PAGE EIGRTW TEE CMIADIAN STATESMMI. EOWMANVULE, O!ftARIO ?KUEBDAY. MA? Itat, ISS AUGER-BomU ta Mr. and Mr$. Victor F. Auger, a son. Ken- zieth Charles, in Memnorial Hos- Z ta Bowmanvi.lle, on Sunday, ly 7th, 1959. 21-1* »PRANIGAN - Brenton and Mary (nec Hanlon) are happy ta announco the birth ai their son, weighiig 7 lbs., 123/ oz., on May 18, 1959, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. A brother form Wpyne. 21-1 COLE-Don and Saily announce -the birth oi a son at Momorial iHospital, Bowmanville, on Wed- riesday, May 2th, 1959. (Still- * jrn). 21-1 GRACE-Harry and Joan Grace are happy ta announce the bith 'oai their daugbten Sharan Ann, "May llth, at Memarial Hospital, Bowmanviile. 21-1* Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Walter Benson Reynolds of Bowmanvillo an- nounce the engagement ai their daughter Murmel Gwendolyn, ta ,Harold Boyd Taylor, son ai Mm. and Mrs. Kenneth Middleton Taylor ai Blyth. The mamiage awill take place on Saturday,~ Juno 13, 1959, at 4:00 o'clack in i Trinity Unitod Church, Bow- inanville. 21-1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elvet Trrain, Oshawa, wish ta .an-, rianunce the engagem ent ai ber da ughbt er, Gayle Elizabeth Chambers, ta Victor Pbillip Dale Berry, son ai M. and « ,Mrs. Albert Victor Berry, Ajax. 'the wedding will take place on Saturday, June 6, 1959, at 3 in King Street United Chumcb, Oshawa. 21-1 Deaiths BEST, Helen Cecilia (Allie)- On Thursday, May 14, 1959, at hem home, 10 Lauder Avenue, Toronto, Helen Cocilia (Allie) Watson, belaved wiie ai the Rev. David W. Bost, D.D.; dean inother ai Elizabeth. Dr. Best ,t is a fanmer pastar ai St. Paul's -United Cburch, Bownianvillo. Service was held Frîday even- king, witb internient Saturday ,,earnlng in Old Stone Church, .Çemnetery, Beaverton. 21-if -BOTTRELL-At Memorial Has- .pital, Bownianviile, on Wednes- day, May 2th, 1959, Raymiond John Bottreil, Newcastle, in bis 7hyear. Bloved husband ai ,fillian Watson and dean father ,of Annie (Mrs. Carl Forgusan), Mms. Helen Brown, Elsie (Mrs. 'Edwin Sandercock), Earl and Marie. Rosting at the new ,Morris Funenal Chapel, Baw- 1,inanvile. Service in the chapel ton Saturday at 2 o'clock. In- terment Onono Cemnetery. 21-1 ,WELTER, Cornelius John-At tïiemorial Hospital, Bownian- iii-ile, on Sunday, May l7th, 1959, .Cornelus John Welter, infant ;n of Mr. and Mrs. Theodomus Wýelter, age 3 days. Intenment E1owmanvilc Cemetemy an Tues- 'k1ay, May 19th. Funenal ar- rangements by Ncrthcutt & Snilth. 21-i In Memoricam COLWIL-In loving memory joi aur parents, Lila Vietta Col-, wiil, died May 24tb, 1958, and Cifford William Colwiil, died October l8tb, 1943. Lovingly emembered by Ruby, Ruth, Bruce and faniuly. 1 21-1 "COUCH-In loving mcmory af a dean mother, Winona Couch, who passed away May 24th,i 1939. Twenty lonely yeams sinco that sad day, When one we loved was called away. God took ber home, it was His will, Withha aur heants she liveth still. -Ever remembered by daught- .er Denelda, son-in-law Sidney. 21-1* ]HENNING, Ross, wbo passed away May 22, 1958. Gone, but not forgotten. .-Ever remembered by Bud and Marlon. 21-1* SHACKELTON-In loving me- mary of Mary Agnos Shackel- ton who passed away May 24, 1955. JUpright and just la àll ber ways, Loyal and true tbro' al ber days, 89ilently suiiered, patiently bore God took ber home ta suifer no more. -tver neniembered and sadiy rissed by husband John and iamily. 