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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1959, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN TEE CANADIAN STAT!~MAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO THUESDAY, MAY 21t. iNa Many Friends Con gre gate For Anniversary Activities At Enniskîllen Unit ed Church The springtime season of Sunday School Anniversaries opened with a flourish over the May 18 holiday weekend as En- niskillen United Church opened its doors to crowds of oid friands and former residents. Two worship services Sunday afternoon an*d evening brought a large congregation together in the church "shed", to comn- memorate not only the locali anniversary, but also the Davi of Pentecost, the anniversary of the whole Christian Church. The Rev. Ted Kersey, B.A., B.D., of Wilm'ar Heights Unit- ed Church, Scarborougb, gave a colorful children s message in the afternoon, and preached an i.nspiring Pentecogt sermon at the evening service. Mr. Kersey, a former resident of Hampton, recalled bis youthful associa- tions with the young men of Enniskillen. A large and capable Sunday School choir. led by Mrs. Ed- gar Wright, added many hymins and choruses ta the colorful service. The procession of the choir upto the platform which lhad been strikingly decorated by the C.G.I.T. was the high-1 light of several weeks' work, for the proud parents of many a child, dressed in new spring finery, and singing the hymns so laboriously learned. In the afternoon, Miss Nancy Wood accompanied the choir and Mrs. Ross Lee accompanied the Ke- dron Maie Quartette, The even- ing accompanîst was s Glor- ia Wright. and the soioist. Mr. Roland Coombes. was assisted by Mrs. Milton Stainton it thel piano. ,Manv coi-mînttee-, of iihe S11-1 day School. working togaetler* Eunder the superintendency ofi MIr. Jim Anderson, and Mr. - Mr.Eda Wright, raie Chuck Davies. The A.B.C. Caun- the smooth running of the Sun- try Boys-Allan, Bill and Clif- day services, and the holiday ford Dayes - provided more e' festivities on Monday. A pro- music; and an auctian sale of gram of races for the children a qullt, under the expert direc- started at 3.30 on Monday with tion of Mr. Cliff Pethick. macle a football game between Bow- a colorful intermission. Mrs. R. Imaniville and Enniskillen, draw-,M. Seymour gave a hilarious* ing the crowd up to the school Irading of wit and wisdom, and -- grounds. Meanwhile, dozens of the gala evening closed with activities were slowly drawing many friendly chats over a cup to a climax inathe "shed". tran- cf tea in homes and in the- sformed intoa gigantic dining- church ba5ement.- room, when at 4:30 the ladies The net proceeds of the week- sang a choral blessing, and the en-d's activities are reported Iao Anniversar-v supper began. For be approximately $40p. Tbanks the next three hours or mare,.- of the Sunday Sehool go to al] teams of gir]% and women serv- wha made this a worthwhiie ed a steady flow of incoming Anniversary celebration. customers with a delicious ham and salad dinner, trimmed with every extra, and topped off with anovrwelin rry f ies MAPLE R V and cakes from the kitchens lieE of Enniskillen and the surround- Maple Grove Churcb was fil- ing countryside. led ta, capacity for the Mother's Among thase enjoying the Day Service. when the sacra- - supper were the Rev. and Mrs. ment of Baptism was admimis- R. B. Green and daughters, o tered by Reverend Harold Sta- 1 Brighton; the Rev. and r.R. inton ta the following seven Seymour, formerly o! Enniskil. c'hlren: Linda Mary, daxughter len. and newly arrived from ai f r. and Mrs. Harvey Met- winter in Florida: and the "Mo-, caif; Donna Lynn, - daughter- of tor City Barber Shoppers" their Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burton: Val- wives, and other stars of the, erie Ann, daughter of Mr. and evenin.g's Variety Concert. 