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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1959, p. 3

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THEDAMAY l4th, 1959 xTUE I.AZ1AUJALN S1ATESMM Bo~ DJwÂULI.ÂIV Ai, ___un Three Social E vent s eature Las n~ree social events took over 'é' -4potlight in Bowmanville Sw' îày night, as the Good- Yq&4. bffice Union held their arüiiul banquet and dance at the Memorial Park Club House, the Blockbusters held a Town Hockey League Dance at the Legion Hall, while at the Good- year, a social evening was en- joyed by the Recreation Club mnembers. Union Banquet Head table guests at the Of- fice Union Banquet were: Prc- aident Harold Balson and Mis. BaIsom, vice-president Don Mas- teis and Mis. Masters Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chant, Don Kemp, president of the factary union -local 189, and guest speaker, union officiai Nbrm Allison and Mrs. Allison. Following a delicious turkey supper, master o! ceremonies Paul Chant, pîesented Harold Balson with a box o! cigars and a cheque, on behal! of the mem- bers in recognition o! the pie- sident's outstanding work, since the inception o! local 397 in 1951. Mr. Allison spoke briefly but most enjoyably on tU-e capabili- ties o! the Office Union execu- tive and held tUe inteîest of the audience with bis views on au- r 5t Weekend tomation in the production Uine.' Recreation Social Evenlng Recreation Club Manager Russ Oke had an imposing ar- îay of talent on stage at the Goodytar Plant, before an au- dience of over a hundred peo- ple. Benny Sîlverton handied the M. C. duties as well as tak- ing time out ta play a trick violin and other instruments, assisted by singer Terry Grif- fin and accoîdion player Colin Marsh. Magician Raymond Lowe pufled off many baffling tricks, including several which were decidedly different from the usual routine. Betty Fiest cap- tivated the crowd with a sen- sational baton-twirling act, which made her the curient Canadian Baton-twiiling Cham- pion. People wlll be able to get a good chance ta see the fine 1type of entertainnient which is displayed at the Social Even- ings on June 6th, when one of the acts in the person of papu- lar singer, Joe Quinn, appears ion the Billy O'Connor TV show. Town League Dance Round dancing ta Ted Tay- lor's orchestra and square danc- ing to the music of Al Fletcher was enjoyed by osier 200 cou- £,. Ail Guaranteed Washable! Speolal Purohase 1 Girls' Sleeveless ""Dan River" Collons " Ail woven patterns " Superb styhing and tai Iorn n Siz« 4 t. 6x Six« 7 t. 12 en* 2.99 ou. 3e99 Sleeveless dresses thot will be her pride end joy oil summer long . . . ln sa smort "Don River" woven pattern cattonis - a n< ie you know for top quality . . . and guaranteed washable, of course ** styled by a maker wha s a speciolist ln children's weer... tailored ta perfection .,.clhoose from severaf styles ond colors . . . sizes 4 ta 6x - each 2.99, 7 to 12 - echd 3.99. . normolly they wauld b. mnuch more but this special purchase saves you ot east a dollar en every one . . . shop eurty for best choice. .,,"TORE HNOURS <~ekdays - 9:15 - 5:30 Wednesdays - 9:15 - 12:30 iFridays - 9:15 - 9.00 pies at the Legian Hall. No lesu than 35 door prizes were gen- erously donated by the Bow- manvflle merchants. To top off a real evening of getting yaur money's worth, lunch was also served. Undoubtedly the dance was a tiemendous succes. Explorer's Entertain Mothers Minister Nomninated Trinity United Church Ex- plorers' Mother and Daughter Banquet was held in the Sunday ScUool an Wednesday. May 6th at. 6 p.m. Fifty-seven mothers, daugh- ters, leaders and guests sat down ta a lovely supper pie- pared and served by the W.A. and convened by Mis. C. P. Bar- I îett. The Chie! Explorer, Diane McMullen, welcomed everyone and called on Corinne Elliott to give tUe grace. Following supper Jean White proposed a toast to, the m<tliers whîch was verY capably replied ta by Mrs. J. G. Martin. The toast ta tUe church was given by Betty Pickard and replied to by Rev. Wsn. K. Houslander. On behalf of the Exploreis Bannie Ormiston thanked tUe W.A. for preparing oui supper. A sing sang was led by Doris Martin. At this time Mis. C. Trewin expressed Uer thanks ta Uer assistants and mothers for Hon. Dr. Matthew B. Dymond, M.P.P., Ontario their Uelp and co-operation Minister of Health, who was nominated on Saturday after- throughout the yeai. noMy9h oaancrytePorsieCnevtv A pragram foilowed iwith ia ,My9htaaancryteroesie