- -. - .- - ~ .. *..* , -- - -- - - ~ AUJLX diEU, £V ~Iuo~ AW ~DA W *UA - "M CAPAflAWAN hIAW IC)IAV»TI?..V AARM R Business Employees Ail Levels Governmentý Should Work Togetherý Many o! the pnoblems that corne up amang business, in- dustny, the labour force, and govennment at ail levels, would disappear if ail the parties wouild ask in time of stnife, 'Ila this for the common good of: &Il?" Businessmen and their em-1 Ployees are not so far apant as sensationalism in various mie- dia would lead people to be- lieve, Oakah L. Jones, vice-i president and general manager, The Consumera' Gas Company, said in a speech to the indus- trial commission of the Nia- gara town o! Meniton. Legislative administration and judicial adjudication bind al sections o! the economny, Mn. Jones said, and it is high time that the distonted pictunes of big business as pneaented in "The Pyjama Game" and "The Solid Gold Cadillac" wene brought into correct focus. "I wauld like to point out that today-in the type o! en- terprise you have here and that We have thnoughout Ontari- industry devotes many, many inan hours and thousanda of' dollars to encouraging its em- ployees, fnom president, vice- president, general manager thnou-gh to newest employee, ta be good citizens ini a commun- ity."1 Mr. Joncs said local gavern- ment is essentiai to the gnowth o! a community in just the same way. "I wouid say thatl from my personal contacts with many local gavernments in On- tario we are fortunate to havei men and women who wili de- vote their time to the duties and processes of govennment." He added that in his Ontario- wide expenience he finda that municipal officiais hold office because of Pnide in thein com- munity and civic gnowth, nat for the verv amali financial re- muneration. Turning again to sensational- iamn, Mn. Jones said: "It'mis- leada aur youngsters and our newer Canadians into thinking industrv or business is fun by incompetents devoted only to the idea o! making money. "There is nothing wrang with making money-what can be wrong is the pinciple involv- ed. If the money is made ethic- ally by pnoviding goods and services o! benefit to mankind then the making of money is a good thing. But if others are hurt in the making o! money, wrong principles are involv- cd."y ,A~~~~~~ MUUMm mmINM UumàmuUUMM MUUMMU MM Special Values 2 Halo Shampoo 65e size for 98e Can and Bottie Opener Free with 89e Colgate Faste 1.24 value Lustre Creme 19c 2.50 size Lustre Creme 1.98 Adorn liair Spray 1.75 Ban Deodorant 1.25 New Ton! 2.00 -2.29 Low Prices Vacuum Botties -___ 19e 10 oz. Noxzemna Cream 1.25 100 A.S.A. Tablets 19e 1.25 size Veto ..____89e 1.25 Rolit Deodorant- 89e 1.75 Breck Shampoo 1.49 Health Salts 59C Kkovah Saits 35c-59c.89e Enos Salt 69e - 1.09 Dee Tee Moth Killer . 59c Enden Shampoo 98c, 1.69 Larvex Spray -- 1.09, 1.69 Resdan $ 1.50 New Larvex Bomb -- 1.98 Sabol $1.75 Fly Tox Moth Proofer 1.39j Rinse Away - 1.00 2 Colgate .Tooth Faste and 1 Toothbrushi for 78e COWLING'S M(A3-5695 DRUG STORE TRUSSES ROYAL THURS. TO SAT. DOWMAN VILL3 MA 3-5580 b mMAY 21 -23 also 'Gunmen From Laredo" (Calar) MON. TO WED. BOMBSHEW'I THE MOST EXPLOSIVE M MOTION PICTURE M W IN 25 VEASI . MAY 25 -27 .-..-..- FPANCOISE SAGANS a Certain ~mi1e CO~Oft b~ DU LU~(E ,~ CINE'.AASCOP~ HAYDON Note the change in1 time o! Sunday School and Church Service. Sunday School at 10 o'clock and CJiurch Service at il o'clock. Sunday morning. Practice for our S un day School Anniversary on June 2 lst will start this Sunday a!