- - r-~* **...t4. "M.~WAT, MAT 21it, 1939 ~- TIM CANADUAIISTATISMA1IBow3ttqvflLEL, O!TARTO PAfU 7119'EIIIF INeeded: A1 Marriage Ci ~otfrem thc grassroots, Argue is even more painfuily son, whorc party was una' intcthaf the CCF isn't hav- clear. He's been assigned to the woo a single member bac) pthe gccess if anticipated in hold-the-line job until the new western Canada i the tiirig -Inferest in the new party la reedy. voting, is probebly even crA~party. due to make If's net too surprising, there- rocupied with thecec its debu\ xa the spring of 1960.foetehrtatM.Agu of the new paity's success Mosof the reports come from isn't altogether enthusiastic Prime Minister Diefen the tWo old-line political parties, about the new party himself. isn't belping him with fh( Consci-afive and Liberal. But But hc's f icd fo ifs coat-tails,1 gestion, severai fimes dci fi act that CCF leaders hav- and can't do much about if.1 that the Liberals are airea *lt chOsen te deny them speaks' Then there's H. W. (Bert) Her- some kind of frîendly coz a mouthful. If the situation is ridge, the wîtty mebro a-wth the Socialist grou «8 it is painted, if won"t be sur- liament for British Columbi's; their right ini the Commin PiBling. The British Labor Par- Kootenay West. He's a Social-! But the vigilance of fi tY h liaid the same trouble in, ist with a difference. Mr' Her-i old parties over thcei.mpe trYlng te wed the interests of: ridge bas no love for theý bar- nuptiels between CCF. the fermer te that of the in-! ons of organ.ized iabor, and lie and fermer isn't quite as dustrial unionist. The two sim- is incensed with the CLC itself as if was when fthc engago ply don' mesh. *for. two reasons: Its continued .asano*ce0ayer* The apparent difficulty is, rejection ot the Mine, Mil Un- 1 apta*HllCasue Iiighened by a growing 'divi- ion (wbich helps te eleet Mi-.1 CptlR asl Sion amnong CCF adherents in Herridge in fthc smclter city of Look for a -knock-'emn- the HoUse of Commons. There! Trail, B.C.), and ifs continued drag-'em-ouf baffle bl are onily eighf, but fhey repres- acceptance of Hal Banks and the Canada's two ai-uinej cnt sharply- conflicting inter- Seafarers' International Union. *when Canadian Pacific Ai esa. The party's House leade, HrodWn.tevera sars aiiy service bel Haze Arue.wasthesto-gap! CCF'er from Vancouver East, is Monfrea i and Vancouver choice wbhen veteran M. J. Cold- e lso in the Socialist camp first, 4 . . OPA plans to kil weil lest bis seat in the 1958, and doesn'f want te sec the govcrnmenf-owned Tran. Conservafive election sweep. i00Frs interesfs submerged lan a ada wif h champagne-style Re's a fermer first, and his sup- 'drive for labor's vofing support. vice, and apparenfly dC Port etffthe parfy's industrial Douglas Fisher, the so-cafled worry about the amour WIig corner with some difficul- "gat il.,, om or r money the new run will ty. fgrantskarler from Port Ar- There ai-c reports from wit'î- thur-he dcfeated Liberel fi- orsftarf . CquPA m enta In1 the CCF that Mr. Argu's tan C. D. Howe la 1957, but is rtha (400equpen it a i-U~physically, Mr'. Fisher la much oe C 40mhBi mnajor rival-and the trutho more of a giant than his vic- this la apparent-is flic Rev. f im-is another individualist btajyKnweflckol wifhin the parfy caucus. He'sa edgeabie parliamenterien who schoolteaclier, a deep thinker, went te the Canadlian Labor and bas more inferesf in the Congi-cas as executive vice-pre- press and lis rcporting of poli- c aident following bis electoral tics fin l labor's aims. defeef, in thc Diefenbaker fide. Erhart Regier, anoflier school- Stanley Knowlcs, e printer- teacher tram Burnaby-Coquif- ýn tui-ncd - pi-cacher - turned-par- lam, B.C. is probably the party's Z liamIentarian - turned - union prme pure-Socals.H' rp eXecutive, Le bcnding al bis e-pecp f ialiesf.He s wrap forts these days f0 the building opfiialupokesfiances-lic is Uicth of thc ncw labor party. He ob- oficii ees mny o temo-, Vlously aima fo be itsfs ts lead-en nts ony olm- Paflis that wind ai