onrvte ieading by Corinne Efliott; a, standard in Ontario Riding. The enthusiastic nomination duet by Susan Quinton and 'meeting took place in Uxbridge. Mary Jean Billett and an amus- ing skit, "Love Is Like That', good attendance. Arrangements Mis. F. Lundy with WEflJflG eîe made ta hold its Annual the foilowing girls taksng part.:hrhrd o udyJn Betty Ormiston, Diane MeMul- PLAYER - KERSEY C2lst aatd30 omnwit Re. as- len, Susan Elliott, Elizabeth 2s t23 ..wt e.Bs Braden, Bannie Mathewson, A quiet but veiy pretty wed- il Long of Orono as guest prea- Barbara Crombie, Betty Welshý ding took place on May 2nd at cher. and Bannie Ormidstan. susan 2 p.m.. in Wiimar- Heights Un- The Cemetery Board meeting Etcher was tUe pronipter and ited Church, Scarborough, when met at the home o! Mr. Bert Marilyn Stapleton looked after Grace Marie, daughter Of Mi. Riharson on Saturday even- the stage properties. The guest and Mis. Sydney Kersey, Ham- ing. Plans were made for con- speakeris. Stephen Saywelî pton, became tUe bride o! Mi. sdrbe iirvmns tî of Oshawa, was introduced by' Leonard James Player, son of year on the local cemetery. Elizabeth Braden and presented bi. and Mis. Lionel Player, W eega alanta with a corsage. Her subject wa Elmvale. Resi. E. J. Kersey, the tUe local lads are arntga "Foilow the Light". Mis. S. bride's brother, officiated. telcladsar atiga Ciago thanked tUe speaker The bride, given in mai:riage softball team. We understandi A flm"Wat Miut" wic jby Uer father, was smartly at- that 21 of tUe fair sex are try- showed haw ta Uelp childieul tiîed in a navy blue suit, navy n oufrapsionnVU see that God's care and love 1 hat with white flower tria, team Our park lias not been for ail children everywhere. navy shoes and white gloves. used much in the past years The banquet was losed by She wore a corsage of pink and we sure wish them tUe very the singing o! the Explorers' roses. best. Possibly they will be chai1- Uymn "Childien Who Walk in The biide's sister Jean, Mis. lenging the men for a garne in Jesus Way" and the Explorer's Jack. Lyon was Uer attendant the future. prayer. wearing a Fîençh blue suit, Local Tories weie among tUe ______________ ,white accessories and a corsage hundreds WUo attendied tUe of pink roses. Mr. Robert Mc- Conseivative Nomination Con- Statistics show that the great- Murchy, Hillsbury, was best vention in Orono. It was a long est use o! peisonal savings by man. session with the highlight being Canadians is for new housing.' TUe reception was held at the comxnunity singing with Massive reserves o!fion and the home of Mi. and Mis. H. our Liberal friend JoUnny Jam- ail guarantee Canada's future Ashton, Enniskillen. Mis. Ash- e doing a grand job as leader. as an mndustiial nation. ton is also a sister o! tUe bride. Mi. and Mis. Cliff Oliver The bride's mother received in Toronto, were Sunday guests a powder blue crepe dress and with Mr. Robt. Halboran. tUe gioom's mother in a white OVthei weekend guests in the dotted navy diess. Bath woîe -village included Mr. and Mis. white acceçsorîes and corsages.Lap Sharpe of- Toîonto,'-Mi o! white carnatins. aend Mis. Ray Mils, Mr. and A!teî the reception the bride Mis. Archie Whitmee of! Osh- and groom left on a wedding awa, Mi. and Mis. Andee Lind- trip ta western points. They quist of Newmarket, Mis. Roy wil reside in Oshawa. McKsiy, Bronte; Mr. and Mis. Priai ta her mairiage the Les Alclred o! Orono. staff Of Bawmanville Cleaners *.11 and Dyers Limited. gatheîed at the home of Mi. -and Mis. Carl * Leslie, Scugog St., when step- tables weîe presented to the PONTYPOOLe Mother's Day Services were well attended Sundiay morning with Rev. R. R. Bonsteel in charge. A choir of local Mothers with Mis. Lily Richiardson at the organ was much enjoyed iby the congregation. It was with regret the congregation learned that Rev. Bonsteel had tendered his resignation from this char. ge. He bas received a caîl from a church in the Oakville dis- trict. A very large crowd attended the L.O.L. Dance on Saturdlay evening with Clara Nes'bitt's Orchestra furnishing splendid music. ite sudden passing of Mis. Douglas Logan was a sad shock to the entire community. De- ceased was forxnerly a teacher at Pontypool School. L.O.L. 82 held its regular meeting on Wednesday with a Spec ials in PERMANENT WAVES Waved by: MARGARET SMfTH JOSIE DEKAINE FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 $79 For _______ Reg. $12.509 5 For 9.95_____ Reg. $15.00i* For 11.95___ SPECIAL COL» WAVE