es CA E A OR R wihwere n Tr.e nied C _ E pstCORNE in loving memony o! Mrs. Han- j 7 vey Curtis and Mms. William' 7 S e s t Wright, two former residents of Tynone. Five bdlidren were A baptized at the Mothens Day A Ig n e Service conducted by ne J. Jackson. Linda Pearl Brown, daught-er of Mn. and Mr&. Clay- Makîng youn own pictures ton Brown, Margaret Lenore "corne t-o life" is a wondenful Cnaig, d'aught-en of Mr. and Mrs. expenionce. Pbotognapbic dank- David Craig, Ellen Roberta Da- t'rooms, simple or complex. can vey, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. ho t-ho source of înany enjoyable, Ray Davey, Kathy Ann Phasey, hours spent- at-t-bis hobby. daughter of Mn. and Mrs. David It is easy t-o set-up a begin- Phasey, Wendy Ann Philp, dau- non's dankroom. You don't- even ghton of Mr. anid Mrs. Ronald Ineed a special room for yourý Philp. .j work. Bonrow t-be batbrooin foi- Mr. nd Ms. red artnr àwbile. A vWitkliôarnt over t-he! Mn. nd ns.FredPar-no, Ibat-btub will hold sevecal oft-be! Long Sault-, were Sunday vis- tnays you xiii need while t-be lt-ors o! Mn. and Mrs. S. GOble batht-ub and sink may be used and boys. for wasbing niegat-ives and Mr. and Mrs. T. Dawson and pnînts. Mark, Sarnia; Mn. and Mrs. K. These seven steps describe t-be Acheson, Scarborough; Mn. and basic tools needed t-o develop Mrs. S. Daw, Wendy, Sandra j youn own pictures. and Lori, Port Credit; Mrs. M. 1. A black ligbt--t-igh curtaîn 1Grant-, Dalene and Debbie, at-t-ho window xill provide t-ut-ai ligbt- exclusion. A large sbeet- Oshawa, were Sunday visitons of Mr. and Mns. John His. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Beck- et-t-, Oshawa; MVr. and Mrs. John Beckett-, Port Penny; Mr. and Mns. Don Lamb, Enniskillen; Mn. and Mrs. Dawson Becket, and family. Mapie Grove; r. and Mrs. John Holdstock, Bolv- manville. were Sundav visitors o! Mr. O. Beckett and Ai-villa. Mr. and Mrs. L. Allciccad and Maxine wcre Suindaydn niec giICsts of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Page, Hamptoni. Mnr.and MNsE. Prescott, Mrs. K. Hardy were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ace Ab- bott-, Oshawa. Aldin Hill, Hannon, spent t-ho weekend witb bis grand- panent-s, Mr. and Ms A. Hills ~ Sndy visit-rs wcee Mr. Wes- ley Hills Anne and Howard., Solina, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ccaig 'Would you cast a stone? OnIy those wit-hout sin, said the Master, may judge the erring. This girl and hon unborn habe may be the victims of betrayal, or of t-ho mot-her's weakness or folly. The Salvation Army merely asks. are t-bey friendless and in noed? In its hospitals, havons and homes, mot-hor and child receive loving care and the opport-unit-y for a happy future. To maintain t-is and its other works of mercy, The Salvation Army asks your help. Your contribution wil bring you the joy of helping others t-o build happy, useful lives. The understanding heart and the humnan touch THE SALVATION ARMV Honoutrary Chairniian- Wilfrid D. Carruthers Chairnian - John M. James MNay 4th to 3lst Treasurer - A. L Hooey Canpaign Headquarters « 35 Division St. Telephone MA 3-3761 Contributions inay ho sont to Canadian Bank of Commerce, Bowmanville Mn. and Mcs. G. Kehoe, En- niskillen, ,isite(l Mr. and Mrs. S. Goble. Mns. S. Gobie and Brceç, spent- Sunda- with Mrs. Fi-c! Wright, Bownianville, and ai- so Mns. T. Bacret, Long Sauit. Mn. and Mcs. G. Planke and Danny. Osbawa; 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood. Onono; Mn. and Mrs. R. Philp and daugbters, Mr. and Mns. D. Phasey and bidren were guests on Suinday o! Mr-. and Mns. H. Philp and Jean. Mn. and Mrs. J. Murdoch and 'boys, Bowmanville, wit-h Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. A Murphy family gat-hering was held Sunday at-t-be home o! Mn. and Mrs. Walter Mur- phy. Mr. and Mrs. S. Goblo and Bruce wore Satunday ovening visitons o! Mn. and Mns. Fred Part-non. Mrs. W. J. Miller, Elizabeth and Helen, Oshawa, were Sat- urday night dinen guests o! Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and family. Mn. and Mns. R. Clapp visited his parents. Mn. and Mrs. Gil- bert- Clapp, Belleville, on Sun- day. Mn. and Mrs. James Woodiley and Pat- wene necent visitons of Mn. and Mns. R. D. Hodgkinson. Aunora. Mn. