£lUZMOAZ, MAY lqtfl, 195e.-9.w ------- - - - Meet With Min ister Sn Hospital Problem Decision Taken Oeor; - Mesrs.HIU and, The Orono Police Tru.5tees ap- leIy cf the British Empire praached counicil in regards to dl~> Club approaclied Coun-' sub-division contrel and plan- ezl 951 onday, May 4th re- ning and statcd that the present .u etxg thnt a unuscd rond ai- situation was not in the inter- =mce i the ninth Concession est of good administration or cg Clarke b. closed. It was planning. R. C. Forrester point- Rrtd eut by Uic mnca tnt d eut that sorne were abiding Ios alowance ran througii the by the conditions cf the. by-law centre of pnoperty cwned by the whule others wenc disregarding Mo0tor Club and would curtail it. Tiicy were aware that there their planis if ever apened. was a ioop-hole in the by-law. Mfr. Hill polnted out that they Fornesten stated it was net fair were going ta establlsh a Road ta those who were abiding by Racirig Circuit on tiiis proper- the conditions cf the by-law and tY with ail modern facilities. A he furthen stated that they had Paved rond course wjll aise b. a legitimate eason fer corn- established. The Club has been plaint. He said without tic lni existence since 1928 and so passing o! the by-law and along la well establiéhcd, he said. with thc present condition of Th.property.waa lots 33, 34 andi the existing by-law tint both 35 i theninh cocesson. the township and police trustees 35tv crnin tcnession.th were in a bad position. Just Reev Brwn sate tha th what is the policy te b. follow- rond te bis knowledge hadjI e<d he asked. never been opened. Ceuncîl are to enter inta thc procedure of Reeve Brown stated that thene baving the rend closed and this is a great need for the planning beirag done they will negotiatei board and aise for building re- wlth the- Club for the. sale te gulatiens. Hie said that Mr. tbem cof the. allowance. Lovekin, the township lawyer, Mr. George Dunlop spoke te was iflvestignting both. council asking that they move The rond superintendent, the. pile o! sait from the area Chas. Stapieton, submnitted pri- of his weil as the content of ces for three new bridges whicii Salt ini tic water of his wel are kn4iwn as the Foster, Gib- had made it unusuable. The son aid Stewart bridges. The Rcad Supeintendent is te look total cest for the three for ce- after this matter.1 ment totnlled over $20,000. It Mr. Wni. Hale. Jr. asked was peinted eut that Resco council if they would b. inter- Structura Pipe amountcd te ested i assisting in tic estab- $5,300 but this price did net in- lishmnent of a Township Dump clude instai]ing or backfilllng. lhi ils old gravel pit. He said ev Brw sugtda h. would maintain the dur pubReeetinrofthgesteopla and-keep it ini proper condition. pbi etn of the tonhpieoplea He ws ased t brig inhisthe council could assess their proposai te counicil on whicli desire in cennectien with sup- ttxey would then make a deci- port te the hespital. He statcd Sien. that he had net had anyone Deputy-mecve Walkey also contact him condemning thein lnformed Cauncil that Lcland action in this regard but rathen Payne was stili intcrcsted in had received commenta sup- estnblishing a dump at tiie pnîce porting their stand te tic pre- of $1.000:i year. sent time. __________--Councillor Dent stated tint acinshould b. taken one way TeV ao another and tiat counicil PY#STRA"should get the information on tk.He suggested a meeting w th te Minister o! Hclth or Counicillon Dent sited twa abjections with one bcing that 'the basing cf the cost on today's amsesment ratio wiich could cange considerably oerthe neth earmuncalit toue time temncplte ol be carrying the debentures. The second objection was thc fact tiat they would in a sense be in a hespital aiea wiiich had no 40[mIC o. Get Cash To-day For