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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1959, p. 11

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PAGE ELEVEII ?HURSDAV. TAV 2lst. 1' TIlT ~ANADIA~4 STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE~I ONTAEIO 7 iewca st/e cSocial and1 CPersona/ Dr. Raymond Rogers of Ot-! lEchs of Toronto, visited with, tawa, spent the holiday wee'k- the Rev. and Mis. M. G. Fis-h- end with bis mother, Mis. W. Lý- and family on Monday. P. Rogers. Th-c many friends of Miss' Mis. Charlie Tiiackey, Toron- 1 Cora Butler will be sonry ta to, visited h2r brothier, Haîrold learn that she is seriously iii Brown, who is iii in Bowrnan - and is a patient in the Memor- ville Hospital.i iai Hospital in Bowmanville. Mi. and Mrs. Jim Middleton Mr. Jack Howley of New- Of Orono were Saturday visit.- market visited with Mr. and ors with Mi. and Mrs. G. H. Mrs. Carl Gould end family an H(odgson. iMonday. The isse Meveenand el Mrs. Kathleen Byam and son The isss Mivec an Ve- iBillof Concord were weekend da Fisher o! Toronto, qp2lnt the. visitors with Mis. John Voutt holiday weekend with their par- and'N4qil. ents the Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Alex Hendry bas successful- ]Fisher. ; y comp1eted the second year of Mis. Gordon Ash is visiting three-year Certificate Course in with ber sister. Mrs. Robert Business-an extension course Wright in Toronto. provided by the University of Mr. Tucker Couch of Toron- Toronto and conducted in even- to, called on friends in the vil- mng sessions throughout the lage on Saturday while enroute winter. Alex is presently em- to spend the weekend with re- ployed in the departmentt of latives in Orono. General Motoîs personnel. Friends of Mr. Fred Rowe will be sorrv ta learn that lie :s apatient in Memorial Hospital L de in Bowrnanville. Js Durham L d e left Malton Airport on Sunday by air for a holiday in England. o t alL a u Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mosley and daughter Brenda of Port NEWCASTLE-As the result Hope and Mis. D. H. Siater of of one of the largest meeting Arnpiior were Saturday visit- o! the league in years five ors with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon teams are entered in the Dur- Ag-new. ham Ladies' Softball League 'Di. Jack Rare of St. Thomas with the schedule opening in visited with bis parents, MT, Millbrook end Bowmanville, end Mis. Percy Hare on Satur- May 20th. Bowm'anville Juven- day. iles are the new teamn in the Mi. and Mrs. J. Hicks o! St. league with Newcastle drap- Catharines and their son, M-_ ping out this year. Ray Brown allu rlvn «P-Y askervlle. bot FOR TIRE BEST IN AUTOMATIC HOME HEATING IS By CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE Call Collect S 0U LDB H E AT1N G Newcastle 4331 of Newcastle, were elected President and Secietary of the league respectively. Schedule May - 20-Bethýany at Millbrook Courtice at Bowmianville 22-Bowmanville at Orono Millbrook at Courtice 25-Orono at Bowmanville 26--Caurtice at Bethany 27.-Bowm-anville at Millbrook 29-Bethany at Courtice Millbrook at Orono June - i-1Müllbrook at Bowmanville 3-Orono ýat Millbrook 4-Bowmanville at Bethany 5-Orano at Courtice 8--Courtice at Orono 9--Orono at Bethany 1 u-Courtice at Millbrook 12-Bowmanville at Courtice Bethany at Orono 15-B-ethany at Bowmanville 1 6-Mllbook at Bethany BINGO NEWCASTLE NORIAL HALL FRIDAY, MAY 22 8 p.m. CASH PRIZES EVERY GAME Special Jackpot - $25-00 SPECIAL DRAW - $500.00 CASH will also be drawn at this event Sporîsored by Newcastle Lions Club Phone 3621 A. A. Martin to Speak At S. S. Anniversary INEWCASTLE - Mr. A.