- ternoon May 24th. Mn. and Mira. T. Nightingale, Fort William. are spending a f ew days miith Mn. and Mes. Arthur Read. Me. and Mira Max Johnson, Sherry and Scott, Oshawa, were Sunday visitons at Mn. and Mrs. J. Potts. Mrs. Edna McLaughlin, Bur- keton, Mes. Muriel Bnownlee, Leaside, visited Mn. and Mes. Ross Ashton. Gary Thompson, Leskard; Mn. and Mes. Donald Thomp- son and family, Mn. Lloyd Tho- mpson, Toronto, were visitons at the Thompson home. Me. and Mes. Stuart Morton, Maple Grove; Mn. and Mms. J. Brown, Newcastle; Mn. Earl Brown, Toronto, Miss Hughes Hamilton, Mir. and Mes. Ivan Sharp and Linda, Enniskiflen; Mns. Muriel Bnownlee, Leaside; Mn. Gordon Werry, Toronto. Visitons with Me. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin wene Mn. Allan Staiton, Enniakillen; Miss Grace Trewin, Mir. Fred Castie, Ton- onto, Mr. and Mes. Clifford Trewin, Bowmanville. Monday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon's were: Mn. and Mira. E. Cox, Islîngton; Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskilien: Mms. WiUl White, Hampton-, Me. and Mrs. Don White, Oakville. Mn. and Mms. George Bert- rim, Cheryl and Georgie, Taun- ton, visited Mn. andMira. M. Bertrim and family. Mn. and Mrs. Ron Rahmr and family with Mn. and Mna. Wal- ter Rahm at their cottage at Four Mile Lake, Sunday. Me. and Mira. Lloyd Slemon attended Eniniskillen Anniver- sary Service Sunday and were tea guesta o! Me. and Mira. Fred Tom. The W.A. Ladies are pack- ing good used clothing- at the church on Wedrxesday evening, May 27th, to be sent ovemseas. SW.A. May meeting was held on Wednesday at the Manse, Tyrone. with a good attend- ance. President in charge. De- votional, Mrs. Jack Potta. Mns. W. Blackburn had the following programme; Mira. J. Jackson gave a paper on Citi- zenship; I n strumental, Mra. Roblin; Readings, Mn. E. Top- Ple and Mrs. Arthur Thomp- son. Meeting closed aften which 1 lrnch was served. 1Mr. and Mers. Don MacKen- zie and, daughters, Toronto, !wene Sunday visitons at the McNeil home. Mms. A. MeNeiI with Mir. and Mira. H. 'Stainton, Hampton, Saturday evening. Mn. and Mira. Peter Singer. Swansea, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mra. Don Cam- enon. Mn. andMira. Alfred Garrard and Mn. and Mra. C. Ganrard, attended Enniakillen Anniver- sany and wene tea guesta of Mn. and Mms. Earl Trewin. iMn. and Mns. F. Hepburn, Oshawa, wene with Mrs. R. McNeil Sunday. LONG SAULT Homne and Sehool Club met Friday night, May 8 with a good attendance. Pres. Gordon Baker conducted the businessi which dealt mainly with plans for annaul picnic ta be held in Orono Park, Wednesday after- noon, June 24. More plans later. Committees w erne appointed. Pirognani convenor W. Vaneyk was chair=an for the following pnagramn: Reading, Mes. Vaneyk; Piano Solo, Miss Margaret The- isberger; Duet, Misses Hoar, Ty- [rone, accompanied by hteir mo- ther; Club 50 ladies presented three skits, The minister's Mia- take, Buying Eggs and Bynon's Accidenit. Mrs. Jane Woodley conducted a -Spelling Match, Juniors vs The Older Genen- ation, the winners being Mns. Jean Youngman and Mn. C. Woodley. Meeting closed in us- ual mannen and a social time was had by all. Club 50 ladies met at the home o! Mx-s. Ethel Johnston Tuesday evening, May 12, with 14 members present. Pres. Mra. Vaneyk opened the meeting and conducted the business. A donation was given ta the Pan- sonage Board and plans wene com-pleted ta serve at the Van- eyk weddingl anniversary. Read- inga