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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1959, p. 22

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~ U1 ~I . Torontoaf Misa ed-Xua U*&DLICIAlN r>isaTL. MuttnOR. GoIfoaXa t0boras r IL promses ta tewihorsellabl, ~W M M vlffl rS P ~ GR Mr. Aaron Goodman.I r i eLae s heen and M. Kent.ta ae iarsudn sc-taeto teDêtI. Mii. Band officers were L~~t. H. cess. See ad ini auction aeadDrsra n tr~i~ Ig W. Cail on Sunday included Rundie, WO J. James, Sgt. B. postr fo peten patc-yt te hide At Rotary Club M eeting Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cali and Cap M mmronad asu Crpluseari ntun ayAtra Mr .ClTrot.M.adFo r Fine Performance McArthur. ments, o articles of aykn.ape Bes~ ThePot art hr Otrard by Laes Enry atnded theofIm M&Jak i cdusin, Mnr.n Prze wrnning cadets Includ- A reoeîvmg committeewl eDrstoth af was presented Wayne Frosi, age portant points. W. Cail and together they at-Aip c i n ed Arthur Hester and Linda present from 9:00,a.m.o a-th edo Rex Walters, president of the winer spoke fjjj. lus subject at Grafton.. Fl A t /1 ua iInsp ecti nRon'erin, the Stdrsed ndda oalece ticl es o owdb rf ~ b Bowmanviile' Rotary Club at was'Einstein." The second Mr. and Un. Stan Cn onHrbnte trt c sfLun hewilead albeLna r.R seli< the club's luncheon meeting speakier, John Leonard, Who and Linda with Mr. and Mrs. Bowmariville's high School for remnarks by the inspecting award for shootinL cndurs y outhelaieson n vvcoarceto held ai the Flying Dutchman liad con second in the cntest, Jim Cunson on Sunday. cadet corps receivd high con- party. They were comended TaDrham youilhor. lnhflowda~s ab Motor Hotel on Friday. This spoke on "Sir Winston Chur. Brown's Home and Sohool mendation recently during their for their fine showing and ex-ThDuamCutFera Mran Ms.eiVie a award Is given te the boy who chill". The subject of Edwin Club held their regular and annual inspection, May 5th. cellent manoeuvres by Col. meeER ONtin o gricalteldo hrdydywt h a n . lias made the bet progress Hoyte's firsi place winning ad- final meeting until faîl, on Marking officen Lt. S. P. Hun- Finley and Lt. Hunter.metn ahldo during the year at the Ontario dress was ,Boys."' Tuesday evening May 12th. Mr. ter, Kingston, especiaily men- Mr. Parker for the board ne- . ohe'waywsobev d v en d t M oras l Rbnos TningileScyhelfocalBos, ians The presideni, Mr. Walters StOckwell from the Board of tioned their skill in fieldcrafi mrinded the cadets that some in Yelventon's whiýe ohurch oe Bndiecss n tend n n n.Vrc la mavle ytelclRtrastlanked the thnee speakers onHealth was preseni and spoke and signalling. of them would be recjuired next the hill with a special service ac. uino erscdd eadfaiyoTroowith annually. behaJlf o! the club, lie also con- te the members negarding the For the finit time in several year te attend Donevan High in which Sunday School chil- acceptgo!rpts fzneWlnfaies Besides Wayne Frost thene gratiilated the boys an their planned Mass Tuberculin ye- s, the inspection was hedthchoo- meetihasa for a tme wene three other special guests talent and ability. Each o! the ray Survey in the County on the school grounds instead which the board hopes wil flot p'l upriin fMsJRbuns e ne matue a L uhMGls atthis Rotary Club luncheon three oratonical contestants and Durham in June and the greai of inside the Memorial Arena. excoed one year. He also gra ert pricipa e n der thesca- metingsMemeeetigw tinsechh l!!Syeawt meeting. John Morrison, 811P- Wayne Frost, the winner o! the urgency for everyone te tur Fortunately, the weather was ted them the usual