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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1959, p. 2

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n PA.GI 'Fait h for Toda y"Th( Features W.A. C.on ferg At Brigh ton May 4th Wihthe theme "Faith for Mrs. Searle Today", the cightb annual 1seta ol zrgetig of the B.ay of Quinte cf sete cburcl, Cpn1erencc Woman's Assoc ia- ;o Goe, and te tibn of the 'United Churcb of ! t aad C4.nada was hcid in Trinity- St th e ciurch is Andrew's Churci, Brigiton, marriages and thswe.n, uhe president. ,vrs.' are failing te W. C. Ives presiding. things the chu: "Doec the Church Challenge must know our You?" was the subject cf a a job cf public rousing addrcss byv Mrs. C. H. Enlist those pe( Searle, Corrcsponding Secret- Vie church's ra taryo! the Dominion ,Couneil apologetic aboi stated that the the central rôle is Vo bring men our feflw men; used by ail for 1baptisms! We )talk about the* urch dees - we ir church, and do [c relations for it. eople wc need in -anks - don't be out a.sking them of W.A. Pionting out tnat thee challenge them! census showed 2,407,846 pensons adhering te the United Church, A registration of 200 dele- while church records show 955,-gates showed attendance fremn 303 members on the roîls, she ail eigbt Presbyteries. Greet- $et forth a seanching survey as ings o the eighth annual meet- to reasons given by inidividuels îng of Bay cf Quinte Confer- for thc difference in figures of! ence W.A. were read fi-cm the thoAe not activeîy participating newest Conference of New- in the work of aur church. foundland W.A.. and aIse from 1British Columbie Conference 1. Are ohurch onganizations W.A. Manitoba, Toronto, Harn- nôt doing sufficiently important ilton, Montreal-Ottawa, and the work o capture the imagination Maritimes Conference W.A. The of such people? Have we too Communion service was presid- muci tivia' cd over bv the pastor, Rev. R. 2. Is the churci realiy work- B. Green. ing whcre the people are? Following the friendly fel- 3. Should wc have another lowship cf a luncheon served in hard look at our church organ- tic chunch hall by the Brigh- iy!â.ints gfi5PU" ton W. A.. _greetings o the Con- «*. JJi)ts ni-- nurch take the ference W. A. were brought by wbole blame? Ia the Church en- Rev. J. P'. Lane, President cf tlrely to blamne? tic Bay of Quinte Conference Reasons for nen-particîpa- Branch, in which lie expressed tion included such as: "No one bis delight at seîng the Womn- asked me"; "I went te some en's Associations branchirig out, meetings but they were too) dcaling with phases a few years boring-now i just send my ago Most W. A.'s would net nOèy"; "Members are older touch-now learning 'something people -4nd like to do thingsas~ of mission work, growing, .wi- theY havÇl been donc"l; "The dening eut. In the th5 Ve Chureh- dooS fot Spend enough principal tâsk was +z, look after ta Meet peopl's problenis"; the personage. f'ýc., but now a (thechcurch spends ail the new vision; Y -.-Iiowever stated unÔôtiey given it) "Most o! Uic bis great . Cisappolntment at wonien do net want Vo know finding se f ew womcen attend- aboÔut social problemis-they ing Presbý'teny officiai meetings. Want to be comfrtable". Mle aIse challenged women, Frinally, "There iase m rucb nif,.,Lers, te give encouragement pettinesa and gessip and cliquer,- tather than disparagement ta in church. groupa that I çeon't Young members o! the family Wantto e eposd",Iédthewho showed interest in mak- slpeaker to urge, ",4Plead with ing a cereer o! the church;in l- YOU, don't let,, this thmng get erest in. and glvlngs ta mis- IntO mziy locM'.i curch-cliques sions is vital werk. are UnchrIelan-gossip and pet- An invitation was extcftded, tineus se uncbristian - if we and accepted ta hold Uic semi- repeat' a rumn, or think it annual meeting in thc autumnn leveru, that Ia gossip; there ia 50 at Trinity United Church, Pc- 7Wcuch that is wortbwbile, why terborough. A motion was aise t6ar SOrneone down; give you r passcd o enable tic conference loyalty te your church, leave programme to' be extended to YOuf differenceS at the Cross- an additional hait day If desir- if there is bitterncss i your. ed, billeting in tic hostess cîty sou! it shows i your face". being arranged for. -- -. . . -. .U £ n~a5D A ~.? ~P~U1ID A a?~iiT T W I%~.VI' A DTEi THURSDAY, MAY l4th, 1959 m TWO. TUE LANA UIAF4 S £ fi Lmjisu djL1 V~N VI .is J-K. contributionâ. LDurhaml' GIL The detailed and encouraging e m eanua jporf hoed13.415 W. A.