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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1959, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE Home & School!iS. Davis Bowling 0. alfied S. ~ ~ ~ ~ . Buke îhaEtelier S. uckeUwound )t',1.Bucknell bowling -season wt high <of B. Buttonsliaw - 322. A. Sleep had a nice dou - M. King - ble of 247 anid 243. R. Cowan A Ids 226. E. Etcher 210. J. Lyle *-08 Il.Rtindie and 207, M. Armstrong 2"-3. B'McDoriald Canaries lead the leaguie with H f. Rogers ------ - - 27 points, wîth Sparrows traii- 1A. Osmond - îng by four -îth 23. Bluecoiros i im rni(,k built th eiselves up to 17. Rob- ~'ol ins 151,-, Bluejavs 10, wilh the:~Cow 'Wrený brirgeing uP tle Ni'r . MacDonald xith 9121. M.:wî Dont forgf4 t he Lbanqu"t i M j; ma M&v' M. ai Mernorial Park a', A. TreW~i - 6:3() pan. :;harp. M. A î'rîstro i i - - ______- -E. Morris - - W. Browvn ---- M. McDoiald. >' T. Ves1ak,?-- I THE WOLE FAMILY î. ,Inu - A RTESIT TOC, .Lfrn À ATI4ROOM IIODERNIZED \~na AND _NEW 1. C!i-- îN\1. Brock N. IMcFeeters- 'V. pus te..- -- R. Co;;aï -- R, S\foffùt F WEDer ýUS mA 8:00 P.N. ES llM*l-ý ý --I---- ;eý- -to- - - -. Summer Swimming IOutlined at Meeting 0Of Local Red Cross i 'ie txnonitlv nie2tinig Of fisJ 3ominîittee Cliairnman. oullin)edi Bowrnaîvile aiid District Re-d the proposed .ummer s~wimrniùîg Cro,;s Society' xas lheld Wed-' prog'ram wlich will be held in, ne-zdav evening. May 13th' in conjuniction withi the Bowrnan- tlie Council Chainber- with Mr. ville Recreational Departmcnt.I D. Marsdien pre.siding. The ex- About 600 children, seveni years ecittive xvere disappointed thiàt of age and over. will be eniroli- ;~o few, were- present bu. houe ed tntIliese classes anîd vith the that with a ciefinilV' meetitig aid of trained. Red Cro.sxi- nighl ow establislied, reprcs- ming instructors will work to- etniatives and miembers will wards thpir Water Safetv e isî'ri out ini greater 1 ginner, and .Juniior, Interm-- Il wa. îo4 rahiïying to. ate and Senior Red Cross SWîmI'- -ain frum Urs. B. Burk, trea.- ming awarcis. 'rhex' learn wl,- J urer, that thankîs b the gener- f1 er safety kçnoivledge. artificia o.sîty of the ctzn of this dis- respiration, and swiniming Iri'i. cainpaigin fnnds to date' akills in thîs six cek<ours~e. o' A 2,66.5. h~~îi'. ~ NO (lefilltr cdateshavýe been set, ir.Masclài î!paUIel' a-, d0l 'îe m aa- il'e Di-a,ter Ci slce. e ben xhat,'e ' 1c [-lg 1 pvo- cd the nierc for a comn1i bic oŽed erecîing H!ii -,axer.s al,;> (t- m n. AI] tlie în'ýmberz or t'a1 ,;wiimniin- l a!iLi 't this conimittee arpe Wve*wo i;-lhoned thlat P1, OrliS ll i1bc iti erus bul unihir to L o' ief"t or c unmugwa fir'es wlien t-hex' ocur Sf> Il o'. r'1 .>. ater s le!ic ou; j nede w'îorai 'ia 'uk twill be lhelcd fis ; ce' ail p. il go to fileis > froru lunm 141 i t> 201h. A spp- th (reimedatl; ad sc~-cial programme iar Bowinaiî- fai lise neecis of Ille victinis o' viPple ard db-brin u s br'ing plan)- i-1be sîsot. Surely. î"1 ssie-r'3i. oïie' in Bowinâiî\,ui!t- who h--11- A 'et1e- rug '~ b s blc pi. 't expericnue ifith;,:;lycz' s"';'sce c1lub repreie'statix c, of wxork or who wusdbe iii- forsnling tlieni o; lortlbcoii,, 1erested ini headir.g tbis impar- meeting nigîts and the special tant cornimittee. Plea.,e ;onitioc0 Water Safety programme. It MNr.D Vl.arsden i;'"voitr'an a.