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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1959, p. 1

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Owner Sadly Surveys Damage Co un scilAlleir $807110 0 15n Tax Agrrears The historic miii dam at Tyrone, purchased ,two years ago by John Thornbeck wvas washed away eariy Wednesday morning after overfiowing the pond banks ini the heavy rainstorm. A much-appreciated call frci.m Councillor Fred Smith brought Dur photographer to the scene in time ta photogrâph Darlington's Road Superintend- ent Tom K. Stewart, at left, discussing the damage, with Mr. Thornbeck. The Dart League of Bow- inanvifle Branch 178, Canadiani Legioai, held its annual banquet and trophy presentation Satur-1 day, May 16th, in the Legion1 Hall, Queen St. A delicious tur- key dinner was served by mern- bers of the Ladies' Auxilîary to the Canadian Legion. League President Jack -Bishop presid- ed for this gala occasion to wind up another 'year for th-c local darters. Branch President Ed Rundie verv graciously propos- ed the Toast to the Queen and Comrade Wn. Bates said grace. Immediately aftcr dinner President Bishop introduced his *ýig Program Memorial Park 9nSaturday Saturdt(.y evening. May Èirýd people will have the op- portunity of viewing a spec- tacular dispiav o!fîreworks at ýMemorial Park as soon as il be- cames dark. In previous yeais the exhibition of fireworks oy the Memorial Park Association lias been splendid, but the dis- play this Saturday evening will be the best yet, and really breath-taking. Mrs. Morley Etcher is con- 'Venor of the committee in charge o! arrangements for the F'ireworks Display. The Mem- orial Park Association donated $25 for the fireworks and Mrs. Etcher bas already collected over $75 !rom neighbours and people in the district for the pl4rchase of an outstanding vw4îety. Morley Etcher, How- a_ Brad ley, and Irwin Beau- pre will be in charge o! setting off the gigantic display. The enjayable program at Memorial Park will open at six o'clack with a Lakýýshore Ladies Softball game hetwcen Bethany and Bowmanville. Fol- lowing the Fireworks Displav 1 the Ladies Softball League w11l hold a dance in Memofial Park Clubhouse. FamousM head table guests: Jack Knight, Branch Sports Officer and Mrs. Knight, who is President o! La- dies' Auxiliary; Wm. Bat.ýs, Dis- trict Sports Officer amil Mrs. Bates; Ed. Rundie, Bran«ch Pre- sident, and Mrs. RundljE; Wm. Veitch, Dart League SE.4retary, and Mrs. Veitch. Comrade Bish- op expressed regret tJiat his own wife was unable, to be present as she was seriausly -111 in Memorial Hospital. At this point members of tht- Dart League voted unanimouasly to have f]owers sent to Mm~. Bish- op with get-well wishtes that she may soon be enjoyitig good health again. Out-of-towrn guests introduc- ed were: Len Mitchell, Presi- dent of Oshawa Branch, andi Mrs. Mitchell, Mr. and Mis. Don (Continued on. page seven> 1 Police SeiIZîD Marbie Guns Ask for H àIp Four marble guns have beerk seized and confiscated by Bow- manville Police. TI-nay were taken fromn boys aged. ten and twelve years old in tÊie course o! an investigation of thie break- ing of a plate glass window at Ontario Street Sehool, "These are danger>us wea- pon-s as they could kill or wound seriously," PoUlce Chief Bernard R. Kitney warned yes. terday. "These marble guns are made o! lead pipe and are hi- able to explode with severe in- juries to the child holding one," Police Chief Kitney said. He also pointed out that the mar- bles are fired with slich force that they could go rigàit through a man. Police Chief Kitnqay asked, that if parents have seen such- a gun, or know of any, to turn 1 them in or report themi. He sta-1 ted that if the marbie guns are' left in the possession of child-1 ren someone will. be maimedI St. PauI's Sunday Schoolý Ann iversary St. Paul's Unitedi Church was filled on Sunday marning, May 17, for the annual Sunday Sehool Anniversary. The service w-as conducted by the Superin- tendent, Mr. Wilfrid Carruthers, who welcom-ed thase present including many visitors. He thanked the members whose generasity had made possible the enlargement of Sunday School facilities, and reminded them that $1,150 must still be raised to liquidate the Renova- tion Fund. A member of the senior girls' class, Miss Patsy Carter, read the Scripture lesson. Mis. 0. R. Bragg directed the Pri- mary Department in the sin 'g- ing o! a medley of Chiiàlren' s Hymns. The Junior Choir, trained by Miss Ruth Bragg and Miss Bertha Colville, sang an anthem. The Minister. the Rev. H. A. Turner, introduced the spec;aI speaker of the day, the Rev. ,Horace Burkhold2r, B.A., B.D.,. GenraFSei.