&mnibers in 1958, raising T i e,, L e coiitributifl8 were $6,051 to the ~N e n ce týnillaMissionrY Society; $1~2 bo to Màsaionary and Plan ned for Mutlntenancftrund; ta Local Churche.. 8154,474.42: Senior erpltnTooha a Citirensi' Homnes $1,840.39; So- Mt ofitn or ato bas a cial Services $5,783.72. Reports population o ve mllo of Christian CitizenshiP, Lead- people and a good nmany tos arle, who aceornf- ership Edutcationi, Vlsiting and and o! theni were born and usband in his work M. Christian Feiiowship and other spent the early years of their Sert tvo Mission- activec chairmen. as well as lives in various other sections Secre.ayt.hose o! the Presbyteries, show- o! Ontario. Every couflty in 4aintenance Fund, was ed very material, progress at the province has contributed to give information onfl al levels. this situation in varying de- rplan, now ini its fift.h The new siate of officers was grees. Tganîzation. Beginning presented, and installed by Mrs. It la natural then that tho ,.articipatiflg churches Searle, the new Conference natives of many o! the counities rst year of the non- President being Mrs. G. E. now residents of the queen city ional plan, tbere Dobbs of Belleville; Recording should form social clubs en- -urches last year. The Secretary Mrs. H. B. Turck, abling thern to meet at certain ~.gfiancalInceaesPort Hope; Treasurer Mrs. M. times throughout the year, re- the orily benefit, but E. Hobbs, Mill1broolk: Cotres- new friendships. talk over in- luii manpower of the ponding Secretary Mrs. J. E. cidents of days none by. hear was something to do Marsh, Belleville. Warmest gra- papers read concerning the men's clubs have titude was expressed to the re- early history of their respec- ned; it brings the lo- tiring president, Mrs. W. Ç., tive counties and spend a social 1 and those of other Ives, who during her term. of nour or twe together. loser together. The office gave devoted and inspir- One of the niost active of "Flight 60" wvas dis- ed leadlership, and a smail mom- such orgaflizaticfls is the Dur- Sfurther information, ente was presented to ber. ham club founded in 189& main- Bennett_____________ ly through the efforts of Jaines Benntt dew aten-L. Hughes who became its first terature shown in ber %TwlIiifon president. Mr. Hughes was at ch as the new consti- North'.e,'JAA tbat time a promient citizen d handbook, "Conduct f o Toronto being for many ting;" Visiting Senior 'The programn for construction years inspector of the city's 'e Cburch andà Senior of No. 14 County Road, the ex- publie schools. He wvas born 'n 'ou Can't B- Humaii tension from Caesarea toward t.he township of 'Cartwright asZ n leadership: Steward- Highway 35 and Lin*dsay, and xvas his nationally knowvnbo- the Life of Women; whichi was postponed frorn last ther Sir Sam Hughes long ,p with Teenagers. i year because of preference of prorninent in the political lifel 1ceePu o oo- dollars over pr-o-re-S. has f!n"î of Canada. The current presi- reo ý Pul f orn-alIl- nosed ito the strih dent is James P. Lovekin a keute péa onPri away. The whine of chain saws teacher of hist;ory in one of To- Planning ini W. A. She' and the roar of bulldozers are ronto's schools. it a chairman should transforming 'tre remains of the Tecu a ubro nted and a cortmttee defunct Car-idian Pacific Brandi Tecu a u ro tConference. Presby- line froni, Burlceton to Lindsay, honorav members including Local levels !or.Pr,ý- a h ihCocsinh . rt Hon. John W. Foôte, V.C., Hon. Planning.., The new 1ri . tow1twils J.ty e W. Pickuii. Dr. R. P. Vivian. icket for the W. A. a smo oh atopwii hot iîneî M.P. and Mrs. Vivian, Dr. Geo. raning on the ptebr Itundulate from. conces.sion. to' ndsn cf therint re. It concession in its prdgresa nôrth- 1 nrjoyed a trip byv bus to Toron- un ateia fo eibtward and for miles ôverlooking to Sunday afternoon-reward lnldi Ng two Ofl he- Scg5. To the rnanylake- to thosé Cubs that attendeci Wsde sot~i fiôe hore resid ents, it will b pre- troop me9tings anid Sunday Wonnin Changing ferred pregress; to the ôld tim- Schodl regulanly. wo to help toward un- ers it will be sômething else- TeV. aclmfnLy a- ,g the Bible. there many old ad rk removéd. h .Mlomfml ly lrie centres ony indak the ou many fana îintersect&ed by cut- cd hookey from church (for the In Cana, tiacrer.mnnied un second Sunday in a row) to .1ooingat t'l a &tudy e<¶ for working on the q'uare; visit Mr. and Mrs. itoy Wright )ur Gospels. an.h nvtbe eu1 in their new borne in Toronto. 