21-1 STEVENS-In loving nienory of aur dean parents, Esther Stevens, May 25th, 1945, and Enoch Stevens, Jan. lltb, 1929; also aur two brothors, S hon- wood, Aug. 29th, 1941, and Her- bent, Pcb. 20th, 1952. Lovingly i remenibered by the family. 2l11 Wanted to Buy 'ALL klnds of ive paultry ,wantod. Highest prices pad. i M. Flatt, Bethany R.&. 1. Phoino 7 r 13 coilect. 9-tf ' HIGHEST pices paid for used 'furniture, appliances, televisian, sBewmng machines, etc. Aiso sel and exchange. 59 K.Ing St. W. Phone MA 3.723 1. 42-tf MIGHEST prices paid f or ive gn±r~ oose feathers, feathen Jp ran, rage, metab M& aw ilm. Phorte RA 3-2043 ,,»mw$6 coflot. 4&Ut Articles for SaIe COAL and wood stbve. Phono MA 3-5244. 21-1 HAY loader, nearly now.. Tele- phono MA 3-3709. 21-1* FENCE p osts, feed oats and table potatoos. MA 3-2126. 21-1* MAN'S sport coat, 36-8, $12, perfect condition. MA 3-2706. 21-1* COLUMBIAN raspberry roots. Apply Brmuce Clark, 41 Liberty St. North. 21-1* BOX Plants for sale. fi. W. Groot, Phono Clarke 1640, R.R. 1, Orono, 4th Lino. 18-4* LARGE or small quantites ai turkey nianure; 300 egg incu- baton. Phone MA 3-5058. 21-If BOX plants, ahl kinds. Mrs. Williams, corner Base Lino and Hunt St. Phono MA 3-7167. 17-5 SAVE an iuinber, direct froni mil ta you. Phîllips Luniber Ca., Kinniaunt, Ontario. Phono 17 r 11. l3tf KEYS cut automatlcafly, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. .46-tf WATER, bard and soit, deliver- cd. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phono MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf McCLARY wasbing machine. Excellent condition. Long skirt, used only two years. Telophane MA 3-5522. 21-1 GAS stave, ini excellent con- dition. Brier, timer and two avens. Mrs. Gamnet Symrons, MA 3-2459. 21-1* OAK dining-raam suite, table, buffet and chairs, ini gaod con- dition. Reasonable offer. Tele- phone MA 3-3266. 21-i BOX plants, geraniums and fuchsia for sale, retail and wholesale. L. Knudsen, En- niskillen Greenhouses. 21-3 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service ta electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phono MA 3-5774. 43-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Wokmanship guaranteed. F r o e estimates. Hary L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf SEWING machines, new and used. Guananteed and serviced froni Laverty's Bargain Centte, 59 King St. W., Bowmanviile. MA 3-7231. 17-tf CASE V.A. row-crop tractor, with hydrauJlic cultivators. Case manure spreadem with tracton bitch. E. Green, Leskard. Cal after 7 p.m. 21-1* SEED Corn, Hybrid and Open Pollinated. Sugan Cane; Sudan Grass; Millets, etc. See us be- fore you buy for lowest pnices. Stewart's Seeds. 21-1 COCKSHUTT No. 4 Sproadem, 4-wheel, on rubber, in good condition. A bargain at $225.00. Graham's Garage, Haydan. Tole- phoneohMA 3-2730. 21-1 USED washer parts, 1/4b.p. [motors $5,00 up. Repairs ta al wringen type wasbers. Guar- anteed reconditioned wasbers. Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3-2055. 15-10* DO your own faonrs and ugs- Reat a sander, faonr polisher or nug cleanor (shanipoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bawaianville. Phono MA 3-5774. 20-tf CABIN trailen, nearly new, com- plote with space heater, table, clothes claset, bed, buit-in ne- frigematar, propane gas cook stave, cupboards and sink and wash raam. Caîl MA 3-2793. 