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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1959, p. 19

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TNURSDAY, MAY 2lst, 1959 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVHALE~ ONTAIUO PAEIYWVI S*~;,zi3of Thaniks Iwl,_»D thank my friends and neimmours for cards, flow- erg and Znany kindnesses dur- ing MnY stay in Oshawa Hos- pital; aiso nurses, Dr. McKay Çad Dr. Ferguson. Mrs. Alice Thompscn. 21-1 Iwish ta thank each and everYone for the many acts of kindness to me, Fred and fam- 11Y while in the Memorial Hos- Pital, and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. K. Slem- On,. Dr. Rundie, Dr. Mikios, ;rs Dilling, nurses and the staff. Sincerely, Marion Wright. 21.1* Twould like ta thank every- body who was so kind to me duiring my stay in hospital and since comidng home. A special thanks ta Drs. Austin and ]Rundie, also nurses and staff, Salem W.A. and aUl my good neighbours and friends for %lowers, gifts and cards. Joan Avery. 21-1 Twouid like ta thank the tiurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Drs. McKenzie, Mikios and Rundie, also thanks to friends and relatives who sent flowers, cards and gifts during Mly stay in hospital. A special thanks tc, those who iooked atter My faiy. Veinia Parker. 21-1 Sineere thanks is extended to br. Hubbard, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Rev. Her- bert, Capt. Coles, Ladies' Aux- Mlary ta Branch 178 of the Canadian Legion and neigh- bain-s, friends and relatives who vent cards, flowers and fruit during my stay in the hospital. Mrs. Mary Hayes. 21-1* 'We wlsh ta extensi eur heat- felt thanke ta relatives, frienss and neighbours for ther kinsi exrsins cf synipathy ansi beautiful floral offeinge at the tume of aur ecent beeavement, ln Uic loss cf a belovesi wife, dca mother andi gransimether. Aiea aur sincere appreciation ta ail those who sent carde; or helped inl any way; te J. W. 3*aw's fer their kindaeses andi ta Bey. Bonsteel for hic kinsi ~Iemsge af comfomt. *The family cf the late Mm, Douglas Logan. 21-1 Miuttn-We wlsh ta express eur hcartfelt thanks te eur znany relatives, friends ansi uieighbours for their kind ex- pressions, of syzapathy andi beautiful florai offenings at the loss cf our beloupsi husband ansi father; alsa our sincere ap- preciatlon ta Rev. W. K. Houe- TandeY, the Shaw's Homne ansi Gch qI. ssociation, Uic Memor- II~.-'kAssociation andi the j~1~o¶..jfieral Chapel for their Mrs. Percy Mutton .andi family. 21-11I ]Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E,. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, toalal makes. Same day service. Television Service Ca. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf JIEPAIRS and rewinding, arm- &a.ures turned, ta all makes of eiectrie motors. Higgon Elec- tric, 38 Ring East, Phone MA 3-3305. f7-tf REFIIRS toaail makes of sew- Ir.- machines. Free pickup and1 dlelivery. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 Ring W. Phone MA 3-7231. 44-tf XEPAIRS to ail makes of re- frigerators, domestic and cern- znercial; milking coolers. Hig- àgon Electric Lîmited, 38 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf Lost 13tDGIE, in vicinity of Centre Street. Phone MA 3-5190. 