were given by Mira. Ethel Penwarden, Mira. Arvilla Bar- rett, Mrs. Ethel Goble and Misa Grace Smith. June Convenons, Mms. McLaggan and Mra. M. Penwarden, at the home o! Mns. Sophie Kovaca. A social time was enjoyed by ail and the President thanked the hostes for use of her home. Mr. andi Mrs. Keith Caswell and son. Port Hope. were Sun- day cailers o! Mn. and Mrs. G. Baker. Miss Margaret Theis- burger with Miss Jean Baker. Miss Nellie Sehipper and Mn. 1Paul Vanderbrink. Whitby, vis- ited Mn. Robent Sim. Mrs. Wm. Clark and daugh- ter, and Master Bruce Turner, spent the long weekend with hen parents. Mn. and Mrs. E. Turner. while Mn. Clark is working on their cottage at Dorset. Me. and Mr§. John Sawden and baby. Whitby. visited with Mn. and Mra. James Sawden on Sunday. Me. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- ta. and Mr. Gardon Fletcher spent the weekend with rela. tives in Cornwall and Hawks- bury. Bob Smith and Bob Hellam, Bowinanvîlle, spent the long weekend wîth the formen's grandparents, Mn. and Mira. F. Smith. Several attended the 3th wedding anniveregry of Mr. and Mirs. W. Vaneyk in Tynone Communlty Hall, Saturday ntt. Conramtulations. Empty Sn Shortened 1 M.O.H. Docton Charotte Hor ner reported that sixty dayý wene taken off the aver, age Ontario patients' stay ir TB sanatorium during 1955. 56. In 1954, the patienta whe were discharged avenaged 44' days in sanatorium. In 1956, dis' chargees avenaged 381 dayý unden treatment. "No wonder there are a fem empty beds," he said, "the tuirn. BLACKSTOCK W.M.S. Meeting The May meeting of the W.M. S. of the United Church was held at the homne of Mrs. Ern- est Larmer, Wednesday after- noon with thiteen ladies andi three kiddies present. After opening the meeting with a poem "Take Time", the singing o! a hymn and prayer, Mrs. Frank Butt read the Sciri- pture« passage and gave a pa- per on meditation, stressing that we seek God dùuring our household duties, and offered prayer. The offering was received by David Larmner and after the dedicationý, the roll eali was answered by the name of ai Home Mission Station and some item of interest about it, as well as the numiber of books read and oeils made. Eleven thank-you notes were read from folk who had been rem- em-bered when ill. The Domin- ion Board meeting in Toronto. May 26-June 2nd andl the Business Direclory_ Accouniancy_ RAÎ J. DILLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friediander, B. Com., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEITH BIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Sîmcoe St. N., Oshawà RA 5-3527 Bowmanville - Cail ZEnith 45750 Partners: Hon, J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C. A., R. I.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment Dental DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wednesdays and Sundays DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 . ing St. E. - Bowmanville Office Houns: 9 a.m. to 6 p.nî. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Le gal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Banisters, Solicitors Notanies Public W. R. Strîke, Q.C. A. A. H. Stnike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. rIASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanvifle Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA I. HODGINP0 Barrister, Solicitor Notany Public Temperance St. - Bowmanvifle E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E.. B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Oronü, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. M