'1~JE8flAy, MAT lut, IOU THU CANADIAN ~TAT~MA14. ~OWMANVTUA OPITARtO - -- - - - cessoeies, and a corsage of Pink, carnations. Assisting was the bridegroom'a moter who wore powder blue nylon sheer, whit~e hat, matciing accessories and a white carnation corsage. Mrs. Cyril Leddy entertain- ed at a trousseau tea for hcr daughter and Mrs. William Noon assisted te receive with Mrs. Leddy and tic bride to be. Others wio served 'and wcre in charge of the varieus rooms were Miss Marie Leddy, Mrs. Donald MicGarry, Oshawa, Miss Shirley Piper, Maple Grove, Mrs. Keiti Shackleton, M.rs. Jack Siebarti, Mrs. Ronald Johnson and Miss Anne Leddy; aise Mrs. Lco Leddy and Mrs. Thomas Johinson. Hostesses at siowers fer tic bride wcre Mrs. Ronald John- son and Miss ShirIeyý Piper; Mýrs. Neil Collins, Whitby; Miss Angela Sacilas, Oshawa and Miss Fay McDenald, Ajax; Mrs. Norman Fry and Mrs. Donald MlcGarry, Oshawa. The bridai couple reccived ivory table lamps from t.he Cost Account- ing Division of Gencral Moters. The girls of tie Cost Ac- counting Division o! General Motors, presented thc bride with an electric ste-am iren.r A stag Party was held for the bridegroom at the Oshawa Ten- nis Club when he was present- ed with a gift of money. DOBOS - JOHNSON )<OO0NAN - LEDDY ]Blue carnations and snapdra- OflB With white chrysanthe- MUina and snapd.ragons on thel altara and white moire bows ,On the Pews formed the set- tiin St Joseph's Roman Catholie Church, Bowmanville, at il O'dlOck Saturday morning, MaY 16th, for a wedding when Mlargaret Teresa Leddy, daugh- ter Of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Leddy o!f Bowxnanville was united in lharriage with Kenneth George Specia Us in PERMANENT WAVES Wwied by: MARGARET SMITII JOSIE DEMAINE FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 $75 Reg. $12.5095 For 9.95____ eg. $15.00 11.95 'For_______ SPECL4AL COLD WAVE ai '$5.95 Mr. Huyck will be here on Tues, Wed. and Fr1. to do M&e team and regular waves Phone NA 3-5703 FOR APOJNTMEN Huyck S Hlairstyling Sfudio 07 King St. W., Bowmianvile PA RAG ON «Pgarult of q9i ng nt eg ~iÇfa «Lucerne» possesses the dlean lines te harmoiiize with modern, Interiors. The beauty of fine English Bone China, and the grace- fui pattern also allow complete accord with traditional or'period surroundings. It is subtly coloured with a delicate balance of grey, bine and olive green rimmed with gold. Price for 5 piece place setting, $ 13.75. MARR'S Jewellery wîfhout filling T RM moderrs thrive on light food and drink. And today's Pepsi, neyer heavy, neyer toc sweet, keeps right along with this trend. Pepsi reireshes without filling. Remember to pick up a supply today. nài. Buy it in the handy 6-bottle carton bM1TH BEVEIAGES LTD.., 124 Church St., BowmanvMfe, Ont. Parade Through Town Af ter Inspection Noonan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Noonan of Oshawa. The Reverend F. K. Malane per- formed the double ring cere- mony and said the nuptial mass. Serving the mass were Jimmie Kitney and Johnnie Connors. Mrs. William Kins- man of Oshawa played the wed- ding music and sang "Ave Ma- ri2," "On This Day 0 Beautiful Mother,", "Panis Angelicus"l and "Bless Though These Souls." Given in marriage by her fa- ther the bride wore a full length gown of carnation white silk faille over satin fashioned on princess lines with rounded neckline and long sheath sîceves. Appliques of French lace accented the front of the gown and the bell skirt, with chapel train, was worn over a hooped crinoline. A beaded crown held her finger tip veil, and she carried a cascade of gardenias with ivy trails, and wore the bridegroom's gift, a diamond and cultured