~. - ~ - -q - *-~~ ~ ~ ? MW9f.AY. MAT l4th. 1969 TEE CAJIADIM(STATW*(AN. NWUANvniE, ONTAIO- PAGE NINETEE .Begin Con servatio r (nCentral Lake O Ilt l~y1,te ntaria De- the Chie! Conservation Enin- Warni' o! laningand De- eer of the Deparînient, Mr1 A ~e1pir..2 o ..ncd the Con- H. Richardon. SerVation Survey o! the stream Field parties, consistlng of valleys in the Central Lake On- students and graduates o! On-1 tario Conservation Authority taio Universities, wifl work This lau wder the supervision of under direction of permanent . ~. of!icers of the Conservation Branch. Formation of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Swas approved on July 17, 1958. This Authority was formed und- - ,s.A~er The Conservation Authorities .~ ~ Act and the survey o! the land J4 drained by these streams will foi-m the basis for reports de- sribing soul, water, forestry and wildlife conditions and potential- 4 - ities- for recreation. When the ~.,~survey is complete, findings and - -~""recommendations regarding these renewable resources will be pre- 4,500,000 Motffori s pared and submitted to the Au- CIzooe State Farm thrt yte eateto Why? They enjoy top. Authority is cornposed of, repre- inotchi protection and sentatives of ail the municipali- Rockbotom ateson uto ties drained, ail or in part, by rockbotorn ate on uto these streams. insuranme Do you? Cail The irst evidence o! activitY ~1.. will be the arrivai in the damp me DIRK BRINKMA14 nortil o! Whitby o! a fleet o! Mill St. N. blue trucks with the Conserva- Telephone 3671 tion Branch and Department and Newcastle Provincial insignia in white on Me F&uMsIUIW oIu âsrfflCqq their sides. When the trucks Canadian Head Office. Toronto drive out at eight in the mor- ing they will carry fieldmen PAINT S AL E CONTINUES SPECIAL THIS WEEK! THIX HOUSE PAINT Good selection ef White, Greens, Yellows, Corals, Blues, Etc. Sold Regularly at $2.85 quart SPECIAL THIS WEEK e...UART Reg. $9.10 Gai. - Special $6.95 Gai. Many Other Lines of Paint Being Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices! Jeag H.ABERNETHYf S Paint and Wallpaper Store 33 King st. W. Phone MA 3-5431 'N - a I THIS WEEK 1 I $-~~VALUE LE olu Ann:versary Specluls Ail Household Cleanng Reg. btl 47o-SAVE 4c STOIL l6-oz btI43c :Bonnet, YeIIowv Quick Reg. lb 35o,-SAVE go ARGAMIWE 21Ib pkgsôfl1.C bPac -r (S " 4oz !'ie) Reg. 49c-SAVE 10e & 3 EA P; . each 3 e5c ce (1 ; ty F: v s Reg. tin 23e-SAVE 16o A PEACHES Ann Page. 3 Varieties Reg.2 IPORK & BEANS A&P Fancy Quality Reg. APPLESAUCE .5 2-oz ts99 c 2tins 29o-SAVE 27e 8 15-oz tins 89 C 2 tins 27o-8SAVE 9c 8 15oz tins9 9c i Survey ýnt. Area eventually ta aU the rôadà on the watershed. The men can be ldenti!ied by chrome bad#es' wsth the Department designation and wîll be found on foQIta the woodlots, fields and streams. Hydraulic engineers with rods, level and tripod will be measur- ing the gr-adient o! streams; land use specialists with augers will be examing the rioils and mapping present land use-, for-' esters will be cru.lsing the wood- lots: and blologista will be ex- aminbng the life in the strearns. Their !indings are plotted on aerial photographs o! the water- shed and along with aUl avail- able data o! soil and statistics relating 10 resources will be com- piled in the report te, be lssued later. SOLINA A large congregation gath- éx-ed on Sunday afternoon for the annual Christian Family Day combined Church Service. The printed orders o! seirvice were used with John Knox, Sunday School superintendent, aý7sistîng in the pulpit for this service. Recitations. with special tri- butes 10 mothers were given by Jean Baker, Glenn Milîson, Larry Pi-orne and Janet Mill- son. The passage fromn the scri- ptunes was i-ead by Ken Knox and Mrs. E. R. Taylor present- ed the storv o! "The Little Colt" in an interesting