o r t g a g e. s SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 Firat Mortgage Funds Residences - Farms Business Propenties Qpo me tr y KEITH A. BILLET!! Dptometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowrnavifl Office Hours: By appointm.SI Telephone MArket 3,12n2 Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 to 12 Thuraday avenings Bes ueto r. adMira. AtRs n Beds ue f huldren, Toronto, visited her Th Anglican Bake Sale o rrectment 'MsR.Fr sne o aturdey was quite successful. r. over o! patients has been ac-! Me. and Mrs. Bert Smith, ,s celerated. The accumulated hos- Toronto, and Mr. and Mira. El- pital time saved patients in the mer Archer and family, Whitby, two years 1955-56 equals 12,0001 with Mir. and Mirs. W. Archer Smonths."I over the weekend. - "This helps the patient re- Looking afteir the canvassing O1 turnlng home as well as the new arrangements for The Salva- ipatient who la flot delayed! tion.. Army's Red Shi.eld Appeal -from beginning immediate! now in progresa, is Mira. James 5treatment. This is a major ad- Henry. vantage over being overcirowd-, a' ed as the sanatoria have been - until 1954." (IRTTTTAPVY Aln Dayes, Bert BowersA and Don Elford spent the week- THERE'S A RED end on a fishîng trip in North Bay district. BOW MA Mr. and Mira. Allin Train, Weston, visited Mrs. Geo. Craw- MAPLE GROVI ford and Mn. and Mrs. W. J Pearce Sunday. KN Mir. and Misa. Gordon Kirk, KING Pontypool, visited Mei. and ?vrn. N Ceci Hill, Suriday. ODRONC Mira. Charlotte rorder and Mira. Garry Hancock, Bowman-~ BLACKS' '(nle. vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Hio- ward Fardeanid Iily. Sua. SALEM Salem W.A. will hold ei May meeting at the hoime o!r Mira. K. Shackleton this Thurs. May 21. Thene wiIl be no church on Sunday School service next Sunday as its Tyrone Anniven- sary. Oui young people with Ty- rone Young people as visitons enjoyed a ball game and wein- en roast at the achol last Fri- day evening. Mn. and Mes. Ronald Hall, Jiniy and Nancy, Chatham; Misa Dorothy Taylor, Toronto, were weekend guesta o! Mn. and Mrs. J. Hall. Mn. and Mira. J. Hall attend- ed the Hinds-Taylor wedding at Northministen United Chunch Oshawa, last Saturday. Salem Home and School As- sociation held their May meet- ing in the School on Wednes- day evening May l3th. The Pire- aident opened the meeting with singing, l'O, Canada." Under the business o! the meeting Mn. McMahon was to check neganding the bus trip to the Museum. The Junior Roo again won theh pennant. Mira01. Hornick mentioned she wvould like ta take the junior room chfldren to the. Lîbrary. It was moved, seconded and carrie4 that we frame the list of thoee who served in the laat war. "le President coeidueted the. election o! officers w~hl wlll b.e installed in Septemnber. It Wa~ decided to leave the da>, of, the meeting until fall. conteat waa put on 'I' e Piresident after which &ehci was served and a social tirne enjoyed. Attendance 22. Home and Sehool Officers for 1959-960 are: Pres.- Mirs. T. Bnirnacombe; Vice Pres.- Mrs. E. Twist, Me. R. Craig, Mr. F. Blackburn; Sec.- Mrs. M. Mar- chant; Asst. Sec- Mes. R. Cra. ig; Treas.- Me. B. Dardi; Group Leaders- Sept., Mrs. L. Allun: Oct., Mirs. Woodcock- and Mrs. McMahon; Nov., Mira. L. Ri- chads: Dec., Mrs. Drake and Mrs. Willis;, Jan., Mira. B. Darch; Feb., Mrs. K. Maynard; Mardi, Mns. J. Burgess; April, Mira. K. Shackleton and May, Mirs. F. Blackburn. M4ORTGAG E LOANS We loan on flrst mortgages, on residential property, good lmproved farina and well located business property. Victoria and Grey TRUST COMPANY 437 GEORGE ST. PETERBOROUGH -1-1-- DI U.