21-1 I For Rent PASTURE for 10 head of cattIt Phone Clarke 5 r 03. 21. MODERN self -contained aparl ment. Apply 200 King Easi Bowmanville. 21. FIFTY acres of pasture for reni Apply Ken Gibson, 2203 Thiri Line, Newcastle. 21-1 GARDEN tractor. 7 h.p.; 10 plough, rota tiller. Wnd, 35 Liberty N. MA 3-5290. 21-1 FOUR-roomned apartment, avail able June lst, Church St., Bovw manville. Phone MA 3-7124. 21-1 FOUR rooms and bath upstairç heated, separate entrance. Avai] able now. 175 Liberty St. N. 20-: APARTMENT in Newtonville 3rooms and bath, heavy wiring erivate entrance, garden, $50 Phone Clarke 5 r 03. 21-' PASTURE land, 150 acres, « miles east Newcastle. J. Var Herwerden, 741 King East Oshawa. RA 3-4471. 21-11 THREE-roomed heated apart. ment, heavy wired, separatf entrance and bath. ImmediatE possession. Phone MA 3-2436 17-ti THREE-roomn heated apartment one bedroom, living- room kitchen, bath. Built-i cup. boards, tile floars, central. Tele. phone MA 3-7201. 21-11 SUMMER cottage, three or foui weeks, from June 27th; CovE Road, West aide Bowmanviliî Beach. Phone HUdson 8-8676 40 Snowdon Ave., Toronto. 21-1 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F DANIEL KAUFMAN, late of the Town oi Bowmanville, in the County ol Durham, retired machinist, whc died at Bowmanville, on ci about the l2th day of March, 1959. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R. 9. O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and others having dlaims against the above estate are required te send particulars and full proof thereof to the undersigned on or before the second day of July, 1959, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard to the WiUl and the dlaims that have then been re. ceived. DATED at Bowmanville, On- tario, the 8th day of May, 1959. LAWRENCE C. MASON, Barrister and Solicitor P.O. Box 29 - 30 King St. W. Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 20-3 Noices L. C. Mason's Law Office clos- ed until May 26 next. 19-3* Mr. and Mrs. Dick McKmight cf Hamipton would like ta an- nounce that they have sold their service station and snackl bar to Mr. and Mrs. Julian Stock. We would like to thank al our patrons for their patronage. Dick and Mamion McKnight.1 21-1* NOTICE 0F APPLICATION TO CHANGE NAME Notice is hemeby given that an Application will be made by William Mazurkewich, cf 77 Duke Street, in the Town cf Bowmanville, la the County. cf Durham, la the Province cf Ontario, Genemal Motors Em- ployee, te Hie Honour Jusige M. A. Miller, Judge of the County Court for the Unitedi Counties cf Northumberland ansi Dur- hami, at bis Chambers in tue Court House at Coboumg, On- tarie, on the 24th day cf June, 1959, at the houm cf 10:15 a'clock in the forenoon te change bis name froni William Mazumke- wich ta Bll'Mark. John A. G. MacDonald, Barrister, Solicitor, 101 Simcee Street North, Oshawa, Ontamio. Solicitor for the Applicant. 