~ai'j of héOn- tario Council of Christian Edu- cation. Mr. Burkholder address- ed his remarks primarily to the children, taking as his theme: The Family Home and the Church Home. He told several stories illustrating that the same qualities of love, loyalty, co-op- eration and 'appreciation that hold a home tagether also make a church strang and united. A special offeringr was re- ceiv-ed, part of which goes to support the work of the O.C. C.E. Five members o! the Sun- day School assisted with the offering, viz. James Blunt, Nor- ris Turner, David Werry, Davidl Williams and Grant Wright. Shades of Ihe Past Whiie digging in his garden at 89 Elgin Street, Richard Johnston of Palmer Matar Sales picked up a rare item, a token used here at ane lime. Ib entitled the holder ta a ride on Giover's Bus. Unfortiinabely, it now bas only an historic, in- tangible value, but Mr. John- ston plans ta keep it aIS an un- usual bit o! Bowm-anviile's bis- tory came ta light. ýe',ody Que-..en Hdonored on Vici Bowmanville's town council Is hot on the trail of $80,110. This sizeable amnount repres- ents tax arrears which in some cases haven't been fully paîd up since 1948. Most arreairs are for the period 1955-58. Last week, Clerk Robert Rey-' nolds had the unenviable taslc o! sending rather stern letters ta those who haven't paid. To date, no information has been reieased on how effective the requests for payment were. The $80,000. if paid this year, couid mean a reduction in tax- es o! something over 10 mils, provided, o! course, other ex- penses did not increase. This is believed ta be the first concerted effort at tax col- lecting in several years and, it is understood, council i.ntends ta follow through with action on those who pay no attention ta the clerk's letter asking for payment. Methods which could be used to force collection include re- covery o! taxes by action in the courts, a comparatively easy and not too costly meth- od for the municiPalitY ta fol- low.bee foud t ha ffptuutivt: * i p' per &4Â as a penalty. Durham Countys Great Family Journal VOLUME 105 20 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 2lst, 1959 Oce Per Copy NUMBER 2 AjM BURSTS AT TYRONE Drains Driveway Transformed Into Deep Gully by Floodi Trout Pond The quiet, destructive power of water found another victim at about 5:00 o'clock Wednes- day morning when the mil dam at Tyrone gave way, pour- ing tons of muddy, turbulent water around the foundation of the miii. Fortunately, it had been buit to withstand just such pressure, but the roadway at its front door povdno such obstacle. Ail that remain- ed of the driveway was a deep gully. Owner for the past two years, John Thornbeck, assisted by several neighbors from the vil- lage, tried to stem the flood and find some release for its pent up energies which followed one of the worst rain and electrie storms this area has seen inl many years. But, the efforts were too littie and too late and about three o'clock the flood began pouring over the pond's retaining walls. Gradually, it wore a trench down hrough the sodden earth bank east of the mil and surged through, taking trees, and huge titnbers -inits path; At its peak, 'iVt7 I :(r- dermined part of the paved highway to the south. Mr. Tornbeck found himself handicapped by an extremely sore finger which he caught recent]y in some machinerv. However_ he was high in his praise of the assistance given by his neighbors. One of the Customers of Tyrone Mill will have considerable could be obtained on Wednesday but it undoubtedly will most unusual sights was a difficuity getting their vehicles close to the front door. run into thousands of dollars. The foundation of the miUl military steel helmet which As can be seen here, ail that was lef t of the driveway was could aiso be damaged but no close inspection had bee<r Harvey Partner donned for the a deep gully after the flood waters broke through the dam made at press time. Several housewives are viewing the battie. Ail mil operators reported and surged around the grist miii into the stream below. tragedy from the paved road which was also undermined (Continueci on page seven) No estimate of total damage to the exterior of the property1 by the water. The town can aiso collect by what is called the "distress' Prooedure. This method in- volves seizure of the personal property o! the taxpayer in- cluding goods and chattels and also rent owing ta the taxpayer where the lands and premnises subi ect to arrears are rented. The third method which has the sale of land for taxes. Some years ago, this method was ai- most standard procedure, but has not been used here recent- ly. Taxes must be in arrears for three years before this me* thod may be used. In the meantime, until the taxes are paid, the taxpayer in arrears will te charged % of Polilicians Lefi Oui1 We had intended providing a' profile o! each of the three