19-3* BOWMANVILLE Home Im- provements featumes aluminuni doors, windows, awnings and railiags. We offer a vaiety ai floor and wall tules. For fre estimates Phono MA 3-2753 or caîl at 22 Division St. 6-tf TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Vieol Floors cof ail description Vinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe, Marboleum. Flexichrome, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramis Suppled and Laid H. G. HEAL ReR. 1 Hampton MA 3-2902 125-tf ~~DISTRIBUTO FUEL OIL-GASOLIINEU FNICVUd I i-GEAS Articles -for '-)cÈ GOODqult mixed hay. Tele- phone MA 3-2403. 8-tf WATER for sale. Delivered. Phono Clu Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf Cars for Sale '49 CHEV., $65.00. Ir» good run- ning condition. Phone MArketl /53 FORD, automatic, radio, etc., 1immaculate condition. Phono MA 3-2706. 21-1* AUTOATI elctrc rdinorONE 1950 Chev. truck; one Gib- in ~ ~ 01 gadcniio.PooM son H. tactor, Model H. Tele- 3-3105. 2-1 phono MA 3-5835. 21-1 GLADIOLI bulbs. Mms. Clar- once Tink, Hampton. Telephono MA 3-2361. 21-1* '49 AUSTIN, in peniect con- dition. Apply 5 Nelson Street nifter six. MA 3-7175. 21-if HURON seed potatoos, gnown ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. froni certified seed. High yield- Save 20%.- Six niontbs ta, pay. ens. Phono Blackstock 82 R 1-1. For personal service at your 21-1 home call Oshawa RA 5-2802, Icolleet. 2-tf ONE L.shaped barn witb metal roof and heavy timbers, :in ex- 1153 CHEV. Belaime, Powerglide, cllent condition. Phono MA reconditioned mo;tor, radio, 3-2793. 20-3*; white walls, dlean interior. Priv- ate sale for cash. Phono MA ALL kinds oi baxod plants, 3-3226 after 6 weekdays. strawbemmies, raspberry canes, 21-1 gladioli bulbs. Phono Orono 18 R 8. C. de Mooy, R.R. 1. FOR NEW FORDS 21-2* and Gbiaranteed Usod Cars .Cal CASE tractor speader, Holland I JH T T transplanter, 17-tootb cultivat- J H T T or, on rubbem. Cowan Equip- SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. ment Co., 134 King St. E., Bow- RA 3-4683 Oshawa manville. Phono MA 3-5689. iRosidence MArkot 3-3174 21-11 9-tf HEARING aid service. Testing BUYING OR SELLING service and complote stock af SEE' batteries and cords a t Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., 1 Ted Campin Motors Bowmanville. Telephone MAf 3-3305. 7-tf RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 i 607 King St. East FOR the Cottage: Trade-in i (Just East of Wilson Rd.) steel bods, springs, studio coucb, OSHAWA 9', radias, vacuum donaner,1 1h.p. mator, 6 cu. ft. Frigidaire, econditioaed; Norge vasber four-humner eloctric r a n g e. Murphy Ca., King W., Bowmaa- ville. MA 3-3781. 21-1* NOW-Run your car Wlthout Spark Plugs Buy and try the alI new SA FIRE INJECTORS - At ART'S CAR MARKET 194-196 Church St., Bowmanvllle We - Buil - Btter - Customors 20-81 FREE MAKING 0IF DRAPERIES priel from GO ODBRAND FA BR I 28 i"n St. W. 1 Àluminum Wi: and Doo: WINIDOWS SELF-S STORM AND SC 1$15.00 U] 10-tf Repossossed Vehicle For Sale 1951 Pontiac Sedan Serial No. 1206926929 1959 License Plates No. A-40353 To be sold by public auction to the highest bidder at the STIRTEVANTS Auction Room 33 Hall St,, OSHAWA, Ontario, beginning at 7:30 p.m. on May the 28, 1959 ART'S CAR MARKET 194-196 Church St., Bowmanville We - Build - Botter - Customers 21-1* Tenders Wanted NOTICE 0F 'TNDER Public School -~ ~ Nif ' .J f-rppfAÂLi CIS Bowmanville, Ontario 0 -tf51Scaled tenders, addressed to the Public Sehool Board, Bowman- inosville, Ontario, will be rcie indows by the undersigned, or by Mr. jS. R. James, Secretnry af the ýrs Public School Board, 24 King STORING Street East, P.O. Box 1030, Bow- CREEN j manville, until 4:00 p. inI Tues., June 2nd, 1959 Doors, self-storing $47.50 INSTALLED CALL MA 3-5522 21-2 CHIOICE YOUNG TURKEYS 6 to 10 Ibs. 45C Lb. DRESSED AND DELIVERED PHIL FINNEY MAPLE GROVE MArket 3-5058 2- Livestock for Sale SEVEN Yorkshire pigs, seven weeks aid. H. A. Pascoe, MA 3-2187. 