PAGE TWO TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL. ONTABIO Ô ONTARIO 10951 PART III NOTICE, 0F 1REVISION 0F V 4(in Urban Polling Subdivisions) >TERS p LISTS NOTICE 0F SITTINGS of the Revising Officer in the Electoral Di*strict of the COUNTY 0F DRHAM Public Notice is of the revision of the hereby givenP Voters' Lists., 0F pursuant to Section 74 of The Voters' Lists Act. 1951> for polling subdivisions in the BOWMANVELLE in the Electoral District of the County of Durham MN FUITHER TAXE NOTICE thal uittings wiII ho held by the revising officer ai the limes and places set forth fithe achedule herelmaf fer sel oi m perss qaliIed Io voté ai the pemdimg election Io lhe Legisiative Assemhly and whose nmre ha; boeomritted front, or incorreclly enlered in, 1he enurnerator's la o1or Io called upsnIol attend ai th. limes and places hereunder menlioned for the purpose of having his une enrolled upon the votera' lista to b. used ai the sid lci Cemplaul which have beom properly filed wilh reference Iolamres wromgfully entered upon th.e nmrerator is lisis will ho heard ai these iisitimga. Voters' the Office, o hours of 8:0 Lists for this Electoral E f the Returning 0f ficerJ Q0 A.M., and 4:00 P.M., The Lists may between the h ours May, 1959. also be inspected at of 9:00 A.M., and )istricf will roca ted at on and c the 5:00 be the :if ter open for Village of the 18 th of on p ublic inspection at Orono between the day of May, 1959. the Clerk of the and af ter the bMunicipafity 19 th day of SCHEDULE Registration and Town of Bowman ville. Revising District No. 1, in cludes Pol ling Subdivision s in the Sittings wiII be held for Registration and Revising District No. 1I ai the Town Hall, Bowmanville, between the bours of 10:30 A.M., to 12:30 P.M., on Thursday the 3Oth day of 28th day of May, 1959, and on Saturday the May, 1959. - Ail Times are Daylight Saving Registration and APHA L Revising Off icer, HODGI NS Clerk to Revis ing Officer, R. B. REYNOLDS, Town Hall, Bowmanville Chairman of Election Board, JUDGE M. A MILLER Clerk of Election Board? WILLIAM J. McCAIGI, Court House, Cobourg -W :a TOWN Office p J r IL-- ~flUA~bUAY, MAT Rlst, 1S~ m. 9MMRý 1