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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1959, p. 5

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TaURSDAY, MAY l4th. 1959 TEE OAKADIAN STAT~SMAK, DOWMMIVILLE. ONTAEIO PAGE !WU *Review Years' Activities for Home c ~ he seCrtary of the Bowman-' 1eHome and Sehool Associa- on. Mrs. Joseph Cuddahee, sub- nTu -l the following summary of th< V janizations activities for thêar at the final meeting of the S3sociation held«on Wednes- day evening, May 6th, at Ontario Street School. Programs Speakers--May, 1958, G. R. Elliott, a member of the teach- ing staff of Bowmanville High School, "Vocational Guidance". Octobr-Dr Alan B. Sylvester, "Emotional Troubles in Pre-i School and School Children."1 December-Mayor Nelson Os-1 borne, "Centennial Year in Bow- . mnanville."1 February, 1959-Dr.g Koerber, "Discipline." May- Leonard Lucas, vice-principal o! Bowmanvllle High Schooi, "Edu- cation." I 0~foua4d'f DRAPERIES BROADLOOM DRAPERIES By The YARD VENETIAN AND CLOTHBLINDS CUSTOM MADE DRAPES DRAPERY RODS AND TRACKS INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE Howard Vice. Proprietor TELEPHONE OSHAWA RA 5-3144 926 Slmeoe St. N. Oshawa 7nd School Slides-September, A. E. Arm- strong, "Gerniany and South Africa." Filnis-December, "The Cen- tennial Parade", motion pictures taken and presented by A. T. Fletcher, with a commentary by A. Osborne. January-"Sociable Sixes to Noisy Nines." April- "Your Child from Ten to Tweive." D. Kennedy was in charge o! the projector. C. Mor- rison and Mrs. K. Sumers!ord led discussion groups. Public Speaking-At the Jan- uary meeting the winners o! the Public Schoois Speaking Contest, Kathy Osborne and Carolyn Stacey gave their winning ad- dresses. Music - May, 1958. Public School Choir composed o! pupils from Grades 7 and 8 dîrected by Murdoch Beaton. October - Choir o! Ontario Street School pupils under the direction o! Mr. Beaton. December-Choir com- posed of girls from the three Public Schools directed by Mr. Beaton. February, 1959-Vocal solos by Miss V. Sadler. April- Vocal solos by K. Mayberry. May-Choir composed o! girls from the three Public Schools. Mr. Beaton led the members o! the Home and School Associa- tior's singsong at the September meeting. He also led the sing- ing o! Christmas Carols by the members at the December meet- ing. Demonstrations-December, C. 1 Morrison, "Industrial Art." Jan-' uary-Mr. Beaton, "Music in the Lower Grades with Tape Rle- corder." Publicity-Bulletin prepared and sent home with each child every month. Advance notice of!1 each meeting in The Canadian« Statesman. Also an account of, each meeting written by a re-l porter published in The States- man. Activities-Bowling every Fni- day a!ternoon. Oshawa Home and School Association Council meeting each third Tuesday at A. E. Loveli School. The presi- dent o! the Bowmanviile Home and School Association and five members may attend. The Dist- rict Conference was held in Courtice in November. It was followed by a turkey dinner. The 4th Home and School Con- vention was heid at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on April lst and 2nd. Mrs. Ralph Ames and Mrs. G. Stephen attended al sessions o! the convention. Bow- THANK YOU! YOUR e 0 a RCAF'S "GOLDEN HAWKS" - Members of the RCAF's Bienfait, Sask.;* Flight Lieutenant Jin'iMcCombe, Frederic- "Golden Hawks" precision aerobatic team, now training at ton, N.B.; Squadron Leader Fern Villeneuve, Ottawa, Ont., ROAF Chatham, N.B., for their cross-country tour in con- team leader; FIL Jeb Kerr, Welland, Ont.; F/L Ralph nection with the RCAF's 35th Anniversary and the Golden Annis, McAdam, N.B., deputy leader; F/O John Price, Anniversary of Flight in Canada, are seen beside one of Knowlton, P.Q.; and F/O Jun Hoit, Vancouver and Kam- their gold Sabres. Team members, left to right, are - Flying loops, B.C.. Officer