21-1 PUREBRED Hereford b ulls. Breeding age. Reasonable. R. T. Currelly, Welcome 2336. 2- for the construction ai a now six classroom school on High Street, Bownianvllle, Ontario. Plans, specifications, instruc- thons ta bidders, and forms ai tender may ho obtained on ap- plication by Genemal Contractons, ater 4:00 p.m., Thursday, May i4th, 1959, froni the office ai the undersigned. A certified choque in the amount of $25.00 is me- quimed as a deposit on plans. Plans wilh be on view at the office ai Mm. James ini Bowmaa. ville, and at the Toronto Build- ors' Exchange. The Owncn resorvos the rigbt ta roi oct any or ail tenders me- ceived. John B. Parkln Associatos Architects and Engineers 1500 Don Mihîs Road Postal Station "J" Toronto 6, Ontario. 20-2 Piano Tuning ARTHUR Collison. Telephone MArket 3-3900. . 36-tf Pets for Sale FOUR seven-week puppies, fre ta good homes. MA 3-2347. 21-1 Articles for Sale TRACTORS One Allis-Chalmers D17 - Demonstrator One Allis-Chalmers D14 - Demonstrator One Massey-Harris 22 - Reconditioned One 8N Ford - Reconditioned IMPLEMENTS One 3-furrow Massey-Har. Plough on rubber One 3-furrow Case Plough on rubber iOne 2-furrow Massey Plough - 3-point hitch One 6' Case Disc Harrow One 8" International Disc Harrow IMA 3-5,6 SX5116 A. J. (AL) HOA ÀR ALLIS-CHALIMS SALES AND SERVICE DWMAN VILLE MArket 3-2212 21-1 Wcmted to aent COTTAGE in Haliburtan dist- rict for iast two weeks ini July or first two weeks in August. Phone MA'3-3228 after 5. 21-1* ONE or twa furnished roonis, downstairs prefemred. Write Advertiser 943, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- nianville. 21-1 Wcmted DEAD and crippled fanm stock, picked up promptiy. Phone MA 3-2679. Margwill Fur Fanm, Tyrone. 13-ti 1Work Wanmted CONCRETE and masonry work. Box 1083. L. Turner. Phono 3-5820. 9-tf FOR prompt pick up and de- livery caîl MA 3-3842. 21-if HOME typing dane. Apply Mrs. Wm. Harper, R.R. 3, Pontypool. Orono 12 R 17. 21-1* PLASTERING repairs. Base- ments plastemed inside an'd out- side. Reasonable rates. Czn1 MA 3-5368. 21-tf PLUMBING, heating, eaves- trougbing; free estimatus. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-1~240 or Orano 1782. 6-tf TWO lady scbool teachers de- sire light summer employment. in or near Bowmanvile. Phone MA 3-7026 after 5 o'clock. 21-1 DODD and Struthers iightning rod systenis, installed and me- paired. Write Post Office Box 1255, Bowmanville, or Phone MA 3-2820. 21-1* WHITEWASHING and disinfect- ing stables, etc. Free estimates, all work guaranteed. Telephone Clarke 1321. Bert Tonipkins, R.R. 3, Port Hope. 16-27 SEPTIC tanks completely in- stalled: 500 gal. tank, 250 feet of tule, $300; government inspected. 600 gal. tank, $350. John Bar- rett, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Tele- phone MA 3-5255. 20-2* MAN desires ta cut iawns and build up clientele as spare timel work. Anyone interested write Advertisem 944, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville, stating name, address and amount per hour or per lawn tboy wisb ta, pay. 2-1* PAINTING and DECORATING PAPERHANGING Free Estimatos Phone MELLE ROZEMA R.R. 1 Bowmanvilio - MA 3-2584 21-i TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Cleanouts and Deopenlng Comprossor Work RA 8-6974 500 Simcoe St. South - Oshawa 21-4* Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf PLUMBING - IEATING EAVESTROUGHING TONY BAARS Mor-Sun, Powermatic, Morrisonl Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - Oil 66 King St. W. MA 3-71271 BOWMANVILLE 20-tf Anger Construction Co. LTD. COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE BRICK- WORK .