ci- Wlcretht lave Haenand bas nof been noted as a clumps of shrubbei-y and ____________________________ labox' propagandist. Thaf leaves te hait bidden corners, *S~anI~ Vh 'I M.P. for Skeena, B.C., Murdo fair sizcd garden leyout. e*I U mm .aie Mai-fin and Arnold Peters, bath they are nof bard te esta ~ 8V 5(~9Y sTR " ~from noitbern Ontario, te round Whcre there is lots of ofheCCF caucus la Ottawa. and nof too much concent Ail thi-ce are lebor men. but et treffic, good bealtby grass ieast two of them-Mi-. Howard make an excellent path f. a nd Mr'. Marfin-bave liffle in- we might bave te add a ferest in farrng and its prob- stone here and there wher lems. sod flireafens te wear fooc If is discreefly suggested thaf If there is a lot of w flhe aima et this "gallanf cigbt" howcver, then something are so divci-sified that they must permanent like fiag s offen resorfte flipping coins f0 brick, cinder or gravel __ * decide party policy in advance ha e t be u d as o y mons. How thcy cen pi-esent a constant wear. But one s solid front on the question of go easy wifh cinders and gi 7TLEVSICWWOR<submrgin theCCF's interests If they are loose fbere isb AUX/NOévs d Do in the new party -cm ains fa be ta be trouble wifh tUic But this 15 not te ray tha heting t bind them and possible success of tfli la rolled or tamped down bor coalition bas been wiitfen sbould be sat isf actai-y. - ~- off as impossible. That possibil- ZE " y ify basn'f been wriften off by Breaklng The Siope _____________________Prime M.inister Diefenbaker Split levels may bu co himself, who seeks te make bis int fashion again inlha t'SERVICEco governmcnf Uic spokesman Of but they bave aiwayr ee Co% tUic "average" Canadien, who ular in gardening. Where îi~M E zr~ I ay very well he a frade un- ground slor>es considerebly A.38 D ANVLEion member. rhould make Uic larger - Liberal leader Lester Peer- and gr-ounds genei-ally con i o7 GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES a issued in amounts firn $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. e earn 5y,4% interest, payable haif- yearly by cheque. a authorized investment for al Canadian Insurancc Companies and trust funds. YOUR MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF IN 14 YEARSI THE ~STE R Li NSTR USTS1 372 Boy Si,. Toronto 35 Dunlop 9I, Barrie 9m0 ;Iêrathethan tr'yi-ng te gi-ad whole thing artificially t< level. The simplesf and pe: mosf interesfing treatmei to have an upper and a1 lawn, joining the twe w Imports Th reaten Our Jobs "To buy foreign-made n facfured articles when a adian equivalent is availal to endanger the whole5 ture of Canada's manufact industries." The Steel Con of Canada, Lirnited. toi( shareholders today in a sage incorporated in quai dividend notices. The Stelco message po ouf thaf Canada's manufa ing industries now provide greatest amount of employ in Canada and make the est contributions to go- ment revenues. This beiný case, the importation of* te compete with Cana made products is virtuall) importation of unemploynr Stelco said that if woulc be reaiistic to believe that ada couid live and tradE tirely within her own bo and acknowiedgced that products must be bought off -shore. However, the message tinued, "The dollar wee in Canada sfays in Cana( be circuiated from hanc hand, keeping the wheels( dustry turning, and ena each of us to look forwai a continuing demand for < dian producfs and servic continuing income, and a tinuing control over the i-e ces and future of our cour fbott. nhe Sciipture passage was Ibible story was read by Ca.rol. ounse lor IDuTing the business session ounsellor two donations were received te 1swell h "middy" fund. A dis- able te, against 300 mph Super-Con- cussionl was heid concerming k from stellations) is only temporary the number of girls who wished e1958 -it's got te make hay before to go to C.G.I.T. camp. Middies i more TCA's new DC-8s go into ser- for those who will be going to hiances vice ini 1960. camp will be purchased in time s. And ** for camp, the