pearl necklet. Miss Marie Leddy was maid of honor for her sister, and the oth-er attendants were Miss Anne Leddy, Bowmanville, Miss Shirley Piper, Maple Grove, and Mrs. Donald McGarry, Oshawa, sister o! the bridegroom. They wore identical gowns of cm- bossed white nylon organdy over mint green net and taf- feta, styled with scoop necklines and short sleeves with mint green velvet ribbon and bows accenting the Victorian waist- line. Their bouffant skirts bil- lowed over crinolines. They wore white bandeaux, short white gloves and each carried a cascade of yellow roses with ivy trails; they aise wore the bride's gift, a cultured pearl nccklet with matehing earrings. Mr. Jack Devlin of Oshawa performed the duties of best man and the ushers werc Mr. Paul Leddy, Bowmanville, bro- ther of the bride, Mr. Ray Mc- Avoy, Oshawa, and Mr. Gcrald Hows, Oshawa. As the bridai couple lcft the churcli the ncw- ly installed. dires rang eut. The reception was hcld at the St. Joseph's Parish Hall, Bow- manville. To receive the guests the bride's mother chose romance blue nylon sheer on sheath Unes, a pink hat, matching ac- We're in favor of the well- shod look for spring ... smart styling . . . smooth, comfortable fit in thrifty shoes for ahl the family. For the Women ... NATURALIZERS Ail Styles and Sizes Children's SANDALS by SAVAGE White Bucks Saddle Oxfords $3.95 Io $5.95 Other Childrens Sandals at $2.95 SISMAN Scampers and Work Boots Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 KING ST. W, BOWMAN VILLE White, pink and blue snap- dragons and carnations on the altars of St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church, Oshawa, form . cd the setting for a wedding at 1h o'clock Saturday morning , May l6th, when Angela Mar. garet Johnson, daugiter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Johnson of Osh-j awa, formerly of Bowmanville, Floigteana Ontario, was united in marriage Bowmanville High School1 with Leslie Anthony Dobos, son Leading the parade were th, of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Dobos, Culloug an CdeMjo of Oshawa. The Very Rcverend g n ae ao Dean Paul Dwyer pcrformed, tic double ring ceremony, and 1 Oshawa, wiere tic bride's mo- the Revercnd W. O'Brien said1 ther reccived the guests wearing the nuptial mass. Serving the! a sheath dress of lilac Swiss sa- mass were Michael Connolly tin brocade, a flowered hat, and and John Mowat. Mr. Jack Dris- matching acceasorics. Assisting coîl playcd thc wedding music was the bridegroom's mother and accompanied Mr. Steve wic chose powder Nlue silk Karney of Hamilton, who sang, crepe with insets o! Chantilly "Ave Maria", "Jojj Hozzam 0 lace, navy blue silk bat and En Szerka" (Hungarian)- and1 matciing accessories. They both "On This Day".t wore corsages of pink roses. Given in marriage by ber fa-1 For tic honeymoon trip to ther thc bride wore a full Bermuda, thc bride donned a lcngth gown o! gardenia wiitelpure silk paisley print dress in delustered satin on Empirel shades of avocado green and. lines, having an Alencen lacej brown on beigre background, a bodice with sabrina neckline short wool jacket o! avocadoi and lily point sleeves, with a green, a flower trimmied beige full bell skirt ending in a cha- ' iat, beige accessories and cor- pel train, appliqued with re- sage o! yellow roses. On their cmbroidered lace motifs. A return the couple will resîde pearlL crown ield lier finger t;p in Oshawa. veil o! tulle illusion, and she Guests were present from carried a cascade o! Johanna i Hil cream roses witi white, many points in the Province Of stehantis and liles-f-te-Ontario and the United States. stlehnts n iiso-tcjPrier