Bill Stewart, Dalhousie, N.B.; F/O Ed Rozbeda,. -National Defence Photo manville Red Cross meetings- The Bowmanville Home andi ýSchool Association was repre- ,sentesi by Mrs. Charles Burdett and Mrs. K. Sumersford. Money Raising - September, sold Consumers' Gas Demonstra- tion tickets. February, 1959, cateresi for the Lions Club's Ladies' Night Banquet. May, ýservesi lunch at Men Teachers' ýFederation and also cateresi for a Lions Club dinner. Where The Money Went Wedding gifts last summer for Miss Bartlett, Miss Copping, Miss Compton, and-et Christmas for ýMiss Sigsworth and Miss Fort- nataro. It ia expected thet there will be several other teachers' weddings this year. Christmas gifts to each of the caretakers et the three Public Schools. A donation of $10 to, the Recrea- tion Department. A special Christmas collection o! $37 to the Salvation Army. May, 1958, bus trip to Toronto for Grade 8 pupils. There wiii be another this year. $200 toward play- grounsi equipment for Vincent Massey School. Mrs. Don Mc- Donald, the 1958-59 president, has plans for this year's dona- tion. More about this donation later." HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Wilimot Hewie ~and Margaret, Ajax; Mr. andi Mss. Ralph Taylor and Larry, Oshawa; Miss MadJiyn Wilcox, Bowmanville, were recent vis- dtors witlh Mr. and Mrs. Han- landi Trul. Mr. andi Mss. Austin Barron ansi Erlyne visited Mn. and,' Mss. Walter Lawson, Long Brandi, on Su'nday. Mrs. Hilton Peters, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs.. T. Sal- ter and brother Hérold ansi Mr ansi Mrs. eYhn Warrack,I Miss Lorenne Warraek and Mr. Dennis Drew, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mn. andi Mss. Douglas White. Miss Hartwell, Toronto, w as a tweekend guest of Rev. F. J. and, Mrs. Reesi. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Osh- awa, spent the weekend with her sisten Mis. Joe Cbapmian. Mr. and Mrs. Don WhiÀte, Oakvilie, visibed bis- mother IMirs. Will Wite ansi brother Doug on Saturday. Miss Nancy Johins spent the weekend with Iher sister Mis. White. Mn. andi Mss. Leonard Hînd- maen, MII. and Mrs. Goodmu.r- pyl Gouglaeresuandavid- Mpy Sheil,Douglas anda.vis-, Htors with heir son, Orville andi Mrs. Hindinan. Mn. and Mss. J. A. Rosevear ansi son Kenneth, Misses Lor- raine ansi Esther Rosevear, Ty- rone, were Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mis. Murr'ay Yeo. Mn. and Mrs. Ray Smith and family, Newcastle; Mr. andi MsDon Prescott andi !amily, rniield; Mr. ansi Mrs. Allyn ITaylor and,' Linda, Bowman- ville; M r. ansi Mr§. Glen Smith, ,Douglas ansi Cheryl, were Sun- day supper guests o! their par- ents Mn. ansi Mis. Hosken Smith. Mr. ansi Mrs. Donald Reesi and Carolyn. Scarborough; Dr. andi Mrs. Gordon Mart in and family, Richmond Hill, visited their parents Rev. F.* J. andi Mrs. Reesi duning the weekend. Mr .and Mrs. Harlansi Truli spent the weekend with Mr. ansi Mrs. W. B. Cunningham, Fenelon Fells. Mr. ansi Mrs. R. Fennandez, Debbie ansi Ronnie, Toronto, were Sundeay visitors with Mis. S. G NideryandMary. Rev. Ted Kersey. Ylinrmie andi Susan, Scarborough; Mn. and IMss. Len Player, Oshawa, vis- itesi their parents, Mr. and- Mss. S. Kersey on Sundeay. Mn. ansi Mra. J. R. Reynolds, Davidi ansi Robert, London. vis- 1 itesi Miss L. Reynolds, ansi Mn. ansi Mss. Clarence Rowan, Be- thany, visitesi her sister Miss Florence Werry on Sundey. Miss Fl'orence Thibault, Dig- by, NS., whe bas been attend- ing University in Toronto is spending a couple o! weeks with Mr. ansi Mss. T. M. Chant ami wiil graduate in Dental Hy- geine next week. Mn. ami Mis. Rowlandl Shack- leton have returnesi home after spending thnee weeks et the home o! ber sister Mss. Petti- bone, Brampton, Mr. Pettibone having passesi away recently. Rev. andi Mirs. E. S. Linstead. Port Perry, cellesi on Mr. ansi Mrs. Wili Wilbur on Saturday evening. Mir. ansi Mrs. T. Wray were Sundav visitors witli Mn. ansi Mss. Jackson Wray ansi girls, Oshawe. Miss Ruby Dewell. Odmwa, spent the weekend wlth Mn. ansi Mss. Percy. 