- _BLOCK QUIC SERICE 16-tf Personal WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years Younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablots revitalize thousands past 40. Only 69c. At al druggists. 19-3 HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co, Box 91, Hamn- liton, O0".1-52 iteai Estate for Saie 1 RealEstate ior baie1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER 1 To contact the greatest nuni- ber of customers - list with us. Salesmen in Bownianvillo, Osha-j wa and Kawartha districts. Liko a iovely, large home, plus an excellent business? Thon check this one. 5 acres oi land, two-starey Colonial homo, niod- ernized, broiler plant, coni- pletely automatic, 30 miinutes of your tinie handies 5,200 broul- ors. On No. 2 Highway, 13 miles froni Oshawa. Full prico $21,000. Will consider bunga- low ini exchange. Wo have a large selection of smali acreages, froni 5 acres to 50, sanie with buildings, sanie witbout at prices to suit your pocket. Buy -now and grow with Ontario! 52 King St. W. Bowmanvile MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 21-1 Real Estate Wanted LISTINGS on smnall and meodi- um sized fartas wanted. Clients with substantiai. down payment waiting. Caîl RA 3-7244 for [Art Winberger or write A. Weinberger, 60 Harris Ave., Oshawa, Sales Representative ai Ed. Disney, Realtar. 20-3 Seed for Sale REGISTERED and Commeircial barley, wholesale and retail. Commxercial oats and a full line of grass seeds. Swain Seed Cleaners. Phone Blackstock 89 R 11. 20-2 SEED CORN Funks G-Hybrid PROVEN THE BEST when in competition with ail other varieties Hardome Soy Beans GARNET RICKARD R. R. 4 BOWMANVILLE PHONE MArket 3-7150 21-2 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED single man fan daimy fann, gaod wages. Apply R. Stonger and Son, Enniskiilen. 21-1 BABY sitter frani 12 noan until 9 p.m., i child's home. Write Advertiser 942, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 21-i ALERT dealers can average $2.50 ta $3.00 per boum selling aur praducts. Commission and Boanus. Wanderful opportunity. Familex Dept. M-7 1600 Del- orimier Montreal. 21-1 APPLICATIONS will be receiv- 'ed until June 6th for position ai caretaker at Memarial Park Clubhouse. Applications ta be niailed ta Mrs. Frank Tbonip- son, 190 Duke St. 21-2 EXCELLENT oppomtunity. Openings inimediately to seli famaus Rawleigh Praduets. Also sanie spare tume vacancies. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. E-140- SS, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal. 21-1 SALES REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED To camail Motor Club niembor- ships in this lacality. The On- tario Automobile Association provides the finest in Motar Club benefits. Pleasant wark that cah be handled either full or part-time. Rush youm nanie and addmesj for full information as territories are being allotted naw. You should have a car and, be, frani 25 ta 50, male or female. Write Sales Manager, Box 817, London, Canada. 