* A Martin, who is Publie School Inspecior- in the Port Credit area, will be the guest speak- er at the Anniversary service ai. the Newcastle United Church Sunday School on Sunday, morning. Mr. Martin is a na- tive of the Newcastle district and a former member o! the Sunday School. Mr. Marlow Hancock the Sun-' day School Superintendent wil1 be in charge of the service and the Junior Choir augmented by members of the Sunday School' under the direction of Mrs. i Murray Paterson will be in'. charge o! the music. A feature of the service will be the par- ticipation of a brass ensemble! made up of members o! the congregation who play in the Bowmanville High School and the Orano bands. 1 Allan A. Martin Large Crowd Watches Big Fîreworks Display Supervised by Lions NEWCASTLE - Despite the cool weather on Monday even- ing a large crowvd gathered in the village park to see the mag- nificent Community Fireworks display supervised by meim- bers of the Newcastle Lions Club to celebrate Victoria Day. It is estimated some three bun- dred persons were on hand at the park and, as the fireworks were ail of the aerial variety, many more citizens throughout the village witnessed the col- ourful beauty of the display. It was a truly community event with the citizens contri- buting the funds, the Lions do- ing the purchasing and setting up the display, the Volunteer Fire Department standing by, in case of emergency and the Lionettes Club manning a booth dispensing hot dogs, bot drinks. etc. AI] present enjoyed a very fine display, sitting in their cars which made a complete W.A. Sponsors Piano Recital Friday, May 20 NEWCASTLE - The regular meeting of the Woman's Asso- ciation was held in the Sunday Sehool hall of the United Church on Thursday, May 14, with Mrs. Marie Gartshore and Mrs. Archie Glenney conduct- ing the Devotional period with the theme "God's Care For Us". The service included several short readings on this theme and a vocal solo by Mrs. Mac- Donald, playing ber own ac- companiment on the piano ac- cordion. Mis. Glenney led in prayer. Mrs. Fisher gave a talk on Christian Stewardship. - During the business period Ithe members made plans for the mPiano Recital wbich, the asso- mciation is sponsoring in the Sunday Sehool Auditorium on Friday, May 22, given by Mr. Robin Russell of Cobourg. Plans Pwere also made for the War- ring around the park. Earlier in the day basebail fans were treated to their first game o! the season wben the Lakeshore Minor Baseball League opened with a Pee Wee game in the local park with Bowmanville takin.g the local kids by a score o! 7 to 6 in a close bard fought game. The Newcastle Lions are o!-1 fering their second entertain- ment feature o! the week ta. morrow, Friday, evening wheni they are sponsoring a mam.- moth bingo and draw in the community hall wben the draw will be made for the $500 cash prize an which members o! the1 club bave been seling tickets during the past couple o! mionths. It is expected a large crowd will be on hand for this bingo when in addition to the' regular bingo prizes, some lucky person will corne away from. the game $500 rilcher. Stock up at this price Sarong Brand - Choice den's Banquet ta wbich the as- W saciation is catering an May 29th.I Mis. Artless showed picurs Serve Chilled - Serve Often of the work done in thetUC- Aylmer Tomato 20 rebral Palsy Clinic in OshawaI and a]so showed some samples;t i uc o! the woîk.'C c t i u e Following the meeting the f inembers enjoyed a cup a! tea Trii au and a social time together. Tryhifie-al ee Lets oo Bck 1WiedPickles I Le'sLokBa Serve Soup Often 10 Years Ago In Newcastle Campbell's My18, 1949 T omato çrun An afternnon tea was given our of Miss Coca Butler wlio, had just returned