21-3 USED CARS 1958 Plymouth Savoy, 4-Dr. V-8, Demonstrator, Torque transmission, two-tone paint, back-up , lights, wheel covers, stone..shiclds. Only 6,000 miles. New 1956 Plymoauth Sa, 1955 Plymouth PIE 19$ Chrysier IWin 1952 Mercury 2-Di 1951 Chev. 2-Dr. ÙM5 Dodge 4-Dr. Fargo Truck, IPfalmer CHRYSLER SIMI 20 King St. East car wamranty. voy V-8, Powem Flite laza fi-cyl., Powem Flite ndsor 4-Dr., Power Flite )r., radio, 2-tone, very dlean Sedan 43-ton atake. Motor Sales PLYMOUTH - FARGO ICA DEALERS Bowmanviiie MA 3-5487 _____ ____ ____Legion Pi Cong Events Business Opportunity Sponsorir e. Tea on May 23rd at Lions YOU cen make mcney raising 2 Centre, 3 ta 6 p.rn. Sponsare Chinchillas. Write Stonehouse A sk j eïJ< -by Bowmanville Choral Society. Chinchilla, 111 Haddington Ave., t- Admission 50c. 19-3 Toronto. 16-tf ;t1 JuirF-rDne a Regular meeting of Branch - JuirFare aneS 178, Canadian Legian, was held tJim Fisher's Orchestra. Every.. Promin. t * h lst Vioe-President Frank rone welcome. 21-2' Burns presiding. Treasurer CWa Hoe oonC Sale, Fr- Young Pian'ist JckRie radsatmnto 2o'clock in the 29ther at yl ses had exceeded $1,250 fer the -Jaseph's Church, Church Street. i r rd season. N2CA1L-A2 Ater much discussion on the Danc, Od Felew Hal ' EWCSTLEAn utDad subject it feit that if the Daono, dd FelMay9.s Hall ing young pianist, RobinDai Juvenile ganies did net reccive * Oono Frday Ma 29 MuicRussell, who received the Rose better attendance next season -by Henry Koss and bis orch- Bowl Award i the piano con- epne ol eiieyhv estra. Admission $ 1.00 per per- petition twe years l* suc es- ta be du n tefpnsomshpvc 1son. Lunch. 21-2 sien at the Peterborough Mu- tis team. Combined banquet Blacstak Uite Chrchsic Festival, will give a piano and presentation for Juvenile .2 lksok Uie hrl recital on Friday evening, May andMidehokytass - Sunday School . Annlversary, 22nd, at 8.30 o'clcck in the Un- set for Sturocay, Ma 23rd e, May 24th. Speaker, Rev. Mer- ited Church Sunday School au- seCormmad ieaisMea d lar 9 i Ferguson. Il a.., C..nid- ditorium, Newcastle.,ord ieas edi 0. ren's Choir; 7:30, Scugeg Church his financial1 report that the .2 Choir. 21-1* Young Mr. Russell, who is branch had received a donation - ~only 17 years of age, bas won fromnthe Canadian Legion Pipe 2 SL John's Afternoon W.A. wide recognition for his tal- Band of $200. The band mcm- nwill hold their annual after- ents. H'.s father, Foster Russell, bers are te be congratulated on *, notha hm ain n a e c publisher of the Cobourg this fine gesture. at their Parish Hall on Sentinel-Star, sang in a rcci- It was reported that at the -Friday, May 22 from 2:30. tal here a number cf years ago. District Meet held in Trenton e Everyone cordially invited.' His mother, the former Jean ;e 21-1 Dickinson, la well kncwn for 3. ~~~hem ability es a music teacher NIKLE ý, The High School Band and in Bow-manville,( Port Hope - Glee Club present Third May and Peterborough. His grand- Mm. and Mrs. 1. G. Traveil, , Festival in the High School father, Dr. George Dickinson, 1~Bt rvi,1r ai , Auditorium, Tuesday, May 26, was a fan-ly physicien la Fort MiW eldnohaa; ,M. aids -8:15 p.m. Added feature: Art Hope for many years. Gelordn BOhwJ;nice and Bon- -Dieplay ithe Hall. Admission GrnieMapecGrae m.and Mos- * SOC 2b1Bruce Ashton, Doris and Den,- r Attention Taxpayers! Bow- Hunier Safety Course mes, Biackstock; Mrs. Jý. C. Ash- 'e manville taxpayers interested in ton, Maple Grave; Mrs. Irwin e forming a Ratepayers Association The Hunter Safcty Course Br-agg, Mm. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg ,are invîted ta attend a Public wiil start here next Wednes- Allen and Ban-y, Providence, Meeting at the Memorial Park day, May 27th in the council Mms. Stewart Rodmnan and Mrs. 1 Clubhouse, Sunday, May 24th, chambers at 7:30 p.m. Students C. Graham, Scugog Island, were at :1 p.. 0- wha almeady have registered Sund.ay tea guests of Mr. and at 815 .m. 0-2will be notified. Others inter- Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Woodview Community Centre ested in preventing accidents Mr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, -Monster Bingo. Twenty games by learning the correct method Toronto, were weekend visitors -twenty dollars; five gamnes- O f handling weapona wiUl be of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wermy. thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and made welcome. Rcv. and Mms. R. M. Sey- two jackpots at $250. Door mour is visiting with A. L. prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Wearn's. r ~dBrOsaa 6t TYRONE Mme. Wm. Hans and dau'gh- Durham County Shomthorn ter Joan, Mount Dennds; Mr. Club Annual Twilight Meeting, Mme. C. Shaw and Ralph, Mr. and Mme. Wilfred Banks and Wedncsday, June 17 at 7 p.m. and Mns. G. Shaw, John and famlly, Weston, were Sunday at Roy Philp's Gloniadale Dianine, Oshiawa, visited Mr tea guests cf Mr. and Mrs. John 9 Farms, Port Hope. Judging, and Mme. E. A. Virtue and John. E. Griffin. e speaker and lunch. Ail inter- Mm. and Mme. D. Alldread, Mm. and Mme. Ray Hope and sested in beef cattle made wel- Bowrnanvilie; Mm. and Mme family, Mr. C. Mille, Port Per- ecorne. 21-1' Russell Alldmead, Toronto, wcre ry; Mm. David Mercer, Kendal, e dinner gucsts cf Mr. and Mme. were with Mm. and Mrs. L. r Tyrone Sunday School Anni- Lloyd Alldread Sunday. Sin onr. holy. emin Svemsamy, Sunday, May 24th, Miss Mary Stevens, Bowman- Mm.foranhdam.Foy Pehk 92 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest M.adMs ly ehc Bspeaker, Rev. M. C. Fisher, ville, visited the Phi]lp home and R-obin, Toronto, wcrc with «Newcastle. Singing by Sunday Sundy. Mr. and Mme. S. R. Pethick. Schooi with special instrument- Severai people from. heme at- Mm. and Mme. A. Lcadbeatem al number la afternoon. Ladies' tended Enniskillen Annivers- and faniily visited Mrs. A. -Quartette at evening service. ary Services an SundaY. Leadibeater Sm. and1 Mm. Lead- 21.1 Mr. and Mie. Lamne Annle, beater 'çvho is a patient at East Brian, Elaine and Charlotte, Genemai Hospital, Toronto. *Newtonville Woman's As- visitcd Mr. and Mme. G. Themp- Mm. ani Mrs. Clarence Avery Jsociatian Annivemsary wiil be son, Port Hope. and farnily, Burketon, were hedSunday, May 24 at 7:30 Miss Vera Cari, epent a fe with Mm. andi Mme. A. Oke. p.m. i United Church. Guest days with hem sister Mme. E. A. Mm. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison, preacher Rev. Basil E. Long, Virtue and Mm. Virtue. Mr. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, Orono. Music by Orono Choir. Mm. and Mme. J. Uoldstock, were with Mm. and 1 Mme. H. Ste- Supper on May 27 in Church Bewmançvifle, acccmpanied Mm. yn n o&n basement at 5 p.m. Adults, $1; O. Beckett and Arvilla and Mm. and Mrs. Mervin Mount- childrcn, 50c. 21-1* spent the weekend with Mm. joy, Ha.mpton; Mm. Milton Sle- 2nd Bownianville Boy Scout anrd . HnyBcet, rt oMm. and Mme. Lloyd Sle- ford.l olet o otls mon, Haydon; Mr. andi Mme. etc.rowil ollet op bottice, Mm. and irm. G. White, Ann Ralph Sadîci, and Janice, Nes- ei tc . aom housoem fomand Debbie spent the weekend t1eton; Mme. Cortney Graham, eRingSt N adastMa 2tarTe- at their cottage at Hawk Lake. Miss Joyce Graham, Mm. and ing at 10 a.m., and west frem Mr. and Mme. A. Rabm lvis1- Mme. Wilbur Toms. Purpie Hill, Temperance on Satumday, May ited Mm. and Mme. Lloyd Beech, weme with Mm. and Mrs. Fred 30. Proceeds for cquipment andI Burkcton. Toms. Isunln-er camping. 20-21 Mr. and Mme. W. T. Banting Mr. andi Mme. Dave Cornell, and son Edw'ard, Alhston, vis- Mr. andi Mrs. Je'ff Morgan and ited Rev. and Mme. F. J. Jack- fam-ily, Brantford, werc Monday D ANCE - DRAW son and John, Suriday. visîtors cf Mm. and Mme. J. E. Mrs. E. A. Virtue visited Mre. Grîffin. SOLINA COMMUNITY HALL Elva Beckett and Mr. J. Gar- Mm. and Mrs. Hamold Skinner, ard, Oshawa. Tyrone, werc wit>h Mm. and Mrs. 1 È Safrday May 23rd RalPh Shaw, Oshawa, spent Rose Sharp. E Jim Flsher's Orchestra- Monday with his cousin, John Mm. and Mme. Ivan Sharp and AdIso 10 e esn Virtue. Linda were with Mm. and Mme. Admssin $.00perperan Mrs. W. Hughson and child- Lloyd Ashton, Haydon. 20-2 en, Toronto, visited Mme. W. Mr. and Mme. Archie Virtue, IHughson on Sunday. Mrs. Hu- Tymone; Miss Ruby Virtue, Tor- > Elady Sunday ay cholstAni ghson etumned home with ber ente; Misses Darlene andi Gail versrySunayMay3ls atto attend fthe funeral of hem Masters, Bowmnanville, weme 2 p.m. Guet speaker, Rev. nephew, Mm. Russe,, Scott c ihM.adMe a>hVr Robert Shemwin cf Belleville. Port OCoîboumMe.,aon Monday. toc.r Music by Sunday School, assist- Mr. a nd me E . Vrue M .n me4rakM-i oafemig the F ashi Sow.nig --- - - - U~JIIII~0..3 ai ,U1L11~i1 ISec Comning Events for T'y. Holroyd, Hampton. aye isthe Insriai Arts.disn rone Annîversary Service an Mm. andi Mme. Frank Wcrmy, play if they wish while their Sunday. Tyrone: Mm. and Mme. Donald ladies attend the Fashion Show. Mm. Harold G'askin, Moncton, Prescott, Marion and Marvin, 20-2* N.B. armîvesi Tuesday ta spend Enfield; Edwin Ormiston, Ce- several days with hie sister, urtice, weme guesta af Mr. and Bumketon Sunday School An_ 1Mme. G. Alldread 'andi Mm. Ail- Mme. R. J. Ormistan. niversary Services will be heldj dread. Mmeron.a and Mr.a s m. Pat Tresise andi SunayMa 24haMr:3 and M onRa and girls, Oshawa; Miss Betty Wri- 7:30.,Ma Guc t speaer:30îandb1 boys, Greenbank. visitesi on ght, with Mm. and Mme. N. E. Rev. W. K. Housiander. Bow-Satumday with thc Taylor fam- Wright. manville. Special music. by the ily. Mr. and Mme. Roy Wemmy and Sunday School and Chumch Mme. L. Phillips and Steven. faniily, Ottawa, spent the weck- Choirs. Guet soloiet la even- Bowmanville. are spending twa end with bis parents, Mr. and ing, Miss Vivian Sadier, Bew- weeks w.ithi hem parents while Mrs. F. W. Wemmy and Mm. andi manville. Supper will be sev': Louis is taking a training cour- Mme. Austin Turner, Newcastle, cd Wednesday,* May 