to her marriage ticl Miïss Key Debos, sister o! tic bride was guest o! honour at bridegroom, was matren o! many showers. Her mother, henor and the bridesmaids were Mrs. Cynil Johnson, cntertained Miss Dorothy Shaw, Miss Fran- at a trousseau tea and hestess- ces Love, Miss Sylvia Wcstnutt, es at the showers werc, Misses cousin cf tic bride, -and Miss Dorothy Shaw and Joan Kelly; Sheila Brown, thc bride's cou- Mrs. Edward Kunkel; Mrs. sin. They all worc cocktail Maurice Hutchinson and Mrs. length gowns o! carnation Pink AlVin Hiltz; Mrs. John Nutter, silk shantung, iaving fitted bo- Miss Eileen Hopkins and Mrs. dice, with skirt wide sash and The Markalous; Miss Frances brimmcd hats of darker Pink ILove-, Mrs. Ian MeNab,' Mrs. taffeta, andc they eaoh carried Thomas Twine and Mrs. Ken- cascades of Sensation Pinkc neth Peterson. roses and carnations with pink A shower held at tic Hun- mahine florets. garian Hall, Oshawa, was con- Misa Catherine Lambourne, vened by Miss Kay Dobos, Miss niece of the bnidcgroom ad Joan Lambourne, and members Miss Janet Johinson, thc bridc's of thc Dobos family. The 9th B. sister, were junior bridemis Oshawa Cub Pack presented and wore dresses of cant 1 their leader with coffee spoons pink shantung, simila.r to those., and tic office staff of thc Hou- worn by tie senior attendants, daille Industries Ltd., Oshawa, with darkcr pink cummerbunds made a presentation te the with buttcrfly bows, and match- bride of a Dcalcra!t stcp table. ing Petal head bands. Tic flow- er girl was Miss Mary West- nutt, cousin of thc bride, and MEMORIAL HOSPITAL shce wore a short bouffant frock WEEKLY REPORT of carnation pink shantung with puff sleevcs and butterfly bow *For week o! May 11-17 inclu- at tic back with petal bandeau sive. te, match. The junior attendants Admissions -------- --44 and flower girl ecd carried Birtis, 5 male, 2 female --7 nesegays of pink Sensation ro- Dîscharges - ____49 ses and-carnations with pink Major operations il maline florets. Miner operations 14 Mr. Alfred Bino performed Emergency treatm ents 7 thc duties o! best man, and the 1 Visiting heurs 2:30-4:30 p.m., ushers werc Mr. John Moffat, 'and 7 te 8:30 p.m. Mr. Joseph Turner, Mr. David Bajas, cousin o! tic bridegroom,I, and Mr. William Belke. Tic1 junior ushers were Master Da- vid Johnson, brother o! thc bride, and Master Mark Lam- bourne, nephew of thc bride- groom. Tic ring bearer was Master Alex Dobos, small ne- piew of!*tic bridegroom. As thc bridai couple left tie ehurci, members o! tic 9th B. Oshawa Cub Pack, o! which tic bride is the leader, formed a guard of honor. Tic reception was icld at tic Hungarian Hall, Albany Street, Tiere is a littie maiden Who has an awful tinie; Sic has to hurry awfully To get to sciool at nine. Sic has an awful teacier; Her tasks arc awful bard; Her playmates all arc awful rougi When playing in tic yard. Sic has an awful kitty, Who often shows ber cI.aws; A dog wio jumps upon ber dress, With awful muddy paws. Sic has a baby sister, With an awful littie nose, With awful cunning dimples, And suci awful littlc tocs. Sic has two lîttie brotiers, And'they are awful boys; Witi ticir awful drums and trumpets, And make an awful noise. Do came, I pray tice, common sense; Corne and this maid defend; Or cisc, I fear, ber awful life Will have an awfui end. Kcep pusiing; 'tis wiscr than sitting aside, And sighing and watching and waiting tic tide; In life's carnest battle tiey only prevail Who daily mardi enward and neyer say fail. Mfix witb your grave designsaa littie pleasure; Eaci day o! business bas its hour of leisure. -West. RA E "HERDTH S O E inspection last week, the entire cadet corps