Twi LC A'r luav ib K A «M".. IrRE ~!AWAflTAN RTAT~MAN. EÔUMANYIYLU. OUTARJO *Pfl7TflUT~AW ~AW *Q..a Tyrone Mili Dam Breaks Ruininq Fishinq Business John Thornbeck's sideline at Tyrone Mill pond of d am as it gave way under tremendous pressure f ollowing charging trout fishermen $l.00 a pole - as stated on the a near cloudburst. Steel-helmeted veteran Harvey Part- sign at the left of this photo - was completely ruined early ner was up mast of the night helping Mr. Thornbeck. Wednesday morning. Both the water and most of the Walter Parks (pointing) joined them later as did Lorne, fish went pouring through a gap in the restraining earth Annis and Lance Phare. Farm Union Meeting Discusses Problems 0f Vertical Integration Ontario Fa rmer's UnionLo which will allow collection of cal 78 held their regular nmonth- . . membership fees with ly meeting on Tuesday, MAay 5. municipal taxes. This item will 1959 at the home of Mr. "and be paragraph 4B in section 405 1\4 -s. Harold Averx'. President! of the Muniicipal Act. 0. R. Bragg was chairmnan. 1 Lewis Wood pointed out that A letter from Gordon Hill! the history of the Canadia was read stating legisiation hasi economy shows that every timne been passed in parliament the Canadian farmer, bas suf- trating ail models and other attachments. FALCON EQUIPMENT CO. 299 Danforth Rd., Toronto 13, Ont. I 2875 St. Joseph St., Lachine, P.Q. Available at W. H. B RO WN CASE DEALER 91 King St. W. Bowrnanville The Next Kinsmen Club 'ÇýSUPER CAR BINGO in the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE on FRIDAY, MAY 29 8:30 p.rn. sharp $5,000.00 IN PRIZES including 12 gaines for $50 cash each game 3 games for $150 cash each g ame 15 Tendersweet Hamis as Free Door Prizes The Big Snowball Bingo for $500.00 if won in first 51 nunîbers. New Snowball Bingo for $250.00 if won in first 50 numbers. The Big Gane - A Full House for the D1RAND NEW 2-TONE 1959 FORD Doors open at à' p.m. Corne early and assure yourself of a good seat. PHONE RIverside 3-3561 fered bad times the Industrial aver tbe holiday with her cou- worker has swiftly followed sin Joan Elliott Oshawa. him into depression. If the far- Mr. and Mrs. C. Quantrill, mer does not have a decent in-, Oshawa; Mrs. H. Holden, Gue- cone lie is unable ta purchase lph, visited with Mr. and Mrs. the automobiles and farm H. Quantrili, Victoria Day. çquipment that the industrial Mrs. Gea. Fawler is spend- warkers af Canada mnanufac- ing a few days with Mr. and ture. The farmer of Canada lias1 Mrs. Samn Kennedy, Millbraok. for the past five years suti M'r- Mr. C. Mercer, Mr. W. Kluz, ed continued falling incarne. He'C KneyadAtMre is also faced with the threat of, sethewkedbc noh contract farmaing and vertical jfsen thedw'eked backhoeth integratian. If these threats be-fihn n bouthme1 corne realities, and there is nice lake trout. every reason to believe that!Mr. and Mrs. W. Muldrew, they will within the next five Mr- and Mrs. L. Muldrew and year. Te popl x~io ilî Marilyn, Oshavwa, spent thue fer the most will be the work-1 weekend at Sunnyside. ers in the trades and industrie~s Mr. -Roy Beatty, Toronto, of Ontario. called at his sister Mrs. O. Mer- Nearly 2500O farmers are;crso ody working in General» Motors, _________________ farmers have had to take fac-I tory jobs ta support their fanri- I ilies and farms as a resito low farm prices and high cost of services and equiprncnt. Twenty-six resolutions col- Iected froin all O.F.U. loca1L- have been voted on. The O.F.U. plan for defici-. ency payments was discussed! agaïn. I A piano duet by Mrs. Pred 1 Griffin and Missý L. Fielder \vas enjoyed by everyone. Mrs. Cox read several inter.i esting quotations fromn Han- sard. Mnister of Agriculture: Harkness announced (Hansard page 2132-2133) that the exist- ing support price on hogs of $25 per 100 pounds would con- tinue in effect until -September 30. For the period October 1, 1959 to March 31. 