rernainder of the ribaker The federal government, no middies will be purchesed in the e Bug- to mention the opposition par- Fal. when the group reassemrb- peated, ties, was surprised With thie ap-» les after summer holidays. At tady inl parent ready acceptance of it the close of the business it was alition tax-increase budget. introduc- decided to postponie the crafts ýUP to ed Apri.l 9- . . it seems the peo- tili the next meeting due to the * s. pie were ahead of the game, Iateness of the hour, After sing- he two realized themselves that those ing Taps, the meeting adjeurn- ending hand-outs fromn the federal ed. labor purse of the last 18 months had, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde, sharp te be paid for sometime, some- Linda and friend, ail of Toronto ement where ... but the lack of com- 'were weekend guests of Mr. and go. plaints ba& made the opposi-: Mrs. nhos. Hodge. tion's job of criticism ail the! Miss Marilyn Stinson, Cad- i more diffiCUlt. mus, was the weekend guest of down, * * Miss Audrey Carnochan. tween 1 Prime Minister Diefenbaker's: Quite a number from here giants plans for this session of Can- attended the Sunday School An- irlines ada's 24th Parliament threaten niversary Services at Ennniskil. tween te run sittings well into the len on Sunday. rMay summer, unless extended housMr. and Mrs. Albert Adtams Ml the and inter-party co-operation s-Can- can speed Up the law-malcing and family, Bowmanville, visited le ser- process . .. the bulk of legisla-, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. doesn't tion has still to reach the Com. M. Adams, on Sunday. tnt of mons floor for debate, includ I Mr. James Trick. Oshawa, vis- Il ning ing Mr. Diefenbaker's own, ited with Mrs. Esther Carne- soigcherished bill of rights, whichchan and Mr. Thos. Trick on antage may produce the biggest scrap'Sunday. Dvd annias f all r. andMms. P. W. bvd annia of al. Isor. anld Mrs. Char-les Ter- i-y and Laurie, ail of Zion were Satiirday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott and childi-en, Maple Grave, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and ar.HoadAbot -Gordon Lindsop iSrith~. 1 urday evening guests of Mr. and - - Mrs. R. Bone. Ibit of stene wall or a strip of Weekend guests with Mr. and' ,round Irock garden. Through both the Mrs. A. E. Rihey were Miss El- 1lead wall or rock garden of course sie Coulter, Toronito, and Mr-. or a there will be a series of stepsan Mr.ob.MD elad to any in stone, brick, or cedar tim-: Mr. E. S. Coulter. And bers. Another way would ie to iMr-. and Mns. R. J Harvey, ablish. have shrubbery on the slope' Oshawa, visited with Mr. and space 3oining the two levels. Mrs. J. A. Turnbul1 on Mondiay. trated . Where these slopes are any Watch for Burketon activities ;s wiil size it is well to remnember In the Comrng Events. Lhough that unless anchored with rocks, a flag or shrubs, or creeping vines ,m Ty T1- re the hev ran will invariably .dW U.V1L i thin. wash out the soul and make a ýaking mess of things. Mrs. Victor Wagg, Markhaxn, more Hit 'Emn Fast, Hit 'Em Hard spent a few days with Mi-. and tones, There's no bug or disease that Mrs. Sid Brown. 1may can't be controlleci. And control Mi-5. Adam Panas is ciitically rsuch in most cases is easy if it is ap- 1ilfl in Memorial Hospital, Bow- y and plied promptfly and vigorously. inanville. hould At the first sign of a wilted or MT. and Mrs. Han-y Lane of ravel. eaten leaf the wise gardener - ~ - bound gets out the spray gun or dustei- lawn- and starts a counter attack. ramle- For virtually everything there 1then jr some control and for mort of they them it is often the rame dust or spray. Generally the bugs that cat holes are attacked with poison and those that suckl o eming juices and diseases are control- Y Ousing led with a spray that covers the iPOP- feliage and buras or discourages ýe the the pésts. la, any fair sized seed Y One catalogue there will be a page lawn or two devoted te pesticides. rform It jr a good plan to look