to the village with ber brother. Dr. J. A. Butler after spending the win- ter months in Arizona. It was announced that Chas. E. Stephenson, the sitting memn-1 ber had again been nominated1 to contest Durhamn Ridin.g fori the Progressive Conservative. Party in the June 27th, federall election.1 Mr. and Mis. W. R. Carveth had just opened their Snack i Bar next ta their B.A. Gas Sta- tion on King Street East and doing a thrivincz business. John Rickard was electedr president o! the Newcastle Lib-I eral Association at a meeting held in the cornmunitv hall. The Liberal candlidate John M, James was introduced by thej county organizer E. R. (Ted) Woodyard. Schedules for the Lakeshare Inteimediate Basebaîl Leaguel and the Clarke and Darlington Ladies softball league appear- ed with the first game for the Newcastle Ladies on May 28th. and the Newcastle Inteimedi- ates first home game was scbe- cluled for June lst. when Whit- by would be the opposition. KENDAL Mis. Jessie Hilditch, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hilditch, Don- na and Rob'bie called on f iends at Kendal, Monday evening. Mis. Elliott, Ross and Joyce and Miss Mildred Vondracek spent the holiday weekend at Ottawa and bad special interest in the lovely display o! tulîps. Mi. and Mis. Eddie Counoux, Ray and Marie, Mis. Carl Lang- staff, Linda and Debbie were at Cache Bay for the weekend with Mr. and Mis. A. Couroux. Mis. Luxon, Mr. and Mis. Ray Hughes and Gloria and Mis. W. Mercer spent the weekend at the former's cottage nar 0k- Narrows, Lake Kushog. Mrs. Bill Cowie o! La Salette has comne home wvith Mis. Mai- latt ta stay awhile with Alleni Fosters. and daughter, Newmarket, were Garden Fresh FRUITS & VEGETABLES New Brunswick Potatoes Crisp and'Juicy - Controlled Mclntosh Apples Flower PIa~t lpCalifrni -Swj Thin Skinned and Juicy - Size 88 Sunkist Oranges s. 16 or. jar 2.for3 5c 10 oz. tin Cut Available Domino Fod Costs Only at Dominion lnctAnt ai Dominion 2 oz. jar 6 oz. jar 3 Sc8'5c 41or49c a 0 r -adW M Save on Motor Oil Domnol - S.A.E. Grades No. 30 and No. 40 Regular Motor OitQ"Ti5cTin 9 5c 50 lb. bag 1.59 Atînosphere C.A. 6 qt. basket 75c 39c doz. 69c Florida - Crunchy and Crisp - Size 24's Celery.StalkS ea.2.5c Arizona - Firm, Crisp - Size 24's Head Lettuce 2.for2.9c The Pick of the Crop California - Red, Ripe, Lusclous - 1i Pwt Strawberries 39c Sliced White 24 oz. loaf Richme lia Bread 1 8c Richînello - 6 Delicious Flavours - 3 Pint round cont. Ice-- Cream "69c Crisco Shortening lb 9kg ~ k C Spic & Spdn Cleans.r "20 oz43r Ivory Snow Powder Tide Deter gent General Bakeries - Plain Shortcake Layers Oakleaf Mandarin Oranges Pkg. 44C Large A Pkg.42 ofpg 2 5c il oz. tin 21ic Billy Bee 12 oz. ctn. Creamed Honey 29c Values effective in Bowmanville until closing time Saturday, May 23, 1959 DOMINION STORES LIMITED 'DOMI1N ION 99"14MuNOs UmItie T im e for a.. Yu'H "love" H ! Mode and Bottled by . BOWMANVI LLE Ilhe 1.0112u*tcad& THURST)AY. 'IAY 21-st- 19 1 with Mr. and Mrm. Cecil Glass and Ray. Mrs. Fred Falls Is staying with her sister, mis. Blakce Al- exander while Blake is in the bospital. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart and family, Peterbor- ough, visited SundaY with Mrs. Falls and Mrs. Alexander and Mr. and Mis. Len Falls. Syrnpathy is extended to Mr. Henry Hill and Miss Ellen Hill on the passing of John Will- iam Hill at Woodstock on Sun- day, May 10 at the age of 49 years. Interment was in Orono Cemetery, May 13. Mrs. Neya Little visited Mrs. George Glanville, Newcastle. tMiss Pbyllis Jackson bas com- pleted ber course at Peterbor- ough Teachers College and bas accepted a position on the staff o! a school in 1Bowmanville. Miss Margaret Hayden held Open House at Kendal sehool Thursday evening, May 14 wben parents and friends viewed the work done by pupils and en- joyed a friendly chat over cof- fee and cookies. Miss Hayden will be missed from the coin- munity as she bas to attend Teachers' College next year. Jane Burgess, wife o! the late Richard Luxon passed away at ber home Tuesday, May 12, aged 84 years. Service was from the residence Thursday with intermnent in Orono Cemetery. Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved f amily, Laura (Mrs. George Pollard) Les- kard, Marjory and James at home. John Tlhompson, Reg Elliott and Jack Elliott weîe among those wtio tried the fishin-g at Hollow Lake near Dorset, Itu- rsdaLy night and were greeted by about an inch of snow Fni- Iday morning. Mhe W.A. meeting was held Thursdlay evening, May 14, at TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVal-e ONTARIO Oro the homie of the president, Mrs. G. Catheart. Mirs. L. Glass read 'id n a l the scripture fromn the 13hiiin g Fa t chapter of St. John and Mrs. R. Elliott continued with thie In speaking of a person's faultsl, W A J-ER devotional on Jesus washing; Pray don't forget your own; the feet of his disciples. ir.Remember those wîth homes of o sA fi d Cathcart told the story of atverys glass éheerful wash woman who ha- Should neyer throw a stone.d G o / a ving lost her husband, had to If we have nothing else to do care for ber tkiree children. Than talk of those wvho sin, As the Sports Day for the "Tis better we commence at scbool children of Clarke is be- home, \ i ing held on the Harvey Jack- And from that point begin. son Memorial Park here on June Ands vings ta..., 5th, plans were discussed. Mrs. We have no right to judge a can'\be\yours Turansky, Mrs. Foster. Mrs. W. man Merce andMis. Luxon were Until he's fairly tried; wih ( . named as a committee to order Should we not like his company, , supplies. Parents are asked to We know the world is ie assist to make the day a suc- Some may have faults - and' cess. can we say % A The W.A. bazasi and tea for That we ourselves have none? the three churches is being held Perhaps we may, for aught we S 0 FTENER in Newtonvllle cburch on June know, 12 from 3 to 5. It is to raise Have fifty to their one. funds for the parsonage. Each v- lady is requested to bring two Then let us ail, when we begin articles. It was noted Kendals To slander friend or foe, share toward thie railing for the Think of the harm one word i1 A c K B Ra 0 U G H parsonage steps was $ 16.50.j may do Mrs. L. Greenwood gave an To those we littie know. interesting account of the well Curses are reaped as easiîy, PLUMBING and HEATING known author of bedtinie stor- Remember, as they 're sown:, Divisin Street Soutb ies, Thorn'ton Burgess, who has Don't speak of other's faults MIA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLIS written 100 books and 13,000 until stories since he began in 1910 You have none of your, awn. _______________ with "Old Mother West Wînd." They are' ideal for children dealing with lovable animal characters and woodland crea- 1.1 ik ml tures. Mrs. Greenwood also read J s iem t an amusing poemn entitled "A Scotchnian's Version of Houseaiebu tr eln so Cleaning Tirne." Rev. R. C. *' utrb ln so WIhitea nound~ the benedic- ALwAYS your family table tin.A ocalcht asenjoyed BUTTER during the tasty lunch period. WUTH No. 889 Mr. and Mis. Paul Mercer, STE Guelph, are spending a few O T R O C E M P O U E S days with ber parents, Mr. and ARKETINGA BORDUES Mrs. Warren. RPEEUG5,0 RA RDCR Týhe under 50 group received AERSNTN 000 RA *OCR ttiefr third polio shot in Orono

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