ý- 'houed 1'hat thiie n uturcixi LI.T SPORTl1iS \FAVS T'he ,ot'tball gaîne betw cen Ken's Alen's %Wear and (eorge Stephleî's Fuels. rained ouit 'Iuesd'ay nght. lia been re-schieduled for toinurrow ilit at 6:45 at ihe (Centrai Public Selvaou diainîoîd. Any future rainied out cuîtests %vilI be plaved ou Friday niglits ot' the saine week. if possible. SHOP TALK AND THE BIG WAR As rnost people around here know. writing a riewspaper column isn't my lune. As it says ai. the top, Cars Are My Line. In handling aîiythingf as important as cars. though. vou get to krow something about them. You get tto know how tiie sweet purr of a good engine should souind. vou hear stories about old cars and you get 1tow how to look after a car. * Y ou get to knowv a good car from a lemon because, if you thiink about il. a minute, you'll sec that. we have to BUY cars as well as seli them. So we have to kno-w ywhat a good car is. And while *we're about it. we pick u a loi of nteresting stois w\e think are WothPassinge aIoîg. Itfs our shop talk .. just ýlike' the talk of the railway men who remember the record set 'way back Bill Steven by Old No. 580, or sailors w'ho re-ý member the Big Storm, or arrn 'Nv buddies who remember the Big War whieh is, of cou rse, the one they tought in. 1 hope you'1l erijoy stopping at this spot everv week and I hiope 1 can pass along -;orne shop talk- that'Il be usefuL I'm flot going to get complicaieci or technical, there are' too manv people toda 'N try- ing to bamboozie othc'r.s with big words and fanex' phrases. Ail the fancy adorniment hasn't been able ho change some things. Like honest trade. a dollar paid for a dollar's value. Whatever you mnay think about the dollar today, it won't buy more sound motoring than at our used car lot. As I said before, we have to buy cars as wvell as seil them and before we take a car in we mnake sure ifs a sound, tight, clean car. We inake doubly sure after %we lave il, andi then xve ofer it on our lot. USED CARS 1956 Ford 1956 Bel Aire Customline Sedan 'Chev. Sedan C'ustom radio. low imile- as-e. I.ocally owned cair in A-I condition. V-8 autoinatitc. custorn radio. tN'o-toiîe paint, Iow mileag-e. Locally This Week's Special! 1958 Vauxhall "Cresia"" Sedan fi-cý L.. tAo-tone paint. t,s. oi radio, %ss hitt' waII lirnes, wi%hiild washers, chrome dis.,. etc. 8,o00 origînlll milaz. o$2095.ied Special Price for This WNeek 2 9 _ 1955 Buick 4-Dr. Sedan Auloiafic, radio.,s s< <a tone paint, white mwaIl tires. lOW mileage. Locals owned t-er lu perfect shape. 1955 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan l.ow' inileage. Ili .%- L'ocally osn led( car. condition tlîrouglîoui. We have many more Good Used Cars from which Io choose. And Rentember ... il pays b bhuy from a certiiied dealer, where alI laie model cars are guaranteed. a TEX CANADTAN RATItSMAN. UflWUANvnUTT . nfw-'muA 1 R Bowmnanville - Newcastle - -- W. W. Bagneli.1aecSale> c * t'eir telloxv club reî's.. Tie girLs are beg.snns uîg to plaY snIerniura.1soitbaillat isoon liotir nov.. Arc nerx' :nsts'nction i Mixed Bowlrs Hod,;sal-o be-ilig taîîght in P. Mixed Bowiers Hold 1 ~Last Wedi<-i.-dax- I nd12- joutneyed to Toronto by busf Seaon ndig B nqutdzthey were gxided hog the Maîiufacturers' Life Insur i ! nce nd te I..M.buildings. liieiVhed owlng La_-eý iestrohy. nJeEtcer al;As an added pleasure fhey' xent TiseMixd Boliîg Laguedie trohy.Oni Elcserwasto PM party. on televisdon. Barb iielci f heir scason ending bais- i truiv a winer as she wu hcr; Huglhpes,. Joyce MilJs and b Iîeý q tel. at the ilemoGrial Park Club 1 hird trop'ny for the vear by Cooîvprtcptdinagm Hlou.-e on Saturdav. Mav 16, îsaving 207 tihe Ladies' Hig i on the programme. wit.h ail the bowlers present.J Average. Elton Brock held the BinCxadCaleHs Ever'yone was wlomdbi Men's ffigh Average of 226 loi' i BinCxadChri e President Gord Stringer. Graece the Men's Trophy. ter have been two of the Ca-i was sid bvdefs chosen to go to thse Na-' wa s~dbuVice President i ton Bi-ocir read thse ts'easur- tional Camp al: Banff for sum- *mEorle."