OId Appliances through STATESMAN C LAS SIF 1E D S Phone MArket 3-3303 ullIllIl ~~ HOM roa «ME owfoA1D r l~J'V * ~ ~ ~AND R01 «bILYCAV$..Yo0%4 'ni OOoP DED FOR TOU&V £tters J J/ c7e Bowmanvîlie, Ont. May 9, 1959 The. Canadian Statesman, Dean Sir, On behaif of the Hockey Mo- tiers I would like to t.iank thc staff of tic Statesman most sn- cerely for ail the. write-ups la -h %npmA nl .hp ê1.nne,. [ BOWMANVILE I~~ ffT N~..OOM~OIS Situated at RESTA RANTHighway 401 W(eeýencI cb nner 'rresh Lobster Cocktail ii eni Jumbo Relish Tray Soup du Jour or Choice of Juice Tomato Pineapple Grapefruit past year it was veny niuci Ap- preciated. Thanking you again. Sec. of Hockey Motiiers, bIn Howard Bradley Apnil 29 1959.1 e____________ an______________ Dear Sir It was with mixed feelings ai tie nor was it a bindîng that I read the article on Civil >posal cf the future. Court.1 Servants in your last issue. lor Savery said that we have Pride in your paper for print- face the facts and the hospi- ing the sad condition of these 1la needed. This was also servants of the public and dis- pported by the deputy-reeve gust at the rest of us who have ho however poînted out the allowed these things to happen, cauality of use in comparison in a country where we rush to, financial assistance being uphold the, rights of Unions ke4 for. Ne said that New-' whether they are In the rlght stic had, a high use factor but or neot, whether they are Can- Icw cost responsibilitv. This adian 'or net. But we renin as due to the fact that thej absolutely cold about our own st was e.stablished on the as- employees, who have ne rights ssment basis. whatsoever, in fact net tee long Mr. Dent asked if anyone had ago these sarne Public Servants proposai. None was brought wei'e called. "Agitators" by a rti. Minister cf our Crovernmnent The meeting adjourned te when they tried te put a re- et again on thc cati of the quest before, we, their cm- eve or in the regular June ses- ployers. )n. Is there somnething whlch MT. viembers cf the Clarke Town. and Mrs. Ontario could do be- ip Council and o! the Orono fore the dlection to show our iamber cf Commerce meet representatives we want our th Dr. Dymond, Provincial servants treated f airly. We want Lnse fHeait. e n Tuesday our servante to have the same uer cfhnhsptl rb rights te present a grievance as ma in he hositl bi- tihe memiiers cf the Unions who siii tus rtreings be s-have Mr. Hoffa te spealc for se d Friher teet insar e- tlem. doeo he prire fainn-I arnonly one Canadian who follonwhaticose fato wishes to pnotest the manner follw.-Tmes.in which rny emplcyces are treated by my representatives. One et the Mr. Ontanios '\ .4- Harnpto»,,Ontario, May 8th, 1959 Dear Mr. James,- 1 wish that you Indulge my ,- itwish and prit this as a clari- fication cf your reporting, i the May 7th. edition, of an incident during the. meeting In Hampton Hall re the. Zoning by-law. I was net guilty cf dlscourtesy te Mr. Wyman, I had a deal cf sympathy with hlm. He was not speaking when I arose, nor were any Counsel or any of the audi- ence upon their feet. I did net propose to ask Mr. Wyman a question. I arose on a 'point of order', - a rigiit honoured even U in Westminster. I addrcsscd the chair. I speke two words, "Mr. Chairman", and ne more. 1 was net talking when ordered by Shrimp Cocktail police to sit down. 1 did net stand for a minute. Unless rny eyes and cars failed, -or the at- mosphere was too stale, - Hon- ourable Counsel wcre net asked or V-8 Flying Dutchman's Salad of the Day Assorted Dressings Roast Hait Spring Chicken, Crabapple ieIly Baked Virginia Ham, Pineapple Sauce Broiled N.Y. Cut Sirloin Steak, Fried Mushroomns Roast Prime Ribs of Red Brand Beef, Yorkshire Pudding Deep Fried Sea Scallops, Tartar Sauce Broiled Loin Cut Pork Chops, Green