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, IBowmanville, visit-ed Mn. and ~Mrs. A. Hoar. Mn. and Ml-S. G. Whit-e and daug'ht-ers, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mrs. A. Hoan and family, visited thein parent-s. Mn. and Mns. F. Werny also Mns. S. T. Hoar. Mrs. C. Shaw and Ralph, Oshawa-, Ross Wonnacott-, Ton- ont-o, witb Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John. Miss A. Aked, Mcs. B. Snell. visit-ed Mn., and Mrs. Lloyd Ail- dread Sunday evening. ng Party had Just "takçen the salut-e" when this photo orps was forming into a hol]ow square to receive high ey are, fromn left t-o rigl, Lt. S. P. Hunter, area marking senting the school board; Col. L. T. McLaughlin, CMG, y, ED, and Major J1. R. Warnica, CD, Ontario Regiment, Major L. W. DilDpell was also a member of the review- orange filter for use when de- veloping orthochromatic filmn and a green fult-r for use when developing panchromatic film. (6. Economical trays on the market are made of bard rub- O rganw zifl Ilber and give very good service. Ilf vou've the space, st-art with S three of the Il x 14inhsz s D ~a r r 0-roc 61 0 o you will have room t-o circu- lat-e vour prints. For printing I outil need one deep 16 x 20 of black construction paper tack- J inch xvasbing t-ray. Into this ed over t-be window is effective.* will go a hose from the water Ilfaucet and the siphon hose 2. Sheif and table space must >which carnies the cold water out be aequte -o oldche~ca into thbe drain. Whatever your and trays, and a souirce of ruin-arngm thewe sol ning water is a flecessit'v. An- araeetthogatdfersb o other suggestion is to puit size-1b etmvn n rs - ,t1ieliminate ail traces of chemicals able labels on everything yo trom thbe paper wbon you wash use. I our prints. 3. Your first item of erîuip- 7 Your photo dealer can help' metcnb avr f( ~ Cvn Let h im know how much !plastic roll film tank. vo Yu want t-o spend, and be'l photographie dealer selis triese1poabi -kot arro 1 fo suprisngl litl.pilan f or you. The chemicals 4. A timer dlock is a good uised are rolatively inexponsive. idea, too. A combineci t-her- Eventuaîlv, if you and pho- momoter and stirring ceod alsoitography are sufficiently wed-1 are necessary as are clarnp tyniel ded. yo-u right want t- set up clothespins used for àa~n arkroom on a permanent' negat-ives t-o dry. 1i basis in your basemont or ut-il- 5. Safelights cost luttle mrne 1 ity roomn, and perhaps you wîll t-han ordinary electric builbs.1 graduate to more advancedi More expensive models take an equiipment. T IMEAV**,USi FREE, Hope WiI Attempt ReDeal Contrai Bv- Lraw Foster had also visited her mo- t-Sen at Donvil!e. They also vis- it-ed a number of other points. Mrs. M. E. Foster, who had been visiting her son near Knoxville, returned home wlth them. Mot-bers Day Service was held in Kendal United Church Sunday morning with Ross El- liot-t, assistant superintendent1 of t-he Sunday School taking part in t.he service with Rev. R. C. White. Nine children were presented for barptismn: Deb-1 orah Joan. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thertell; Dorot-by Jean, Bruce Walter, Linda Eileen, and Joan Eliza- beth, son and daughters of Har- old Thertell and the late Mrs. H. Thertell: Aletha Marion, Lorraine Barbara Joan, Gary Frances. and Orville Anial deu- ghters and sons of Clarencej Thertell. Th-e choir with Mrm. Alva Swrarbrick at the organ sang, "Mot-bers of Salem." TYRONE ter the petit!-io ig* b j people at a meeting of the>8.£ payers in Canton in~ AprlX' also stated thüt many p~ would agree to another iy4àw, more suited to the needs of the people of the township. %Sch<Ool costs have been cited as the reason for the by-law,' Mr. lW. nie said, 'but planning wiIj neyer cure the school problere he remarked.-The Guide. FAST RELIEF FOR SORE- THNROAT' between father and son should 'w q be provided for in th(,via~ and also for a farmer whr) wliÀ est-o seil his farm, hut r(serve0F IN alot- for himself, should be KIGaO!- lowed without having to mak application to an.vone. Mr. Finnie said that itw. the delegation's job t-oloonk af- SEE AND *SAVEi The one new car thal cosis Iess Io buy,I far less Io opera'e . . .I IOUR PRICES ON NEW LARK $149a5 MODELS START AS LOW AS... 14 Chocalaie Bars Ioalal children accompanied by THURSDAY FEIDAY - SATURDAY BRAD 24 oz. loaf for 2Ac Sliced and Crushed Sarong Pineap pie. Crown Tea Bag9s -10s KeIIog's Corn Flakes DYKSTRA'S 77 KING ST. W. - paren5s Loaves ai Bread - - 50 Tins af Lîver Pasto - - 50 Jars ai Peanut Butter RUM BEAN CHOCOLATES A BOX Objective $4,150.00 29C -~~~ ---2for 45c -~ - - - 75c - - 2.5c VARIETY FOODS BO WNAN VILLE NArket 3-3541 At a special meeting Thur,,- day night, May 7th, of Hope Township Council and a delega- tion of ratepayers of t-he towil- ship, composed of Mn. Stewart Gray, Elmone Scott, former reeves o! the township, George Finnie, Noray Goheen and Ed Rut-hven, it was decidod that thbe Council would s2ek infor- mat-ion from t-ho Dopartment- of Planning and Development for adjust-ment or repeal of the re- contly enactod sub-division con- trol by-law. Members of thbe delegation and Council agreed t-bat some form of planning contro] was neeessary and also agrecd t-bat Planning Boards were nece, - sary to supervise g'ood planning. However, Mr. Ruthven said t-bat Planning Boards should no. bave t-oo much autborit.. Mr. Elmore Scot-t said be be- lievod t-bat convoyances of land THE CANADIAN STATESMAN-, BOWMANVILIX4 ONTARIO THUP.SDAT, MAT 14th, i»ý PAGE SIXTEEN dk

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