nianner. The three babies presenited for baptism by Rev. Reed were James Mlaiow Leask, son o! Mi-. and Mns. Ewart Leask: Ka- thiryn Jean Knox. diaugilter o! Mr. and Mýrs. George Knox, Iand Faye Evelyn, d-augilter o! Mn. and Mrs. Chai-les Lang- maid. Each baby was presented wÀith a bible bv Mrs. Bruce Tink. superintendent o! the Nursery Roll. In an impressive ceremotiy on this occasion, Tom- Baker, son of the late Mrs. John Ba- ker, on behaif o! her immed- iate relatives, derlicated in her memory a baptismnal font to the churcil. This xvas gratefully accepted by Mrs. Bruce Tink. congregational nepresentative. Thle offering was neceived b3- Ronnie Baker, Ronnie Eiro- orne and Murray Fiett. A Mo- tbien's Day selection was con- tnibuted by Dianne Tink, MarieI Flett. Evelyn Hockaday and Phyll'is Westleke. Church service next. Sunciay May 17 will be at 10:30 o'clo-ck with Sunday Sohool at 9:30 o'clock. Congratulations b ,Mr-. and Mrs. Sarn Cari- ( forrnerly Mary Crydermnan i who were mai- i-ied on Saturday afternoon. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and famuly, Mr-. and Ms. Rai-ny Knox and sens, attended -- bi-thday party honoring Mrs. H. E. Tinit on Sahurcday even- ing aI Vthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Goode, Orono. Mrs. H. E. Tink attencled tic church service at King St. Un- ited Churdi, Oshawa, on Sun- 7OPEN SILLET -47.00 purchaSO - - - - M PRODUCE SPECIAL FRES, NO- 1 GRADE, SALMON FLESH, VINE RIPENED) CANTALOUPES JUJMBO SIZE «Ch 25C SUPER 0 RIGHT MEA4 T £PECLL Smoked, Coked, R.ody te Serve » No Centre Slijes Removed HAMS SHANK 4 5ý SUIT 1b 55 C Grade "À", Oven-Recdy, Young Hons or Broiler Type TIRKEYS 5 t. 12-lb avorage S u e - uAOA B HOl A eoa*N L S 4b1c Ail PPIO«a in This Ad Gluaranto.d Throu.h Saturday, May 165h, 150 day when her great-gr.anddau- ghter, EMaine Harrell, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. I. HaUe. w« sbaptized. M"u. W. A. -Ormiston, Broôk. lin, Was a Sundey guest et Mr. a=d Mm. Bruce Tink and tan- ily. Mi-.. T. Goyne, MiW. ri* Goyne. Preston&.le; Mi-. and Mrs. W. Ashiton, Lois and Ken- ny, Bradley, Mr. and Mm. Roy Langrnaid were Sunday tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Chai-les La-ngrne.id and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ferguson and Patty, Mrs. Gertie Fergu- son, Oshawa, visàted Mi-. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis. Mr. !and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Osii: awa, Mi-. and Mi-.. J. Yellow- lees were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Pat. The WomeiVs Institute wifl meet Thursday niglit at 8:15 o'ciock. A speaker from the Tubercular Association will be present and films will be shown. Mr. and M.rs. George Ham- lin, O"hwa; Mi-. and Mrs. Wni. Knox, Broughiam, visited at Mr. and Mrs. George Knox's. Mvr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake Jr. and famliy visited Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cook, Bowman- ville. Rev. F. Reed, and Mns. Will Wilbur visited Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr. Mr-. and Mrs. Lloyd Broomne and sons visited at Wallace Munday*s at Maple Grox e. Mr. and« Mrs. Wes His at- tended chu rch service at TY- rone on Sunday whe'i Margar- et Cr-aig. duughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Craig was ba-ptized. Mr-. and Mrs. D. Flett and children visited Mrs. T. Flett,ý Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Han-y Knox visited on Sunday ati i. and Mrs. Hilton Tinks, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires, Ken and Sharon visited Mrs. G. H. German at Picton on Suiday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McEwen and family, Whitby; Mr-. Frank Cowling, HariWtoný, and Mi-. Sid Hockaday were Sundiay guests o! Mi-. and Mrs. E. Hockadtay