haîf holi : Kern, Dale Stinson and $Linda saltiohe poetiwtd evro.h weedwt hi mi erintendent of the Ontario Rotary Character Award, were oui for these tests. perfect for the occasion. day to be awarded at the dis- teRowariu capaofcited win H al s theooed.fitelhmsadrltvs Training School for Boys here, pnesented with Rotary Four Plans were made for the an- The Corps, alniost 300 strong, cretion o! the principal. thi aiu aaiiswt pecialtas gi. te fedt e Ga arpr hi Intnoduced the winners a! the Way Test desk plaques by Mr. nual pienic ta be held this year and includin.g both girls and Ofcr n COsi hreBill Fritz preaching a snappyprsnasgstpeksan Macm seuerig school oratorical contest, Edwin Walters. ai the 4ohool on SaturdaY, boys, formed up on the back o! the cadet corps this year in- sro.Tersgaino e.t nwro n us otwt anie h Hoye, ge55, oT otooJnhoergeVicnteJvce-ros-0Jne 01h rMi..MyM SnylSriampslaorty aaenpuoslok cude.thR.olowng:R. . Bnstel rom Manerstios Iosetbieonswhse avetnid Ppsoeol Leonard, ago 15, Toronto, and dent, presented a perfect at:- had charge o! cards, high and snapped to attention when Coninanding officer Cdt. Lt. chage wasanncgted togpe.-lad igh t bpupoes.Teavnfr M.Jruy okerhs On theMrclub'syouts ham n .TepeetainoMtedn e clnoy adMr illiamn Mon- view. The panty încluded Col. command Cdt. Major E. Pick ther te pay justifiable homage hv aeqioasuyo oa' acli upr iu oftecu' ot omte.Tpinse sally mofatde byMr.ley, low scores by Mis. Hilda L. T. McLaughlin, CMG, DSO, aid; Adjutant, Cdt. Capt. k- to "Mother". ltndexreuistonurL enmlOS Thre boys delivered thre ad. palns h is tire y aendancr.Cal and Miss Jean. Perrin. VD, of Bowmanville; Col. M. Howel]s and BattalionSg .a Plans are going ahead te Fh eet o f hopetur vie eenvstoswh rehê dresses wbich had won then chairman, but when ire was ta C. Finley, ED, and Major J. R. jon Cdt. RSM G. Colo. make forthcoming TB clinic insen alsitnci fist ecn, ndtir laereeieon f heeawrstWarnica, CD, o! the Ontario Other officens and NCO's in- Janetville C.O.F. Hall on June me o assaeadifor- dStnsnswee rshJme in the contost. Thre addresses was docided by thre executive KEDRON Regiinent, Oshawa. Lt. Hunter, cludod Capi. B. Cox, CSM C. 16 and 18 a success. Thre Wom- with making a nealistcsle tu dMi.EaFoero were presonted well, and the te have Mr. Vice, thre vice- and L. A. Parker nepresenting Heston, Lt. K. Fowlen, Sgt. G. on's institute gnoup o! Janet-w Rotarians wore improssed by peietmk tepeet.the Dunham District High Meehan, Lt. J. Hasiuk, Sgt, D. ville are te be commended, ment with thre Departmn. Cvn n n r.Cat presysidisoxcllnt make tienheonprtuatiota-r exîend- Scirool Board. They were os- Oke, Lt. M. HoweUls. Sgt. j: highly for sponsoring this sur- Congratulations taevisro-Bon ado udyM.a the bos' pese, exellen voca-tion.ed from this community te Mr. ýconted ta the platforniq by Prin- Rabb, Lt. G. Cooper, Sgt. j. voy. Convenons of this group, raine McGill who oncope-iyMnan Mr.Bu" o Thre birihday of Bob Stevens, and Mrs. John Woodward,. R. cipal Major L. W. Dippeîl. DeWith, Lt. G. Smale Sgt. L. Mesdames Fred Bradburn Wal- ing hon Commercial CoseiarsWakrad!aly Ba ptizethe secretary, was celebrated. R. 3, Oshawa, who on May 8i Displays included numbens Avery, Lt. J. VanDyk, Sgt. . ton Walken and Rao Malcolmn accopted employment wt tteFly tnoa B p zeclbae hi 0hWodding by the band, a girls precision Groan, Lt. T. Joyce, Sgt. P. Mc- attended a coaching class in General Matons o!f saa ndMsClrec aea Anniversany. Among those who squad a Bren gun display, boys Cullough, Capt. S. Covenly, Bowmanville Lions Centre on On Fniday nightth