Applesauce Roast Leg of Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce Breaded MiIk-fed Veal Cutiet, Mushroomn Sauce Sliced Cold Roast Turkey Plate, Cranberry Sauce Assorted CoId Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Heart Choice of Two Fresh Vegetables Oven Brown . Boiled ROUlS Assorted Fruit Pie Mint Parfait Tea Muffins .or Whipped Potatoes Butter Fresh Fruit Jello, Whipped Cream Cheese Tray French Pastry Coffee A -LA CARTE FROM OUR BROILER Porterhouse, T-Bone, Filet Mignon, Steaks, served wlth Mushroom Caps and French Fried Onions Milk ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pres- cott and diildren iad Sunday ten wtth Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smiith, Hampton. Mrs. Edgar Preseott visited her daugliter Mrs. J. Harris at South Monaguhan. Mn. and Mrs. Muray Pres- cott Susan and Cindy. Toronto, were at Uic Prescalit home. .Mr. and Mm. Jim Pearson, Mn. and Mrs. D. Drake and familly, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Piiilip Gour, Batavia, N.Y., Mrs. M. Morrison and Anne, Mr. Jack 0k., Napanee, wene visitors at the Okes. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee and famaly ealled on Mr. and Mis. H-. Cowluig, Whitby, and had Sunay tea with the. C. Lees, Almonds, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bea- tan and Ion, Oshawa, werc at G. Bowrnans. Mr. and Mms. V. Rcdding and family, Beaverten; Mr. and Mrs. N. -Smith and family, Colunm- bus;, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wotten and fam-ily, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. R. Cowling, Wltby, vis- ited Sunday wltu frs. R. Gnif- fin. Mmir. L. Pmcoe, Miss Bessie, Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Kcith Davey and Elaine, Tyrene: Mn. Carl Sargent and Miss Evelyn Pascoe, Petertomouxlh, w eme witAi Mn. and MIrs. W. Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. R. McLaughlin, Mr. anxd Mrs. J. Walters, Kimi and Siiawn, Bowmanvllle, wcre with F. Griffin's. There was a langer then us- uel attendiance ai eur Family Dey Service. Durlng the. Bnp- tiSnal Service Mr. and Mmm. Donald Prcscett presented their daughter Dianne Jean for Bap- tism. Tiee.wlll b. ne service here Sunday due ta Anniversary Servicet st Ennuakllen. éxkitor te sit down, - nor as cos'nnon courtesy of the Chair te an equal dcniands, - the Ciairman did net rise, nor recognize me, non asi< my 'peint of orden', - non dld he "'caî out-- PLEASE sit down." Tiere %re those who think that I haPe net here the nigits o! any iand-owncr, be he "'rich- man, poorman --- tue!". Legal- ly I ibave the sanie nighta. I also have te live with mnyseif and my conscience, and bcyond that as appoiated by tic United Ciiurcii te ths central Darling- ton Field, I have an interest and duty that la beyond tiat of most. Yours Respectfully, Fred J. Reed. Editor's Note: After checking wlth several sources, we believe tint our report o! the. meeting iwas, ln the. main, quite accurate. If any ether person believes wc erred, nicase write us a letter 1- Port Hope, Ontario, May 11, 1959. Dean Editor: In response te a letter ta the Editer, and the Editonial corn- ment, dnted Apnil 27, 1959, and published l n a local paper, w., a greup o! Parents, realizing that ahl was net igit et thc Port Hope Higii Sciool, requested a meeting wlth tic Durham Dist- rict High Scicol Board. A meet- ing wns granted and held on Apnil 8th at tie P.H.H.S. with a group of about 30 parents. Many complainta were alred ln the presence of the board nicm. bers ia attendance. At tic conclusion of this meet- ing It was suggested, and unan- imously approved tint a public meeting b. called and tiie board members present agreed te pub- lish a notice te that effect. The date of tie meeting was set fan Apnîl 23, 1959. About a wcek Inter a letter was eceivcd frorn the board stating that Uic meeting would i 3*DAY SIXc parents asked te attend, anid includcd was a request that any templaints that were te b. con- aldered should b. presented ta th~e board several days i Ad- vance of thie meeting. The full responsibility for a pnivate Meeting rests with thc board. At the April 23rd meeting, I spite of the. limited numbers r.