and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. George Gilroy and sons, Columbus, visited at Rae Pascoe's. Mr-. and Mms. Maurice Baker and Mary, Georgetown; Miss Helen Baker and Miss Elleen Coucli, Tor-onto; Mrs. H. Couch, Miss Marjorie C4yuch, Mrs. H. Waters and Mrs. I. Bragg, Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sm-a- les Jr. and children, Oshawa; Mi-. Ediwin Ornidaton, Ebene- zer; Mn.. Minnie Snowden, Miss Mildred. Snowden, Maple Grove and Mrs. Samn Dewell, Hamnp- ton attended- Chiurch service and were tee guests afterwiardÉ with Mr. and Mi-.. T. Baker and family and Mr. J. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. N. Metealfe, Oshawa, wçre Sundoy guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Wes Werry and famuly. Mrs. S. E. Weri-y spent sev- erai d'ays with her sister Mrs. Han-y Grooms, Toronto. Mr-. and Mrs. S. E. Werry and, Master Glenn Werry were Sunday tea guests o! .Dr. anid Mrs. George Werry and fam- ily. Os[awa. Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrincler and Helen were Sunday guests of Mr-. and Mi-.. J. Large and childi-en, Bownvile. Mr. and Mn.. Victoi- Wilson, 1Peterboroughi, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden visited Mr. and 1 Mrs. I. Hard'y and Stanley. i-Mrs. Dell o! Edmonton Is . with lier deughter, Mrs. C. Ha- imer, whose con~dition reniains much the same in Oshawa Hospital. Mrs. E. M. Carr, Toi-cala, was a Saturdtay vdsitor with M r. and Mi-. Stan Millson and 1sons. COURTICE Ebenezer United Churéh. was filled to capaclty for the, corn- Evening AuxdiMry Ëbenezer Evèning AuxUilary met on Wednesday, May 8th at the home of Miss Ana Hait. Pi-esident Mrs. Alex Muif op- ened the meeting I>y r'eading a poèrn by Dlon McNeil, "Prairer For a Malien"'. Mrs. Cci Founid gave a very fine devotional using Jei-emlah 29: 13. "Ye Phali seek me aiidI find me". Mirs. Fourid gave portions !rom Billy Graham's book, "Peace With God" and aiso read a paper "An Open Letter ta Goci" and signed "I M. Buey", whlch applied ta aIl pi-e. sent. Mrs. Robert Muin and Mrs. Ray Osbornie sang a lovely duet, "My Mother's Prayers". Mrs. Mariai-be Puttreis vi&ited oui- Auxiliary frorn Cobourg tô iriform ioui- members of thé T]ý Clinic to b. helc inh June. Miss Jean Gay i-eported gifts bought for supply and Mrs. Ross Hiawke reported $8.06 ifunds for Cômxnunity Priendship. A lett*r of thanks wa-s read frein Mrs. MyrtIe Slick. Next meeting will be June I at Jean Gay's with Mm-..G.' Nestieton Station The Byland Far-m of 100 ac- res on Con~. 6 Cartwright, whicti ha& bfen ln the HYland-familY for over 100 years, has been sold by Artihur HYland to Mi-. Hudsôn of Cooksville. T'he sale inelud«e a going concera of fama stock and implements. T!ie deal ,was handled by Mai-- vin Nesilt, local representa- tive o! Aftnan and Cook Ltd., Ma-khani. Mi-. and Mi-s. Jas. Ferrier o! Perth spent thle weekend with her mother Mrs. Nelson Mai-- low. Mn. a.nd Mrs. Jas. Harris i-e- turned from Madoc on Satur- Clay with the Fer-bers. While thiere they attended the funer- ai o! uis brother-in-law, Mr-. John. McCaw o! Belleville. We are glad bo report oui- sick folk are home from hos- pitial. Mrs. T. G. Langfeld xvas able to corne home on Satur- day. Mr-. Bruce Heaslip last Wednesdiay and Mrs. W. Camp- bell last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Soniey, Port Perry, visited Mn. and Mi-.. Jas. Harris. Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt visited with Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Lind- say. Mrs. Froster Ferguson of Oh- tawa called on friends in the village. sunidav visîtoi-s with Mi-. andi Mrs. Chas. Cist and Mr. anrI Mrs. R. Davson were Mn. and Mrs. Francis Gist, Susan. Ka- thryn. Mary an~d Andnew. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Elliot and David and Douglas Davison of Water- loo. Mn. and Mrs. Wilfrid Viinn, Herbert and Chnis, Mrn. and Mrs. Arnold William's, Jarice [;nc, Stephen visited the girlF' npar- ents Mn. and Mrs. George Bow- ci-s. Mi-. and Mrs. George James. Bowmranville, were Sunday vis- itom with Mi-. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbith and Mr-. Elmer Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor took Mrs. Jos. Farder bo visit Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor at their Rice Lake cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen and .Caixl, Ballyduf!, and Mr. and Mns. Maurice Samnelis and Sti-aron, Peterboroughl, were Sund'ay visitons with Mi-. and Mrs. L. Hyland. Sunday visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Rai-iy McLaughlin and Lawrence were Mr. and Mrs. Herbent Hooey and Mr. and Chaitran assisting. Mns. Alex Muir ably neviewed the <çhapter on Mexico from our Study Book. At the close of the meeting an interesting contest was enjoyed. Each girl lied brouglit a baby pictui-e. How some have changed? Mis. Gai-don Chartran and Mis. Eber Snowden guessed the most pictures. This being oui- Birthday meet- ing Mis. Muin and Miss Hoît served a deliclous lunch o! sandwiches and birthday cake. Number present 17. FINEST CALIFORNIA REDWOOD BEVEL SIDING "$149.50 per M. 8" WIDTHS -,I~U bd. ft. pr M. 10" Widths--$ 168.50 bd. ft. Big miii certif ied stock ALUMINUM DOORS Top Quality Doors Complete with ail necessary Hardware Standard Type Door $28.65 Buy two at this low. Iow price for n'y $56.0 Self Storing Type Door $32.45 Buy two for onîy --.$63. Steel Garage Doors 9 x 7 Winglift --$54.95 9 x 7 Wîngift $60.75 8 x 7 Sectional _____$59.95 9 x 7 Sectional $64.95 complete selection of sises in stock. These are top quallty doors. Lubricant wtil not bleed. They are made by SUNSRINE and corne complete wlth ail necesaary hardware. Drooklu Cashway ' JUNCTION of No. 7 & 12 UIGHWAYS, BROOKLIN PHONE 209 ML Mrs. George Wolfe, Bryan and John. Bricklayers finished brick- lng thle new bouse on the Hogal property titis week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Synions and family. Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Gib Marlow vis- ited Mrs. N. C. Marlow. Mvrs. Mai-vin Nesbitt received word of the death of her uncle Mr. Avery Dearbourn of Arn- aud. Manitoba. this past week. Sunciay visitors with Arthur Hulbert were Mr. and Mrs. Perce Hulbert, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Freelove o! Pet erborough. IV.I. lMeetifla Nestleton Womnens Institutel met at the home of Mrs. Ern.-t est Herron for the May meet- ing. After singing the Institute Ode and repeating the Collect the President Mrs. R. Davison welcomed ail, especially the vis itors. Many items of business were discussed. Another quilt has been sold and the price of the newly conipleted fancy quilt was set at $25.00. Thank you letters were received for cards from shut-ins and donations were made to the Port Ferry Hospital Auxîliary Penny Draw and to the Cancer Society. Mrs. C. Wilson as District Director sent splendid outline o! the meetings she has at- tended re-unîtin.g the areas of East and West Duirham dis- tricts, also a list of 12 points arrived at by both districts ex- plaining why it would not be logical. Miss R. Proutt, Seuc- tary Trezsurcr, read the ans- wer received from Mrs. Corson who will use her influence re same. Each br-anch is asked to ans- mrer the Roll Cali at the Dis- trict Annual zy a suggestion ofr a topic for the coming year. Several were brought up. from which the representative ta the annual will mnake a decision Mrs. H. Vine xvas appointed al- ternate District Director for Nestieton brnch. 