No. 544 of paraded through town, accompanied by their own band. ie two top officers shown here, Cadet Lt. Col. Gary Mc- Eleanor Pickard. .New Ladies' Auxiliary 0l f Home for the Aged Seeks More Members Mrs. Neil Carruthers presid- ties was named Honorary Pres- ted at the May meeting of the ident, and at the meeting held Lnewly formed ladies auxiliar-à last week, Mrs. Grace Jordan, 1.to the United Counties Home president of Cobourg-Port Hope Lfor the Aged, held in Hewson Soroptimist Club was invited to Memorial Hall, Port Hope, re- be the H-onorary vice -Presi- cently. The president stressed dent. The motion was present- the vast amount of work that ed from the floor to honour the lies ahead for the volunteer Soroptimists, and it was made workers to, fil*'a need at this perpetual that the honorary institution where the aged who president shall always be the have no one to care for them, wife of the Warden of the Un- spend their last days. She ited Counties, and the honor- pointed out that this auxiliary ary vice-president shall always has an even greater humanitar- be the president of the Sorop- ian project that a hospital aux- timist Club, by vîrtue of lier iliary. In a hospital, she said, office. the people are ill but they have, NmsRpesnaie in most cases, friends and rela- NaeRersntve tives who care, and who, visit Mrs. Jordan thanked the them and send flowers and members present for the hon- cheery cards or letters to raise our and named the four repres- their hopes that soon they will entatives of the Soroptimist be home again among their Club te the auxiliary board of own. The inýmates of the Coun- directors, two from Port Hope ties Home do not have that fu- and two from Cobourg.. Mrs. ture te look toward. Instead Evaline Hutchings, Mrs. Helen theirs is a lonely outlook. They Upper, Mrs. Dorothy MIVtchel have no future she said te look and Mrs. Jean Russell. to, beyond the walls of the home, One of the aims of the newly their refuge in their destitu- formed association is te extend tion. These older people, she its membership as widely as warned, will benefit by the _____________ members' efforts according to the enthusiasm put into it. Soroptimista' Initiative The auxiliary service for the home was brougit inta being in April through the efforts of the Cobourg-Port Hope Soroptimist Club who spent months of in-. vestigation, research, visîting and summing up the needs of the lomates. It was their deci- sion tha-t the greatest need was . . an organized service as the best means of bringing better public relationships te the inmates. s The Soroptimis-ts then turned f IU8' their efforts toward organiza- I<m w u tion, and contacted as many IU hhuIA wornen's organizations through- out the United Counties as they U could, inviting them te join in such a service. ~Y I3JI The resuits of their visionI became a rcality he.bot IVRO fifty delegates from organiza- M ERCTI F' tions and as ma-ny more inter- iA~pROOF ested women attended the ini- tial meeting in Port Hope to hear Mrs. Marguerite Smith of the Department of Welfare of COMPLET! YOUR SET WITIH the Province of Ontario speak THESE MATCHING PIECES. on this type of service for the 7" open skillet; Bake or UtiIi2 less fortunate. TrigCer whistling tea kettie; el Mrs. Garnet Rickard, wife of sicillet; 3 piece open saucepai the Warden of the United Coun- 5-in-i combination cooker; 6. Covered pan;il" covered C ISN'T IT AWFUL? Fryer. Slo lsVine Ripened, No. 1 GradeJmoSx a b 5 SupeimoRight àMeat Specialsr Supr arets u 1 WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOLJT m : 1 M&Y, MAT -21st UM THE CANADIAN STATESIMS. BOYagANVU£e CMARb -lm oewetiote it temmr