£l 1 Whitby School for Leaders, PERCY T. MUTTON Aug, 17-21, was announced. Mrs. Romeril reported on the' Suddenly at his late resi- Luncheon meeting o!frrrinity dence, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, W.M.S., Bowmanville, which the death occurred of Percy she attended recently. Mirs. Theodore Mütton on May 12, Ralph Larmer made the Study 1959. Mr. Mutton was 69. Book chapter,- "The CarTi- , The deceased was born in bean Area of the West Indies' Bowmanvile the son of Mr. and ver ineretig. rs.GoronMrs. John Mutton on June 22. very nteraesa temrs. Gordist- 1889. Mr. Mutton was a former Stog aean item on Christ Goodyear Tire & Rubber Com- ian tewadshi. Ipany employee, starting first in Mrs. F. Dayes, group leader, the Bowmanville plant and then expressed the thanks to the with the plant in New Toron- hostess and ail essisting on the to where he was employed un- Programme. Next meeting is to tii retirement. He was a mem- be held at the home of Mrs. ber of the United Church. For John Carnaghan June 10th with recreation he enjoyed fishing Mrs. Merrili Ferguson guest! and gardening wvas his hobby. speaker. After the benediction Left to mourn his passing lunch was served by the group. are his wife, the former Celia ~Barrett, a son. Donald, of Manvers Teacher. IHawkesbury. Ontario, and two Adiinner meeting arran-ged grandchildren, John and Judy. by the Manvers Teachers in He is also survived by a bro- collaboration with the Women ther Charles of Bowmanvil]e, Teachers for Durham No. 1 In-i and a sister. Mrs. Wallace Bat- spectorate was held Thjursday jtie, Oshawa. evening, May 14th. The ban- The service was held in the quet was held in the Recrea- 'Morris Funeral] Chapel on Frn- tion Centre and catered to by day, May 15, when Rev. W. K. the O.N.O. Club. Houslarlder officiated. Inter- After the lovely meal and the ment was in Bowmanville Cern- business, the Teachers repaired Pîe arrs wre Care tonthne Cn1a uli col~ Mutton, Cecil Mutton, Garfield cotnetheir Social Study Barrett, T. J. Webb, Robert workshop meetings which star- Flett and Kenneth Bickell. ted a week ago. May 7th, Miss Friends and relatives attend- Edith Deyell, Inspector of Pub- ed from Rochester, Hamilton, lic Schools for Wentworth No. Toronto, Bridgenorth, Oshawa 1 Inspectorate was the guest and Hastings. speaker and her subjet- "Making History Real." May 14th, the guest speaker was Mrs. K. Dewyer, Kinder- garten Supervisor at Sunny tea School, Toronto, who spoke on- "Social Studies' Projects." This workshop is to be conclu- ded next Thursday. May 21st, when Mir. L. Dennis, Department of Education Social Study Con - sultant, is to speak on "Geo- graphy through the Grades." O.N.O. Club 'he O.N.O. met in the Re- creation Centre Thursday night with Gwen Ballingal hostess. Minutes were r7ead and Trea- . ,p surer's report given. Business <R included a donation, voting a donation to the Port Perry Hos- PULL g pital Auxiliary for their Penny24O.LA Draw, also a donation to the Cancer Society. A gaine of cards was enjoyed a delicious salad plate luncheon was served by the hostess and group. Next meeting is to be at the home of Marion Carnaghan, with rol BS U -SV i cal- "If I had a month's hol- ETBY-SV le id'ays, where I would like t O AR H MA G spend them."lN N R I A G Mrs. Ed. Harris spenit Tues- day with Mirs. J. J. Flett, Bow- 1 BEST BUY - SAVE Se mantle and Neil McLaughîin ORANGE OR GRAP had their tonsils removed in. Memorial' Hospital, Bowrnan- BEST BUY - SAVE lic ville, Tuesday. . "A Mir. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson: TOiii iiE i and childiren, Mr. and Mir..-, Drummond, Toronto, were sup-. BEST BUY - SAVE 6c- per guests o! the Roy Fergus- T A B G ons, Sunday week. j E B C Mirs. S. A. Devitt and Mrs. flavid Hill have returned, to; "FEATURE" - SAVE 4c their home in the village for Brown Bear the summer.i Mir. Merlin Bailey, Montreai, CREANED HONEYd spent the weekend at home. 1 Mr. W. N..- Campbell andi: "FEATURE" - SAVE 4e daughter Mrs. John Scott are Lestoil - 16 oz. bottie attend ing Theatre Conference LG I I T r and Finals of the Dommnioni LIIIId5CL ANIEI Driama Festival in Toronto this: "FEATURE" - Kraft Cheeý Congratulations. to Harnold DELUXE SLICES McLaughlin on winning fourth! FETR -Spen prize in the Bowling Tourna- "FA1E urm ment held recently at Martyn's , Mixed 48 oz. j Bowling Academy Bowmanville S E TPCK E Noel Chant, London, called on W E PIK S Mn. and Mrs. Harold McLaugh- "FEATURE" 44n last week. The Chant famiily Aylnier Fancy - 21) lived on the f armn which Mc- Laughlin.s purchased from theml CRUSHED, PINEAPI a few years ago and the Chant children attended school in Blackstock. Noe] has now fin- Prod UCE ished his Doctors cours~e at Un- iversity o! Toronto and this Boat-Ioad Sale of Delicioe week commences a two year Golden - Save 9c Hospital Toronto. Congratula- 13A N NA 9 AS 2 tions Noel. Mr. Jack Berry spent the' weekend at bi»s homne in Guelph. Caiodan e-roivn - o. 1 - nira.Lb.U. 90- IDs. 77C .Allen's - 48 oz. tin PE DRINK - - - --- 2 for55SC - Heinz - Pure.- il oz. bottie rC HUP . . . - - 4 for.89c -Tçnder Leaf - Pkg. of 60 bags 73c "FEATURE" Aylmner Sliced or 20 oz. tin 2L.Tn55c TID BITS PINEAPPLE 2/59c "FEATURE" - Burns' Spork - 12 oz. tin se 43oz C LUNCHREON LOAF - 39c -se "FEATURE - Burns' Sparn 12 oz. tin 2 For 59c CANNED NEAT - - 45c "FEATURE" - Wagstaffe's- 9 oz. jar jar 16 oz. jar JANS, JELLIES OR 59c 23c NqeýRNALADES - 3 For 59c oz. tin 'F F 'TURF" - Burns' 15 oz. tin, PLE 2/49c CHUCKWAGON DINNER 43c Meats DUS Swifl's Premium Ibs. 2.9c Bnls Blue Brand Beef là lb. buie(b ,' ' "' -1 1- S !T A 2 " 23c or ROASTSlb iq O Boneless Rump Roast u i Meaty, full eut 7 9 Extra Lean - 1.39C Round Steak Minced Meaty PORK ROCKS 2 Lbs. 29c Feature Swift's Sliced Side - 1 lb. sealed pkg. PREMIUN BACON -79c. jayers Tender, young - Sliced :e a.39c BEEF LIVER . - 55c Swift's Preniiuni Sliced - Assorted 'ake" Vacuuni Packed - 4 deliejous varieties Pkg. of 4 S OOKDNASPkg. 29c Only 1cCOE ET i FROZEN FOODS 1 FROZEN FOODS Fraserville - Sweet GREEN PEAS 2 lb. poly bag_ 57e 1 Sunkist - Delicbous LEMONADE 6 oz. tin -- 2 for 27e )AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU &MVILLE - Wm. H. Tate IE - Maple Grove Groceteria ;3SWAY SUPER MARKET ST. - EAST 0F TOWN UNE ) - Cornish Marketeria JOCK - Blyth's Market PAO! Mx GERITOL THE IDEAL TONIC 1.35 - 3.49 - 5.49 Wampoles Phospho Plex Relleves Tired Nerves 2.50 - 4.25 Neo Chemical Food Caps 1.95 - 3.45 - 7.65 Alphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Wate-on ----- -- 3.00 4 "Bell, Book" at 7 and 10 p.m.- "Laredo" 8:45 Aduit Entertaînment "-Paths of Glory"l at 7- 10:15 *A certain Smibe" st 8:30 p.m., amm m qqmlmnà,w wàw 91.6 lý -"Fr~ee Bike a Day for the Month of May» LDT i-IU ~ .h P- - - ÀO I- umN