- 'Elcher after whichl a de-1 er's rnPort and îtf was accepted ertann.Te wilmt Jilos ureydîne' as 1ev-as correct by' th,- oowier.s pïrE- -the Quien there. ed by the Park Ladies-. Bol eut. Tesculeito îdts Mitchell thanked the Iadiee for' Nontinations wcre receîvea IpiTorialscýGe itio r nand -h th~r e<~elen ca.PrnR-foi- 1959-60 exeüutivie and an sembled bv the Screech Owl> Last"er. witnusýg aptain lection was carried out. Presi- et tienowso ta it rnay 1 Art Spicer started off tiie restJ dent Gord Stringer aniiotîAîlced eecsruted ootha ofthe evening by' ureseratingi that we hopeci the leagàic would b itiue on i Uchards. this vear's win-1 increase next vear and the ne'w On May 8. ai] thse cadet-ser- nier. and his tfeam xith thie 195q~-60 execî>tive would decide cied, aOffice. M Cadeth e Ce- Georgp ffliott Tropbv Art alszo al details. Elected were - Pre'si- J dittefree XI adgen a Ie oresen'ted ,iînRidia.rtJs. Ofi p' dert. Arnold Sleep: Vk'e pr.esi-.dýte re n ieia ÉtEheer. .Toe Nowlaii, BIl Citar-- dent. Howard Bron-el], Secre- 1 doughaut an-d a bottle of pop.! les, Efmrna Bromeil. Riitsh Mi, - any. Bm St.riîiger. Tî'easurer,' The dance wa:s thoroughly en- cheli and .in,Cox wil'h indivi- Morte'.' BiEcher, Tute oee, oyed b3r everyone. especialv dual trophies. i Charle.<. the -square-dancing and the. Ail Spicer raptain, .eanl Bo'u Mitchell thlaked thi. rany s;pot dances.1 Evasî,s. Rm ftton-î,JiiCo\ý year',s executivie of President Congratulations to our corn-J Joax lildridge, joe Novwlan ar,,d Gord Strînger. Vice Presidenti mercial teacher, Mr. Augurf 'Warg 1-ickling al receixred t ro- M1lvEthr eceay a-who is thse proud laitier of a phies presen'ted 1» 'Witon Broek oie Oke. Treas;ur,9r Elton 'Brock. babY boy. for the Tunr-u.f9rustee Ruth Mitchell for their Next Tuesday the band and i OnieEtcer' hih tipl fo fine job in the pa&t season. thse Glee Club. will be putting itesaone otc 793 wo h rpe r t- Gord Stringer thanked everv- Jon the May' Festival. plan ho fli sesonof 93wo~ he tie4one for their attention and co- attend. iLadies Hligh Triple Trophy pre- operation and extended an invi- At the Pickering track meetj Isented by Presidenl Gord Strination b ail ho stay for a social rcnl.Bwaiiî olced ge. rtSpce carie .a evening after. Dancing and seven firsts, four seconds andi thse Men's High Triple with 824. pizes were enj vd b- ail. three thrs 1 364 took the Meti'sHIEgh Single Trophy 'wisile Hilde Brock'ss single of 322 captured the la- TYRONE Thse conîbned meeting of Ty- rone W.A. was held at the home Of Mrs*,. Rainti Glaspell with 22' members and four guests. pre- sîoent Mrs. A. Hamilton wekoms- ed thse speaker, MVrs. L. 'Od- dard, soloist Mmg. H. Capp andâ pîanîst Airs. Merktev Of Bow-V inaxville. Tiie meeting openked ivith Th1enie hyxnn ansd prayer atid a Poemn "W111at ie Christianl .1x."Ms. Ilamilfor. soke onf 4-H Club and Mfrç. Murray yeo as leader . with a mernbersisip of 12 irls. lUis. Hamilton aisco isnkdIhe W.A. foi' sendirg her andi Mrw. A. k-fih te Fivre AnvOne h.aving iiemE lfor W.f MS. bale. leave at Mr. A. Hilis.! Al member-, werçe unvited to the Trowsseau Teu for~ Gloria Bî'en on Sajtux'1dpa"afternoon! andieenis. lesTy ~. A letter rer:ei\'ed [roim ri.. '. C. Nay- loi' of Oshawa P r f- sbvier, fhanikîng he W.A. for thpir1 hO-sroi'ili. on April *23, âts". Ii Capp ravotired tise Wý,.A. xilh 3 numnbe.