20-2 Auction Sales The undersigned bas roceivedI instructions froni the executors' ai the estate ai the late H. H. Dilling ta soUl by public auction on Saturday, May 23, cani- mencing at i p.m., at bis late Iresidence, 89 Queen St., Bow-1 manville: bedroom, living-roomni and kitchen furniture, Frigidaire1 refrigeratar, electric washer,1 vacuum cleaner, sewing ma- chine, stoves, two extension lad- dors, bodding, dishes, glassware, etc. Ternis cash. No resorve. Property for sale. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 20-3 INCOME house, $5,000 cash re- quired. Making 10 per cent. Phone MA 3-2383. 20-2 SEVEN-room brick house, hot water heated, good location, many extras included. Apply 5 Concession St. W. 21-4*1 Leask Real Estate 6 room bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, tiled bath and tiled extra size kitchen, broadloom and drapes, aiuminum stornu and screens throughout, TV tower, landscaped, extra large garage. This is an especially good bun- galow on a beautiful street. Ternis. 5 room new bungalow,,3 bed- rooms, oiù furnace, picture window, garage. $2,000 cash. Terms on balance. $10,000 fl price. Semi-detached brick bouse, 3 bedrooms, oil furnace, central location. Full price $9,000. Terms to suit purchaser. Double bungalow, brick, two separate apartments. Central. Garage. Good income borne, in excellent condition. Ternis. Large lot on Third St., also 2 acre lot at Prestonvale. We have bouses, bungalows, lots too numerous to list. Inquire fromn M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MArket 3-5919 21-1 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres, new modern bunga- low, no barn, full line of ma- chinery. Asking price $12,000. Terms. 50 acres - 7 room bouse, large barn, hen bouse, very good soil. Price $9,500.00. Easy terms. 32 acres with nice stream, 29 acres workable. Price $3,200. Terms. 20 acres near Newcastle, 8 acres workable, pond. Owner must seil. Give us an offer. 10 acres near Orono - 10 building lots. Price only $3,000. il acres on No. 2 Highway, nice garden land. Price $4,000. Commercial lots on 115 Higb-' way at $20.00 per foot. One acre with trout stream.1 Priced ta seli. 1 7 room frame bouse in excel- lent repair. Oil furnace, bath- room, full basement, Ai loca- tion. Price $13,000. Ternis. Newcastle - 7 room frame bouse, oil furnace, garage. Price only $7,000. Easy terms. Bowmanville .. 3 bedroom bungalow, batbroom, gas furn- ace. Price $6,500. Easy terms. 4 rooni bungalow on High- way 2, nice lot, hydro, good well. Price $4,200.00. Down $1,000.00. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3644 Salesman: Bill Coulson, Toronto 21-1 De With Real Estate 200 Acre fam, 140 acres workable, 50 acres wood, creek, 65' x 45' bank barn, water on tap, also in ben house, pig pens, silo; 8 raomed bouse with al modern conveniences. Asking $20,000. Ternis. 135 Acre farm, near Port Hope, 100 acres workable, ex- cellent cash crop land, creek, 100' x 36' bank barn, pig pens, garage; 8 raaîned brick bouse, beavy duty wired. Down $6,000. Price arranged. 200 Acre fam, 175 acres workable, 5 acres wood, springs, L-shaped bank barn, drive shed, ben bouse, silo, etc.; 9 roomed brick home with 4-piece bath, electric water heater. Asking $21,000. Tenis arranged. 50 Acre farm near Millbrook,. 45 acres workable, 1 acre wood, 50' X 30' bank barn, running water, drive shed; 6 raomed frame borne, heavy wired. Seven acres in fail wheat. Asking $9,000. Terms. 