27 la se. wcrc tea guesta of Mm. and Mme. Church Hall, beginning 5 p.m. Mm. and Mmes. G. Alldmead Wemry. Admission: Adulte - supper and visited Mm. and Mre. H. Hardy Mm. andi Mme. R. J. Weaving concert $1.25; childmen 50c. Con- at their cottage on Pine Point, and Ricky, Thornhill, spent the cert only. Adu.lts 50c, childmen Lake Scugog. weekend with ber parents, Mr. 25c. 21-1 Mme. S. Rundie, Mies Jean and Mme. W. H. Meor. Rundle, Mme. Edlth Anderson, Callers at Mm. and Mme. W.4 Bowmanvîlle, wecr e Sunday H. Moore's weme, Mm. Hemb Ro-i G t o r PICe .Wrgt Eeig u swere SeenoWillou-dale: rs uu *Mm. andi Mme. Jackson Wray, Yeo andi childmen, Port Loing; For our ivesock Maxine and Debbie. Oshawa; Mm. W. J. Mille andi daus'htem, through Mm. andi Mme. Rose Crydemman, St. Mary's: andi Mme. Wilson,f ST A TE SM AN Ellen andi Lam,,. Solina. Mm. andi Mme. 1. J. Harrison,1 1 Mme. Rose Middleton, Mm. and Tomante, C L A S S 1 F 1 E D S Mme. Bill Midele+fon, Tomrto, IMm. and Mmes. Gor-don Uud- Phone MArket 3-3U03 were Sundax- visitera of Mme. son, Petet-boroueh. wcme recent __________________ Eith Murphy. 'callers at Ruseil Griffin's. aid Over $1250 ig Juveniles er Fan S upport last weck Conurade Jia Firth was ciectesi Dcputy District Commander and Commade Wm. Bates District Sports Officer. Threc delegates frein the lo- cal banch will attend thc Cen- adian Legion Provincial Con- vention ta be held inl Kitchener thic August. Twc new members wemc admittesi inta Legion fel- lowship: Robert Mitchell and Donald Gavel. Initiation team: lat Vice Frank Burns, Past Pre- sident Ab. Mavin, Sgt-at-Arms Jack Rnight. Sports Officer Jack Rnig>ht epertesi that Uic Bowmanviile cuchre team cf R. McKnight, J. Its aMink! Four local Boy Scouts, John Depew, Edward Stephen, Jornn Lyle, and Jiza McDonald. had a young mink for a cornpanion over Uic weekend. The four scouts, w-ho are members of Uic 2nd Bowmanville Scout Tmoop, were camping on the Stephen Farm, Mearns Avenue. On Saturday they caught sight cf what thcy at firet thought was a mother chipmunk andi hçm broosi cf four. The an- HAMPTON Mr. Earl andi Miss EIditt Du- thie, Wasaga Beach, gpent a few days wlthMm and Mme. A. L. Blanchard. Mm. andi Mme. J. W. Chapmnan., Toronto, spent the holiday weekend, with Mrs. Joe Chap- man. Mm. andi Mme. Breuce Hogarth, Clame, Joanne and Rathy, Pick- eming, Rev. and, Mme. Walter Rackhaua, Lindsay, weme me- cent visitors at J. D. Hogarth's andi Salter's. Mm. ansi Mme. Hariansi Truli spent Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. Roht. Sheilds, West Hill1. Miss Helen Aflin spent thue weekend la Tomonto. Mm. andi Mme. Lorenzo Tmull spent the weekend at their cot- tage. Williams' Point. Recent visitome with Mm. and Mme. Ken Cavemly were Mm. andi Mme. D. C. Caverly, Linda, Mark andi Gail andi Mme. Sudds, Bow- nuanville; Mr. andi Mme. Biruce Cavemly ansi son Brent, Osh- awa. Mm. an<i Mme. W. B. Cunning- hiam, Fenelon Falls, with Mr. andi Mme. Harlansi Truil. Mm. ad Mme. Gordon Wakely and famuly, Mm. andi Mme. Wm. Conlcy, Toronto; Mr. andi Mme. Oliver Hubbamd, Oshawa, Mm. andi Mme. Pemcy Allia, Sheila, Russell and, Marge, Bowman- ville, visitesi at the home cf Mme. Luther Allin.andi Mme. Sar- ah Allin at the