1'Mrs. Neil Brownell; Ronnie Ri-' Aft er a short pause, during chard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- which the dining-room scene old Cooney; David Arthur, son wa incredibly transformed of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown; B back ta an auditorium, the Ralph Michael, son-, of Mr. and stration crowd once again gathered t0 Mrs. Howard Cryder-màn; Her- cdti enjoy an evening of entertain- mani, son of Mr., and Mrs. Her- f adtn ment. A varied program of mu- man Hondenbrink. Reverend nspeeti sic by the Motor City Barber1 Murphy preached a sermon o n MeQue( Shoppers under Mr. Charliel the theme "Daes Chris;t Live1 iston, 1 Murray was greatly enjoyed.1 Here?" Linda and Carole Ed- Other features included he j. wa-rds, Lee Ann and Dianne C. J. Trio from Oshawa, corn- Hoar. and Bonnie Beech sang posed of Mliss Joan Zurkavich, "He's Got the Whole World in VOTE.. ROY If you will1 BOWMANVILLE Lucas Nicholîs MArket 3-5583 MOToEL RESTAURANT N DURHAM e ARMSTRONG assist in any way - Telephone PORT HOPE ORONO Mrs. G. H. Porter E. Dent TUrner 5-5707 1552 BOWMANVILLE Situated at Hfighway 401 Cut-off XVeeilencI Çinner Fresh Lobster Cocktail M enu Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail Relish Tray Soup du Jour or Choice of iuice Tomato Pineapple Grapefruit or V-B Flying Dutchman's Salad of the Day Assorted Dressings Roast Long Island Duckling, Orange.Sauce Deep Fried Jumbo Shrimps, Cocktail Sauce Broiled Baby Lamb Chops, Mint ielly Breaded Milk Fed Veal Cutiet, Tomato Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Red Brand Beef, Horseradish Sauce Roast Young Tom Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Broiled Club Steak, French Fried Onions Southern Fried Half Chicken, Corn Fritter Sliced Cold Virginia Ham Plate, Potato Salad Assorted Cold Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Heart Choice of Two Fresh Vegetables Oven Brown ROUiS Assorted Fruit Pie Mint Parfait Tea . or Whipped Potatoes M uffins Butter Fresh Fruit Jello, Whipped Cream Cheese Tray French Pastry Coffee A LA CARTE FROM OUR BROILER Porterhouse, T-Bone, Filet Mignon, Steaks, served with Mushroom Caps and French Fried Onions Milk 1 Attractive B. H. S. Drum Majorettes Bowmanville High Schaol's drum majorettes always provide a colorful demon- n, w hether they appear at football games, basketball games or the annua] inspection. The girls who were chosen to represent the school at the recent ion are, from left to right, kneeling: Gail Armstrong, Aileen DeWith and Pat een; standing, Linda Cameron, Ardeil Pickering, Kay Davey, Karen Orm- Heather Bissonnette, Dianne Hayward and Sharon Hancock. His Hands," and Alex Laird of their son-in-law and daug'h- and Mrs. Donald Cox and fain- gave the Scripture reading. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Colliss. ily, ail of Hamilton. -.The April meeting of the Ap- Miss Marie Shunk, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Howell ening Auxiliary was held Ap- was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. and family spent the weekend ril 30 in the church basement. Cecil Mills and famniiy over the with Mr. James Howell i Pen- the ladies of the afternoon Aux. holiday weekend.1 etang. iliary of the W.M.S. were gues- Misses Sandra and Margaret'1 Weekend visitors with Mr. ts. After a bountiful pot luck Snowden, a c c ompanied Len and Mrs. Charles Snowden THI supper, Mrs. Ken Flint took Good.murphy to bis parents were Miss Marion Snowden, SUI charge of thbe program. Mrs. H. home at Sowerby, for a week- Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Su, Bradley and Mrs. Morley Flin- end visit. Brown, Bill and Betty-Ann, -he toff were in charge of devo- Mr. and M-s. James Walker Hamilton w tional. Mrs. Howard Cryderman and Rosemary, Mrs. WIitley Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fairley wo, gave a reading. A duet by Mrs. and Anne, Toronto, visîted Mr. and David, Ajax, visited Mr. in1 Twist and Mrs. K. Shackleton and Mrs. Howard Cryderman and Mrs. Tom McGuirk and wo, of Salem with piano accompan- and family on Sunday. family on Monday. sto iment b-v Mrs. G. Shackleton, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Beck- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Finney Ion wvas much enjoyed. ett and family were weekend and family, Bowmanville, Mr. pec 1Mrs. Ross Stevens introdu- guests of ber brother, Mr. and and Mrs. Phillip Finney and fa- tis- ced the guest speaker, Mrs. Mrs. Vernon Fawcett, St. Cath- mily, Toronto, were SundaY by Merrili Fergu son of Toronto, a ermnes. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phil missionary nurse fromn Angola, Mr. and Mrs. Jimn Brayley Finney. Afria, h sokeon te wrk andfamly wre eeknd ue- The Evening Auxilary of W. Afria, h sokeon te wrk nd amiy wee ~eeknd ue-M.S. will meet at the home of conditions and people of Afri- sts of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lloyd Snowden next Thu- ca. Another duet by Mrs. Twist Roy Hunter, Dorchester. and Mrs. K. Shackleton folllow- Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGuirk rsday evening, May 28. ed. Mrs. Lloyd Snowden thank- and Mrs. Frank Chumbiey at- Children's Tour ed Mrs. Ferguson and the others tended the Rotary Music Fest- The chîldren in Grades 1, 2L for their part in the program. ival in Ajax, Iast wek. and 3 in Maple Grove School, President Mrs. Steve Doyle Sunday visitors with Mr. and enjoyed a tour through somne took charge of the business. Mrs. Ed Cox and Franceswr of the interesting places in andj The roll cail and minutes were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Co,M. near Bowmanville one day last u- read by the corresponding sec- retary. Mrs. Morley Flintoff. ITreasurer. Mrs. W. H. Brown gave her report. A bowling par- tywill take place on May 23. Ms. L. Snowden announced0A supvwork is to be in by June lst. ÈIt ecddtatteE ening uiir ol eI charge of tables for the Anni- versary supper. The meeting - closed wîth the Benediction. ,V Thre Girls 4-H Home-making Club met at the home of Miss SA Miidred Snowden on May 4. the girls practiced cooking cre- amed vegetables. Next meet-1 ing will be heid at the home of the president Mary Budai.I Mr as~d Ivrs Harvey Metcal CALIFORNIA REDWGOD SHEATHING Pl Salem, last Sunday. Big Mill Certified Stock %99 x 4' x1 Three of our Maple Grove Bevel Siding Standard girls appcared on Gordie Tapps 1n P.M. Party last Wednesday af- 8" widths ----------------- $14.0$. ternoon. Marie Cooney and Bar- bara Hughes each won a îovelypeM.b.t.ndra basket of fruit and Joyce Milîs 10" width -------------- ----$ 168.50 Udra won a cup and saucer. The prM d t girls were with their high school prM d i Mr. and Mrs. Don Spicher and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Budai Sr., Mr. and Giar g .D o sA U IU 1 Mr. teenPolyak, Brantford; ra e D orsAUMTNUE I M r. and Mrs. Steve Ki ss, Osh- Winglift Type RGLRTP awvisited Mr. and Mr's. Bert with ail necessary 1 Budai and faniily, last Sunclay. 8' x 7' - - - $ 549- 1Mr. and Mrs. Harry Windsor 75 $ 1 8 j 1 w cr wekend guests at the 9'x 7 - - - $ 60.75 home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cowie. Durhným, Ont. 15" x 7" . . . $123.75 Buy 2 for only Mr. and Mrs. John MacLean , 1 wJ SELF-STORING a nd family enjoyed a weekend 16l x 7 - - - $137 ope wtialh holiday iii and near Huntsville. A .I Copte~i1 alt Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeLone, j . SniR l hardware Toron to. wrre overnight guests SectiolundA-ol >«@1 with Mrs. L. C. Snowden and 8' x 7' - - - - -$59.95$ family, on Friday. Miss Mii- 9' x 7- $64.95 3 dred S3nowden accompanied Mr. Aalbei te ie n and Mrs. DeLong to visit her Aalbei te ie n Buy 2 for only sister Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Man- also with lights otick. Ont., where she is spen-, Lubricant on these doors QUALITY WATE] dine a few days' holiday. wilI not bleed. FIR SHEATE The L.N.O. Cîrcle will meet at the home of Mrs. Steve Day- S A D R P U EPY G lonThursday (tonight). S A D R P U EP Y O Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shack- leton and Ruth and Mrs. Mark DIMENSION 5/16 Standard Blackburn, Salem, visited Mr. per M. bd. ft. 5/16 Underlay iand Mrs. Howard Cryderman 2 x 4 Stndr ion saturday evening. ~¾ Sadr Mr. and Mrs. A. St. Pierre andR Underlay visited Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 2 x 6 $ 8 7 0 01/ Standard Smith, Lindsay, last Sunday. An excellent and economical We carry a complei Miss Vella M acLean, John Dy- kstra. Miss Florence Rekker construction grade- . Plywoods and John Rekker. motored to SMOOTH SANDED WATERPROOF Niaeara Falls on Monday. Gordon Allun. N ew castle. %Dent the weekend with Kenny FIR PLYWOOD Crvderman. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty 11/ Solid One Side and familv visited ber brother % Good One Side __ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hannah, 3/8 Solid One Side___-- ___ ___ - South Monaehan, on Suniday. Solid One Side Mr. and Mrs. Albert St. Pie- 5àSldOeSd rre and familv- visited Mr. and SodOn Sie - Mrs. Kier Lamb, Columbus, on 3/ Solid One Side Monday. 3/4 Good One Side ----------------- -- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs at- tended Anniversary Services at Enisilen on Sundiay and 13ROOKLIN were supner guests of Mr. and i I Mr. W. r. lev m . sieBROOKLIN, ONT. f 1 1 Mr. adE. egl. i eli M and family. Toronto, seDent Sun-1 LOCATED ON JCT. 0F STRE %rpvAND Y XrARi Iweek. lbey were taken by eau fimrt to the Glen Rae Dai-y where they saw how the milk is px-ocessed, bottled, etc and were treated to chocolate milk. i-,Bowmanville Cleaners was~ the next stop where Mr. E Leslie welcomed them and ex- piained the various ways. of cleariing, pressing and caring~ for clothes sent to the plant, and gave each a pencil as a ta-. ken gift. The ehildren were shown through the new Post iOffice iby Mr. Vice and were interested ta learn how mail is sorted and shipped in mail bags and boxes. The Fire Hall was given a tborough inspection, from fire figbting equipment and clothing ta fire trucks. A higblight was an invitation ta sit in the truck "even in the driver's seat". ILas t on the agenda was the Pepsi-Cola plant on Church St. where Mr. Smith showed bis guests the processing and bot- tling of Smith beverages. The children were treated ta a bat- tie of pop each here. Mrà. Sam Black and Mrs. O. Moffatt were in charge of the classes. Mothers who drove the cbiidren in their cars were, 1Mrs. Phil Finney, Mrs. Robeit ' Bothwell, Mrs. Ken Mayberry. Mrs. Wallace Mîinday, Mrs. Lloyd Snowden. Ms.Alfrel Allin. Mrs. Edwin Holmnes, NMr'-. Frank Symons. On the way home the Glen Rie barn. own.- ed by Mr. Bob Stevens, wa,~ very interesting to mmv .Nlwho~ had neyer ieen milk before il was bottled. upp -hqse/ ïE SHEER ALL NYLON STOCKINC THAT JPPORTS WITNGUT RUBIER pp-hoie in for every woman on er foot a lot ... For housewives, orking women, mothers ta b., omen with mild varicose veinsa... fact Supp-hase in for ail active omon looking for a fashionabie ocking ta ease leg fatigue ail day ng. One third the price you'd ex- .t ta pay ... Nationally Adver- sed. Get -your pair o! Supp-hose Spuntex today.! o $495 ..'VINYL FLOOR OF THE FUTURE SPILL[PR f STAIN-FE! VINYL FLOOR D TODAY, SEE IT FOR YOURSELF AT LIMITED MA 3-3386 95 King St. WV. AT UR o RU* SOR Jury and Love!! PHONE- MA 3-5778 BOW AVLE ili lill à:LI LYWOOD 8'pr he 3per sheet DOORS -Complete hardware 645 each $56.00 TYPE, he necessary each r$63.00 RPROOF HING lit lu foot 8.9 9.9 10.2 11.2 141 4x8 sheet $3.17 $3.27 $3.59 te stock of 4X8 foot sheet 10.7c $3.43 11.3e $3.62 14.9e $4.77 18.7e $5.99 22.4e $7.17 26.3c $8.42 26.9e $8.61 I111111191 FIRST q-JAL1TY CASH WAY PAINT Interior Latex $3.65 Exterior Paints ---$3.85 Interior Floor Varnish - $3.95 Spar Varnish - $4.65 Quarts Also Available Ask about our Volume Discount on Paints ASPHALT SHINGLES Strictly A-i Quality Name Brand 210 lb shingles $8 .i69e q y ll i -" M HOURS m. - Phone Ajax 1450 o 4:30 p.m. Ce.CeFe "BACK MACf" Cive Ontario an Hanest Gomerment under DONALD MacDONALD Voie for a Farmer, Labour and People'1s Represeniative. Interior Primeri per gai. $3.45 Interior Satin Enamiel Floor Enamel $3.95 $3.65 REDIFIT AJAX, ONT. LOCATED ON THOMPSON RD. PAGE SI=EN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILIS, ONTARIO TffUIRSDAT, MAT 2le IM- . Boiled

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