1. ill aroused the live- prôved roadways - nie and! Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm ZEnier- st and enthusinano!f faster trâffic. We personally son visited son Frank and fam- mt as she related her will miss "The Pines" which ily in Peterborough. mis. cf the leadership was namesàke for this property Mr. Leonard Joblin Is happy perlod at Five Oaks over tbe last sevenýty years or to be home again and his own .Educatiori Center at so. 1 rmaster, after a winter at other espeke o! the welcom- North Nestleten Sunday! residences. "Take care o! yôur- )sphere at the Center, Sehool lost some of their usual self Len" nfrew Presbytery was' attendants on Sunday last be-! The Nestieton Ladies vetoed member of the family cause of the Boy Scout parade' the men's plans for redecorat- among the 117 dele- at the sanie time In Blackstock ,tien of the United Church and he guýidancee in pro- church. It's always pleasant teý ordered and paid for painting planning th spiritual watch a parade cf young lads instead cf sanding and varnish- P. Five Oaks Center is in uniform, especially when. ing the interior. I t looked love- inet yet completed; some are your own. ly-me a man maniages to admit sneeded for its cern- The Cartwright Cub troop- it. ib's Tour rth Section rJune 20 W.James and Mrs. James, Mr. and Mrs. John M. James, Mrs. L, L. Hughes, Mr. and lVrs. W. J. MiUls, Mrs. L. B. Williams and Ray Dudley. The membershlp of the club consists for the most part of former resîdents of the lake front municipalities but there is a fair representatien from the three northern townships o! the county and one finds on tbe nmembership roll such weil known family nanies ini Cavan and M.anvers as Fair. Lewery. Armstrong. Brereton,. ýMcGill, McNeill, Williamison, Might, Staples and Shields. 1V' lbas been the practice o! the Durhami club to sponsor each Sumrner a trip for its members by chartercd. motor bus te points in their native county. Up uintil the present time these outings have been to towns. villages and hamiets !i the southern part o! the county. Howevcr this year's trip which wlll take place on June 20th will pass tbrough the nor- thern part of tac townships 4f Darlington, Clarke and Hope stopping for a picnic lunch at the headquarters o! the super- intendent of Durhami forest ne- serve and continuin-g east with stops at Kendal, Elizabethville, Garden 11111 and Bewdley. The route will tien be norti on highway 28 to Donaldson's cor- ners then swinging west into the village o! Millbroek where an inspection cf the provincial reform institution will no doubt be cf much interest te the visit- ors. In the afternoon the party will proceed north te Cavan- ville then going west to Beth- any wbere dlin-ner will be pro- vided. Continuing the trip a few peints in Cartwright wll be visited before the bus will start on Its retunn te Toronto. The present flourisbing uConi- dition of the Durham clb of Toronto is largely due te the enthusiasm cof and organizing abiiity cf its president, James P. Lovekin, better known to bis wide circle cf friends as Jini. He is a teachen of bistory on the staff o! one o! Toronto's schools and if bis knowledgc o! Canadian and world bistory is as th-orougb as bis knowlcdge o! the history o! Durham he must be tops in his profession. Mis affection for his native courity is deep rooted by reason o! the faet tiat for one bundned and sixcty-three years there bas enhave t wo eet, wo andf et!ayPuc*4 u andy have trne Vwo îvesu ing it along ls a cast headed by andsomties wo ivs, utJoanne Woodward, Paul New-, neyer more than anc collar, or man, Joan Collina and Jack Car. one ldea at the sane time, son.' Like Turklsh cigarets, mien The story la set ln the quiet are ail made cf Vie sainie ma- suburban village o! Putnam s tenial; the only difference ls Landing on Long Island Sounid,. that somne are a littlc better dis- Newman la happily marnled to, guised than others. Miss Woodward, mother o! their Gefterally speaking, they mayr two sons. A good nei4hbôr of be lvied ntothre casss:theurs is Uic provocative and Hbanivdd i baches aesi- lovely Joan Collins, and ahe'S a Husbndsbacelor andwi-very lonely little lady àinee her dcwers. An eligible bachelor la husband Mervyn Vye, à TV meg- a mass of obstinacy entircly ul, is always on the run. surrounded by suspicion. Hua- The situation thus la set for bands are of threc varieties: Miss Collins to set a flirtatiaus Prizes. surprises and consolation eye on Newman. This could prîzes. lead to domestic discrd fot Maklng a husband Out et a Newman and it dees. man is one o! the higbest plas- Apinst the background o! this tic arts known Vo civilization. marital meanderings there burat IV recjuii-es science, sculpture, thé efforts e! Uic Army te ingtal coninien sense, faith, hope and a tep secret preject in the cern. oharity-.