'Mn. and Mrs. W. Harrison ansi daughter Kim,. Coîborne, was with her parents Mr. and Tuberculosis is Biggest Breaker -up of Homes Tuberculosis disrupts more families for a longer period of time than any other disease. Last year 3,000 Ontario peoplei entered TB Sanatoria, each for an average of one year's treat- ment.1 "To spend over a year in hos- pital is no picnic," he said. "It means tremendous disruption in the home. Even though treat- ment is free, there is heavy loss of income when the vîctim is the breadwinner. Many famnilies are without the homemaker when the victim is the wife and mother. The hardships and heartbreaks in Ontario homes cannot be adequately measured. In spite of intense case find- ing effort we are flot making as much headway against the dis- ease as we would like. It seems Mrs. G. Ad'cock on Sunday. Recenît callers at A. W. Pres- cott's were Mr. Wilbert Smitjh, Miss Dorothy Smnith, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Prescott, 'Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bowmanville; M rs. Fred Griffin, the Union; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Witchall and children, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott, Mrs. Ken Hardy, Tyrone, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beath, Colunmbus. Miss Marie Prescott, Toron- to, spent the weekend' at home. Mr. and Mrs. WiIfred Green- away spent the weekend at their cottage, Pidigeon Lake. Mir. and Mrs. E'arl Stephen- son, Osh'awa; Mr. Ron Fowler, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Al. Ranidle's and with Mrs. G. White. Sundiay church services were well attended with the morning worsip service hav- ing a large attendance. Mr. Reed conducted a Bap- tismal Service when the follow- ing infants were bap'tized: Jen- ifer Arlene Yeo, ciaughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Murray Yeo; Con- stance Louise White. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Whîte; Cheryl Lee Williams, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Will- iamns; Dorothy Louise Hind- man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hindman; Lois Gail Yeo, daughter of Mr. and ira. W. Yeo, Janet -Margaret Seger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Seger. Our pastor chose for his text "Keep Thy Heart with ail dili- gence for out of it are the is- sues of life". His splendid mes- sage was very fîtting and also the anthem selection- "Show me my task" by the choir, was very appropiate for the occa- sion. We're in favor of the welI- shod look for spring.. smart styling . .. smooth, comfortable fit in thrifty shoes for ail the family. For the Women . . NATURALIZERS All Styles and Sizes Chlldren's SANDALS by SAVAGE White Bucks Saddle Oxfords $3.95 Io $5.95 Other Childrens Sandals at $2.95 we no sooner treat one case than another develops. "On the other hansi, treatment has improved. Here remarkable strîdes have produced a short- ened periosi of treatment andi a dramatie reduction in deaths." Severa I Baptisms At St. PauI's The following children were baptizesi recently by the Rev. Harold A. Turner, minister of St. Paul's United Church: Doreen Martha, daughter o! SMr. andi Mrs. Alfredi Coulter; Carol Anne, Kent Henry, Jackie Raymond, Tresa Lynn andi Stevie Morley, chiidren o! Mr. andi Mrs. Rae Cielansi; Peter Dil- ion, John Davidi and Mark Ed- ward, chilsiren of Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Langley; Lorie Ann, daughter o! Mir. and Mrs. Don- ald Mountjoy; Shirley Jean, daughter o! Mir. and Mira. Gordon Sellers; Donald Alvin, son o! Mir. and Mrs. Donald A. Sudsbury; Elroy John, Bradley Charles1 Aylmer and Clint Douglas, chilsi- ren o! Mr. and Mrs. John Francis Trimble; Michael James and Carl Gordon, sons o! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vesna; Nancy Ruth, Danny Alvin and John Howard, child- ren o! Mir. and Mrs. Alvin Welsh; Lenore Anne, daughter o! Mr. andi Mss. Sam Adams; Harold Arthur, son o! Mr. andi Mirs. Haroldi Bain; Laurie Jean, daughter of Mr. andi Mrs. Eugene jethune; Douglas Ed- ward, ss o! Mr. and Mrs. John Bird; Jonathan Jey, son o! Mir. and Mrs. Howard Corden; Jo- anne Marie, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi DeMilie; Ronald Herman, son o! Mr. andi Mrs. Herman Haass; David John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Muiien.ix; Michael Beden, son o! Mr. andi Mis. Stanley Pingie; Brenda Elsie, daughter o! Mir. and Mrs. Glenn Prout; Camille Andrea Michelle, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. John Stacey; Pattie Marie, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van Meer; Alîson Mary, deught- er o! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welsh. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For week of May 4-10 inclusive Admissions ~49 Births-2 maie, 6 female 8 Discharges- --64 Major operetions------13 Minor operations 21 Emergency treatments __ 17 Visiting houirs 2:30-4:30 p.m. andi 7 to 8:30 p.m. HAYDON Mr. Bruce Garrard ansi fam- ily, Keswick, ansi Mr. and Mrs. Alfredi Garrard were Sunday visitons with their parents Mir. andi Mrs. Chanlie Garrard. Mr. and Mrs. Elgie, Mir. Lloyd Thompson andi Terry, Toronto; Mr. Roy Thom'pson, Leskard, were Sunday visitons et the Thompson home. Mn. and Mis. Fred Cowiing, Bliackstock; Mr. andi Mss. L. Tilley, John ansi Susan, Mr. C. Pethick ansi Ruth, Enniskillen, callesi on Mis. Richard McNeil, Sunclay. Mn. ansi Mss. T. H. Tabh, Orono, were tee guests o! Mss. H. Crossmen,, Thursday. Mr. ansi Mrs. Russeil Grmis- ton, Mrs. Ivan Sharp ansi Lin- de, Enniskiilen, Mn. ansi Mis. J. Aikenheasi, were dinner guests et Mn. and Mira. Lloyd Ashton's, Sunday. Mn. ansi Mss. C. Petihick andi Ruth, Enniskiilen; Mr. ansi Mss. Arthur Trewin ansi William, were Sunday cailers et Mn. ansi Mrs. J. Potts. Mr. ansi Mir. Leonard Wil- son ansi Miss Ann Wilson, Le- kefielsi, were Sunday visitons et Mr. ansi Mss. Clem Rahm's andi attendesi the F'amily Day Service when their granddau- ghter, Allison Ruthi Rahm, was Christenesi. .Mr. ansi Mrs. Bert Ashton, Eddie ansi Lea, Toronto, et Mr. andi Mrs. A. Read's. Mn. ansi Mss. L. Griffin, Blackstock, wene tee guests at Mr. and Mirs. Alfredi Garnard's Sunday. Mr. and Mis. C. Rankine and Margot Rankine spent Mother's Day with Dr. and Mss. Wm. Cornigen andi family, Toronto, andi attendesi the diristening of their gransison Brian' Cor- rigan. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Mrs. Ross Ashton, Cheryl, Beth, Barbara, Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Linda, were dinner guests of Muriel Brownlee, Leaside, Saturd'ay pnior to Ray Ashton leaving for Banff Springs Ho- tel, Alberta, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn andi family and Mrs. K. Cow- ling callesi on Mirs. M.- 'ack- burn on Mother's Day et the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. ShL- ckleton, Salem. Mr. andi Mrs. Lloyd Slemon were dinner guests o! Mr. and Mira. Fred Toms, Enniskillen, andi suipper guests at Mir. andi Mrs. Courtney Graham's Pur- pie Hill, Sunday. Sorry to hear Lynne Read is a patient in Memonial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. Hope for a speedy recovery. Glasi to hear Mirs. W. Thomp- son has so recovered from her recent operation as to be out o! Hospital and with her dau- gihter, Mrs. Frank Osmond, Bowmianville. The Family Day Service Sunday evening was well eat- tendesi. Special Mother's Day progranmme was usesi, During the service Allison Ruth, dau- ghter o! Mr. andi Mrs. Clem Rahm was Christened. Sunday Sehool Sunday morn- ing at 10:30 o'clock. 