- quested by the board, more than twènty parents showed up. Thére là a genéral desire antoông many pare nts te have a public niéet- ig, where thesé questions can b. dlacussed, witheut fear cf né- prisais. At titis meeting some pare nts took exception te the Pincipai's statement that III amn net responsible te the Parents". Thia is an attitude that thé par- enta are véry diàturbed about. Môst of Our côntplaints have still net been ahswered te aur satisfaction. The board stâtes that "The. Board will take any funther action that it dée's necessary". Could the findingt cf the board be made public? Why has it taken fromn 1956 tili nôw for thé P.11.H.S. te ac- cept and put intô effect a ruling cf the Dept. cf Educatiôn? Why cld the board aecépt the résponsibility for the. improper iiandllng of the Cadet IssueI Whcan't we have an open hy e an fllre Wrnh? Etc., etc. ues I FrechoolEstca., aletor. puliheting olI athe foare demand it. A Gnoup cf Parents. IN A MAN'S PATI4 «r ucrss s OPENINO FLORABUNDA: ALAIN, deep double rose BETTY PRIOR, large dark carmine FASHION, coral peach FRENSHAM, red JIMINY CRICKET, brlght tangerine MASQUERADE, Pink, yellow, red blooms on same bush POLLY PRIM, pure yellow SWEETHEART, clear pink i -yr. Dranched, Semi-Dwarf Nclniosh, Deliclous, Spy, melba EVERGREENS OBITUARY »~S. SAUEL J. SEYMOUR* In failing heaith for two years Elizabeth Jane Seymnour died at South Haven Rest Home, Newcastle, on May 5th, 1959. She was in her 94th year. Mrs. Seymour was bor n i Cowaihville, Ont., on Novemn- ber 3rd, 1865, thie daughter of William and Jane Layton. Her husbafld. the late Samnual James Seymour, predeceàsed her some years age. Mrs. Seymour was a member of the United Church. Mrs. Seymour lCaves folir daughters, Maggie (Mrs. A. Stewart), Orr Lake; Eth"l1 Mauie, Alice H{elen, Hàttie (Mrs. Fred Artstrong). ail of Bcwmnanville, and a son, Alex- ander, Campiielifrd. The funêral service was held In the new Morris Funeral Cha- Ie at 2 o'clock, Friday, Mýiy 8th. Rev. F. J. Jackson, Tyrône, eonducted the services. Inter- ment was in Bowmanvllle Cern- etery. jThe palibearers were grand. sônt of thé decaased, Gord Sey. nicur and Deug Seymour. Campiieliford, Samn Seymtour, Maple Grove; Bill, Seymour, Pickering Beach; BIU ýÏmln son, Orono, and Jin Stewart, Orr Lake. An ounce of vaiiity spoiis a hundred welght of mnit.- George Herbert. Ver Deat RemoUs TRY OUR Automatic CAR WASH TRis car wash tRiat gives you that glesmlng wax fnish. LU13RICATION OIL CHÀ%NGE CAR WASH VISK TIR~ES and flATTERIES living reasons. tb a sma1l meeting cniy, with t_ VAN G BELLE GARDENS Ak SPECIAL Why buy imporied roses when you can huy Durham grown? No. 1 QUALITY POTTED ROSES Reg. $1.35 105 SPECIAL These roses are potted to insu re a vigorous and healthy root systemn HYBRID TEAS: HELEN TRAUBULL, Pink, apricot PEACE, .deep yellow ENA HARKNESS, crimson scarlet QUEEN ELIZABETH, pure pink SUTTERS, gold, rich orange Ml~ONQUE, bnight Pink CLIMBERS: BLAZE NEW DAWN GOLDEN CLIMBER $1019 EACH A COMPLETE STOCK 0F BOXED PLANTS - SHADE TREES "We Are Growing Because Our Plants Grow"* - PERENNIALS R.ýE Phone MArket 3M05757. On Highway No. 2, East of Sorina Road 3 MILES EAST OF OSHAWA- - 3 MILES WEST 0F DOWMANYILLE FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS $5.00 AND UP DURHAM GROWN APPLE TREES a l 1 1 PAGE MENTEM TIM CAMADL« STATMUL4». BOWMANVMLZ ONTAM 91RIT"Ili à w 1LArany 1.141. 101ILIN 1 the t