1Mrs, G. Thompson reviewed the highlights o! the short course "Choosîng and Using Fabrics" hcld last week and presented by Miss Kidd of the Department. Several members signed for first day covers of the new A.C.W.W. stamp which is to be issued May l3th. It was ais0 voted to again subscribe to the C. A. Consumcrs' bulletins. The cbinaware evening arrang- ed through the kindness of Mrs. H. McLaughlin bas been set for Ociober and plans will be con- solidated at the June meeting. Mrs. M. Emerson offered her home for an evening of pro- gram planning and eaeh con- vener of the four standing com- mittees to bring suggestions for two meetings during the year. It was decided to cancel the t'wo summer meetings, July and August. Plans were made for attend-ance at the District Annual at Maple Grove on May 21 st and ta t ake the finished qullt.___ 2 x 4 and 2 x6 'May 12, 1959. Dear Editor: Will you please print thle following at your convenience: I sun making a comprehen- siv'e study of the Huguenots <French-Protectants) in Can- ada and find that a large num- ber of persons in Ontario have ThÉ Roll Call was answered ib a flower beginning with the first letter of your namne. Miss Ruth Proutt read a poemr in kt-eping with tlie day's motto, "Success is doing your best to th,- best of your ability". Mrs. H. Vine was agai.n the humorous auctioneer for the sale of plants, bulbs and slips, and the proceeds were gratify- ing. The usual social time was enjoyed and a hearty thank you extended to the Executive who arranged the programa and provided the lunch and plea- sant meeting. In June the lad- ies ,vill mneet at the homne of Mrs. H. Samelis. $87-00 per M. bd. IL. Huguenot blood ln tlleir veina. Since 1 amn the fii-st to under- take sucil a study of the origin and contribution of Huguenots to Canada, there are no records available to discover such per- sons. In my study se far I have found niany but they have no appreciation of what wonder- ful people the Huiguenots were and what, contribttons thev have made to Canadla. 1 %vould therefore request that suchi persons advise me of their background and provicie me with what facts they have concerning it. Only in this wavý will 1 be able to give credit where credit is duie. Such infor- mat ion will be included in myr forthcomin- book THE TRAIT. 0F TIE iHUGUENOTS CROSS. Thanking y'ou for vour coop- eration in this i-atter. Yoturs truily, G. E. Reaman, Ph.D. University of Wat.erloo. Waterloo, Ontario. In the four districts of On- tario's northwest- Patricia. Kenora. Ramn River and Thun- der Bay-the population aver- ages one persoin per square mile. AT ASPHALT SHINGLES per sq. ROLL ROOFI NG rol $2.43 $3.15 $3.98 $1.69 $1.27 Lap Cernent 95C gpL 5 gals. for $3.95 BUILDING BOARD per M. 4 x 8 Sheet $2.14 SAVE THE CASH AND CARRY WAY Rodifit Cashway THOMPSON RD., AJAX PHONE AJAX 1450 Your Doctor's Prescriptior May be "Greek' Io You.. What's written on the prescription your doctor gives you may be "Greek" to you, but to us - it is a concise medicai "recipe". And our pharmacists foliow it exactly, te, give you a "formula" for better bealth just as your doctor prescribed it. Brmig us your next prescription. JURY & LOVELL PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE SPRNNG SAVING DELIVERY CAN BIE-ARRANGED FOR YOU AT VERY CON VENIENT LOCAL RATES PAI'NTS CASHWAY first QUALITY Interior Primer -____ $3.45 gai. Interior Latex ._ __ $3.65 gai. Int. Satin Enamel - $3.95 gai. Floor Enamel $3.65 gai. Exterior Paints ---- $3.85 gai. lut. Floor Varnish -- $3.95 gai. Spar Varnish----- -- $4.65 gai. Quarts aiso available Ask about our Volume Discount'on Paints WE CARRY A FULL LINE 0F PAINT BRUSHES AT LOW, LOW CASHWAY PRICES. STANDARD SPRUCE DIMENSION 45 lb. Roll Roofing 55 lb. Roll Roofing 90 lb. Roli Roofing No. 2 Asphait Sheathing - No. 2 Dry Sheathing *1> An excellent and economicai construction grade ASK ABOUT OUR VOLUME DISCOUNT ON NAILS BY THE KEG os ObAwum« ffl- '-e IL à" 4 moâ ààâ& -àà£a -1 m