ýrs accoi-;',ed by Ms-s. Merklex. e Hoar aid x A Ifj jn ,spoke on "The Lord's Prayer" .X'.L. Goddard spoke on Chri- shtiian Edlcation Mrs. .J. Broome j gav-ý a r'eport on thse Bay of QineConferenrc at Brýightor'. on whicli f ive of oui' members were nresent. Mî's. M. Hamnilton atiended the mneetinig of T.B. Suney, a comnttee wax named to work on same. Films xviii be &rIown. on May '!9 in Sundav Sehiool room. Tyroc SO anjd ail Yonnrg ehljdren âre hiîvited to attend. Mrs. J. C. Cook thanked the _st Delicious lunch vwa'< ,ê&rvdbv Evenling Group. West Group of? W ,A. heild their meeting and a qujiltinigaf the Manse on Wednep.av t'hi %veek. Conigraitulaàtions to Mr, and Mrs. James Gordon Wagg (Mar- ion Wrighst) who weremaie F'riday evenirsg at ber h<e Mi.and Mrs. C. H. MceQuinni and fansilv visited ber sister Mr. and Mrs. Ruperlt MacLee.Gn JKinîg. lMr. and Mms. Alton i ark.,J Port Perri, Mss.Jaes Mc-: Quinn andi Valerie Gav'le 'vis- ked tte McQuài berne al, ZVU VNS* . W~*~ THURSDAY, MAY 21st 19» By Beating Newcastle ,ln Close 6 - 5 Con test Enniskillen Downs Locals ln Opener Enniiskillen took thxe opening fi gamre in the 1959 Darlington Soccer League, Monday night, handir1g Bowýmanvil]e Hoope'r'.s J;. lu 'sa '2-1 stI J .oî'.\i- G(li -'u'- tihe lone Couintc'r Ur thse fir,,t bal f on a pe-nalty snobl.. Gau'tA N[cGill sen',,fthe winuuer two up, after taking a p a.:.ý roui Clarke Werry. The Jewellers got back in tie larine on Clitf Reetc.ejke's p)enait.y, kick witrh ten mîinutes rernaiuning ili the janie. Bow- manville came close to knotting the counit on a dangerous tlîrust late in the game. but Enniiskillen's edge in olr macie Hl 13 Io BROWNIE MM'iZ~CAMERAt Low. Iow price on this deluxe- model Brownie with fast f/2.3 lens, "tri-field" finder, and rica Kodadur covering! Remarkably inexpensive and remnarkably easy ta use, too-just turn a dial ta match the day's light conditions . . . then atmn and shoot. No focusing needed. With tbis woriderful camera, color movies ore simple as sncapshots. With f/2.3 Ipns ý79 fVow.. . Brownie Ccnnerat ujili.bujit-in nwp'rs! Step up go either of thest new Brownie Movie Camneras . .. ond step into a new world of movie- moaking sureness and simplicity. meter fias a pointer vis. ible in the viewfinder. Turn a diol go center the pointer (yala don't even have ta take the camefe from your eye)-and exposure's right. . . outomatically. Built-in fiters included. With s ngle fl9n, f/1.9 ;ens, 94.1) et modo, 119-50 Jury and Loveil PHONE MA 3-5778 BONVNMANVILLE I7th Peewees Open Seasoi ]Bowxma-niville came from be- liind a 6-5 deficit remistering single rus. in the fifth arnd 6tLh ixining to grab a 7-6 deci- sion over the home lown New- castle club, in a Pee Weie tilt, Moliday. Giuy Parks blâtnuked the honme- sters for fine Iast five brames, after giving up ail six runs in the first two innings. Bowman- vill,2 had juinped into an earlv lead, scoring l'ive times ini their first time at bal. David McFeeters. Bob Jams-,, Jeff Gilhooley, George Sis and Steve Burns each claimed zi pnhit0!* une'r hi au'ce 'b- n pair f'; sar tics lu pu f", N'ýe c a' le (, veiýý'e '\l Csuli l i. \Xut]ou ;1iuu Alist ong w;i'î IWO i p". Screech OwI B. Bro-s'n and . J ainfs Btzdmuniitu'n Iloished laub we-eký \Ah Hlelen Paîiaý and Fx Rudi- ian bceraun;su-g Che caîoos 01f thI'- xoic' ob . (a" YlVcCu!Iough 'ard Dan C at tras. vizol tlie nien's doubles and Sharon Haýncoî'k and Gary ZMc- Cuillosîgh 'von tac nixddou- lesC. "Rabies Control In Your Community" Bowman ville, Town Hall Dr. I. J. Woolsey, District Veterinarian 1 ~wilI be in aitendance1 OR ONE 0F THE OTHER DIG0 CASH PRIZES IN THE CONTEST GAME FOR FULL DETA ILS, SEE TODA r'S T OR ON TO DA ILY S TA R SC If FOR HOME DELIVERY TELEPHONE ZENITH 3-6900 OR WRITE THE TORONTO STAR, 11 CELINA STREET, OSHAWA NOTICE The public is cordially invited la a Free Showiug of Sound Films ci r X-- y OROMO M4 17*2 Ir l ' capture your' I I .and available HERE right noe. de;lxemdlprieed ROWNIE ~O)6~i deluxie-mal<'I MOVIE CAMERAS 1- Il

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