-especlally charlty. munity. Orfanized Oppôtitiot4 iV là a psychoîogical matrvel frôni the c tl±enry, who. are that a soft, fluffy, tender, vie- fearful O! A-bomba and guided let-sccnted, sweet lîttle thing missiles in the viclnity,*i5s st up. like 4 woman sbould enjoy Thc mirth that takes place In kissing a big, awkward, stubby- frothy and exubérant and will cbinned, tobaeco and bay-rufi be enjoyed by ail who do net scented Uiing like a nman. examine the story tee critically. If yu fatte a an i fngh-Jack Carson plays the stuffy, ln- tIn ho lt eatmand ifr h flated Army captain who la in don't yeu boreht death dif o charge o! Uic project and gets yauI pe rt bu t mae love into many a basale with New- teu emihitsti-a o!oveinman, subsequently rnamed by thc end and if you don't be gets rsdna eha a np.rjc tired of you in tic beginnxng. gop If you believe hlm in every- thing you soon cesse to intercst Average size a! a Canadian hlm and if you argue with him fanm: 302.5 acres. in everytiing you soon cease Forestry authanities figure ta, chai-m hm. If you believe aIl New Brunswick foresta, if rais- lie tells you lie Uilnks you are cd ta full productivencas, could a fool, and if you don't he grow twice as much woed ln thinka you are a cynic. the next 25 years as la donc at -By Glen WottV prescit. NELSON ST. NEAR LIBERTY ILLE BAPJISI PASTOR: %A C. BELL* "AGrowîng Church for a Growing Community" --Special Speaker: REV. F. J. HOLLUDAY., B.AO B.D. WEEK 0F SUN., MAY 1.7 to SUN., MAY 2 (MONDAY EXCLUDED) SUNDAY MAY 17 t-h 9:4 5 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. "CaD)tain Noah -and His Great' Shîep' Pt(illustrated by Slides) "A New Name for Bowmanville Baptist Church" "S torm Signais on the World Horizon" TUESDAYP MAY l9th "FuIfIled Pro phecies of The Bible" lllustrated by 40 Films of Palestine, Moab, Tyre, Egypt, etc. ALL WEEK DAY SERVICES 8 RP. Brlng Your Children They will be entertained ini "IADYLAND" whil you enjoy the services WEDNESDAY, MAY IOth , "The Deepest Furrows Ever Plo ughed" THURSDAY., MAY Ilst Nelson Trafford wiII be the guest FRIDAYP MAY 2Und "Applying the Brakes to Satan's SATU RDAY, MAY 23 rd Young People's Night "Searchi ight speaker Chariot" on the DeviI* SUNDAY. MAY I4th 11:00 A.M. "Is the Bible Out of Date" "The Danaer»-SDot Near Heaven 's Gate" been a Lovekin on the home- stead his great - great - great grandtather Richard Lovekin a native of county Cork, Ireland, recelved from the crown ln 1796. It is known as lot 35, con- cession 1, Clark. Its location la easy to visualize as it Is at the junction of highway 115 and 401 havlng been badly mnutilat- ed within the past few years by the construction of these two rpeed'vays. Another lnterestiig feature o! the Lovekin famîly la that jncluding the original Richard Lovekin and the infant son o! the present- occupant of the aid homnestead tiiere has been seven generations of Lovekins on the same farni each one of whioh has carried the christian name Richard. The citizens o! Millbrook will nô doubt give a hearty wel- corne to the members of the Durham club of Toronto when they visit the village on June 20th. Men- An Essay 1 money is lý w ýw» oqàsvàvVAU C!VPAMÇlkalkgAv rmT,&itirn MOVUE. REVUEW RALLY ROUND . THE FLAGI flOY[8."Qâ wlth Paul Newman, Woodward, Joan CoUina, sE Carson. (CinemnaScope-DeLuxe Côlor) Royal Theatre Mon.-Weed., My 18-26 Excellent cast and fine pro. duction mounting indicate sttÔng grosses for the comedy dia based on the best-seller Of the same name. A wild comedy of rômaàic confusion and suburban turmôl is sent along its tripping way ln Rally Round the Flag, Boysl The very able Leo McCarey produe. ed and directed from a creén. play based on Max Shulnian's best-selling novel of the saine name. The picture, hafldsoi'ie. ly bedecked mn DeLuxe Color and CinemaScope, opens with a laugh, gathers momentum. and sôon churns up a gale ot laughter. It is the type of farce thize ~neryall,, nrovesa n e

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