weekend. Mm. and Mme. Carl Leslie, Bowmanville; Mm. and Mme. G. Ling, Karen and Bian, Toron- ta; M.and Mme. R. Pooler, Lar- ry, Randy ansi Janet, Oshawa, wemc holiday visitome with Mr. andi Mme. Jack Lyon. Mr. andi Mme. Mcl McCune, Cheryl, Kathy and Cindy, Mm. and Mrs. Len Player, Oshawa, with Mm. and Mms. S. Kemsey. Mme. Viner Wilbum, Miss Fle- mence Wemmy, Mme. Themon Mo- untjey. Mme. Sam Dcwel], Mme. Wilfrid Smale (accompaniesi by hem sister-in-l'aw, Mme. Jack Wills of Toronto), Miss Bever- ly Sinale, (and friend Miss Di- anc Thompeon cf Taunton) were among those who took asivan- tage of the pleasant holiday weekcnd trip te Buffalo, spcn- somcd by Mme. Colmer cf Bow- manville. Mm. and, Mrs. Syd Kemsey vis- itcd Mm. and Mrs. i-Tarold Ash- ton, Eniniekillen on Sunday andi attendesi the anniversamy. Mm. W. J. Mille and daugh- ter. Mme. Wilson, St. Mamys, callesi on. Mm. andi Mme. A. E. Billctt on Monday. 1The Home ansi Sohool bake sale ansi aftcmaoon tea hel in the Sunday School rooni on Fri- day last was wcll patmonized ansi quite succesul. Proceeds weme gmatifying. Messrs. Wilfrid Smale, Jack Rice ansi Sam Dewell, accom- panied by Mm. Jinu CuilY cf Bowmanville; Mm. Jack Wills andi Mm. J. Geddy of. Toronto, enjoyesi a fishing trip ta Hal- iburton Lake over the weekend. Wilfrid basi the luck to lansi a 13 lb, one which ne doubt was a pleasant Fumprise andi womthy of special mention. Congratulations te Mm. and Mme. Thee Salter who celebra- ted their 61st wedding anniver- eary. on Monday. Out cf tawn visitera with theni weme Mr. and Mmes. Hilton Peteme, Mr. Ralph Peters, Mme. H. S. Price, Mm. Bill Price, Mm. and Mmes. El- mer Jamieson ansi girls, Tom- onto-, Mm. andi Mm. Keith Pet- ers, Osbawa: Mr. and Mme. Chas. Johns, Dr. andi Mme. C. W. Sle- mon, Mme. Dr. L. B. Williams. Woodward, C. Anderson andi L. Little hasi placed lst la Zone camPetition at Uxbridge there- fore qualifying for District Tournament ta be held la Hast- ings May 23md.- Comrade Rnight statcd that Legion basebal teain hasi been entered la Ban- tain League. A very izapressive oeremony took place when Comrade Ab. Mavin was presentesi with hic Past President's Jewel. Vice- President Frank Burns made the presentation and express- cd the thanks cf Uic members ta Commade Ah. for a job well donc. !mal was startiesi andi picked up one of hem babies in hem mouth andi apidly teck te hem heels with Uic other thmee fol- lewing hem. Two managesi te kcep up with mainma and dis- appeamesi from vlcw, but, alas, the last baby lagged behinsi and became lbat. The boys pickesi up titis for- 1cmn littie beast and discovcred it was a rnunk. They triesi to feed it bmead andi milk over the weekend, but apparently Uhic le not the correct diet for un- weaned minks ansi Uice baby mink diesi on Monday evening. OBITUARY MIRS. MARTRA M. WRIGHT In failing health for a few years Martha May Cobbledick passed peacefully away at Marnwood Horne, Bowman- ville, May 3rd in her 85th year. Mrs. Wright was hemn in Clarke, daughter of Mr. and MLIrs. Wmn. Henry Cobbledick. Uer husband, Win. Albert Wright predeceased her in April, 1947. After retiring from tlheir farm on Manvers Road where they led a very busy life, they mcv- ed ta Enniskillen for a