this e the over early and be prepared in oone advance. rps Easler If Rows Are Stratght nth When the old gardener in- lower sists on using a sti-ing to make 'ith a every row in the vegetable gar- -den straight and as long as pos- sible, he is net being oid fash- ioned, only sensible. Straight rows are best because they are very much casier te cUltivate and to thin. With straight rows and fairiy regular pianting of seeds one knows where to ex- pect the plants and can go ahead and weed even when growth is manu- just starting. And of course, ble is and easier either with hand struc- tools or Power. Because care is turing so much simpler in the neatiy> [dpany people aiso plant their flowers meis for cutting like giadiolus and rtrysweet peas and any left over xtery frm te flwer edsinthe ointed rame way. actur- s the yment BURKETON larg- ig the goods dian- y the nent. Id not SCen- e en- i-rdeî's somne froni cor.- spend ýd f0 ' f0 of in- bling trd f0 Cana- es, a Scon- sour- nriy."p This award-winning new film is now available to help your community !nrganize its own safei. / cou ncil Traffic accidents and fatalities in your community eau be reduccd by the activities of a Safety Council. Many Ontario communifies now have local councils. The tacts prove they are serving cffectively-and saring lives. To show the 'why" and -how" of safety council organization, the award-winning film "THE BROKEN DOLL" in now available te, any civic-minded individual or organisation in your community. Produced by the Attorney General et Ontario and recognizcd by the National Safety Council as the begt film et ifs kind, it cari help yeu organise your own local saaety ceuncil. If you wish te obtain the film 'THE BROKEN DROIL" for showing in your eommunity, write te, Kui4. A. KELSO ROBERTS ATTORNEY GENERtAL facilement kuiings, Torante,, Ontario The Hi Trycrs C.G.I.T. gi-oup! met in the churcli hall on Wed., May 6, for their affiliation ser- vice with thec W.A. Eléven of tlic memrbers were present to1 gether with thrce leaders Mrs. I N. Gibbs, Oshawa, Presbyfer- ial Secrefary, Rev. and Mrs. W. Logan, Enniskillen, and quite a numbet- o!f thcMothers of fthe girls and members of the W.A. The meeting was opened by the leader Mrs. L. Argue, and serveral of tlhc girls took part in the service. Mrs. Gibbs i-e- ceived flic cheque given by the group te flic Prcsbytei-y, and i-eneered her own and the thanks of the Prcsbytery for thc gift. Mrs. Bone, President of fthc W.A. presenfed the girls and leaders wifh their badges. Affer Uic Benedief ion wes pronounccd, tlhc group enjoyed a sing-song, lead by Mrs. Tui-nbull, and wifh Mrs. Logan presiding et flic piano. A ]ovely lunch served by thbe senior girls ibiougit flic meeting te a close. 'flic W.A. met et thc churcli hall on Thurs., May 14 et 2 p.m. with 10 members present. nhe meeting opened flic usuel way, with Mrs. Adanms tekîng the devotiorials. Durîng tflibusin- ess session, plans were made for the Sund-ay Scbool Annivei-sery Supoper and Concert which wîll tic hcld on Wcdncsdey. Mey 27, foliowing thc S.S. Anniversary Services on Sunday. May 24. Plans for house--cleaning flic cliurch were set for Thursday, Mev 21. At flic close etfflic bus- iness session, a lovely lunch was sc'rved by group 2. Mr'. and Mrs. George Wallen and Blle, Markham. wcre Tu-1 csday cvcning visitors with Mr-. and Mrs. R. Banc. Mrs. Rilda Stevenison, Toi-ente, spent fthe holiday weekend wlth ber daugliter, Mr-. and Mrs. Mur- i-av Ai-ciibald. The Hi Tryers C.G.I.T. grouP met in th cheurdih hal on Wed- nesday, May 13, et 7 p.m. tor- thei- regular meeting with ekht memnbers oresent. nhe meeting ot3env'd xvith reroýafinz the Pt- pose in unison, followed by thec Cau to Worup by Carol Ab- Applying Whitewash New develepmcents 1ln struc-~ turcs have selved many f aim building problemns, but tlie pro-I blcm of cleanliness la comnion te ail tai-m buildings, old or new. And one of the bcst aids te cleanliness-and an easy way of increaslng the amott of liglif available - ls goodold- feshioned whitewash. But if you've run into trou-i bic with whitewash chalking, and rubbing in your stable, fake O.A.C. Engincer H. E. Wright's advice: Use a stiff brush and a wet cleth or hose on thce ld whitcwash before applying the new. Owen Sound spent the wcckend with Mr-. and Mrs. Cleland L.ane. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Moase, Lindsay, with his rister, Mrs. G. W. Joncs on flday. Bily Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Henderson, undes'wcnt an appendix opera- fion in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvilie, on Wedncsday. Mr'. and Mrs. Murray Porter and daugliters, Sand!ra and Dorn- na, fripped to Ottawa for the long weckciid. Mr-. and Mrs. Anthony Ton an~d cldest son Anthony received their Canadian Citizeniip Pa- pers at Cabourg on Friday. The papars for Jon and Barton wil I tic aiong a liffle latei-. Mr-. and Mrs. Keith Stephien- son, Debbic and Jill et Clark- son with Mii. Geo. Ovens for the weekcnd. Sundeay, May 24t1i is our W.A. Anniversary day. Regular ser- vice in thc morning. At 7:30 P.M. Rev. Baril E. Long et Or. ono wil bc thie gucst speaker. Music will bc supplied by the Orono choir. Iten on Wednes- day, May 27th, supper wilI bc served in the cburch basement. MIr. and Mrs. Cecil Stapleton and Mii. Clcland Lane attendcd thec St. Joseph's Hospital Grad- uation Exercises hcld et St. Pet er's Audiàtoriumn, Peterbor- oughi, on Friday, May l5tfi, w'hen Miss Joan Carbi-ey of Lakefieldi, cousin of Mrs. Lane, was one of thc graduates. MIrs. Pattersen, Orono, and Mr-. and Mrs. Roland Bowcn, Bronfe, spent the weekend with Mr-. and Mrs. Clintôn Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce were holiday visifors with Mr-. and Mrs. Tomn Curry, Bancroftf. RURAL t% v w cus-tomERS 473,000 2R0,000 Explains Wright: 'The brush remnoves the old scaies and flakes and the washdown takes Off fthc dirt and gi-case. Thel surface should be daxup when you're applying the whitewash so tiiet (li.ke concrete) it will dry slDwlY; other'wise, chalk- ing and i-ublbing will occur." He Suggests putting on the whitewash with either a brush or spraycr. Use a wide brush and don't attempt "brushing out" as wlth peints. Lay on a thin coat se that if dries opaque. If you intend te use a sprayer, stir in the whîtewash through a few layera of cheesecloth or a stramner te fake out coarse flecks which might plug the rprayer jet. Clean the sprayer when you're finished. For a mixture that wili cover 200 square feet par galion, fry Wright's system: First, make Up a crcam of one bag of hy- drafed lime and seven 'gallons of wafer several days before you're ready te work. Next, dis- solve six pounds of sait in three gallons of boiling water and mix the fwo solutions when fhey're both cold. Then, stir thrce pounds of Portland cem- ent info the final mixture. -mus OBITUÀRY MRS. DOUGLAS LOGAN Mrxs. Douglas Logan passcd away in Civic Hospital, Peter- borougli, Satuirday, May 9, 1959, following a stroke a f ew heurs befare. The toi-mer Olive Nancy Northcotf was bei-n and cdu- cafed in Lakeficid and taught school et Lakefield, Freserviile and Ponfypool. The many beau- tiful floral tribut es sbowcd Uic cstecm in wbich Mii. Logan was beid. Lcft te maurn lier lors are ber busbend. two daughters, Mrs. John Stark, (Dorothy), Newtenvilc; Mi-s. Wesley Gil- bank (Joyce), Ballyduff; twa sons. Murray and John and nine grandchildren. The funerai was lergely et- fended on Monday affernoon at 3:30 from lier late residence, Manvers Station, with Rev. R. R. Bonsfeel conducfing the ser- vice. Mr. J. W. Hawe, funeral director, Milbrook, was in charge oethflicarrangements. The palîbearers wcrc Earl Ar- gue, Maurice Bradley, Bei-t Reid, Truman Dunsford, Alex Roseborough and Tom Ward. Interment was in the family plot, Fallis Cemetery. For Best Resuits.. TRY OUR Automatic CAR WASH The car wash that gives you that gIeamlng wax finish. LUBRICATION OIL CHANGE *CAR WASH FISK TIRES and BATTERIES pqmluwhe" a op 110 LO' n re IY )n PACM FIFIMM Ow