4 80 Ring Si. W. Pat Corneli Speaker at Shaw's H& S Shaw's Home andi School As- sociation held its May meeting et the school May 6, when a g0os crowd was present to en- joy an interesting evening. Pre- sidenit W. M. Rabb presidesi over the business portion of the meeting v*hen reports were given by various secretaries and treasurers. Mr. L. J. Wood of the nomin- ating conunittee reesi the slate o! efficers for the coming year; Pires. W. M. Rabb; Vice-Pres., Eric Lovekin; Sec., Mss. W. Ru- dell; Corresp., Sec., Mrs. E. Cox; Treas., Bob Stacey. Mirs. Margery Pewtress of Cobourg, Evecutive Secretary o! Northuimberland Durham Tuberculosis Association was present ansi outlined the mass Tuberculin Survey te be un- dentaken this summer. She em- phasizesi the importance o! ha- ving each adult and child take part in the tests, dates o! which [will be announced- iater. It was decidesi to have our annual picrjic at Waltona Park June 19, the executive to plan the event. Teachers outlîned bus trips they are planning for their puils andi a sum o! mon- ey w«s voted to help with the expenses. Mrs. E. Browes was chair- man for the program. Five boys fromn the junior roomn sang 'Ibe Children's Marching Song' Dornne Eyre sang "May You Always", and Murray O'Brien favored with «176 Trombones". Mrm J. Killeen was pianist fbr these nunibers. Brian Jones played a guitar solo; Mrs. E. Browes gave a comic mono- logue and Mrs. Bull Brooks as- sisted in the skit. Const. H. Corneil, O.P.P. a guest speaker andi outlined five rules o& saety. He also ans- wered questions fromn the aud- ience and showed an interest- lng film on bicycle safety en- titled "Play It Safe". The committee planning the program were Mir. and Mrs. E. Browes. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brooks and Mir. and Mirs. L. Jones. Lunch -%vas served b-y Mrs. A. Wood, Miss E. Bennett, Mrs. Jim Brow'n and Mrs. Ger- aid Brown and a social botir enjoyed. Get Cash To-day For Old Appliances through STATESMAN C L ASSI1FI1E D S. Phone MArket 3-3303 s '.1 U HE D TH S 0 MER ONLY BEAD TRIS «Puljq aq yIyM XpIoqjeff 9aiJ *614 pilai iBm OM~M iOi -,cýoulu pufs paipuflq aulI 'Pule -snolfl aulu-A41(ZIO aq Ilt ili UatUOM pUtsfloIl £,,aulu J30$110 Weil, we're not !ussy. The ladies can ail read this part. I just want to say that no matter how they look et it - upside down, sideways, or rigbt side t.p - they won't find better, more satis!y- ing cleaning than et our place. There, I saisi it! Cari Leslie Support the Red Shield Appeal i4 THRIFTY AND MODERN - HERE IS YOUR CHANCE! Enjoy the SUNLIGHT in your home and keep the SUNRAYS OUT. Not possible? See our Draxnatic Invention in Suncurtains. Very Attractive-Very Low in Cost. Exemple: Wmndow50 by 58" Approx. $5.65 Total Cost! Act logically, Act Now, Because RIGHT NOW WE OFFER A FREE INSTALLATION. Satisfaction 100%7 Guaranteed, or money refunded. Therefore Cal MA 3-5041 for a Free Denionstration in your Own Home. No High Pressure Sales Talk. '4 Bowmanville BRIGT WYS O O DRESSES, Sizes 10 to 20 . ----$6.95 BLOUSES, Al sizes - -__------------ -- - $ 1.-- MATERNITY SLACKS - ------ $3.98 NATERNITY TOPS - ---------------$2.98 Best-Form DRASSIERES, Eeg. $2.50 __. ---99c GoddLES Ail sizes _____-_____$4.98 Makes inches vanish as it molds and holds your figure We have been fortunate i obtaining the agency for the welI-known WATSON BRAND 0F LADIES' UNDNERGARMENTS Corne in' and look around ... we have se many other thimgs. WE ALSO HAVE A LARGE SELECTION 0F BABY CLOTHINC FOR BOTH GIRLS AND BOYS .1 - CRE DIT 1$ GOOD KAYES'I Ladies" Wear - Sportswear 68 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA "The Store With Friendly Service" AVOID THE SUMMER RUSH - ORDER NOW OLD FASHION IDEAS? DON'T BOTHER TO READ j Denhertog's Clothing 80 KING ST. W. BOWMAN VILLE% MA 3-5041 I '< AVOID THE SUMMER RUSH - ORDER NOW ~ DENHERTOG'S , CLOTHING PAGE FM TEU %PAY, MAY 14th, 1959 TEm cANADiAN sTATXsmm,- BOWMANVU,= ONTARIC)

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