few y.ears then ta Tyrone where they were members cf the church there. Aiter Mr. Wright's death she lived i the Rest Home, at Or- coo She Is survived by a step-son, Russel, on a f aria on Manvers Road; Wiiniat, druggist, who9 lives in Windsor, and May who resides in Bowmanville, a.nd five grandaidren.1 Thie body rested at North-i cutt and Smith Funeral Homne,j Bowmanvilie. where service ~..Ofw was held Tuesday, May Sth, 1959, with Rev. F. J. Jackson. Tyrone, cf ficiating. Burial wau at Bethesai The flcwers which bore 4he esteem of loved cnes were car- ried by cousine and neighbors The pallbearers were thre. ne- phews, Murray Barrie, Edgar and Fred Wright; three cousins, Russel Bragg, Otto Bragg and Harvey Barrie. While she lies in peaceful alee, Her memory we shall always keep. Attend Spring RaIly About 700 young people at- tended the Annual Spring Rai. ly at the Christian Reformed Church here on Monday. Ora- toricai contests and lnteresting discussions featured the day- long events. More details next week. Damage School Tulips Principal L. W. Dippeli ad- vises that over the holiday a lovely bcd of tulips at the east side of the higli school was ai- most completely destroyed by some unknown persons. Appar- ently, they simply knocked the heads off them with a stick and ruined a couple of shrubs in the process. The Statesman Sold AI Following Stores: Reg. Edrnund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle 3. Brown, Newtonvilie Porter's Gen. Store, Newtonvilll. C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. TyrreUl, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa - Bowmanvilie Rickaby's Ltd. - "Big 20» W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Loveli Oke's Smoke Shop The Flying Dutchmaa The Statesrnan Office The truc work of art Is but a shadow of the divine perfection. -Michael Angelo. Mere words are cheap and pienty enough, but ideaE# that rouse and set multitudes thlnk. ing corne as goid from the miine&. -A. Owen Penny.1 Y0u NEED A 4UILI Up ROOFING 'Ab.sw Ait' ym nda gdood roofi " UGHTWEIGHT " NO PIM HAZARD " EASILY APPLIED " ROT-PROOF " NO EXPENSIVE EQUIPM£-l~r NEEDED * PROVED ON THOUSANDS 0F APPLICATIONS Ask your A p~roved GLASCOR Dealer 0000 ROOF 'MSAWA WOOD PRODUCTS l'ABOVE ALL"r Ten and Twenty Year Bonds Available for glascor installations Anatural for the "do-it-your- self"", or w. can r.commend a reliable roofing contractor for the job. NO DOWN PAYMENT 3 YEARS TO PAY BUDGET TERMS MORTGOES ARRANGED MHID@UARTERS FOR ÂLL YOUR BUILDING MUIDS! OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS LIMITED Downtown Showroom Main Office end Showromn 84 Sime.. St. SouffiRA 8-1617 Courtice RA 8-1611 9 Tolephone Tro Serve You towmonwIl-MA 2-2130 Âjox-ZEnith 2-9600 *DOWNYOWM OFFICE OPIN FRIDÂT TILL 9-.00 P.M.. omw m 1 -e-.m TffURSDAY. MAY 21st, 1959 ý THE CANADUN STATESUM, BOWMANVnle ONTARZO 1 80f h Birthday Mme. Isabelle Poolton, a pop- ular resident cf Bowmanvile for many years, celebmated her 8Oth birthday, May l8th. She was Uiche hnomes guet at a Party helsi for hem by hem grand- daughtem, Mms. Arthur G. Et- cher, 123 High St. when many friends came ta caîl. Boy Scouts Find Baby

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