laiamy;M.ndM.R Thi rteenBROWN'S called ai their home from out PT and box-hanse display, a CSM J. Davey, Lt. B. Brown: Wednesday evening. spring meeting of the anl isnadgrs T iteoftw wr:Mr. adMs inlin eosrtogirls St .WoLt. K cu-'iieso Yletn an lbwas held. rpotahainoy Your canvassens in there e- Lloyd Pearson, Mr. and Mns. P.T., fioldcraf t and routines by ten, Sgt. K. Clarke, Lt. B. Mc- ily Club wait with bated conversation-auction sl ihWlo sncprtn ool cent drive for funds for thre Robent Pogson , M. and Mrs. thre drum majorettes. Robbie, Sgt. H. Knox, Lt. B. bneath for 1.30 a.m. Satunday, finalizing plans, co iteinato-eklestrin A t Tri nity Cancer Society appreciates the Ronald Birchard and Mr. Gea. At the conclusion o! the per- Higgon, Sgt. J. Fisher. May 16 and tiroir first Auction workers. The Art Rowapincrosiae i isn rssu countesy shown hien in tire1 Pogson. all o! Toronto; Mr. and, formance, the corps was brought Flag party officen and guard Sale. Everything from soup ta hitting for tire Ross Locwosde tHgrSiola lc~ Trinity United Church, Bow- diffenent homes and thre gen- 1Mns. Walter Gilbrt, Uxbridge; into Position in a hallow square wene Lt. B. Smith, Sgts. L. nuts on ai leasi !rom ponyï who were unable teaateduesok manville was almosi filed on erous response neceived. A ta- Mi. and Mrs. John Vessy, Mn« Mother's Day when thre Sacra- tal o! $30.50 was collected and and Mi&s. Clif! Brethour, o! Il mont o! Baptismn was admin- addS r!Bow' e~ Sunderland, Mn. and Mis. Win. istered by tire ministor Rev. tion. B'-roWn, Manilla; Mrn. and Mis.i Win. K. Houslander, B.A., B.D. Miss Georgie Sinmpson had Wm. Cockburn, Beaventon, and« re !o: logrd renwe son e appendix removed ai Mem- Brougham.S receved:ClifordB.nin, sn oial Hospital, Bowmanville, on of Mr. and Mns. Clifford An- Thursday. She is ooming along i Miss Gloria Mountjoy sportNo m re h t we o ri -donson; Ciristina Annette Via- niceîy and was able te return lasi week wîth bon Gnandma la, daugirter of Mn. and Mns. ta hon home on Tuesday. Panisir o! Bnooklin. «Mr. and Rae Burns, Gail Charlotte, dau- 1Mrs. Percy Mountjoy, Harold giter o! Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mn. and Mns. T. Wilson and1 and Canal visited with the lai- R N Caverly; Daniel Scott, son o! family witi r M. and lVLrs. E. itor's moIrer on tire Sunday. Mvr. and Mis. Robent Connelly;. Legge, Oshawa. I s Pee'DlI.ono David Leslie and Alan John, The sympathy o! thre coin- ns. P seercly s alesoto sons o! Mr. and Mis. Robent munity is extondod tb Mr. Eva itisrsevR.ale day aile Ceombes; Janice Marie and Mcllroy in tire sudden passing Mr. Dl was assisting ai a ne- James Malcolmn, son and dau- 0 o rte-nlw n aforestation lot ai Bancroft.UA girter o! Mi&. and Mns. Tom De- Mi&. Jim Cursen, uncle a! tire Mr. and Mis. Jini Pengelley Geen; Deborair Louise, daugir. deoeased. 1j n aiy o auksn ter o! Mn. and Mns. Lanry Dew- ' Mr. and Mis. Mcllroy, ar evtnd fami o!heapuskas'n el;Stevon Douglas, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Cunson, Mrs. Micar. arevstn u1n ienx w el;Snliweeks at Mn, and Mirs. F. Snow- WT R HAE and Mis. John Fowlen; Bnian Mis. Pitt and Mis. Powell ai- den's and local relatives. Ralpir, son o! Mr. and Mis. tended tire funeral in Toronto MiadMs.T Pesne Ralpir Kelly; Tonry Michael, on Monday. M.adbr.T laac son o! Mn. and Mns. Derek Se- Mr. and Mis. Russel Powell and Susan, Tyrone, vsitedý on verri; David M'urray, son o! Mr. ontertained Mn. and Ms. S. Sunday ai the Snowdens. Tire minister's texi was "God Mr. and Mis. Cecil Graham, Toronto, are wit.h Mr. and Mrs. ol 1 7 ot ]Bless Our Homes". Orono, with Mr. and Mns. H. C. Werr