1960, thue sup- 199C EV BS A port price would be $23.65 per 15 H Y IC% 100 pounds. SE1 Next meeting is ta be held at!S D% the borne ai Mr. and Mrs. Lew- Attractive mtli is Wood June 2nd. 11 ELIZABETH VILLE On Tuesday e v e ning the Homne andi Sehool held their last meeting until Sept., at Os- aca school. About 25 attended. Due to the absence of aur sec- retary, Miss Carruthers, Mrs. Robinson acted as secretary. It xvas decided to send dues for ten, the members wbo have paid up. Mrs. Lois Beatty acted as' president for the election wben most af the officers were re-elected for another year. Twa readings were given. Con- tests were enjoyed but the mus- ical numbers given by Osara school were really enjoyed. The1 music teacher, Mrs. Westheuser1 played and three pupils who tried at Peterboroumh sang s_ los, Sharon Trew, Sharon FIeand W. Boyko. LLuncb was ser- ved. On Wednesday the W.A. held their meeting at the basement of the cburcb. The president1 Mrs. Trew apened the meeting with Mary Stewart. colleet. Mrs. C. Mercer acted as secretary in the absence af Mrs. Thickl- son. Il. was decided ta bave ev- ening meetings for the summer. A cammittee of Mrs. R. White and Mrs. M. White were ap- painted to make out a list for the cutting of the churcb lawn. Mrs. McAllister offered to be the first ane ta cut the grass. We had a speaker Mrs. Day- ison who spoke on the T.*B. Survey ta be held in June. Lunch was served by the in- stitute as the meeting was com- bined with plans ta weed the church lawn but due ta ramn it was lef t. SeveraL of the students at- tended the Cadet dance held at the high school after Cadet in- spection on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLGid and Katby, Peterbarough, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer's. Miss Gloria Quantrill visited Tarn Old Furniture liaCash with STATESMAN C L AS SIFIE DS Phone MArket 3-3303 Sheep Club Views Films h Duisfrham 4-H Sheeî, Clu Wednesday. May Oth at the 1Bôwmanvifle AgriculturalfO. fice with nine meznbers present. jThe following are the execu- tive: James Coambes, leader Cryderman, secretary; David An interesting film on sheep w as sbown and literature was distributed ta the members present. The meeting was then adjourned. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. Donald PresOtt and cbild'ren, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Prescott, Tor- onto. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Green and Glennyth, Brighton, had dinner wîth the W. Bowman's, Monday. Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Brantford, spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pres- cott attended Enniskillen An- niversary and visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormîston. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman and family attended Enniskillen Anniversary and had tea with Mr. and Mrs M. Stainton. The W.A. held an evening meeting at the home ai Mrs. Stan Grills. There were 14 members and two visitors present. Mrs. Rod Simpson led the Devational. Mrs. G. Bow- man read a letter from the Oshawa Presbyterial W.M.S. asking for articles of goad used clothing for Overseas Relief, donations ta be left with rs. Bowman within next week. The program theme was centered an "Mothers". Mrs. George Bawers and Miss Lau- ise Hartman read from "GI-imp- ses of Grace"I by Gladys Mur- reli and the readings were on Mary of Nazareth, the mother, and Naami, the adviser, with correspanding passasges ai Scri- pture. Mrs. G. Bow'man sang an apipropîate Sang. There was, an interesting contest on Mo- i thers ai the Bible, followed by 1 lunch. Weare glad td repart that Mr.Bob Parr is recavering fram an operatian in Memor- ial Hospital, Bowmanville. 'Mrs. Harold Ormistonis u thec General Hospital, Oshawa. We hope she shaR be home soon. Children anid adults are busy practicing for our Aninversary on June 7th. North Nesileton Arnong the many visitors to cail at the home or Dr. R. P. Bowles and Mrs. Mackie were, Mi:. and Mrs. D. Sleep and boys, Clinton and Brian, for dinner Sunday; Mrs. Edgar Em- erson and boys with Miss Gwen ,Griffith of Hamilton, Mr. Earl IDorreil, Sunday evening and YOU TOO ARE WELCOME TO USE OUR BUDGET PLAN FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN We are organized to build quality and service into your project. SHEPPARD m',tANMD 0111 LUMBER 96 Ring Si. E. YÂ'à NArket 3-5715 Pf. f j - - Iv -~ I Il P11' YNE 4-DOGE eblue paint, wind- sîiield wasners, licence and spare tire, only 1,'100 miles. The easiest way to make money is to save lb. Right! Here is your chance! 