50 Acre fanm near Kendal, 40 acres workable, 10 acres wood, 100' x 30' bank barn, drive shed, garage; 7 roomed frame home with 3-piece bath, with 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, new gas furnace, etc. Down $2,000. Price armanged. Contact: John F. De Wiih Roaltor and Genoral Insurance Newcastle Phone 3341 Salesmen: Donald MountJoy. Dowmanvilh MA 3-3950 Ross DavMdson. Betbany Phone 21 r 6 Beatty Fee, Ida Phone Milbrook 224 r 2 21-1 - - - - - - -- e s a e . a s - - - .n e n - - e a e n * .. t~ *t lm MMORIAMS $1.00 Plus iDa a line fox verso Dignlay hCiassified ai 181.50 . lnchwlth a minimum e0 one lncb Additional insertions ai the samne rates. this office net luter ttra f 12 o'ciock noon, Wednesdq? v Bend cash, stamps or money ordoi and Bave money. < Clip titis out for handy refexence OFFICE IIOURS Monday through Frda"~. 8:30 a.m. t105 p.M. 8:30 a.m. to 12 liou The. Canadian Statesinan Dial MArket ".303 tcr Ciosslfied Ad Service " Real Estate for Slo REAL ESTATE FOR BALEC Properties Sod, Reutel Managel sud Appralas L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phono 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5t McQua-y and Kidd REALTORS Members af Oshawa and Distrio Real Estate Board 200 acre dairy fam, with Toronto niulk contract JUDO roof steel barn with stable rooni for 50 head. Silo. 10. nooni home with ahi modéra i convenionces. Stream. IPruce4 for quick sale at only $28,000. witb very reasonable down pay. ment. 5 acres af independence, whk boautiful view; 7-rooni fraùii bouse. Full prico $5,500 wlth, $2,000 down. Brick bungalow, central loë. cation, $6,900 with $2.000 down,. Cottage at Pigeon Lake) boit bouse, wooded lot witb 100 foot irantage. $2,000 down. Cottage at Presqu'ile Point. Fmeshly redecamated. Fireplace; Paved rond ahl the way. $l,000 down. Other cottages at Lakes Scu.,I gag, Rice and Ontario. Also severai summer resorWtI. priced froni $6,000 up. WALTER FRANK 'fç 177 Church St. MA 3-39«E Bowmanville 2W. Pedwell Real Estcae. 100 acres on Na. 2 Hegwa at Welconie, brick bouse, bath,, ail fumnace, 2 barns, gardon soil4 $ 18,000. Terms. Stock and mai..ý chinery can be bought. 10 acres full beaiag pean and apples. Close ta Newcastlé, Last year produced 2.000 bui. pears, 1,500 bus. apples. $6,00~ bahf cash. New 7 raom bouse, ha New4 castle, ilowing well, nîl con- veniences, extra large lot. Close ta school. 1 1/ acres witb good bouse, at.. tached garage, large chicken pen. On No. 2 Higbway betweee Oshawa and Bowmanviile. 10 acres witb gaodtrout streani. Make a nice building site. Close ta Bowmanvileé. $5,000 witb good tonms. Money ta boan. Salesmon: Maurice B. Pedwe > Phone Newcastle Wmn. A. Heron Phono 12, BrookiUn E. .Ieffery Phono 238, Coîborno H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER' Newcastle Phonoe3854 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanvith Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. BartoU MA 3-3098 Beautiful 3 bedroomn bunga- low on a lange lot, close ta school and cburcb. Ahuminuni windows and doors. PriceAlto seli witb suitable terms. 4r' 4 roomni ew bungalow ia Kendal. Heavy duty wiring. Only $4,500.00. $1,700.00 down. Lovely brick bungalow with a self-contained b aseo m nt apartment. This is truly fine warkmanship at a reasonable - pnice. Onily $14,500.00 with ex- collent temms. Trade youn home on this 100 acre fanm with full lineofa build- ings; Hydro; 2 wells; fumnace. You could wonk in a factorY and lot the incomo from thia farta supplement your wages. Very substantial 1 ½z-storey home in a very nice location. Lovely lot. Garage. Pmiced to seîl with a low down paymet.-- MM MM CAMADMIt STATESUM, DOWMANVn.L& OMAM PAGE IMRTEM çy->a-ý MAT. MAY 2ut ýffl, IF