ai $5.95 Mr. Huyck will be bere on Tues., Wed. ani Fr!. te do the steam and regular waves ]Phono NA 3.5703 FOR APPOINTMN Huyck's Hairstyling Studio 17Klg t.W., B<wmanvill Q. "Shossld celddren, eaela lide boys, be deliberaiely es- poaed go a case o>' mumps a. shey won'a have it lager en?" -A reader. A. The idea of getting it -over with springs up because cblldren rarely have complications Ïvith* mumps whereas aduits, especially men,' often develop seriaus -trouble during .and after the dis- ease. Whie it may bc desirable ta have mumps early, deliberate exposure is another matter; seri-, eus complications arce mdeed un- common but they do accur. Aima, -the expased child may bring mumps home and give it to aduits who could have a sevr case of the disease and perbaps be left with permanent damage. Answers do flot necesaiy relée the. opinion of' ail doctort. The dlag. izosis and treatmnent o>' disease La the function o>' the patient'# per- sonal ph>'ician. Questions directed tu Science Editors, PO. Box 396, Madison Sq. Sta., N. Y. 10, N. Y. will be incorporated l ihese col. wnns when possibl& - - lTHE j e MTORE IoeWMAueviLts Boy the famlly carton of 6 big botiezs Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIUTORS For this wonderful, romantic and most iniportant occaion li your 11e ... we can supply: WEDDING INVITATIONS THANK YOU NOTES RECEPTION NAPKINS PERSONAL STATIONERY Drop in and see our Sample Book: Dozens of st- IVeclclng lyleis ta choose from &Jnvitations as low as $7.50 for 25 - $9.00 for 50 (Complete with two envelopes) Raised Letter Printing Thank You Notes. $5.00 for 50 Reception Napkins. $2.50 for 50 Place Cards .. . . $3.50 for 50 Matches é 0 1*a*0$2.95 for 50 PERSONALIZED STATIONERY of ail types Cabinet of 100 sets - $1 0.00 SEE OUR ATTRACTIVE WINDOW DISPLAY PHONE MA 3-3303 I j' iE ~VA Your aid und discarded lewellery. Committing seriaus crime cf clutter- ~, ing up your bureau drawers and, robbing yau of the opportunity ta realize ready cash. Bring it ta us for expert appraisal. IIIOHEST PRICES PAID FOR ARTICLES CONTAINING GOLD, SILVER, GOLD FILLED AND PLATINUM METALS MAR R'S Jewellevy of Bowmanville ~AIof L. Rundie, Mms R. Rabbins; Au- vv.i. Siate o ditors, Mirs. R. Hetheringtofl, Mis., Corden; Hosp. Repres- entative, Mrs. R. Hetherington; New O fficers Pianists, Mrs. S. Buttery, Ass't- P r sen edveno,Mrs. G. Jones; Public R. Webber; Convenors, Mis. B. The regular meeting of Bow- Metcalf. Mrs. G. Richards, Mrs. manvile Women's Institute was G. Bagneil, Mrs. G. Clarke. helId at Community Centre on Mrs. M. Wisenm read a copy Thursday April 30. MiS. G. Al of the letter that was sent to chin, President, and Mrs. M- . .* Haggerty, District Pie- Wiseman, Secretary-Treasurer, sient, concerning the amalga- were in tlieir respective chairs. mation of two districts, Dur- Reports weîe read fromn the hain west and Durham east. It standing committees: Mis. J. was decided to give $50 to the Abernethy. Citizenship and newly formed Red Cross Socie- Education; Mis. T. B3uttery, ty and the Kopper Karnival to Historical Researcli, Current be held again next March asi Events and Resolutioils:Mis. B. Meteaif, Agriculture a.nd Cana- dian industries. Mis. M. Wise- man read the report of Home Economics and Health for Mrs. I ~ r E. Perfect who was unable ta be there. e r MIrs. T. Buttery presented the siate of new officers for 1959- 1960: Past Pies., Mis. T. But- tery; Pies., Mrs. G. Alichin; lst Vice., Mis. M. Wiseman; 2nd Vice, Mis. S. Buttery; Sec.- .Treas., Mrs. J. Meachin; Ass't- Sec.-Treas., Miýs. D. Parks; Dist. Director, Mirs. R. Webber; Ass't Dist. Director, Mis. D. Paîks; Directors, Mis. M. Colwell, Mis. J. Abernethy, Mis. F. Jackman,j Mis. H. Richards; Press Report- er, Mrs. R. Webber; Visitin.c Committee, Mis. C. Johns Mrs 64edical Mirror A$ 0 Momp sh 1 ý MAWFALIvjLm& nfflik@WV16--"Al& nWAW(b oui mnoneY raluing projeothd the year. Mrs. S. Selby prepared i. splendid huniorous paper on the motta. "Why do fashions change?" and being unable to be present Mis. S. Buttery cap-t ably substituted for her. Mis. ". Goodmain in an efficient mani- ner installed the new officers. Mns. R. Webber was delegate appointed ta attend Leaders' convention of District Directors at O.A.C.. Guelph. an May 6 ta 8. Rail cail was pay your fees. District Annual is ta be held at Maple Grave Church on May~ 21. Mis. T. Buttery and her group served refreshments.A social hall hour foilowed.__ PAGI

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