1956 NERCURY 2-DOGE HARD TOP Au tomatic transinis'sion, powver steer- iaîg. This is lb - Clean, sinooth, straighit and ready to go. Genuine, dlean cars are bard ta find, that is if you know cars, and we've got them for you. FULL PRICE -----95ý 1855 LUZ2roeRt Et IDÜTOP Two-tone grey iî'side and out, radio andt'tir t--,i "ul%%on.Cleaî aniîxu , yoll'il ke it. FUL -RCE $149#5 1954 METEOR COACH One owner dlean car. O$89 FULL PRICE- -$8 t 1952 OLDS. SEDAN VS, autoinatic transmission and radio. OUR $9 FULL PRICE$595 1957 NERCURY 2-DOGE HARD TOP Red and white outside, nice 2-tons iuside, bas push-bubton drive, an out- standing custom-built radio can bring ini any language within its reach. It's a beautiful car - so is that small profit bhat's lu it. Corne on in. FULPRICE--$159 % 1956 BUICK SEDAN Two-tone bath inside and out, bas automatic* transmission, power brakes, power steering, radio, and etc. The price is right. Are you ready ta buy. FULPRICE ---$18 945 1956 METEOR COACH Smart 2-toue green inside and out, bas automatic transmission, radio, and nîce. OUR$19 FULL PRICE d9 8 1953 MERCURY SEDAN Automatic transmission, radio, like new. FULPRICE $ 99 5 1949 OLDS. COACH Needs motor and body IVill seli it FOR --- - --- workç. 1958 CABIN CRUISER FOR SALE Molded plywood hull, sleeps 2, $295.00 down, wibh easy berms. We trade cars - We seli them wllh low, low down p aymenfs and easy lerms if preferred. We even sel them for cash. Corne on in, look ihem over, 9 limes ouf of 10 the car you choose from us will be ihe besi car you ve ever owned. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE BEST DEAL - SEE US FIRST ART'S CAR 194 & 196 CHUBE ST.,, BOWNANVILLE, ONTARIO MARKET PHONE MA 3-506 PAGE TWENTY Mr. and IMma Anderson ce Brempton for tea on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. MeMvile Sam- mnels, Joan and K.athy at the1 latter's granParenits h er e, while Miss Anna Saxmels vis- ited friends at Castleton over thie weekend. Mr- and*Mrs. Edgar Emerson and boys of Don Mils called at MT. and Mrs. M.L Emerson's during the '*eekend. They were arnong the mnany Lake Shore cottagers who opened up their sumimer homes during the pýt weekend. Another couple of summer residents, Mr. and mrs. Jini Ca- irns who winter in Port Perry were 'vWsted bY Mr. and gg V. Malcolm. Mn1r. Cairns, ls ]te cuperatlpag nicely from a, Y operation. Also happy to lear a t Bruce Heaslip of the south l lage is feeling much bette n is home again. Vernon Malcolin ernight visitai, à ô m a., Rtay Suggitt W2 1ye 1el., ing. IF M.r. and Mrs Verflbn Assois stine and boys with i s. Chap.. lin, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A*toe and tins called at the Viii Malcolms, also Mr. and Mruý Rae Malcolm of Janetvlfle CHECK OUR PRICES THE BEST VALUE ANYWHERE ASK OUR CUSTOMERS Bowmanville 1957 NONARCH LUCERNE CONVERTIBLE Turquoise and white paint, a sharp car, you know it. Has town and country radio and foot control, bas power steering, power brakes, wind- shield washers, white wall tires, and anany other extras. It takes money to buy this one - do you have it? If not, corne on in and let's just talk about it, and perhaps we can seli you a car for less money. FULPRICE--$1995 1956 MONARCHR SEDAN Pretty blue paint, sharp 2-toue in- terior, bas radio, power steering, power brakes, automatic transmis- sion. This is a mnan 's car, a mnan con- siderate enougli to let bis favourite lady drive at ease. FUL RIE $ 18 9a5 1955 BUICK 2-DOGER AID TOP Two-toue, maroon aud black paint, bas power steering, power brakes, automatie transmission, power seat and windows. OUR$19 FULL PRICE $195 1954 PONTIAC SEDANS Two to choose froim - Have mauy extras. FUL PRCE(Each) $ 89 5 Where low, low down payments and easy lerms are ar ranged for your convenience 9 Il el IRA DRA WlNC. U)IVICPRINÏ NIWUE PRINT SER VICE THE CANADIAN STATESMM. BOWILNVrLLT4 ONTAPM ýp Club (CI , , e-, F w r qq