for the summner Tire choirs under tire direc. Pitt on Sunday. .months. Mr. and Mrs. M. Job- tion o! Mn. A. Collison sang Mn. and Mrs. W. Cail and son,~ Carolyn and Gordon, vis- an Yeu Counit the Stars" and family and Mn. and Mis. Ried Sunday with b&. and Mrs. tire Senioer anthem was "Take Simipson and family attende*C. WerryAUTOMLArIC e ECONOMICAL e DEPENDABLE e RESEVC My Han4". tewdigon Stra n Ms. UNbesprns r brouirs o! Bobcaygeen visited with Mix. and Mis. L. Noble. Among othen guests on Sun- to nspl day In thes Kedren eommunity- 3 IE ATR#ETIGwnuttn were Miss Lynn Farrow, Port1:Mn OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS ~~~~~Credit, ait the R. Lee's; Mr. and wohrfe aieulNtrl0Mdr Mis. E. Norto~n and boys, Brou- a o wtrheutilg On a SUPPlY s cacIcty 25 ImP SCSI. ,~A B 4~ E L L"gham, witl tire W. Mountjoy's. Gasfo witrius arn Ma t.fanoe st & BOE A L NFriends kindly rememben e1o1.01ai5n.i u bu tire Boy Scouts' Saiurdayai ternoon paper drive May 23. WA. Meeting meeighorW. . laiehelda Your Gus company does neot employ door-to-door sol esmers yg metngfr . .(ade hld ý V I i Lower Hall, were tire fine nor telephone canvassers. For information about dealers- moving pictunes sirown by Mrs. onsuw nerheOtaioFelBarsa el ndistl I ~~~John, Dancey, Oshawa, who Icne yteOtroFe or osi n ntt gave sucir an intenested coin- naturel gas equ11pment cati or write the Sales Deportment of mn.entary. . W. Snowden Iwas in charge o! tire prognani oe~~e~~ou twhich also included two beau- tiful solos. "I Looked To God" N ýE E D .1 and "0 Lord MostI-Holy" by is. Douglas Love with Mis. R. Lee, pianist. 4 m Thre Methen's Day Worship was presented by Mis. C. Hop-t f5 I kins, Mrs. B. Hitchens witir 0 A Mns. H. Worry as pianist. Dur- . ing tire business conducted by IUILT Up RO PINBPresideni Mis. W. Woodward, DUL PR OIGsevenal "Tia* Yeu" notes * Lf tAbos'e Ait" youn oda go.d etiofl I jwere read by Cornespondlng a 7 * I cer taok the solo part in the 6,500 miles. 1956 MA'A II 8 EUIIItasiso senior choir Anthemn wiih Mis. NYtas IR. Lee, organist, for tire service. $2995...- Loaded with power Full pr:eOL Beautiful flowers added tiroir and extras. NO DGWN FMN beauty and tiranks was express- sliga bL 3 YARSTOPAYed heSunay Sco chldren 1957 NGONARCH CONVERTIBLE $eln t~ - 18915 3 t tefoto h hhls Loaded with extras. Jow mileage. 1956 NqERCURY 2-~DR. ]BARTOP 1955 DUICK -R ADO tlinhrcapable manner tire' rn. $ 4 Bpiml service ___and_______________________ ______________________ l re rsnted frBp aym used cardrs on display. Corne ini and look ilhern over. W. thank so mnanyoyofiepplfr ____n,________ofMr._nd_____ar_____cr_____s Ordering and huying an exceptional od car fron us is Ir*l raiiea-d lSO _________________________________Camenon; Donna EVaine Haccdaugirter o!fcMr. aend IMTATRSFRA OUR DUILDIN6 HM nno! dyMar.and Ms A.WowrR. R. 1, Oshrawa;AR OSHAWA WOOD* vIiUuuuu;ua, ynnHenry, daugirter IF YOU A EL O IG F RTHE Bu.T DEA SEEU FRS wuu~ugwwu 1uof Mr.wwandwMrs Ivan Henry. LIMITED Cuc Service Sunday, May 17 sa and Sunday M Dor wMi M@adSlwS cola 1a.rn. AUlare wel- A ChistanEducation Ral R RMy 9 T. M oserve Yomofth toWhitby Townships 1TwM e bed inKedron Unitedi Bowmonvll-4M 3-2130 Ajax-ZEnIk 2-MO00 Cirureir, May 17, ai 730. An 1 & 196 CH3URCE ST., BOWNANVILLE# ONTARIO DOWNTOWN OFFICU OPEN FRinvitation isextended toa alUlw amns es ragd yu e OWTW FI OPNFDYTIL:0F..0 woaeinteresied in Sunday £f~~llV Scolwr.Young People and ivuere AUW, l U owfl yensandu sy erms are arngdfor yu the aduii PAGE TwENTY»TWO qWR fq-AwAnTAV gmannp-mSav imumgàwrqm-T-lp É%mqm&IDTO%

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