pal- iticai candidates in this issue. That tao wil have ta appear next week Rev. J. Moment Dies O! particular interest ta Or-' ona and district residents is the newvs that Rev. Dr. John J. Moment o! Plainfieid, N. J. died recenbly at the age o! 84. H-e was son o! former Orono Pastmaster the late Robert Moment. toria Day Invite Ali Citizens To Ratepayers Meeting People from ail parts o! Bowmanville are invited ta attend a meeting at Memor- il Park Clubhouse on Sun- day evening at 8.15 o'clock when a Ratepayers' Associa- tion for the town will be formed. A preliîninary meet- ing was held there two weeks ago which was well attended by residents o! the South Ward, a few people fram the North Ward and two from the West Ward., Sponsors of the meeting are anxious that the associa- tion to be formed will re- present the peaple of the en- tire tawn. Ail resiclents of Bowman ville are ur,,2d ta attend. Bath property hold- ers an d tenants are invitcd. It was hoped ta hold tlie meeting in a mare central la- OnIy One Casualty An eight year aid boy, whose parents prefer him ta remain unidentified, was injured when a three inch "banger" firecrack- er expladed in bis band on Monday evenîng. A carefully supervised display had conclud- ed wben the little lad picked up a "dud" which was very much alive. The explosion burned a hale thraugh bis jack- et ana shirt and scorched his eyes, but il is believed there will be no permanent damage. This ta date is the anly local casualty that bas been repart- ed. # Ever sînce she was 21, Melody Queen', the ha1rse in centre of this photo'has been given a birthda,ý7 party. eis not just an ordinary animal. She is the only animal mnember of the original Junior Bengal Lancers of Halifax that is stili aliive. Probably some of aur readers have seen ber in action in the musical ride at the Canadian .-ational Exhibition where she led the group in 1949 or at thie Royal Winter Fair. She has also been reviewed by the Queen during an early'visit when she was a Princess. At any rate, on celebrating her 29th birthday, Monday, these yaungsters gathered at the home of Dr. and Mrs. John E. Hendry, King St. East, for the party and the special cake. They are Frankie Hendry, George Hendry. Jimmy Hendry, Johnny Hendry, Marie Hendry, Darlene McCullough, Nancy Woolsey, Cheryl-Ann Luxton, Barry Virtue and Linda Steele. Ication, but the sponsors were unable ta obtain the Coun- cil Chamber at the Town Hall for Sunday evening. It was decîded ta have the meeting on Sunday evening ta enable shift workers ta at- tend, It bas been emphasized that the proposed Bowman- ville Ratepayers' Association wili have a constructive pal- icy. It will provide an oppor- tunity for people ta offer suggestions and ideas ta Town Caundil as weii as complaints. Kin Eleci Officers Murray Larnier was elected Presidlent o! the Kinsmen Club an Tuesday afler an exciting cantest, featuring many office- scekzers and an amazing display a! vocal talent by those who were assigned the task o! pro- moting the candidates. News Held Over Due ta, the holiday, The States-man staff have been work- ing avertime ta have this issue in yaur hands Thursday. How- ever, there just wasn't tîme ta set in type ail the news that was sent in by correspondents and by aur reporting staff. If the story you are laaking for- wiard to reading does not ap- pear, aur sincere regrets.* It will appear next week. $25,OOO Loss by Fire A lire on the holiday evening, Mon day, May 18, caused approximateiy $25,000 damage to the farm owned by Sam Powell, Base Line, Clarke Township. The flire was of undetermined origin. The loss includ- ed 27 head of- cattie, 27 pigs, and a horse. A large bank barn, a pig barn an~d a consider- able amount of farm machinery inciuding a thresh- machine, hay baler, mower, seed drill, and binder, were completely destroyed. The barns, in addition to the Iivestock, also contained a hall mow of hay and approximately $500 worth of grain.. In September, 1956, Mr. and Mrs. Powell sustained a famiiy tragedy when their 15 year old daughter wvas kilied by a car as she descended from a school bus Can't Touch Hlis Fish Robin Virtue, 1l-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Virtue, 296 Scugog St. was a proud laddie Tuesday even- ing when he caught this biý; brown trout and beat his dad's record. It was 20" long and 2%k pounds but took ail of the combined skili of father and son to bring it to shore. Robin, finally, went into the water up to hie waist with a net and landed the beauty. Unfortunately, he has an allergy and fish give him "bumps" so he can neither handie it nor eat it. But, he certainiy was thrilied catch. ing his big one. Jim Fair Cleans Up at Legion Dart Banquet Awards Presentation

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